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May 30, 1944 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1944-05-30

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Edited and managed by students of the University
of Michigan under the authzrity of the Board in Control

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Jane Farrant ,
Claire Sherman
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F di te

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Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or
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Entered at the Fast Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
aecond-class mail matter.
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Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1943-44
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.

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NEW YORK, May 29.-It is hard
to remember now, and almost impos-
sible to believe, but if you think back,
you will recall how reluctant Mr.
Roosevelt once seemed to meet Mar-
shal Stalin.
He was remarkably kittenish on
this issue, over a long period. Most
of America's intellectuals were in a
snit over our alleged anti-Soviet poli-
cy, before Mr. Roosevelt would con-
sent to pack his grip and go to Teh-
The New York Times, which has no
great love for Russia, thundered for
weeks that it was time for the heads
of the three great powers to sit down
together, and Mr. Roosevelt sat alone
and listened to the thunder.
He sent Mr. Hull on first to the, ex-
ploratory sessions in Moscow. While
this pleased everybody, it led to furth-
er uproar, to the tune that while it
was all very well for the foreign
ministers to meet, it was still neces-
sary to have a meeting of the minds
among the heads of the three great
Finally, with exquisite grace, Mr.
Roosevelt consented to do what he
wanted to do. ie bowed to major-
ity opinion, which also happened to
be his own opinion, and flew to'
Iran. By the time he went to Teh-
eran, the country was hungry for
Teheran; and the final Teheran
announcements led to something
like a national celebration.
This is the Roosevelt method; it{
might be called slick, but it might
also be called democratic. He is us-
ing the same method on the question
of forming a world organization. It
is being said that he is against a
world organization. (It used to be
said that he, and his State Depart-
ment, were anti-Russian.) Mr. Roose-
velt is not against a world organi-
zation, but he refuses to be all alone
in standing for it.
IF THE COUNTRY wants a world
organization, why, then, the coun-
try had better holler for it. The noise
will not disturb Mr. Roosevelt; he will
rejoice in it. I think he would be
disappointed if the shouts and pro-
tests did not arise.
I think he loves having newspapers
tell him how important a world or-
ganization is, while he sits there,
pretending to be a rather backward
scholar, having difficulty with his
The more advanced sections of

WASHINGTON, May 29.-A sur-
prising case in which the State De-f
partment threw its official weight in
favor of one of the biggest liquor
companies in the country-Schenley
-in contrast to smaller companies,
has been under investigation by
bloodhound Congressman Eddie He-
bert of Louisiana. Schenley was fa-
vored by the State Department, and
yet, on May 2, it was indicted by the
Justice Department on a charge of
Congressman Hebert, who track-
ed down some of the Brewster air-
plane scandals, has discovered that
Schenley unloaded a cargo of Mar-
tinique rmn in New Orleans on
April 24, despite the fact that the
War Production Board had barred
all further importations of rum
until quotas were fixed.
The WPB order was issued March
10, effective March 15, thus giving
the rum trade plenty of warning. Mo-
tive behind the banning of rum ship-
ments was the fact that rum was
pouring into the U.S.A. from the
West Indies instead of molasses and
press and public tell him that the
world needs a new League of Nations,
and he is curiously dense; he just
doesn't seem to be able to get it.
Even his Republican opponents are
beginning to take up the cry for a
world organization; they are pictur-
ing him bitterly as just a rough, tough
old power politician. When a liberal
of Mr. Roosevelt's calibre sets the
opposition to denouncing him for not
being liberal enough, then, duckies,
you may know that you are witnessing
an extraordinary show of political
Mr. Roosevelt wants a world or-
ganization, but the country is going
to have to want it, too, before he
will lift a finger for it. Meanwhile,
he has a four-aliance to fall back
uipon, to keep the peace.
He refuses to step out as a new
Wilson, and to invite the half-bricks,
in an abstract argument over an
idealistic formulation. He likes it
better when he has a Mr. Woodrow
Dewey attacking him, as a kind of
Warren Gamaliel Roosevelt, for be-
ing against a League. This isn't
1920. A far abler man is running
the show.
(Copyright, 1944, N.Y. Post Syndicate)

industrial alcohol,, both vitally need-
ed for the war.
Hebert charges that Schenley on
April 4 loaded, up the vessel Duc
d'Aumale at Martinique with 104,289
gallons of rum. The ship sailed for
New Orleans on April 6. When it
arrived in New Orleans on April 24,
the WPB embargo against rum im-
portations was still in effect. No quo-
tas had yet been announced by WPB
for further importations.
Therefore, WPB started to enforce
its order and ban Schenley's 104,289
gallons of rum. The WPB order also
provides for a fine and imprisonment
for violations.
State Iepcrttment Steps In
However, the State Department in-
tervened and overruled the War Pro-
duction Board. Schenley was per-
mitted to deliver its highly profitable
and intoxicating windfall.
Meanwhile, smaller companies were
not able to import from Martinique
or other Caribbean areas, One small
company in Chicago had a carload of
Mexican rum arrive at Laredo, Tex.,
in late March, and still has not been
able to move the car', meanwhile pay-
ing a small fortune in daily demur-
rage charges.
Congressman Hebert also charges
that several small Louisiana firms
had rum purchased and ready for
import in mid-March in contrast to
Schenley's illegal April delivery.
While the State Department is
entrusted with ruling on foreign
policy, U.S. policy is definitely
against the State Department's fa-
voring one American company as
against another abroad. Congress-
man Hebert, therefore, has asked
the State Departmenat why it dis-
criminated in favor of the giant
Schenley firm, which has been in-
dicted by the U.S: Government, yet
kept smaller companies on the wait-
ing list.
Park and Tilford, learning about
the windfall given Schenley, pro-
tested vigorously, and on May 3 was
able to import 219,000 gallons of rum.
By this time, however, quotas had
been fixed, so the importation was
not illegal. On May 11, Schenley
brought in another 360,000 gallons
despite the fact that the WPB order
states that a violator may be pro-
hibited from making further deliv-
(Copyright, 1944, United Features Synd.)

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The Wringer Takes Hl

Civilians Needed for Blood Baik

A HUGE FORCE, numbering perhaps 3,000,000
men, is training in England waiting for D-
Day's H-Hour for the jump across the channel
ard the plunge into France against perhaps an
equally large force of Nazi soldiers who are de-
termined that our landing be made with such
overwhelming human sacrifice that we will be
willing to settle for a compromise peace.
We have been warned time after time by our
war leaders that the cost of final victory will
be heavy, that our greatest casualties are yet
to come. We on the home front must do more
than ring bells, blow whistles and pray when
D-Day comes. We must give our blood so that

those who lose theirs across the ocean will be
able to get back into the fight.
Civilians specifically requested that they
have a blood bank of their own. Consequently,
a quota of 300 was set this month-the largest
to date--for the civilians to fill. Yet, of the
220 registrants to date more than two-thirds
are from the Army and RONAG.
Michigan men can register and make their
appointments at Union student offices Wednes-
day. A pint given. won't hurt you a bit and
can help some soldier or sailor a lot.
-Arthur Kraft

GOP Dilemma
MERICAN conservatives are confused today
and know it. That is one of the most heart-
ening bits of news for liberals since the passing
of Wendell Wilikie from the national scene.
Conservatives and even those with fairly re-
actionary tendencies among the upper middle
class and employer groups find that when their
blasts against the Administration, the New
deal and FDR are spent, they have nothing
constructive to offer to a war-time nation,
Six months ago they shouted louder than they
are today because they had two targets, the
second, being Wilikie. And they were success-
ful in eliminating him.
But conservatives who think-and there are
a number who realize that isolation is dead, that
the war must be decisively won, and that the
house must be set in order at home-can find no
personality in the current field on whom to hang
their hopes. It is here that they are lost, because
they will never be reconciled with the present
government in Washington. There is little hope
of any reconciliation with the party in power,
and they will continue to support the traditional
candidates of the Republican party for Congress
as they have all their lives.
But the presidency is another story. Here their
train of thought follows curious logic that is
interesting to examine. Before going on, it is
necessary to define the group whom we are
discussing. This body of American voters are
not the readers of the Paterson-McCormick press.
nor are they the middle of the road Democrats
who wish to purge their party of New Dealers.
They are the traditional businessmen's group
which has been the bulwark of the Republican
party in recent decades. This is the group that
is split between supporting Dewey ardently and
those who are nioso sure where they stand.
FIRST of all, these middle of the roaders hate
President Roosevelt with passion. In our
foreign policy they do not trust England or
Russia because, thinking constantly in business
terms, they believe-as, strangely enough, do
many liberals-that the world is out to put it over
on Uncle Sam. Here comes the interesting turn
in logic. They believe that Roosevelt is a char-
latan of the same class as Churchill and Stalin,
and that only FDR is capable of putting over
anything on the leaders of our allies. They be-
lieve that if they elected Tom Dewey that they
would be throwing him to the wolves and that he

Labor's Fate
NE OF the most extraordinary appeals in
labor's history was made by R. J. Thomas,
international president of the UAW-CIO, when
he called upon the Chrysler plant local to obey
their constitution and the no-strike pledge by
returning to work immediately.
Earlier he had threatened some members of
the local with expulsion unless the international
and the War Labor Board orders were obeyed.
Although the 500 members voted to return to
work, there has not yet been any settlement of
the schism between the rank and file members
and the international leaders.
Thomas warns that "public opinion has be-
come inflammed against our union and fiord
of these strikes is going to millions of men in
uniform . . . we must cease all wildcat strikes
or we will face an attack such as no union can
withstand." Yet in the face of the increasing
sentiment in the country, the local president,
William Jenkins, is opposing renewal of the
no-strike pledge and demands that it be re-
voked at the UAW convention next fall,:
This pledge was made at the beginning of the
war and the records show that no strike has
been authorized by the officials of the unions
which signed the pledge. The men who defied
that and set up picket lines to prevent thou-
sands of workers from producing military trucks,
guns and airplane parts are aptly termed by
Thomas, "as acting like anarchists, not like dis-
ciplined union men ."
The survival of this union and others is indeed
problematical if the general civilian and military
opinion of them at the present time is permitted
to continue because of violations by the rank
and file union members. -Dorothy Potts
they do not admire limx foir his pre-convention
WilI the conservative forces in America vote
for Roosevelt? It is hard to say. Regional pri-
manes do not indicate their vote. The chain
of recent New Deal victories represents the vote
of Labor which is being marshalled against its
foes. But the conservative is a straight Repub-
lican party man who exercises his prerogative
to vote impartially as a citizen only in the
presidential election. If this has not been
true in the past, indications are very strong that
it will be so this year. -Aggie Miller

GOP's Bricker
GOV. JOHN BRICKER, the only active and
vociferous Republican presidential candidate,
spoke entirely in character at the governor's
parley when he stated his opposition to any
permanent alliances of the United States with
foreign nations.
Ohio's governor can at least claim the virtue
of consistency. Described by a friendly Luce
publication as a "nationalist" but not an "iso-
lationist," one of his first statements was: "Our
foreign policy should be based on the absolute
necessity for the preservation of our identity as
a nation and on our traditional freedom of ac-
tion at all times."
Three months later in December, Bricker mod-
ified his position very slightly in recognition of
growing public awareness of the need for a post-
war structure of nations. His policy was, he de-
clared, "live and let live, live and help live"-a
typical catchy phrase indicative of his underlying
horror of any binding commitments.
Going a step farther, Bricker three months
later expressed his favor of "cooperation"
along economic and military lines, but took
care to reiterate his opposition to a post-war
military alliance with Great Britain or any
other nation.
His persistent concern has been with the pres-
ervation of American sovereignty and with an
implied fear that Great Britain and Russia stand
ready to snatch from our hands this precious but
nebulous attribute of our nationality. A typical
expression of this concern is the statement that
"We are a proud people. We need apologize to
no nation on earth for our determination to
preserve American liberty and individual op-
portunity against any odds . ."
Again he states that "we will defy any power
that attempts to take from us any part of our
heritage or weaken our position of leadership."
House leader McCormack's description of
Bricker as a "consistent isolationist" is probably
more accurate than the flattering light radiated
on the Republican candidate by the Luce publi-
cation. When a politician speaks of an unde-
fined "cooperation" in one breath and "national
sovereignty" in another, we immedately become
OVEREIGNTY is moreover a difficult term to
define. To Bricker and others of his ilk it un-
doubtedly means United States control and lead-
ership and, pursuit of selfish national interests in
the post-war period.. Bricker's reiterated terror
of foreign interference in American. affairs is
groundless, of course, but serves as a convenient
blind for something almost approaching jingoism.
In his statements on domestic affairs Bricker
reveals his position even more clearly. His issues,
based on traditional opposition party lines, are
readymade: state's rights, economy in govern-
ment, war on bureaucracy.
The supposed threat of bureaucracy is real and
terrifying to Bricker. According to his biased
interpretation, our economic system has been "in
chains" for a decade. His self-imposed mission



TUESDAY, MAY 30, 1944
VOL. LIV No. 148
All notices for The Daily Official Bul-
letin are to be sent to the Office of the
P'resident in typewritten form by 3:30
p.mn. of the dlay preceding its publica-
tion, except on Saturday when the no-
tices should be submitted by 11:30 a.m.
Notice to Men Students: All men
students living in approved rooming
houses who expect to move from their
present quarters at the end of this
term must give notice of intention to
move in writing to the Office of the
Dean of Students on or before noon,
June 3. Students terminating con-
tracts must vacatetheir rooms be-
is to rescue the nation from the
tentacles oi a "New Deal strangle-
In February, Bricker avowed that
he would fight the Roosevelt poli-
cies down the line on domestic is-
sues-subsidies, taxes, financing, la-
bor, national service and the serv-
ice vote. The whole falls into a by-
now familiar old pattern of petty
criticism and obstructionism. If
Bricker's views are to be construed
as those of the Republican party,
and he is the only candidate yet to
have courage to express his posi-
tion, we must conclude that the
opposition party is still stuck in the
ruit of anti-everything-Roosevelt.
There is slight hope that Tom Dew-
ey will have either the inclination or
the ability to climb over the walls of
the GOP rut, and as convention time
approaches there is even less hope
for a revival among the rank and
file of party members.
Earlier election year predictions
that "the old elephant is on the
march" are proving to be premature
and baseless. At any rate the march
seems to have slowed down to a
leisurely crawl.. -Jennie Fitch

fore 6 p.m., June 24 and rent shall
be computed to include this date.
Students may obtain forms for term-
inating contracts at Rm. 2, Univer-
sity Hall.
Assistant Dean of Students
C. T. Olmsted
All students - Registration for
summer term and summer session:
Each student should plan to register
for himself according to the alpha-
betical schedules for June 29 and 30.
Registrations by proxy will not be
Registration Material: School of
Forestry and Conservation. Registra-
tion material should be called for
beginning June 1 at Room 2048 Na-
tural Science Building.
Registration Material: Colleges of
L. S. & A., Education, Music, Public
Health. Students should call for
Summer Term and Summer Session
registration material at Room 4 Uni-
versity Hall beginning June 1. Please
see your adviser and secure all neces-
sary signatures before exaninations
RIegistration Material: College of
Architecture. Students should call
for Summer Term and Summer Ses-
sion registration material at Room
4 University Hall beginning June 1.
The College of Architecture will post
an announcement in the near future
giving time of conferences with your
classifier. Please wait for this no-
tice before seeing your classifier.
Admission to the School of Bus-
iness Administration: Application for
admission to this School beginning
with the Summer Term must be filed
not later than June 1. Information
and application blanks available in
Rm. 108, Tappan Hall.
Women students (except fresh-
men) may attend the Company D
show on Thursday, June 1, without
obtaining late permission from the
Dean's office personally. Those at-
tending must return to their resi-
I enc direetly after the nerformance.

Aacademic Notices
Doctoral Examination for Gerald
Harvey Kissin, Chemistry; thesis:
"A Study of the Photovoltaic Effect
for Metallic Electrodes in Aqueous
and Liquid Ammonia Solutions of
Their Ions," Wednesday, May 31, 410
Chemistry, at 10 a.m. Chairman,
A. L. Ferguson.
By action of the Executive Board
the Chairman may invite members
of the faculties and advanced doc-
toral candidates to attend this ex-
amination, and he may grant per-
mission to those who for sufficient
reason might wish to be present.
Doctoral .Examination for Wade
Ellis, Mathematics; thesis: "On Re-
lations Satisfied by Linear Operators
on a Three Dimensional Linear Vec-
tor Space," Thursday, June 1, East
Council Room, Rackham, at 4 p.m.
Chairman, G. H. Rainich.
By action of the Executive Board
the Chairman may invite members
of the faculties and advanced doc-
toral candidates to attend this exam-
ination, and he may grant permission
to those who for sufficient reason
might wish to be present.
College of Architecture and De-
sign: The exhibition of sketches and
water color paintings made in Eng-
land by Sgt. Grover D. Cole, instruc-
tor on leave in the College of Archi-
tecture and Design, will be continued
until June 1. Ground floor cases,
Architecture Building. Open daily
except Sunday 9 to 5. The public is
cordially invited.
Events Today
Christian Science Organization:
There will be a meeting at 8:15 in the
chapel of the League. Students and
faculty are cordially invited.
Sing Swing: Tuesday night is an-
other big time for the USO. Come
down and join in the singing and
dancing. As an added enticement
there is, refreshment--- sandwiches,
raire nd nt cff c


By Crockett Johnson

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