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May 26, 1944 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1944-05-26

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FrtiAY, MAY 26, 1944

FiftyFourth Year

Edited and managed by students of the University
of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Jane Farrant . . . . Managing Editor
Claire Sherman . . . . Editorial Director
tan Wallae . . . . City Editor
Evelyn Phillips , . . . Associate Editor
Harvey Frank . . . Sports Editor
Bud Low . . . . Associate Sports Editor
Jo Ann Peterson . . . Associate Sports Editor
Mary Anne Olson . . . . Women's Editor
Marjorie Hall . . . Associate Women's Editor
Marjorie Rosmarin . . Associate Women's Editor
Business Staff
Elizabeth A. Carpenter . . . . Business Manager
Margery Batt . . . Associate Business Manager
Telephone 23=24=1
Member of The Associded Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of re-
publication of all other matters herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Aror, Michigan, as
second-class mail matter.
Subscriptions during the regular school year by car-
rier, $4.25, by mal, $5.25.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1943.44

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Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.

Just Tinrkerin'

CIO Conunittee
.N 1940, 60,000 out of 600,000 organized labor
members in Michigan registered to vote; in
1940 Michigan was lost to the Republican forces
by 7,000 votes.
This can't happen again. It won't happen
again if the voters are registered, and if progres-
sives decide to act as well as talk. In Ann Arbor
these progressives must come from the Univer-
sity and labor union membership. It means that
students and faculty will have to be a part of
the community more than they ever have been
Those interested will have a chance to act
tonight when the CIO Political Action Com-
mittee meets in Local 38 Hall to set up the
machinery for the elections. This committee
is the main group in this district around which
an organized fight can be waged against Mich-
ener and other reactionaries. Here it will be
decided how every voter will be registered.
Records of candidates must be collected and
filed to be placed before the voters.
But these steps will be taken only if those
present at the meeting guarantee that the wards
and precincts of the city are divided and put
under the charge of responsible people.
There can be no excuses of lack of time or
non-residence in Michigan. Michener has
voted against every administration bill of the
last 18 months which would stabilize the na-
tional economy and strengthen the war effort
outside of four bills. The defeat of Michener
is to our advantage, as citizens of the nation,
just as is the defeat of Fish in New York or
Rankin in Mississippi. If everyone does not
work to defeat them, indifference and inertia
help to return them to Congress. There will
be no fence-straddling in this election.
To fight against Michener is not enough. The
essential task is to work for the re-election of
Roosevelt. Michigan can be swung over to the.
Democratic forces with a little work in Wash-
tenaw County alone. Those 7,000 that turned
the state to the Republicans could have been
covered by the 9,800 votes by which the Repub-
licans won in the county. A little more work,
a little less indifference is all that is needed.
--Lee Hu.nn
V Th

1HE INADEQUACIES of a college education are To begin with there is Ernest Trattner's
legendary. They have of late bred general "The Architects of Ideas" which traces theo-
discontent that is especially rife in the field of retical scientific development from the helio-
liberal arts. Illustrative of this point is a book centrism of Copernicus to the relativity of
review in the latest Virginia Quarterly by Spring- Einstein, including the ideas of such gentle-
fellow Barr-himself a rebel, men as Schwann, Lavoisier, Marx, Darwin and
Moulton. One could proceed thence to "The
Mlr. Barr deals with four current books by four Making of Society," edited by V. F. Calverton
prominent educators: Alexander M eiklejohn, Thks gbookSgiesy," sci ology c.l .backgron .
Robert Maynard Hutchins, Jacques Maritain and This book gives a sociological background
Mark Van Doren. All foul agree as to the bank- dating back to The Sermon on the Mount and
ruptcy of learning in this country. They lead Mr. as contemporaneous as m.areo-but only in
Barr to his concluding sentence, "Until the arts capsule form.
themselves have been re-discovered, and until Louis Browne ca'hvasses the religions of the
we learn again to practice them, and even to East and the West, Zoroastrianism and Shinto-
teach them, the problem of the American liberal ism as well as Christianity and Judaism in "This
college remains, as indeed it looks, insoluble." Believing World." Will Durant does a first rate
job of surveying philosophy in "The Story of
Many a student these days comes quite in- Philosophy."
dependently to the same conclusion. Too few These are introductory books. They should
of his basic questions are answered after four be read as stepping stones. They should and do
years of vain searching in monstrous text- tell the reader where the intellectual giants stand
books. But, what is worse, even more often, with regard to one another. By no means can
he has not been provided with the tools to find one begin a mastery of their theories in this
the answers later on in life. He has not been manner. But after having read these books we
led to'knowledge; he has, at best been granted are equipped to study original texts. When we
a glimmering of it. know who Plato was, something of his feud with
Some students, however, crave the fuller sight the Sophists, and the link between him and mod-
(be it ever so dazzling) of knowledge that can ern theology, -then we may read the Dialogues
mature some day into wisdom. profitably. -After we know something of Aris-
"It is possible to get an education in an Am- totle, Buff on, Cuvier and LaMarck, we may read
erican university," wrote Lincoln Steffens to "The Origin of Species."
begin a classic critique of our system in his The first defect of our system then, is not
"Autobiography." Yes, it is possible-if you providing us with a good perspective. The sec-
can overcome the academic obstacles thrown in ond defect is not taking us to the sources.
your path. You can teach yourselves, on the Scores of us know Tom Paine's position in the
side and probably at the expense of an all "A" War of Independence. But, how many of us
record. But is that not a sacrifice worth mak- have read his works?
ing? The text-book is the bugaboo here. It is, by
IN THE MAIN college students lack any per- and large, the most slovenly, disorganized, in-
spective whatever of the major ideas implicit artistic accumulation of dryasdust data in
in the world today. Stuffed with facts they will existence. Would you like to join the Coin-
forget or have forgotten, they are never told how mittee for the Abolition of Text-books?
how to discover the germinations of and the Seriously, St. Johns and, to a lesser extent, the
inter-relationships between fundamental con- University of Chicago excepted, no college in the
cepts. People who have never seen a college U.S.A. emphasizes the reading of books as their
spire can better understand the history of cul- authors wrote them. This situation is more
ture by re ,ding popularized outline books than than lamentable. The way to better it, in lieu
students who have elected snaps from their of bettering the system, is to strike out on your
freshman year to the glorious day of graduation. own.
Such people frequently and unfortunately con- Tread a path between school work and your
sider these books as ends. Considered as means own literary pursuits-getting as much as pos-
they can be very helpful. sible from both. -Bernard Rosenberg
Blacllist Igniores SKF Ball Bearings

WASHINGTON May 25.- Lone
wolf Senator Langer of North Dakota
is planning to ask some potent ques-
tions regarding reports that the
United States has turned over part
of its light cruisers of the Omaha
class to Russia as a substitute for
Russia's receiving one-third of the
Italian fleet.
It will be recalled that, last winter,
the President stated in a press con-
ference that the Russian Ambassador
had been to see him regarding plans
for turning over one-third of the
Italian fleet to Russia under the Ital-
iaw armistice terms.
This conversation, in turn, dated
back to last summer when Premier
Stalin was complaining privately
that he had not been consulted in
advance regarding the first provi-
sional armistice terms with Italy
(at which time, incidentally, this
correspondent got himself in the
middle of some hot words regard-
ing the State Department's atti-
tude toward Russia.)
Later, at Teheran, the subject of
the Italian fleet came up between
Stalin, Roosevelt and Churchill, at
which time Churchill demurred a-
;ainst giving Russia one-third of the
Italian fleet and, instead, proposed
that th United States and Great
Britain give Russia some of their
Churchill's idea was that the
Italian fleet, for some time operat-
ing under the British, in the Mdi-
terir'axeanl, should be kept as a unit,
since he feltit was performing an
important mission in policing the
Mediterranean against Axis sub-
marines. Presumably also, the Brit-
ish Admiralty was not unaware of
the fact that the Italian Navy,
recently built, contains some of the
fastest and most modern vessels in
However, the whole question was
postponed for future discussions after
Teherarn, and this was how the Rus-
sian Ambassador happened to take up
the mattel' at the White House.
Queston of U.S. Cruisers
Recently, reports have cropped out
that some of the U.S. cruisers of the
Omaha class already have gone to
Russia. Omaha-class cruisers, built
around 1920, are 7,000-ton vessels
carrying 6-inch guns. Since they are
all over twenty years old, they are
out of date according to strict naval
standards,tthough in excellent shape
for convoy or patrol duty.
One of the cruisers, the Mem-
phisebrought Lindbergh back to
the United States after his historic
flight across the Atlantic in 1927.
They were the mainstay of the U.S.
cruiser fleet in the 1920's, but since
have been partially outmoded by
10,000-ton cruisers !arrying 8-inch
Senator Langer's inquiry into this
matter is based largely on the ques-
tion of whether the executive branch
of the government has the right to
dispose of these cruisers without con-
sulting Congress. He does not seek
to pass judgment on the military
strategy involved.
GOP Politics
The Office of War Information
has filed a strong protest with the
House Appropriations Committee re-
garding the activities of the commit-
tee's ranking Republican member,
Representative John Taber of New

Congressman Taber, long a baiter
of OWI, recently visited the New
York office of the OW iaccompanied
by a man he introduced as "one of
my staff." He demanded that he be
shown highly confidential files and
reports on foreign propaganda oper-
Because Mr. Taber is one of the
most powerful politicians in Con-
gress and is in a position to wield
the meat axe on OWI appropria-
tions considered by his committee,
OWI officials felt compelled to
accede to his demand. They opened
up their secret war files to the
Congressman and the man he said
was a member of his staff.
However, it later developed that
the man who accompanied Taber
was not an assistant of Taber's
and never' has been, according to a
check of Congressional payroll rec-
ords. He is a press agent for the
Republican National Committee,
and since he is not connected with
the government in any capacity, he
is not therefore bound by oath to
preserve the secrecy of the records
he was wrongfully shown.
The gentleman in question is Percy
Graves, astute publicity representa-
tive for the Republican National
y CrockettJohnson
c 7 -tOCKE1Qy yigk944 Firid Fb
hOHNt hjwk
OQh, he just works inm

NEW YORK, May 25.- General
Eisenhower's radio is chattering in-
structions to the French under-
ground, telling it how to behave, how
to be of use. We need guides, for one;
men who can tell us about roads and
bridges, and clearings large enough
for planes to land on.
But perhaps we ought to think, too,
about how we ought to behave when
we reach the French underground.
For we may be in for surprises.
Two years ago, our mental picture
of the underground fighter was that
of some one hungry and hidden, or
formless and dead. There was some-
thing shapeless and sad in our con-
ception of the underground fighter;
when we thought of him we thought
of a huddled heap at the foot of a
wall, of a bundle high on a lamp post.
Always in the picture there would be,
by contrast, a pair of those arrogant,
spruce, high German boots; a remin-
der of German order, clean shiny and
black as the pits of hell,
But the underground is not sad
any more, nor shapeless, either°.
One of the great sentences of this
war came out of a recent debate on
the press in the French Consulta-
tive Assembly at Algiers when a
sp eak<er said :"The underground
press is the first entirely free and
uncontrolled press that France has
ever had." That is a great remark,
truly illuminating, rich in its un-
derstanding of how editors who
have thrown off fear of death are
freer men than their legal pre-
decessors, who could never throw
oil fear of life. The underground
in Europe is, in fact, the freest
body of men and woen~ to be
fornd atywhere in the woid today.
For it asserts the same rights we
assert, the right of press, the right of
speech, even (as in Yugoslavia) the
right to bear arms; it has established

Ud Rather De Right

these rights in the face of the most
savage repression ever seen, and on
a going, workaday basis; it has estab-
lished them in a kind of absolute
sense, giving to these rights, in this
terrible setting, something of the
permanance and inevitability of
rocks and trees and the grass of the
The shapeless underground heap
has stood up, and it is a man. He is
not content to be safe in a cellar. He
wants to print a paper. And in France
the Maquis drill. Within the last
month, a group of 600 of these ir-
regular soldiers, cornered on the
Plateau des Glieres, near the Swiss
border, spurned the customary hope-
less heroics of the last-ditch stand.
It chose to attack, instead; by this
surprise it killed Germans, five for
one, and it got away.
And so enslaved France not only
has a free press, which free France
did not, but it also takes the offen-
sive, which free France never did.
One wonders how free the old
"free" France was, in its terrible
fear of life, and whether fear of
life does not make a man more of
a slave than any conqueror can,
wielding his puny weapon of death.
We shall soon talk to the under-
ground, face to face. It is not hard
to imagine a -meeting, under a tree,
between some man of the under-
ground, solid, humorous and secure,
and an officer of the Allied military
government apparatus.
And if our man starts by prescrib-
ing rules for the press, and prohibi-
tions of meetings, if he quivers with
fear of the future and with nameless
dread of something he calls "radical-
ism," then the question may properly
be raised asp to which of these two
men is the free man, which is really
the liberator.
(Copyright, 1944, N.Y. Post Syndicate)


FRIDAYI MAY 26, 1944
VOL. LIV No. 145
All notices for The Daily Official Bul-
letin are to be sent to the Office of the
President in typewritten form by 3:30
p.m. of the day preceding its publica-
tion, except on Saturday when the no-
tices should be submitted by 11:30 a~m.
School of 'Education Faculty: The
May meeting of the faculty will be
held on Monday, May 29, in the
University Elementary School Li-
brary. The meeting will convene at
4 :15 p.m.
The General Library, all Collegiate
and Departmental Libraries, and all
Study Halls will be closed on Memor-
ial Day, Tuesday, May thirtieth.
La Sociedad Hispanica offers two
fifty dollar ($50.00) scholarships to
the National University of Mexico
Summer Session. Students interested
please apply at Rm. 302 Romance
Languages Building not later than
May 29.
A cademic Notices
Preliminary Examinations for the
Doctorate in the School of Education:
These examinations will be held on
June 15, 16 and 17. Anyone desiring
to take them should notify Dr. Woo-
dy's Office not later than May 31.
Master's Candidates in History
The language examinations for Mas-
ter's Candidates in History will be
held on Friday, June 2, at, 4 p.m. in
Rm. B, Haven Hall. Those intending
to take the examination should sign
up in the History Office, 119 H.H.,
during the week before the examina-j
Candidates for the Teacher's Cer-
tificate for June: Please call at the
office of the School of Education,
1437 University Elementary School,
today, to take the Teacher's Oath.
This is a requirement for the certifi-
Faculty Recital: Kathleen Rinck,
pianist, and Dorothy Feldman, so-
prano, will present an all-Schubert
program at 4:15 p.m., Sunday, May
28, in Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre.
The public is cordially invited.
College of Architecture and De-
sign: The exhibition of sketches and
water color paintings made in Eng-
land by Sgt. Grover D. Cole, instruc-
tor on leave in the College of Archi-
tecture and Design, will be continued
until June 1. Ground floor cases,
Architecture Building. Onen daily

Events Today
.Biological Chemistry Seminar will
meet at 4 p.m. in Rm. 319 West Medi-
cal Building. "Carbonic Anhydrase"
will be discussed. All interested are
B'nai B'rith Hillel Foundation: Re-
ligious services will be held at 7:45
p.m. Elliott Organick, '44E, and A-S
Harvey Weisberg are the student
cantors. "The Jews of Europe Fight
Back" will be the topic of a sermon-
ette delivered by Pfc. Gilbert Segel-
man of Co. B, S.U. 3651. A social
hour will follow the services. Refresh-
ments will be provided by Mrs. Sam
Kopel and Mrs. Mark Ross of the
Ann Arbor Chapter of Hadassah.
Crayon Drawings: Do you want
your sketch drawn? Make an ap-
pointment at the USO Club to have
Mrs. John Bradfield do your colored
crayon drawing free of charge. Your
family or that lady in question would
appreciate having one of these draw-
ings. Friday afternoons from 1 to 5.
Friday Dancing Class : How is your
dancing? If you are wondering that,
join the USO dancing class. Dancing
lessons at the Club from 7 to 8 under
the direction of Lt. Flegal.
Friday Night Dance: .Dancing at
the USO Club this evening from 8 to
midnight. Dance with a USO Junior
Hostess-enjoy a game of bridge or
checkers or a game of ping-pong.
Coming Events
The Michigan Sailing Club will
meet at 1 on Saturday in the Union.
Bingo Party and Dance: Don't miss
this USO Bingo Party and Dance,
May 27. Bigger and better than the
last Bingo Party. Prizes. We guaran-
tee you will enjoy it. Bingo in the
Tavern Room. Dancing in the Ball-
room. Refreshments will be served.
Thought for the Future: USO Pic-
nic on July 8, Saturday. 50 service-
men are invited. Sign up at the USO
Club. 50 Junior Hostesses will be
there to add to the fun.
The Society of Women Engineers
will hold a special meeting at 2:30
p.m. in the Michigan League on Sun-
day, May 28, 1944.
American colleges are deeply exer-
cised over the new limitations the
Chinese government is invoking
against Chinese students in the coun-
try, and with good reason. China has
said in effect that no student Will be
permitted to stay here who doesn't
see eye to eye with Chunking. This is
"Thought Control" with a vengeance.
No douht China dns not want to heln


(/n ted

IN DEFERENCE to Prime Minister Churchill
and his excellent comprehensive review'of the
war situation, I would like to go on record as
having sympathy with those who "think it is
Elever and even funny to insult and abuse the
government of Spain."
One further quote from Mr. Churchill:
"Spain's internal policies are a matter for the
Spaniards alone."
Is it not fair to read into Mr. Churchill's
remark a blanket condonance of the Spanish
government-irresponsible dictatorship?
Initial fears of the progressive element in
United Nations' post-war thinking-fears that
Mr. Churchill has no affection for change and

LTHOUGH 38 additional Swedish firms were
recently put on the government's blacklist,
the name of the SK- F Compan y,Sweden's lead-
ing manufacturer of steel ball bearings, did not
'There has been no doubt in the minds of
industrialists and military men in this country
that SKF has been sending a large per cent of
its output to Germany. It is believed that this
shipping was also increased after the aerial
destruction of the German plant at Schwein-

furt that took the high toll of 60 U.S. bombers
and nearly 600 airmen. Immediately the ques-
tion rises why SKF was not named on the
blacklist even though firms which had like-
wise "engaged in trade with enemy territory
to an unusual extent" were included.
To the 426 firms that are now on the list will
go the penalty of continued economic sanctions
by Britain and the United States after the war
and a decreased opportunity to participate in
post-war production and sales.
-Dorohy Potts

Mr. Mitchell called from your
f ffice. He said you'll be glad

I wonder how they've managed
to increase the plant output-

Has that imaginary Pixey
done enough work to raise

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