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May 23, 1944 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1944-05-23

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I u 33,m , ti, 'i_ 23. 1944

~&OE TWO TLT~ flAY, MAI~. ~3, 1944

Fifty-Fourth Year

Fdited and managed by students of the University
of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
Editorial Staff

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Jane Farrant .
Claire Sherman
Stan Wallace
Evelyn Phillips
Harvey Frank
Buid Low
Jo Ann Peterson
Mary Anne Olson
Marjorie Hall
Marjorie Rosmarin

. . . Managing Editor
. . Editorial Director
. . . . City Editor
* . . Associate Editor
. ASportsEditor
. Associate Sports Editor
. Associate Sports Editor
. . . Women's Editor
. Associate Women's Editpr
. Associate Women's Editor

Business Staff
Elizabeth A. Carpenter . . . Business Manager
Margery Batt . . Associate Business Manager
Telephone 23-24-1
Member of The Associated Press
'he Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of re-
publication of all other matters herein also reserved.'
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second-class mail matter.
Subscriptions during the regular school year by car-
rier, $4.25, by mail, $5.25.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1943-44
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
sare written by members of The Daily stafg
and represent the views of the writers only.


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More T rouble in Our Victor y Garden

TUESDAY, MAY 23, 1944
VOL. LIV No. 142
Al notices for The Daily Official Bul-
letin are to be sent to the Office of the
President in typewritten form by 3:30
p.m. of the day preceding its publica-
tion, except on Saturday when the no-
tices should 1e submitted by 11:30 a.m.
Spring Term: Schedule of Examin-
ations, June 17 to June 24, 1944. Note:
For courses having both lectures and
quizzes, the time of exercise is the
time of the first lecture period of the
week; for courses having .quizzes
only, the time of exercise is the time
of the first quiz period. Certain cour-
ses will be examined at special peri-
ods as noted below the regular sched-
ule. To avoid misunderstandings and
errors, each student should receive
notification from his instructor of
the time and place of his examina-
Exercise Time Time of Examination
Mon., 8.........Mon., June 19, 2-4
Mon., 9 ..........Tues., June 20, 2-4
Mon., 10: Mon., June 19, 10:30-12:30
Mon., 11 ..... .Wed., June 21, 8-10
Mon., 1.......... Fri., June 23, 8-10
Mon., 2 .Wed., June 21, 10:30-12:30
Mon., 3 . .Sat., June 17, 10:30-12:30
Tues., 8 .......... Sat., June 17, 2-4
Tues., 9 ...........Fri., June 23, 2-4
Tues., 10 .......: Thurs., June 22, 2-4
Tues.,11: Thurs., June 22, 10:30-12:30
Tues., 1 .........Tues., June 20, 8-10
Tues., 2 ........Sat., June 17, 8-10
Tues., 3 ...... . Th urs., June 22, 8-10
Conflicts, irregulars, Make-tps
.............. Sat., June 24, 8-10
Special Periods
Colege of Literature, Science and
the Arts:
Soc. 51, 54:. Sat., June 17, 10:30-12:30
Span. 1, 2, 31, 32: Mon., June 18, 8-10
Ger. 1, 2, 31, 32 . .Mon., June 19, 8-10
Pol.Sci. 1, 2: TIu., June 20, 10:30-12:30
Speech 31, 32; French 1, 2, 12, 31, 32.
61, 62, 91, 92, 153: Wed., June 21, 2-4
English 1, 2 .... Thurs., June 22, 8-10
Ec. 51, 52, 54 ..Thurs., June 22, 8-10
Botany 1; Zoology; Psychology 31..
.........Fri., June 23, 10:30-12:30
School of Business Administration:
Business Administration 141
........Tues., June 20, 10:30-12:30
School of Education: Education
classes meeting Saturday only, Sat.,
June17, during regular class periods.
Ed. Cl . .Tues, June 20, 10:30-12:30
Schooal of F~orestry: Courses not
covered by this schedule as well as
any necessary changes will be indi-
cated on the School bulletin board.
School of Music: Individual In-
struction in Applied Music: Indi-
vidual examinations by appointnent
will be given for all applied music
courses (individual instruction) elec -
ted for credit in any unit of the
University. For time and place of
examinations, see bulletin board at
the School of Music.
School of Public Health: Courses
not covered by this schedule as well
as any necessary changes will be in-
dicated on the School bulletin board.
Senior Engineers: Mr. M. H. Camp-
bell of The Standard Oil Company of
Cleveland, O., will interview out-
standing seniors for employment with
that organization. They are inter-
ested in those whose averages are in
the upper third of the class, 4Fs or
post-war prospects. Interviews in
Rm. 218 West Engineering Building,
8:30 to 10 a.m., Thursday, May 25,
1944. Please sign the interview sched-
ule posted on the bulletin board at
Rm. 221, West Engineering Bldg.
La Sociedad Hispanica offers two
fifty dollar ($50.00) scholarships to
the National University of Mexico
Summer Session. Students iterested
please apply at Rm. 302 Romance
Languages Building.
The Bureau has received announce-
ment from the United States Civil

H ORACE MANN'S ideas, the prin-7
ciples of universal education in
public schools and equal education
for women, the radical theories of a
hundred years ago, have now been!
accepted in the most conservative
circles. A new question now is adult
education. As with all new subjects,
it has become the plaything of "intel-
lectual" groups, but it has also re-
ceived much serious thought among
union leaders and those sincerely
interested in building an American
As a result, at least seven new night
schools for workers have been set
up in the past three years: Jefferson
School in New York, the Lincoln
School in Chicago, Tom Mooney
School in San Francisco, Tom Paine
School in Philly, George Washington
Carver School in Harlem, and cul-
tural centers for workers in Los An-
geles and Newark. These are sup-
ported by the unions in each city,
and are attended by industrial, craft
and white collar workers.
We debate the value of teaching
cultural subjects versus vocational
ones, or whether to teach a man
how to earn a living or how to
"think." But in these schools,
these aren't problems at all, but a'
matter of proportion, and that dif-
fers in the case of the individual
If a person has been brought up
on "cultural" subjects, the import-
ant thing is for him to learn typing
and shorthand, or bricklaying and
blue print reading. But if he has a
job, then he needs to take economics
and history and philosophy. If he
is a union official, or interested in
becoming one, he can take trade un-
ion problems, methods of collective
bargaining, parliamentary procedure.
If he has always liked to paint, but
been a little shy about taking lessons,
or too poor to go to art school, but
has just piddled around with it, then
he can take courses in clay modeling
or life drawing. It's important to
learn to express oneself, either in
writing or dramatics, or in a skilled
The professors in such workers
schools are chosen on a somewhat
different basis from those in most

universities. You don't need to be
a PhD, or a Phi Beta Kappa . .. in
a way it's better if you are neither,
unless you are old enough to have
gotten over your purely academic up-
bringing. Theory and practice mixed
together, that's the formula.
Y OU MAY SAY all you will, you
men of learning, about the disin-
terest of workers and unions in real
thinking, in pouring over Thomas
Carlyle or Descartes. And you are
right. But give a man, Tom Jeffer-
son or Babeuf or Mr. Dooley, or even
Plato, with a 1944 analysis, and you
have your classes jammed. Imagine
people getting up from the dinner
table after putting in ten or 12 hours
in a war factory to go down town to
learn the fundamentals of English
or the anthropology. . . without even
getting any grades or credit hours
in return! A surprising thing to
hear workers quoting from the clas-
sics to prove their arguments? Not
any more.
The idea that workers distruct
organized education and college
students is like the idea that men
who work with their hands there-
fore cannot have any ideas in their
heads. But it is true that workers
dislike and will not stand for dis-
cussions which lead nowhere, or
throwing words around to the ex-
clusion of doing anything. And
these, until quite recently, have
been the characteristics of the col-
lege students with whom most
workers came in contact.
But college students are changing,
as are college professors, and even
curricula. Harvard has introduced,
as a complement to its business ad-
ministration school, a course for la-
bor leaders. And the professors have
found their union students as deep
thinking and logical and intellectually
curious as their customary middle-
class pupils. And the profs have had
to rethink some of their old lecture
notes, prepared ten years ago.
State universities can't make work-
er;s schools obsolete, nor vice versa,
but they can both be used to make
Americans a more educated people.
-Ann Fagan

U -.---

Polish Dispute
INDICATIONS that Poland and the USSR may
be coming to some agreement on the much-
disputed boundary line have been evident re-
cently with the report of Father Orlemanski,
the amnesty granted by the Polish government
to Jewish soldiers and the Polish Socialist pres-
sre for removal of General Kazimierz Sosnow-
Resignation of General Sosnowski, a leader of
the right-wing military groups within the Polish
government, has been demanded by the Russians
as a prerequisite for resumption of relations be-
tween the two governments. Because he i now
the presidential successor designate as well as
commander in chief of Polish forces, Sosnowski's
removal would be a long step in reformation of
the government, which is now held to be re-
actionary in character.
Another sign which points in the same direc-
tion of liberalization of government is the So-
cialist mtion expressing non-confidence in the
minister of national defense, Maran Kukiel, for
his handling of the charges of anti-Semitism in
the Polish army.
Commenting on the amnesty for the Jews
who were convicted of desertion from their
units to enlist in British forces, the newspaper
PM charges that the steps taken were motivat-
ed not by any change of heart toward the Jew-
ish problem but by the force of public opinion.
But the reasons behind the action are relatively
unimportant, and a response to the force of
public opinion has perhaps as much signif-
cance as a turn-about-face in policy. The fact
remains that an amnesty has been granted.
Whether these two actions-the demand for
reform within the government and the changed
attitude toward Jews-were prompted by a de-
sire to conciliate the Soviet government is also
relatively unimportant. Their significance is
that they point toward a new and different Po-
lish government, one that may command the
respect of believers in the principles of democ-
racy and freedom. If the movement for purge
of those elements linked with the reactionary
aspects of Polish national life continues, we
shall be able to give more credit to Polish de-
ALLIED encouragement should now be given
to a democratic government in Poland if we
believe at all in our expressed principles.
It is interesting to note that during the period
between the two world wars, the Polish people
made material progress, in spite of a reactionary
government. Large estates were parcelled until
five-sixths of all agricultural holdings were in
the hands of peasants; some 23,000 new primary
schools were established; a system of social se-
curity was initiated; in industry per capita pro-
duction rose from.a norm of 100 in 1928 to 129
in 1937.
The report of Fathr Orlemanski that Stalin
has promised non-intervention in church mat-
ters and that he is friendly to Roman Cathol--
icisn is important because it indicates that the
Russian leader is modifying his original plan of
unilateral settlement of the Polish problem.
In effect, he is making a bid for the support
of approximately four and one-half million
people of Polish origin in this country and in-
directly for the approval of the British and
American governments. Considering his past
avenues of diplomacy, it is not strange that
Stalin should choose to speak through this

WASHINGTON, May 22.- -Civilians may not
understand it but, inside the Ar my and Navy,
the top-heavy awarding of medals to Army
heroes is caUsing u nforltunate bitterness and
You don't hear so much about it on the home
front but, in the officers' clubs in Hawaii or
Australia, you will see a Naval airman come up
to a bemedalled Army airman and say, "Hi,
hero. SoGetimes this is almost a fighting sal-
utation. Sometimes it results in a long and
heated argument about how little the Army has
done compared with the Navy to deserve decora~-
Sometimes brawls have resulted-all from
the fact that the Army has given more than
100,00 air medals since the war started as
against only about 700 for the Navy. While
the Navy is smaller - about one-fifth - the
ratio of medals is about seven to 1,000.
There is no disposition here to detract from
the valor of Army heroes. They deserve every
ribbon they get and then some. But somehow
or other, Navy awards should be standardized
with the Army's, so that a Navy man who has
shot down just as many enemy planes doesn't
some home only to find that his neighbor in the
Army is a hero while he, in the Navy, hasn't
one single decoration ribbon on his tunic.
What particularly riled Navy men was the
Army's award of the Distinguished Service Cross,
the Silver Star and the Purple Heart to a dog.
Meanwhile, some Naval airmen who had been
flying for two years hadn't been decorated.
For instance, when Naval fliers operated
from Guadalcanal for four long months,
scarcely able to hold Henderson Field and liv-
ing only on Jap food, they got no reward. But
when the Army came into Guadalcanal, the
men of a ground crew who remained there only
one week got the Legion of Merit. The Navy
fliers who had fought on Guadalcanal for
four months were almost ignored.
Again, while Brig. Gen. Oliver R. Germann
received seven citations in one day for participat-
ing in 17 missions over Europe, Marine Corps
'Major Gregory Boyington had to shoot down 26
Jap planes before being awarded a medal.
Meanwhile, the situation is getting serious for
morale. It is not merely a question of personal
vanity. Editorials on the subject have appeared
in the service journals. And the situation has
reached a point where it has sometimes actually
interfered with efficiency in combat.
For instance, returning fliers tell of one case
in the South Pacific where Jap zeros were about
to clash with Army 38s. Some Navy 4-Vs sighted
the approaching combat ,but signalled to each
other: "To hell with the 38s. Let them get home
if they're good enough. If we save 'em, they'll get
DFC's and we'll get another mission."
(copyright, ,1944. Uniitt od I atturei Synicdwjeatce)

"d Rather
B e Right
J Samnuel Grafton

- '-
NEW YORK, May 22.-I believe in the simple,
direct approach to events; and so when Mr.
Dewey says he is an internationalist, I believe
that he is an internationalist. The New York
Herald Tribune, a newspaper I deeply respect,
underwrites Mr. Dewey's internationalism, and
that goes far toward removing doubt.
A number of other eastern newspapers are
now saying that there is no reason, in fact, why
Mr. Willkie should not endorse Mr. Dewey, for
the foreign policies of the two men are so close
that you could not get a razor between them.
Well, that settles that. But then I pick up
Colonel McCormick's Chicago Tribune, and I
find it to be in a state of absolute terror lest Mr.
Willkie endorse Mr. Dewey. The Chicago Trib-
une says that the Governor's friends ought "to
be moving heaven and earth" to discourage Mr.
Willkie from endorsing Mr. Dewey. It says that
Mr. Willkie's "foreign policy has been rejected"
by the people of at least four states, and if Mr.
Willkie endorses Mr. Dewey, Mr. Dewey's strength
may disappear overnight.
But if the foreign Policies of Mr. Willkie and
Mr. Dewey are pretty much the same, how can
this be? We have reached a stage in which
eastern Republicanism pictures the Willkie
and Dewey foreign policies as essentially the
same, while a leading organ of midwestern
Republicanism pictures them, simultaneously,
and with equal vehemence, as totally different.
Now it could be that the Chicago Tribune,
smarting over the fact that every leading candi-
date has made an internationalist declaration,
may merely have picked one man, almost at ran-
dom, as its own; and it may now be busy, leering
and winking, and passing out hints that Mr.
Dewey is really a kind of isolationist, all to save
its own face.
OR IT COULD be that it is eastern Republi-
canism which is seeing what it wants to see;
that, terribly anxious to defeat Mr. Roosevelt, it
passes lightly over Mr. Dewey's close bonds with
Mr. Hoover and Mr. Landon, and ignores that
pointed manner in which Mr. Dewey invariably
proposes an initial alliance with Great Britain,
and then, pause, long pause, ahem, also with
Russia if she wants to come in. That "pause is
probably noted in the Kremlin. It is certainly
noted by the Chicago Tribune.
Mr. Richard H. Rovere has, in his current
Harper's Magazine article on Mr. Dewey, noted
that the Governor is, first and last, a strategic-
ally-minded man. The fantastic situation out-
lined above would seem to bear Mr. Rovere out.
To have steered close enough to full interna-
tionalism to catch the New York Herald Tribune
without steering so close to it as to lose the
Chicago Tribune is an operation of such skill
and delicacy as to make most surgery seem brutal
and clumsy by comparison.
I do not ofer this material by way of framing

Service Commission of jobs as typists,
stenographers and clerks in Wash-
ington, D.C. The salary quoted is
$1,752 per yr. Stop in our office for
details, 201 Mason Hall. Bureau of
Mr. Smith of General Motors will
be in our office today to interview
girls interested in their training pro-
gram, also a few girls with steno-
graphic and typing experience. Call
Ext. 371 for appointments or stop in
at 201 Mason Hall, Bureau of Ap-
Co-ops hold personnel interviews:
All those interested in living in a
Co-operative house for the summer
or fall semesters who have not yet
applied, please attend the interviews
which will be held in the Union, Rm.
306, Wednesday, May 24, at five
A cademic Notices
Latin American Studies 194: This
class will meet today at 3 p.m. in Rm.
18, Angell Hall.
College of Architecture and De-
sign: The exhibition of sketches and
water color paintings made in Eng-
I land by Sgt. Grover D. Cole, instruc-
t or on leave in the College of Archi-
tecture and Design, will be continued
until June 1. Ground floor cases,
Architecture Building. Open daily
except Sunday 9 to 5. The public is
cordially invited.
One-man exhibit of watercolor
paintings by Richard H. Baxter, Ann
Arbor artist, is now on display in the
Rackham Building. The exhibit,
sponsored by Professor Avard Fair-
banks, opened on May 15 and will
continue through May 27. It is op-
ened to the public daily from 2-5 and
7-10 p.m.
Events Today
Bacteriology Seminar will meet at
4:30 p.m. in Rm. 1564, East Medical
Building. Two subjects: "The Mech-
anism of the Butyl Alcohol Acetone
Fermentation;" "Bacterial Photosyn-
thesis." All interested are invited.
ASCE Meeting: Tonight at 7:30 at
the Michigan Union Professor Sher-
lock will speak on "ASCE Collective
Bargaining Developments."
Sine Swing: Join in on tie fun at
the USO Tuesday Night Sing Swing.
Group singing for one and all. Fill
the halls with song. Men wishing to
bring along musical instruments to
participate would be more than wel-
come. This event will be worth your
time. Refreshments-- sandwiches,
I ec,,kies nd c offewill he served.

dential Crisis" on Wednesday at 7:45
p.m. in the Union.
The Association Music Hour will
present a program of Gregorian
Chants Wednesday evening, May 24,
at 7:30, at Lane Hall. Everyone inter-
ested is cordially invited.
Botanical Seminar: Wednesday,
May 24 at 4 p.m. Dr. Norma Pearson
will speak on the subject "Research
problems in milkweed and cotton
fibers." Anyone interested may at-
Kandy Party: If you haven't been
to a USC Kandy Party you are miss-
ing something. Come. this Wednes-
day night, May 24, and see for your-
self what fun a Kandy Party is.
Plenty of candy. Dancing in the
Tavern Room with USO Junior Hos-
tesses. 7:30 to 11 p.m.
Crayon Drawings: Do you want
your sketch drawn? Make an ap-
pointmentat the USO Club tonhave
Mrs. John Bradfield do your colored
crayon drawing free of charge. Your
family or that lady in question would
appreciate having one of these draw-
ings. Friday afternoons from 1 to 5.
Friday Dancing Class: How is your
dancing? If you are wondering that,
join the USO dancing class. Dancing
lessons at the Club from '1 to 8 under
the direction of Lt. Flegal.
Friday Night Dance: Dancing at
the USO Club Friday evening, May
26, from 8 to midnight. Dance with
a USC Junior Hostess-enjoy a game
of bridge or checkers or a game of
Bingo Party and Dance: Don't miss
this USO Bingo Party and Dance,
May 27. Bigger and better than the
last Bingo Party. Prizes. We guaran-
tee you will enjoy it. Bingo in the
Tavern Room. Dancing in the Ball-
room. Refreshments will be served.
Thought for the Future: USO Pic-
nic on July 8, Saturday. 50 service-
men are invited. Sign up at the USO
Club. 50 Junior Hostesses will be
there to add to- the fun.
oliviai V Policy
1HE United States broke diplomat-
ic relations with the Argentine
government, after its fascist charac-
ter had been definitely established.
We have never recognized the Boliv-
ian government, although it has la-
bored unceasingly to convince Wash-
ington of its trustworthiness.
Allen Haden, writing from La Paz,
finds our State Department did not
recognize the Bolivian government
because Argentinean wire-pullers
prejudiced the case for U.S. recogni-
tion of Bolivia by hastily recogniz-
ing it themselves. This put the Bo-
livian regime in bad odor with Wash-

an accusation against Mr. Dewey; it
is a simple, descriptive picture of
what is actually going on.
It will now be seen what a hard
choice Mr. Willkie faces, and why
he holds back. He can hardly sup-
port Dewey until Mr. Dewey breaks
with Colonel MVcCormnick. Otherwise
Mr. Willkie will actually find him-
self hitched alongside Colonel Mc-
Cormick, both of them pulling the
same wagon, and each of them
wondering how the heck the other
one got there.
Mr. Willkie would be denouncing
Colonel McCormick,dand Colonel Mc-
Cormick would be denouncing Mr.
Willkie, and both of them would be
electing Mr. Dewey.
That conception, it must be ad-
mitted, is magnificent; this is really
strategy, of range and size. But
now we can see why the man who
has devoted himself to making one
world, and has really meant it, pulls
back against being fitted into this
stupendous jigsaw, and why he won-
ders, and waits, and waits, and won-
(Copyright, 1944, N.Y Post Syndicate)

S've completed a tour of

By Crockett Johnson

Am I an Efciency Expert?...A

Industriolists rushed to their

So eagerly did management

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