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May 23, 1944 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1944-05-23

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I ai1

Clou~dy and Showers









Aerial Bttle
Grips urope,
DNB States
25 Allied Bombers
Shot Down in Fighti
By Thec Associated Press
LONDON, May 22, Tuesday-DNB
said a great air battle was raging
over Europe early today between Al-
lied bombers and Nazi night fighters
and claimed 25 four-engine planes
were shot down at the outset.
The action, indicating the RAF was
keeping up a round-the-clock assault
on Fortress Europe, came after a
strike by perhaps 3,000 bombers and
fighters by daylight yesterday at the
German submarine base at Kied, at
Pas de Calais and at widespread tar-
gets in occupied France and Belgium,.
The German broadcast,. recorded
by Reuters, said Nazi night fighters
had shot down 25 four-engine bomb-.
ers in the first 15 minutes of battle
and the aerial struggle still was
raging at 2:25 a.m.,
Bombs 'Fly over Central Germany
DNI3 did not identify specific tar-
gets, but various broadcasts said
bombers were over central Germany
and the greater Berlin area, and that
heavy anti-aircraft fire was heard in
northwest and western Germany.
About 2,000 United States bombers
and fighters made the daylight at-
tacks upon Kiel and Pas de Calais
These followed up an RAF saturation
raid Sunday night on industrial Duis-
More Tan 2,0 b Sorties Madeg
Five bombers and eight fighters
faidlied reur frtesegtin dlay-s
lightmission whiche outeto.or
than 17,000 tons the amount of bombs
poured on shaken Europe in the last
four days of aerial softening for the
invasion. The RAF dropped 2,240
tons on often - bombed Duisburg
In all, about 2,700 sorties (single
flights) were flown against Germany
and occupied countries from British
bases during the day
Universt Sets
Servce Bureau
The Veterans' Service Bureau, an
organization to help with the educa-
tional problems of returning veter-
ans, has been set up by the Univer-
sity, it was announced yesterday by
Clark Tibbetts, one of the directors
of the project.
The bureau will act as an informa-
tion and co-ordinating office, work-
ing with other state and federal
agencies, to see that war veterans,
both men and women, who plan to
come to the University of Michigan
may have the best possible education-
al advantages here. Headquarters
of the bureau are in Rm. 1510, Rack-
Fat bout government aid, medi-.
cal care and other benefits to which
they niay be entitled will be given to
veterans through the bureau. The
agency will attempt to advise and
assist veterans 'who have enrolled in
the University and help them to take
advantage of other campus facilities.
Veterans' Service Bureau will pro-
vide ipformation about the Armed
Forces' Experience and Instruction
Records. It will maintain individual
Veterans' Record Sheets for essential
data and statisticaly purposes.
The bureau's expressed functions
are to give information about the

University, to assist through the Reg-
istrar in the admission of veterans,
to maintain counseling services, to
serve as a liaison between the Univer-
sity and government agencies, and to
aid in legislation concerning the vet-
"Educational Opportunities for Vet-
erans," pamphlet concerning the
veterans' relations to post-war ed-
ucation at the University, has been
prepared. It may be secured by any
interested person at the offices of
the bureau.
Registration for Union
Blood Bank To Be Held
Registration for the Union Blood


BATTLE- Pictured at the left is the group of Italian
stationed here at the Judge Advocate Genieral School at

the Law Quadrangle. Below they ire seen striking an unusual pose for
the cameraman, exhibiting their "oy at talking to civilians, "lot in
an Army approved story, is a glimpse of their workhere.

S * * * * * * * *

Italian Gee lligerentsIJAG School
Are Eager 7To See Con~cuion of Wtar

They are tall and short, some
like to talk and others don't, but
they all have one paramount idea;
-they want the conclusion of tue
war as fast as possible and they
want to go home.
That idea is unpermost ini the
minds of most people these days,
but it found strong expression in
the minds of the Italian co-bel-
ligerents attached to the Judge
Advocate General's School in the
Law Quadrangle in an exclusive
Daily interview.
They range from 21 to 33 years
old and present the accepted pic-
ture of the brawny, strong, mus-
cled Italian. Four of them came
from Lombardy, two from Emile,
one from Sicily, one from Apulia,
one from Lazio and one from
They have taken a fancy to the
Law Quad, whose surroundings
they like better than any other
place they have been in America.
One, who was a professional archi-

tect in Italy before he entered mil- Their ideas in one vein seemed
itary service, waxed eloquently to fall into the general pattern
about the beauty of the .Quad- of most American students-"I
ruigle. sure would like to speak to more
They were very pleased to be of those pretty girls on campus
interviewed. They rather liked (enthusiasm ours)."
talking to civilians-- a privilege One boy further proposed an
which regulations don't yet permit. i-itenatioazatior ofpanAean
We talked to them by means of can tradition-lMis aeArican A He
an Interpreter and the story proposed an annual "Miss World"
came out in three languages, contest, to combine i one girl the
Italian, French and Spanish. b
They felt pretty good about the beauty of the earth.f
few people they have spoken to tall, burly boy from Lombardy
in this country and particularly seemed to disappear when .he ex-
liked the officers under whom plained that he wanted to talk to
they are working. people, lots of people about any-
These men have been attached thing-not politics-but about the
to the JAG unit here to perform weather, music and art.
mess duties-kitchen work of ev-
ery variety-and exhibitedka liking He added that all they wanjit is
for their jobs. for people to know them, that
Through a broken Frencl and they were friendly-tnot cold and
Italian mixture, we learned that bitter.
they intend to teach their wives They were of one opinion that
back home the American assembly they felt lost without a knowledge
line method of washing dishes, and of English. A local woman had
"breaking them too," one boy volunteered to teach them but they
chimed in. seemed disappointed, saying that

Yank Troops
Forced Out
Of Terracina
Desperate Germans
Utilize All Reserves
By The Associated Press
PLES, May 22.-The German High
Command threw all the reserves at
its immediate disposal into a desper-
ate counteroffensive against the Al-
lied advance today and succeeded in
driving the vanguard of American
forces out. of Terracina, coastal gate-
way to the Pontine plain 58 miles
from Rome.
17 Nazi Divisions Engaged
Fierce fighting raged along the en-
tire front as the last of 17 Nazi div-
isions (perhaps 170,000 men) below
Rome and immediately north of the
Italian capital entered what may
prove the climatic struggle for Italy.
An Allied spokesman declared the
enemy had "nothing left in reserve
south of Rome."
American patrols entered Terra-
cina yesterday almost without a fight
and it appeared the Germans were in
full flight along the coastal sector,
but the force of today's counterattaek
caused the Yanks to withdraw from
the town and take up positions 2%2
to 3 miles to the northeast, on the
road to Fondi.
Yanks Advance Inland
Inland, however, American troops
were reported continuing their ad-
vance through the mountains, while
the Canadians pierced barbed wire
entanglements in front of Pontecor-
.vo, bastion of the Hitler Line in the
Liri Valley southwest of Cassino. The
Poles slugged into Piedmonte, four
miles west of Cassino, and were re-
ported mopping up the town.
French troops took, lost and then
recaptured Monte Leucio, four miles
west of Pontecorvo on the road to
Pico, and brought Pic under heavy
attack. Pontecorvo and Pico are
principal strongpoints of the Hitler
Line 'where it crosses the Liri Valley.
An American assault southwest of
Pico was being fiercely resisted, front
dispatches said, the Germans having
thrown the crack 26th Armored Div-
ision into the fighting in that sector.
ASTP Senior
Dental Students
To Be Released
Graduating senior dental students
in the Army Specialized Traiing
Program here will receive discharges
at the close of this semester and will
be released for civilian or institu-
tional service, it was announced yes-
Dean Russell W. Bunting of the
School of Dentistry said that the
order will 'affect 36 ASTP students
at the University.
Army headquarters in Washington,
which made the announcement in a
letter to Dean Bunting, said that a
lack of open commissions for dentists
in the Army at the present time was
responsible for the sudden change in
Dentistry is listed as a critical
occupation by the War Manpower
Commission and Dean Bunting said
there is a large demand for civilian
dentists and "thousands of places to
be filled."
The order does not affect other
ASTP students training at the School
of Dentistry, according to Dean Bun-
ting. No change in plans has been
announced for Navy men who will

receive their degrees at the end of
this semester.
The 36 men will graduate June 24
and return to civilian status upon
graduation or shortly thereafter.
Goodfellow Funds
Of the total net of $824.09 collect-
ed by the Goodfellow sale last sem-
ester, $324.09 has been donated to the
Bomber Scholarship, $300 to the
Family and Children's Service, $100
to the Student Goodwill Fund, and
$100 to the Textbook Lending Libra
ry, it was announcede yesterday.

-Daily Photos by John Ioreth

she knew little Italian and that
she hasn't been around lately.
The native Italian love for the
opera was very much in evidence,.
and although they have seen one
opera in this country, they ex-
hibited a desire to see more, in-
stead of listening to them on a
radio. What they want is tele-
vision, a bystander commented.
Before they were drafted into
the Italian Army, they were me-
chanics, farmers, two were chauf-
feurs, one worked in a munitions
factory and one was an artist. One

Hillel Presents Scholarsb ps-;
15 Council Members Initiated

U i

Awards and scholarships were pre .
sented at the Hillel Honors Banquet,
Sunday evening at the Hillel Founda=
tion, by Prof. Jacob Sacks of the
pharmacology department.
In addition, the fifteen recently
elected council members and the
eight new members appointed by the
council at a meeting Sunday morning
were initiated into office. Stan Wal-
lace, '44, recipient of a Hillel Honor
key and the Milford Stern Forensic
Award, and Faye Bronstein, '45, offi-
cially took office as president and
secretary respectively of the Hillel
student council,
The recipients of the Ilillel Honor
Keys, given to juniors and seniors for
meritorious service to the Founda =
tion, are Henrietta Browarsky, Grace
Freudberg, Rita Hyman, Hannal
Katz, Elliot Organick, Roy Plotkin,
Henry Popkin, Audrey Rubenstein,
Frances Rubenstein, Selma Smith,
Stan Wallace and Harvey Weisberg,
Netta Siegel and Else Zeme, senior
student direactors at the Foundation,
won the Arnold Schiff Memorial
Award for their contributions to the
cultural content of the Hillel pro-
The names of six seniors a.nd grĀ°ad=

' n ople, faculty members and friends
in this area who have given dis-
tinguished service to the Foundation.
They are Mrs. Samuel Aaron, Samuel
Bothman, Dir. Saul C:ohen, Irwin Co-
hen, Max Dresden, Jack Hartstein,
Mrs. Rueben Kahn, Mark Ross, Dr.
Jacob Sacks, Louis Shostack and
Osias Zwerdling.
Prof. Sacks announced the win-
ners of the Pisgah Auxiliary B'nai
B'rith Scholarships. Edythe Levixi,
'46, won the student director' scholar=
ship of $250; Ann Cohen won the
hostess scholarship of $150 and Mil-
ton Budyk won the work scholarship
of $150,
Ford Motor Co. Assets
NowMoreTha Billio
BOSTON, May 22.-(/P)-The P'orul
Motor Co. in ani ainnual statement
filed today with the Massachijsetts
Tax Commissioner stated its assets
now aggregate $1,009,092,458 as co n-
pared with $813,079,878 a year ago.
Poll To Be Taken
In an attempt to m~easuie intel-
lpr'hnil cuxviositv an the Ulniversity

By Thie & sociated Press
Japs Report Attack on Marcs IslandĀ®. .
LONDON, May 22-A strong United States task force smashed at
Marcus Island, Japanese outpost only 1,200 miles from Tokyo, in a two-day
assault over the week-end, the Japanese High Command announced today,
and later broadcasts suggested that the defenders were caught napping by
a decoy force feinting from the east while the main attack was delivered
from the west.
=ThUy Instructions ToCadast to Undergroun d . .
LONDON, May 22.--Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower's invasion head-.
heado uarters today broadcast. a second time to the waiting, listening
European underground, supplying detailed instructions on how it could
guide the invaders over strange and difficult terrain.
At the same time an enemy broadcast, presenting the biggest estim-
ate thle Axis has voiced on the Allies' British-based strength, declared
.iFsenhower had 3,500,000 troops "ready for an invasion jump" from
South England.
* * * *
A rnold Calls A erial Pounding 'I~so'...
CHiCAGO, May 22-The aerial pounding of Hitler- held territory
constitutes an invtasiotn "in the deadliest sense of the word." General H. H.
Arnold asserted tonight
'he chief of the UI. Army Air 'Forces, in a sPeech prepared for deliv-
ery before the Economic Club, stated
"What is happening today in the skies over Europe is not, as most
people believe it to be. a prelude to invasion. ft is invasion-in the deadliest
sense of the word."
d* * *l
Texas IDemocrats To Convene Today ...
The Fourth Term Bandwagon is due to hit a bit of a bump in

called himself a "brat" at that
Another said that before the
war started he was planning to
come to the United States. His
family lives in Detroit and usual-
ly comes to visit him on Sundays.
All in all, they seemed contented
here, but wished they could have a
little more freedom, could have a
chance to learn English and talk to
Most of all they cling to their
idea-they want the war to end
soon so that they can return to
their homes and families in Italy.
Nine persons were injured, one
seriously, in two traffic accidents in
Washtenaw County yesterday, ac-
cording to police officer.
iss Ardis Haskill,aged 20, 1227
Forest, is in serious condition at St.
Joseph's Mercy Hospital. She is suf-
fering from internal injuries, a frac-'
tured arm and leg, and cuts and
Miss Haskill was one of three pas-
sengers in a car driven by Pete -Bet-
anzos, age 26, of 2545 Norman, De-
troit, which left the roadway on N.
Main Street at 2:30 a.m. yesterday.
and crashed into a parked car and
tree. .
Betanzos told police that he must
have gone to sleep, because he did not
know what happened. He stated he
was driving at about 35 miles per
Police records show that Betanzos'
car left the roadway, crossed through
a driveway, climbed a bank, side-
swiped acar parked inthe yard of
B3enjamin DiFillipi. 104 1 N. Main fSt.,
continued on and struck a tree, which
was situated 43 feet from the curb.
Police found several empty beer
bottles and an empty quart of wine in
the car. Betanzos is being held at
Washtenaw County Jail, charged
Swith reckless driving. _

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