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May 20, 1944 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1944-05-20

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Michigan Tm dition






Miami Triad
Formal To Be
Held June 3
Traditional Annual Affair To
rBe Given by Sigma Chi, Beta
Theta Pi, and Phi Delta Theta
Wartime conditions have failed to
halt the time-honored Miami Triad,
which will be held from 9 p. m. to
midnight Saturday, June 3, in the
League ballroom.
Billy Layton's. orchestra will play
for the affair, which is a traditional
fornal dance given jntly by Beta
Theta Pi, Phi D1elta Theta, and Sig-
ma Chi fraternities.
The customary, pre-war features
of the evening will be observed, in-
cluding a formal dinner held by each
fraternity before the dance and the
singing of fraternity songs at the
60 Couples To Attend
Sixty couples will at end the dairce,
which is N ing planned by a commit-
tee formed by a representative of
each participating fraternity. The
representatives are Sherman Mas-
singham, Beta "theta Pi; Fred Lay-
mon, Phi Delta Theta; and Jim Sco-
ville, Sigma Chi.
There will be two couples as chap-
erones from each group: Mr. and.
Mrs. Phil McCallum and Mr. and
Mrs. Millege Eti rd will represent
Beta Theta Pi; Mr. and Mrs. L. A.
Burns and Mr. and Mrs. Earl V.
Moore, Phi Delta Theta; and Dr.
and Mrs. A. W. Coxon and Mr. and
Mrs. John W. Rae, Sigma Chi.
Is Traditional
The Miami Triad is a traditional
function of the three fraternities,
which were fopnded in the last cen-
tury at Miami University in Miami,
Ohio; Beta Theta Pi in 1839, Phi:
Delta Theta in 1848, and Sigma Chi
in 1855.
The Triad was held soon after-
wards as a joint dance, and the, idea
spread to become a national annual
affair, held wherever chapters of
the three fraternities are located.


Just Plain 'Bill'
Says Farewell
At' Varieties'
Sawyer Leaves Glee Club,
League Week-End Dances
To Embark on a New CareerJ
(Continued from Page 1)
The campus felt that it was not quite
the same but Sawyer was there and
it didn't make any difference.
Arrangements Novel
His novel arrangements of "Stormy
Weather," "St. Louis Blues," and
others with his good word to whirling
couples by the bandstand added to
the picture that was blending Mich-
igan and Bill Sawyer.
But things began to move faster
for Bill, and a ride on the Pitch Band
Wagon, performances in Detroit and
around the state, leadership of the
Women's Glee Club put him on the
map and people began to notice this
college music maestro..
His production of Mark Twain's
"Tom Sawyer" which was world pre-
miered here in April was a high point
in his nine-year Michigan career, and
then came his present opportunity
with the federal government which is
calling him from campus.
Slated To Write Score
He will be working in Chicago writ-
ing the musical score for "Alaskan
Stampede," a musical show sponsored
by the Department of Interior which
will have its world premier in Chi-
cago, June 16.
"Variety" has pictured Sawyer's
idea-his orchestra and his place at
Michigan---as one of the outstanding
dance bands in the nation.
We caught him yesterday after-
noon between rehearsals for his last
stop on the Michigan hit parade-
Victory Varieties, and he commented,
"I sure will remember the good times
and good friends here at Michigan."
We hasten to add the comment of
Dean Walter B. Rea: "He has done
an outstanding job and we don't like
to see him leave."

Lantern Night Eight Houses


Is Outgrowth


Plan Picnics,

Of Cap Night
Lantern Night, this year to be given
at 7:30 p.m. Monday on Palmer Field
is the outgrowth of several functions
formerly given at the University.
Prior to 1933 Lantern Night was
known as Cap Night . . . when the
senior women wore their caps and
gowns and were serenaded by the
undergraduates. The coeds wore the
traditional hair bows, yellow for jun-
iors, red for sophomores and green
for freshmen, and in addition white
dresses and heels. They were led by
the Varsity Band, which gave tlem a
concert after the program.
Had Playday in '3
In 1935 a Playday was instituted,
with representatives from each sor-
ority, dormitory and league house
participating in round robin events;
horseshoes, tennis, bridge, archery,
baseball and obstacle races. After-
wards the winners were feted at a
buffet dinner in the field house. Then
the regular Lantern Night followed.
An ice cream social was the high-
light of the 1934 Lantern Night, do-!
nated by the faculty of the Physical
Education Department and the WAA
Sported Japanese Lanterns
A feature of the previous Lantern
Nights has been the carrying of Jap-
anese lanterns by the seniors and
colored hoops by the juniors. At the
end of the ceremonies, the seniors
passed their lanterns down to the
juniors, who in turn gave their hoops
to the sophomores. No record is given
of what the freshmen received.
This year, due to the war shortage,
only the two seniors leading the line
of March will carry lanterns, and the
juniors will dispense with their hoops,,
but all of the undergraduate women
will wear their hair ribbons in their
class colors. These ribbons will be
sold by the JGP committee.

Hold Dances
Eight local houses have planned
picnics, formal and informal dances
for today.
A formal dance will be held from
9 p.m. to midnight in Martha Cook
Building. Mrs. Leona Diekema and
Miss Sarah Rowe will chaperone.
"Cy" Adams House has planned an
afternoon and evening of festivities
from 4:30 p.m. to midnight. During
the afternoon there will be a picnic
at the Island followed by an informal
record dance at the house. The affair
will be chaperoned by Mr. and Mrs.
Woodrow Ohlsen and Mrs. Woolsley
An informal record dance will be
held from 8 p.m. to midnight at
Washtenaw House. The dance will be
chaperoned by Mrs. J. S. Williams
and Mrs. Ames.
The chapter house of Chi Omega
sorority will hold a formal dance to
be held from 9 p.m. to midnight. Dr.
and Mrs. A. W. Coxon and Prof. and
Mrs. J. W. Bradshaw will act as
chaperons for the affair.
Alpha Delta Pi sorority will hold
an informal record dance from 9 p.m.
to midniight at the chaptte~ r hol-e
Chaperons will be Mrs. Nan Riggs
and Dr. William Brace.
Plans have been completed by Phi
Delta Theta fraternity for an infor-
mal dance to be held from 9 p.m. to
midnight at 1437 Washtenaw. Mr.
and Mrs. L. A. Burns and Mr. and
Mrs. H. C. Leibee will chaperon.
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Cannon and
Mr. and Mrs. L. Wikel will chaperon
a radio dance to be held from 9 p.m.
to midnight by Alpha Tau Omega
Robert Owen Co-operative will be
the scene of an informal record dance
to be held from 8:30 p.m. to mid-
night. Chaperons for the affair will
be Warren R. Good and Saul J.


To satisfy your desire for that
"Back-Home" cooking, drop in
We serve full-course dinners
daily and Sunday. We are open
every noon.
"Over hill, over dale, We'll ride
away for a day of pleasure."
rents bicycles and tandems by
the hour, day or month.

WHIRLING SPINNERS (shown above) will be one of the six profes-
sional vaudeville acts to perform for a Victory Varieties audience of
students, townspeople and servicemen at 8 p.m. today on the stage of
-Hill Auditorium. They will come to Ann Arbor fresh from an appear-
ance at the Strand Theatre in New York.
Reorganize House Presidents'
Meeting into Separate Groups

Varied Roles in
Navy Branches

"Hey Mac, toss me a wrench",
shrill high feminine voices from Na-
val Stations throughout the- country.
There was a time, and not so longs
age at that, when the term "grease
monkey" was very much masculine.
But war has changed many things.
That's the way it is in the Navy.
There are more than 47,000 women
-enough to man 12 battleships-
wearing the uniform of the Navy.
Wemen's Reserve. They are doing
246 different jobs at shore stations,
air bases, and Navy hospitals
throughout the United States. One-
fourth of the WAVES are in the
aviation branch.
WAVES Wield Wrenches
WAVES wield the wrenches, in-
struct officers and cadets in aerial
gunnery operate Link Trainer ma-
chines, test the weather, are the
"Traffic Cops of the Air," and, in
short, do every job there is except
fly -the planes. Although they don't
pilot the planes, they fly in them.
For if a "grease monkey" is to know
her job thoroughly she must know
how a plane will act in the air, as
well as on the ground.
Many women who have been wear-
ing the Navy blue for less than a
year have more than 50 hops to their
credit. WAVE aerographers fly with
pilots every morning to make their
observations and compile data as
to weather velocity, ceiling and lo-
cation of various auxiliary fields.
Know Flying Principles
When through with the Aviation
Machinist's Mate course, often given
at a Naval Air Base, the "grease
monkeys" know all the. principles of
flying and can make a sick place
well in short order.
Almost every woman in the avia-
tion branch expects to continue with
her aviation work after the war. The
Navy has an "earn-while-yOu-learn"
policy for all personnel, giving a val-
uable trade to continue after they
have been mustered out of the serv-
Co. Y and X of the USO Junior
Hc stess Corps. will held an. in-
formal dance from eight p. n. to
manight tdlay. Attendance is
compulsory, and hostesses attend-
ing Victory Varieties will be
iernitted to arrive as late as ten
k Men. wishing to bring wo-
men who are not junior hostesses
must obtain guest cards for them;
two hours prior to the dance.

House president's meetings haveI
been reorganized to provide for sep-
arate weekly meetings of sorority
house presidents, dormitory and aux-
iliary dormitory presidents, and
league house and cooperative house
heads, according to Natalie Mattern,
'45, president of Judiciary.
The dissolving of the joint meeting l
of the groups and the reorganization,
has been effected with the purposes
of integrating and bringing the activ-
ities of Panhellenic Association and
Assembly into closer contact with
sorority and independent women,"
Miss Mattern said.
To Discuss Problems
Each group will discuss and be
responsible for the particular prob-
lems of their houses, and the groups
will meet jointly when information
of universal interest is to be relayed
to campus women or when common
problems arise.
Dormitory and auxiliary dormitory
presidents will meet together, and
dormitory corridor captains will sup-
plant the presidents of dormitories in
"bringing Assembly to the coeds and
bringing the coeds to Assembly." The
Assembly vice-president in charge of
dormitories will direct this group.
League houses and cooperative
houses will be re-zoned with a prob-
able maximum of five houses in a
zone. The houses in each zone will
elect a zone president, and these
Boulevard Ball Will
Offer Doc Fielding,
Student Performer
Doc Fielding, who has quickly be-
come the campus' most popular stu-
dent performer, will highlight the
intermission entertainment at "Bou-
levard Ball," which will be held from
8:30 p.m. to midnight Saturday in
Waterman Gymnasium.
The dance, which will feature
Jerry Wald and his orchestra, will!
offer several songs written recently,
by local composers. The Co. D quar-
tet will sing "We Hope They're Beau-
tiful" in a preview of the forthcoming
musical comedy, "Rumor Has It." and
two of the most popular of the Junior
Girls Play songs, "Soldier of Mine,"
and the "Michigan Stomp" will also
be performed.
"Boulevard Ball" combines the
efforts of Assembly Association and
Panhellenic Council for the first time.
The dance is the only major coed-
bid affair of the year.
The decorations will transform the
gymnasium into a "park," from
which street signs denoting all the
campus' women's residences will ra-
diate, and the entertainment and
programs will carry out the theme.

zone presidents will meet together
weekly as the Board in Charge of
League Houses with league house
presidents working under their direc-
tion. These meetings will be presided
over by the vice-president of Assem-
bly in charge of league houses.
No Mixed Houses
It is expected there will be no
mixed houses next year, Florene Wil-
kins, '44, president of Assembly, an-
nounced. Active sorority women will
not be permitted to live in indepen-
dent houses, and all independent
women will live in independent hous-
es, she said.
Sorority house presidents' meetings
will be under the direction of Pan-
hellenic Council. They will meet
periodically to discuss house prob-
lems. Peg Laubengayer, '45, president
of Panhellenic Board, announced
that heads of the various houses will
take part in drawing up the new
rushing rules. She said that it is
probable that each meeting will be
devoted to a particular problem.

FRANKLIN preached thrift,
for he found from his oXwi ex-
perience that it hIped smooth
the road of life! 'T'ay, lhe
threat of inflation hovers over
our nation once again. We can
avoid this disaster by regular
Federal Reserve System and
Federal Deposit Insurance



C 0 E
1432 Washtenaw Ave.
William P. Lemon, D.D.,
James Van Pernis, Ministers
E. Gertrude Campbell, Director of Religious
9:30 A.M.: Church School, Junior, Intermediate
and Senior departments. Young Married
People's Class and Men's Class.
10:30 A.M.: Junior Choir Rehearsal.
10:45 A.M.: Nirsery, Beginner and Primary de-
10:45 A.M.: Morning Worship. "The World on
Tiptoe," subject of sermon by Dr. Lemon.
5:00 P.M.:. Westminster Student Guild discus-
sion will be led by the Rev. Edward H. Red-
mon. Supper will follow at 6:00 P.M.
409 S. Division St.
Sunday lesson sermon: "Soul and Body," at
10:30 A.M.
Sunday School at 11:45 A.M.
Wednesday evening testimonial meeting at 8:00.
This church maintains a free Reading Room
at 106 E. Washington St., which is open daily
except Sundays and holidays from 11:30 A.M. to
5:00 P.M. Saturdays until 9:00 P.M. Here the
Bible and Christian Science literature including
all of Mrs. Mary Baker Eddy's works may be
read, borrowed or purchased.
512 E. Huron St. C. H. Loucks, Minister
502 E. Huron St.
10:00 A.M.: Roger Williams Class meets in the
Guild House.
11:00 A.M.: Morning worship. Topic is: "They
Depend on Us." Minister, C. H. Loucks.
5:00 P.M.: Because of annual planning con-
ference at Camp Birkett, the Roger Williams
Guild will not meet.
Sponsored jointly by the Zion and Trinity
Lutheran Churches
Zion Lutheran Church
E. Washington at S. Fifth Ave.
10:30 A.M.: Worship Service. Sermon by the
Rev. E. C. Stellhorn.
Trinity Lutheran Church
E. William at S. Fifth Ave.
10:30 A.M.: Worship Service. Sermon by the
Rev. Henry O. Yoder
Lutheran Student Association
Zion Parish Hall, 309 E. Washington
5:30 P.M.: Fellowship hour.
6:00 P.M.: Supper and program following.
Miss Bonnie Jellema will speak on "An Inter-
pretation of Church Symbols and Colors."

306 North Division St.
The Rev. Henry Lewis, D.D., Rector
The Rev. Robert M. Muir, Jr., Student
Maxine J. Westphal, Counsellor for
Women Students
Philip Malpas, Organist and Choirmaster
8:00 A.M. Holy Communion.
11:00 A.M. Morning Prayer and Sermon by Dr.
11:00 A.M. Junior Church.
2:00 P.M. Hi-Square Bike-Hike.
6:00 -p.m. Canterbury Club( for students and
servicemen). Picnic supper followed b'y guest
speaker, Mr. Hugh White, who will speak on
"My Experiences Overseas in the American
Field Service." Mr. White has just returned
from overseas.


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fF C pN H 'M

Study class in theosophy. Topic to be dis-
cussed, "Is Theosophy Practical?" conducted
by Dr. B. Jimenez. Sunday, May 21st, 8 p.m.
Michigan League. Public cordially invited.
State and Williams Streets
Minister: Rev. Leonard A. Parr, D.D.
Director of Student Guild: Rev. H. L. Pickerill
Church School-Junior and Intermediate Depts.,
9:25 A.M.
Primary and Kindergarten, 10:45 A.M.
Public worship at 10:45 A.M. Cermon by Dr,
Parr on "For Such a Time as This:"
The Student Guild will have outdoor meeting
at Riverside Park, from 4 to 7 P.M. Games,
picnic supper, Vesper service.
120 South State Street
Ministers: Charles W. Brashares
and Ralph G. Dunlop
Music: Hardin Van Deursen, director
Mary McCall Stubbins, organist
9:30 A.M.: Class for University students. Wes-
leyan Foundation Lounge, Prof. Kenneth G.
Hance, leader.
10:40 A.M.: Church School for nursery begin-
ners and primary departments where young
children may be left during worship service.
10:40 A.M.: Worship Service. Dr. Brashares
preaching: "His Disciples Today."
5:00 P.M.: Wesleyan Guild meeting for Uni-
versity students and college-age young peo-
ple. Religious Music. Mrs. Martha Went-
worth, School of Music, speaker. Election of
7:00 P.M.: Young Married People's discussion
State and Huron Streets

Be social with a friend or two
in gay surroundings at ALEX-
joy our fountain specialties.
It's time to tee off again. The
greens are beckoning. Play
Enjoy Delicious Sandwiches,
Homemade Pastries at THE
This weekend, take a canter
along our cool, shaded, wooded
bridle paths. We offer you the











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