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May 16, 1944 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1944-05-16

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TUESDAY; MAY 16, 1944

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TUESDAY: MAY 10. 1944

Fifty-Fourth Year

*Th * 7/ePedulumt .

Edited and managed by students of the University
of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
regular University year, and every morning except Mon-
day and Tuesday during the summer session.
Editorial Stafff

Jane Farrant. .
claire Sherman
Stan Wallace . . .
Evelyn Phillips
Harvey Frank
Bud Low . . .
Jo Ann Peterson
:ary Anne Olson
Marjorie Hall. . .
Marjdrie Rosmarin
Elizabeth A. Carpenter

. . Managing Editor
Editorial Director
. . . . City Editor
. . . Associate Editor
. . . . Sports Editor
S. ,Associate Sports Editor
. . Associate Sports Editor
. . . Women's Editor
* Associate Women's Editor
. Associate Women's Editor
iness Staff
. . . Business Manager

GOVERNOR Tom Dewey is reported by Wash-
ington correspondents to believe that an ec-
onomic depression must come in this country
soon after World War II. One fairly certain
way of assuring the accuracy of this prediction
is to make Governor Tom Dewey president.
Sensible people even suspect Dewey's pro-
testations of love for, internationalism. They
remember how evangelical Warren G. Ilard-
ing, as presidential aspirant, could wax about
the League of Nations till, once in office, he
presided over our recession into that shell
called insularity by its friends and isolation-
ism by its foes.
Some people may choose to have faith in the
reformation of Tom Dewey. Perhaps since last
year, with the aid of Lippman's "American For-
eign Policy," he has seen the light and can now
bring himself to mention Russia as that "dear
and powerful" country General De Gaulle called
it last week, though in 1940 he smote the admin-
istration hip and thigh for ever having recog-
nized the Soviet Union.
Foolish consistency may be the hobgoblin of
little minds. But we do not object to a little
vision on the part of men who hold our destinies
in their hands. Recognition of Russia was one
of the first and wisest diplomatic moves made
by the New Deal. Again, as early as 1936, Presi-
dent Roosevelt called for "a quarantine of ag-
gressor nations." The press snorted, the oppo-
sition hooted and the nation slept. Our Presi-
dent was on the alert in both these cases. A
chief executive must not only follow the will of
the people, as weather vane-Dewey does, but he
must also lead them to the facts which he
necessarily knows better than the electorate, as
Roosevelt tries to do.
ON THE BASIS of one speech in which Owos-
so's pride flip-flopped from one camp into
another, we have the propective GOP candidate
favoring a luke-warm internationalism. I think
Wendell Willkie will swing over to Dewey as
the campaign progresses in the role of sympa-
thetic bystander, and that America will see in
1944 a re-enactment of 1940. By October, Tom
Dewey will match FDR in plumping for interna-
tional cooperation. By so doing, the GOP will
lower itself smack into the pitfall it cannot

evade. When unanimity about principle is
achieved, then the experienced incumbent will
always be preferred over the inexperienced op-
Roosevelt is in the bag. The renomination,
which means the reelection, of Senators Hill and
Pepper signalizes the truth of this statement.
It also demolishes the Republican theory that
the Solid South has lost its solidity.
I wish to go out on the limb and suggest
realization of this as the real reason for Will-
kie's withdrawal. He is looked upon now as
a martyr who put the fate of his country above
personal political ambition. Could he have his
eye on 1948? If Dewey leads the ticket and
loses in November there is every chance that
his stock will hit rock bottom. The position of
any defeated presidential candidate is an un-
enviable one, as Wendell Willkie well knows.
So, since the scales are heavily weighted on
Roosevelt's side-why not let Dewey lose, and
stride forth as Republican knight-errant in the
next election? By then the war is certain to be
over. The Democratic party will lose its one
sure-fire standard-bearer and that Republican
trend we have heard so much about ever since
the Democrats have ruled will culminate in elec-
tion of fearless Wendell Willkie.
I-shudder for 1948 because, as I started to say
in this column, the important discrepancy be,
tween the liberals and the conservatives is in
the domestic field. The combination of inter-
national liberalism, and domestic reaction is
what we most feared in Willkie. That way paves
an open path for cartelization of the world, and
no greater menace exists to the birth of a fuller-
blown democracy here. This coupling of tend-
encies is even more marked in the person of
Tom Dewey.
Liberals are holding their breath till Henry
Wallace makes his tour of the Orient. If it
is impressive, then the Vice-President will be
renominated and in all likelihood groomed for
the Presidency after his boss retires. One
does not exaggerate in saying that hope for a
people's champion occupying the White House
when the post-war crisis hits us lies in the
success of Mr. Wallace's trans-oceanic trip.
Bon voyage, Mr. Wallace.
-Bernard Rosenberg

WASHINGTON, May 15.- There
has been a lot of discussion inside
Republican ranks about the closeness
of Herbert Hoover to Tom Dewey.
Some are dead against the Hoover
influence, claim that the hand of
Hooverism will blight both Dewey
and GOP chances this year. Others
are equally strong for Hoover.
But whether for or against Hoover,
there is no real argument, among
those who have watched the wheels
go round, about the fact that Hoover
has been the mainspring of the
Dewey campaign.
Representative Clare Luce of Con-
necticut got a sample of this just
before GOP leaders met recently in
Chicago to organize for the Republi-
can convention.
On the day before the organization
meeting Mrs. Luce called Hoover on
the phone. She told him that several
people had suggested that she might
be the keynote speaker, and she asked
Hoover's advice as to whether she
had a chance and what should she
do about it.
"No use even bothering about
it," Hoover replied. "Warren will
be selected tomorrow." He was.
Paratroopers' Protection
Thanks largely to hard-hitting
Senator Kilgore of West Virginia, the
War Department is now doing its
best to put self-sealing gasoline tanks
in paratroop - carrying transport
planes, and also will supply the
planes with a certain amount of
armor to protect pilots.
After this column revealed that
not one, but two groups of U.S.
paratroopers over Sicily had been
shot down by Allied gunners last
July, Senator Kilgore wrote a letter
to Secretary of War Stimson,
pointing out that many of the
paratroopers in the planes never
had a chance to bail out, for some

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Margery Batt . . . Associate Business Manager
Telephone 23-24-1 '
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of re-
publication of all other matters herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second-class mail matter.
Subscriptions during the regular school year by car-
rier, $4.25, by mail, $5.25.
National AdVertising Service, Inc.
College Pblishers Representative
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1943-44
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily.
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.
Poll TaxFraud
HE SENATE'S rejection of the debate-limit-
ing cloture petition yesterday to stop the
filibuster against, the Anti-Poll Tax Bill is an-
other black mark on its record.
More than a year ago the House passed
the Anti-Poll Tax Bill by a 2-1 majority.
Since that time Senate supporters of the bill
have fought to bring the measure before the
Senate for.a vote. T'he first time the vote was
killed by filbuster. Yesterday the, bill was
killed by Senators who refused to limit debate
and stop the second filibuster.
It has been known that a majority of the
Senators (as well as a majority of the people)
have been in favor of the bill. Nevertheless some
of these men were unwilling to vote for the very
rule which would insure the passage of the bill.
They wanted to see it passed, but they wouldn't
call the question.
In spite of yesterday's actions there is still
a chance for the Anti-Poll Tax Bill to return
to the Senate floor. Powerful democratic forces
are working towards this end-namely the CIO,
National Committee to Abolish the Poll Tax,
and such Senators as Mead, McCarran and Mc-
Farlane. These forces are working to see that
the 10,000,000 Americans, who have so far been
deprived of their Constitutional right to the vote,
no longer find a "check register" ballot box.
But they are opposed by reactionary forces,
primarily composed of Southern poll-Tax Sen-
ators and those Northern Republicans who are
jealously guarding "state's rights." The Man,
Senator Bilbo of Mississippi, for example, has
threatened to filibuster for 18 months, if need
be, to kill the bill. This he promises to do
even in time of war. Of course such a fili-
buster could never be permitted, and thus by
threat Bilbo and other Southern reactionaries
are preventing the processes of democracy.
Champions of the bill have not yet admitted
defeat. They are now deciding whether to
abandon their present efforts until a more suit-
able time.
Can we, as citizens of a democracy, permit a
few Southern Senators to intimidate and halt
our representative government?
-Aggie Miller
Kathie Sharfman
Exit Martin Dies
ONE OF THE star performers of the nation's
political four-ring circus, Rep, Martin Dies,
has announced that after 14 years in Washing-
ton he will quit politics at the expiration of
his present term.
Dies, Texas' contribution to the House of Rep-
resentatives, magnanimously granted in his
statement of resignation last week that no man
was indispensible to government.
Whether the American people will be spared
more installments of the "Hairbreath Harry"
adventures of the Dies Committee on Un-
American Activities is another story. In six
years of its existence, the committee, headed
byethe Texas sleuth, served only to harass
citizens whose political opinions differed with
Dies' beliefs. But there are indications that

the stirring adventures of the gallant group
may go on.

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of the planes burst into flames
while still in mid-air, due to the
fact that the gasoline tanks ignited
from anti-aircraft fire.
Kilgore has now received assur-
ances that self-sealing tanks will be
rushed into use on as many transport
planes as possible.
There had been a dispute among
air officers regarding the use of self-
sealing tanks, some of the Brass Hats
claiming that they could not be in-

stalled in time and that nothing must
hold up the invasion. Other air offi-
cers argued, however, that U.S. air-
men in England had been able to
install self-sealing tanks in planes in
English garages or any place else,
that it was a simple matter and that
the job at least should be started.
This latter group, according to
assurances given to the West Vir-
ginia Senator, has now won out.
(Copyright, 1944, United Features Synd..)

I'd Rather Be Right

i i

NEW YORK, May 15.-Maybe I ought to spot
a trend or two for you today, because here it is
getting on toward summer, and while I have
attended to my winter trend-spotting fairly well,
I have kind of neglected the spring trends, and
these have been pretty good.
A funny thing has been happening in this
country. It looks like we are heading into a
stage where a character with a low hair-line and
14-cent socks needs only to mount a soap-box,
denounce the Jews or Negroes, and, first thing
you know, he loses an election.
This has been happening Allover the place,
especially way down South. The spring pri-
maries have punctured what might be called
the nasty man's legend of invincibility. So
many of us had been convinced that a candi-
date needed only to be a real stinker to sweep
Good Neighbors?
THE GOOD Neighbor Policy has become a slo-
gan familiar to all Americans, but typical of
so many widely-publicized policies, beliefs and
institutions, it means little more than a slogan
to many and once labeled has been forgotten.
Most of the foremost Latin American .news-
papers reflected anti-U.S. sentiment this week
in articles concerning proposals which have been
made in Washington to the effect that United
States military bases in Brazil should continue
in the possession of the United States after
peace is won.
Whether this would be a wise practice is
irrelevant. At a time when sinister Nazi pro-
paganda is active throughout South America
to create bitter feeling toward the United
States, action of this nature plays right into
the hands of the very forces we are fighting
Many of the economic, cultural and political
aspects of the Good Neighbor Policy have suc-
ceeded to some extent in burying anti-U.S. feel-
ing in Latin America. Proposals such as this
one, however, kindle the latent fear of Latin
Americans toward the United States which the
Good Neighbor Policy'is trying to overcome. It
might be well for many who are formulating
post-war plans for Latin American countries to
realize that the Good Neighbor Policy has not
yet accomplished complete Pan-American soli-
darity, and that there is still uneasiness in
the minds of Latin Americans toward an im-
perialistic United States.
-Marietta Cameron

everything before him, that we are almost
stunned by this triumph of reason.
The voters of the Southland, especially, de-
serve the thanks of the country, because what
they have done in primary after primary is
akin to what the Russians did at Stalingrad.
There the Russians, proved that the fascists
needed only to devote themselves to careful staff
work, superb preparation, brilliant tactics, and,
immediately after that, they would be dead.
That was the end of one legend of invincibil-
ity, and now we are seeing the end of another.
We have been told, for example, that we only
have to wait until our soldiers come back home,
and that then'some candidate with a one-finger
forehead will confide to them that the Jews,
or the Mexicans, or somebody, are to blame for
everything, whereupon our soldiery will say,
"Well, whaddya know!" and vote for him as one
man, drooling the while.
THIS THEORY that the armed forces of dem-
ocracy consist of 12,000,000 idiots of the pur-
est ray serene was severely damaged in Alabama
this trip, where of about 1,100 absentee soldier
ballots cast in one district, more than 1,000 were
turned in against the candidate who was-making
an issue of race. And those, dearie, were real
fighting men, who held the line for us on two
This does not mean that we can afford to stop
fighting race haters, especially the Northeastern
variety, which is even worse than the Southern.
But we can begin to classify them a little better,
to cut them down to size, and to realize that it
ain't necessarily so that they must triumph. We
can fight them for what they are, not for what
they are not. Maybe they sometimes look to be
six feet six, but if you take off the false heels,
they turn out to be five feet nine and in need of
a bath..
Yes, this has been a spring of choice, or even
prime, trends. Part of the picture was the
way in which the raising of the race issue at
that sedition trial has left the court and the
country completely unimpressed. The word
"Jew" was spoken, and that is supposed to be
the clincher, yet for some reason the defend-
ants were not immediately given bouquets all
around and sent home. The trial goes on,
which is the way it can always be if the people
in charge of things around here keep a grip
on themselves.
.Fight them, and fear them, and don't under-
estimate them, but don't overestimate them
either. It turns out that a poke in the eye has
the same effect on a race hater as on anybody
else, which is the greatest scientific discovery
since penicillin.
(Copyright, 1944, New York Post Syndicate)

TUESDAY, MAY 16, 1944
VOL. LIV No. 136
All notices for The Daily Official Bul-
letin are to be sent to the Office of the
President in typewritten form by 3:30
p.m. of the day preceding its publica-
tion, except on Saturday when the no-
tices should be submitted by 11:30 a.m.
Choral Union Concerts: The Uni-
versity Musical Society announces
the Sixty-sixth Annual Choral Union
Concert Series as follows :
Helen Traubel, Soprano, Noy. 4;
Cleveland Orchestra, George Szell,
Guest Conductor, Nov. 12; Fritz
Kreisler, Violinist, Nov. 17; Josef
Lhevinne, Pianist, Nov. 27; Carroll
Glenn, Violinist, Dec. 5; Boston Sym-
phony Orchestra, Serge Koussevitzky,
Conductor, Dec. 11; Vladimir Horo-
witz, Pianist, Jan. 15; Dorothy May-
nor, Violinist, Feb. 3; Westminster
Choir, John Finley Williamson, Con-
ductor, Feb. 11; Chicago Symphony
Orchestra, Desire Defauw, Conductor,
Orders for season tickets with re-
mittance to cover will be accepted by,
mail, or may be left in person at the
offices of the University Musical So-
ciety in Burton Memorial Tower.
Prices, including tax (and a special
May Festival coupon in the value of
$3.60 when applied toward payment
of May Festival series ticket): $14.40,
$12.00, $9.60 and $7.20. Orders will
be filed, and will be filled in sequence.
Tickets will be mailed out about
Oct. 1 by ordinary mail, unless 20
cents additional is included for regis-
Deadline for Co-Operative applica-
tions: Wednesday, May 17. Final
personnel interviews will be held at
the Union, Rm. 306, Wednesday, from
five to six. Applications must be in,
at that time, since room reservations
are being made now.
A new president of the Interfra-
ternity Council must be elected. Men
wishing to be considered for this posi-
tion must bring their petitions to the
I.F.C. office before Friday, May 26.
Interviewing for positions on the
central committee of Child Careswill
be in the undergraduate offices of
the League at the following times:
Tuesday, May 16, from 5 to 6; Wed-
nesday, May 17, from 2:30 to 6;
Thursday from 5 to 6. Positions open
are, Girl Reserve Chairmen, Girl
Scout Chairmen, Proxy Parent Chair-
men, Personnel Chairmen, Publicity
Chairmen. If anyone has any ques-
tions please call Naomi Miller at

Dr. Gabriel Atristain will give the
last lecture of the Sociedad Hispanica
series this evening, May 16, at 8 p.m.
in the small Rackham Amphitheatre.
Dr. Atristain will lecture on "The
Evolution of Mexican Literature."
Mr. George T. Whelden, Interna-
tional President of the Society of
Residential Appraisers, will speak on
"Trends in Housing-Both Public and
Private," Wednesday evening at 8
o'clock in the Rackham Amphithea-
tre, under the auspices of the Uni-
versity Extension Service. A question
and answer period will* follow the
talk. The public is cordially invited.
Dr. Haven Emerson, Nonresident
Lecturer in -Public Health Adminis-
tration and Professor Emeritus of
Public Health at Columbia Univer-
sity, will speak to public health stu-
dents and other interested individu-
als on Wednesday morning, May 17,
at 11:00 o'clock, in the School of
Public Health Auditorium. The ti-
tle of Doctor Emerson's address will
be "The Administration of Health
Services at the Four Levels of Gov-
Woodwind Recital: Compositions
by Bach, Mozart, Dallier, Widor,
Haydn, and Sobeck will be heard in
a recital at 8:30 p. m., Thursday,
May 18 ,in Lydia Mendelssohn
Theatre, when soloists and ensemble
groups will play. The program is
under the direction of Professor Wil-
liam D. Revelli and will be open to
the general public.
College of Architecture and De-
sign: The exhibition of sketches and
water color paintings made in Eng-
land by Sgt. Grover D. Cole, instruc-
tor on leave in the College of Archi-
tecture and Design, will be continued
until June 1. Ground floor cases,
Architecture Building. Open daily
except Sunday 9 to 5. The public is
cordially invited.
Events Today
Bacteriology Seminar will meet at
4:30 p.m. in Rm. 1564 East Medical
Building. Subject: A review of tech-
niques for antigen and antibody as-
say. All interested are invited.
A.S.M.E and A.I.Ch.E. There will
be a joint meeting of the Student
branches at 7:30 p.m. in Rm. 316 of
the Union.
Mr. Walls, Manager of Research
and Development Department of the
International Nickel Co., will speak
on "Castings in Industry".

Coming Events
Inter-Guild will have its weekly
luncheon Wednesday noon at Lane
Hall. Anyone interested is invited to
attend. Reservations are made at
Lane Hall (University Exchange)
Rev. H. L. Pickerill will be the
Research Club: The May meeting
of the Research Club will be held on
Wednesday evening, May 17, 1944, at
eight o'clock in the Amphitheatre of
the Rackham Building. Professor
John B. Waite will read a paper on
"The Education of a Lawyer" and
Professor I. D. Scott a paper on "The
Dunes of the Lake Michigan Basin."
Zoology Club Meeting: There will
be a meeting of the Zoology Club on
Thursday, May 18 at 7:30 p.m. in the
Rackham Amphitheatre. Miss Grace
Orton will speak on "Systematic and
phylogenetic significance of certain
larval characters in the Amphibia
The Cercle Francais will meet in
Rm. 302 of the Union at eight o'clock,
Thursday, May 18. Foreign students
are especially invited' to attend.
Taffy Pull: Come to the USO Club
Wednesday Night for a Taffy Pull
and Informal Dancing in the Tavern
Room. Come and enjoy a Taffy Pull
and Dancing with the USO Junior
hostesses-7:30 to 11 p.m.
Crayo nkDrawings: Do you want
your Sketch Drawn? Come to the
USO Friday Afternoon between 1 and
5 p.m. Colored Crayon Drawings done
by Mrs. John Bradfield. Please make
an appointment in advance.
Dancing Lessons: The USO Dan-
cing Class will be held this Friday
evening from 7 to 8 p.m. under the
direction of Lt. Flegal.
Friday Night Dance: The USO Fri-
day Night Dance will be held as usual
Friday night from 8 to Midnight.
Come and enjoy a dance with the
USO Junior Hostesses.
Saturday Night Dance: Saturday
Night Dance at the USO Club from
8 'to Midnight. USO Junior Hostess
Company X and Y in charge. Dance
with the Junior Hostesses- Men
wishing to bring a date please obtain
a guest card from the USO Office
two hours before the Dance-Ser-
vicemen and wives always welcome.
Refreshments will be served.
Sunday Morning Breakfast: Pan-
cakes at the USO Club Sunday Morn-
ing!! All servicemen are cordially
invited to come to the USO Club
Sunday Morning and enjoy a Pan-
cake breakfast. Don't miss this!
Breakfast will be served starting at
10:30 a~m.
Sunday Afternoon Open H ouse:
Onon T-Tun ,inrl A u A ftvnonn dn

But Mom said nobody
can goin Pop's room,
Mr. O'Mallev.while



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-1 --. ---

I'm not allowed? Me? Your Good1
Fairy Godfather? Not permitted
to perform an errand of mercy?

How patiently I've waited for
calamity to strike this home.. .
NOW, when I'm ndadMA OT-


l 1

By Crockett Johnson
I'll go along with you. I'm
net wn.f4hp... S rr~




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