_.: _____________________THE MICHIGANDAILY PAG
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Bomber Fund
Drive Reaches
Quarter Mark
Bonds Bought by Committee
Provide Funds for Bomber
Scholarships for Servicemen
On the eve of its reorganization
as a combined Union-League project,
the Bomber Scholarship Fund Com-'
mittee can look back to a successful
year during which the group has at-
tained practically one-fourth of its
permanent goal, according to Jean
Bisdee, '44, retiring chairman . of
Bomber Scholarship.
The Bomber Scholarship Fund is a
$100,000 project which will buy a
bomber now through war bonds and
subsequently will provide scholar-
ships for returning servicemen. A
member of the League and of the
Union will act as chairmen next year
and will be announced shortly. The
rest of the committee, to be the cen-
tral Bomber Scholarship group, will
be named by the new heads.
The new, integrated committee re-
places the dual organization under
which Bomber Scholarship has func-
tioned this year. Formerly the Fund
was headed, theoretically, by a group
of campus activities chairmen.
including the heads of the Union,
League, Inter-Fraternity and Pan-
hellenic Councils, Assembly, The
Daily and others . . . and the chair-
manship of the organization was last
spring transferred from the Union to
the treasurer of the Women's War
Council, Miss Bisdee.
In addition to the constitutional
Bomber Scholarship Committee, Miss
Bisdee formed a functional group of
20-some coed and men students who
sponsored the Fall Prom, the New
Year's Eve dance, an acquaintance
bureau, this summer's Victory Vani-
ties, the Michibomber Carnival, the
"Symphony and Swing" program.
Those who have worked-on Bomb-
er Scholarship's projects are Anne
Adams, '44; Roy Boucher, '45; Phyl-
lis Buck, '44A; John Clippert, '44E;
Dorothy Darnall, '44; Barbara Fitch,
'45; Lois Fromm, 44; Marion Hrebek,
'44; Don Larson, USNR; Mary Lee
Mason, '45; and Carol Miller, '45.
Carol Ann Misner, '44; Frances Ru-
benstein, '44;. Dorothy Servis, '45;
Joy Sibley, 44; Mahala Smith, '44;
Rupert Straub, '44E, Peg Weiss, '44;
Florene Wilkins, '45; and Bill Wood,
USNR, also worked on the committee.
WAVE recruiters will be station-
ed at the League from 10 a.m. to
6 p.m. tomorrow, Thursday and
Friday to interview University wo-
men interested in enlisting in the
Women's Reserve of the United
States Naval Reserve.
Proxy Parents
Calls on Coeds
To Volnteer
Proxy Parents, with an ever-grow-
ing need for coeds to tend children,
has sent out a call for volunteers to
pinch-hit for wartime busy parents.
With the purpose of relieving the
pressure on war-workers, service-
wives and parents whose duties de-
inand that they spend much time'
away from their home, Proxy Par-
ents was formed within the Child
Care Project.
The title, Proxy Parents, according
to the volunteers, is misleading. As
one put it, "We have all the joys and
none of the sorrows of parents. More
often than not, the parents provide
all the comforts of home-freedom
of the refrigerator, freedom of the
library, (one of the best ways I know-
to keep up-to-date on the best sell-
ers), and one afternoon I was intro-
duced to a record collection that
included the current course in Music
41 in its entirety, to say nothing of
an accumulation of obscure but won-
derful blues records."
With the added incentive of 30
cents an hour, parents by proxy find
their duties a thoroughly productive
service, chairman Jo Ann Peterson
reports. Volunteers' enthusiasm is
enhanced by the accolades of grateful
Interested women may registertat
the Undergraduate Office of the
Stanford .Bans
All Sororities
At a mass meeting of all Stanford
coeds Donald B. Tresidder, president
of the university, announced recently
that all sororities would be abolished
in the interest's of campus unity.
Student organizations and authori-
ties have agreed that the sorority
system was undemocratic and that
the rushing parties which were held
during examination week interfered
with the coeds' ability to concentrate
on their studies.
Stanford is the first major Western
university to drop the social organi-
zations. All the sorority houses will
be converted immediately into resi-
dence halls. Stanford has 1,200 wo-
men students and only 270 can be
accommodated in the sorority houses.
Those sororities which had chap-
ters at Stanford were Kappa Alpha
Theta, Kappa Kappa Gamma, Pi
Beta Phi, Delta Gammft, Alpha Phi,
Gamma Phi Beta, Delta Delta Delta,
Alpha Omicron Pi and Chi Omega.
'Brazilian, American Women
Much Alke, Says Bidu Sayao
SPAR Meaning
Is Explained
Tales of Valor, Bravery Form
Women's Coast Guard Ideal
"Semper Paratus" and its transla-
tion "Always Ready" spells SPAR
the shorty, salty nickname of the
Wcien's Reserve of the United
States Coast Guard Reserve.
In war and peace the Coast Guard
does more than guard our coast. It
is the nation's marine police force
with varied and often hazardous du-
ties. Many of the men working in
seagoing jeeps are former surfmen
trained at Coast Guard Lifesaving
Stations where the tradition is
"You've got to go out but you don't
have to come back."
With such terse words as these
forming their background, women in
the SPARS feel a responsibility for
continuing the- stern tradition in
their shore stations. They receive the
same pay and ratings as coastguards-
men, and are only limited in their
service by the decision of Congress
that they may not serve afloat out-
side the continental limits of the
United States.
More and more duty stations ashore
are being taken over by the SPARS.
They wear the Navy's dark blue that
can be readily distinguished by the
Coast Guard shield which appears on
the right lower sleeve of enlisted per-
sonnel and on both lower sleeves ofI
commissioned personnel.
No service affords its woman offi-
cer candidates a brinier indoctrina-
tion than does the Coast Guard.
SPARS live in a wing of a hall at the
Coast Guard Academy, New London,
Conn., which overlooks the River
Thames where Coast Guard vessels
are anchored. Sometimes there are
many ships on the river, sometimes
few, and sometimes most of them
disappear overnight, a reminder that
grim tasks lie outside the peaceful
inner harbor.
Enlisted women may become offi-
cers by working up through the ranks
even though they do not have the
college training requisite for civilian
applicants for commissions.
'M' Dames To Meet
Election of officers for the coming
year will highlight the general meet-
ing of the Michigan Dames, which
will take place at 8:15 p.m. today in
the Russian tea room of the Michigan
League, according to Mrs. Lynn Brun-
son, publicity chairmana.
, _
Brazilian women and American wo-
men are so very much alike, com-
mented Bidu Sayao, the Metropoli-
tan Opera Association's colorful Latin
American soprano who sang Satur-
day at the fourth concert of the May
Festival series.
Miss Sayao, who is petite, slim and
attractive, is one of Brazil's most ef-
fective Good Will agents. President
Vargas of that country has conferred
apon her the title of "Brazil's Singing
"I came to the United States eight
years ago on just a pleasure trip and
liked it so well that I've stayed ever
since. My first performance was with
Arturo Toscanini and the New York
Philharmonic; after this performance
I received my contract -with the
'Met'," she explained pleasantly.
Finds U.S. Friendly
"Until 1940 I just stayed in this
country for the opera season; but
now I am here winter and summer be-
cause the war has made traveling
impossible. People here are so friend-
ly and I am always busy so that I
don't have time to miss my home
country," Miss Sayao said in "Ameri-
can" which is rapidly improving.
"Besides our people are very sim-
ilar. Women in Rio de Janerio have
the same feelings and the same tastes
that American women have. We all
like sports and love to go to Rio's
marvelous beaches dressed in slacks
or something less. We use the same
perfumes and wear the same clothes;.
a woman is a woman in any country,"
commented the vivacious little star.
Brazlians Are Brunette
"Of course, Brazilian women are
very dark; they are, usually brun-
ettes and not blondes as most of you
are. However," and she winked mis-
chieviously, "hair colors can easily
be changed."
"The only real difference between
our two countries is the weather,"
she continued. "In Brazil we only
have. two seasons, spring and sum-
mer. We never have to wear winter
coats or furs."
This is the first. visit that Miss
Sayao has made to Ann Arbor, al-
though she has been in Detroit many
times to, sing on the Ford Sunday
Evening Hour.
Maybe you've
forgotten .
But here's a little bird to warn
you that Sunday, May 14, is
Mother's Day. Don't forget the
corsage that shows her you're
thinking of her. Or perhaps
she'd prefer a plant. From the
University Flower Shop. Two
stores : 523 and 213 East Lib-
FroRR the
TouVr'alent of Roses
The Quarry suggests a Revlon
set for Mother's Day. Powder,
lipstick, nail polish and base
coat ... in the new rose tones.
f .
The Gift thai's
always right . .
Hose . . . in new rayons which
make you forget there's a war.
Bareleg styles without seams.
Sheer, full-fashioned, in flat-
tering shades . . . at the Cam-
pus Shop.
The nam se i Lanz...
So you know the clothes are
distinctive. This year's collec-
tion of Lanz Originals includes
pinafores and blouses, dresses
and play clothes . . . at June
e '
1, ,i#
d '
: ?
r lT t^r
Slacks for Summer . .
You're planning a summer
that's fun-full and you don't
intend to play the demure type.
For sports later and lounging
now, choose slacks, shorts, or
blue jeans from the Elizabeth
Dillon Shop.
11, poll" 1,11, 11,111
(: ow test/ The ' Nc:,tYorkco
"Go ahead and tell me
what she said. I can keep a secret now."
and why not? .. . she's a SPAII
What's more, that's not the
half of it.. . Many SPARS these days are keep-,
ing military secrets, for the SPARS are doing
.-. Coast Guardsmen's jobs-and doing them well.
Pretty as a posy . ..
Artificial flowers are here to
stay! In your hair, on your
gown or the hem of your fav-
orite formal . . . bright bunches
for. every occasion. At the
Hat Box.
, :
' ,
. ;
You, too, can be a SPAR.
First you must have
,. a°
ambition enough to do something at once.
Tlen, if you have two years of high school, or
the business equivalent, are an American citi-
zen, physically fit, between the ages of 20 and
36, you can enlist today . . . you can make a
substantial contribution to the war effort by
being a SPA Ring partner with Coast Guards-
You wish you could .,.
Give her a whole carload of
presents.. . but on your allow-
ance it's an impossibility. For
the one perfect gift choose a
scented lingerie bag in satin
brocade, or a taffeta one filled
with air mail-thin stationery.
At Calkins-Fletcher's.
Lily loveliness.
You'll catch his eye .
When you match your new
Spring outfit with cosmetics
from the Mademoiselle Shop.
Select creams, lipstick, eyebrow
pencil, powder and rouge from
the complete line by DuBarry.
men against the axis . . . Think it over seriously.
i i
11 1