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May 05, 1944 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1944-05-05

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FBI Arrests Ward Officjal for Removing overumer

it Sign


State Group To
Begin Attack
On Delinquency
Local Youth Guidance
To Be Helped by Four
Major Committees
LANSING, May 4.-(A3)-The State
Youth Guidance Committee moved
today to stimulate attacks on juve-
nile delinquency among the cities
and rural areas of Michigan.
Hearing from Governor Kelly the
Statement, "Now we are ready to
move on to the most important part
of the program- instrumentalities
for taking the program into local
compmunities," the Committee en-
dorsed the creation of four major
committees to help local Youth Guid-
ance Committees press the campaign
harder at the grass roots.
Recommendations Made
Among the recommendations made
by the Committees were:
Increased facilities for training and
treating handicapped children, espe-
cially special community recreational
programs for those physically unable
to participate in normal programs.
* Greater emphasis by state law
enforcement agencies on intelligent
enforcement of juvenile laws, includ-
ing the distribution of guide manuals
for local police and sheriffs, juvenile
court workers and visiting teachers,
including in-service training insti-
tutes for local police conducted by
county prosecutors.
ControlpofsTourist Camps
Stricter control of tourist camps
and a requirement for the registra-
tion of occupants.
Greater public willingness to report
and demand action against condi-
tions contributing to delinquency.
Stronger penal laws for adults re-
sponsible for delinquency.
More frequent and strict inspection
of- dance halls, beer gardens, pool
rooms and similar public recreational
places, and more restrictive licensing
of those places.
Eddeation Programs Asked
Kelly urged the Committees to
undertake educational programs by
radio, through the parent-teacher
organizations and by short movies to
improve parental controls and family
The governor declared adequate
and sufficient school buildings and
sufficient competent teachers were
necessary to improve the lot of young
people, and urged tha.t full use be
made of school buildings after school
hours and in vacation periods.
He suggested that local laws which
might affect the welfare of children,
including control of public entertain-
ment, might be strengthened as the
legislature recently did with state
child laws.

HIGH WATER-Two jeeps crawl over a temporary bridge constructed
over a low spot on Guadalcanal to keep U.S. military traffic moving.
Swirling waters of the rainy season underminded this bridge before it
was finished.
Task of Keeping Soldiers from
Getting Hardened Is Dif ficult

Day or Night
Continuous from 1 P.M.
Weekdays 30c to 5 P.M.
Today and Saturday

Associated Press Correspondent
27 (delayed).--"We try to keep the
boys from getting hardened," the
lieutenant said, "but it isn't easy. You
can see that."
A weapons carrier had just brought
a new load of dead soldiers up to the
little shack which serves as graves
registration headquarters for the
Wooden-faced, the sergeant and
his three helpers unloaded the re-
mains of six men. Occasionally they
looked up without interest. Their
faces were as blank and expression-
less as night shift workers homeward
bound on a dawn streetcar.
They laid the bodies and pieces
of bodies in a row on the grass in
front of the shack. Each was ac-
companied by a triangular wooden
stick with the man's identity writ-
ten on it, his temporary marker
until the white cross is prepared.
The Italian grave diggers who had
stopped to watch resumed their dig-
ding. The four men returiled for the
last"body. They all had been badly
mangled, but this was the worst. It
was only half a body, the upper half.
One of the privates started to reach
for it, stiffened and turned away.
The sergeant and one of the others
stepped up, brushed by him. The
sergeant. picked ip the head and
shoulders, the other private the torn
torso. They all wore gloves. They
laid the half a body carefully beside
the others, their movements mechan-
ical but not ungentle.
"We watch to see that nobody
ever starts tossing the bodies
around," the lieutenant said.
"There isn't much need to, but once
in a while you get a boy who has
to do something rough to keep
from going nuts. But otherwise
they're always careful."
The private who had turned away
from the last body was bringing out
the mattress covers or bed sacks in
which soldiers are buried. The oth-
ers were down on their knees, me-
thodically making the last of several
searches of the bodies. They found
a few papers, a few personal items.
"Those things that don't have blood
on them or aren't torn up will be
sent to the families with the other
personal* belongings," the lieutenant
said, "but some of the other men will
handle them. When you're doing the
work these boys do, you have to think
of bodies just as bodies, and you can't
do that when you start checking over
letters and snapshots and rings and
draft cards and drivers licenses."
One by one the men drew the sack-
ing up over the bodies. The faces
were the last to be covered.
Part of one head had been shot
away, but the others were whole.

Some of their features were com-
posed, some distorted in wild grim-
aces. All were jelled in the pallid,
spongy immotility of death.
The sacks were tied, laid side by
side, their identification stakes on
top. The sack containing the half
body had been doubled up and folded
underneath. It looked -grotesquely
unfilled, as though death had been
given half measure.
"The chaplain will be out later
and there will be individual services
at each grave," said the lieutenant.
"I hope the sun keeps shining."
Power Plant
For Soo Asked
WASHINGTON, May 4.-(iP)-Sen-
ator Vandenberg and Rep. Bradley,
Michigan Republicans, requested a
Senate commerce subcommittee today
to approve authorization of a new
$3,500,000 hydroelectric power plant
at Sault Ste. Marie, Mich.
Vandenberg told the subcommittee
the plant would assure power neces-
sary for operation of Government
locks and dams and for sale to the
public through the distribution sys-
tems of the Edison Sault Electric
The Senator and Bradley ex-
plained that the measure met the
approval of local interests as a sub-
stitute for an earlier proposal to in-
stall a large plant which would have
forced abandonment of one owned
and operated by Michigan Northern
Power Company.
Two NR OTC Officers
Promoted to Lt.-Comm.
The NROTC unit of the University
has received notification from the
Navy Department of the recent pro-
motions of two officers. The men,
promoted from the rank of lieutenant
to lieutenant-commander, are Lt.-
Comm. Earl J. Ayelstock, USNR with
the Navy V-12 Unit, and Lt.-Comm.
Charles J. Hoyt, Jr., USNR with the
Reserve Officers Naval Architecture

Sowell Ciaims
His Intention
Is Disregarded
Notice Covers .Employe-
Management Relations
CHICAGO, May 4. - (') - FBI
agents arrested an official of Mont-
gomery Ward and Company today as
he was removing a government post-
er in one of the firm's Chicago plants
that have been under Federal control
for eight days.
The official, Paul D. Sowell, assist-
ant mail order operating manager of
the concern, told reporters he saw
the poster-a mimeographed notice
that no workers were to be dismissed
without the approval of the Federal
operating manager-and ascertained
that it dealt with employe-manage-
ment relations. He added:
Explains Movements
"Rather than stand in the hall
reading it, I was removing the thumb
tacks in order to take the poster into
my office and read it in its entirety,
and abide by it, of course. After all,
I have quite a few employes under
my direction.
Sowell was taken into custody by
the agents, who, Richard Hosteny,
acting chief of the Federal Bureau of
Investigation here, reported, were
stationed at the Ward facilities "at
the direction of Attorney General
Francis Biddle."
Hosteny said Sowell was not hand-
cuffed when he was taken from the
building. He was brought to the U.S.
District Attorney's office, and then to
the U.S. Marshal's office. His at-
torney, James C. Leaton, said he was
fingerprinted there "before service of
any warrant."
Sowell Handcuffed
Sowell was handcuffed as he was
escorted from the Marshal's quarters
to the court of U.S. Commissioner
Edwin K. Walker in the same build-
ing. He was arrainged there on a
charge of "taking, purloining, stealing
or injuring property of the U.S. Gov-
ernment." He pleaded innocent. He
was released on a $250 bond pending
a hearing May 11.
Late in the day, Leaton issued a
statement saying Lowell's duties in-
cluded personnel matters and super-
vision of the posting of bulletins, and
that he wanted to familiarize himself
with. the goverment poster because
it pertained directly to his work. He
"Finding it to be lengthy, he care-
fully and openly took one down to
take to his office for more careful
study. In taking it down one corner
was accidentally torn. He was seized
by three government agents who had
been lurking in the hallway."
Martin To Join
"T' News Staff
Jack Martin, former Ann Arbor,
Detroit and NewYork City newsman
and magazine writer, has been ap-
pointed to the University of Michigan
News .Service as assistant to Larry
Towe, director. He fills the position
vacated by James Crowe, who left to
join the armed services.
Martin, who formerly was em-
ployed on the Ann Arbor News, the
Detroit Times andiFree Press, and
King Features Syndicate in New
York City, for the last six years has
been a staff writer for the Macfadden
magazines. Prior to Pearl Harbor he
had a roving assignment, seeking
material and writing fact magazine
articles in all the states and many of
the provinces of Canada and Mexico.
He is the author of "Border Boss,"
a biography of Capt. John R. Hughes,

famous old Texas Ranger, published
in 1942, and his second book will be
released by a New York publisher this


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cate divisions of German troops in the indicated areas of Europe,
according to military observers. Germany and her satellite nations are
estimated to have 319 divisions. Arrows indicate directions of land
offensives of Allies.
---------e- -t-- -
Grateful Sericeen Thtnk
'Aunt Ru~tI, for. Dailes-, Letters

WASHINGTON, May 4.-(- Call-
ing for a free interchange of world
news, Chairman Wheeler (Dem.,
Cnt.) named a Senate Interstate
Commerce Subcommittee of five to-
day to study international communi-
cations with the view to establishing
an American policy before the war

10s' Alt ///,

"Dear Aunt Ruth, the Dailies you
send sure make me homesick for Ann1
Arbor," Harold "Tip" Lockard, Mich-
igan alumnus now in the Air Corps,
wrote in a letter to Mrs. Ruth Bacon
Mrs. Buchanan, "Aunt Ruth" to
hundreds of servicemen, writes to
1,200 soldiers, sailors and marines,
and last year sent 2,162 rolls of Dailies
to boys in this country and overseas.
Ensign John C. Ward, USNR, said,
"You don't know the pleasure 20 of
us from 'Ye olde Mich.' get out of
reading the Da.ilies you so kindly
send us. Although they come in my
name it makes no difference to the
others, for if I'm not there, they
tear them open themselves and ac-
cept no protest on my part concern-
ing the opening of my own mail-at
least where the Dailies are concern-
"When the Dailies arrive it isn't
long before we have a regular Mich-
igan reunion around my bunk, as all
the fellows from Ann Arbor come
over to see them," wrote Daniel Saul-
son, U.S. Navy.
The Navy's George Ceithaml said,
"The Dailies arrived safely and, boy,
did I ever feel in my glory reading
s; j~

them. That's the closest I've felt to
Michigan since I left."

Ill ieliigauu

Return Engagement
.at Regular Prices

,: "
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w4y MY to THE ARA'AI

': 1
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Mats. 30c Eves. 43c
Servicemen 25c


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Courte~sy TVew '~'Y'orker'
z r~t

Co. 4 Spring
Concert Ticket
Sales To Opyen
Tickets for the annual Co. A Sol-
dier Choir Spring Concert to be held
Sunday, May 14, at Lydia Mendels-
sohn Theatre, go on sale tomorrow
morning, according to Cpl. Stanley
Amdurer, choir manager.
Local stores will carry a limited
supply of tickets. Tickets will also be
sold at the Union, League and the
Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre ticket
Dedicated to the United Nations,
the choral program will include folk
music of the Allies and choral works
of great composers. Featured soloists
on the program will be Cpl. Arthur
Flynn, popular on campus for his
outstanding performance in "Tom
Sawyer," and Cpl. Robert Miller, who
recently soloed with the Co. A Soldier
Choir when they appeared as guest
artists on a WXYZ radio show ema-
nating from Detroit.
U.S. War Policy Sought



One Night Only - Mon., May 8th
c/lessrs. 5siiertpresent
SIGMUND ROM8ERG'S mostm e/o/s

$ .40 per 15-word insertion for
one or two days. (In-
crease of, 10c for each
additional five words.)
$1.00 per 15-word insertion for
three or more days. (In-
crease of 25c for each
additional five words.)
Contract Rates on Request
BUY YOUR MEATS, groceries, frost-
ed foods and beverages at A. H.
Turners. 702 Dewey.

MIMEOGRAPHING: thesis binding,
Brumfield and Brumfield, 308 .
FOUNTAIN help wanted-Try your
skill at soda jerking. Packard
Pharmacy. Call 3709.
YOUNG MEN, full or part time, to
work in drug store. Phone 9157.
Soda Dispensers
Openings for several soda dispens-
ers. Can use full time straight day
employes, also part time help for
morning or evening work.
226 S. Main Street

"It's probably just a publibity stunt to et us tonlist."
DOil N'E ot, tise r.. he Coast Guard
wants a Date with YOU Today!
Join the SPA S and let the world see you. The world's
toughest little navy, the United States Coast Guard, has a job
for you if you are between the ages of 20 and 36, a physically
It American citizen, and have two years of high school Qr
the equivalent. Smart uniforms, comfortable quarters, good
food, and excellent pay all are part of this opportunity to do

I' Also - j



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