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Japs RepulsedinNorth Burma andI
In Holland
Allied Offensive
Goes into 20th Day
By the Associated Press
LONDON, May 4.-American Fly-
ing Fortresses delivered a sharp at-
tack on a Nazi airdrome in Holland
today, highlighting the 20th straight
day of the Allied aerial offensive-a
day in which 1,750 bombers striking
from Britain and Italy by night and
day dropped 6,000 tons of explosives
on Hitler's Europe.
American Marauders and Havoc
light bombers and RAF Mitchells
struck a wide variety of supply de-
pots and military installations in
northern France by daylight and Am-
erican Mustangs conducted an of-
fensive sweep over Brunswick, Ger-
All Planes Return Safely
All the Fortresses, about 250 in
number, returned safely, as did the
medium and light bombers. Their
fighter escort lost three planes and
downed nine Nazis, while the fighters
over Germany shot down the only
German plane sighted.
The RAF sent out a fleet of 750
heavy bombers in a series of early-
morning moonlight raids on France
and Ludwigshaven, Germany, losing
49, and the Mediterranean Air Forces
staged their first night attack on
Bucharest, Romania.
The Budapest radio went off the
air with an air raid warning late to-
night, indicating that the Allied Air
Forces based in Italy were returning
to the Balkans for the second straight
Balkans Attacked
Alarms of Allied planes also were
sounded from the Balkans northward
to the Alps and in western Germany.
After the- Budapest radio had fallen
silent, the Berlin station announced,
"Several enemy bombers are over the
Danube and.the Alps area. Nuisance
raiders are approaching western Ger-
many." Then the Frankfurt radio
likewise called out, "Enemy raiders
are approaching."
The RAF moonlight strikes were
directed at a major German military
depot at Mailly, France, an airforce
depotat Montdidier, an ammunition
dump at Chateaudun, and the chem-
ical center of Ludwigshafen,
Red Bombers
(Open Assault
On Sevastopol
LONDON, May 5, Friday-(P)-A
merciless night attack by Russian
bombers on the German-Romanian
garrison jammed into surrounded
Sevastopol was announced tonight
by a Soviet communique which said
bombing and strafing silenced many
enemy batteries, started at least ten
large fires and caused many explo-
Soviet troops have ringed about
the Crimean port for two weeks but
have held off from a frontal assault,
apparently to conserve manpower.
The blows by Soviet planes, all of
which were listed as returning to
base, might mean that the infantry
was nearly ready to plunge in for the
kill against the thousands of the
enemy garrison.
No essential changes on the long
land fronts were reported by the
communique, broadcast from Moscow
and recorded here by the Soviet Mon-,
itor. Indicating that some land fight-
ing still was in progress, however, the
communique said 47 German tanks
were destroyed or disabled yesterday.
The German communique said
there were Russian attacks on Sevas-
topol, on the lower Dniester River
and the Siret River in Romania, as-
serting all had been repulsed. The
Germans repeatedly have described
some sort of Soviet movements along
the Siret as an "offensive" but the
Russians have continued silent.
Nelson Says No Whiskey
Holiday in Near Future
WASHINGTON, May 4.- ()-
Chairman Donald M. Nelson of the
War Production Board blasted pros-
Stimson Says German
Plane Strength Whittled
By the Associated Press
WASHINGTON, May 4.-German
fighter plane strength and replace-
ment ability has been whittled down
so far, Secretary Stimson said today,
that the enemy is now relying chiefly
on anti-aircraft batteries for defense
against large formations of American
In a news conference discussion,
the War Secretary also expressed the
opinion that damage already done
to German transportation facilities is
beyond the Nazis' ability to repair.
Such communications are a vital spot
in the German defenses. The enemy
must maintain them insofar as pos-
sible for movement of armies and
supplies to combat any Allied inva-
Nazis Saving Planes
In order to conserve their remain-
ing pursuit planes, Stimson said, the
Nazis send them mainly against small
groups of bombers or crippled or
straggling planes.
As a result, he said, American
bomber formations now return from
missions in many instances with no
losses while doing greater damage
than ever.
Opposition Diminishing
"The mark of our progress is that
the opposition is less continuous and
the damage we inflict is greater," he
said, but added that the German Air
Force is still capable of putting up
bitter opposition when Allied planes
make very deep penetrations of Ger-
many to strike at vital targets.
The total of bombs dropped on
Germany and German-held targets
by the Army Air Forces in April was
a record 43,500 tons, he reported.
In a discussion of other fronts,
Stimson said all enemy air fields at
Hollandia and Aitape, in New Guinea,
can now be put to Allied use.
Duo To Sing at Concert Today;
Milanov Says Slavs Want Republic
Opera Stars To Sing
Mahler's Symphony
Gustave Mahler's song symphony
"Das Lied von der Erde" will be sung
by Metropolitan opera stars Kerstin
Thorborg and Charles Kullman in
the second concert of this year's May
Festival series at 8:30 p.m. today in
Hill Auditorium.
The song symphony, which trans-
lated means "Song of the Earth,"
consists of five songs based on an-
cient Chinese poems translated into
German by Mahler himself. The un-
usual third movement of the piece,
"The Song of Youth," is written in
the Oriental scale.
Mozart Symphony
Also included in the program will
be Eugent Ormandy who will con-
duct the Philadelphia Orchestra in
its presentation of Mozart's Sym-
phony No. 35.
Kerstin Thorborg is one of the
outstanding contraltos of American
opera today. A favorite with concert
audiences ever since her Metropolitan
Opera debut in 1936, Mm. Thorborg
has a range that enables her to sing
both mezzo-soprano and contralto
equally well.
Critics have attributed her success
not only to her voice but to her
dramatic talents as well, her por-
trayals being a far cry from those
of the "vocal ability is the only re-
quisite for an opera star" school of
Charles Kullman, Metropolitan
tenor, is a Connecticut Yankee who
had originally planned a medical
career. When his experience as so-
loist with the Yale Glee Club was
brought to the attention of musical
experts, he was persuaded to aban-
don surgery for singing.
Debut in 1931
He made his operatic debut at the
opera house in Berlin in 1931. He
appeared in the Salsburg Festival in1
the summer of 1934, singing Weber's'
"Oberon" under Bruno Walter.
In 1935the returned home to ap-
pear in the title role of "Faust" at'
the Metropolitan. He established
himself firmly in the hearts of the
musical public that year when he ap-
peared in "Carmen," "La Boheme,"
"Rigoletto" and "Traviata."
During the past two summers the
tenor toured South America for the;
first time, appearing in Buenos Aires1
and Rio de Janeiro. \
FBI Par-ley To
Be at Rackham
A law enforcement conference,
sponsored by the Detroit office of the
Federal Bureau of Investigation, will1
be attended by 'approximately 5001
Monroe and Washtenaw County
sheriff's officers and city police at
7:30 p.m., Thursday, May 18, in the
Rackham Building.
George Burke, Ann Arbor attorney,
will discuss various aspects of law
enforcement. Donald Parsons, as-
sistant chief of the Washington FBI
laboratory, will be one of the guest
Countrymen Prefer
Tito, States Soprano
"The people of Yugoslavia have no
desire to return under Mikhailovitch
to the dictatorial monarchy by which
they were governed since 1918,"
Zinka Milanov, the world famed so-
prano of the Metropolitan Opera and
an active supporter of the Partisan
cause, said in a pre-concert interview
"The reason for Tito's popu-
larity," she continued, "is that he
favors the republican form of gov-
ernment under which the majority
of Yugoslavians wish to be gov-
erned. Although I come from Za-
greb, which was also Tito's home, I
was not acquainted with him while
I lived in Europe."
During the past few months Mme.
Milanov said that she had given Par-
tisan benefit concerts in Detroit,
Milwaukee, Cleveland and many oth-
er major American cities and would
make a special appearance with Ar-
turo Toscanini May 27, at Madison
Square Garden in New York City.
"My plans for this year do not call
for any South American trip, al-
though I have appeared there for
the past four years," the noted so-
prano remarked. "While South Amer-
ican audiences have a tendency to
resemble Italian audiences because
of their temperamental nature, I find
that those of North America are very
enthusiastic in their response to
music," she added.
RAF BlastsC
Bucharest; Italy
Sees Advance
PLES, May 4.-(UP)-RAF heavy bomb-
ers hammered Bucharest last night,
striking prime communication tar-
gets in the Romanian capital, while
aground in Italy the Germans were
reported making large-scale move-
ments on the Adriatic and central
The air blow was the first night
assault by the British-American air
arm on Bucharest, and left work-
shops and freight cars afire, Allied
headquarters said. The Balkan city
has been hit repeatedly in the last
month by daylight.
The Allied command said the Ger-
mans made considerable movements
both on the Adriatic sector and the
Cassino front yesterday, and a small-
csale Nazi attack was driven off by
Indian troops of the Eighth Army on
the east coast front.
The new enemy dispositions fol-
lowed upon reports by the Nazi-con-
trolled Rome radio that the Allies
were making preparations on an un-
usual scale in apparent prelude to
new assaults, and the prediction by
the Naples newspaper II Corriere that
there was "feverish activity" in Italy
for major operations. Despite rou-
tine censorship restrictions banning
speculations on future operations, the
newspaper also predicted new at-
tacks would be made in Italy coin-
cident with western invasion and re-
np~p Russinn ~f ffPfl CivcP
NEGROES REGISTER FOR PRIMARY--This group of Negroes regis-
tered in Atlanta, Ga., to vote in the Georgia Democratic primary July 4.
Registrations were increasing at Atlanta as Negro schools are instruct-
ing students in ballot casting procedure. Negroes voted unchallenged at
several polls in primaries in Florida and Alabama.
North Carolina Democrats
Endorse FDR Fourth Term
By the Associated Press
North Carolina Democrats endorsed
a fourth term for President Roosevelt
yesterday and lined up 30 more Na-
tional Convention delegates behind
This brought to 410 the number of
delegates already pledged or claimed
for Mr; Roosevelt out of 510 thus far
selected. It required 589 to nomin-
ate-one more than half the 1,176
convention votes.
The 410 figure excludes four pros-
pective Florida delegates who arel
Dr. Boihesteut.
Dr Gerrit Bolkestein, Dutch minis-
ter of education who is completing a
tour of American universities, stated
that he is very impressed with the
University yesterday at the Interna-
tional Center.
He emphasized that he likes the
way students are grouped together
here in a small town and noted that
there is much more informality here
than in universities abroad.
He said that he will be very happy
to advise Dutch students to go to Ann
Arbor to study when he is able to
return to Holland. .
The International Center, he said,
pledged to Senator Harry F. Byrd of
Virginia but whose votes may go to
Mr. Roosevelt under the unit system.
Florad Demorcratic party rules re-
quire that the state's 18 National
Convention votes must be cast as a
unit of two-thirds of the delegates
agree on a candidate.
Late returns from Tuesday's pri-
mary indicate 14 delegates favoring
a fourth term and four pledged to
Byrd were elected.
The belated returns cut into Sen-
ator Claude Pepper's lead over, four
opponents, but it still appeared prob-
able he would win renomination and
avoid a run-off primary.
The North Carolina Democrats, in
State Convention, voted to support
Governor J. M. Broughton for the
Vice-Presidential nomination. The
tar heel executive also has been en-
dorsed by the Oklahoma League of
Young Democrats for the Vice-Presi-
dency and friends are trying to line
up a Southern bloc behind him.
On the Republican side, delegate
picking will be resumed tomorrow
(Saturday) when the Washington
State Convention picks 16. State
leaders expect the delegation to be
technically unpledged but efforts
may be made to instruct it for Gov-.
ernor Thomas E. Dewey. Some senti-
ment for Governor John W. Bricker
of Ohio also is reported.
Yanks Win1
New Holds
In Pacific
Sixth Ariiiy Lands in
New Guinea; Hollandia
Holdings Are Extended
By the Associated Press
American Sixth Army troops made
two new landings on Dutch New
Guinea to consolidate and extend
their holdings in the Hollandia area,
Gen. Douglas MacArthur announced
The new landings were made by
the same forces that less than two
weeks ago swept 500 miles up the
New Guinea coast to seize the Hol-
landia sector and its four airdromes,
within bombing range of the Philip-
pines. One force landed at Demta.
extending American control of the
coast 16 miles deeper into Japanese
occupied territory. The other
splashed ashore on Torare Bay, 12
miles from the town of Hollandia
andsmidwaybetween the original
invasion points.
Protecting the seaborne infantry-
men, Allied bombers heavily blasted
the Wakde airdrome, nearest Japa-
nese base still in operation.
Other heavy bombers smashed at
Wewak, by-passed New Guinea air
base and Timor in the Dutch East
Indies, while other air sweeps and
motor torpedo boat patrols accounted
for one enemy ship, three planes and
nine barges.
Emphasizing the increasing Ameri-
can threat to Japanese conquerors in
the Philippines, Mitchell bombers
from China have sunk an enemy ship
in Amoy Harbor, 450 miles northwest
of the Philippines, and central Pacific
Liberators have made a heavy land
based raid on Truk.
Truk, 1,700 miles east of the Phil-
ippines, was hit in a quick follow-up
of the devastating carrier raid last
Penicillin Will
Be Available to
Civilians 'Soon'
CHICAGO, May 4.-0P)-Civilians
will have some penicillin available tc
them through their hospitals aftei
this week, Dr. John N. McDonnell
director of the Office of Civilian
Penicillin Distribution, said today.
By next week, he stated, any hos-
pital will be able to apply to a depot
hospital in its area and obtain the
drug-previously reserved almost ex-
clusively for military use-when it is
Dr. McDonnell earlier today said
that after this week there would be
no more shortage of the drug, but
later said this does not mean that
penicillin will then be "plentiful."
Individuals will not be able to obtain
it except through their hospitals, he
Dr. McDonnell predicted there
would "soon" be enough of the fun-
gus-derived medicine "so that the
board (OCPD) can close up shop and
go home, and hospitals can get peni-
cillin direct from manufacturers.
One thousand depot hospitals in
every geographical area in the coun-
try have been notified of an available
supply, he said, adding the OCPD has
received and filled many orders this
After the "nucleus group" is
stocked, Dr. McDonnell said, avail-
able supplies of the remarkable drug
will be distributed to other hospitals.
The amount of penicillini sent to
each depot is determined by "size.
population, area and nearness to
other depots," he said.
ToHear Ha Thee
Under the joint sponsorship of
Inter-Racial Association and Michi-
gan Youth for Democratic Action
Langston Hughes, Negro poet, will
speak on "Problems of Discrimination
in the Post-War World" at 8 p.m.
Tuesday in the Lecture Room in Lane
Mr. Hughes has won a national
and international reputation as aE
poet, author, playwright and pub-
No Change
At Imphal
Nip Troops near
Paid, Says Tokyo
By the Associated Press
TERS, KANDY, Ceylon, May 4.-
Attacking Japanese troops have been
thrown back with casualties both in
northern Burma and near the Allied
base of Kohima in India, it was an-
nounced today in a brief communique
from Admiral Lord Louis Mountbat-
ten's Headquarters.
The bulletin said there had been
no important change in the fighting
around Imphal, 60 miles south of
Kohima, and for the first time in
several days did not mention the
Palerlsector, where on Monday the
Japanese were reported massing for
an all-out attack on Imphal, 28 miles
to the north.
Jap Troops Near Palel
(A Tokyo news broadcast said that
Japanese troops were "closing on
Pale] and steadily tightening them;
iron cordon around enemy forces en-
trenched in Imphal." It estimated
the strength of British and Indian
forces defending Imphal at nearly
ten divisions. A broadcast claim by
the Berlin radio on Wednesday that
the Allies had evacuated Imphal was
not repeated.)
In northern Burma Lt.-Gen. Jos-
eph W. Stilwell's Chinese troops and'
native levies were reported to have
thrown back two Japanese attacks
and inflicted severe casualties on thez
enemy. One of the engagements took
place at Manpin, only ten miles north
of Kamaing, where Stilwell's forces
have made their farthest advance in
their drives to link India and China
by road,
British Capture Ground
On the southern Burma front brit-
ish forces captured high ground over-
looking the Maungdaw-Buthedaung
road, for which the Japanese have
been fighting with great determina-
Mountbatten's communique said
RAF medium bombers caught a "U-
boat" on the surface last Tuesday in
the Indian Ocean southwest of Soco-
tra and destroyed it with depth char-
gest. Socotra, formerly a British coal-
ing station, is an island some 200
miles off the coast of Italian Somali-
land in east Africa.
(The nationality of the submarine
was not disclosed, but the designation
"U-boat" indicated it might have
been German.)
Allied fighters and bombers en-
gaged in widespread activity over
Burma and the India front without
losing a plane.
Allies -Tighten
Nazi Blockade
With Warning
United States and Britain tightened
their economic blockade of Germany
today with a warning of neutral Eur-
opean businesses not to assist the
enemy in its final struggle for exis-
The warning was sounded in ad-
vance of the final Allied military
drive to victory. It was based on a
policy statement for 15,000 business
concerns and individuals which have
already been blacklisted because of
their cooperation or trade with the
Post-War Market Considered
Under this iron - handed policy
sanctions against those firms will be
maintained after the war for an in-
definite time, thus giving concerns
which have cooperated with the Allies
an initial advantage in competing for
post-war markets.
Ten thousand of the blacklist firms
are in Latin America and it was
indicated that sanctions against
those would be eased first because
Axis commercial intrigue has gen-
erally been brought under control in
areas remote from the war zores.
Sanctions May Begin
The remaining 5,000 firms are in
European neutral countries. They
is one of the finest he knows of in A * 1USts
the United States. f1(Cii(eI'f .Ai~ US
Dr. H. Boon, who is accompanyingr
Dr. Bolkestein, said that "one has the Th
impression that Dutch students Fatalities
would be very much at home here"
and praised the University for its Citizens of Salem Ask
number of foreign students.j
In reference to exchange student For School Zone Signs
arrangements he said that plans
made now could be only preliminary Washtenaw County was the seen
and that the definite arrangements of three fatalities yesterday, two a
will have to wait until the Dutch the result of automobile accident
government returns to Holland. and a third at a railway crossini
Because of illness Dr. Bolkestein sheriff's officers reported.
has cancelled his visits to Michigan Five-year-old Robert Raymor, so
State and universities he planned to of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Raymoro
visit in the West. He will leave Ann Salem, was killed yesterday when h
Arbor today to visit Calvin College in ran into the path of a truck at Si
Grand Rapids and Hope College in Mile Road and Dickerson Stree
Holland. Salem. The vehicle. an empty grav
He said he was almost happy that truck driven by Taff Webb, 29 year
he had caught a cold here, for be- old, of Roseville, was traveling abou
cause of that he had had a chance to 16 miles an hour on Six Mile Roat
spend a few more days in "this de- witnesses said.
lightful atmosphere."
iize.n of Salem cmlained tha
Strikes Stalemate in
Detroit, Windsor Plants
DETROIT, May 4.-)- Stale-
mates persisted today in the labor
troubles of the international-neigh-
bor cities of Detroit and Windsor,
Ont., and in the latter community
the Ford Motor Company sought aid
from the Royal Canadian Mounted
sU*Cf. 1p a1 .Jtt U U1 11pia llic ut11A
no signs marked school zones. Sher-
iff's officers promised to notify the
County Highway Department.
Herman Daugherty, 44 years old,
1119 Lincoln Street, was killed yes-
terday when the car he was driving
collided with an auto driven by Miss
Hulda May Hicks, 20 years old, of
Route 2, An Arbor. The cars crash-
ed at the intersection of Pontiac Road
and Dixboro. Impact of the collision
knocked Daugherty's car 40 feet into