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Ship Fire
At Norfolk
Kills 15
Fumes Overcome
20 Other Workers
By The Associated Dress
PORTSMOUTH, Va., April 27.-
Fifteen workmen were killed by suf-
focation and at least 20 others were
overcome by smoke and fumes to-
night when fire broke out in the hold
of a naval ship undergoing repairs at
the Norfolk Navy Yard.
Fellow workers of the men caught
in the ship crowded the dispensary
at the Navy Yard to identify the
bodies of the victims whose names
naval officers declined to release im-
mediately pending notification of
their next of kin.
Started at 6:20
The fire broke out in the vessel
about 6:20 o'clock tonight. The men
employed in the repair work on the
ship were civilian workers at the
All available ambulances were sent
from the Norfolk naval hospital to
the Navy Yard- to remove the work-
men to the yard dispensary, where
many were given artificial respira-
tion. Damage to the ship was said by
a Navy Yard spokesman as not
Edgar B. Johnson, 21, pharmacists
mate third class, USNR, of Buzzards
Bay, Mass., who sped to the ship on
the first ambulance dispatched from
the dispensary, told a reporter that
when he reached the hold of the ship
he saw "at least 25 men lying around,
all unconscious."
Johnson Exhausted
"It was awful," said Johnson, who
was put to bed suffering from ex-
haustion after applying artificial res-
piration to the victims for more than
two hours.
"We worked on the men right
where we found them. The fumes
had cleared out pretty well," Johnson
continued. "We worked over them
until they were pronounced dead.
The dead appeared to have been
suffocated. Some were burned, but
only slightly. None ofrthem seemed
to have burns severe enough to-have
caused death. We had all the inhala-
tors we could get hold of."
Nimitz Confers
With MacArthur
On Pacific War
By The Associated Press
27.-Gen. Douglas MacArthur and
Adm. Chester W. Nimitz have "com-
pletely integrated their war planning
so that a maximum of cooperative
effort might be executed against the
enemy," Pacific Fleet Headquarters
said today.
The headquarters announcement
said MacArthur and Nimitz recently
conferred regarding the "future oper-
ations in the Pacific of their two
The conference was the first war-
time meeting of the two commanders.
MacArthur is Commander-in-Chief
of the Southwest Pacific area em-
bracing Australia, New Guinea, the
Bismarck Archipelago and the Dutch
East Indies. Nimitz is Commander-
in-Chief of the U.S. Pacific Fleet and
Pacific Ocean areas including the
central Pacific sea and island routes
to the Philippines and the China
The text of the Navy's announce-
"General Douglas MacArthur, Com-
mander-in-Chief, Southwest Pacific
area, and Admiral C. W. Nimitz,
Commander-in-Chief, United States
Pacific Fleet and Pacific Ocean areas,
regenfly conferred regarding the fu-
ture operations in the Pacific of the
two commands.
"Plans were completely integrated
so that a maximum of cooperative
effort might be executed against the
Dr. Boikestein
To See Campus
Dr. Gerrit Bolkestein, minister of
education in the Netherlands, will
arrive in Ann Arbor today accom-
panied by Dr. H. R. Boon, first sec-
retary of the Netherlands embassy
in Washington and Willard C. Wich-
ers, director of the midwestern divi-
sion of the Netherlands Information
Holly Issues Temporary Injunction
Against Montgomery Ward, Avery
*e * *
* -,. .'-
*: K
Two Ore Carriers Sunk
In Separate Collsions on
Fog-Blanketed Lake Erie
French Installations Plastered Woma Cook,
B Record 10,000 TonAttack 4 Men Killed;
By 1'heAsscite Prss- ___ --] Fi e Ii jired
By The Associated Press the same strength at dusk, this time
LONDON, April 27.- The U.S. hitting German air bases at Nancy By The Associated Press
Eighth Air Force made a record 1,500 and Toul and railroad yards at CLEVELAND, April 27-Disaster
heavy bomber flights in a spectacular Blaineville and Chalone-sur-Marne struck through a fog-mantled dawn
doubleheader blow against Nazi in- in eastern France. over Lake Erie today, causing separ-
stallations in France today, rounding Raid Tops Record ate collisions which sank two ore
stio in h r eo drondakin The Eighth Air Force had staged freighters and took the lives of at
out 18 hours of roaring attack doubleheader operations several least ten crew members.
which more than 4,000 Allied planes times before, but never in such The ore carrier James H. Reed, op-
blasted and burned the continent strength. The previous record was erated by Pickands, Mather and Co.,
with approximately 10,000 tons of around 1,000 heavy bomber sorties. for the Interlake Steampship Co. of
bombs. On the peak day of the first all-out Cleveland, sank quickly after a head-
air drive late in February it was on collision with the Canada Steam-
Piling record on record-it was the officially disclosed that the EighthshpLnStaeAacrf,2
heaviest total bomb load ever poured ofcal icoe htteEgt ship Lines, Steamer Aashcroft, 25
hevist toHtlbombladever ponurd and 15th Air Forces had sent out miles north of Aashtabula, O., car-
into the Hitler fortress in such a more than 1,200 heavies from Britain rying four men and a woman cook
period-the Allies carried their pre- and Italy together. to their deaths and resulting in fatal
invasion softening - up campaign______ ___
through its thirteenth straight day. injuries to five others.
Eighteen Planes Missing Dr. Deutsc Tii Two Unaccounted for
Nine U.S. heavy bombers, six fight- TocThe Interlake Co. reported late to-
ers of the U.S. Strategic Air Force T 1. T day at least two other crewmen were
and three Marauders of the Allied I 1o l ay lon unaccounted for.
Expeditionary Air Force were miss- Seventy-five miles to the west, the
ing. ofColumbia Transportation Co.'s Frank
Indicating there was no let-up to- Vigor, carrying a load of sulphur from
night, with probably a two-pronged Chicago to Buffalo, foundered after
attack progressing, the German radio To Lecture Before colliding with the steamer Phillip
warned shortly before midnight that Post-W r Council Minch; operated by the Kinsman
single raiders were over western Ger- Transit Co.
many and the Budapest radio told of Dr Karl W. Deutsch of the Massa- There were none seriously injur-
raiders over Hungary. The Vienna ed in the collision of the Vigor and
chusetts Institute of Technologv will
line up outside Montgomery Ward & Company plant after arriving "
Department of Commerce in carrying out executive order" to take ov
Chairman Sewell Avery had twice refused to comply with the order.
* * *
By The Associated Press
CHICAGO, April 27.--- Federal
Judge William H. Holly tonight is-
sued a temporary injunction re-
straining Montgomery Ward and
Company and Sewell Avery, chair-
man of the board of the huge mail
order house, from interfering with
government operation of the Chicago
Judge Holly's rapid action cli-
maxed a day of dramatic develop-
ments which had seen Avery forcibly
ejected by soldiers from the north
side plant.
Biddle Files Petition
Attorney General Francis Biddle
filed a petition for the restrainer late
this afternoon, asking the court to
enjoin the company from interfering
with government operation and to
order the officers to make available
corporate records to the government
director, Wayne Chatfield Taylor,
Assistant Secretary of Commerce.
Earlier in the day Silas H. Strawn,
a Wards director and member of the
law firm representing the company,
said the firm would file injunction
proceedings within a few days in an
effort to halt government operation.
This step and the government peti-
tion generally were expected to be the
first of many legal maneuvers that
may eventually lead to the United
Japs Crippled
In North Burma
Yanks Take Manpin,
Approach Myitkyina
TERS, KANDY, Ceylon, April 27.-
(P)-With the monsoon rains less
than three weeks ago, Lt.-Gen.
Joseph W. Stilwell's Chinese and
American forces appear to have brok-
en the back of Japanese resistance in
northern Burma.
In a spectacular six-mile advance
yesterday, "Uncle Joe's" infantry and
tanks swept through the Mogaung
valley jungle into the village of Man-
pin, only ten miles from Kamaing
and no more than 45 miles from
Myitkyina, the enemy's main base of
operations north of Mandalay.
The campaign to open a land sup-
ply route from India to China-Stil-
well's pet project-already had car-
ried his mixed force some 120 miles
into Burma, nearly halfway to a
juncture with the old Burma Road at
a point inside China.
The enemy's counter-invasion of
India, meantime, appeared to be
rushing toward a bloody climax in
the 6,000 foothills ringing the Allied
base of Kohima. Report that a major
battle had begun there was expected
almost hourly.
Hollandia Hop Sets
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, April 27.-Longer
jumps by American forces toward
the heart of Japan's defense may be
* * * .
States Supreme Court for a deter-
mination of the powers of the gov-
ernment to seize a private business
during war time.
Avery, grey-haired chief executive
officer of the mammoth mail order
and mercantile concern, was ejected
bodily from his eighth floor office
and was borne to an elevator. Then-
seated on the hands of two combat-
helmeted troopers-he was taken
through an exit and deposited on the
He bowed to the military men, then
escorted by city detectives, walked to
60 OCs To Be
At Graduation
The 60 candidates in the Fifth OC
Class of the Judge Advocate Gener-
al's School will be sworn in as sec-
ond lieutenants as part of the grad-
uation ceremonies and parade, which
will be held at 4:45 p.m. today in the
Law Quadrangle, it was announced
yesterday by the executive officer.
Graduation ceremonies for the
class will be held at 9:30 a.m. tomor-
row. Maj. Gen. Myron C. Cramer,
the Judge Advocate General of the
Army, who will attend all graduation
functions; wil make the commence-
ment address.
Brig.. Gen. John M. Weir, assistant
Judge Advocate General and execu-
tive officer of the Judge Advocate
General's office, and Col. Robert M.
Springer, assistant Judge Advocate
General in charge of personnel and
training, also will attend from Wash-
ington, D.C.
Col. Edward H. Young, comman-
dant, will administer the oath at the
parade today after the letter of ap-
pointment has been read by Maj.
Jeremiah J. O'Connor, executive of-
Eastern Front -Lull
Continues, Reds Say
LONDON, April 28, Friday.--( P)-
Moscow said tonight that the lull on
the eastern front continued through
its sixth day today, but the Germans
declared the Russians still were at-
tacking in northern Romania and in
the Carpathian foothills.
Tonight's Soviet ommunique said
again that there were "no important
changes at the front."
an Chicago Camp Skokie Valley
to assist a representative of the
er the Chicago plant after Board
* * *
his chauffeur-driven car and went to
his gold coast home.
Attorneys Petition
The first of the legal moves and
counter-moves that eventually may
put the issue before the Supreme
Court took shape late in the day.
Attorney Qeneral Francis Biddle
asked the Federal court here for an
injunction prohibiting Avery and
other executives from obstructing
government operation of the war
units and compelling them to turn
over corporate records.
Developments ensued in rapid-fire
order here and elsewhere as the na-
tion watched the" controversy as a
gauge of the President's power to
take over a self-styled non-war en-
terprise and a test of the WLB's
ability to enforce its directives.
S* .,.
Investigation Asked
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, April 27.-A res-
olution for a Congressional investiga-
tion of President Roosevelt's seizure
of Montgomery Ward and Company's
Chicago plant was introduced today
by Rep. Dewey (Rep., Ill.) but Rep.
Sabath (Dem., Ill.), chairman of the
House rules committee, indicated it
would be sidetracked.
New Head of
Women 's War
Council Chosen
The installation of Marjorie Hall,
'45, as president of the Women's War
Council, and Natalie Mattern, '45, as
president of Women's Judiciary
Council, highlighted the events at
Senior Night-Junior Girls Play which
began at 7:30 p.m. yesterday in the
Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre.
Miss Hall is an associate woman's
editor of The Daily, a member of the
Women's Athletic Board, a member
of Wyvern, and has been chairman
of three recent campus benefit
drives: Red Cross, Infantile Paraly-
sis and Fresh Air Camp Fund. Miss
Mattern has been chairman of Soph
Project, vice - president of Alpha
Lambda Theta, president of Wyvern
and junior member of Judiciary
The only public performance of
"Jabberwackey," junior play which
was given last night for the enter-
tainment of senior coeds, will start
at 8:30 p.m. today in the Lydia Men-
delssohn Theatre.
radio blacked out.
About 750 American Flying For-
tresses and Liberators first hit Ger-
man mystery installations on the
French invasion coast this morning
with about 2,000 tons of bombs, and
then roared back again in an un-
precedented repeat performance in
Yanks Capture
Main Hollandia
Takeoff Point
By The Associated Press
TERS, NEW GUINEA, April 28, Fri-
day. -- Capture by American Sixth
Army troops of the main Hollandia
airdrome, potential takeoff point for
bombers within range of the Philip-
pines, was announced today. It was
the last of three Japanese airfields
seized 'at Hollan dia, completely
achieving the primary objectives of
last Saturday's Dutch New Guinea
Headquarters said that the Hol-
landia operation has been completed
and that all three captured airfields
already are being used by American
More than 400 miles to the south-
east, the Australian forces which on
Tuesday invested virtually deserted
Madang and its airfield have moved
on north to take Alexishaven which
also has an airdrome.
Including the Tadji airdrome, seiz-
ed near Aitape, 150 miles southeast
of Hollandia last Saturday, that
makes six enemy airfields falling into
MacArthur's hands within a week.
GI Stomp Will
Be Tomorrow
A GI Stomp will be held 3-5 p.m.
tomorrow in the north lounge of the
Michigan Union.
All servicemen and all campus coeds
are invited to attend. The taproom
will be open and there will be danc-
ing to records.
Specially invited hostesses are the
following: Sorosis, Delta Delta Delta,
Pi Beta Phi, Stockwell and Helen
Servicemen are reminded to come
on time.
speak to Post-War Council members
at 7:30 p.m. today in Rm. 316 in the
Union on the subject, "Europe's
SmIl, Nations and the Price of
Peace." I
A native of Czechoslovakia, Dr.
Deutsch is now teaching English and
history at MIT in Cambridge. In his
native country, his family was asso-
ciated with the struggle for freedom
for several generations, his mother
being one of the first women to be-
come a member of the Czechoslo-
vakian Parliament. His uncle was
the first Secretary of War for the
Austrian Republic.
Dr. Deutsch graduated from the
University of Prague with a Ph.D.,
studied at the University of London
... to speak today.
Crew Includes Local Men
Doyle Rogers and John P. Laucks
of Ann Arbor were listed as crew
members of the ill-fated James
Reed by the Pickands Mathew
Lines, an Associated Press dispatch
said last night.
the Minch, which occurred in Pelee
Passage, on the Canadian side of the
lake, opposite Sandusky, 0.
Capt. Donald Ashton of Cleveland,
and all the Vigor's crew members
were transferred safely to the Minch,
which arrived eight hours later at
Lorain, O., harbor.
Survivors Transferred
Twenty - three survivors of the
Reed's sinking were transferred to
the Ashcroft, which started for Ash-
tabula after aiding in the search for
missing crewmen for several hours.
Capt. Bert Brightstone, Chicago,
master of the Reed and Chief Engin-
eer R. O. Fletcher, Buffalo, were un-
The Reed, a 448-foot vessel built
in 1903, was en route from Escanaba,
Mich., to Buffalo, with a load of iron
ore, and the Ashcroft was traveling
light from Buffalo to Toledo for a
load of coal.
Allies Throw
Back Attacks in
Adriatic Sector
By The Associated Press
PLES, April 27.-Allied troops on the
Adriatic sector of the Italian front
have thrown back two small-scale at-
tacks, one south of Canosa and the
other in the Ortona area, it was an-
nounced today.
Both ground and air warfare in
the Mediterranean theatre hit the
doldrums, with bad weather cutting
air activity to 80 routine patrol
flights and the small Adriatic action
the only noteworthy incident any-
where aground.
Steady day and night patrol pro"
bing and artillery fire continued.
On the Adriatic the first attack,
by two German platoons a mile south
of Canosa, was repulsed, and a sub-
sequent enemy movement in the same
area was taken under artillery fire.
Two other platoons attacked at
different points two and a half miles
west of Ortona, which was captured
by the Canadians after bitter fight-
ing last winter.
Move Set To Vacate
Padgett Sentence
Motion to set aside the life sen-
tence of twice-convicted William
Padgett has been made by Pargtt's
and received a Masters' Degree at
the Harvard Graduate School of Arts
and Sciences. He has visited 25 coun-
tries in Europe and North Africa.
In the United States, Dr. Deutsch
was an instructor at a private boys'
school, the Choate School in Wall-
ingford, Conn. before going to MIT.
Dr. Deutsch is the author of "Faith
for Our Generation," published by
American Unitarian Youth in 1943.
His lecture is sponsored by the Uni-
tarian Billings Fund at the request
of Unitarian students here.
Pre-war travels in Europe have
made him familiar with many youth
movements and the common inter-
ests of students in enemy and subju-
gated countries and the American
students: Dr. Edward L. Blakeman,
University religious counselor, stated
that, "I wish every student on cam-
pus could hear Dr. Deutsch and his
Traffic Engineers Will Investigate Collisions
- - - ---- -
Two fatalities within 27 days at the
intersection of Stadium Blvd. and
Packard St. have prompted the State
Dcpartment to send traffic engineers
to Ann Arbor today, Police Chief
on one side of the intersection, ta-
pering to three lanes, police added.
The first of the truck-car acci-
dents, March 31, resulted in the death
of Abram A. "Jimmy" James, asso-
recovering at St. Joseph's from in-
juries suffered in the crash.
Two victims of a truck-car collision
yesterday were released shortly after
treatment was administered at St.
Joseph's Hospital. They were Robert
Baldwin, was injured when she was
struck by a car driven by Edwin
D. VanBlarcon, 40 years old, of
1605 Stadium. Joan, at St. Jo-
seph's for observation of injuries
suffered when she was hit, dashed