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April 27, 1944 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1944-04-27

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Chicago Mail Order irm Seized by
President's Order Accepted by
lontgomery Ward Executwe
Compiled from Associated Press Dispatches
CHICAGO, April 26.-The government, with the aid of a detachment
of troops, took possession tonight of the Chicago units of Montgomery Ward::
and Company after Sewell Avery, chief executive officer of the huge -*-
merchandising firm had rebuffed previous efforts to enforce a Presidential: .
order for seizure of the facilities.;-:
Wayne C. Taylor Undersecretary of Comm erce, who was designated as :<:>;:.":: : '}
the agenteto assume control of the properties here, announced that Avery
had left the premises after being as.....- ----


A m Caivier, M
1T oBe Gives;

sured that business would go on as
Avery Capitulated
Avery capitulated after holding
out for almost seven hours against a
directive from President Roosevelt
authorizing the Commerce Depart-
ment to seize the Chicago mail order
plant and other buildings on grounds
that the management had refused to
comply with White House instruc-
tions to extend an expired contract
with a CIO union.
The dramatic controversy, in prog-
ress since noon, reached a climax
shortly before 7 p.m., when 32 mili-
tary policemen equipped with weap-
ons arrived at the firm's headquar-
ters in three trucks. There were some
boos and some cheers from a crowd of
1,500 employes and others assembled
in the street.
Officer Visits Avery
First Lieutenant Ludwig Pinchure
and three soldiers went to Avery's of-
fice while the other troopers were
deployed outside the structure.
Taylor told reporters that the lieu-
tenant informed Avery the place was
in possession of the United States
government. Avery, he added, reit-
erated his contention that the pro-
eedings were without legal authority,
but donned his coat and hat and de-
parted when he was told the business
would not be interrupted.
Avery, lank, determined head of a
vast merchandising network, is a
graduate of the University of Michi-
gan Law School and a director of the
United States Steel Corporation.
Roosevelt's Orders Stated
At noon, Wayne C. Taylor, Under-
secretary of Commerce, and Hugo
Carusi, Assistant Attorney General,
served Avery with a copy of an order
by President Roosevelt authorizing
Taylor to fake charge of the firm's
local properties. Avery rebuffed them.
The trouble stemmed from Avery's
refusal to obey a War Labor Board
order-and a similar directiye from
the President-to extend an expired
contract with a CIO union.
Showdown Came Sunday
The conflict approached a show-
down stage Sunday, when President
Roosevelt directed Avery to obey a
War Labor Board order instructing
the firm to extend an expired con-
tract with the CIO organization-the
United Mail Order, Warehouse and
Retail Employes Union. Shortly aft-
er the Tuesday noon deadline, Avery
telegraphed that he would not com-
ply, and challenged the power of the
President or any other federal offi-
cial to seize Ward property.
Avery signed the original contract
with the union in December, 1942, at
the instance of President Roosevelt
in the role of Commander-in-Chief.
Ward's protested against inclusion of
a maintenance of union membership
CIO No Longer Represented
That agreement expired Dec. 8,
1943. The management claimed the
CIO no longer represented a majority
of the 5,500 employes at the Chicago
mail order unit, "retail store and
Schwinn warehouse.
On April 12, the CIO unionists z
went out on strike, but they returned
yesterday in compliance with a White
House request.-
Net income of Ward's last year was>
$20,677,098. Avery's salary, in 1936I
amounted to $100,000 a year.t

The Forgotten
Villa ge' To Be
Shown at Hillel
"The Forgotten Village," a film
based on a story by John Steinbeck
will be featured at a movie-mixer
entertainment program which com-
mences at 8 p.m. Saturday at the
Hillel Foundation.
Dealing with the difficulties en-
countered in trying to bring medical
science to the superstitious peasants
of the Mexican pueblo, Santiago, "The
Forgotten Villege" was seen in movie
theatres throughout the nations dur-
ing the past five years. Burgess Mer-
edith, screen and stage star now in
the Army, is the narrator.
The film will be shown twice dur-
ing the evening, at 8 and again at
9 p.m. "They Find a Home," a short,
technicolor, sound film having to do
with refugees in Palestine, will ac-
company each performance.
Dancing to popular recordings will
begin at about 10:30 p.m. and will
last to midnight. The table tennis
room will also be opened for use at
this time, and refreshments will be
served in the Hillel lounge.
Dr. and Mrs. Saul Cohen will act
as chaperons at the event, and all
students, servicemen and townspeo-
ple are cordially invited to attend.
Hillel To Hear Talk
On Jews in Europej
Rabbi Jehudah M. Cohen will speak
on "European Jewry after the War"
at 8:20 p.m. Friday at the Hillel
His sermon, which follows a con-
servative religious service, will specif-
ically deal with the probability of
Jewish reabsorption into European
A conservative service will be con-
ducted by Harvey Weisberg, A/S, and
Elliott Organick, '44E, regular Friday
night cantors at the Foundation, be-
ginning at 7:30 p.m. Reform services
will follow, starting at 8:45 p.m., and
will be led by Madeleine Levenberg,
'46, and Benson Jaffee, '46. Frances
Kesselman. '44, will sing "Shepherd of
the Lord," "God Is in His Holy Tem-
ple," accompanied by Ruth Wolkow-
sky, '45SM, organist, who will also
play several other hymns.
Refreshments will be served after
the services. The public is invited to
Alumni Club in Seattle
Raises Scholarship Fund
The University of Michigan Club
of Seattle, one of the strongest alum-
ni clubs of the Northwest, is raising
a $10,000 scholarship fund by pledges,
which is to cover a ten-year period.
T. Hawley Tapping, general sec-
retary of the Alumni Association, an-
nounced that he has already received
several thousand dollars. Seattle, he
stated, will recommend the ap-
pointees to the scholarship and the
University will pass on the nomina-

i i

j Le Cuvier," the "Washtub," is the
second of the French plays to be pre-
;ented at 8:0 p.m. May 3 in the
Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre.
It is a medieval farce which deals
with the plight of a henpecked man,
Jacquinot, and his efforts to become
master in his own house.
Tired of being bossed by his wife
and mcther-in-law he decides one
moi ning that he will be master. He
tries to carry out this decision, but
after threats and mistreatment by
the two women, he resigns himself to
the situation. In order to avoid an
open fight, he agrees to obey them,
Jacquinot Lists Duties
Upon the advice cf his mother-in-
law, Jacquinot makes a list of all his
duties so that he will forget none of
them. The list includes most of the
household tasks, preparing the break-
fast, baking the bread, caring for the
baby, doing the washing and ironing
and taking the grain to the mill. His
protests to each duty are to no avail.
But he serves notice that he will do
nothing that is not on the list.
A little later he helps his wife in
wringing the clothes. She leans
against the huge washtub, loses her
balance and falls into it. Though she
is on the point of drowning, Jacqui-
not refuses to help her out, claiming
that it is not oh his list.
Women Plead for Mercy
Finally the two women swear faith-
fully that they will do all the work in
the house if he will only pull his
wife out of the washtub. This he
does, happy to be master in his house.
The first play, of the evening will
be "Rosalie" by Max Maurey. "Un
Client serieux" by Georges Courteline
will complete the program. It will be
played by members of the depart-
ment of romance languages. The

edieCvaj Flarce
y French Club
plays are under the direction of Prof.
Charles E. Koella, faculty adviser or
the French club.
Tickets for the production will be
on sale from.10 a.m. to 6:30 p).i.
Tuesday and from 10 a.m. to 8:30
p.m. May 3 in the Lydia Mendelssohn
box office. The price will be reduced
for those who have season tickets to
the French lecture series.
lea unette ae
To Give (eital
Jeannette Haien,. '44SM, of Ann
Arbor, will present a piano recital in
partial fulfillment of the require-
ments for the B.M. degree at 8:30
p.m. Sunday in the Lydia Mendes-
sohn Theatre.
Miss Haien will open her progam
with the well-known Beethoven "So-
nata in C major, Op. 53" to be fol-
lowed by Chopin's "Nocturne, Op. 62,
No. 1" and the Liszt "Funerailles."
New Officers /Anoueed
For the University Club
New officers for the coming year
for the University Club were an-
nounced Tuesday by T. Hawley Tap-
ping, general secretary of the Alumni
Prof. Philip E. Bursley of the
French department will succeed Prof.
Charles L. Jamison as president, Prof.
Louis M. Eich of the speech depart-
ment is secretary, Prof. Harold M.
Dorr of the political science depart-
ment is director and Prof.Edgar H.
Gault of the School of Business Ad-
ministration, treasurer.

INTO TOWERING SMOKE from previous bomb bursts, another string of missiles plunges toward dock
and storehouse facilities at the Jap stronghold of Truk in the Pacific as a U.S. Navy task force strikes
on Feb. 16 and 17.

Photographs Portray City
'Back in the Good OldDays'

An atmosphere of the days of the
horse and buggy, gas lamps and gen-
eral stores, is given in a collection of
old photographs of Ann Arbor, now
on exhibit in the Michigan Historical
Collections of Rackham Building.
Two photographs of Main Street,
one taken in 1870 and the other in
1893, show Ann Arbor's progress to a
"modern" city with streetcar tracks
and a trolley, gas lamps, telephone
poles and hitching posts.
Women Wear Full Skirts
An old photo shows the train sta-
tion, much the same as today, but in
the background are numerous horses
and buggies, women in long, full
skirts and bonnets, and men in long
frock coats and bowler hats.
Concerning the building of this
depot and new railroad then, O. W.
Stephienson in his book, "Ann Arbor
-the First Hundred Years" writes,
"At noon, May 16, 1878,'the road was
laid across south State Street and at
night it was within the city limits.
That afternoon the workmen were
escorted by a band and procession of
citizens to the opera house, where
the Reform Club served them a tem-
perance supper.
"Main Street was a riot of color, a
band played and smiling faces plain-
ly showed the pleasure of the people.
Student Nurses
To Be Capped
Almost 150 freshman students of
nursing, the largest class in the his-
tory of the University's School of
Nursing, will officially become soph-
omores at a capping ceremony in the
Rackham Lecture Hall at 8 p.m.
Major Edna Groppe of Washing-
ton, assistant superintendent of the
Army Nurse Corps, will deliver the
address, following a greeting to the
students by Dr. Harley A. Haynes,
director of the University Hospital.
Miss Ada Hawkins, assistant direc--
tor of the School of Nursing will
present the nursing students to Miss:
Rhoda F. Reddig, director of the
school, who will cap each one.
Deferments Are- High
WASHINGTON, April 26.-(P)-Al-
most one-third of the 6,696 men of
draft age employed in the Interior
Department have occupational de-
ferments, a House committee report-
ed today, and expressed belief that
the "great majority" could be re-
placed without detriment to the war

Commencement Day, 1878, the first
passenger train reached the city."
Several pictures show gas lamps,
typical of those used for illumination
throughout the city by 1878, when
the total number of street lights
reached 99. Interesting is a view of
State Street from a corner of cam-
pus, showing hitching posts, board
walks, buggies and a stand with the
sign of, "Soft Water."
The old Unity Building on East
Ann Street, once a Unitarian Church,
stood behind the fire department
where a radio tower and parking lot
now are located.
St. James Has a Rival
Another photograph shows Greg-
ory House on Main Street, built in
1864 by Edgar Gregory (as a hotel)
and which was called in one of the
early county histories a "brilliant
rival of St. James." Gregory House is
familiar to city residents today as the
Varsity Restaurant and also the local
draft board.
Mrs. Elizabeth A. Leslie, assistant
curator of the Michigan Historical
Collections, is in charge of the exhibit
which will be shown for several
WJR To Beg"1,in
Medical Series
A new series of medical talks to be
broadcast over Station WJR from the
University Studios will be inaugur-
ated tonight.
The series, to be broadcast between
11:15 and 11:30 p.m. each Thursday
evening, is under the joint sponsor-
ship of the State Medical Society, the
University School of Medicine and
the University Extension Service. The
program will be heard over WJR as
a public service.
Tonight Professor Richard H.
Freyburg, of the University Medical
School, who is in charge of the Rack-
ham Arthritis Research Unit, will
speak on the "Modern Treatment of
Subjects which will be discussed
on future programs include "Acci-
dents in Childhood," "Post-War
Problems Relative to .Tropical Dis-
eases" and "Sick Headaches: Their
Significance and Treatment."
Members of the medicalachool and
health department faculties will de-
liver the weekly 15 minute programs.

Atitude Tes
T Be Given
Pre-Medical Students
To Take Special Exams
A -special medical aptitude test of
the Association of American Colleges
will be given to pre-medical students
from 3 to 5 p.m. tomorrow in the
Rackham Amphitheatre.
It is important that any student
planning to enter a medical school
and who has not previously taken
this aptitude test should do so at this
time, according to Dean C. S. Yoa-
kum, Vice-President in Charge of
Educational Investigations. This test {
is a normal requirement for admis-
sion to practically all medical schools
and many local draft boards are
insisting that some evidence, such as
the successful passing of this test, be
furnished them as a basis for defer-
ring pre-medical students.
The medical aptitude test is given
to measure ability to learn material
similar to that which he will have in
medical school, to indicate the stu-
dent's general information and scien-
tific background and his ability to
draw accurate conclusions from a
given set of data.
A small fee, which may be paid at
the Cashier's office, is charged. The
papers are graded by the Committee
of the Association and the results are
sent in confidence to the deans of all
Class A Medical Schools. Additional
information may be obtained in Rm.
4, University Hall. Each student is
asked to bring two well-sharpened
pencils to the exam with him.
Gen. Patton Explains
Speech on.Rulership
LONDON, April 26.-AP)-Lt. Gen.
George S. Patton, Jr., said today he
had included Russia along with the
United States and Great Britain in
his remarks in a speech yesterday
concerning future rulership of the
Patton, quoted by the British Press
Association as having said that it
undoubtedly was the destiny of the
British and American peoples to
rule the world, said today his exact
words were:
"Undoubtedly it is our destiny to
rule the world-we Americans and
British and of course the Russians-
and therefore we should see more of
each other."

Qve getables and fruits


Continuous from 1 P.M.
Starts Today!

,o~~v~av~~r.s r/aa


$ .40 per 15-word insertion for
one or two days. (In-
crease of 10c for each
additional five words.)
$1.00 per 15-word insertion for
three or more days. (In-
crease of 25c for each+
additional five words.)
Contract Rates on Request

STUDENT-Men and women. Good
pay. Excellent meals. University
Grill. 615 East Williams. Phone
MEN to work during mealtime for
board. Contact cook ormanager.
Phone 2-3179.
Practically new. 1709 South Uni-,
versity. Phone 7508.
REVLON lipsticks and wind-milled
face powder, nail enamels and ac- .
cessories at Marshalls, next to the !
State Theatre.
Washtenaw Hills Estates. Cement
stucco exterior, slate roof, screened1
-porch, oil heat, 105 x 234 lot, 2 car
garage. Call 8827. Evenings and
all day Sunday.

-right from
After the war, you'll be able to pick
fruits and vegetables in your garden,
put them into your quick-freeze unit,
and enjoy their deliciousness the year
round. Your family will have garden-
fresh strawberries in December, and
many pther frozen delicacies costly or
unobtainable during the winter months.
The quick-freeze cabinet promises to
take its place with the electric refriger-
ator as a treasure chest of fresh foods. It
is one more contribution to better liv-
ing made possible by electricity. Buy
War Bonds today for the things you will
want tomorrow!


WANTED - Gentleman student to
tutor young musician 2 mornings
weekly. 50c an hour. Phone 2-4279.-
THREE Season Tickets for May Fes-!
tival. Need not be together. Phone

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