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April 26, 1944 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1944-04-26

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R'[yI2.Ntll~iA, :'4.Y[I- U, 1944

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F-Fu r a tar
Fif ty-Fourth Year.

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Pd Rather Be Right
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By Lichty

Ldllc r
9~ She Ci oro

Edited and managed by students of the University of
Wehiigan under the authority of the Board in Control
or Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
regular University year, and every morning except Mon-
day~d Tuesday during the summer session.
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of repub-
lication of*all other matters herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second-class mail matter.
Subscriptions during the regular school year by car-
rer $4.25, by mail $5.25
Member, Associated Colegiate Press, 1943-44

NEW YORK, April 25.-Let us continue with
the analysis of the "nationalists," as they call
themselves, who have taken over the old isola-
tionist movement.
Point one is that the "nationalist" movement
has become quite self-conscious. Its Chicago
Journalists use the word "nationalist" without
quotation marks. They will complain that the
"nationalists are being smeared," etc. They ex-
pect readers to know what the word means.
Actually, it means a muddle of many things.
The new Chicago nationalism is the strangest
nationalism the world has ever seen. To begin
with, it is a nationalism which does not believe
in a strong central government.
It hates central government, which is a curi-
ous sort of feeling for "nationalists" to enter-
tain. It seems to believe that state government
is better than federal government, that county

the Pendlulum

Jane Farrant :
Claire Sherman
tan Wallace -
Evelyn Phil10pt
Rkrvey Frank
tud Low .
Jo Ann Peterson
Mary Anne Olson
ra Ma -j on c Rosmari n
iviajroe Hll

. .



. Managing Editor
« Editorial Director
. . City Editor
. . . Associate Editor
* . . . Sports Editor
Associate Sports Editor
. Associate Sports Editor
so. Women's Editor
Associate Women's Editor
Associate Women's Editor
S Staff
. Business Manager

Vllzalsetth A. Carpenter .
Margry Batt


Associate Business Manager

e 23-24-1

Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and re/present the views of the writers only.
Treasury Policy Closing
Jlridges Is Inexcusable
A LITTLE-PUBLICIZED borderland contro-
versy is brewing between Canada and Mexico
on one hand and the United States Treasury De-
partment on the other that threatens to hold
ip shipment of vital war materials by way of
connecting bridges.
it seems the Supreme Court has ruled (My-
ers Vs. the United States) that the Treasury
must pay customs officials overtime rates for
Sunday and holiday work at international
bridges and tunnels. Because the Treasury
neglected to ask Congress for an appropriation
sufficient to cover this added cost, the depart-
ment wants to pay the men directly out of
toll charges. This is definitely contrary to the
wishes of the bondholders, however, who have
a sizeable investment to protect. If the Treas-
ury plan goes through, current income from the
investment will be eliminated and the value of
the bonds will take a trip to the cellar.
But the Treasury is adamant, saying they can-
not afford a deficit and, either they have their
Way, or else all traffic will be halted on Sundays
and holidays. If this happens: (1) more than
800 tons of war material, moved on Sundays by
about 80 motor transports, will either be delayed
24 hours or be forced to travel at least 100 miles
out of their way; (2) Mexican shippers of fish
and perishable goods will carry out their threat
to dump their loads on the bridges; and (3) the
Mexicans will close the bridges at other border
points on Saturday in retaliation for Treasury-
ordered Sunday closings.
THE SITUATION is complicated still further
because both the Canadian and Mexican gov-
ernments own one-half of the bridges which con-
nect their country with the United States. This
does not seem to make a great deal of difference
with the Treasury, however. The Department
has already closed the Rainbow Bridge over Ni-
agara Falls and armed border patrolmen now
enforce the edict against Sunday traffic. One
result of this has been to force war workers who
live in Canada and work in this country, to
make a long detour to another bridge when re-
porting for the Sunday shift.
The Treasury has sent bills to bridge op-
erators covering retroactive salaries ranging
from $50,000 for the Rainbow Bridge to more
than $214,000 for the Detroit-Windsor tunnel.
These are large sums, but there is little doubt
that Congress would approve an appropriation
to cover it if given a chance. But, since there
is no appropriation, it is up to Mr. Morgen-
thau's men to bow their heads and make up
the deficit for the good of the war effort.
Otherwise, the movement of war materials
will be seriously impeded, border economy will
be disrupted, perishable foods will spoil, thous-
ands of workers will be kept from their jobs
and good-will we have so carefully built up with
Canada and Mexico will be disturbed.
-Ray Dixon
' Guilty Students Should
Return Parking Signs
In spite of the City Engineer's urgent plea for

AR IS the least rational of man's undertak-
ings. It blunts his senses and blackens his
soul. Every fiber of human intelligence recoils
against the new Mars upon whose stream-lined
altars are daily strewn the sacrificial offerings
of military destruction.
We fight now-with all the power we can
muster-to end the fight. We slaughter now to
eliminate future slaughter, governmentally li-
censed. America is in the battle, not out of
enthusiasm for combat but out of the greatest
aversion for it.
But, it is here, this inferno, and we dare not
compromise with the tremendous forces ar-
rayed against thinking man and freedom lov-
ing peoples. Every effort must be bent to the
task of effacing Nazi-Fascism. It is absolutely
right that we dedicate ourselves to fighting
the perpetrators of unreason and the butchers-
that-be, mustachioed or otherwise.
These are platitudes. They needed to be said
in all the years before Pearl-Harbor when isola-
tionism versus interventionism was a live issue.
I repeat them here (and it is extraordinary that
they should have to be repeated). because such
factions as the "Non-Obliterators" and "Peace
Now" have, in the past few months, gained new,
sincere, intellectual adherents.
Men like the Reverend John Haynes Holmes
whose devotion to civil liberty deserves our
praise, and Evan Thomas whose work in prison
reform is so commendable, lead these organiza-
tions. The fact that no evil intent can he
imputed to such men makes them all the more
dangerous. It is true, for all their honesty,
that they have lost sight of the philosophic
bases for our participation in ;the war.
So, also, have many of our governmental of-
HOWEVER, I want to deal not with the at-
titude of "intellectuals" or the officials, but
rather with that of the man on the street. It is
clear that he does not favor any cessation of
hostilities, though he will be more susceptible to
plans for a negotiated peace very soon. Quite
naturally, he does not wish to see his kin dying
in foreign lands and he may be satisfied with an
international breathing spell, preparatory to
government flinging itself again at government.
The man on the street has never liked World
War II. No man on the street anywhere has
liked World War II. We may be more positive
of that in this war than in any previous war.
This is partly to the good; it is more to the bad.
It is to the good in that it indicates an escape
from romanticism. No longer do we glorify
war. Flag waving and band playing, like cheap
patriotic oratory. have all but disappeared.
We recognize war to be a grim business, so
grim, indeed, that it has caused many of us
to lose our hearts. Small groups soft-heartedly
object to the bombing of Berlin; large groups
hard-heartedly object to nothing, however brutal,
so long as they remain untouched. Nobody
numbs me more than these individuals who
have "the depth of a tea-cup and the sensitivity
of a rhinocerous hide."
In the last war, Americans fought venture-
somely, if fruitlessly, to right the wrongs of the
world. They were duped by loaded propaganda,
by atrocity stories about Belgian women being
raped and their infant offspring being bayoneted.
Now, so worldly wise and callous have we become
that real horrors inconceivably more cannibal-
istic leave us undeterred from our serene paths
of non-recognition.
We scarcely give a second thought to the
fact of three million Europeans killed for pure-
ly religious reasons, without provocation. We
will not even consider means of saving others
from the same fate.
This, it strikes me, is grist for the mill being
ground by those who would complete the de-
humanization of our species.
The America of 1917, tricked by clever play on
its good will into supporting a war, must have
been populated with people several hundred times
more human than the present crop of robots. In
those days ideals could attarct us. These days
they repel us. Find me the man who does not
laugh at the Atlantic Charter. I will take odds
he is a lonely fellow. -Bernard Rosenberg

government is better than state government, and
that townships are better than counties.
Thus, although the Chicago "nationalists"
use "nationalism" as a rallying-cry, they are
actually opposed to many of the most ordinary
of national conceptions. Their nationalism is
a nationalism which holds that any state ought
to be able to defy the nation.
That is an arguable theory. Many estimable
Americans have argued for it. It becomes ab-
surd only when self-styled "nationalists" argue
for it.
But this is not the only absurdity in the new
nationalism. The new Chicago "nationalism" is
filled way up to here with regional and other
divisive prejudices. These are "nationalists" who
detest and mistrust the East. They have grave
doubts about the South. They are not too sure
about California. These are the most exquisitely
local nationalists the world has ever seen.
And this is the movement which has replaced
American isolation, which did, at least, have a
fine, optimistic faith that Americans of all kinds
could live together in peace and harmony.
Just as it is sure that wars are inevitable on
the international level (it makes an exception
only in the case of the present war, which, it
feels, was not inevitable, but was invented by
Mr. Roosevelt) so is it sure that strife is inevit-
able on the domestic level.
The only solution it can offer is for a central
government which shall be stong only in the
military sense, so that we can impose our will on
the world externally; but it wants this same gov-
ernment, when it turns inward upon its domestic
affairs, to be feeble, and in fact, virtually non-
existent, so that it will not stand in the way
when the economically strong among us wish to
impose their will upon the economically weak
among us.
This movement is a new thing on the Am-
erican scene, a product of social struggle rather
than of debate over foreign policy, and it is
something from which the old isolation move-
ment of Borah and Norris and the Wheeler of
15eyears ago would have recoiled.
(Copyright. 1944, New York Post Syndicate)
WASHINGTON, April 25.-Politicos are still
arguing as to whether Willkie's Wisconsin defeat
was a real indication of growing U.S. isolation.
Whether it was or not, another test is just around
the corner which may be much more'significant.
It will occur in the Florida primaries in May,
and will involve the renomination of the fore-
most champion of intervention in the entire
U.S. Senate-Claude Pepper.
Pepper is running in a State normally not iso-
lationist. And for that reason, politicos consider
the test more significant than that in Wisconsin.
Most people outside Florida do not remember
the way in which Pepper stood out alone in the
entire Senate to demand aid for the Allies-
even before France had fallen. However, it is
indelibly stamped on the minds of those who run
the Foreign Offices in London and Moscow.
At that time, May, 1940, before the world even
dreamed France would fall, Pepper introduced a
resolution authorizing the Pesident to aid the
Allies by supplying them with air equipment.
When the resolution came up in the Senate
Foreign Relations Committee, the vote was 12
opposed, one in favor. The one lone vote was
Yet, only a few months later, the entire
Congress approved the destroyer deal and, early
the following year, put its OK on lend-lease.
Pepper at first, however, had got nowhere.
After his first defeat on air equipment, he in-
troduced a second resolution authorizing all
aid to the Allies short of war. Although getting
no support from the Administration, he pro-
ceeded to make five speeches for this earliest
of all lend-lease proposals.

Each day he delivered a new speech. Finally,
Senator Pat Harrison of Mississippi, an Ad-
ministration friend and no isolationist, took
Pepper aside.
"Claude," he said, "you've got to stop all that.
This country's not going to get into this fight.
We're not going to help England. You're just
wasting the Senate's time, and breaking your own
"Pat, I'd do anything in the world for you,"
Pepper answered. "But this issue is too big.
Can't you see that the world is falling around
our ears? It's more important than any other
domestic issue, and we've got to face it."
So the European chanceries, where U.S. politics
are studied just as carefully as in the GOP or
Democratic committees, will be watching the
Florida primaries to see whether the electorate
will repudiate the man who was out in front for
intervention. If so, it will be interpreted as much
more significant than the Wisconsin primaries,
and Allied policy regarding U.S. cooperation
future world peace will change accordingly.
(Copyright, 1944. United Features Syndicate)

"Never mind what I'm selling. lady!-take it or leave it!"

Pro ate elCorr


VOL. IAV No. 119
All notices forthe Daily Official Bul-
letin are to be sent to the Office of the
President in typewritten form by 3:30
p.m. of the day preceding its publica-
tion, except on Saturday when the no-1
tiers should be submitted by 11:30 a.m.
To All Departments: The Army
Intelligence has requested a com-
plete list of all University employes
of Japanese origin, giving their
names, positions held and their local
home addresses. This information
in three copies should be forwarded
at once to F. C. Shiel, 201 South
Wing, and should behfurnisheddby
all departments who have not donel
so since April 16.
Shirley W. Smith 3
Vice-President and Secretary

April 27, for your May Festival usher,
cards: Gultekin Aga-Oglu, MarjorieI
Beckwith, Eva Boenheim, Eugene
Brody, Dawn Carlson, Patricia
Fearnley, Betty Finlayson, Frances
Glennon, Phyllis Gorbott, Mary Alice
Hahn, Fred Kalmus, Mary Kirch-
gessner, Charlotte LaRue, Charlotte
MacMullan, Viola Maile, Jerome Met-
tetal, Marion Mondshein, George W.
Morley, Roy Plotkin, Frances Pop-
kins, Dorothy Potts, Jeanette Ray-
mond, Jane Richardson, BernardI
Rosenberg, Adele Sherman, Pat Ty-
ler, Margaret Walker, Frances Weber,
Phyllis Wilman, Dorothy Wo ose,
Anne Yung-Kwai.
Senior Night will take place in
Lydia Mendelssohn in the Women's
League, Thursday evening, April 27,
at 7:30. Seniors graduating this June
must wear caps and gowns; seniors
graduating in October and February
must bring their identification card..



4 *

-4 ~ (4)1944, ('I1kag.. 1mrit *, Ir IC

To the Editor:
This morning I read, as usual, the
editorial page of The "Michigan Dai-
ly." Through some vagary I read
the letter to the editor first, the one
written by Mr. Donald Vance.
I cannot express my feeling of
relief that The Daily had published
a letter from the other side of the
The fact that Michigan has a
Republican Governor is proof that
there are Republicans in Michigan,
aind I had often wondered where
they are on campus and why they
don't take up the cudgels against
a policy that seemed to be always
and forever anti-Republican.
I have done the editors of The
Daily wrong, I said to myself this
morning. They are fair and impartial.
The troubl't is with the Republican
students who haven't taken the trou-
ble to find out that The Daily is a
free press and that it is not packed
against them.;
Alas, my dream of a free and
impartial Daily was in for a rude
awakening. I turned to the next
column which contained an editorial
signed by the Senior Editors. It
started out, "In the next column ap-
pears one of the most laughable
charges etc. etc. It was in answer to
the letter from the other side of the
Some way it would have seemed so
much more decent if the letter had
come first and the answer next. But
the editors had to answer the letter
before the public even had a chance
to read it, or to judge for itself.
It is sad that a paper which so
proudly champions human rights and
so hates. a bigotry in some forms
won't let the party in their state to
which they do not belong, write even
one little letter and allow it to be
judged on its merits.
I understand now why those who
don't agree with The Daily keep
aloof. I do want tor say, "Don't be
discouraged, Mr. Vance." There
are other students I'm sure who
think three terms are enough' for
even President Roosevelt. Why
don't you go out for a job on The
Daily and see to it that there is a
chance for honest disagreement
and that the final verdict belongs
to the students, for it is to them
that we had always supposed The
Daily really belongs?
-Mary Anderson
dent members will also take part.
The public is urged to attend and to
take part in the discussion.
Botanical Journal Club: This after-
noon at 4, Rm. N.S. 1139, Hazen
Price, Criteria for the indication of
center of origin in plant geographi-
cal studies, by Stanley Cain. Betty R.
Clarke, Book Reviews, Shrubs of
Michigan, by Billington; Edible Wild
Plants of Eastern N.A., by Fernald;
Emergency Food Plants and Poison-
ous Plants of the South Pacific, by

Forestry Assembly: There will be--
an assembly of students and faculty lLectures
of the School of Forestry and Con-
servation at 9 a.m. today in the Food Handler's Lectures: Two se-
Amphitheatre of the Rackham Build- ries of lectures for food handlers will
ing. Professor Harley W. Bartlett, of be given by Melbourne Murphy,
the D~nfmn t ofB Rtn will hb

ime ii epar muen1±, o r .Lany, win Je
the speaker.
All forestry and pre-forestry stu-
dents are expected to be present;
others who are interested are wel-
come to attend.
College of Architecture and De-
sign, School of Education, School of
Forestry and Conservation, School of
Music, School of Public Health: Mid-
semester reports indicating students
enrolled in these units doing unsatis-
factory work in any unit of the Uni-
versity are due in the office of the
school or college by April 29th at
noon. Report blanks for this pur-
pose may be secured from the office
of the school or college or from Room
4, University Hall.
Faculty, College of Literature, Sci-
ence and the Arts: Mid-semester re-
ports are due not later than Satur-
day, April 29.
Report cards are being distributed
to all departmental offices. Green
cards are being provided for fresh-I
man reports; they should be returned
to the Office of the Academic Coun-
selors, 108 Mason Hall. White cards,
for reporting sophomores, juniors
and seniors should be returned to
1220 Angell Hall.
Mid-semester reports should name
those students, freshmen and upper-
classmen, whose standing at mid-
semester is D or E, not merely those
who receive D or E in so-called mid-
semester examinations.I
Students electing our courses, but
registered in other schools or colleges
of the University should be reported
to the school or college in which
they are registered.
Additional cards may be had at
108 Mason Hall or at 1220 Angell
There will be a meeting of the stu-
dents of the College of Pharmacy at
7:30 tonight in the East Conference
Room in the Rackham Building. The
faculty is invited.
Choral Union Ushers: The follow-
ing ushers please report at Hill Audi-
torium 4:30 to 5:30 p.m. Thursday.

Health Service Sanitarian, in th
Lecture Room of the Health Servic
on the following days. The lectures
will include slides and films.
Series I
Lecture I-Tues., April 25-2 p.m.
Lecture II-Tues., May 2, 2 p.m.
Series II
Lecture I-Thurs., April 27, 2 p.m.
Lecture II-Thurs., May 4, 2 p.m.
All persons concerned with food
service to University students whc
have not previously attended are
asked to attend one of the present
series. Other interested persons are
cordially invited to attend.
Academic Notices
All students looking forward to
directed teaching and those who have
taken or are taking directed teaching
in preparation for the Teacher's Cer-
tificate are cordially invited to meet
the critic teachers of the University
Laboratory Schools at a tea to be
given in the University Elementary
School Library this afternoon at 4:15
Doctoral Students: The thesis dead-
line for students expecting to receive
degrees in June has been changed to
May 1. We cannot guarantee that
students can complete the require-
ments for their degrees by the end of
the Spring Term.
The Twenty-First Annual Exhibi-
tion by artists of Ann Arbor and
vicinity, presented by the Ann Arbor
Art Association, in the galleries of
the Rackham Building, April. 22
through May 12, daily except Sunday,
afternoons 2 to 5 and evenings 7 to
10. TIhe public is cordially invited.
Events Today
Inter-Guild will have its weekly
luncheon at noon today at Lane Hall.
Rev. C. H. Loucks will speak on
Religions Remedy.
Chemistry Colloquium will meet to-
day at 4:15 p.m. in Rm. 303, Chemis-
try Building. Professor L. 0. Case
will speak on "Some Considerations
Concerning Phase Equilibria in Gas-
Hydrate Systems." All interested are


Tea at International Center is
served each week on Thursday from
4 to 5:30 p.m. for foreign students,
faculty, townspeople, and American
student friends of foreign students.
The Regular Thursday Evening
Concert will be held in the Men's
Lounge of the Rackham Building at
7:45 p.m. and will include Sibelius'
Symphony No. 2, "Daphnis and
Chloe" by Ravel, and an album of
Chopin Waltzes. Servicemen and
graduate students are cordially in-
The annual Spring Tea for the
Newcomers Section of the Faculty
Women's Club will be on Friday, May
5, from 3:30 to 5:30 o'clock, at the
home of Mrs. Hugh-Keeler, 660 Bar-
ton Shore Drive. For . information
concerning transportation, call Mrs.
Leonard Meretta, 5489.
Dancing Lessons: Beginners Dan-
cing Class will start this Friday, April
28 and continue for six lessons. These
lessons will be held every Friday
night at 7 p.m. under the direction
of Lt. Flegal.
Friday Night Dance: Tle USO Fri-
day Night Dance will be held as
usual at the Club beginning at 8 p.m.
Saturday Night Dance: The theme
of the Saturday Night dance to be
held at the USO Club this Saturday
night will be "Circus Night." The
dance is under the direction of Com-
pany X. All girls of Company X must
attend or send a substitute Junior
Hostess. All Junior Hostesses are in-
Sunday Morning Breakfast: The
USO Sunday Morning Breakfast will


By Crockett Johnson


And now, one last point...
Look, son. When you come to

But when you tell me about
a cigar-smoking pixie with

Now run along
| v. l son...


! guess he doesn't know


I y,

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