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April 26, 1944 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1944-04-26

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Cloudy and Warmer



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Backed at
Yank, Aussie Planes
Support Drive Against
Jap Held Airdromes;
India Advances Made
By The Associated Press
American and Australian fighters
and bombers roaring off from the
Japanese-built Tadji air strips are
supporting the double-edged Ameri-
can infantry drive closing in through
the Dutch New Guinea mountains on
Hollandia's three airdromes, Gen.
Douglas MacArthur announced to-
day (Wednesday).
In India English and Indian troops
captured Kanglatongbi Village, 22
miles north of Imphal, as they began
smashing Nipponese road-blocks on
the 60-mile highway linking the Al-
lied bases of Imphal and Kohima.
Another road running northeast from
Imphal to Ukhrul near the Burma
border was cleared of Japanese.
Indian Railroad Cleared
Long cblumns of tanks, guns and
Allied' infantrymen were reported
pouring down the Dimapur-Kohima
road from the once threatened Ben-
gal-Assam railway to break up the
remaining pressure on Kohima.
Light tanks led the slow advance
of Lt.-Gen. Joseph W. Stilwell's Am-
erican-trained Chinese soldiers down
the Mogaung valley of northern Bur-
A solitary Japanese plane, striking
on the third day of the three-fold
invasion, was the only air defense
Tokyo gave her Hollandia garrisons.
No Nipponese air opposition was re-
ported 150 miles down the coast in
the Aitape sector where MacArthur
said all enemy troops had been
cleared from around the Tadji air-
Bombers Blast Airfields
Allied bombers ranged on either
flank of the New Guinea fighting,
blasting enemy airfields and installa-
tions from the big Manokwari base
500 miles northwest of Hollandia to
Madang, northeast New Guinea, to-
ward which Australian troops have
been pushing slowly.
Central Pacific amphibious forces
seized Ujelang atoll in their deepest
permanent penetration of Japan's
mandated islands. Feeble enemy re-
sistance was overwhelmed in a two-
day invasion last week-end, Adm
Chester W. Nimitz announced yester-
Patton Calls for
Allied Destiny'
General Declares U.S.,
Britain Will Rule World
LONDON, April 25.-(P)-Lt.-Gen.
George S. Patton, Jr., declared today
it was undoubtedly the destiny of
British and Americans "to rule the
world and the more we see of each
other the better"
. Patton spoke before an American
and British audience of about 200
persons 'at the opening of a United
Kingdom Service Club to welcome
United States soldiers.
"The only welcoming I've done for
some time," Patton said, "has been
welcoming Germans and Italians into
Hell. I've done quite a lot in that
direction and have got about 177,000
"The sooner our soldiers write
home and say how lovely the English

ladies are the.sooner American dames
will get jealous and force the war to
a successful conclusion."
"Undoubtedly it is our destiny to
rule the world-we British, American
and of course the Russian people.
So we must get better acquainted,"
the London Daily Mail quoted the
general as saying.

FDR Wins
Support of
Voters in Pennsylvania,
Massachusetts, Select
Convention Delegates
By The Associated Press
First returns f rpm yesterday's Mas-
sachusetts Presidential primary gave
delegates favoring a fourth term for
President Roosevelt a better than
four to one lead over those pledged
to the "favorite son" candidacy of
former Governor Joseph B. Ely, an
Administration opponent.{
Initial ballots counted came from
the third and sixth Congressional dis-
tricts. It was the first challenge to
be made at the ballot box on the
fourth term issue.
The President also was polling a
surprising number of Republican
write-in votes in Pennsylvania's pref-
erence primary, early tabulations
showing him second choice behind
Gov. Thomas E. Dewey of New York,
in addition to running off with the
state's 72 Democratic delegates by
Far behind Dewey in the Pennsyl-
vania write-in voting were Gen.
Douglas MacArthur, Lieut. Comman-
der Harold E. Stassen, former Min-
nesota chief executive, Governor John
W. Bricker of Ohio and Governor Ed-
ward Martin of Pennsylvania.
The only other delegate-picking
yesterday was in Kentucky, where
Republicans named six to complete a
delegation of 22. Party leaders said
they would be for Gov. Simeon Willis
on the 1st ballot and then for Dewey.
Ward Defies
FDR's Order
WASHINGTON, April 25.- (1P)-_
Montgomery Ward and Company to-
day defied an order from President
Roosevelt to resume full relations
with a union in its Chicago plant,
and told him seizure of its properties
would be unconstitutional.
The President, directing the big
mail order company to extend an
expired labor contract with a CIO
union pending determination of the
question whether the union still has
CHICAGO, April 25.-(A)- The
Chicago Tribune said tonight that
President Roosevelt is reported to
have issued an executive order for
seizure of the Montgomery Ward
and Company Chicago plant and
that Departmentof Commerce of-
ficials were reported enroute here
to assume control.
a bargaining majority, had advised
company officials that in the absence
of that step "I shall take such further
action -as the interests of the nation
Montgomery Ward, in response to
the President's message, agreed only
to maintain "wages, hours and relat-
ed terms of employment" for the
workers who had returned to the job
today, ending at the President's dir-
ection a strike begun April 12.
Menefee Appoint ed
As Commissioner
Charles C. Menefee, Ann Arbor at-
torney, has been appointed Circuit
Court Commissioner to succeed Al-

bert W. Hooper, the governor's office
at Lansing announced yesterday.
Menefee, who took undergraduate
work at the University and received
his law degree here in 1937, was ap-
pointed by Ann Arbor Probate Judge'
Jay G. Pray, County Clerk Luella
M. Smith, and Prosecutor Francis W.

Yank Planes Hit France, Germany;
Fuebrer Inspects Atlantic Defenses

Hitler Deputy
Moves To Curb
Nazis Fear Denmark
Will Be Weak Point;
Benito, Adolph Meet
By The Associated Press
LONDON, April 25.-Adolf Hitler
was reported giving his "Atlantic
Wall" defenses an 11th-hour inspec-
tion tonight in preparation for the
Allied invasion, and his sub-Fuehrer
in Denmark moved swiftly to crush
rising sabotage which might provide
the Allies with a crumbling breach
in these defenses.
Werner Rest, Hitler's special depu-
ty in Denmark, threatened a whole-
sale execution of imprisoned sabo-
teurs unless underground activities
are curbed. He added that the Ger-
mans would "attack swiftly and
sternly" and show no mercy toward
saboteurs and others acting against
German interests. He indicated they
would be summarily shot.
Communication Stopped
This warning came just one day
after the virtual isolation of Den-
mark in another move to get the Nazi
house in order for the invasion.
Communication and travel between
Denmark and Sweden were ended,
and the restive little nation was in
effect under a blockade.
Selected aides accompanied Hitler
on his inspection of the "Atlantic
Wall," according to a report received
here through a reliable connection
with the Continental underground,
including Admiral Karl Doenitz, su-
preme commander of the German
navy, Gen. Guenther Korten, chief of
staff of the German air force, and a
Professor Takn, inventor of the anti-
aircraft towers which feature the
anti-invasion defenses.
The German strength ready to
battle the Allied invasion is estimated
at between 54 and 60 divisions, with
little change since a recent swift shift
from the eastern front.
Dictators Meet
The report of the Hitler tour
reachedheretsoon after a Berlin an-
nouncement that Hitler and Benito
Mussolini had met Sunday and Mon-
day at a "secret" meeting place and
reaffirmed their joint aims.
There was a swelling flood of in-
vasion talk from Berlin and Paris
commentators and from neutral Swe-
den, but there was no talk of the
western front seeping from their
island bastion, virtually isolated from
the rest of the world as "D-Day" ap-
proaches. There is just a steady shut-
tle of Allied air power between
Britain and the continent.
Holland Is Deleted
From Next Payroll
The name of Ray K. Holland, Ann
Arbor, director of the Public Service
Commission, was deleted from the
commission's next payroll, Thomas J.
Wilson, state director of civil service,
said yesterday.
Wilson said he would continue to
refuse payment to Holland, who was
charged by the civil commission with
holding his position irregularly. Hol-
land last week received back salary
amounting to about $4,500 for ten
months work, despite protests by At-
torney General Herbert Rushton.
The Auditor General's office indi-
cated it would ask for right to pay
Holland on a separate payroll not
connected with the civil service de-

,5~ * *

ANCIENT CASTLE, MODERN WAR-U.S. troops billeted in an old castle somewhere in the British Isles
roll out of the grounds in tanks for pre-invasion maneuvers. Meanwhile, drastic travel restrictions and
censorship in Britain insured that plans for the impending blow against "Fortress Europe" would not
be divulged.

War Secretary Stimson Asks
Centralized Military Command

WASHINGTON, April 25.-- (/P)-
Despite the best cooperation in their
history, disagreements and duplica-
tions among the nation's armed for-
ces have cut power and speed in the
current war, Secretary Stimson told
Congress today in urging immediate
approval of the principle of unified
Actual unification should await the
end of the war, the Secretary of War
said, but establishment of the prin-,
ciple would in itself promote cohesion
among the forces.
Backed by Lt.-Gen. Joseph T. Mc-
Nary, Stimson testified before the
Sigma Rho Tall
Will Discuss

special House committee on post-war
military policy, members of which
have indicated overwhelming senti-
ment for a single command.
The blueprint for the single de-
partment of the armed forces recom-
mended by Stimson was outlined by
Gen. McNary:
The overall organization would be
headed by a Secretary for the Armed
Forces, aided by undersecretaries for
the Army, the Navy and the Air
Forces and the head of a common
supply service; military strategy and
budgetary recommendations would
be in the hands of a joint board
headed by a Chief of Staff and in-
cluding chiefs for the Army, the Navy
and the Air Forces, with a subordi-
nate officer in charge of a common
supply service.
Experiences of the present war
Stimson told the committee, have
left the "inescapable" conclusion that


Darr'ow, Hume
Run for Post
On Publications
Students To Vote at
'U' Hall, Engine Arch
George Darrow and Bob Hume will
be the opposing candidates in an all-
campus election today to fill a stu-
dent vacancy on the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
Polls will be open from 9 a.m. to
2 p.m. at voting booths in University
Hall and the Engine Arch. All stu-
dents except Army men may vote on
presentation of their identification
cards. The winning candidate will
hold his position on the Board in
Control for two, semesters, replacing
Warren Burgess, retiring member.
Tom Bliska, a previously an-
nounced candidate, withdrew his
name from the ballot at the last
minute yesterday.
The Men's Judiciary Council has
ruled that no electioneering will be
permitted within 50 feet of the poll-
ng places, according to Joe Linker,
president of the Council. Anyone who
violates the voting regulations will be
subject to disciplinary action.

'Pre-Invasion .
Fleet of 1,000
Drop Bombs
Romanian, Nazi Cities
Left in Flames by Raid;
Attack Enters 12th Day
By The Associated Press
LONDON, April 25.-A pre-invasion
fleet of more than 1,000 American
bombers and fighters today hurled
hundreds of tons of explosives on
three airfields deep in France, in-
dustrial targets in southwest Ger-
many, and Channel fortifications on
the 11th day of an unprecedented Al-
lied sky assault which has rocked
Axis Europe from the Atlantic coast
to the Black Sea.
The American assaults costing sev-
en bombers and two fighters, followed.
heavy RAF night attacks on Karls-
ruhe and Munich in Germany, and
American blows by Mediterranean
command planes yesterday on oil re-
fineries at Ploesti and rail yards at
Bucharest in Romania. Great fires
were left raging in those major Axis
At 11 p.m. the German radio warn-
ed that Allied planes were approach-
ing, which meant the attacks were en-
tering the 12th consecutive day.
Nearly 500 American Flying Fort-
resses and Liberators escorted by 500
U.S. Lightnings, Mustangs and Thun-
derbolts and RAF Mustangs hit Ger-
man fighter bases at Nancy and
Metz, 170 miles east of Paris near
the German frontier, and Dijon, 160
miles southeast of Paris, and unspe-
cified targets in southwestern Ger-
many across the Vosges Mountains.
Gerimany's fighters offered only
slight opposition, a communique said.
Ten of their planes were shot down in
combat and an unspecified number
of others destroyed on the ground.
Dr. Deutsch Is
Lecturer for
Council Friday
"Europe's Small Nations and the
Price of Peace" will be the topic of
an address to members of the Post-
War Council by Dr. Karl W. Deutsch
of the Massachusetts Institute of
Technology at 7:30 p.m. Friday in
Rm. 316 at the Union..
A native of Czechoslovakia, Dr.
Deutsch graduated from the Univer-
sity of Prague with a Ph.D., has
studied at the University of London
and received a Master's Degree at the
Harvard Graduate School of Arts and
His family have been associated
with the Czechoslovak struggle for
freedom for several generations, and
his mother was one of the first wo-
men to be a member of the Czecho-
slovakian Parliament. His uncle was
the first Secretary of War for the
Austrian Republic.
Dr. Deutsch is coming on the Uni-
tarian Billings Fund as the request
of the Unitarian students here. Dr.
Edward W. Blakeman, counselor for
religious education, has recommended
that all students attend this lecture.
New Post-War
Plan Is Propo ed
Reuther Suggests PPB
To Regulate Industry

DETROIT, April 25.--(P)-Imme-
diate creation of a single Peace Pro-
duction Board (PPB) with councils
in every major industry to recom-
mend procedures-and even establish
prices-is proposed by Walter P.
Reuther, international vice-president
of the United Automobile Workers
(CIO), as part of a program to facili-
tate post-war reconversion.
Reuther, one of a group of labor
representatives who will meet in
Washington Thursday with the War
Production Board to discuss post-war
planning, disclosed his program in
an interview today.
Besides the Peace Production Board

I nion :ation



simplification is necessary "if our i
"ShoudjEngineedrbUnionizeswillnation is adequately and most effec-
be the subject of debate and discus- miel odencndition s."rsude
sion in the Oxford Union Forum of modern conditions.
the Stump Speaker's Society of Sig-
ma Rho Tau to be held at 7:30 p.m. 'SONG OF THE EARTH':
today in Rm. 318 of the Union.
Professor F. N. Menefee of the1] twT s
School of Engineering will speak at Choral W orKS
the meeting. He will be followed by
five students: Robert Dangl'45E,hler Be
Jerry Cardillo, '45E, Phillip Snyder. ..
'46E, Barbara Fairman, '46A, and-
Patiicia A. Ryan, E. Discussion of "Das Lied von der Erde" of Gustav1
the topic from the floor will be called Mahler and Mendelssohn's "Elijah"
for after the short speeches. The are the two major choral works to bet
meeting is open to the public. heard at the 51st Annual May Festi- I
Snyder. vice-president of Sigma val which will begin Thursday, Mayt
Rho Tau, described various aspects of vlwihwl ei hrdy a
the problem as involving the fact 4, and continue through Sunday. May
that the engineering profession has 7, at Hill Auditoriun.
no real lobby group, the questions of In addition to the Philadelphia Or-t
whether an engineer's union would chestra under Eugene Ormandy, per-
cause a loss or gain of 'professional- forming at all six concerts of the
ism' within the group, whether such Festival, such famous soloists as
a group would materially help young h ilst
engineers, whether, if established, it Gubzohatogorsky Nat anM sstas
national labor groupse of the operatic stage as Charles Kull-t
n a ti n a l a b o r g r o u s. m n , K r stn T h o r b o rg , B id u S a y a o
_ an ert n h rb rg id ayoand Salvatore Baccaloni will be
Swedes Re t head..
Opening Features Baccaloni
For the second year in a row, Mr.
S R es Baccaloni, the basso buffo of the
Metropolitan Opera, will present the
WASHINGTON, April 25.-(A)- opening concert at 8:30 p.m. Thurs-

of Mendelssohn,
Sung at Festival
Nathan Milstein and Gregor Piati-
gorsky. Milstein has the rare dis-
tinction of being the last pupil of
Leopold Auer, the famous violin
teacher of Heifetz and Elman.
Pierre Luboshutz and Genia Nem-
enoff, duo-pianists, will be heard in
Harl McDonald's piano concerto with
the composer as guest conductor on
the Saturday afternoon program. The
Youth Festival Chorus under Mar-
guerite Hood, an annual feature of
May Festival, will also perform on
the same program, singing "Song of
the Two Americas," especially or-
chestrated by Eric De Lamarter.
Stevenson To

War Council President To Be Named

The new president of the Women's'
War Council will be announced at
Senior Night at 7:30 p.m. tomorrow
in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre,
preceding Junior Girls Play which
will be given at 8:30 p.m., according
to Mary Ann Jones, '45A, chairman
of the play committee.
Tickets are now being sold for the
public performance of the play at
8:30 p.m. Friday, for which members
of the Naval and Marine V-12 Unit

only to graduating seniors, who must
wear caps and gowns, to coeds who
will graduate in October and Febru-
ary, who must bring identification
cards, and to special guests and pa-
The play, directed by Blanche Hol-
par, '44, is a musical comedy starring
Faye Bronstein, '45, and features Jo-
an Selmier, '44; Marge Rosmarin,
'45; Mavis Kennedy, '45; Shirley Rob-
'Ai . - a n ,'.* ~,f.-., or 'Ag

Other directors of the production
are Rae Larsen, '44, and Beverly Wit-
tan, '46, who direct the dancing, and
Marcia Netting, '45SM, and Phyllis
Crawford, '45SM, who are in charge
of the singing choruses . Marge Hall,
'45, is chief "prop girl," and Dee Les-
ser, '45, is stage manager.
"Crash" Is Rumored
Senior Night, according to rumor,
will be "crashed" by a group of fra-

Head School
Russell A. Stevenson. of the busi-

Sweden has rejected an American C y, amay± eouu ne rtswa
request that she halt shipments of be given Friday evening, Saturday ness administration school, will be
ball bearings and a selected list of afternoon. and evening and Sunday presented as new dean Saturday when
similar hard steel products to Ger- afternoon and evening. alumni hold their 15th conference
many, and American officials pre- Featured in the performance of the at the Michigan Union.
pared tonight to renew their insist- seldom heard "Das Lied von der Erde" Dean Clare E. Griffith will preside
ence that the Swedes reconsider. of Gustav Mahler are the American over the evening session at 6:30 p.m.
. r z n t a -n--3tenor. Charles Kullman. and the Nor- when Prof. Marvin L. Niehuss. of the


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