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April 21, 1944 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1944-04-21

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Installation Night, May

2, To Reveal New Rppointees


Mrne. Barzin

To Be Present
At Ceremony
New Council To Be Ins'talled
As Scholarships Are Awarded;
Societies To Do Spring Tapping
Installation Night to be held at
8 p.m. Tuesday, May 2, in Rackham
Auditorium, when appointments will
be announced and outstanding wo-
men recognized, will be highlighted
by Mme. Betty Barzin, who will speak
on "America Through Belgian Eyes."
Mme. Barzin, who fled from her
country shortly before German occu-
pation, has written for Life, Time
and Fortune. The town in Belgium
where she and her husband, a pro-
fessor, had lived, was the second to
fall under Nazi domination.
Councils To Be Installed
The new Women's War Council for
1944-45 will be installed by the retir-
ing Council, after which they will
preside over the remainder of the
program in accordance with tradi-
tion. Newly appointed members of
Judiciary Council willdtake office as
will the 1944-45 Assembly Council
and Panhellenic Council.
Mortarboard and Senior Society
will do their spring tapping and Mor-
tarboard will, for the first time this
year, honor freshman women who
have been outstanding in their con-
tribution to the University.
Scholarships To Be Awarded
The three Ethel McCormick schol-
arships of $100 each will be awarded
as will the Alice Lloyd scholarships.
The new committee chairmen and
members of .the various class projects;
Senior Project; surgical dressings;
Junior Girls' Project, sale of war
stamps and bonds; Sophomore Pro-
ject, hospital volunteers, and Frosh
Project, the '47 Corps, will be in-
Taking office also will be the 1944-
45 WAA board and the new orienta-
tion advisors.
Dance at USO
To Be Today
The regular week-end dances will
be held from 8 to 12 p.m. today and
tomorrow in the main ballroom of
the USO, and since no particular
regiment is sponsoring the informal
Saturday dance, all junior hostesses
are invited.
The advanced dancing class will
finish today and a new beginner's
class will start next week.
USO Deadline Nears
Coeds who have signed up to be-
come members of the USO Junior
Hostess Corps must complete regis-
tration requirements, which include
two recommendations, one 'from a
minister and one from a family
friend,. by Monday, May 1, or thei
names will be withdrawn from the

Dressings Unit
Halts Operations
Bottleneck in Gauze Supply
Forces Temporary Shut-Down
"Lack of gauze due to manufactur-
ing and transportation difficulties'
has forced the League Surgical Dress-I
ings Unit to close temporarily, ac-
cording to a report made yesterdayI
by Harriet Fischel, chairman of the
"University women have responded
so beautifully to the call for help at
the Unit that the quota set by the
Ann Arbor Red Cross has been sur-
passed," Miss Fischel said. She add-
ed that the Unit will reopen as soon
as new material can be obtained.
The present supply will be ex-
hausted after today as the Unit will
be open from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. The
next quota will be definitely in-
creased," Miss Fischel said, "as the
Ann Arbor Red Cross Surgical Dress-
ings chairman, Mrs. Jessie Ormond-
roy, realizes the tremendous capacity
which University women have for
volunteer work."
Miss Fischel stressed that this clos-
ing is only temporary. She added,
"When the next shipment arrives I
know that the women will respond as
well again to make the new larger
An announcement will be made as
soon as new material arrives. The
Unit will reopen immediately and
will be operated on a much larger
Cleanup Week
Equipment Is
At Waterman
Esther Thors, '47, equipment man-c
ager of the '47 Corps, yesterday an-
nounced that all equipment for Cam-N
pus Clean-Up Week and for the rest,
of this week may be obtained at the
substation behind Waterman Gym-
Someone will be stationed at the
substation today from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m.s
and tomorrow from 9 a.m. to noon
and from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. Duringt
Clean-Up Week, April 24 to 29, the
substation will be open Monday1
through Friday from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m.
and on the closing day, Saturday,E
April 29, someone will be in atten-
dance from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m.- .
Inspection of the University
grounds by various campus officials
and the members of the Freshman
Project Central Committee will bring
the Campus Clean-Up Week to an

Assembly Announces Board's Reorganization

In order to meet the demands for1
increasing participation of women in
war activities and in student affairs,
Assembly Association, the organiza-
tion of independent women, has re-
organized its central board to include
the five positions of president; two
vice-presidents, one in charge of dor-
mitories and the other one in charge
of league houses; publicity chairman,
and a secretairv-treasurer.
Petitioning for these positions
will begin today and continue
through Wednesday. Petitions may
be secured in Miss Ethel McCor-
mick's office at the League. Inter-
viewing will take place from 3 p.m.
to 5:30 p.m. Thursday and Friday
and from 9 a.m. to noon Saturd;.y,
April 29. Applicants must sign up
for their interviews when they turn
in their petitions.
"This new plan has been adopted
so that both the dormitories and the
league houses will be separate entities
within the larger Assembly Associa-
tion," explained Doris Barr, president
of Assembly.
Vice-President's Duties

presidents of every dormitory and
auxiliary dormitory. It will be herI
duty to supervise and be responsible
for not only the war activities but for
everything concerning independent
women living in dormitories. She will
conduct regular meetings with her!
beard and make it an efficiently run-
ning organization.
The vice-president in charge of
league houses will also have a board
of her own, consisting of a represen-
tative from each zone. Her main job
will be to organize the league houses
as a unit within themselves. It has
also been suggested that this person
draw up a constitution for league
houses. defining the responsibilities
of the houses as individuals and as
part of the larger unit of Assembly.
Esprit de Corps
"Both of these boards will work
together to achieve 'esprit de corps,'
a feeling of unity within themselves.
Each of the groups will have some
similar problems but most of the
problems will be different," Miss Barr
The publicity chairman is to be
concerned with a system of contact
with independent women; this she
may do through The Daily and
through the present system of a Cal-
endar, of Events. The Calendar of
Events will contain a list of all the
coming events so that all the women
will know exactly what activities are
taking place.
The secretary-treasurer will be ex-
pected to keep accurate records of
the business carried on in the meet-

ing of the dormitory board, the league
house board and any joint meetings
of the two. She will also be con-
cerned with any financial business of
Assembly Association.
The president must be a senior by
next year; but beyond that there are
no stipulations as to class. However,
the vice-president in charge of league
houses should either be living in a
league house now or have lived in one
before so that she will be acquainted
with the league house situation.
Interviews Continue
For Assembly Ball
Interviewing for the eight positions
available on the committee for As-
sembly Ball will continue from 3 p.m.
to 5:30 p.m. today and from 9 a.m.
to noon tomorrow.
Applicants may bring their peti-
tions to the interviews. The positions
available are those of general chair-
man, tickets, programs, music, pub-
licity, finance, patrons and decora-
The dance will be held in conjunc-
ton with Pan Hellenic and will be
given late in spring.
The chapter house of Kappa Kappa
Gama sorority will be the scene of a
dance from 9:30 p.m. to midnight.
The chaperons will be Dr. and Mrs.
C: F. Lagler and Prof. and Mrs. E. B.

WAVE CHEERLEADERS are shown leading a group of spectator sailors
in a Navy cheer as their WAVE teammates rest during a strenuous
game of basketball. WAVES take part in sports frequently for personal
recreation as well as for physical training.

Croup's Pride ,
Above Suspicion
"Do the women in the WAVES
behave themselves?" is the question
most frequently asked of Lt. -Com.
Mary Josephine Shelly, of the Bureau
of Naval Personnel.
"The answer--truthfully-is that
they certainly do," declared Lt.-Com..
Shelly. "The reason is not discipline
so much as group pride, with its
internal public opinion. The women
do not respect any member who
might step over the bounds, and each
woman is anxious to keep the respect
of the group.
"Group pride is very evident," Lt.-
Com. Shelly observed. "The women
build up definite traditions and pride
in the indoctrination and specialist
schools they attend. And it carries on
into their work. They have pride in.
the naval station to which they are
attached and in the particular de-
partment of their work. And all the
WAVES who work on the ships,
equipment and control towers for one
squadron think their squadron is far
better than all others."

--------- The president will correlate the
activities of these two groups and will
IHockey C lu also be the representative of all the
-~ Iindependent women on campus, who
} total approximately two-thirds of the
IM eetsTu sday entire enrollment of women. She will
automatically become a member of
I the Women's War Council. .
!There will be an organization meet- Th viepsdntncareo
ng of the Field Hockey Club, which dormitories will head a board of her
operates under the auspices of the own which will consist of the house
WAA, at 4:30 p.m. Tuesday in the ,-_
small lounge of the WAB, according 1
to Helen V. Masson. manager of the
All women interested in playing or
learning to play field hockey are in- -
vited to attend the meeting, dressed
to play. There will, be a practice
session on Palmer Field after the or-
ganization meeting is concluded and
suitable dress is demanded by the
Equipment will be provided by the
WAA, and no experience at the game
is necessary. Acceptable costumes
for hockey consist of blue jeans and
plaid shirts, or shorts and shirts, de-
pending on the weather.
Further information about the club
may be obtained from Miss Mason at


Explaining that every WAVE who
showed ability and had the qualifi-
cations could become an officer, Lt.-
Com. Shelly said that women who
had worked up to chief petty officer
'.ur fir I QQC fiy V I -iLi ld LAJhU

The second round of the all-
campus ping pong tournament
must be played off and recorded by
Wednesday, according to Janet
Peterson, club manager. Those
matches which are not recorded by
that time will be defaulted. Equip-
ment is available at the WAB and
Barbour Gym, with the tourna-
ment list posted in Barbour.
who will come in anxious to work up
to that rating."
Lt.-Com. Shelly, who is assistant
to Capt. J. H. Hollaway, Jr., director
of training for the Navy, was in
Detroit for the Midwest Physical Ed-
ucation Association's thirty-first an-
nual conference. She spoke of "Fit-
ness for War."

We have a special assortment of
short sleeve Blouses in cotton
batiste, plain and sheer rayons-
lace trimmed and ruffle front
styles-priced at $3.00. Others
at $3.50 and $3.95.
in Lace, Dotted Swiss and Pique.
Frilly and Jabot fronts
at $2.00 and $3.00

or r st class petty of cers coui nave
waivers on the two years of college
Bomber Scholarship education requirement if they were
judged to be officer material.
WTo Be "But actually," she confessed, "a
Conducted. Monday i chief petty officer or petty officer
Ifirst class often has far more respon-
Interviewing for the 1944-45 Bomb- sibility than an ensign. They are
er Scholarship Committee co-chair- very responsible positions in the Navy
men will be held at 4 p.m. Monday and badly needed. We want women
in the Students Offices of the Union, __
according to Jean Bisdee, '44, chair-
man of Bomber Scholarship.
One co-chairman will be chosen
from the Union and one from League
members. Although interviewing is
chiefly for these heads, those inter-
ested in other work on Bomber Schol-
arship may also apply at the same
time. Anyone who has not yet pe-
titioned may bring a petition to the
interview. i -
Purpose of Bomber Scholarship is
to raise $100,000 to buy a botiberj£
now, and after the war to bring serv-
icemen back to school. Bomber
Scholarship activities, this year head-
ed by Miss Bisdee, War Council treas-
urer, have included dances, a carni-
val, and other events to raise money
toward the goal.

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Michigan Theatre Bldg.

Delta Gamma sorority will hold a
dance at the chapter house from
8:30 p.m. to midnight. Mrs. E. L.
Quinn and Mrs. Lawrence Piatt will

Fresh, fashionable cotton
charmers -find the smartest
here! Colorful prints, plaids, 1
and stripes. All cool, easy to

James Th
print . .


i urber

Are you going to have an elegant voca-
tion . .. where you dress for dinner and
do things in style? Or are you playing
farmer and helping to get in the crops?
We've the kind of clothes for either kind
of vacation. And just as both are fun .
so are these clothes.
PT INTI2I) PLAY SU I IS, the1)0)1(1-p1a7CiO -.uie
(,ar~wen/ awi/h short shir/ and If ancy raln/s.
Red~, Mi)/Hf', r. ('f1. jU l) 'i'.'
Butcher linens . . . red, blue, green and maize.
Gabadines . .. nary, /brou n, and wchite.


p 29,95
NOTHING ULLi. about this summer standby dress
dreamed up by the old maestro of tailoring! The
print, designed by the famous Thurber himself,
features a group of his typical characters done on
practically wrinkle-proof rayon jersey in India 1ik
black, green or sepia on paper white. Misses s ies.


NVide and narrow

stripes with short sleees. Melon, blue, mi)Hize,
bei"' and whi/e.

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