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April 21, 1944 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1944-04-21

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&1w AlrIi4u l&zDal
Fift y-Fourth Year

I'd Rather Be Right

Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
regular University year, and every morning except Mon-
day and Tuesday during the summer session.
Member of The Associated Press
The Asociated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of repub-
licaon of all other matters herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second-class mail matter.
Subscriptions during the regular school year by car-
rier $4.25, by mail $5.25.
_Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1943-44

NEW YORK, April 20.-What is MacArthur-
ism? Is it, perhaps, a cry for father to come
and save his child? The world has grown -so
strange lately. If you turn a corner smartly, you
bump into a Morgan partner soliciting for Rus-
sian War Relief. Woe and alas! What has
happened to the world?
There is a need for a code word, through
which the bankrupt little minds can express
their sense of dismay and also call upon daddy
to come and take them away from all this.
The code word is "MacArthur." Are there
spots before your eyes? Do you feel dopey in
the mornings? Are things moving too fast for
you? Then say "MacArthur," and perhaps the
gods of irrelevancy and non-sequitur will come
and rescue you.
One picks up the newspaper in which one has
for years cosily read the dear, familiar attacks
on Soviet Russia, and, behold, today there is
praise instead. It is as if the sky had turned
green and the grass blue.
And one needs a word, and the word is "Mac-
Arthur." Are you frightened of Mr. Willkie'sj
One World? Are you startled to find even Mr.
Dewey coming out for an alliance with Britain,
which is a policy of at least Half a World? Then
vote for a candidate who is out of this world,
for a curiously unkown figure thousands of miles
away. If his candidacy is irrelevant, it is all the
more agreeable for that reason. For you, too,
sweetheart,. are irrelevant; in a world that in-
sists on making sense, to be magnificently ir-
relevant has become your dearest wish.

home ground. But now, out of the night which
covers it, black as the pit from pole to pole, it
sees a star, in fact, four stars. It is through with
reason, for reason has betrayed it, and the time
has come to build a myth and invoke a mystery.
For a time it seemed that Mr. Dewey, who
says almost nothing about almost everything,
might make an adequate mystery. But Mac-
Arthur is a better mystery for he is not even here.
He is not merely silent; he is also absent; and
so we have everything needed to build a great
wonder, including splendor and remoteness.
Those who have no answers to give us fasten,
in part, upon a man in Albany who will not
speak, and in part upon a man in the South
Pacific who is too far away to be questioned.
It does not even matter what this dis-
tinguished officer thinks. In fact, they have
not asked him. If he once gave us a bill of
particulars as to what is in his mind, the
magic would go out of his name. He could then
be one of only three things, an isolationist, an
internationalist, or a man who'parts his hair
in the middle. So long as he holds his silence,
he is much better than any of these; he is
the little pool of light, nine thousand miles
away in a dark world, and someday he will
come riding out of the golden west, and he
will take their hands, and he will lead them
out of their troubles, and everybody will be
sorry they laughed.
Oh, daddy! They say "MacArthur," and in
their eyes is the distant look of men who see
wonderful things, through the looking glass, in
never-never land. And they are quite sincere,
for fantasy is always sincere, sincerely bankrupt,
sincerely incoherent, sincerely tired of the world
as it really is.
(Copyright, 1944, New York Post Syndicate)



Jane Farrant
Claire Sherman
Stan Wallace
Evelyn Phillips
Harvey Frank
Pud Low . .
Jo Ann Peterson
Mary Anne Olson
Marjorie Rosmarin

. . Managing Editor
. . . . Editorial Director
* . . . City Editor
Associate Editor
. Sports Editor
Associate Sports Editor
Associate Sports Editor
S . . . Women's Editor
. . Associate Women's Editor

Business Staff
Elizabeth A. Carpenter . . . Business Manager
Margery Batt . . . Associate Business Manager
Telephone 23-24-1
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.
Study of Free Port for
Refugtees' Plan Urged
FREE PORTS for refugees: Americans by the
millions have expressed their horror and
anger over the bestial treatment accorded help-
less minorities by the Nazis. They have wanted
do whatever would be effective to help these
tortured and driven people while still there was
time, while some at least were still alive. Now,
in taking up the idea of a system of free ports
for war refugees, our government is acting to
give flesh and blood meaning to these humane
If, as we confidently hope, the government
authorizes the War Refugee Board to proceed
with the establishment of free ports, we shall
have at last a realistic and practicable attack
upon one of the most pressing problems of our
It is an idea and an action which the Post
warmly supports. It originated in these pages
in Samuel Grafton's column on April 5, and we
are proud of it.
If hereafter it should be known as the Grafton
plan, well and good. But we are more concerned
with getting the plan in operation, under any
name. For each day's delay must be paid for in
the blood of men, women and children who need
above all a safe place to rest for a while.
We say a safe place. We do not say a per-
manent or even a comfortable place. A free
port need be neither of these: A free port is a
place, defined, fenced and guarded, to which
people would be admitted much as merchandise
is admitted to free ports for goods, such as the
one which already exists on Staten Island.
A FREE PORT is not an ultimate destination.
Goods sent to a free port are merely set own
enroute to a destination for processing, packag-
ing, sorting and temporary storage. When the
time is opportune the goods are transshipped to
any country in the world where they may be
disposed of.
Who says that what we do for merchandise
and in the interest of profits we cannot do for
people and in the interest of a common hu-
manity? The legal technicalities present no
difficulties unless we make difficulties of them.
In free ports the victims of our enemies' terror
could recuperate. And wait for the day when
they could go back to their own countries or to
other countries willing to accept them as per-
manent residents. Entry into a free port would
not constitute legal entry into the country, and
residence in a free port would not constitute
legal residence in the country.
It is far from being all that we could do.
It is the least we can do-a bare decent min-
imum of what we are called upon to do.
We do not advance the free port plan as the
solution to the refugee problem. But it is some-
thing tangible and right that we can do here
and now. -The New York Post
Hold onto Your Bonds.. ..
When you think of cashing in your war bonds,
think of this story that has been going the
rounds in Army newspapers, and is pretty popu-
lar with the soldiers:
A G.I. had been planning to cash in his war
bonds and mke a trin back t this countrv. He

S0 SAY "MacArthur," for that is the way t
two plus two make five, which is thec
kind of logic that can save you and your


gulfed and capsized position.
Isolation has lost every

argument on the





WASHINGTON, April 20.-For months, the
Justice Department has been preparing back-.
stage a vigorous crackdown. on the Swedish
match monopoly, including its American affili-
ate, the Diamond Match Company.
The Justice Department charge is that the
Swedes, plus American affiliates, have conspired
to monopolize the match market in violation of
the Sherman Anti-Trust Act. Amazing evid-
ence has been uncovered.
The Diamond Match Company, for instance,
controls the production of wooden matches in
the U.S.A. and has an arrangement with the
Swedes whereby they prevent paper matches
from being promoted abroad.
This situation took a unique turn when Am-
erican troops went overseas and the Army pre-
pared to buy small cardboard clips of matches
of the kind used by many firms for advertise-
ments. Those fit into soldiers' pockets more
conceniently than bulkier wooden matches. To
this the Swedish match monopoly was dead op-
The American match people, however, had
followed the common U.S. practice of placing
one of their men inside the War Production
Board. So when the Army proposed buying
paper matches, the WPB tip-off man hurriedly,
wrote to the match industry advising them to
prepare a memo showing why paper matches
should not be used by the Army.
The industry replied with a memo showing
the effect of tropical weather on paper matches.
Later, the Swedes also saw the memo pre-
pared by their American affiliate and were defin-
Guarantees Freedom
CENSORSHIP of the press recently caused vig-
orous protests by newspapers and students in
Sydney, Australia.
The Sydney Daily Telegraph last week lef t
blanks in a statement to show where cuts had
been made by the censors. The paper's galley
proofs were then ordered to be submitted to the
censors, who eliminated one statement and cut
an editorial.
The paper attempted to publish the statement
and editorial with blank spaces to show censor-
ship. Commonwealth peace officers confiscated
all its editions. Other papers attempted to chal-
lenge what they believed to be political censor-
ship. Six were suspended.
About 1,000 university students marched to
the center of the city, demanded an end to
political censorship. The demonstrations were
ended only after some of the students had been
This incident is added evidence of how people
educated for democracy accept censorship of the
press. They would not in Australia-they will
not here. .Barbara flerrinton

itely of the opinion that the tropical argument
was too weak.
All of this correspondence was picked up by
the Justice Department and will make instruc-
tive reading for the American public on how
business places its men in strategic points inside
the War Production Board to continue monop-
olies against American law and the spirit of free
Draft Confusion .
Out of the confusion over drafting manpower
which has so bewildered the American public.
here are a few' tangible facts which Congres-
sional probers agree are accurate:
1. The size of an Army floats. It. doesn't re-
main static. Men are killed, wounded, mustered
out because they reach the age limit or because
the mental strain undermines them. In the first
year of war, nearly one million men were dis-
charged from the combined armed forces. Thus,
there have to be replacements.
2. Present age of the Army is too high, the
average age being 27. In contrast, the average
age of the Navy is 22'/2; and of the Marine
Corps, 20!. Army chiefs want to bring its
average age down to 22 or 23, especially for
combat. The Germans largely use 17 to 20-
year-olds for combat duty.
. 3. More than 4,000,000 draft registrants have
been deferred for physical reasons and classified
as 4-F. This means that more than one-third
fail to pass physical tests. This ratio has been
increasing lately, due to the fact that more old-
er men were called up until two weeks ago.
4. Selective Service estimates that approxi-
mately 1,187,000 men between 18 and 26 have
been deferred on farms or in factories. All but
the very key men among these will now be taken.
5. The Army is recognized as having done
an inexcusably bad job in getting the best men
into the best grooves. It has mixed up ages,
failed to use a lot of older men in jobs where
they could best fit. This is one reason for the
sudden call for younger men. Another reason
is the approach of the second front, plus reali-
zation that air power alone cannot crack Ger-
many. Foot soldiers will have to do it in the
last analysis, and the younger men now being
drafted will be trained as second front re-
1 Note-Drafting older men will vary in differ-
ent states. In California, where war industries
are thick and many younger men have been de-
ferred, older men will not be drafted for some
Capitol Chaff ...
Ex-Assistant Budget Director Wayne Coy, who
suffered from stomach ulcers while in the Gov-
ernment, has written a letter to Harry Hopkins,
also suffering from stomach ulcers, at Mayo
Clinic. "The remedy for ulcers," advised Coy,
I "is to get out of Government. Mine are cured."
(Copyright, 1944, United Features Syndicate)

Z50.74e 6ditor
Poll Tax Arguments..
To the Editor:
The people who have been working
on the circulation of the petitions for
the anti-poll tax bill have been grati-
fied to note that over half of those
approached have signed the petition.
However, when I started helping to
circulate these petitions, I was not
prepared for the large minority of
objectors-a multitude of objectors
to a bill that supports the abolition
of a monetary qualification added to
the democratic qualifications of ex-
ercising the constitutional right of a
United States citizen-the right to
elect his own government.
I asked a soldier to sign, and his
mellow Southern accent slurped
forth as he raced by, "honey, ah
woudn't sign that if you-all paid
me." That was a bit amusing. But
it wasn't amusing to hear a profes-
sor tell me that the poll tax kept
the Negro held down the way he
should be.
"Would you like to have a Negro
for your next door neighbor?" he put
forththe typical question. He stated
further that that situation would!
force him to move out, since the
value of his property. would depre-
ciate. Then a science professor stat-
ed his theory--that as a scientist he
agreed that all people were physio-
logically and anatomically the same,
but that he doesn't believe that all
people are actually equal.
An elderly man asserted (about the
South) that "they need something
like that down there." Still another
"favorite argument" is "Would you
like to marry a Negro-you, with
your ideas of equality?"
These are the basic objections
which I met. I should like to answer
them, for they represent certain
types of objection to the proposed
First of all, I don't see why one
should choose one's neighbors by
skin color or by social pressure.
Should a whole group of people be
denied a right, because a larger
group has made an arbitrary deci-
sion against it? I agree that all
people are not equal-not alike in
that some have a certain greater
potentiality than others. But I
deny, and deny with the scientific
support of anthropologists and;
other scientists, that that differ-;
ence can be set upon a whole group
in general or that that difference
FRIDAY, APRIL 21, 1944
VOL. LIV No. 115
All notices for the Daily official B]-
letin are to be sent to the Office of the
President in typewritten form by 3:30
p.m. of the day preceding its publica-
tion, except on Saturday when the no-
tices should be submitted by 11:30 a.m.
Honors Convocation: The 21st An-
nual Honors Convocation today at
11 a.m., in Hill Auditorium, will be
addressed by Viscount Halifax, Brit-
ish Ambassador to the United States.
There will be no academic procession.
Faculty members will assemble in the
dressing rooms in the rear of the
Auditorium and proceed to seats on
the stage. Academic costume will be
vorn. Reserved seats on the main
loor will be provided for students
receiving honors for academic a -

chievement, and for their parents.
To permit attendance at the Convo-
cation, classes with the exception of
clinics, will be dismissed at 10:45 a.m.
Doors of the Auditorium will be open
at 10:30 a.m. The public is invited.
Men Students Graduating in June:
It has been brought to our attention
that students graduating in June
may still secure commissions in the
All those interested should go im-
mediately to the Director of Naval
Officer Procurement in the Book
Building, Detroit, for application
blanks and other information. Those
who get their applications in a suffi-
cient time before induction may be
transferred to Midshipman Schools
when their applications are finally
approved. However, it is imperative
that the applications be what the
Navy terms "matured" by the time
the student is inducted. As this takes
from three to six weeks, any students
interested should get things started
Academic Notices
Students, College of Engineering:
The final day for removal of IN-

arises from skin pigmentation of
a group.
Any people, when subjected to the
same sort of holding-down oppres-
sion that the southern Negroes have
been subjected to, would react in a
like manner. If they are denied the
right to education, the means to bet-
terment, any people will fall below
the standards of society in intelli-
gence. But in one fundamental thing
every person is alike-everyone is a
human being. With this as a starting
point, a democracy is supposed to
allow the proof of individual equali-
ties by establishing, at the beginning,
equal opportunities, a fundamental
chance. How democratic is it to start.
out with the axiom that a whole'
group of people will never develop
into being equal in every way?
The cranial capacity of a human
being has nothing to do with his skin
color or with society's acceptance of
him. The potentialities are always
there, no matter how much people
may shun him. But if progress is
never made in establishing the basic
rights of all individuals, no individu-
als will ever be able to prove them-
selves alike.
And being allowed a voice in his
own government, being allowed an
equal chance to prove his own
worth, has nothing to do with mar-
riage. That is a personal matter in
a democracy and thus not settled
by the government. As such it can-
not be governed by law. The anti-


"You have the wrong attitude, Herl4imer!-You should consider
yourself well up in society if you go to things you don't want to

By Lichty

poll tax has nothing to do with the
forcing of marriage. Such matters
always have, aM will still, take
care of themselves.
We are fighting this war against
the belief that some people are super-
ior to others. That belief of superior-
ity is unsupported by fact and logic,
and contrary to history itself. But
still, people have been kept from hav-
ing equal rights with other people
for that same illogical reason. At
least, that is the reason felt by the
great mass of prejudiced people. But
what is really behind this alleged
denial of human rights?
Brought to light, the facts are not
pretty. For scapegoats have been
made of minorities by unscrupu-
ulous men who have seen the weak-
ness of other men to follow, obedi-
ently, the crowd. And so, for eco-
nomic and political reasons, the poll
tax is profitable to the clever, Votes
can actually be bought-people can
actually distrust a minority, because
the "rest of the street" hates it. This
is mob rule. And,. in the meanwhile,
the minority is exploited more and
more, and the profits roll in.
The right for all United States citi-
zens to vote is on paper. The right to
start off with an equal chance is also
onl paper. These are the pre-supposed
rights of any person living in a
democracy. But if barriers to these
human rights are set up, we can have
nothing but a, hypocrisy-democracy.
---Edythe Levin

COMPLETES will be Saturday, April1
29. Petitions for extension of time
must be on file in the Secretary's
Office on or before Wednesday, April
Students, College of Engineering:
The final day for DROPPING COUR-3
Saturday, April 29. A course may be
dropped only with the permission of3
the classifier after conference withi
the instructor. -
Seniors: College of L.S..& A and1
Schools of Education, Music and
Public Health: Tentative lists of sen-
iors for June graduation have been
posted on the bulletin board in Rm.
4 University Hall. If your name is'
misspelled or the degree expected in-
correct, please notify the Counter4
Attention Former Students of Ge-
ology 12: If you have copies of
Hussey's Syllabus, "Geological His-
tory of North America," we shall
appreciate your turning them in,
either for sale or rent, to Rm. 2051,
Natural Science Bldg., as soon as
possible. These outlines are out of
print, our enrollment this term is
large, and the need for them is acute.,
E. Delabar, Secy., Ext. 617.r
Organ Recital: Frieda Op't Holt
Vogan, Instructor in Theory and
Organ in the School of Music, will
appear in recital in Hill Auditorium
on Sunday afternoon, April 23, at
4:15. Her program will include works
of the classic period, and the modern
symphony for organ by Sowerby.
The public is cordially invited.
Carillon Recital: An all-Schubert
program will be presented at 7 6'clock
tonight, by Percival Price, University
Carillonneur, on the Charles Baird
Carillon in Burton Memorial Tower.
It will include Allegretto from an
impromptu, six songs, German dan-
ces, three waltzes and close with
Marche Militaire.
Student Recital: Betty Sue Lamb,
a student of Joseph Brinkman. Wi
prcsent a piano recital at 8:30 p.m.,

tend. All those interested in the
council are also invited.
High School Championship De-
bate: The 27th Annual Championship
Debate of the Michigan High School
Forensic Association will be held this
evening at 8 o'clock in the Lecture
Hall of the Rackham Building. The
question for debate is Resolved: 'That
the United States Shouli Join in
Reconstituting the League of Na-
tions. Kalamazoo Western State
High School will have the affirma-
tive side of the question and Hazel
Park High School will have the nega-
tive. Dr. C. A. Fisher, Director of the
University Extension Service, will be
Chairman of the evening. Judges for
the debate will be Professors (. E.
Densmore and Carl G. Brandt of the
University of Michigan, and Dr.
Franklin H. Knower of the University
of Iowa.
The public is cordially invited.
The first meeting of a study group
conducted by the education commit-
tee of the Inter-Cooperative Council
will be held this evening at 7:30 The
meeting will take place at the Robert
Owen House, 604 East Madison. St.
Professor Mentor Williams will de-
liver the first of a series of five
lectures on Problems of Consumer Co-
operatives. The lecture will be de-
voted to an evaluation of the Roch-
dale Principles. A forum will follow
the lecture.
Victory Musicale, Sponsored by
Sigma Alpha Iota and Mu Phi Epsi-
on, and directed by Rose Marie
Grentzer, will be presented at 8:30
tonight in Lydia Mendelssohn Thea-
tre. Admission by purchase of United
States war bond or stamps at the
Dance Symposium: This after-
noon, 4-5:15, Dance Studio, Barbour
Gymnasium. This program is de-
signed to illustrate the way in which
individuals use creative dance from
elementary age to professional dan-
cer. The University Elementary
School, Ann Arbor High School, Uni-
versity of Michigan Dance Group
show how dance is used in education.
Louise Lippold and Ann Halprin
demonstrate dance on the profes-
sional level. The solo numbers are
as follows: Fanfare; Lost Moment
(Sarabande); Two Primitive Dances:


By Crockett Johnson

No, Barnaby, I rather doubt d the


I I-

I wonder what the WPB


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Longah Distance. . . Hello.


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