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April 19, 1944 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1944-04-19

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Engineers Give Up
Search for Queen
Traditional Campus Ban on Beaujt Contets

Inter-Guild To
Give Carnival
Event To Stress International
Theme April 29 in Lane Hall

Coeds Operate
Romulus Field


Conf irmed by Studen
The question of whether or not
"four out of five women are beauti-
ful, but the fifth goes to Michigan"
is true will again be left to future
generations of University students to
decide as engineers abandoned their
proposed search for a queen of the
coming Slide Rule Ball, after the
Student Affairs Committee yesterday
confirmed their traditional policy
regarding coed queens.
The committee announced that
beauty contests are taboo on the
Michigan campus and that this pol-
icy has proved sound in the past. The
group, composed of deans and cam-
pus officers of the University, stated
that if the engineers were allowed to
choose a queen, the entire policy
would have to be revised, with no
benefit to anyone concerned.
To Give Lawyers Chance
In the meantime, the engineers are
continuing their search for the slide
rule, traditional symbol of the annual
dance. Al Bek, publicity chairman,
asked for "whoever stole the blessed
slide rule after last year's dance to
please return it, so that the lawyers
will have a chance to make off with
At again."
Last year the lawyers were success-
ful in absconding with the huge slide
rule from the Union tower and ac-
cordingly hauled it into the Union
ballrooip at midnight during the
dance and presented it to the much-
L oyal Canine
Mascots Enoy
Two of the most frequent visitors
of the USO Club come dashing in on
all fours, breaking all rules of eti-
quette, breeze by the office, ignore
the bevy of beautiful Junior Host-
esses waiting for them, and run over
to the refreshment table in the Tav-
ern Room.
There they ensconce themselves,
sitting down and greeting their more
educated comrades as they enter the
room, while munching tasty titbits
given to them by the Ann Arbor
women in charge of the food.
But all these bad manners don't
seem to affect their welcome for
Gunner, the Navy mascot, and Socks,
the loyal member of Company C, still
enjoy a rousing cheer when one or
both of them~' enter the USO..
The chaperones of the canines say
that they head for the USO Club
every time they are allowed to run
loose. But that only seems to prove
that even dogs know where to find
a good thing.
The "good thing" currently being
offered by the USO is the series of
Sunday morning breakfasts which
are held from 10:30 a.m. to 11 a.m.
every week.
Both Gunner and Socks approve of
the menu of bacon, eggs, toast, jam
and coffee or cocoa, which is served
free to all servicemen.
Another feature of the breakfasts
is that the serviceman may bring any
Junior Hostess to the meal, although
the Hostesses may not come un-
The canine theory of complete re-
laxation while eating is observed by
many of the men who go into the
reading room to catch up on the
latest comics from most of the main
cities' papers.
All in all, Gunner and Socks con-
clude, "Sunday morning spent at the
USO Club is definitely not a dog's

UI. .. COast Gerard Photo
U. S.(oturs n and Ma-
yinc, ild a temiporary causeway

w- y- %. 7 - I -. - iDancing, refreshments and carni-
it Affairs Committee val booths will feature the annual
carnival-cabaret which will be given
at 8:15 p.m. Saturday, April 29, in
relieved engineers, who had started Lane Hall, by Inter-Guild Council,
the evening with only a poor ersatz it was announced yesterday by Mar-
slide rule. jiorie Cavins. '44, president of the
Lawyers Confident of Success Council.
Although this year there will be but The event, proceeds of which will
six lawyers to several thousand engi-
neers, the lawyers feel confident of go to the World Student Service
again stealing the "glorified tooth- Fund, will be built around an inter-
pick," a spokesman for the lawyers national theme, and entertainment
prophesied. will be given by students from the In-
A special sale of tickets for the ternational Center. Fred McKinney,
Ball, which will be held May 5 in the '44P. is chairman of the carnival
Union ballroom, will take place from committee.
7 p.m. to 8 p.m. today in West Quad. Carnival booths, sponsored by in-
Tickets can be regularly purchased dividual Protestant student religious
in the Union lobby, at the League, guilds, will be set up in the lobby
desk and in the Michigan Technic and first floor offices of Lane Hall.
office at 3036 E. Engineering Bldg. Refreshments will be served upstairs,
where the entertainment will be giv-
Organization Meeting en. There will be dancing on the
F L r groundfloor.
SFor Lacrosse lubInter-Guild Council is an organi-
WAi l Be Held Today IEzation of representatives from the
Protestant student groups of Ann Ar-
Coeds who would like to learn how bor. Its purpose is to discuss mu-
to play Lacrosse, or who have played tual problems and cooperate in those
the game previously and would like areas in which they have a common
to have a chance to participate in the interest, according' to William Muehl,
games sponsored by the WAA, are director of Lane Halll.
urged to attend the first meeting of
the Lacrosse Club at 4:15 p.m. today, U Execs
according to Pam Daniels, '46, mana- U.9nit Expcts
ger of the club. I
Prospective members will meet onT
Palmer Field, providing that the T Fi uota
weather is fair, and will begin play

SLink Trainers o nrerview
Interviewing for the 1944-45 Bomb-
By MARION SIPES er Scholarship Committee will be
Twenty - five University coeds held at 4 p.m. Monday in the Student
gained a .vivid picture of life in the Offices of the Union, according to
Air WAC in a tour Monday of the Jean Bisdee, '44, chairman of Bomber
Romulus Air Base, where they re- Sholarship who also announced that
ceived first-hand knowledge of the anyone who has not yet petitioned
newest branch of the WAC, in which but would like to apply for the con-
women are "encouraged" to apply, mittee may bring the petition to the
for overseas duty.intee y.
Among the experiences of the interview.
. , .Although interviewing is primarily
group was "flying" the Link Trainers, for the co-chairman of the commit-
an episode which brought many tee, which will be chosen from Union
laughs from pilots in the Instrument and from League members, those who
Flying Room. Martha Raitanen, the wish to work on the new committee
in nth r ra itn wllac ht rn -


immediately. All equipment may beI
rented at the WAB for a small fee.
If the weather is poor, an organiza-
tional meeting will be held in the
small lounge of the WAB.
"It is advisable for the women to
come dressed forF action, in shorts,
blue jeans or slacks," Miss Daniels
continued, "but it is not necessary to
wear tennis shoes."
Women of all classes are eligible to
join this WAA Club.
Assembly Extends
Petitioning Deadline,
The deadline for turning in peti-
tions for the Assembly Ball Commit-
tee has been extended to 5 p.m.
tomorrow, according to Doris Barr,
'44, president of Assembly, who sug-
gested that petitioners include in
their applications ideas for a theme
for the dance which will emphasize
the cooperation of Assembly and
Panhellenic Council in sponsoring
the Ball.
The committee, for which every
independent woman is eligible, will
include a general chairman, tickets
chairman and program, publicity,
decorations, patrons, finance and
music chairmen. Interviewing will
be held from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m. tomor-
row and Friday and from 9 a.m. until
noon Saturday.

"Attendance at the League Surgi-
cal Dressing Unit has been steadily
improving and if it continues we will
be able to meet our Red Cross quota,"
Mickey Theilen, publicity chairman,
said yesterday.
All houses are urged to assign spe-
cific times to their residents, thereby
insuring consistently good atten-
dance. Workers should not feel that
they should come only when they
are assigned a special time, accord-
ing to Miss Theilen. "An extra room
is always ready to handle overflow,
and the Unit cannot turn out too
many dressings," she said.
"Workers must remember to wear
cotton blouses, dresses or smocks.
The Unit supply of smocks is by no
means adequate to be used by all
workers," Miss Theilen added. Nail
polish is prohibited as well as woolen
sweaters as no foreign particles must
be allowed to get into the bandages.
Group To Meet
Socialized Medicine will be the
topic of discussion at 8:15 p.m. today
when the discussion group of the
Michigan Dames will meet at the
home of Mrs. Roy W. Sowden at 1016
Olivia Avenue.
Mrs. James Nunn, Mrs. H. G.
Schluter and Mrs. W. L. Lenz will
lead the discussion.

first to operate one machine, was
"flying 200 feet below sea level and
climbing 300 feet a minute" soon
afterwards. She did learn to equalize
the rudder before leaving the ship,
Romulus needs many more An
WACs fol' Link Training instructors,
according to Capt. Tilden of the Pub-
lic Relations Office, who said that
after six weeks a WAC can handle a
Trainer capably.
Col. L. Ponton de Arce in an inter-
view yesterday stressed the unlimited
opportunities for college-trained wo-
men in the Air WAC. "Once in the
WAC," the Colonel said, "a woman
may apply for a transfer to any job
for which she is capable." He cited
as an example of opportunity for
personal choice an Air WAC, who, he
said, "is expertly trained for secre-
tarial work and whose records show
that she has extraordinary ability in
that line. "However," he continued,
"she wanted to be a truck-driver, so
she is driving a truck, although we
couldn't hire a more capable secre-
Upon mention of overseas service
by a member of the group, Col. de-
Arcy said, "The Army not only guar-
antees overseas service on request by
an Air WAC, but we like the girls to
An innovation for the enlisted
WACs this summer will be tropical
worsteds n for dress wear. Formerly
this was only permitted for officers'
uniforms, according to Lt. Barbara
Rogers, who with Sgt. Virginia Day
led the group. The coeds were also
accompanied by Dean Alice Lloyd,
Dr. Margaret Bell and Miss Ethel
Corps Begins Work
Raking equipment for the '47 Corps
may be obtained, beginning Thurs-
day, at;the substation where someone
will be stationed from 9 a.m. to noon
and from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. daily,
according to Estelle Klein, '47, chair-
man of the Freshman Project.
Freshman women are asked to
start work on the campus grounds in
preparation for Campus Clean-Up
Week, which will begin Monday,

In Oer capaclties wi atso be inter-
Interviewing will be done by the
present Bomber Scholarship Commit-
tee, headed by Miss Bisdee. The group
is composed of chairmen of student
activities from the League and Union,
including League and Union presi-
dents, presidents of Inter-Fraternity
and Panhellenic Councils, the presi-
dent of Assembly and others.
This year's - work on the Bomber
Scholarship Fund, which is now one-
fourth of the way toward its $100,000
goal, has been accomplished by a
functional committee of League and
Union members. Those w ho have
worked on the projects are Anne
Adams, '44, Roy Boucher, '45, Phyllis
Buck, '44A, John Clippert '44E, Doro-
thy Darnall, '44, Barbara Fitch, '45,
Lois Fromum, '44, Marion H-rebek, '44,
Don Larson, USNR, Mary Lee Mason,
'45, and Carol Miller, '45.
Carol Ann Misner, '44, Frances
Rubenstein, '44, Dorothy Servis, '43,
Joy Sibley, '44, Mahala Smith, '44,
Rupert Straub, '44E. Peg Weiss, '44,
Florine Wilkins, '45, and Bill Wood,
USNR, also worked on the committee.
Tickets for the Second Union
Spring Formal will be on sale from
1 p.m. to 5 p.m. today and tomor-
row at the Union Travel Desk.
Union membership cards must be
presented at the time of purchase
and will be punched to insure a
moreseven distribution of the

S1 Sweet O 6etera
AND THE QUESTION presented itself the other day-what is a liberal
arts education, anyway? No one was very clear about it, but all the
notions ran along the same lines. And the common denominator to all
the definitions offered was some incoherent muttering about "lots of
WELL, what is it? A smattering of ignorance, perhaps? An interlude in
Angell Hall? A mad dash between buildings? A familiarity with the
library? Speaking terms with the faculty? Quotations from Pope? The
ability to trace trends? An A in every philosophy cohrse? A diploma?
A term paper? Fluency in three languages? What the devil is it?
What Cramming Left Behind
W E ADMIT to ignorance on the subject, complete bewilderment as to
what a liberal arts education really is. Oh, we've got a few notions-
but they don't amount to much. The trouble seems to arise when we realize,
suddenly, that what we've seen of such an education around here offers
no means of verification-no matter what the theory. We've tried check-
ing up on seniors to find out what they've learned, but it inevitably boils
down to a collection of facts, the residue which cramming left behind. Or
maybe it turns out to be a form of specialization-nerve-wracking precision
in the field of economics, but a complete blank on the subject of poetry.
Sometimes we bump into someone with what has been called a "well-
rounded education," only to find that she can't answer questions that go
too far telow the surface. The A.B,'s flock off the campus into a world
easily impressed.
PERHAPS something in the way of a working definition can be set up.
Perhaps if we leave out all specific mention of courses we can, at least,
set up some standard whereby we may judge ourselves and our university.
The way we see it, a liberal arts education amounts to something more
than so many pages of readinig a semester. It amounts to something more
than good class attendance, nicely written bluebooks, marked achievement
in the field of concentration. It is primarily, we maintain, the education
which, in its course, produces and exercises the ability to use the textbook,
the lecture, the class discussion as springboards for some first-hand think-
Education or Assimilation? .
AND IN THE face of such a criterion, what are we to say of ourselves?
Is this a liberal arts education we are getting, this furious memorization
of lecture notes, this pile of books, pre-chewed, ready to be digested before
the exam? Is this liberal arts education about which we can emote so
beautifully when people ask us why we are here? How much thinking do
we actually do once the notebook is closed, the bluebook handed in, the
diploma framed and hung on the wall? How far beyond quotation does
our knowledge go? Which theories belong to us and which to the thinkers
who set it down so neatly for us to absorb? Education? Nay, assimila-
AND SO IT GOES, the same old count against our way of acquiring an
education. Even now we are not certain as to what this education should
involve. And once having decided-that, we shall have to discover whether
or not we are actually getting one. A sad state of affairs. College people
have been referred to as "the intellectual elite." Is this, then, not a
challenge to our nobility?

3 aerO



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