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April 18, 1944 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1944-04-18

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TuESDAY~a, r 18 i; 1q4

Fifty.Fourth Yea?


I'd Rather Be Right



By Lichty





Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Stu dent. Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
regular University year, and every morning except Mon-
day and Tuesday during the summer session.
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or
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College Publishers Representaive
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Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1943 44

Editorial Staff

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dit/riatls published in The Mibigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.
etrill o's Selish an
grings Congress Action
AMES C. PETRILLO, who has perhaps aroused
more public indignation than any other labor
figure except John L .Lewis, has finally over-
stepped the bounds of dictatorial power and self-
ish greed. The president of the American Fed-
eration of Musician's ban on noncommercial ed-
ucational broadcasts has resulted in Congres-
sional action and a pending bill to put school
music programs back on the air.
The background of the story is familiar. In
July, 1942, Petrillo banned the broadcasting of
non-commercial radio programs by the children
of the Natiohal Music Camp at Interlochen and
in the fall of 1942, he likewise banned the broad-
casting of music programs by the students of the
Eastman School of Music and the Cincinnati
Conservatory of Music by threat of a strike of
all union musicians serving radio stations. As
asresult of these, and other similar acts, czar
Petrillo was able to boast in January, 1944: "in
the year 1943 there were no school bands or or-
chestras on the networks and there never will
be without the permission of the American Fed-
eration of Musicians."
In this way, Petrillo, with or without the ap-
proval of the members of his union, has suc-
ceeded in blocking the great cultural avenue of
the radio at the very time that the country is
experiencing a decided musical awakening and
an increase of interest in furthering music ed-
ucation. In 1918 there were about half a dozen
major symphony orchestras in the United States,
90 per cent of the musicians being foreign born.
Last year there were at least 35 such orchestras
and fewer than 50 per cent of the players came
from abroad, an advance fostered mainly by the
growth of music educatiohn in our public schools.
IT WOULD seem logical that Petrillo should
applaud and encourage this growth in music
interest and school music education as a source
of increased employment for union musicians.
But, either because of ignorance or shortsighted
greed, he has been hostile toward school music
for years, maintaining that it will only train new
musicians to take away employment from union
musicians. Petrillo's stand is fallacious because
he fails to realize that demands for more music
and support for better music will be the inevit-
ible result of school music education.
The AF of M boss also argues fallaciously
when he claims "the more free music the radio
stations receive the less need for the profes-
sional" because no radio station can afford to
do away with commercial professional music,
a main source o income.
And while Petrillo is thus cutting off his
nose to spite his face, he has also presumed to
restrict by fiat, the freedom of speech and
'expression guaranteed in the Constitution. One
Congressman characterized his actions as a
"raid on the school children of America." An
Interstate Commerce subcommittee's investi-
gation, which called in the aid of University
Professor Joseph Maddy and Regent J. J. Her-
bert, has finally resulted in the drafting of a
bill to curb Petrillo's power to deny education
tire use of radio for non-commercial purposes.

NEW YORK, April 17.-The war against the
OWI has flared up again, and several riewspa-
pers are giving Elmer Davis a treatment. Elmer
4ets his hair combed with a piece of broken glass
periodically in this fashion.
Last summer he got it good, on the theme that
the OWI was Communist, because it had quoted
somebody's broadcast attacking our deal with
Badoglio. The Communists, at that moment,
were defending the deal with Badoglio; their line
was exactly the opposite of the line taken by
the "moronic little king" broadcast; but, of
course, few of the experts in sniffing out Com-
munist ideology in government quarters ever
trouble to find out just what it is the Commun-
ists are saying, because that makes too much
home work.
The OWI isn't being attacked as subversive
this spring. The style of attack alters from
time to time, and currently the finger is being
put on OWI because it is expensive. In eight
short months the OWI has been promoted
from menace to luxury. Last summer, it was
considered dangerous; this year it is being at-
tacked mainly as useless. Last summer, in a
number of newspapers, Elmer was pictured as'
a plotter -against the American form of gov-
ernment, this spring he is described as a sort
of giddy, heedless good-time-Charley, a big
spender and high tipper, all at government ex-
pense. Sometimes Elmer must look into his
mirror and wonder who the hell he really is.
Some of the burble is funny, especially when
it is pointed out, in accents of horror, that Elmer
not only uses radio in his effort to win friends
and influence people on our behalf; but that he
goes further, and uses pamphlets, leaflets,
transcription, short movie films, match-pads and
phonograph records. Elmer, in a word, believes
in advertising. His activities may sometimes
seem a little flossy, but, by and ltrge, they rire
an accurate expression of a national culture in
which -advertising plays an enormous part.
This is a 250-billion-dollar war, and we are
at its climax, and the total Elmer asks for
overseas propaganda in connection with it is
$59,000,000. That is $16,000,000 less than was
spent for commercial advertising with one
radio network alone Columbia, last year.
Support Roosevelt for
A Fourth Term in '44
MR. MULLENDORE in his editorial Saturday
recommended that it would be to the Re-
publican party's best interests to "withdraw
completely from the 1944 presidential race and
allow Roosevelt's election to a fourth term go
This is one of the cases in which we agree
with the conclusion but violently object to the
arguments leading up to it.
Despite the fact the "most economists agree
that a post-war depression is almost inevit-
-able," there are people, ordinary citizens-in
unions, in consumer's organizations, in busi-
ness concerns-people who are making plans
so that there need not be a depression after
this war.
And these people are working with President
Roosevelt and his post-war planning committees,
such as the committee on re-employment of sol-
diers. They are making plans which can be
carried out only if a progressive person who is
conscious that the world is larger than the USA,
is acting as President.
Another primary problem, a fair chance for
minority groups after the war, can be settled
only by a liberal, democratic-minded administra-
tor. Groups of Americans-labor, youth, wo-
men, Jews, Negroes, who have found their places
in our America of 1944, are not going to let their
jobs and social position and sense of security
be taken from them peacefully.
AND the fascists now stirring up disgruntled
Americans are not going to rest either, after
this war. Gerald L. K. Smith, Martin Dies,
Col. McCormick and the rest are organizing now
with the hope of setting-up a super-Ku Klux
Klan after victory. They can be effectively
dealt with only if the President is a man who
believes in the right of the majority to rule, and
in protecting the rights of the minority insofar as

those rights do not deprive anyone of life, liberty
and the pursuit of happiness.
We agree with Mr. Mullendore that, by any
standards, the "GOP's only suitable candidate,
Willkie, has been forced to retire." We feel
that, at best, the Republicans would have a
hard time proving their sympathy with the
democratic traditions we-have built in the past
12 years: the right of all Americans not to
starve to death in the midst of millions of
dollars of unused productive capacity, the
right of workers to settle their disputes through
collective bargaining, the right to public
health clinics, unemployment compensation,
to security and self-respect.
And it is so much simpler to reach a conclu-
sion by going frontward instead of arriving at
the same point through the back door, as Mr.
Mullendore did. We need a President with cer-
tain qualifications; such a man is now President,I
he can be urged to run again, and can be re-
elected. -Kathie Sharfman

There are individual corporations in America
which, to push one product, spend almost a
quarter of what Elmer says he needs to tell
our story to the whole world.
The trouble goes pretty deep, however, and,
at basis, the attacks on Elmer are due to the
fact that he is in the idea business, on behalf
of a country which hasn't quite ,made up its
Elmer runs America's advertising agency, and
he is all set up and ready to go, but we have to
wait for the election before we shall know what
we're peddling to the world. The agency is
functioning, but it doesn't yet really 'know
whether it is going to sell soap or coal oil.
If isolationism continues to triumph in the
Republican party, and then elects its candi-
date, the OWI will be caught with its mouth
.open in the most expensive "Oh!" in history.
And, mostly, it is. those who hate ideas in
politics, who also hate Elmer's idea factory.
Those earthy characters who think the inter-
national ideal is all nonsense also think that
international propaganda is nonsense. First
they try to get us good and confused, so that
we.will have nothing to say to the world, and
when that reduces Elmer to dramatizing mail-
order catalogs, they then point out he isn't say-
ing anything, and should therefore cut his
They force us to take as inane a position as
possible in world politics, then they rap 1lmer
for an inanity which is only a reflection of them-
Those who have nothing to say to the world
obviously find it hard to understand why we
should spend money to say it. Who's Elmer?
Why, Elmer Davis, as a man in the -idea busi-
ness, is one of the symbols of the better world.
And that is why they give him so many dif-
ferent names, and fight him so consistently
under all of them.
(Copyright, 1944, New York Post Syndicate)

WASHINGTON, April 17.- The
question of the quick-release para-
chute harness is still causing con-
siderable backing-and-filling inside
the armed services, this time in the
Instead of ordering the safer
type of parachute the Navy is}
experimenting with a breathing
instrument which will permit an
aviator who drops into the water!
in his parachute to breathe under
water for about five minutes. Dur-
ing this five minutes, he get out of
his cumbersome triple-release har-
This, in itself, illustrates the dan-
gers of the triple-release harness and
is why the Eighth Air Force in Eng-
land has junked it, using the British
single-release harness instead.
To get a full picture, it is important
to realize that, when a man lands by
parachute, he hits at a speed equiva-
lent to a jump from a 16-foot build-
ing. If he hits the water, he goes
under for a considerable depth. When
he goes under, he has to cope with
720 feet of shroud lines connecting
his harness to his parachute, and it is
easy to get tangled up. Also, if he is
in the old triple-release harness, he
has to undo a buckle under each
thigh and another snap at his shoul-
The single release, on the other
hand, requires only the turn of a




traveling salesman ~"

little box on the chest, following
which the entire harness falls off.
First developed in the United
States, it has been adopted by the
British, Germans and almost every
Army and -Navy in the world. But
the U.S. Navy still holds out.
Most tragic fact about the Navy's
slowness is that its aviators must
come down in water nine cases out
of ten, whereas Army airmen prob-
ably can avoid water nine cases out
of ten.
In view of this, a report written by
Colonel C. L. Fike, U.S. Marine Corps,
on Dec. 13, 1943, is especially inter-
esting. It is through Fike's report
that the Navy justifies its delay in

adopting the quick-release parachute.
Col. Fike reported to the Navy's
Bureau of Aeronautics that the
quick release had been tested 'out
"several years ago," and that the
men did not like it because it was
too bulky, got in the way, was
worn in front rather than in the
rear, and that sometimes men,
slipped through it while in the air.
Gen. Longfellow's report was dia-
metrically opposed to Col. Fike's
statement that aviators sometimes
slipped through the harness. Long-
fellow said: -There has never been a
failure of the box (single-release
box) reported."
(Copyright, 1944, United Features Synd.)

"We know you have Agriculture's best interests at heart, Senator,
but you must realize the farmers' greatest problem is longer the
f s, tr/7' ,ing salesmantli"

The Pedultn

T HE MILITARY were never noted for political
enlightenment. There is a similarity, that
often becomes an identification, between army
strata and social castes. Men cast in the army
mold, too frequently extend their narrow views to
cover fields outside of their province.
In France they led the defeatist factions,
and where they did not collaborate, they gen-
erally sympathized with fascist groups else-
where. The mis-application of army stand-
ards to civilian affairs continues.
As for our country, a few examples will demon-
strate the point: General Marshall's unwar-
ranted diatribes against labor; the injection of
false military expediencies into the Palestinian
question; General MacArthur's anti-New Deal
letter-vintage 1936-to a rabid Roosevelt hater.
The knife cuts both ways-so that the army
sometimes injures itself, as for instance, in its
shunning of experienced Spanish Civil War vet-
erans. At any rate, it is with these facts in mind
that I have been reading W. E. Woodward's
biography of George Washington. The hand-
some visage of Douglas MacArthur, now being
boomed by Col. McCormick and our own paunchy
Senator Vandenberg for the presidency, kept
bobbing up in my mind.
Without trying to draw any sort of parallel
between the Father of our Country and the Hero
of Bataan, it is borne in on one's mind that
the military bent seldom co-exists with the polit-
ical bent-and that men peculiarly fitted for
generalship are usually unsuitable for directing
affairs of state, except in a stagnant fashion, as
with Washington, or in a corrupt fashion as
with Grant, or in a reactionary fashion as with
In any case, Woodward's appraisal of Wash-
ington is intriguing literature. Woodward aligns
himself with the self-styldd school of debunking.
He unhesitantly applies the acids of reality onto
our first president and national myth.
TRACING the Washingtons back genealogical-
ly, this biographer finds a family composed
of plodding, unknown mediocrities-with the
sole exception of scionless George whose military
repute was to catapult him into world-wide
Washington early became an intimate of
Lord Fairfax through whose patronage he first
secured a colonial commission. Woodward
takes great pains to delineate Washington as
a man of "money and action." But, his brav-
ery, especially in battle, cannot be gainsaid.
This was demonstrated by his conduct in the
French and Indian War for which General
Braddock highly commended him.
One is impressed by Washington's inordinate
desire for land. His marriage to the richest wo-
man in the colonies appears to have been a
purely opportunistic one. His letters to her are
cold and dispassionate. From his diary, Wood-
ward deduces that George had a dull, unim-
aginative mind. It is almost incredible that, in
the midst of world-shaking events, Washington
could blithely record the latest addition to his
number of hogs-and make no mention of other
--Bernard Rosenberg

VOL. LIV ,'No. 122
All notices for the Daily Official Bul-
letin are to be sent to the Office of the
President in typewritten form by 3:30
p.m. of the day preceding its publica-
tion, except on Saturday when the no-
tices should be submitted by 11a30 a.m.
Mail is being held at the Business
Office of the University for the fol-
lowing people: Altman, Peter; Bor-
yan, Marie; Gale, Doris; Gaster, Bert
jD.; Grimes, Julie; Hockett, Dr.
Charles F.; Kahn, Mrs. Alfred; Kel-
gen, Louise; Keschman, Hannah;
Prill, Paul E.; Sandler, Malcolm;
Scheer, Lawrence E.; Taube, Aileen;
Wescott, Joan E.
If you wish to finance the pur-
chase of a home, or if you have pur-
chased improved property on a land
contract and owe a balance of ap-
proximately 60 per cent of the value
of the property, the Investment Of-
fice, 100 South Wing of University
Hall, would be glad to discuss finan-
cing through the medium of a first
mortgage. Such financing may effect
a substantial saving in interest.
Medical Aptitude Test: The Medi-
cal Aptitude Test of the Association
of American Colleges, a normal re-
quirement for admission to practi-
cally all medical schools, will be
given on Friday, April 28, throughout
the United States. The test, which
will require about two hours, will be
given in Ann Arbor in the Rackhamn
Amphitheatre from 3 to 5 p.m.
Any student planning to enter a
medical school and who has not pre-
viously taken the Aptitude Test
should do so at this time. You are
requested to be in your seats prompt-
ly and to bring with you two well-
sharpened pencils.
The fee of $1.00 is payable at
the Cashier's Office from April 17
through April 26.
General James S. Simmons, Chief
of the Department of Preventable
Diseases, Office of the Surgeon Gen-
eral, United States Army, will ad-
dress an assembly of public health
and medical students in the audi-
torium of the School of Public
Health at 11:00 a.m. Wednesday,
April 19. General Simmons' subject
will be "Preventive Medicine in Mili-
tary Practice."
General Simmons' duties embrace
the preventive medicine and public
health problems of our Army in all
parts of the world. Interested guests
are invited.
Academic Notices
Freshmen, College of Literature,
Science and the Arts: Freshmen may
not drop courses without "E" grade
after Saturday, April 29. Only stu-
dents with less than 24 hours' credit
are affected by this regulation. They
must be recommended by their Aca-

demic Counselor for this extraordi-
nary privilege.
Speeded Reading Course: To those
who have signed for the short course
in speeded reading: The course will
meet on Tuesday and Thursday, 5,
Rm. 4009, University High School
Building. The first meeting will be
held Thursday, April 20, 5 o'clock. If
you intend to take the course be
present at this meeting.
Seniors: College of L.S. & A and
Schools of Education, Music and
Public Health: Tentative lists of sen-
iors for June graduation have been
posted on the bulletin board in Rm.
4 University Hall. If your name is
misspelled or the degree expected in-
correct, please notify the Counter,

Organ Recital: Frieda Op't Holt
Vogan, Instructor in Theory and
Organ in the School of Music, will
appear in recital in Hill Auditorium
_ on Sunday afternoon, April 23, at
_ 4:15. Her program will include works
of the classic period, and the modern
symphony for organ by Sowerby.
The public is cordially invited.
Student Recital: Virginia Lowery,
pianist, has planned a program of
compositions by Mozart, Krenek and
Brahms for her recital at 8:30 to-
night in the Assembly Hall:of the
Rackham Building. She is a student
of Joseph Brinkman and is present-
ing the recital in partial fulfillment
of the requirements for the degree of
Master of Music.
The public is cordially invited.
Exhibit: Original plans and per-
spectives for the proposed civic cen-
ter of Madison, Wisconsin, designed
by the architect, Frank Lloyd Wright.
Ground floor corridor, Architecture
Building. On exhibit until May 1.
Events Today
Bacteriology Seminar will meet
at 4:30 this afternoon in Rm. 1564
East Medical Building. Subject: Gly-
cerol metabolism by an intermediate
of the coli-aerogenes group. All in-
terested are invited.
There will be a compulsory mass
meeting of all Junior USO hostesses
of Company X, at 7:30 tonight.
The Albion College Alumni Club
of Ann Arbor will celebrate Albion-
Round-the-World night this evening
at 8 o'clock in the Green Room of the
First Methodist Church. Dr. Fred-
erick S. Goodrich of Albion College
will give the address of the evening.
All former Albion College students
and friends are invited to attend.
Those -planning to come call 4121,
Ext. 657 in the daytime or 9661 in the

Baptiste Lamarck" and Professor
John W. Eaton on "Johann Gott-
fried von Herder."
Botanical Seminar: Volney H.
Jones will speak on "Experiments
with Cryptostegia Rubber in Haiti,"
Wednesday, April 19, at 4 p.m., in
Rm. 1139, Natural Science. Anyone
interested may attend.
International Center: The Folk
Dancing Club of the International
Center will meet ;Wednesday at 7:30
p.m. in Rm. 305 Michigan Union. All
foreign students and American
friends are invited.
The Post War Council will present
a panel on "Government in Busi-
ness," Wednesday, April 19, at 7:30
in the League. The public is cordi-
ally invited.
The Stump Speakers' Society of
Sigma Rho Tau will present an Ox-
ford Debate on "Air power nucleus
for world police," this Wednesday
night at 7:30 in Rm. 318 of the
Michigan Unin. By popular demand,
this is the second debate on' this
same subject. The public is again
cordially invited to attend.
Victory Musicale, sponsored by
Sigma Alpha Iota and Mu Phi Epsi-
lon, will be presented at 8:30 p.m.,
Friday, April 21, in Lydia Mendel-
ssohn Theatre. The program will
include compositions by Jeannette
Haien, Philip James, Robert Dela-
ney, -Aaron Copland, Dorothy James
and Carl Eppert. The general public
will be admitted upon the purchase
of U.S. war bond or stamps at the
La Sociedad Hispanica presents
"Sueno de una Noche de Agosto," a
three act modern comedy by G. Mar-
tines Sierra, at the Lydia Mendel-
ssohn Theatre on Wed., April 19 at
8:30. All seats are reserved. Phone
6300 for reservations. Box office
opens Monday, April 17th at 2 p.m.
The lecture tickets of "La Sociedad
Hispanica" are good for 25 cents
toward purchasing a play ticket.

Le Cercle Francais will hold an
informal meeting in Rm. 304 of the
Union on Thursday, April 20, at 8
o'clock. Foreign students interested
in speaking French are especially
invited to attend.
High School Championship be-
bate: The 27th Annual Championship
Debate of the Michigan High School
Forensic Association will be held Fri-
day evening, April 21, at 8 p.m. in the
Lecture Hall of the Rackham Build-
ing. The question for debate is Re-
solved: That the United States
Should Join in Reconstituting the
League of Nations. Kalamazoo West-
ern State High School will have the
affirmative side of the question and
Hazel Park High School will have the
negative. Dr. C. A. Fisher, Director of
the University Extension Service, will


By Crockett Johnson


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