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April 18, 1944 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1944-04-18

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Fall Seen
By Moscow
Red Troops Now
Within Wile of Bay
By The Associated Press
LONDON, April 18, Tuesday.-Rus-
sian troops plunged to within a mile
of Sevastopol's bay on the north yes-
terday, seized two junctions on roads
leading into the city from the south-
east, and hurled thousands of Ger-
man and Romanian troops into a
narrowing 85-square-mile death trap
around the stricken Crimean strong-
hold, Moscow announced last night.
Mekenziya Captured
One Russian column of Gen. Feo-
dor I. Tolbukhin's Fourth Ukraine
Army captured Mekenziya, only two
miles north of Sevastopol, which is
built on the chalk cliffs south of the
bay. Thisngroup was only a mile
from the north shore of the bay,
which is reported jammed with Axis
evacuation ships sunk by Russian
bombers. It was striking along a
road skirting the eastern end of the
On the eastern side of Sevastopol
another Russian column captured
Cherkez-Kermen, eight miles outside
the city, the bulletin said. Between
this Red Army force and Sevastopol
lie Inkerman and Malakhov Hill,
Sevastopol's last natural defenses.
The capture of these hills ended the
eight-months Axis siege of the city
in July, 1942, and also in the Crimean
War in 1885.
A third Soviet unit fought its way
into Verkhny-Chorgun, a road junc-
tion six miles southeast of Sevasto-
pol, and only four miles from Inker-
Reds Advance Z5 Miles
Farther south, Gen. Andrei I. Yer-
emenko's Independent Maritime Ar-
my, fighting its way around the coast
and through the mountains, was only
12 miles from Sevastopol and five
miles from Balaklava, scene of the
renowned 19th century "charge of the
light brigade," with the capture of
the road junction of Varnutka. Bal-
aklava is the southern anchor of
Sevastopol's defense ring.
Russian troops, making an overall
25-mile gain during the day, cracked
the 2,200-foot mountain position on
the southern coast known as the Bai-
dary Gate in the advance to Varnut-
ka. The village of Baidary in a val-
ley of the same name was occupied
enroute, :he bulletin said.
On the southern coast the western-
most point taken during the day was
the health resort of Foros, 21 miles
beyond Yalta, which was seized the
day before.
Moscow dispatches said the Rus-
sian people expected the fall of Sev-
astopol shortly, but Soviet communi-
ques said the Germans had heavily
mined the roads leading into the city.

Kohima-Dimapur Area
Scene of Counterattack
By The Associated Press
KANDY, CEYLON, April 17.-Japanese invasion forces that cut the'
important Allied supply road between Kohima and Dimapur in eastern In-
dia last week have been thrown from important positions and dealt "very
heavy" losses by counter-attacking British and Indian troops, an Allied
Communique announced today.
(A dispatch to the Indian observer in New Delhi reported that Allied
tanks and infantry had cleared Japanese road blocks four miles north of
Kohima in heavy fighting. It estimated that Allied forces in the Kohima
area had a 5-to-1 superiority over the Japanese in artillery.)
Kohima is 60 miles north of the principal Allied base at Imphal. It is
connected by a winding 35-mile highway with Dimapur, a station on the
-- ___.___®.__ ___---pAmerican - operated Bengal - Assam

EMIRAU ISLAND TAKEN OVER-Amphibious tanks clutter the foreground as supplies and equipment
are brought ashore on eastern end of Emirau Island in St. Matthias group in the Pacific. The heavily-
wooded isle was overrun by Marines on March 22, 1944, which provided the Allies with potential air
and sea base less than 600 miles from Jap "Pearl Harbor" of Truk in the Carolines.

SFinal Plans Are Made for
Victory Varieties Program

Final plans for a modified Victory
Varieties program to be given at 8:15
p.m. Saturday in Hill Auditorium
were announced Sunday by the stu-
dent committee.
At the same time, the committee
drew up a formal request asking that
the Board of Regents permit students
to plan entertainment programs
without approval of local business
Eddy Howard To Be Featured
Eddy Howard's orchestra will be
featured in a special musical program
and coast-to-coast broadcast as a
part of the Coca-Cola Company's
"Victory Parade of Spotlight Bands."
The p. 'ogram and broadcast will be
open to the public without charge.
However, the first floor of the audi-
torium will be reserved until 8:10
p.m. for servicemen, students with
Legislation Introduced in
Congress for Competition
WASHINGTON, April 17.- (P)-
Establishment of a joint congres-
sional committee of five senators and
five representatives to investigate the
financing and operation of federal
agencies which compete with private
business is proposed in legislation,
(H. Con. Res. 79) introduced todayj
by Rep. Cunningham (Rep., Iowa).

identification cards, their guests and
members of the faculty.
Twenty-five minutes of the show
will be broadcast over 173 stations of
the Blue Network from 9:30 to 9:55
Regents To Cc nsider Protest
Members.= of the committee drew
up their protest after they were in-
formed last week that Regent Ed-
mund C. Shields, who is council for
the Butterfield Theatres, Inc., com-
plained that the show should not be
held because of the "commercial as-
pects of the production." The Regents
are expected to give consideration to
the protest at their regular meeting
Friday, members of the committee
Club To Meet
Here This Week
The 58th annual meeting of the
Michigan Schoolmasters' Club will
meet here Thursday, Friday and Sat-
Approximately 2,500 teachers and
educators from all over the state will
attend the three - day conference
which will have "World Responsibil-
ities of Education" as its theme.
Members may register at Rm. 4,
University Hall, and programs for
the meeting may be obtained there.
i Dean Edward H. Kraus of the Lit-
erary School; Robert C. Wallace,
principal and vice - chancellor of,
Queen's University in Ontario; Willys
R. Peck of the Department of State
and Carl Joachim Hambro, former
president of the Norwegian Parlia-
ment and of the League of Nations
Assembly, will be the featured speak-
ers at the general meetings of the 7
An all-conference reception and
dinner will be held at 6 p.n. Friday;
in the Union.
The 15thnAnnual Conference on'
Teacher Education, the Tenth An-
nual Conference on Problems in
School and Coolege Co-operation, the
Annual Conference on Teacher Sup-{
ply and Demand and the Michigan
High School Forensic Association will
meet in conjunction with the School-
masters' Club.
Union Formal

World News
at a Glance
By The Associated Press
Hollandia Bombed
Tuesday- One of the heaviest
bombing raids yet centered on Hol-
landia, Dutch New Guinea, was
staged Sunday when bombers and
fighters of the Fifth Army Air
Force left great columns of smoke
rising from Japanese fuel and sup-
ply dumps.
Italian Cabinet Changes
Premier Marshal Pietro Badoglio,
who has headed the Italian govern-
ment since Benito Mussolini was
overthrown last July, tendered the
resignation of his ministers today
and began the formation of an en-
larged and more democratic war cab-
Belgrade, Sofia Bombed
PLES, April 17.-Strong forces of
American Fortresses and Libera-
tors bombed Belgrade and Sofia
today, hitting rail facilities, air-
craft component factories and an
airdrome on the third straight day
of the Italy-based air assault on
the Balkans ahead of the Russian,
Army's advance. The AmericanI
attack was made in a series of swift
Ford To Aid Veterans
WASHINGTON, April 17.-Henry
Ford promised war veterans priorities
on post-war jobs in his vast enter-
prises today, and the House voted
overwhelmingly to give them the first
call on all government payrolls. The
Ford .companies have 25,000 workers
in the armed services.
Petn Is Developed
WASHINGTON, April 17.- A
newly-developed powerful high ex-
plosive that is "better than a third
more explosive than TNT" is now
being used effectively in many
types of American aircraft bombs
and in ammunition for certain
artillery pieces, the Army Ord-
nance Department disclosed today.
It is "Petn"-a short-cut name for
the chemical term penta-erythr-
itol-tetranitrate. It is a white,
crystalline material.

Halifax To
Ta lk Friday
Citations To Be Given
653 Honor Students
Viscount Halifax, British Ambas-
sador to the United States, will ad-
dress the 21st Honors Convocation at
11 a.m. Friday in Hill Auditorium
when 653 citations will be presented
to honor students.
Classes Dismissed
All classes, with the exception of
clinics, will be dismissed at 10:45
a.m. Friday to permit students to at-
tend. The Convocations, which is
free of charge, will be open, to the
The long public career of Viscount
Halifax as a representative of the
British Empire makes him a familiar
figure in world affairs. The Ambas-
sador has been a Member of Parlia-
ment, Parliamentary Undersecretary
for the Colonies, President of the Bu-
reau of Education, Minister of Agri-
culture and Viceroy for India.
All Classes Honored
There will be 122 seniors with at
least a B average and ranking in the
highest ten per cent of their class who
will be honored at the Convocation.
Also 58 juniors, 61 sophomores and
97 freshmen who earned a 3.5 or
higher average will receive recogni-
tion. Ninety-nine members of the
Army Specialized Training Program
who achieved at least half A and half
B averages as well as 61 other honor
students will also be honored. Fel-
lowships and scholarships will be pre-
sented to 87 graduate students and 68
will receive special awards.
SSedition Trial
Starts for 30
WASHINGTON, April 17. - (P)-
Trial of 30 persons charged with con-
spiracy to incite disaffection within
the armed forces moved toward selec-
tion of a jury today as Federal Dis-
trict Court Justice Edward E. Eicher
repeatedly denied motions of more
than a score of defense attorneys
which would have delayed proceed-
The blanket indictment returned
last January 5 against two women-
Mrs. Elizabeth Dilling of Chicago and
Miss ois de Lafayette Washburn of
Chicago-and 28 men, charges they
conspired with German officials and
Nazi party leaders with the intent of
interfering with the loyalty, morale
and discipline of U.S. Armed Forces.
In addition, the list of defendants
includes Gerard Wilhelm Kunze of
New York.
Bond, Jamison To Speak
At Post-War Discussion
Dr. Floyd Bond of the economics
department, Prof. C. L. Jamison of
the business administration schocl
and a CIO representative from De-
troit will be the speakers in a Post-
War Council panel discussion of gov-
ernment and business at 7:30 p.m.
tomorrow in the League.

railway, main supply line for all Al-
lied forces in eastern India and north-
ern Burma.
Since the middle of last week the
Allied defenders of Kohima have been
on the offensive, trying to wipe out
road blocks established by the Japan-
ese at points where the highway
passes through the 5,000-foot Naga
hills north and northwest of Kohima.
Today's communique from Admiral
Lord Louis Mountbatten's new head-
quartersherehalso listed other blows
struck at the invaders at several
points where they are attempting to
thiust onto the rich Imphal plain,
which is ringed with Allied strong-
Anti-Poll Tax
Petitions To Be
Circulated Here
Meeting Here Today
Michigan Youth for Democratic
Action and the Inter-Racial Associ-
ation will distribute petitions on
campus tomorrow in favor of an an-
ti-poll tax measure.
The petitions will be sent to mem-
bers of Congress. In addition to peti-
tions, post-cards will also be distrib-
uted, which will be mailed to Con-
Booths will be set up in front of the
library and at Main Street and East
Huron. All students are asked to
The petitions call for an Anti-Poll
Tax Bill and a cloture clause, which
will prevent killing of the bill through
Delegates from MYDA and Inter -
Racial AssociationwillA besent to
Washington this week-end to attend
a session of the Senate on the Anti-
Poll Tax Bill. In addition. they will
speak to Senators urging their sup-
port of the Anti-Poll Tax Bill.
MYDA To Discuss
Future Employment
John Lovett, president of the Mich-
igan Association of Manufacturers,
and Melvin Bishop, regional director
of the UAW-CIO in Detroit, will dis-
cuss "Post-War Employment" at a
meeting of Michigan Youth for Dem-
ocratic Action at 7:45 p.m. today
in the Union.
In addition to his work in the Mich-
igan Association of Manufacturers,
Mr. Lovett is a member of the De-
troit Chamber of Commerce.
* A ,
Prof. Humphrey To Speak
At Inter-Racial Meeting
Former Detroit social worker and
co-author of the book "Race Riot,"
Prof. Norman D. Humphrey of
Wayne University will speak at 8:30
p.m. today in the Union for Inter-
Racial Association.
Humphreys, who was an eye wit-
ness of the June race riot in Detroit,
was assaulted by the mob when he
attempted to save the life of a Negro.
He has worked on the Ford assembly
line and is a member of the UAW-

English Act
To Protect
Attack Plan
Strict Cenisorship
Rule Is Adopted
By The Associated Press
LONDON, April 17.-In an un-
precedented move to safeguard the
secrets of the coming invasion, Bri-
tain tonight forbade neutral diplo-
mats to leave this country and placed
a drastic censorship on diplomatic
communication-to and from this
country by all nations except Russia,
the British Commonwealth and the
United States.
The governmentrdecreed that tele-
grams of all other countries repre-
sented here, including Eire, which
recently refused a United States re-
quest to close its Axis legations, must
be written in plain language and
submitted to censorship.
First Such Measure in History
Diplomatic pouches of such nations
as Sweden andnBrazil likewise must
be censored henceforth. Couriers or
other representatives naval, military
or air attaches may not be sent from
this country.
Never before has Britain or any
other nation taken such stringent
measures as this one designed to
insure that no"inkling of the details
of the coming invasion, may reach
the enemy.
While the British government's ac-
tion was not seen as accusing any of
Sthe Allies or neutrals of wilfully
divulging secrets, it was designed to
keep innocent-looking information
from giving the Germans a tip which
would endanger the safety of tens of
thousands of British and American
Both the United States and Russia
were consulted beforehand.
Unprecedented Circumstances
The foreign office announcement
of the restrictions said:
"In the unprecedented circumstan-
ces created by military operations
impending in the present year, any
inadvertent disclosure of informatih
which resulted in helping the enemy
or in unnecessary loss of British or
Allied lives might have such serious
effects, not only upon the course of
these operations but also upon the
relations between this country and
any foreign country whose nationals
were concerned, that the government
has reluctantly felt bound to adopt
this unusual security measure.
"These restrictions will of course
be removed at the earliest possible
moment consistent with the require-
ments of security, and in the mean-
time all such steps as are possible
will be taken to facilitatercommuni-
cations between diplomatic and con-
sular representatives of other gov-
U' Women Fly'
In Link Trainer
Flight Highlights Tour
Of Romulus Air Base
Flying in a Link Trainer, a machine
which simulates actual flying con-
ditions, was the outstanding event
of six hours spent by 22 University
coeds in an inspection tour of Rom-
ulus Air Base yesterday.
'War Weary Willy'
Preceeding the Link Trainer
"flight" the women were permitted
to view the Air Corps hangar and
inspect the ship, "War Weary Willy,"
from the radio room to the bomb bay.
Originally a B-17, the plane had been
overhauled in India and many parts

.were transferred to other planes. It
is now used as a transport for the
Ferry Command.
After sitting in the cockpits, crawl-
ing under the wings and jumping
from the bomb bay into the arms of
a willing sergeant, the women spent
more than an hour in the rooms con-
taining the Link Trainers.
WACs Are Praised
In the control tower, groups of four
watched and listened to two WACs
and several men bring in and send
out planes. The responsibility of this
job was emphasized by Captain Til-
den, of the Public Relations Office,
who said, "After finishing a six
weeks course the WAC in a control
tower is solely responsible for either
bringing in a plane safely or letting it
crack up." "But," he added, "women

Weatherbee Claims Pad gett
Present at Time of Shooting

Chief developments of the first day,
of the retrial of William Padgett in
connection with the fatal shooting of
Patrolman Clifford Stang seven years
ago in the Conlin and Weatherbee
clothing store included identification
of the corpus delicti- as Stang and the
positive identification of Padgett as
being in the store at the time by
Herbert Weatherbee, co-owner of the
After the jury was selected, attor-
neys for the prosecution, Francis W.
Kamman and Albert J. Rapp brought
several witnesses to the stand who
Chicago Firm To
Conduct Interviews
Women interested in certified pub-
lic accounting may make appoint-
ments during the hours of 10 a.m. to
noon and 2 to 4 p.m. Friday for inter-
views with a representative of a
Chicago accounting firm by contact-
ing the secretary of the business
administration school, Miss Jeanette
Perry announced yesterday.

gave the background of the case and
identified the dead man. Weatherbee
was then called, and in answer to
Rapp's question as to the identity of
Padgett as an occupant of the store
replied, "I'm positive."
Weatherbee's testimony was the
most important single fact brought
out in the opening day proceedings.
Earlier, Judge James E. Chenot,
Wayne County Circuit Judge espe-
cially appointed by the State Su-
preme Court to handle the case, re-
jected two pictures of the dead man
as irrelevant to the testimony.
Witnesses called to establish
Stang's identity included police offi-
cers William Marz and Albert Huesel,
both of whom were at the scene of
the shooting, and Det. Sgt. Eugene
Gehringer, an official in the Ann
Arbor Police Dept. Also called were
Coroner Edward Ganzhorn, who or-
dered the autopsy to be performed at
the time of Stang's death, and Dr.
Stacy Howard, who performed the
Assistant Prosecutor John W. Rae
in commenting on the trial remarked
that so far it had "gone much faster
than expected."

Tickets on Sale
Tickets for the second Union
Spring Formal to be held Saturday,
May 6, in the Union Ballroom, will
be on sale from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. and
from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. today and from
1 p.m. to 5 p.m. tomorrow and Thurs-
day at the Union Travel desk.
Union membership cards must be
shown and punched at the time of
purchase and only one ticket will be
sold to a customer to enable a wider



Baccaloni, Thorborg To Be Soloists

Many prominent figures in theI
music world will assemble in Ann
Arbor for the 51st annual May Festi-
val which will begin ,on Thursday,
May 4, and continue through Sun-

be the soloists in Mahler's song sym-
phony, "Das Lied von der Erde."
The two-piano team of Pierre Lu-
boshutz and Genia Nemenoff will
play Harl McDonald's piano concerto

will conduct, will bring the program
to a close with Tschaikowsky's Sym-
phony No. 6.
Two concerts will be given Sunday.
In the afternoon- an all Brahms pro-

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