14; 154
Fifty-Fourth Year
"U' High Plan o Abolish Discriminatioi.
Sets Example for Country To Follow
Edited and managed by students of the University of
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King's Resignatotn
Won't Solve Problem
KING Victor Emmanuel of Italy has announced
that he would withdraw from public affairs
in favor of his son, Crown Prince Umberto, the
day Rome falls into the hands of the Allies.
Marshal Badoglio several months ago prom-
ised to resign office after the Allies reached
Rome. Badoglio stated that he would rather
resign than have the King abdicate. In light
of Badoglio's sentiments toward Fascism before
the overthrow of Mussolini, it seems impossible
that he will keep his promises when the time
comes for him to resign. King Victor in his
broadcast made no mention of Badoglio, how-
Every since the overthrow of Mussolini and
the establishment of Badoglio as Marshal in
Italy, the Italian people have been in a dilemma.
The Italian people still have no government upon
whicni they can depend.
Badoglio and King Victor have approached
Count Sforza and other liberal leaders of Italy
repeatedly, with hopes of forming a coalition
government. Before a coalition government can
be formed, however, the problem of a monarchy
must be solved.
Count Sforza, whose family was a rival for the
throne of Italy before the instatement of Victor
Emmanuel, and other prominent anti-Fascists
i Italy, is willing to settle the difference con-
cerning the government and maintain the crown
as a symbol if King Victor and his heir, Prince
Umberto, abdicate in favor of Umberto's six-
year-old son.
N SPITE of this antagonism by the liberals
and people of Italy toward King Victor and his
heir, King Victor has now decided to withdraw
from public affairs in favor of his son, in direct
opposition to the wishes of the Italian people.
Prince Umberto and Victor Emmanuel have
followed Fascist dictates for so long, that they
couldn't possibly rule as regents or lieutenant-
generals without using many of the doctrines
of Fascism, in spite of the fact that King Victor
has stated that the Italian people will always
remember that he put an end to the Fascist
regime in Italy.
A regency, such as Count Sforza and his fol-
lowers once desired, could not be formed because
of a statute of 1938, which requires that in case
of a regency the next of kin to the King must
be named regent. The Italian liberals did not
want Prince Umberto as regent.
Thus, the solution to the -governmental prob-
lems in Italy again faces a blank wall.
A government under King Victor or his heir
are not the'solutions to Italy's problems. Italy's
political problem must now be solved by the
people of Italy alone.
An Italian revolution, which was once evaded
by Allied intervention and occupation in Italy,
is the sole solution to the problem. Only then,
can the Italian people establish a government
upon which they can depend, and in which they
will have confidence. -Aggie Miller
F THE statements made recently by five for-
eign students on the University campus are
any indication of a general attitude among
friendly nations, the future of America and
perhaps of the world will depend upon her
While this is not a startling observation, it is
nevertheless, significant when considered in the
light of other comments made by these same
American citizens, in being chided for their
racial discrimination against the Negro, were
compared to the Germans with their idea of
Aryan superiority.
The foreign student' in making this com-
ment, recognized a fact that is too often neg-
lected by the less observant. "Customs," he
said, "cannot be changed abruptly, but this
racial discrimination is something the United
States must get rid of-for the whole world
looks to America for leadership in freedom."
This observation did not stop at a negativistic
condemnation; he has pointed out a positive
University High School has been operating
under a plan for 13 years, which-if it were
" I'd Ranther
NEW YORK, April 13.-Mr. Hull wants "or-
der" in Europe. Order is a darling, order is a
dear. By all means, let us have order. But what
is order?
Stagnation is not order. Mere quiet is not
order. Silence is not order. Order is purposeful
activity. A machine-ship, making the very devil
of a racket, may be orderly; an abandoned mill,
sleeping peacefully by the brook, may not be.
There is order in Yugoslavia, because there
is activity, and there is purpose. But there is
disorder in Italy, where we are busy keeping
order; the disorder of political stalemate and
the disorder of unclear purpose.
We confuse order with inertia. They are not
the same. An upheaval in the Italian govern-
ment, letting the democrats in, would be a step
toward order. To hold the democrats back, to
suppress their demands, is not order, but frozen
disorder. A mass-meeting of Italian democrats,
shouting for a hotter war against fascists and
fascism, is the height of order, because it is pur-
poseful activity. To ban such a meeting may be
more quiet, but it is not more orderly.
Our lust for what we consider order has
more than once made us the father of dis-
We are deathly afraid of civil war in France,
as, of course, we should be. Now it might seem
that the reasonable way to avert civil war would
be to assemble our French friends, and to recog-
nize them as the provisional government. Then
the only possible threat of civil war would
have to come from the wrong side, and our
friends would be in a legal position to knock
them, and their threat, on the head, in quiet,
emphatic, but orderly fashion. No muss, no
fuss, no civil war.
BUT we draw exactly the opposite conclusions;
we are so afraid someone's feelings will be
hurt that we recognize nobody. Thereby we
throw the Grand Disorder Sweepstakes open to
everybody. If it is theoretically possible for any
Frenchman to get our nod, then there is little
compulsion on any Frenchman to join the Na-
tional Committee. He might do better for him-
self politically by staying out. Waverers inside
France see us wavering and are encouraged to
waver further.
We insist, in the name of order, that no man
can be allowed to know where he stands.
This touches off a fine, frenzied jockeying
for position. General de Gaulle dismisses Gen-
eral Giraud as commander-in-chief, because
he fears that, in our love for order, we might
select Giraud as top man. So the effort to
outguess our passion for order leads to a
chaotic row on the National Commitee. Hay-
ing produced this unhappy state of affairs,
we cannot now, of course, recognize the Com-
mittee, because it is disorderly.
Every cat and dog in French politics becomes
a possibility, while we stand there, with a Mona
Lisa smile, and tease them on. We set loose the
swirling, skirling tides of French factionalism,
which we fear. Having created this fine condi-
tion of flux, we raise an admonitory forefinger
and intone: "Remember! No civil war!"
Maybe we hope to tire Frenchmen out, so that
they will fall into that deep sleep which we
regard as order.
But sleep is not order. Tentativeness is not
order. Stalemate is not order; neither is paraly-
sis. Order is efficient action toward a known
goal. A man walking briskly down the road is
more orderly than a loiterer scratching his head
before the signposts, even though he stirs up
more dust, even though, occasionally, he throws
back his head and sings.
(Copyright, 1944, New York Post Syndicate)
adopted nationally -might bring about the
"change in our custom of discrimination."
The plan is no detailed blueprint. It does
not have an elaborate listing of techniques.
It does not attempt to reform the world. In-
deed, it is nothing more than a high school
course taught in the upper four grades.
"Modern Social Problems," has the unassum-
ing aim of helping students understand other
people, whether they be black or yellow or red.
whether they be rich or poor, whether they be
farmers or industrialists. The course includes
exactly what its title implies-a study of modern
social problems.
EDUCATORS might ask, "What is so unusual
about those aims? Other history and soci-
ology courses attempt to do the same thing.
Other teachers are concerned with eliminating
discrimination. Other schools point out the
complexities in our economic, political and social
While this is undeniably true, one of the
teachers at University High School stated that
as far as he knew there is no other high school
in the country which has the same 'sort of
course set up under this same specified aim,
using the same technique.
University High School's "MSP," as it is
known, is realistic, practical and simple. The
class itself decides which problem or phase
of world activity it wishes to study. The stu-
dents are then divided up into committees for
working on individual research projects. At
the end of the term, each student is required
to turn in a long report of any phase of any
problem that interested him particularly.
This year the group has placed chief emphasis
on race relations. One week was spent on study-
ing the nature of the discrimination against
Jews. Not only did the class discover examples
of injustices to Jews, but it reviewed their his-
tory, considered their religious beliefs, and dis-
cussed some of their contributions to world
A similar period of time was spent on the
American-Japanese problem. Each student was
given a specific task to do. Some went to the
University Hospital where a large number of
the relocated American-Japanese are working.
Others talked to advisers and employers. The
Rev. Shiego Tanabe, an American-Japanese min-
ister who is working with the Relocation Board
in Detroit, spoke to the class one day. Students
were invited to attend social gathering of the
Nisei youth.
Other projects for the semester inchlded a
study of the Negro problem with the authorita-
tive, realistic point of view presented by members
of the Dunbar Center, and an investigation of
the Latin Americas with particular reference to
why these nations might be considered "Good
This is Modern Social Problems"'We will
readily grant that the course is no cure-all
for the social evils of the world or even of the
United States. But the flexibility of the course,
the wide range of opportunities presented for
worthwhile study and the appeal to the inter-
est of students has unlimited possibilities for
"doing good."
If we allow our minds to wander into the un-
charted path of the future, we can find hope
for a gradual change in the "American custom
of discrimination." Certainly if the solution of
America's problems depends upon her leaders of
tomorrow, then the youth of today must be
educated to recognize and to deal with these
problems. -Virginia Rock
Air' Control.. .
IN THE preliminary negotiations conducted in
London about the regulation of air transport
after the war, one of the most important as well
as one of the most ticklish of the questions which
may divide the Allies has been under considera-
tion. While the world is being made far smaller
by the development of the plane, there is danger
of a bitter competitive contest among the power-
ful nations for mastery of the air.
Issues of military security and commercial
dominance are both at stake, while the need of
the peoples for efficient and reasonably priced
air transport is likely to play second fiddle.
The United States is now far in the lead, with
established routes, the manufacture of large
transport planes and the size of trained per-
sonnel, while Britain holds the sites of key air-
ports in many parts of the globe. Neither can
operate worldwide routes without the right of
transit over other nations and the right to use
their ports. In both nations there is competition
among various commercial air companies. The
field cannot be left completely free for all comers
because of necessary limitations in terminals
and ground facilities, and the need for unified
regulation both of manufacture and operation
in the interest of safety, to say nothing of the
convenience of shippers and passengers.
All nations concerned are jealous of air power
for military reasons in case of future war. If
out of this tangle an acceptable order can be cre-
ated, it will be a triumph of statesmanship.
-The New Republic
WASHINGTON, April 13.- One
factor which has worried the Presi-
dent about the Italian stalemate is
the Italian political situation. Also,
it has not alleviated his irritation
with both Churchill and Stalin for
helping to continue the Badoglio re-
Most people don't realize it, but
Italian civilians are simply not aiding
the Allies. This is in contrast to the
earlier days of the Italian invasion,
when civilians penetrated the Ger-
man lines and were an extremely
important factor in the Allied ad-
In fact, some experts believe that
Naples might have held out a
month longer than it did if Italian
youths had not slipped over to the
American lines at Might to get am-
munition and then returned to
sabotage and harass the Nazis from
the rear. They came literally beg-
ging for hand grenades to throw at
the Nazis.
Today, this anti-Nazi hostility is
over, and we are getting little help
from Italian civilians. Furthermore,
there is a growing restlessness against
the Allies in southern Italy.
This is partly due to the fact that
we have kept in power the former
trappings of Fascism-namely, King
Victor Emmanuel anc Marshal Ba-
doglio, It is also due to the bungling
methods of AMG (Allied Military
Government) and, finally, it is due
to the difficult task of importing
enough food.
AMG, according to the grapevine,
reports, got off to a bad start when.
it was placed under Lord Rennell
of Rodd, a former . P. Morgan
partner, which firm was once Mus-
solini's banker and still has around
$60,000,000 outstanding as interest
on a loan.
The U.S. Army had trained a num-
ber of military governors at the Uni-
versity of Virginia, but the President
once made the crack that the school
was packed with Wall Street brokers.
(Selection of students for the gover-
nors' school has since changed.)
At any rate, even Secretary Hull
now says that conditions inside occu-
I "After the wvar, it'll stare s :eni strange seeing movie stars only in
Movies again!"
pied Italy are no worse, as he puts it, eyes on the Middle 'East and try t
than during the German occupation. take over certain rich oil section
This is a serious admission and a long there. The Tigris and the Euphrate
way from the making the Allies the Valleys, Col. Leval told the commit
saviours of democracy and the chain- tee, not only are rich in fertility, with
pions of the four freedoms. So per- tremendous irrigation possibilities
haps it is no wonder that Italian but also have an oil empire of fift
support has so completely evaporated. billion barrels-the key to peace o
NOTE-A survey of other factors
causing the stalemate in taly willw '
follow soon. After reminding Senators that this
territory was certain to be the victim
Ede n.'s 7,-jib, . of a tug-of-war between Britain and
. Russia, Col. Leval added:
It didn't leak out, but Colonel John "You know this was the Garden of
Leval, State Department expert on Eden."
Near East oil, was called secretly be- To which, Senator Brewster of
fore Senator Maloney's oil commit- Maine shot back:
tee to testify regarding the proposed "You mean the Garden of Petro-
pipeline through Arabia. Senators leum Eden."
are still talking about some of the Without a moment's' hesitation,
things he revealed during the five- Senator Vandenberg of Michigan
I 1
7 w. ##dT Y _ N<ty' }'.A
(c}1: "t9 t.,t cap;n Tunes inr" L{-.. Y _.4
hour off-the-record session.
Among other things. Leval warned
that Russia was certain to fix her
"No, the Garden of Anthony Eden."
(Copyright, 1944. United Features Synd.)
FRIDAY, APRIL 14, 1944
VOL. LIV No. 119
All notices for the Dally Official Bul-
letin are to be sent to the Office of the
President in typewritten form by 3:30
p.m. of the day preceding its publica-
tion, except on Saturday when the no-
tices shouild he submitted by 11:30 a.m
School of Education Faculty: The
regular meeting of the faculty will be
held on Monday, April 17, in Univer-
sity Elementary School Library. The
meeting will convene at 4:15 p.m.
May Festival Concerts: The fifty-
first Annual May Festival will be
held May 4 to 7 inclusive in Hill Audi-
torium. The Philadelphia Orchestra
will participate in all six concerts.
The allocation of soloists and princi-
pal works is as follows:
First Concert, Thursday, 8:30: Sal-I
vatore Baccaloni, Bass; Eugene Orm-
andy, Conductor, Symphony No. 7,1
Beethoven; Debussy, Afternoon of a
Faun; Strauss' Tales from Vienna'
Woods, and numerous arias.
Second Concert, Friday, 8:30: Kers-
tin Thorborg, Contralto and Charles
Kullman, tenor; Eugene Ormandy,
conductor, Symphony No. 35, Mozart;
"Das Lied von der Erde" (Song of the
Earth) a symphony, Mahler.
Third Concert, Saturday, 2:30:
Pierre Luboshutz and Genia Nemen-
off, pianists. Festival Youth Chorus;
Saul Caston, Harl McDonald and
Marguerite Hood, conductors. Songs
of the Two Americas, orchestrated
by Eric DeLamarter (Youth Chorus);
McDonald's Concerto for Two Pianos.
Fourth Concert, Saturday, 8:30:
Bidu Sayao, soprano; Saul Caston,
Conductor. Overture to "Die Meister-
singer," Wagner; Symphony No. 6,
Tschaikowsky and numerous arias.
Fifth Concert, Sunday, 2:30: Na-
than Milstein, violinist, and Gregor
Piatigorsky, cellist; Eugene Ormandy,
Conductor. All-Brahms program-
Academic Festival Overture, Concerto
in A minor and Symphony No. 1.
Sixth Concert, Sunday, 8:30: Men-
delssohn's "Elijah," with Rose Bamp-
ton. Thelma von Eisenhauer, Kerstin
Thorborg, Charles Kullman, John
Brownlee, University Choral Union,
Palmer Christian, Organist, and Har-
din Van Deursen, Conductor.
A limited number of tickets for the
series and for individual concerts are
still available at the offices of the
University Musical Society, Burton
Memorial Tower.
Tihe deadline for Hlopwood MSS is
Monday afternoon, April'17, at 4:30.
Contestants should read over the
rules of the contest to make sure
they have complied with them.
There will be a regular meeting of
Pi Lambda Phi- Fraternity at 11 a.m.
Sunday, April 16, 1944. All members7
stationed on campus are urged to
attend. Warren Schwayder, President
Academic Notices
Students, Spring Term, College of
Literature, Science and the Arts:
Courses dropped after Saturday,
April 15, by students other than
freshmen will be recorded with the
grade of E. Upon the recommenda-
tion of their Academic Counselors,
freshmen, (students with less than
24 hours' credit) may be granted the
extraordinary privilege of dropping
courses without penalty through the
eighth week.
School of Education Students, Oth-
er than Freshmen: Courses dropped
after Saturday, April 15, will be re-
corded with the grade of E except
under extraordinary circumstances.
No course is considered officially
dropped unless it has been reported
in the office of the Registrar, Rm. 4,
University Hall.
Freshmen in the College of Lihera
ture, Science and the Arts may obtain
their five-week progress reports in
the Academic Counselors' Office, Ri.
108, Mason Hall, from 8:30 to 12:00
a.m. and 1:30 to 4:30 p.m:i. accordin{)S
to the following schedule:
Surnames beginning N through Z.
Thursday, April 13; Surnames begin-
ning E through M, Friday, April 14;
Surnames beginning A through D,
Saturday, April 15.
There is a critical shortage of Hus-
sey's syllabus used in Geology 12.
"Geological History of North Amer-
ica." Any students having copies
which they are willing to s(li or ret,
please bring to Secretary in Ph. 2051
Natural Science Building.
Percival Price, University Carillon-
neur, will present a carillon recital
this evening at 7 p.m.
Events Today
"She Stoops To Conquer," comedy
by Oliver Goldsmith, will be pre-
sented tonight through Saturday eve-
ning in the Lydia Mendelssohn Thea-
tre by Play Production of the Depart-
ment of Speech. Evening perfor-
mances are at 8:30 p.m. and Saturday
matinee at 2:30 p.m. Tickets for all
performances are on sale daily at the
theatre box office which is open
from 10-1 and 2-8:30 p.m.
Biological Chemistry Seminar will
meet at 4 p.m. today in Rm. 319 West
Medical Building. "Ascorbic Acid"
will be discussed. All interested are
Wesley Foundation: Banquet of the
State Conference of the Methodist
Student Movement at 6:30 p.m. in
the social hall of the Church. Dean
William J. Faulkner of Fisk Univer-
sity will be the speaker.
Recreational Leadership- Women
Students: Recreational Leadership
class will meet in Barbour Gymna-
sium instead of the Women's Athletic
Building today.
Phi elta Kappa membership meet-
ing will be held today at 4 p.m. in
Bi. 3203 University High School.
The Michigan swimming team will
hold its annual banquet tonight at
6:30 in the Allenel Hotel.
(CIn II Events
International Center: Prof. Mal-
colm Soule of the Department of
Bacteriology will speak on his recent
trip to Latin America at 7:30 p.m.
Sunday in the International Center.
Following the talk, refreshments will
be available. Foreign students and
their American friends are cordially
Michigan Alumnae Club Meeting
f'aly FI' 7didn't rcognize
Iyou. You've changed, You had
Ion earmuffs last time. Ad -E
I've increased in political stature,
Atlas . .. And I've come to you to
find out exactly how much. So
It will take only a few hours to
calculate orule how
I have growin the Public Eye...
,yCrockett Johnson
cuocK-TT y
Which eye, O'Malley?
will be held Saturday, April 15, at
History 12, section i1 will meet from 13 p.m., in the Rackham Amphithea-
now on on Monday and Fiday at tre. Mrs. Ruth Huston will speak on
9:00 instead of on Monda y and j"A City Commissioner Looks at the
Thursday at 9:00. The Friday class Community." Tea and a social hour
will meet this week in the basementi will follow in the Assembly Room.
auditorium of Lane Hall. The Mon- It is to be an open meeting. The Club
day class will meet as usual in 216 will be pleased to entertain as guests
HH. Any students who have conflicts all who are interested.
because of this change shouid sp in --
the H istory Office. Michigan Christian Fellowshin is