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April 11, 1944 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1944-04-11

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4 atil

lv Cloudy



Japs Leave

Two New

Britain Coast Bases

Russians Capture Odessa, Drive Deep into Rumania

Reds Smash
Toward Vital,
Ploesti Fields
German Defenses in
Crimea Cracked by
Fresh Soviet Army
By The Associated Press
LONDON, April 10.-The Russians
captured the big Black Sea port of
Odessa today, stabbed 50 miles inside
Romania with the capture of 180
more villages in a headlong drive to-
ward the Ploesti oil fields and, in a
new offensive by a fresh Soviet army,
cracked German defenses at the top
of the Crimeand peninsula where per-
haps 100,000 Axis troops have been
bottled up since last November, Mos-
cow announced tonight.
Iflict 6,500 Casualties.
At least 5,500 Germans were killed
and 1,000 captured in two days in the
Crimean attack by Gen. Feodor I.
Tolbukhin's Fourth Ukraine Army,
the bulletin said.
The capture of Odessa by Gen. Ro-
dion Y. Malinovsky's Third Ukraine
Army of Stalingrad veterans avenged
one of the bitterest Rusian defeats of
the war.'It was a sudden victory
which found the Germans fleeing ra-
ther than risk a siege, and Premier-
Marshal Stalin said it cracked Axis
defenses guarding the route "to the
central districts h of Romania."
In northeastern Romania Marshal
Ivan S. Konev's Army rolled onward,
seizing 150 towns on his upper wing
and 30 more on his southern flank.
Suceava, one of Bucovina's largest
cities 50, miles west of the Prut river
frontier, ' fell to the upper Russian
arm, and tho rail station of Targu-
Frumos, 27 miles westof Iasi and 160
miles northeast of the Ploesti oil
wells, was overrun by the lower Sovi-
et group.
Nazis Last Stand in Russia
Gen. Tolbukhin's fourth army
emerged once more to lead the Soviet
attack on the Crimea, the last major
chunk of Russian territory stil jheld
by the Germans in lowerRussia.
The bulletin announced simultan-
eous attacks on the Perekop Isthmus
at the northwestern corner Iofthe
peninsula and the Sivash Bay on the
The Russians broke through heavi-
ly-fortified enemy defenses in the
Perekop area and struck 12.4 miles
southward through Armyansk and
other villages to reach the Ishuny
area at the base of the Perekop Isth-
mus, said the bulletin, recorded by

Yank A ircraft Pounds
French-Belgian Coast
By The Associated Press
LONDON, April 10.-Diversified American bomber and fighter forma-
tions up to 1,500 strong blasted targets along the French-Belgian coast and
in the French interior today in operations which saw the U.S. Ninth Air
Force's Marauder medium bombers drop their greatest bomb load, more
than 1,000 tons.
It was announced that approximately 600 fighter-escorted Marauders
delivered .a blow which was "the greatest the Ninth ever has thrown against
the enemy in a single day, dropping more than 1,000 tons of bombs." Two
bombers were lost, while escorting fighters destroyed five enemy planes.
The principal target of the Marauders was the Namur railway yards,
35 miles southeast of Brussels. Returning pilots-reported seeing strings of

Ledger Filled
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, April 10.-Three
majors pieces of war-related legisla-
tion, dealing with the homefront, aid
to the Allies and veterans benefits,
were docketed by Capitol Hill leaders
today on a "must" list for clearance
before Congress can recess for the
national political conventions.
The legislation, embracing issues
certain to play a part in this year's
political campaigns, would:
1. Prolong the life of the Wartime
Price Control and Economic Stabili-
zation Acts. The OPA law expires
June 30, but a continuation is expect-
ed. The Congressional fight will spin
about proposed amendments.
2. Extend lend lease for another
3. Establish a "GI Bill of Rights"
for benefits to veterans of this war.
There appeared considerable con-
fidence that essential legislation can
be disposed of by June 15.
Mexican Tries
To Assassinate
Avila Camacho
By The Associated Press
MEXICO CITY, April 10.-Presi-
dent Manuel Avila Camacho was fired
upon today by a uniformed officer
of his palace staff, but the chief exe-
cutive escaped with a bullet hole in
has coat and himself captured the as-j
Published reports identified the of-
ficer as Lt. Jose Antonio Lama Ro-
jas, 30. It was officially announced1
that "several documents from Nazi'
sources were found on his person."
Former President Ortiz Rubio was
among many who called on the chief
executive this afternoon to express
regrets over the shooting and to con-
gratulate him on having escaped in-
Specific cause for the attack on
the president, who assumed office
Dec. 1, 1940, was not immediately
Vichy Says Allies
Reinforce A nzio
LONDON, April 11, Tuesday-
(AP)--The German controlled Vichy
radio said today that new Ameri-
can reinforcements had been lan-
ded at the Fifth Army's Anzio
beachhead below Rome and de-
clared another Allied offensive in
this sector seemed imminent.

-cars and sheds blasted. and big fires
Yanks Attack Daily
Heavy U.S. Flying Fortresses and
Liberators also took part in the day's
widespread raids, the third major op-
eration by the Americans in as many
days. The blows were coordinated
closely with similar forays by Brit-
ish bombers last night.
Tonight this latest phase of the
aerial battle of Europe was contin-
uing. In the late English dusk two
more strong bomber formations were
seen sweeping across Dover Strait
toward northern France.
Widespread French Targets Hit
American Liberators and Fortresses
in today's daylight operations bomb-
ed those much-pounded "military ob-
jectives" in the Pas de Calais area;
aircraft repair works at Evere and
Vilvorde and the airfield at Mels-
broek near Brussels; a plane factory
at Bourges, 115 miles south of Paris
and an airfield at Orleans, 60 miles
south of Paris.
Other targets were the Hasselt
railway yards due east of Brussels
which were strafed by Mustang
fighters. Marauder mediums and
Thunderbolts fighter-bobmers had
hit them Saturday.
American losses for the day were
four fighters and three bombers.

GERMAN PRISONERS FOLLOW HOBBIES-During off-duty hours, German prisoners of war at Fort
Custer follow hobbies of painting, carving, wood working and model building, for which scrap lumber is
used. This is the hobby shop inside the Fort Custer compound.

List of Essential
Occupations To
.fe Made Public
WASHINGTON, April 10.- (IP)-
Selective Service Director Hershey
said tonight a list of those occupa-
tions which would entitle men under
26 in key jobs to draft deferment
would be made public tomorrow.
The deferment list was reported by
the Washington Post to include:
High octane aviation gasoline, rub-
ber-principally synthetic produc-
tion, lardling craft and other special
vessels, combat aircraft, medical and
dental students actually taking pro-
fessional courses, transportation, se-
cret munitions and secret chemical

Padgett Trial
IS Postponed
Chenot To Hear
Case on Mondav
The retrial of the Padgett murder
case, originally scheduled for today,
has been postponed until 9:30 a.m.
Monday because Walter M. Nelson,
attorney for William H. Padgett, de-
fendant in the case, is currently in
New York on other business.
Circuit Judge James E. Chenot of
Wayne County, special judge for the
trial, deferred court proceedings until
the later date upon hearing that
Nelson could be in court for only onej
day this week. As the case will un-
doubtedly require several days for
completion, Judge Chenot did not

Speech Department Presents
Goldsmith Comedy Tomorrow

Oliver Go1ds mit h's ever - popular
comedy of rural England will be the
first offering of the Play ProductionI
for the spring term when the speech

the Soviet monitor

from a Moscow

U' Grad Given
Soldier's Medal
Sgt. Trian Radul, who attended the
University in 1940-41, has been
awarded The Soldier's Medal for dis-
posing of a live hand-grenade that
was accidentally dropped in a sand-
bag bulwark among a group of sol-
The award was made at an AAF
fighter station in England at a cere-
mony before the soldier's assembled
squadron. In making the presenta-
tion, Col. Robert Humphreyes quoted
from the official citation saying that
the award was "for heroism display-
ed at. a Fighter Station in England
on Nov. 13, 1943."
Sgt. Radul is from Detroit and has
been serving as a small arms in-
structor in the European Theatre of
Operations since Nov., 1942.

was seen last semester in "Comed;.'
of Errors," "It's Up to You" and
"Brief Music."
Tickets for the show will be on sale
all week at the Lydia Mendelssohn
boxoffice. Hours today will be from
10 a.m. to 1 p.m. and from 2 to 5
p.i. Wednesday through Saturday
the boxoffice will be open from 10
a.m. to 1 p.m. and from 2 to 8:30
p.m. Prices have increased 20 per-
cent as a result of the new federal
All men in the play will be portray-
ed by women. The hero of the com-
edy, Charles Marlow, will be present-
ed by Patricia Meikle. Zeta Bar -
bour, the well-known Dromioaof
"Comedy of Errors," will portray
Tony Lumpkin. Jean Westerman
will be George Hastings and Barbara,
Greenberg will be seen as Sir Charles.
Feminine leads are Marilyn Mayer
as Kate Hardcastle and Catherne,
Bronson as Constance Neville.
Others in the cast include Margaret
Hamilton, Shirley Rosen, Priscilla
Alden, Gloria McClure, Mary Jane
Janiga, Jean Loree, Florence Under-
wood, Phyllis Heller, Onnolee Ander-
son and Claire Meisels.
Director of the comedy is Valentine
Windts and settings are designed by
Herbert Philippi. Performances will
be given at 8:30 p.m. Wednesday
through Saturday, with a special
matinee at 2:30 p.m. Saturday.

wish to interrupt the proceedings
once it started.
The case, involving the fatal shoot-
ing of a police officer during an
attempted robbery of a clothing store
in Ann Arbor in 1935, willbe prose-
cuted by Prosecuting Attorney Fran-
cis W. Karman and Special Prosecu-
tor' Albert J. Rapp. Rapp was prose-
cuting attorney at the originalptrial
and conviction of Padgett and also
handled the appeal by Padgett to the
Supreme Court for a retrial. In.
granting the retrial, the Court ad-
vised that Rapp be retained by the
state as special prosecutor.
The presence of Judge Chenot at
the retrial is due to the fact that
Washtenaw County Circuit Judge
George E. Sample was accused of
influencing the jury in the original
Fight Rages
For Kohima
NEW DELHI, April 10.-(I)-Hard
fighting was in progress today for
Kohima, Allied strdnghold 35 miles
from the Bengal-Assam railroad in
eastern India, after defending British
and Indian troops hurled back a
strong Japanese attack that pene-
trated the town's outer ring of forti-
fications, Allied headquarters an-
Fifty dead Japanese were counted
on the battlefield and others were
taken prisoner. A communique said
the enemy penetration was "elimi-
nated." Kohima, 60 miles north of
the principal Allied base of Imphal.

FDR Goes South
For Needed Rest
WASHINGTON, April 10. - (R)
-President Roosevelt has gone
south for a much needed rest in
the sunshine and White House
announcement of the fact today
apparently dispelled reports that
the chief executive was planning
a meeting with Prime Minister
Churchill in the immediate future.
The burst of official publicity on
the chief executive's trip, when
virtually every move he has made
in wartime has been guarded with
utmost secrecy, occasioned more
comment than did the trip itself.
New Program
Series To Open
In JAG School
A series of classes in contract ter-
mination, to be attended by approxi-
mately 50 officers each, will begin
on or about May 1 at the Judge Ad-
vocate General's School, Col. Edward
H. Young, commandant, announced.
It is contemplated that approxi-
mately 200 commissioned officers
from the various services will be as-
signed for training here and there-
after to organizations conducting
contract termination negotiations.
The course will be about 30 days in
Specifications for the officers to be
selected to attend the course are be-
ing fixed by the Judge Advocate Gen-
eral's Department in cooperation with
the Readjustment Division, ASF, and
the course of study is to be coordin-
ated by the Judge Advocate Gener-
al's Office with Maj. Gen. Lucius D.
Clay, Director of Material, ASF, as
well as with the Readjustment Divi-
Rhumor Has It'
Will Be Given

Nips Are in
'Full Retreat'
On Rabaul
j o1od on Cape Hoskins,
Gasmata Abandoned
By Imperial Troops
By The Associated Press
west Pacific, April 11, Tuesday.-By-
passed Japanese troops have aband-
oned Gasmata, their air and supply
base on the south-central New Brit-
ain coast, as well as Cape Hoskins
on the north-central coast, and are
in "full retreat" for a final stand
at badly-bombed Rabaul at the
northwest tip of the island, Gen.
Douglas MacArthur announced to-
An estimated 40,000 Japanese were
left virtually trapped on this north-
eastern half as American patrols op-
erating toward Cape Hoskins and
Gasmata encountered no resistance.
Enemy forces in falling back on
Rabaul left 232 prisoners and aband-
oned 4,679 dead since the Allies
launched their New Britain campaign
Dec. 15 last with a landing at Arawe,
followed in 11 days by an assault on
Cape Gloucester.
In addition. a MacArthur spokes-
man estimated another 5,000 of the
New Britain Japanese force of about
50,000 have been lost through
wounds, starvation and disease.
The Japanese positions have been
by-passed by American holdings on
western New Britain, in New Guinea
and on the Admiralty and St. Mat-
thias Islands in the Bismarck Sea.
Their supply lines thus were severed.
Allied patrols have met no resis-
tance at Gasmata or at Cape Hos-
kins, supply and refuelling base on
the north coasts of New Britain, since
mid-March as the Japanese fell back
on badly-bombed Rabaul at the
northeast tip..
In a continuation of bombing op-
erations Allied bombers silenced 13
heavy guns at Hansa Bay, New Gui-
nea, and heavily hit Wewak to the
north as Catalinas attacked Japanese
shipping at Woleai atoll in the Caro-
line Islands.
Sororities Are
Recognized at
Panhel Parade'.
The presentation of awards for
scholarship and outstanding partici-
pation in war activities highlighted
the "Panhellenic Parade" program,
sponsored by Panhellenic Products,
Inc., which was held at 7:30 p.m.
yesterday in the Rackham "broad-
casting" studios.
Panhellenic Night took the form
of a radio broadcast summing up
the activities of all the sororities for
the past year. Mistress of ceremonies
for the program was Peg Lauben-
gayer, '45, general chairman for the
Winner of the scholarship cup was
Alpha Epsilon Phi with a house av-
erage of 2.79. Runner-up for the
award was Delta Gamma with a 2.73
average. Registrar Ira Smith made
the presentation following a short
Dean Lloyd Presents Award
Dean Alice Lloyd presented the war
activities award. Alpha Delta Pi re-
ceived the plaque, having amassed a
total of 2,43734 hours for a total of
34 women.
Those recognized for being the
most active in war activities in divid-
ually were the following: senior, Jo

Ann Peterson, Alpha Phi, associate
sports editor of The Daily, with 65712
hours; junior, Jane Farrant, Alpha
Phi, managing editor of The Daily,
890 hours; sophomore, Jennie Fitch,
Pi Beta Phi, junior editoi' on The
Daily, with 506 hours.
Runners-up for individual partici-
pation were: senior, Margaret Whip-
ple Delta Gamma; junior, Louise
Comins, Sigma Delta Tau; and Bev-
erly Wittan, Sigma Delta Tau.
Ball Committee Gives Skit
Other guest speakers for the pro-
gram were Mary June Hastreiter, '44,
president of Panhellenic who acted
as president of Panhellenic Products,
Inc.; Sue Wood Hogg, '44, rushing
secretary for the group; Nancy Hat-
tersley, '44, president of the WAA.
The Panhellenic Ball Committee
presented a short skit to introduce
I their forthcoming event. The Tanna

BLANCHE HOLPAR-to play lead
department presents "She Stoops To
Sonquer" at 8:30 p.m. tomorrow in
the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre.
Featured in the role of Mr. Hard-
castle will be Blanche Holpar, who

On May



'Rumor Has It,' Co. D's original
musical comedy, will be presented
May 25, 26 in the Lydia Mendelssohn
Theatre, it was announced yesterday
by Pfc. Arty Fischer director of the

Foreign Students Discuss Weaknesses in U. g

N' L1 . l , i17 l.lT l .{ V l V ll
There will be.a general rehearsal
Iat seven p.m. today in the USO ball-
room. Pfc. Fischer said that it is very
important that all persons connected
S ICY;with the show attend the rehearsal
anti be on time.
The music and lyrics for the show
have been completed. Special chorus,
n saved herself." "Enter- dancing and singing rehearsals will
ar for economic reasons is. be held soon.

Editor's Note. The following article is the summary of comments Wade
yesterday by a group of foreign students who prefer to remain anonymous.
The attitude of these students from five different countries shows that they
have a great deal of respect and admiration for the Untied states. They do,
however, see a number of weaknesses here.
"I see no hope for the future of the Negro in the United States," a
foreign student on campus said yesterday.
All students in the group interviewed agreed that they were shocked to

fourth suggested that if Americans
want to accomplish something they
should go ahead and do it and not
make it a matter of expediency.
"Unless you read the papers, you
don't know there's a war going on,"
one stated. It was immediately point-
ed out by another, however, that most
Americans probably have friends or
relatives in service and that, there-
fore .thev feel the war keenly. Some

other quickly answered that
"strikes must not be prevented. La-
bor must always have freedom."
"Strikes," a third added, "cannot
be prevented and they depend on
how the government handles the
problem." One of them said that
the workers must be cared for toj
advance the economic condition of
the country. Most of them said

hasn't eve
ing the wE

not to be condemned," another add-
ed, "for economy and freedom are
inseparable. And the background of
the United States is economic free-
dom. Her fault, however, is unpre-
"Might is right," one of them said.
"If England can hold a colony, why
couldn't Germany." A student from

Nazis Shell Alliedl
Troops i Cassino
PLES, April 10.-(OP)-Allied troops in
Cassino have been subjected to vio-

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