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April 09, 1944 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1944-04-09

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GERMAN BATTLESHIP KNOCKED OUT-Clouds of smoke rise from the 41,000-ton German battleship
Tirpitz after a hit by British aircraft carrier planes when the Tirpitz apparently was leaving Alten
Fjord, Norway, on April 3. The ,German warship is a menace to U.S. and British shipping to Russia by
the northern route around Norway. This is an official British ministry of information photo.

Ford Reveals
Project To Help
War Disabled
Dearborn Boys' Center
Converted to Camp Cor
Returning Vetertaus
DETROIT, April 8.-(AP)-Henry
Ford announced tonight that a 300-
acre camp in suburban Dearborn
which has been used as a trade school
and farm project for high school-age
boys has been converted into a re-
habilitation center for disabled
World War II veterans who have
medical discharges.
The announcement from the foun-
der of the Ford Motor Company said
the program, planned especially for
veterans who wish to return to indus-
try or farming, will combine work on
the camp farmlands and in the camp
machine shop with classes in supple-
mentary subjects.
Veterans To Receive Pay
In addition, it said, each veteran
admitted to the camp will receive $3 a
day in payment for his work on the
farm, in the machine shop or in
maintenance duties.
The camp, known as "Camp Le-
gion" since its establishment in 1938
as a summer farm project for sons
of World War I veterans, includes
barracks, dining hall, library, ma-
chine shop. non-sectarian chapel and
farmlands located along Southfield
Road in Dearborn.
As a rehabilitation center, the
camp will be under the direction of
the Henry Ford trade school, with
cooperation of the Ford American
Legion Post No. 173.
No Obligation Imposed
Trade school officials said each
man accepted would remain in camp
until "he is mentally, physically and
skillfully ready to take a job," and
that he would be under no obligation
to accept employment with the Ford
Motor Company, but might apply
for such a job if he wished.
Ford officials said more than 1,000
medically-discharged veterans of this
war now are employed by the Com-
The executive board of Michigan
Youth for Democratic Action will
meet at 8:15 p.m. tomorrow in the

LONDON, April 8.- (A') --Capt. Don
S. Gentile's claim of five planes de-
stroyed on the ground on April 5 was
confirmed today while he was blast-
ing three more Nazi planes out of the
sky to run his bag to 30, and the
Piqua, O., Mustang pilot became the
first American ace of this war for-
mally recognized as having broken
Capt. Eddie Rickenbacker's World
War record.
The confirmations brought his of-
ficial total to 27, of which seven were
destroyed on the ground and 20 in
the air. The three destroyed today
are still to be formally confirmed.
Rickenbacker destroyed 26 enemy,

aircraft in the last war, all in air
combat, a mark which was equalled
by two Marine fliers in the Pacific in
this war.
Confirmation of his claim came
shortly before he returned from to-
day's mission with a triple kill to be
a guest of honor at a celebration at
his base.
He was one of several American
fighter pilots claiming triples today
as aerial fleets of fighter-escorted
U.S. heavy and medium bombers
ripped Brunswick's plane factories
and airdromes in northwestern Ger-
many and Belgium.

Rickenbacker's Record Broken

sniderman Rejects
ActiveRole inWLB
DETROIT, April 8.-(P --Solomon1
Sniderman, labor member of the re-
gional War Labor Board, stated today
in a letter to the WLB that lie would
"take no active part in any further
board functions" until cleared of the
extortion charges brought against
Sniderman, James Cassily and
Peter P. Ellis were accused by Prose-
cutor William E. Dowling of conspir-
ing to require undertakers to join the
teamsters union and pay dues or to
make extortion payments.

War Letter
Go to Library
Copies of correspondence between
John Paul Jones and the Earl of Sel-
kirk were presented to the William C.
Clements Library yesterday by Mrs.
George Schermerhorn of Reading,
1M'rs. Schermerhorn came into pos-
session of the letters when she visit-
ed the Selkirk Manor House in 1939.
In 1941 the manor was burned and
the original manuscripts were de-
John Paul Jones had sailed to
Scotland during the Revolutionary
war in order to capture the Earl of
Selkirk as a hostage for American
prisoners. However, since the Earl
was not at home when Jones' sailors
arrived, theymade off with the fam-
ily silver instead.
The correspondence between Jones
and Selkirk pertained to the stolen
silverware. Jones told Selkirk how
he had purchased the silver from his
men and intended to return it to him
after the war. The promise was made
Adjoining the Selkirk estate was
the property of William Craik, whose
son was the physician of George
Washington. Craik's gardener was
the. father of John Paul Jones. Let-.
ters from Craik as well as the Sel-
kirk letters are included in the col-

Churches Will Hold Speciala
Services, ProgramsToday

Easter Sunday services will be held
in all churches in the city with only
a few guilds meeting in the evening.
The First Congregational Church
will hold services at 9:30 and 10:45
a.m. with the music furnished by the
combined choirs. The Congrega-
tional-Disciples Guild is planning a
brief worship service led by Walter
Scott, A/S at 5 p.m. today. Open
house will be held with recorded mu-
sic and refreshments.
"The Everlasting Man" will be the
topic of Dr. W. r. Lemon's sermon
at the 9 and 10:45 a.m. services at
the First Presbyterian Church.
Identical Services Scheduled
Identical services will be held at
the First Methodist Churchats8 and
10:40 a.m. Dr. Charles Brashares
will preach on "It Began at Dawn."
Wesleyan Foundation will have a
program of readings and music on
Easter at 5 p.m. with supper follow-
The Rev. C. H. Loucks will deliver
his sermon, "Songs for Tears," at the
11 a.m. service at the First Baptist
Church. The Roger Williams Guild
will present a play, "The Terrible
Meek" at the 5 p.m. program. George
Doyle, Dudley Orvis and Marie Tur-
ner will take the parts.
Easter Pageant Planned
Holy Communion will be given at
the service at St. Andrew's Episcopal

Church at 11 a.m. with the Rev.'
Henry Lewis presiding. The Canter-
bury and Hi-Square Club will present
their Easter pageant at 5 p.m. and
have supper together afterwards in
Page Hall. The weekly teas will be
resumed Friday firom 4 to 6 p.m.
"But Christ Is Risen" will be the
theme of Rev. E. C. Stellhorn's ser-
mon at the 10:30 a.m. service at the
Zion Evangelical Church. The Lu-
theran StudenthAssociation will meet
at the parish hall at 5:30 p.m. for
an Easter candlelight service under
the direction of Virginia Rock, '44.
The Lenten self-denial envelopes will
be dedicated at this time to the Lu-
theran World Action to' carry on its
work with missions, defense areas and
for servicemen..
Sermon Concerns Easter
Rev. Alfred Scheips will hold a
service at 10:30 a.m. at the Univer-
sity Lutheran Chapel.' His sermon
will be "What Is Easter?"
Services will be held at 10:30 a.m.
at the Trinity Lutheran Church with
Rev. Henry Yoder preaching.
"The Significance of This Sunday,"
will be the sermon of Rev. Fred Cow-
in, pastor emeritus, at the 11 a.m
service of the Memorial Christian
The service of worship will begin
at 11 a.m. for the First Unitarian



Church. Rev. Edward Redman will
preach on "Man's Eternal Quest."
A high mass will be held at 10 a.mi
at St. Mary's Chapel. A choir of Latin
American students under the direc-
tion of Jose Perdono will sing at this
At 11:30 a.m. the soloist will be Cpl.
Arthur Flynn of, Co. A who will be
accompanied by Carol Campbell,

-- _ --
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Cotton connoisseurs start their collecting early.
There does seem to be something superior
about these first arrivals . . . so you ought to
see them. The seersucker suits are tailored
as if they might he the finest of woolens There
are new touches on familiar classics that give
them fresh appeal. And when you consider
that they're all as cleanable as you are ... and
that broiling days are coming as sure as Sum-
mer comes, you'll want to treat yourself to a
few right now.

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Tailored classics, new cardigans and dressy
Pastels, brights, and dark colored spring coats.
matching suit and top coat.



Semi-tailored blacks and dark blues.
and lovely peek-a-boo prints.

dressy crepes

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SableiDyed SQUIRREL Scarfs

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Heavy knit sweaters in yellow, beige, green, red, blue
and white. Colored blouses, dressy and sport outfit
Pieces up to $3.95 . . . NOW 59c

.Style-Righi andt


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7.95 to 29.95

Yes . . . that is correct . . . only twenty-nine dollars
for five choice skins . . . manipulated by Hogan-H! yes
masfer-crafstmen into a Sable-dyed Squirrel Scart
of obvious beauty. You'll wear it over stits
and later, on summer evenings.
You'll be style-right and so gratified that Hogan-H ayes
low-pricing policy made it available to you
at this negligible budget cost.

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