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April 08, 1944 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1944-04-08

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In er1a ..r a .U.v.Jvo.. ed f r, Pt.os-1r. vi.v.-
InternationalContrl FavoredfoPstWrCvlA


U.S. Britain
Conclude Talks
In Agreement
Berle, Beaverbrook in
Attendance; Favor
Future Conference
LONDON, April 8, Saturday-Con-
cluding a four-day discusion of Post-
War Civil Aviation, representatives
of the United States and Great Bri-
tain announced early today that the
two governments had "agreed that
international control shold govern
a considerable field of technical mat-
The meetings were attended by
Adolf A. Berle, Jr., Assistant U.S.
Secretary of State; Dr. Edward War-
ner, Vice-Chairman of the U.S. Civil
Aeronautics Board and Lord Beaver-
brook, Lord Privy Seal, as well as
technical advisers. They produced
enough agreement to "justify the ex-
pectation that final dispositions can
be reached at an international con-
ference," a statement concerning the
meetings said.
Russia Is Asked
"They (the delegates) have in
mind that the Government of the
Soviet Union and other governments
would likewise enter into conversa-
tions prior to such an International
Conference," the announcement add-
While the meetings were in pro-
gress here Russian representatives
met in Washington with JQseph C.
Qrew, special Asistant to the Secre-
tary of State; L. Welch Pogue, chair-
mAn, of the Civil Aeronautics Board,
and W. A. M. Burden, Assistant Sec-
retary of Commerce for Air, for talks
of similar scope affecting nations
which operated International air ser-
vices before the war and are planning
to pick up again.
Decisions Reached
The first talks on the international
aspects of Civilian Aviation began
last October when representatives of
the Dominions and India met Lord
Beaverbrook and other Mritish rep-
resentatives in a London conference
at which unanimous decisions were
Although Canada and other por-
tions of the British Empire wre not
represented at the Berle-Beaverbrook
Coxiferenees, Canada was kept fully
informed of developments.
Church School
Problems To
Be Discussed
c, roblems of week-day religious ed-
ueAtion will be discussed with Ann
Arbor's clergymen and school officials
by Edwin L. Shaver of Boston, Tues-
day, April 11, at 4 p.m. at the Con-
gregational Church.
Dr. Shaver, chairman of the week-
day religion department of the In-
terational Council of Religious Ed-
ucation, will confer with committee
members of Ann Arbor Council of
Churches, Otto Haisley, superintend-
ent of the city's schools, and other
representatives. Dinner will be held
in the church at 6:15 p.m. with Mrs.
Peter Stair presiding.
The religious education movement
has been carried out in several cities
and the possibility of such a move
will be studied for Ann Arbor. Und-
er the system, children will be re-
leased by the public schools for a
short time to attend the church
school. Teachers would be employed
by the Council of Churches.

Browder Urges
DETROIT, April 7.- A) - Com-
munist Leader Earl Browder, urging
re-election of President Roosevelt,
called tonight for a "people's leader-
ship" in the campaign so that, he
said, partisanship harmful to nation-
al unity would be eliminated.
"The people," Browder said in a
radio talk, "must realize the perspec-
tive given the world at the Teheran
Conference of a long-time ,stable
peaee and prosperity for the world."
Browder said the campaign could
not be left in the hands of the "old
political machines" .because the
machines.,he said, "know only the old
traditional methods of loud-mouthed
artisanship which rouses and sharp-
ens all old alignments and prejudices
and further sharpens the division in
the country."
Hole in Roof Evidence
Of Zeta Tau Alpha Fire
A hole in the roof was the only evi-
dance remaining to indicate that a
fire occurred at the Zeta Tau Aloha


MR. AND MRS. WENDELL WILLKIE smile broadly after shaking hands
with, well-wishers at the Omaha, Neb., City Auditorium, where the 1940
GOP standard bearer announced he is quitting the race for the presi-
dential nomination. Mrs. Willkie said anything "Wendell" did was
"one thousand per cent" all right with her. -AP Photo.
University Press Releases
Part 4 of Encyclopedia Survey

The fourth part of the University services and alumni of the University
Encyclopedic Survey has just been and the first part dealing with the
released by the University Press, ac- College of Literature,; Science and the
cording to Wilfred B. Shaw, the edi- Arts.
tor. College Reports To Be Included
This section comprises Part II of Future parts include reports of the
the report on the College of Litera- medical school, University Hospital,
ture, Science and the Arts. It also law school, graduate school, schools
includes the summer session. It is of business administration, education,
part of the nine section, four volume forestry and conservation, music, en-
survey being prepared to give a com- gineering, architecture and design,
prehensive history of the University pharmacy and dentistry. Libraries,
since its establishment over one hun- University publications, museums,
dred years ago. buildings, student life and organiza-
Unique Dealing of 'U' History tions and athletics will also be cov-
The encyclopedic survey is an ered.
unique method of dealing with Uni- Each volume will be illustrated
versity history, Shaw said, and, as with collotype reproductions of etched
far as he knows, no other college or portraits of University presidents
university has undertaken to chroni- and views of the campus buildings by
cle its development in this way. Wilfred B. Shaw.
The history and activities of the The editors have been working on
departments of Greek, history, jour- the encyclopedic survey for the past
nalism, Latin, library science, mathe- six years and when it is finished, it
matics, minerology, Oriental lang- will contain more than 200 contribu-
uages and literatures, philosophy, tions by members of the faculty and
physics, political science, psychology, others connected with the University.
romance languages and literatures, The first four parts of the survey
sociology, speech and zoology are may now be purchased at the Univer-
contained in this part as well as a sity Press.
discussion of the summer session and
biological station.-
Survey Conceived in 1937
The survey was conceived in 1937
during the centennial anniversary of(tahUy
the establishment of the University S .I cIil LI..
in Ann Arbor. The project was re- _
ferred to the Committee on Univer-
sity Archives which decided upon the Price To Give Concert ..
form and editorial policy and agreed
to serve as an advisory editorial As a tribute to Norway, as it enters
board. its fourth year of Nazi Occupation,
Upon completion, the nine parts Percival Price will feature the Nor-
will be bound in four separate vol- wegian National Anthem on the first
umes. Its publication is being under- carillon concert of the semester at 3
written by an alumnus of the Univer- p.m. tomorrow in Burton Memorial
sity. Tower.,
The three parts which have ap- Prof. Price's program will include
peared thus far deal with the history "Easter Hymns," "Peasants' Easter
and administration; organization, Chorus" by Berlioz, "Rustle of
- ----- - Spring" by Sinding, Gounod's "Sanc-
. tus" from "The Mass to St. Cecilia"
Farm ers Destre and his own composition "Sonata for
35 Bells."
Ouster of AAA'sGleT
Sle ToShow Slides.. ..
Corn mittee H ead A program of slides in color will
be presented by Dr. Esson M. Gale,
GREENVILLE, O., April 7,-iP)- director of the International Cen-
The protest of a group of Darke ter, at 7:30 p.m. tomorrow at the
County farmers against government- Center.
al regulations moved swiftly toward The pictures were taken by Dr.
a climax tonight. Gale on a trip from Florida to
Ora R. Fellers, chairman of the Michigan. They will include pic-
Agricultural Adjustment Administra- tures of azaleas in Florida and
tion's County Committee, central fig- South Carolina, dogwood and cher-
ure in the controversy, stood firm ry blossoms in Washington and
in his defiance of a demand from autumn pictures taken in New
the farmers that he resign by tomor- ampshire.
row noon. He declared he would* *
report at his offive regardless. Club Names Officers . . .
Chief of Police Ora McClellan or-
dered a regular policeman on duty in Heleri Dickinson was named presi-
Feller's office tomorrow and instruct- dent of the French Club at a meeting
ed Greenville's 30 auxiliary policemen held Wednesday in the Union.
to stand by. The office was left unfilled when
Three weeks ago a group of farm- Connie Taber turned in her resigna-
ers visited AAA offices in York, Wa- tion. Barbara Herrinton was named
bash and Franklin Townships and secretary. Both girls are from Mar-
destroyed records, the State AAA of- tha Cook.
fice reported in Columbus. Then on Other officers of the club are Hazel
the night of March 20 a band of men Bachelor, vice-president; Madeleine
entered Fellers' home at nearby Ar- Levenberg, treasurer, and Page Bach-
canum, Fellers reported, and demand- elor, director of programs,
ed that he resign by Saturday "or
else." IM Issues
Ma nnix said farmers in this coun- P su s
ty felt there had been discrimina-
tion in rationing of implements and Petroleum Ban
gasoline for non-highway use. An
AAA Advisory Committee has been WASHINGTON, April 7.-P)-The
passing on applications for farm Petroleum Administrator for War is-
gasoline, but OPA officials said this sued a ban today on the use of li-
practice has been ordered discon-suda ntoynthuef -


Churches Will
Easter Sunday
Army, Navy Personnel
To Serve as Ushers
At Methodist Service
Churches of all religions will com-
memorate the rising of Christ at
Easter Sunday services, sunrise pro-
grams and holy communions.
Identical services will be held at
the First Methodist Church at 8 and
10:40 p.m. with Army and Navy per-
sonnel serving as ushers. Dr. Charles
Brashares' sermon will be "It Began
at Dawn."
Sunrise Services To Be Held,
Westminster Guild will hold a sun-
rise service and breakfast at the First
Presbyterian Church at 7:30 a.m. to-
morrow. The regular services at 9
and 10:45 a.m. will have Dr. W. P.
Lemon preaching on "The Everlast-
ing Man."
The combined choirs in the Con-
gregational Church under the direc-
tion of Wilson Sawyer and Cpl. Jos-
eph Running, organist, will furnish
the musical part of the service. Dr.
Leonard Parr's sermon at 9:30 a.m.
will be "How Can We Know the Way"
and at 10:45 a.m. it will be "The Par-
able of the Almond Tree."
Baptismal Ceremony To Be Given
Roger Williams Guild will meet for
a morning service and breakfast at
8 a.m. at the First Baptist Church
tomorrow. A baptismal ceremony will
ae given at the 11 a.m. service with
Rev. C. H. Loucks planning his ser-
mon on "Songs for Tears." The
Knights Templars will be guests at
this time.
Holy Communion will be held at
7 and 9 a.m. at the St. Andrew's
Episcopal Church. The sermon will
be given by Rev. Henry Lewis at the
11 a.m. service which will also have
communion and music by the men
and boys choir.
Easter blessings will begin today at
the 6:30 and 7:15 a.m. masses at St.
Mary Student Chapel. Sunday mas-
ses will be at 8 and 11:30 a.m. with
the High Mass sung at 10 a.m.
The University Lutheran Chapel
will hold a service at 11 a.m. Rev.
Alfred Scheips will deliver a sermon
on "What Is Easter?"
Stellhorn To Give Sermon
Rev. E. C. Stellhorn will deliver a
sermon on "But Christ Is Risen" at
the 10:30 a.m. service at the Zion
Lutheran Church.
Sunrise services held at the Trinity
Lutheran Church at 6 a.m. will be
entitled "Christus Victor." Rev. Hen-
ry Yoder will preach on "But Christ
Did Rise" at the 10:30 a.m. service
which will have the combined choirs
of the church.
Rev. Fred Cowin, pastor emeritus,
will preach on the significance of
Easter and the Resurrection at the
Memorial Christian Church at 11 a.m.
Members will hold a sunrise service
and breakfast at 7:45 a.m. with a
devotional period following.
Similarity of
Churches Seen
NEW YORK, April 7.-(/P)-The
Archbishop of York said today the
Church of England is more in agree-
ment with the Russian Orthodox
Church than with the Catholic.
Both the Church of England and
the Russian Orthodox Church "pre-
pudiate the claim of the Pope of
Rome" as Vicar of Christ, he said in
a press conference.
The Archbishop-the most Rever-
end Right Honorable Cyril Forster
Garbett, D.D., Primate of England--

is visiting this country as the guest
of Presiding Bishop Henry St. George
Tucker of the Protestant Episcopal
The visitor expressed his views in
reply to a question concerning an
article by Metropolitan Sergei of
Moscow, Patriarch of all Russia, in
the journal of Moscow, in which the
head of the Russian Orthodox
Church challenged the Pope's posi-
Co. Y Junior Hostesses
To Hold Formal Today
Junior Hostesses of Company Y
will sponsor an Easter Formal Dance
at 8:30 p.m. today in the USO. All
Junior Hostesses in that Company
are required to attend or send an-
other Junior Hostess as a substitute.

Three Law Students To Play
In Sociediid His panicaComedy

Southeast Asia Command (right)
Commander U.S. Armies in the Ch
where on the Burma front. -AP

4TBATTEN -- Supreme Commander
confers with Gen. Joseph Stilwell,
Nina, Burma and India theatre, some-
P Wirephoto from Signal Corps.

Three members of the University
Law School are lending their drama-
tic talents to the Sociedad Hispani-
ca's comedy, "Sueno de una Noche de
Agosto," to be presented Tuesday,
April 19.
Raul Olivera from Cuba and Ar-
mando Travieso from Venezuela are
cast as the two brothers of Rosario,
the heroine; Juan Diaz-Lewis of
Panama portrays the minor role of
Don Juan, a middle-aged gallant who
has a romantic interest in El Apare-
cido's secretary.
All three students are doing re-
search in comercial law and are writ-
ing books in Spanish on different
phases of their research.
Olivera, a lecturer and former
president of the Latin American So-
ciety, has starred in play production
at the University of Havana, as well
as here in the United States. When
'Sho d own'
Asked on State
Pay Increases
LANSING, April 7.-(/P)-A "show-
down" with the State Civil Service
Commission over ordering major pay-
roll increases after annual appropri-
ations have been fixed was demanded
today by two legislative leaders.
Rep. John P. Espie, chairman of
the House Ways and Means Commit-
tee, and Senator Don Vanderwerp,
chairman of the Senate Finance
Committee, expressed irritation at the
commission's action in granting $324,-
000 pay raises for State Hospital em-
ployes after hospital budgets had
been adopted by the Legislature.
Espie asserted "when we were writ-
ing the budget in February, we went
out of our way to put into it just
what the Civil Service Commission
said would be needed for payrolls.
We had a representative of the com-
mission with us and took his advice
on every payroll. question, they gave
us definite assurance they planned
no more major payroll increases dur-
ing the coming year. Yet, within a
few weeks, they uset the whole apple-
Vanderwerp, asserting the same
procedure had been followed by his
committee, said "we might just as
well have a showdown on this thing."
Little Steel...
(Continucd from Page 1)
rector; Chester Bowles, Price Admin-
istrator; Marvin Jones, War Food
Administrator, and Chairman Will-
iam H. Davis of the War Labor
Board. It noted that tomorrow is the
first anniversary of the date the
President issued his "hold-the-tine"
order on wages and prices.
Both the AFL and CIO are asking
in current War Labor Board hearings
for relaxation of the "Little Steel"
formula limiting general wage in-
creases to 15 percent above the Jan-
uary, 1941, level.

he finishes his studies, he will return
to Cuba where he will receive a pro-
fessorship in commercial law at the
Travieso (which means "mischiev-
ous") is studying here under the aus-
pices of a government fellowship. He
is an ardent theatre fan and had the
opportunit of seeing Catalina Bar-
cena and her company, for whom the
comedy was written, present "Sueno
de una Noche de Agosto."
After his book is completed, Tra-
vieso plans to return to Venezuela
and resume practicing law.
The recipient of a Bolivian fellow-
ship, Diaz-Lewis has been prominent
in amateur productions, both here
and in Panama. He gave up a career
in music to study law, but still re-
tains music as a hobby. An adept lin-
guist in four tongues, he is planning
to enter politics when he returns to
Pan Hellenic
RulesRe vised
EAST LANSING, April 7. - () -
The Pan Hellenic Council announced
today it has accepted a revision of
rules admitting married women to
live in sorority houses on the Michi-
gan State College campus. The
council represents all sororities.
The privilege is extended for dura-
tion of the war only, because of hous-
ing shortages and to show friendli-
ness to married women who, were it
not fo'r the war absenting their hus-
bands, would not be in college, the
announcement said.
$ .40 per 15-word insertion for
one or two days. (In-
crease of 10c for each
additional 5 words.)
$1.00 per 15-word insertion for
three or more days. (In-
crease of 25c for each
additional 5 words.)
Contract Rates on Request
LOST: Magnetic compass lost on
north end of campus. Reward.
Return to Room 1, U. Hall.
LOST: Brown leather case contain-
ing shell rimmed glasses, Sheaffer
fountain pen. Lost between 1322
Hill and Engineering Arch. Re-
ward. 24547. Lois Anne Watkins.
VACANCY in Lester House Co-op
for girl. 1102 Oakland. 24914.
Room and board, $6.50 weekly.
STUDENT-Men and women. Good
pay. Excellent meals. University
Grill. 615 East Williams. Phone


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