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April 08, 1944 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1944-04-08

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5Nazi FlnksTrapped;* ...y:;:...
Siov iets Capture ./Paaki
Red MobileiiUnits: Racing Around Odessa's .,"f?'
Flank Near Last Nazi Route to Rumania ii:>:> : . " ::..::


By The Associated Press
LONDON, April 8, (Saturday)-
Rusian troops attacking northwest
of Odessa have trapped the remnants
of five or six German divisions-
perhaps 25,000 to 50,000 men-and
begun wiping them out, Moscow an-
nounced last night, while other mo-
bile units racing around Odessa's
western flank smashed to within 13
miles of the last German escape route
UroMas Kantdkurzenka
r a zdelnaya
~\Kubanka 1W
Baden KStaton"*\R
- StartyeBelyary
-Dachne -.
- /
-. ~~iOvidiopol
Akkerma ia& e
Bl*ack Sea
around Odessa's western flank are
now within 13 miles of the last
German escape route to Rumania
following the capture of Mayaki.
Russian soldiers attacking the prize
city have advanced to within 10
miles of Odessa.
into Rumania with the capture of
Mayaki at the head of the Dniester
Rolling through 60 villages in a
narowing siege are around the big
Black Sea port the Russians also cap-
tured Novaya-Dafinovka, less than 10
miles northeast of the prize city;
Chebanka, 12 miles on the east near
the coast; Novaya Emetovka, 17 miles
on the north; and Karstal, 17 miles
on the northwest.
The capture of Mayaki in a 25-mile
lunge from Baden down the east
Nip pons Push
Across I rphal
Defense Line
NEW DELHI, April 7.-(A)-Jap-
anese invasion troops in India have
driven westward across the Imphal-
Kohima Highway in the heart of the
Allied defense zone and are being
hotly engaged in the jungles 35 miles
east of the Gengal-Assam Railway,
American-operated supply lifeline for
Lt. Gen. Joseph W. Stilwell's forces
in Northern Burma, it,was announced!
(A Berlin broadcast of Tokyo dis-
patches declared that Japanese troops
were "menacing" the railroad from
an unstated distance, and said con-
fidently that when it was cut the col-
lapse of the Allied campaign in North
Burma would "become inevitable."
A Japanese news agency dispatch re-
corded by Reuters said Japanese
troops were within six miles of Im-
phal from the east.)
It had been known since Sunday
that the invaders had installed road
blocks on the 60-mile Imphal-Kohima
road, completely isolating the big
Allied base of Imphal except by air,
but today's communique from Ad-
miral Lord Louis Mountbatten's head-
quarters gave the first indication that
this enemy column had pressed on

Jdames Funeral
To Be Today
Funeral services for Abram A.

bank of the Dniester River put the
Red Army within 13 miles of Ovidio-
pol, ferry terminus on the lower
Dniester Estuary and bottleneck in
German defense, whence ferries ply
the four-mile-wide Dniester to Ak-
kerman in lower Bessarabia.
'U' Approached
With Proposed
Training Plans
Preparation Discussed
For, Student Engineers
In Post-War Work
The University is among the
schools that have been approached
with a proposal to provide advanced
engineering training to both foreign
and students in preparation for post-
war reconstruction, Dean Ivan C.
Crawford of the School of Engineer-
ing said last night.
The proposal is now under infor-
mal discussion by U.S. government
officials and representatives of lead-
ing educational institutions. The
talks to date, basedionta report draft-
ed by a foreign economic administra-
tion engineer, have been of a prelim-
inary nature.
Drafted by Edgar J. Gealty, head
industrial engineer for FEA, the re-
port envisions a training program
embracing between 3,000 and 4,000
students from Europe, Asia and Latin
America. Similar training would be
provided for selected American stu
dents who wish to engage in post-
war reconstruction abroad.
In commenting on the proposal,
Dean Crawford said that the govern-
ment is now making a study of ways
to assist South American and other
foreign countries in training students
in technical work such as steel manu-
facturing, chemical industries, hy-
draulic engineering, fuel technology
'and others.
"The University of Michigan is one
of the schools making preliminary
studies in connection with this plan,
and has been approached specifically
in the fields of chemical engineering
and hydraulic engineering," he said.
Speaking of the training of Ameri-
can engineers for foreign work, Dean
Crawford said, "This training would
consist largely of short, intensive
courses stressing specifically the cul-
ture of the countries to which the
engineers would expect to go."

LIBERATORS STRIKE IN INDO-CHINA-Dense clouds of smoke rise from the Ben Thui railroad shops
at Vihn, in Indo-China, as this B-24 Liberator of th e U.S. Army 14th Air Force starts on the return trip
to its home base after dropping its cargo on the Ja p rail center. Vihn is 160 miles south of Hanoi, on
the Gulf of Tonkin. -AP Wirephoto from Army A ir Forces.

U. S. Fleet Destroys
160Nip Aireraft
18 Other Warships Are Damaged or
Left Beached and Burning, Nimitz Says
By The Associated Press
BOR, April 7.-Twenty-eight Japanese ships were sunk and 18
others damaged or left beached and burning and 160 aircraft were
destroyed by United States warships which struck Palau, Yap and
other smaller islands west of Truk, Admiral Chester W. Nimitz
announced today.
Fifty-four other enemy planes probably were downed for a possible
total of 214. planes.
The announced cost of the attacks was 18 aircraft personnel and
25 planes, no losses of ships were reported.
The task force struck at Palau March 29. That westernmost
enemy fortress in the Caroline Islands is but 530 miles east of the
Yap is about 250 miles northeast of Palau.
Palau and Yap are the Japanese administration centers for the
Nimitz' communique was the first word he had given out con-
cerning the task force since his terse announcement of last Thurs-
day night that it had struck. At that time he said the attack
The box score at Palau:
Sunk: Two destroyers, one unidentified combat ship, two large
cargo ships, six medium cargo vessels, eight small cargo vessels, three
large oilers, one medium oiler, one small oiler, one patrol vessel.
Damaged: One destroyer.
Beached and Burning: One large repair ship, one medium oiler,
two small oilers, one small cargo ship.
Burning: Two small cargo vessels.
Beached and Damaged:' One large cargo ship, two medium cargo
vessels, five small cargo vessels.
Beached: One small cargo vessel.
Forces under the command of Admiral Raymond A. Spruance at-
tacked Palau March 29 and 30 (U.S. time), Yap and Ulithi on March
30 and Woleai Island March 31 with planes from carrier task forces
commanded by Vice-Admiral Mark A. Mitscher.
The following ground installations were destroyed at Palau:
Forty buildings at Arakabuesan, just west of the main island; four
hangars and small buildings at the seaplane base; more than 20 ware-
houses at Malakal Harbor near Arakabesan.
Docks were extensively damaged and, fires started.
At Korer, Japanese administration center of all the mandated
territories, warehouses, dumps and hangars were destroyed.
At Angaur, a small island at the southern tip of the cluster around
Palau, the phosphate plant, docks, storage buildings were damaged.
At Babelthuap, in the Palau Islands, an ore dock was damaged.
At Yap island, which in 1921 was the subject of bitter contro-
versy between the United States and Japan over the control of the
cable and other communications, airdrome facilities and buildings
in the settlement were damaged.
At Ulithi, the radio station and docks were damaged and several
small vessels sunk. Ulithi, 100 miles east of Yap, is the largest atoll
of the western Carolines.
At Woleai, midway between Truk and Palau, seven Japanese planes
were destroyed and probably five more were.
A Navy spokesman described the task striking force as the most
powerful ever to operate in the Central Pacific.

Wrecked CAP Plane Found
7 Miles west of Ann Arbor

The search for a pilot and two
passengers missing since Monday was
ended yesterday with the discovery
of their wrecked Civil Air Patrol
plane in a woodlot on a farm on Par-
ker Rd.; about seven miles west of
Ann Arbor, one-half mile north of
U.S. 12.
The plane and the bodies were
found about 10:30 a.m. by three Ann
Arbor boys, Thomas and Raymond
Young, 15 and 13 respectively, and
Robert McAllister, 17, who were rid-
ing horseback through the woods.
The plane left Benton Harbor Mon-
day on flight to Detroit, during a
blinding snowstorm. A control tower
near Detroit received a radio message
from the plane about two hours after
takeoff. The pilot said he was unable
to contact the Lansing airport and
was heading for Ohio with enough
gas to continue for 300 miles. The
plane was last heard from over
The men killed were Allen Dillon,
38, pi)t, of Benton Harbor; Richard
Ford, 25, of Berrien Springs, and
Robert Burke, 28, of Niles.
Civil Air Patrol investigations con-
ducted preliminary investigations

yesterday. Main investigations will
be carried on today.
Ronald Hinterman, CAP investiga-
tor for Ann Arbor, stated that the
plane hit a tree, bounced 36 feet, and
then skidded 330 feet over rolling
terrain. The bodies were thrown
clear of the plane and all three were
apparently killed instantly.
Mr. Hinterman further stated that
the radio was in good working order.
The engine also was running full
throttle. The fact that the gas tanks
were thrown from the plane, prob-
ably accounts for their not being set
on fire.
The plane, which was flying on
instruments, was not trying to land.
CAP investigators believe that the
plane had lost considerable altitude
because of the storm, and had
crashed into the tree.
Presetice Controls
Will Con linue
WASHINGTON, April 7.--()-Or-
ganized Labor's drive to break down
the "Little Steel" formula bumped
head-on today into a flat pronounce-
ment by top White House economic
advisers that wage and price control
policies must be continued unchang-
With indirect endorsement by ap-
proving comment, President Roose-
velt made public at his news confer-
ence a report to him that the stabili-
zation program has succeeded to the
benefit of all elements of the popu-
lation. Price rises have been check-
ed, it said, and the cost of living is
actually lower now than it was a year
ago, while wages have been stabil-
The report was in the form of a let-
ter to the President from Fred M.
Vinson, Economic Stabilization Di-

4-F's Asked To
Take Jobs in
Ke Activities
Costello Makes Appeal,
Expresses No Pesire
For Conscription Law
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, April 7.- Man-
power Chairman "Paul V. McNutt and
Draft Director Lewis B. Hershey join-
ed tonight in asking 4-F's who are
not already so employed to seek jobs
in essential activities or those desig-
nated by the WMC as "locally need-
A similar separate appeal aia' was
made by Chairman Costello (Dem.,
Calif.) of a House Military Subcom-
mittee who said he had "no desire to
establish some sort of labor conscrip-
tion." This group has been consid-
ering legislation for a draft of 4-F's
into a work corps if they do not
voluntarily take essential employ-
ment. Costello made clear this idea
has not been abandoned.
4-F's Should Seek Employment
McNutt and Hershey urged all 4-F's
who are in doubt about their em-
ployment to consult their local U.S.
Employment Service office. They
estimated that over 2,000,000 of the
3,600,000 4-F's are already in essen-
tial or locally needed work.
The announcement said the present
essential lis, including 35 general
fields of activity important to the
war effort, is to be used in deter-'
mining which 4-F's will be considered
to be in essential work.
Men Asked To Volunteer
General Hershey has said that the
others-those not working or those
in non-essential jobs, who refuse to
get essential jobs-will be inducted
and forced to work in some activity
that will help win the war.
The Costello Committee expressed
belief in a statement that man-1
power needs could be met "on a
purely voluntary basis provided we
receive the cooperation of every pa-
triotic citizen within the nation."

Allied Soldiers in Italy Mark
Easter with Varied Services

Associated Press Correspondent
lied soldiers at this beachhead below
Rome were celebrating the Easter
week-end tonight with varied rites
in strange places - from frontline
dugouts to ancient wine cellars in
shell-spattered coastal villages.
At the beachhead hospital ward
tent soldiers of the Jewish faith were
meeting tonight for Passover serv-
ices, while Protestant doughboys were
congregating in small groups wher-
ever they were comparatively safe
for Good Friday services and the
Catholics were meeting in an old
church for the stations of the cross
Services Held in Wine Shop
One Protestant service was con-
ducted in an old wine shop. British
soldiers were holding High Episcopal
services in an old command post
abandoned after repeated enemy
Front line troops unable to attend
group services were being visited by
Regimental Chaplains who often were
forced to travel, under cover of night
in order to reach forward positions
without drawing fire.
0-n1,. on - A %rXiAAf. ifof

tinue to conduct similar services dur-
ing the week-end.
Chaplain Morrison Kertzer of Iowa'
City, Ia., who recently arrived at the
beachhead direct from the United
States, was conducting Jewish serv-
ices tonight marking the high hol'day
The rites commemorating the Is-
raelites' freedom from bondage in
ancient Egypt were held in a sunken
sand-bagged ward tent in the Amer. -
can hospital area which has been
shelled and bombed many times by
the Germans.

RAF Batters
Enemy Convoy
Targets Hit in Ruhr,
Hamburg, Rhineland
LONDON, April 7.-(IP)- Beau-
fighters of the RAF Coastal Com-
mand battered an enemy convoy off
the Norwegian coast today as the
Allied aerial offensive against the
Germans continued after a night
attack by speedy Mosquito planes
against targets in Hamburg, the
Ruhr Rhineland.
Indicating that other Allied planes
struck deeper against the Nazis, the
German radio warned shortly before
noon that enemy planes were over
northern Germany, and tonight said
Allied raiders were over northwest
Beaufighter pilots said a large en-
emy merchant ship was hit by an
aerial torpedo in the attack off Nor-
way and that two of five escort ves-
sels were set on fire. In spite of in-
tense anti-aircraft fire from ship and
shore batteries, afl of the Beaufight-
ers returned safely.
Street Railway
Workers Strike
DETROIT, April 7.-(AP)-Approx-
imately 1,200 maintenance workers of
the street railways system walked out
this afternoon. Although service to
the public was unhampered, William
C_ nii1nr.or m annoi man.er co Qir

Enemy Vessel
Set Afire Near
New Guinea
(Saturday).-(P)-A 7,000-ton enemy
merchant vessel was set afire near
Wewak on the New Guinea Coast and
an oil tanker was set ablaze by at-
tacking U.S. forces near Timor in the
Dutch East Indies, Gen. Douglas
MacArthur's communique said.
Night-flying aerial raiders also
struck at the Japanese Airdrome oi
Wadke, an island 110 miles west of
Holandia on Dutch New Guinea.
Other targets were Hollandia, Cape
St. George and Bougainville, both in
the Solomons.
The attackin the Timor Sector in-
cluded bombings of Koepang and
Lautem, where fires and explosions
were seen.
U.S. long-range fighters dived low
to attack and sink an oil-laden tank-
er and two barges. They set fire to
four other barges. Fires ignited
ashore were visible for 50 miles, the
communique reported.
Allied light Naval units in night at-
tacks sank two large barges near
Bunabun Harbor on the New Gui-
nea Goast and damaged another.
Stettinius Arrives
For London Parley
LONDON, April 7.-(P)-U.S. Un-


Mental Disorders Cause Discharges

Neuropsychiatric disorders account
for 40 percent of the Army's medical
discharges and for 15 percent of the
rejections at induction centers, Dr.
Raymond W. Waggoner, Director of
the Neuro-psychiatric Institute, said
Dr. Waggoner is at present an ad-
visor to General Hershey, Selective
Service Director, and acted as an ex-
.riira n- .- ia--ref f - a n frn

express themselves in many different
ways, but in the Army their entire
life is subject to the commands of the
superior officers..
Under the new Medical Survey
Plan which has been developed by
the Selective Service System with the
advice of Dr. Waggoner, more com-
plete information is made available
to the induction board about each
nerson. enabling the examining sv-

other hand, the prospective inductee
mey manifest evidences of emotional
disturbance that are not normal or
his usual behavior pattern," Dr.
Waggoner said.
Screening Tests Are Important
With the additional information at
the time of screening, the psychia-
trist is better able to determine the
individual's probable reaction to mil-
itarv +,'Qinincr he evninerd

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