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April 05, 1944 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1944-04-05

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Cloudy and Cold



Dewey Ahead in
Primary Returns
Wil:kie Supporters Await Urban Count
In Significant Wisconsin Elections
By The Associated Press
MILWAUKEE, April 4.-Candidates pledged to Gov. Thomas E.
Dewey, who telegraphed that he didn't even want his name used, took
a runaway lead tonight in mounting early returns from a Wisconsin
presidential primary which many policitians had eyed chiefly as a test
for Wendell Willkie.
The tabulations that gave this picture came from non-urban districts.
Willkie supporters hoped for the slowly-counted city vote to cut into the
early and inconclusive Dewey trend. However, returns from Milwaukee
County's 569 precincts duplicated the statewide trend.
With returns tabulated unofficially from 573 of Wisconsin's 3,076

Navy Reveals New Pacific Victories;



of Polish




Near Last
Route for

precincts on four delegates-at-large
tion candidates pledged to Willkie&
were last in the four-way contest.
Lt. Commander Harold E. Stas-
sen, formerly Governor of Minne-
sota, stood second to New York's
General Douglas A. MacArthur
ran next behind Stassen-and-ahead
of Willkie.
Although Wisconsin will have four
delegates-at-large, the best Dewey
could do would be three-the fourth
Dewey man having withdrawn after
the New Yorker objected to use of
his name in the contest.
The Dewey delegates came to the
fore after candidates pledged to Stas-
sen had been out in front on the basis
of first unofficial tabulations.
In only one of the early reporting
counties-Dane, of which Madison,
the capitol, is the seat-was Willkie
out in front. In others, he was ei-
ther running behind MacArthur or
having a hard time keeping abreast.
In 149 precincts, six delegate-at-
large candidates endorsed by the
state Democratic organization and
pledged to President Roosevelt with
the slogan "Roosevelt, Victory and
Peace" led Democratic candidates
whose slogan was "Stop Politics-
Win the War." . The division marked
a squabble within the state party
organization. President Roosevelt's
name was the only one listed.
Republicans elected 24 delegates,
including 20 by districts and four
from the state at large. Democrats
elected 26, of which six were dele-
gates at large.
Wendell Willkie, who lost Wis-
consin to President Roosevelt by
25,600 in 1940, had a full slate of
24 delegate candidates in the run-
ning pledged to him; 22 delegate
candidates were pledged to Gener-
al Douglas A. MacArthur; 19 to
Lieutenant Commander Harold E.
Stassen; and 15 to Governor
Thomas E. Dewey.
Willkie held that the Wisconsin re-
sult would decide the course of the
party's convention when it meets at
Chicago in June. He campaigned in
the state for 13 days, speaking in 25
cities. Stassen supporters also made
a vigorous drive, through speeches
and by mail. The Dewey and Mac-
Arthur camps concentrated on per-
sonal contact.
MYDA Hears
Dr. Onderdonk
"We now face a crisis that will nev-
er be equalled again in the history of
the world," Dr. Francis Onderdonk,
world traveler and lecturer, stated
before a meeting of the Michigan
Youth for Democratic Action last
night in the Union..
Dr. Onderdonk illustrated his lec-
ture on "From United States to Unit-
ed Nations" with several films show-
ings the necessity for an interna-
tional government. Agatha Miller,
'46, acted as chairman for the meet-
Onderdonk pointed out that the
world has learned, by the experience
of this war, that isolationism must
be a thing of the past. Our action
or inaction in the Spanish Civil War,
China and Ethiopia makes the United
States guilty of playing a part in
the cause of war as well as Nazi Ger-
many, he said.
"We are a 'telegraphacracy' not
a democracy," Onderdonk warned.
He said that 42,000 telegrams con-
trolled the wills of 130 million Am-
ericans in the last war, and we should
remember this when the deciding
hour comes after this war.
Police Aid in Hunt
For Missing Plane

DETROIT, April 4.-(P)-Civil Air
Patrol officials enlisted State Police
in a statewide search today for a

to the Republican National Conven-
O -
By The Associated Press
Oregon Primary.. ..
SALEM, Ore., April 4.-President
Roosevelt and Wendell Willkie will be
unopposed in Oregon's May 19 pri-
mary. Roosevelt will have the pledges
of the state's 14 Democratic delegates
and Willkie the state's 15 Republican
delegates to the parties' national
Petitions to file the name of Gov-
ernor Thomas E. Dewey of New York
in the Republican presidential ballot
were withheld.
St. Louis Meetings . .
ST. LOUIS, April 4.-Thomas E.
Dewey, Governor of New York, was
indorsed as Republican candidate
for President today at two con-
gressional district meetings held to
elect delegates to the party's na-
tional convention.
Identically worded resolutions
adopted by the 11th and 13th dis-
trict conventions called Dewey
"The Man of the Hour" and in-
structed each district's two dele-
gates to "lend their efforts and
abilities in his behalf."
Dewey Talks...
NEW YORK, April 4.-Governor
Thomas E. Dewey said tonight that
when peace comes there must be
established a system of international
cooperation in which free nations,
large and small, "can be secure in the
liberties which shall have been won
at such great sacrifice."
* *
Willkie Speaks.. ..
NORFOLK, Neb., April 4.-Wen-
dell Willkie, in the last major out-
state address of his five-day swing
through Nebraska, declared here
tonight one of the "great obliga-
tions" of the Republican Party is
to take the leadership in 'the cause
of cooperation among nations.
* * *
Michigan Democrats...
DETROIT, April 4.-A group of
old-line Michigan Democrats headed
by former Gov. William Comstock
pledged themselves today to join the
American Democratic National Com-
mittee in a move to block a fourth
term for President Roosevelt.
"We have no illusions that we elect
our candidates," O'Brian told the
Comstock group. "Our objective is
fighting the fourth term in the open
and giving faithful party adherents
a place to tie to."
Diplomatic Force
In Italy Revamped
WASHINGTON, April 4.- ()-
President Roosevelt reorganized
American diplomatic assignments in
Italy today but made no move sug-
gesting great recognition of the Ba-
doglio government.
The White House announced this
Alexander C. Kirk, Minister to
Egypt, goes on the Allied Advisory
Council for Italy with the personal
rank of ambassador. Britain and
Russia also have membership on this.

By The Associated Press
LONDON, April 5, Wednesday-
The Red Army announced today that
it had captured the greater part of
surrounded Tarnopol in former Po-
land and smashed to within two miles
of the last rail escape route for per-
haps 200,000 Germans and Ruman-
ians now virtually pinned against
the Black Sea near Odessa.
Bearing down on the big Black Sea
port of Odessa from the northwest,
the Russians overran 50 localities,
including Bakalovo, two miles east
of Razdelnaya, control junction for
Germans fleeing into Rumania via
Tiraspol and Kishinev, said a broad-
cast bulletin recorded by the Soviet
Nazi Rail Line Useless
The capture of Bakalovo, nearby
Ponyatovka, and the rail station of
Veselyi Kut, 18 miles north of Raz-
delnaya, practically destroyed the
usefulness of the Odessa-Razdelnaya-
Kishinev trunk route, forcing the
Germans to rely solely on a small line
running from Odessa to the ferry
terminus of Ovidiopol. From there
fleeing Germans would have to cross
the six-mile-wide Dniester estuary by
ferry to Akkerman in lower Bess-
Tarnopol Nearly Won
Slaughtering 3,000 Germans in
three days, the Russians won most of
the battle-strewn streets of Tarnopol,
70 miles east of the big communica-
tions hub of Lwowo, after a ten-day
In Rumania Marsal Ivan S. Kon-
ev's troops were attacking on the
approaches to Iasi, a rail center, just
beyond which lie some of Rumania's
rich oil wells, front dispatches said.
On the Polish front west of Dubno
the Russians overran 30 villages thus
expanding their front pushing to-
ward the 1939 German-Russian de-
marcation line on the Bug River.
A dispatch to the government
newspaper Izvestia said panicky Ru-
manian soldiers attempted to flee
pel-mell, and Nazi elite guard troops
and army officers fired into their
ranks, beat them with rifle butts and
even bayonetted them to halt the
Izvestia correspondent Leonid Ku-
drevitekh said that on the east bank
of the Prut the Germans hurled
Rumanians off barges and into the
river and shot them in a mad flight
across the water.
Stormovik fighter planes were
strafing German columns retreating
toward the Black Sea, front reports
Present Draft
Setup Explained
WASHINGTON, April 4.-- () -
Maj. Gen. Lewis B. Hershey said to-
night that after Selective Service
takes men under 26 for combat it will
move in a "progressively less strict"
manner to higher age brackets.
The group from 26 to 29 comes
At the same time, Hershey said,
Selective Service will "aid to the li-
mit of its ability" efforts to induct
and put to work 4-F's who refuse to
stay in war-important jobs.
The less fit have a "duty" to re-
place men under 26 in industry and
agriculture and they constitute the
greatest manpower pool for that pur-
pose, the draft director said in a
speech prepared for radio delivery on
the Columbia network.
He summarized the present draft
program as follows:
1. Selective Service will furnish to
the Army and Navy every man under
26 who can possibly be made avail-
2. These will not be enough, and it
will complete the calls from men in
the 26-29 group and then from the
groups 30 and over, and in this pro-
cess "the requirements will be pro-
See HERSCHEY, Page 2

YANKS AT HOME IN ITALY-Relaxing before the fireplace, over which their favorite pin-up girls have
been displayed, these two Yanks make themselves at home in the house of a mayor of a small Italian town.
The men, Sgt. Vernon Dennis (left), of Northome, Minn., and Pvt. Harry Boone (right), of Oneonta,
N.Y., members of a U.S. Army photographic unit are talking with the mayor's wife.

Yank Planes Pound Bucharest
From Bases in Southern Italy

By The Associated Press
PLES, April 4. - American Flying
Fortresses and Liberators for the first
time bombed the Rumanian capitol
of Bucharest today, flying to within
200 miles of the Russo-German front
to strike the third Allied blow in 24,
hours at Hitler's Balkan communica-
The American airmen flew 600
CIO Withdraws
Claim to ILO
President Is Free To
Appoint Representative
WASHINGTON, April 4.- (A)-
President Philip Murray of the Con-
Rress of Industrial Organizations re-
lieved President Roosevelt of a politi-
cal hot potato today by withdrawing
the CIO claim to representation at
the meeting of the International
Labor Organization in Philadelphia
April 22.
His action left the President free
to appoint a representative of the
American Federation of Labor as the
only representative of American
workingmen at the session. The AFL
took part in the original organization
of the ILO and has had sole labor
representative at its meetings ever
Murray, in his letter to the Presi-
dent, stipulated that withdrawal of
the request for representation is
"with the understanding that the
delegates representing the American
Federation of Labor at the ILO
meeting will in no wise speak for or
represent the point of view of the
Congress of Industrial Organiza-
AF of L Holds Wage
Rates 'Out of Line'
WASHINGTON, April 4.-(P)-The
American Federation of Labor argued
before a War Labor Board panel
today that both the Little Steel wage
formula and the cost of living index
are out of line with the government's
promises and the facts.
Secretary-Treasurer George Meany
said he could not accept the state-
ment of any government official that
prices have not risen in the last year
and added that "after the failure of
the rollback and holdback campaign"
the government decided "it could at
least sit on the figures."

miles from bases in southern Italy to
carry out this attack supporting the
Red Army troops invading Rumania
from the northeast.
Like Budapest, capital of Hungary,
which was pounded twice yesterday,
Bucharest is an important rail cent-
er of the Balkans, and its yards have
been reported choked with supplies
and troops moving to oppose the
Russian invasion of Rumania. To-
day's smash probably equalled yes-
terday's 1,000-ton assault on Buda-
Sometimes called the most bizarre
and corrupt of all capitals, Bucharest
has been bombed three or four times
by the Russians-possibly more-andI
a year ago this month the govern-
ment made a half-hearted attempt
to remove the civilian population.
But the Soviet raids probably were
nothing like the strength of today's
Headquarters announced that 115
Nazi planes were destroyed in Sun-
day's attack against aircraft factories
at Steyr, Austria, by American heavy
Finns Put Off
Peace Action
STOCKHOLM, April 4.-(A)-Rep-
arations demanded by Moscowv of
Finland as part of the price of peace
were estimated by the Swedish press
today up to $600,000,000 as Helsinki
advices said a parliamentary decision
on the armistice was not expected
until after Easter.
The Berlin radio broadcast a dis-
patch from Helsinki saying the par-
liament had held a brief meeting to-
day at which minor bills were dis-
cussed, and then recessed until April
The Svenska Dagbladet also de-
clared that the Russians, as the re-
sult of Dr. Juho K. Paasikivi's trip to
Moscow, had expressed a willingness
to make no claim on the naval base
base of Hangoe, but the paper said
it also felt certain Moscow was un-
willing to give up its demand for the
port Viipuri.
A correspondent of the Stockholm
Tidningens reported that Monday
was a day of intense diplomatic ac-
tivity in Helsinki and noted that au-
tomobiles of American, German and
Swedish diplomatic representatives
were among those which drew up in
front of the foreign office.

Union, Class
Officers To Be
Chosen Today
Polls will be open from 9 a.m. to 4
p.m. today in the Engineering Arch
and University Hall for senior and
men students to vote for their class
officers and Union vice-presidents.
Miriam Dalby, Dorothy Darnall,
Warren Monsen, George Morley, Ger-
aldine Stadelman, John Timms and
Lucy Chase Wright are candidates
for senior offices of the School of
Literature, Science and Arts. Presi-
dent, vice-president, secretary, treas-
urer are the offices that will be filled.
Candidates for the School of Engi-
neering posts are Haig Avedisian,
Alvin Bek, Jerry Cardillo and John
DeBoer. President,Cvice-president and
secretary-treasurer will be selected
from this group.
Only potential June graduates may
vote for these senior class officers.
Candidates for Union vice-presi-
dents from the Schools of Engineer-
ing and Architecture are Karl Brenk-
ert, Jr., and David Christie, USNR.
On the slate for the combined
Schools of Business Administration
Forestry, Music and Public Health
are Ace Cory, USMCR, Harvey Frank
and Dave Strack, USMCR. Men stu-
dents must vote in their own school.
The poll for Engineering and Ar-
chitecture students will be in the
Engineering Arch. Lit students will
vote in University Hall. Students in
the combined schools may vote at
either poll. Identification cards will
be required of all voters.
Men's Judiciary Council warns that
any electioneering within 50 feet of
the polls is strictly forbidden and
that anyone guilty of this will be
subject to disciplinary action by the
Vincent Admits
Stabbing Girl
DETROIT, April 4.-(P)-Prosecu-
tor William E. Dowling and Sheriff
Andrew C. Baird today quoted Rich-
ard Vincent, 23, as saying he stabbed
14-year-old Joyce Raulston to death
on a lonely city dump a week ago
after she "said my girl friend was no
Dowling recommended a warrant
against Vincent charging first degree
Vincent, employed at a gasoline
station and tourist camp where Joyce
spent most of the week-end before
she was killed, was questioned soon
after the girl's partially stripped and
beaten body was found last Tuesday
on the dump a half mile from the
camp. Officersasaid at that time he
told such a goody story of his visit to
a movie the previous night that he
virtually was eliminated as a suspect.
Finally, Baird and Gregory said,
Vincent related that he left the mo-
tion picture theatre early and picked

Violent Naval Action
Accounts for 17 Jap
Ships, 288 Aircraft
By The Associated Press
Destruction of all 288 planes on
the biggest remaining Japanese air
base in the southwest Pacific, sink-
ing of at least 17 enemy ships and
probably many more, and a daring
naval attack on three Caroline is-
lands on the road to the Philippines
were announced by American com-
Hollandia Air Force Demolished
The Nipponese air force at Hollan-
dia on Dutch New Guinea has been
wiped out, General Douglas Mac-
Arthur announced today in a con-
tinuous air attack coordinated with
a naval carrier strike on Palau, Yap
and Woleai islands. Every plane
based on Hollandia's three airdromes
last week when ' the Palau attack
started, has been "demolished or ir-
reparably damaged."
This greatest air blow on New
Guinea was carried out while car-
rier forces attacked Japanese fort-
resses within 530 miles of the Philip-
pines, sank at least three warships,
and an untold number of other craft
found in harbors on three strongly
defended Caroline Islands. The ex-
tent of the carrier attack was dis-
closed be Secretary Knox of the Navy.
Submarines accounted for the other
announced sinkings.
Five Liberators Lost
In another phase of the Carolines
action, seven Japanese planes were
knocked out of a formation of 60
interceptors over Truk, central Caro-
lines fortress on the eastern flank of
Palau. Five Liberators were lost.
Truk has been raided at least 12 times
in six days.
In an unrelated invasion, seabn
cavalrymen occupied Rambuyto, the
second largest island in the Admiral-
ty group, now securely in American
Three Japanese warships were
caught and sunk outside the .atolls.
Chaplin 'Freed
On Both Counts
Decision Greeted by
Storms of Applause
LOS ANGELES, April 4- (P)-
Charles Spencer Chaplin was acquit-
ted tonight on both counts of a Mann
Act indictment.
The jury came in at 6:10 p.m. after
six hours and fifty-eight minutes of
As court clerk Francis Cross took
the verdict from jury foreman Roscoe
Reeder and read the first count of
the verdict "not guilty" a crowded
courtroom burst into applause and
federal judge J. F. T. O'Connor was
forced to bang his desk heavily be-
fore order was restored.
As the verdict was announced the
stocky, silver-haired producer- come-
dian rose from his chair and seized
his attorney Jerry Giesler by the
hand, a smile broke over the actor's
face and Giesler clapped him on the
It was a crowded courtroom when
the verdict was returned and the by-
standers immediately swarmed
around Chaplin pumping his hand
and putting their arms about his
shoulders. He was overheard to say
to one friend, "I had faith in the
American people."
McLean Violates
'OPA Ceilings
W. D. McLean, State Street grocer,
has been suspended for 30 days from

selling processed foods and canned
meats by action of the regional OPA
office for violating price ceilings in
65 instances.
Action was taken in Detroit Mon-
day by Frederic S. Glover, OPA hear-
ing commissioner. McLean, who had
been placed on probation in Novem-
ber, was charged with selling ration-
ed goods as much as 14 cents above
the ceiling price on some items.
Wartime conditions, his fire in
1942 and his poor memory were all
to blame for the violations, McLean
According to a report in Detroit,

Student Helps Clarify Position of Turkey


Editor's Note: In an attempt to get a

and the necessity of living up to

true in this war. It is to Britain's

contend that this occupation should

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