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April 04, 1944 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1944-04-04

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Fifty-Fourth Year

I'd Rather Be Right

Holy Week Message

Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
regular University year, and every morning except Mon-
day and Tuesday during the summer session.
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of repub-
lication of all other matters herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second-class mail matter.
Subscriptions during the regular school year by car-
rier $4.25, by mal $5.25.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1943-44

NEW YORK, April 3.-Izvestia, the Russian
government newspaper, now comes out and says
it is by no means in love with Badoglio. It adds
that the Soviet recognition granted to him is not
full recognition.
All this is bad news for those whose complete
foreign policy it is to point out, once a fortnight,
that Russia has just committed a unilateral
action. Thus they have been shouting for weeks
that Russia loves Badoglio more than we do,
that she has unilaterally lifted him up to a high
place, etc.
So long as Russia misbehaves, this crew has
a foreign policy, which consists entirely of
polnting ait that Russia is misbehaving. This
is a very narrow basis for a foreign policy, for
when Russia (probably with malice afore-
thought) fails to misbehave, this group is left
without any foreign policy whatever.
The anti-Russia commentators need a mis-
behaving Russia in their, business, for then they
can glow about the need fof' unity. But when
Russia makes motions toward unity, they switch
the glow off.
They never love world unity so much as when
they have the perhaps agreeable feeling that
prospects for it are impaired. When unity ac-
tually arrives, and sits on their doorsteps, and
smiles wanly at them, they somehow fail to pick
it up, hug it. or otherwise make it feel it has
friends and a home.
THERE is a fine chance to establish unity now,
for Izvestia makes the suggestion that we do
not have to wait until Rome is taken before
broadening and liberalizing the Badoglio gov-
ernment. In fact Izvestia seems at a loss to
know how Rome ever got into the discussion in
the first place. The Italian people are equally at
a loss, for to them the phrase: "Wait until
Rome" has begun to take on the coloration of

the equally dusty" promise: "Wait until Christ-
The amazingly frank Izvestia editorial raises
the broad question of whether our foreign pol-
icy actually has any substance, or whether it
is degenerating into a sort of comedy of man-
ners, a querulous business of complaining
about unilateral action as a cover for never
recommending positive action of any kind,
uni or multi.
As the situation now stands, Britain has de-
clared for the King of Italy. Russia has declared
for a broader regime than now exists, and we
are saying nothing, but only standing by, wait-
ing until somebody does something, whereupon
we can denounce the offender for taking uni-
lateral action. That will give us something to do,
and we will then happily be able to prove that
we have a foreign policy, said policy consisting
of pointing out that somebody else has taken
unilateral action.
As to how long our foreign affairs officials and
the commentators who take from them can
make a living by this negative approach, it is
hard to say.
For there can be unilateral sins of omission
as well as of commission, and our not doing
anything is a kind of unilateral negative. It
has pretty much the same uncooperative over-
tones as a unilateral affirmative.
In Italy, we insist that all action be joint
action, but that no action be taken. We stand
four-square for harmonious do-nothingism. In
practice, our concept of multilateral action is
becoming something like that one-third-plus-
one vote in the Senate, which can block any-
We are laying ourSelves open to the charge
that we insist on complete agreement, in order
that there may be none.
(Copyright, 1944, New York Post Syndicate)

[jOLY WEEK is concerned with the
fact that the Son of God suffered
and died for our sins. It was the
Person Who died for the reason for
that death that separated this Death
from every other. The figure of
Christ on the Cross has become a
glorious symbol of our Redemption
but there was nothing glorious in the
scene that presented itself to the
casual onlooker at Calvary. He could
see only the dirt and filth and blood
that were to be expected at such an
execution. Only the loving eyes of
His Mother and the few faithful fol-
lowers saw our Redemption being ac-
Suffering and pain are the com-
men lot of man and visit every life.
We can spend our lives trying to
dodge them, or we can try to un-
derstand them and find their pur-
pose in our lives. A calm consid-
eration of the lessons that Holy

Week teaches is the beginning of
an understanding of the purpose of
e suffering in the Divine Plan. Christ
suffered horribly during that Holy
f Week which became a preface to
aHis glorious Resurrection.
Our reaction to pain and disap-
e pointment and suffering of every
e kind will depend upon how well we
understand Christ's suffering. In a
dlittle book called "The Rainbow of
eSorrow,"Monsignor Sheen observes:
"The world today is full of those who
see no meaning in pain. Knowing
- nothing of the Redemption of Our
Lord they are unable to fit pain into
a pattern; it becomes just an odd
patch on the crazy quilt of life. Life
becomes so wholly unpredictible for
them that 'a troubled manhood fol-
lows their baffled youth'."
Frank J. McPhillips
Rector at St. Mary Chapel
tT By Lichty

. IN vr el .. I .

Editorial Staff

Jane Farrant
Claire Sherman
Stan Wallace.
Evelyn Phillips
Harvey Frank
Bud Low . .
Jo Ann Peterson
Mary Anne Olson .
Marjorie Rosmarin


. . .Managing Editor
Editorial Director
. .City Editor
Associate Editor
Sports Editor
Associate Sports Editor
Associate Sports Editor
Women's Editor
Associate Women's Editor

Business Staff
Elizabeth A. Carpenter . . . Business Manager
Margery Batt . . . Associate Business Manager
Telephone 23-24-1
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.
Domestic Policies May
Kill Wilikie Nonination
FOR A MAN who has insisted that he is not
seeking the presidential nomination, Gov.
Thomas E. Dewey is doing well-and stands a
good chance of doing even better in today's pri-
maries in Wisconsin.
With 106 pledged and claimed delegates to the
Republican National Convention to Willkie's ten
in the claimed class, Dewey is leading the field.
And Wendell Willkie, who has little chance for
the nomination unless he can demonstrate a
strong popular following, has staked his imme-
diate political future on the Wisconsin primaries.
Wilkie pioked Wisconsin for his showdown
because the primary is open to al voters, and
the rank and file of the party-where Willkie
Pan lay claim to his greatest strength-can
vote relatively free from pressure by party
Dewey's chance to pick up a few more votes,
however, lies in the fact that Willkie has in-
vaded Wisconsin and made more than 40
speeches in the traditionally isolationist state.
He has talked constantly for the need for inter-
national cooperation (which was convincing
enough even in a state where the Chicago Trib-
une holds sway) and the need for a liberalized
Republican party.
It was on his second point that ie went
astray. A fence-straddling position with gen-
eralizations about security for workers and
social advances on the one hand and individual
initiative and opportunity for the average man
on the other was rather too reminiscent of the
reactionary Republicans.
Dewey, on the other hand, has said nothing
about anything. Willkie has said just enough
so that the voters may not be convinced. Today's
vote will tell. -Margaret Farier
Supreme Court Ruling
ay Mean End of Dies
TEXAS po'-taxer Martin Dies, who for the
past few weeks has been carrying on a vicious
campaign to discredit anti-fascist Walter Win-
chell and the progressive CIO Political Action
Committee, may find re-election for a ninth
term impossible when his constituents go to the
polls this November.
In 1942, Dies received support from only five
per cent of the voting population of his district,
and won the election. Because of the "lily-
white" primaries and the poll tax restriction orn
voting, Dies, labor baiter and Roosevelt hater,
was thus chosen to "represent" a district of about
330,000 people.
However, the forces of democracy are at
work-re-election will be harder for Dies this
year.. The CIO in cooperation with many AFL
groups is campaigning to get people out to pay
their poll taxes. Poll tax payments have al-
ready risen 25 per cent, and among the Negroes
in Dies' district, 40 per cent. Plainly this has
Dies scared, and has caused his smear tactics
against the CIO.
Yesterday, an even more ominous note for Dies
was sounded when the Supreme Court, reversing

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LABOR UNIONS, having made great
and rapid strides forward since
the defeat of Herbert Hoover, are
now met with something like an im-
passe. As Professor Mentor Williams
pointed out in a recent speech,, the
super-conciliatory knuckling under
policy of the AFL during the last war
extended itself into the 20's and
hampered the advance of labor until
around 1935. Now, with the growing
alienation of militant laborites like
Walter Reuther and George Addes
from President Roosevelt, or vice
versa, that advance is again arrested.
Labor-baiters have fanned the
flames of middle class dislike into
a raging animosity towards organ-
ized labor. To that group has been
added a substantial number of sol-
diers. By careful distortion and
subtle implantation newspapers
managed to give labor an unde-
servedly black eye. Congress has
already passed discriminatory la-
bor legislation and waits eagerly,
between torrents of hot air, for a
chance to revive the dear dead days
of industrial despotism. Labor
has its back against the wall. Con-
gress threatens momentarily to
snatch collective bargaining away
from the laborer and, at the slight-
est provocation, to scuttle the Na-
tional Labor Relations Act that
legalizes it. What to do?
Well, being young and brash, and
having been severely criticized for
"negativism," I will herewith outline
the ideal procedure Phil Murray, Will-
iam Green and their fellow union
mogols should follow to save labor
from the legislative hatchet that hov-
ers over their heads.
First, it must be conceded that a
germ of truth underlies the false-
hoods of those who fire their cannon-
ades against organized labor. No
group in so disadvantageous a spot
can afford to have any blots on its
escutcheon large enough to be capit-
alized upon by its would-be destroy-
ers. From there, in order to wipe out
the blots, the formula reads: incor-
poration and consolidation. Unions
must not fight against one another
under any circumstances, for by so
doing, they lose sight of the common
foe against whom every bit of energy
must be directed.



WASHINGTON, April 3.-This column recent-
ly reported certain flagrant cases of war plant
loafing. It should also be pointed out that no-
where has loafing become a finer art than in the
Congress of the United States.
In all fairness, it should be noted that this
is not true of the great majority of Congress-
men, who work hard, earn more than their
salaries, and are a credit to the nation. But a
rabid, fabble-rousing minority spoils the repu-
tatibn of the majority.
Also, there has developed more quibbling and
daWdling over major issues than ever before in
recent years. War has speeded up the nation's
production but not its legislative machinery.
For more than three months, the House and
Senate hemmed and hawed over a tax bill, only
to bring forth a mouse. An almost equal amount
of time was frittered away in passing a soldiers'
Vote bill which did not give servicemen as much
voting privilege as they had before.
Walk into the gallery of the House of Repre-
sentatives almost any afternoon and you will
find men like Clare Hoffman of Michigan and
John Rankin of Mississippi bellowing by the
hour on picayune political matters far removed
from the issues for which U.S. troops overseas
are giving their lives.
Sample Afternoon in the House.
Almost any afternoon it is the same story.
Take the afternoon of March 27. The House met
that day at 12 noon and adjourned at 4:22 p.m.
During ,more than half of the four-hour and 22-
minute session, members were forced to listen to
a gum-beating contest betwgen Representative
Hoffman, who was delivering a tirade against
Walter Winchell, and Representative Ralph E.
Church of Illinois, who was making a political
stump speech against the Kelly Democratic ma-
chine in Chicago.
Several times, Representatives Herman Eb-
erhaiter of Pennsylvania and Adolph Sabath
of Illinois, chairman of the Rules Committee,
broken in With appeals to the chair and to
Hoffman to desist. But Hoffman roared them
"We are wasting the time of all members of
this House on the floor, when important legisla-
tion is coming up," Eberharter implored. "Why
don't we get on with the business of the House?"
But Hoffman bellowed on. Time is no object
to the jabbering Michigander, nor does he worry
about the $45 a page paid by the taxpayers for
printing his outbursts in the Congressional Rec-
Hardly had Hoffman finished, when his
windy colleague, Congressman Church, took
up the cudgels. Church and Sabath clashed
violently over whether the Kelly machine was
"stealing pennies" from widows. Hoffman,
who by this time had his second wind, also
horned in.
As the time-wasting, political debate con-
tinued. most members in disgust left the floor
for more important work in their offices. Con-


gressional courtesy, for some archaic reason,
prevented their shutting off debate and protect-
ing their own reputations.
Farley Fears Being Ousted,. ..
The other day, big Jim Farley dropped a re-
mark which didn't attract much public atten-
tion, but packed powerful significance among
the politicoes. "I don't discuss politics on bus-
iness trips," said Jim when queried by newsmen.
This apparently innocent remark meant one
of two things-or probably two things wrapped
into one. First, it may be true, as previously
rumored, that the Coca Cola people (for whom
Jim works) are getting worried about Jim
arousing too much political animosity. After
all, you can't have too many political enemies
and sell soft drinks at the same time. Second,
Jim may be lying low until after the next New
York State Democratic meeting, at which time
the O'Connells of Albany and other Roosevelt
forces threaten to unseat Farley as chairman
of the Democratic State Committee.
Despite his pipe-down, however, Roosevelt
Democrats in New York are determined to de-
pose Jim as State chairman. They say it would
be absolutely disastrous to let him go to the
Chicago convention as head of the New York
delegation and oppose a fourth term.
Meanwhile, it has become more and more
apparent that Big Jim is the man really behind
Harry Woodring, the little gentleman from Kan-
sas whom Roosevelt finally ousted as Secretary
of War. Harry claims that he has either raised
or has pledged $1,050,000 to put a separate Dem-
ocratic candidate in the field. Politicoes credit
Jim Farley with having raised the lion's share,
ably assisted by Eugene Stetson, president of
the Guaranty Trust Company, who, like Farey's
business backers, also hails from Georgia.
Note-Big question in political minds is: If
Jim defeats Roosevelt by backing Woodring's
third party, would he accept a Republican re-
ward by taking a Cabinet post in a Republican
Administration? Some say Jim would do any-
thing to get rack at his old friend and boss,
the President.
SBaruch Turns Cheek ...
Gaunt. grey Bernie Baruch, elder statesman of
the war administration, never objects to public
criticism, especially when it comes from such a
source as rootingtootin', riproarin' Representa-
tive Rankin of Mississippi.
The other day, Rankin got off' another of his
many speeches. In it, he tore the hide off
Baruch regarding war contracts, claiming
that,in 1921, Baruch single-handed had upset
the entire stock market.
Newsmen later got Baruch on the phone and
asked him to comment. Bernie, who has a great
sense of humor, replied:
"You know I would not deny doing anything
as important as that."
(Copyright, 1944. United Features Syndicate)


"It ain't that I don't wanna play with you fellas, it's just that I
prefer psychological warfare!"



VOL. LIV No. 110
All notices for the Daly Official Bul-
letin are to be sent to the Office of the
President in typewritten form by 3:30
p.m. of the day preceding its publica-
tion, except on Saturday when the no-
tices should be submitted by 11:30 a.m.
Student Tea: President and Mrs.
Ruthven will be at home to students
Wednesday afternoon, April 5, from
4 to 6 o'clock.
To the Members of the University
Council: The April meeting of the
University Council has been can-
celled. Louis A. Hopkins, Secretary
Automobile Regulation: Students
possessing driving permits who have
not reported the 1944 license num-
bers of their cars to the Dean of
Students' Office must do so at once.
Failure to comply with this request;
will result in the loss of driving
If you wish to finance the purchase
of a home, or if you have purchased
improved property on a land con-
tract and owe a balance of approxi-I
mately 60 per cent of the value of the
property, the Investment Office, 100
South Wing of University Hall,
would be glad to discuss financing
through the medium of a first mort-
gage. Such financing may effect aI
substantial saving in interest.
Faculty of the College of Litera-
ture, Science and the Arts: The five-
week freshman reports will be due
Saturday, April 8, in the Academicj
Counselors' Office, 108 Mason Hall.
Ilopwood Contestants Attention:
The deadline for the Hopwood man-
uscripts has been moved forward to
4:30 on Monday afternoon, April 17.

La Sociedad Hispanica presents
Sr. Francisco Villegas who will lec-
ture on "La Vida /cademica De un
Estudiante en Costa Rica" (a stu-
dent's life in Costa Rica) on Wed-
nesday, April 5, at 8 p.m. in the
Rackham Amphitheatre. Admission
by ticket or uniform.
Mathematics Lecture: Professor
Paul R. Halmos of Syracuse Univer-
sity will give a lecture on "The Alge-
bra of Measure" on Wednesday, April
5, at 4:15 p.m., in 3011 Angell Hall.
Academic Notices
Dr. Litchfield's Class will meet on
April 8 at 10:00 a.m. in the same
room. This is in place of the class
that was to meet -on Thursday.
Organ Recital: Palmer Christian,
University Organist, will present the
annual hour of music on Good Friday
afternoon, April 7, at 4:15. The pro-
gram will include compositions by
Frescobaldi, Bach, Karg-Elert, Wag-
ner, Mulling, Bossi and Dupre,
The general public is cordially
Events Today
Junior Research Club: The April
meeting will be held at 7:30 tonight
in the Amphitheatre of the Rackham
Building. The program will be given
by Elmon L. Cataline of the School
of Pharmacy and by Frederick H.
Test of the Department of Zoology.
Bacteriology Seminar will meet
today at 4:30, Rm. 1564 East Medical
Building. Subject: "Current Inves-
tigations of AntibioticdSubstances."
All interested are invited.

G ALLUP'S polls have repeatedly
shown that a commanding major-
ity of workers favor the consolida-
tion of the CIO and the AF of L whose
inexcusable jurisdictional disputes
weakened the position of labor in
general beyond measure. The most
ardent friend of labor cannot con-
done an inter-union strike which has
nothing to do with wages or hours
or working conditions, but only satis-
fies the aspirations of competing un-
ion bosses. Consolidation would ef-
fectually eliminate this evil.
Those who hate labor, and they
grow more raucus by the day, point
an accusing finger at the unions
and say, "See, they are irrespon-
sible." Many unions, it must be
admitted, do not have their books
open to public examination-and
the charge of irresponsibility can
be made with some safety-though
most often it is groundless. If a
union obtained a state charter,
thus changing its status from that
of a fraternity to that of a corpora-
tion, its books would be open books.
Honest unions would have, nothing
to lose and dishonest unions who
denigrate the name of the whole
movement-could be exposed with
Let one strong, responsible, incor-
porated union represent all of organ-
ized labor. Cries of monopoly may
be raised, but not if this labor union,
serving the best interests of society,
is regarded as a public utility and
analogous to a monopolistic gas com-
pany that functions better on a non-
competitive basis. So regarded, a
labor monopoly- is justified-with the
proviso that like all allowable mon-
opolies, it be immediately subject to
government regulation, so that such
a body could not abuse its new pow-
e'Simple, isn't it?
-Bernard Rosenberg
Isolationist Hoffman.. .
Isolationist Rep. Clare Hoffman
inserted into the Congressional Rec-
ord copies of letters he had received
from Michigan inductees who were
addressed by a/Navy chief petty offi-
cer: "You have an isolationist rep-
resentative up there . . . Let's see,
what's his name? Oh, yes, Clare
Hoffman . . . I understand he's al-
most ready to declare war on Hitler."
In a speech prepared for delivery in
the House, Hoffman said that "no
oficer has the right to attempt to
influence the political views" of men
in the service. PM
o'clock, Mrs. George G. Brown, 1910
Hill Street, Wednesday, April 5.
Cerele Francais: There will be a
meeting of the Cercle Francais
Thursday evening at eight o'clock,
April 6, in the Michigan League. Stu-


Youth for Democratic

Phi Kappa Phi: The pins and cer- Action will meet at 8 tonight in ll-
tificates for new Phi Kappa Phi 16 of the Union. Dr. Francis Skill-
members have been received. Please man Onderdonk, author and lectur-
call for them some time this week in er, will discuss "From United States
r ,,t~ ?o~oalTihar hI[7P to United Nations." Motion pictures

2 Rm. 5 general Lrary eween
2 and 5. Telephone Ext. 763.

I _ _ _,~ A F7

By Crockett Johnson

and lantern slides will be shown, and
a discussion period will follow. Pub-
lic is invited.
Comin oEvents
Haydn's -Oratorio *Creation" will


Doln't fell .stores like fthat, son. /-

toi-7i{L. ..

The invisible leprechauns




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