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April 04, 1944 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1944-04-04

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Red Arm trikes13

Miles into Rumania

British Hit
B attle ship
Norwegia 1iFjojorI
Is Tir itZ Hideout
By The Associated Press
LONDON, April 3.-The Tirpitz,
last capital battleship in Hitler's fur-
tive navy, has been hit by several
bombs from British naval planes, an
Admiralty communique said today.
This fresh blow to neutralize Ger-
man sea power was dealt as the west-
ern Allies rushed final preparations
for a continental invasion in which
domination of the seas- will be vital.
The communique gave few details
of the attack on the big battleship
which has been hiding for months in
Alten Fjord in far northern Norway,
but it did say "several hits were ob-
Her hideout is more than 1,000
miles from the nearest British air
bases so it was obvious the attack
was carried out by planes from car-
riers. American-built craft may have
Nazis Admit Attack . .
By The Associated Press
NEW YORK, April 3.-The Nazi
news agency DNB acknowledged to
night that the German battleship
Tirpitz had been attacked by aircraft
at a northern Norwegian base, but
said "the attack was dispersed by our
defense and did not attain full effect."
been used since it has been announced
that Grumman and other American
naval types have been in use by the
British fleet air arm.
Listed at 35,000 tons; the Tirpitz is
believed actually to approximate 45,-
000 tons. Jane's fighting ships says
she may be about 41,000 tons. She
carries eight 15-inch guns, twelve 5.9
inch guns, sixteen 4.1 inch guns and
ha's a normal complement of 1,500
Troo er Called
To ProtLect Right

Yank Bombers Smash
At Budapest Railroads
First American Attack on Hungarian
Capital Hits Messerschmitt Plane Factory

By The Associated Press
PLES, April 3.-U.S. heavy bomber
fleets bombed Budapest for the first
time today, smashing hard at rail-
roads linking Germany with the Bal-
kan front already punctured by Rus-
sian armies, and at an aircraft fac-
tory making Messerschmitts for the
A great force of four-engined
bombers made the round trip of
nearly 1,000 miles from Italy to
strike at the Nazi war machine in
the Hungarian capital astride the
Danube, one of Europe's most
beautiful cities.
It was the first large-scale air at-
tack ever made on Hungary or Buda-
Dr. Onderdonk
Will Speak at
MYDA Meeting
Highlight of Today's
Lecture Will Be Films
On League of Nations
Dr. Francis Onderdonk, world
traveler and lecturer, will speak on
"From United States to United Na-
tions" at a meeting of Michigan
Youth for Democratic Action at 8
p.m. today in Rm. 316 in the Union.
Dr. Onderdonk, who recently de-
signed the United Nations flag, will
present his opinions on post-war
problems and the present crisis. His
lecture will be accompanied by a film

pest, although the city was bombed
by the Russians earlier in the war.
The bombers drove home the
closest blow yet to the front lines
of the advancing Red Army. Buda-
pest is only some 250 miles from
the Carpathian Tatar Pass, nearly
reached by the Soviets, and about
400 miles from the Russian spear-
heads driving into Rumania.
Today's strike followed the blow
Sunday by more than 500 Italy-based
big bombers against Steyr in Austria,
in which the bombers and escorting
fighters got a record day's bag of
more than 100 German fighters. The
Allied force lost 33 aircraft in all ac-
tions yesterday.
These two great punches from the
south were thrown as Britain-based
Allied forces apparently remained
inactive, with no major operation an-
nounced since Mosquito attacks on
three Nazi cities Saturday night.
A German broadcast described
great air battles over Budapest,
and first accounts said 14 Ameri-
can planes were downed.
Other Flying Fortresses and Lib-
erators meanwhile were hammering
enemy-held Yugoslav railroad yards
at Knin, Brod, and Drnis-lines im-
portant to German forces engaged by
Yugoslav Partisans.
Bombers Strife
Hungary Again
By The Associated Press
Allied bombers were reported in a
Berlin broadcast early today to have
made a night thrust into Hungary
following up the heavy daylight raid
upon Budapest yesterday by Italy-
based U.S. fleets.
Soon after midnight, the German
station said a "small number of
planes" was approaching the Hun-
garian capital.
Ten New Atolls
Are Occupied
In Marslhalls
American forces have occupied ten
more atolls in the Marshall Islands,
giving them possession of all but
Jaluit atoll in the western chain of
islands and making a total of 14 from
which the Japanese have been clear-
ed, Adm. Chester W. Nimitz an-
nounced today.
The new atolls over which United
States sovereingty has been estab-
lished are Ujae, Lae, Lib, Namu, Ail-
inglapalap, Namorik, Ebon, Kili, Arno
and Bikini.
"Most of these atolls were taken
without resistance," the announce-
ment said. "Light opposition encoun-
tered on the others was quickly ov-
ercome. We took some prisoners.'
American troops previously had oc-
cupied Kwajalein, Eniwetok and
Wotho in the Ralik or Sunset chain
of atolls and Majuro in the Radk or
Sunrise chain on the eastern side.
Majuro and Arno are situated be-
tween the important enemy-held
atolls of Maloelap and Mili.
MacA rthur Reveals
Newest Jap Losses
Tuesday.-(P)- Further withdrawal
of the Bougainville Japanese from
the American perimeter at Empress
Augusta Bay was reported today by
Gen. Douglas MacArthur who also
said big fires were set in a dawn
bombing raid on Truk in the Caro-

Russians Take 50
Villages near lasi
Northern Forces Kill 208,260 Axis
Troops, Encircle 15 Nazi Divisions
By The Associated Press
LONDON, April 4, Tuesday--Russia's Second Ukraine Army,
striking 13 miles into Rumania, has captured 50 villages and driven to
within nine miles of the rail city of Iasi, a Moscow communque an-
nounced last night, while to the north the First Army was credited with
killing or capturing' 208,260 Axis troops and encircling the remnants of
15 divisions in a still-rolling offensive near the borders of German-
occupied Poland and Czecho-Slovakia.
Marshal Ivan S. Konev's Second Army, attacking on a 70-mile
front inside Rumania, cut the 50-mile railway linking Dorohoi and Iasi
at the village of Dengeni, on the east bank of the Jijia River, 13 miles
west of the Prut River border, said the Daily Soviet bulletin. Dengeni
is 25 miles southwest of Dorohoi. t

AMBUSH LEAVES DEAD JAPS - Japanese soldiers lie dead. near
Maingkwan in North Burma after they were ambushed by a company
of the Chinese 22nd division troops fighting under Lt. Gen. Joseph
Supply Roads to Allied .base
At Imphal Are Cut by Japs

Of Assembly
WEIRTON, W. VA., April 3.-(A)-
West Virginia state troopers went on
guard today in the busy steel town
of Weirton-one of the nation's larg-
est unincorporated communities-as
an outgrowth of arrests made during
distribution of CIO United Steel-
workers' literature near the Weirton
Steel Company's plant.
Led by Col. H. Clare Hess, state po-
lice superintendent, a score of troop-
ers appeared in the community and
posted a proclamation by Governor
Matthew M. Neely which declared:
"It appears that various persons
are being unlawfully deprived of
their liberty and the constitutional
right peaceably to assemble and
there is imminent danger of recur-
rences of breaches of the peace and
resistance to the law within that
certain part of Hancock County
Troopers were directed to enforce
the law and call upon all other peace
officers to assist them if necessary,
at the same time avoiding assistance
to "either party in any labor trouble."
,Thomas Tells
Strike Stand
DETROIT, April 3.-(P)-President
R. J. Thomas of the United Automo-
bile Workers (CIO) announced today
that the Union's executive board had
modied and "clarified" its stand
against wildcat strikes in a special
meeting in New York last week.
"The intent of the no-strike policy
is in no way changed or weakened,"
Thomas said.
A new clause in the union's state-
ment or policy provides that Thomas
may summon a local union to appear
before the executive board, in the case
of an unauthorized strike, "to show
cause why it should not be dealt with
in accordance with the union con-

By The Associated Press
NEW DELHI, April 3.-Japanese
invasion forces have cut supply roads
into the big Allied base at Imphal,
capital of Manipur State in eastern
India, it was disclosed today as fight-
ing raged in the wild hills of the Na-
ga headhunters east of Kohima, 60
miles north of Imphal.
Imphal Temporarily Isolated
An Allied spokesman, while con-
ceding that Imphal had been tem-
porarily isolated by main road, de-
clared the crisis would be overcome
shortly and that there would be no
necessity for supplying the great ad-
vance base by air.
A full-scale battle had been joined
east of Kohima, where a Japanese
column was driving determinedly to-
ward Dimapur on the Assam-Burma
railway lifeline to Lt. Gen. Joseph W.
Stilwell's Chinese and American
forces in Northrn Burma. Dimapur
is 44 miles across the Naga hills from
A second Japanese force, thrusting
toward Imphal from the Chindwin
Two Union Men
P'Lead Innocent
Detroit AFL Agents
Charged with Extortion
DETROIT, April 3.- V!P) - Two
business agents of the AFL Team-
sters' Union, one of them a labor
member of the Detroit Regional War
Labor Board, and a trade association
executive pleaded innocent in record-
er's court today to extortion and con-
spiracy charges.
The three are Sol Sniderman, 34-
year-old WLB member; James Cas-
sily, 42, another AFL business agent,
and Peter Ellis, 45, president of the
Detroit Retail Florists Association.
They were freed under $500 bond.
The accused union business agents
were charged with extorting $3,000
from a group of undertakers, with
Ellis serving as go-between, in return
for a favorable union contract. A
second count in the warrant naming
the three charged conspiracy to ex-
tort money by malicious threats
against 12 undertakers.
Prosecutor William Dowling, who
obtained the warrant after weeks of
secret investigation, said undertakers
"were required to join the union and
pay dues or else make an outright
shakedown payoff of $250." Unless
they did one or the other, he added,
the union picketed their establish-
ments and union drivers for supply
firms would not cross the picket lines.

river area to the east, was reported
thrown back by defending British
and Indian troops. Southeast of Im-
phal, near the lower end of the 200-,
mile invasion front, Japanese artil-
lery continued to shell the Tamu-
Palel road.
Chinese Troops Break Jap Line
Dispatches from Northern Burma
reported that Stilwell's Chinese
troops had broken through the Jap-
anese defense line just south of La-
ban and had driven another three-
quarters of a mile southward along
the Mogaung road.
(There was no Allied confirmation
of a Tokyo broadcast claim Sunday
night that the) British 26th Division
had been forced to withdraw from
around Buthedaung and Maungdaw.)
Yanks Destroy 12 Jap Planes
American fighter planes destroyed
12 Japanese craft yesterday, and air
comando planes practically wiped
out an enemy ammunition dump
near Indaw, west of the Irrawaddy
River in Central Burma.
Dispatches said glider-borne Al-
lied commandos now hold a consider-
able portion of the main Japanese
supply railroad between Myitkyina
and Katha in northern Burma, ef-
fectually cutting Japanese forces in
that region off from their big depot
at Mandalay.
Finns Schedule
Peace Parleys
After Easter
STOCKHOLM, Sweden, April 3.-
(P)-A decision on Finland's peace
crisis appeared to have been post-
poned tonight until after Easter,
while some pessimisim prevailed in
Helsinki on the country's chances of
findig a way out of the war with
Finnish political quarters here said
that while there were reports of some
modification in the Russian armistice
terms following Dr. Juho K. Paasiki-
vi's trip to Moscow, the belief now
prevails that the terms are as harsh
as ever and even more precise.
The earlier reports had said the
Russians made some frontier conces-
sions, but placed high reparations
demands on the Finns.
In political circles in Helsinki, it
was presumed the peace question
hardly can be solved within the next
few days.
A similar convocation is to be held
tomorrow morning before the mem-
bers adjourn for Easter.

183,310 Germans Killed
A special announcement issued a
short time later told of the staggering
losses suffered by the Germans in a
28-day period last month-a total of
183,310 Germans killed and 24,950
captured on a single front.
On the basis of Russian announce-
ments, this boosted to 537,160 the
number of Germans and satellite
troops killed or captured in nine
major offensives which began in the
Rumanians Asked To Quit
By The Associated Press
The Moscow radio, in a broadcast in
the name of the Soviet government,
called on the Rumanian people today
to abandon the Germans and "capi-
tulate at once."
winter snows of Russia and rolled
on westward despite the coming of1
spring floods until today the Red,
Army is attacking inside Axis ter-
ritory for the first time in the war.1
Rumanian Lines CrumbleI
German - Rumanian lines were'
crumbling on a 450-mile front from
deep inside old Poland down to Odessa'
on the Black Sea area, the Russians
In the Odessa area Gen. Rodion Y.
Malinovsky's Third Army overran
100 more localities and tightened its
developing siege arc on that prize
port and former Soviet Black Sea
fleet base.
City Chooses
GOP Officials
In Light Vote
Light election returns were pre-
dominently Republican as Ann Arbor
voters went to the polls yesterday to
ballot on supervisors, aldermen and
All but four of the 21 officials
elected in the normally Republican
city were members of the GOP. The
Democrats elected only one super-
visor, an alderman and two consta-
bles. All four amendments designed
to make the city charter jibe with the
state constitution passed.
With competition slight for the of-
fices, voters could choose from full
ballots only in the fifth ward and
both precincts of the second. There
was no contest for supervisor in the
sixth ward and the only Democrat to
be elected supervisor, Edward L.
Schumacher of the fourth ward, ran
uncontested for office.
City clerk Fred C. Perry estimated
that upwards of 1,000 votes were cast
during the 13 hours the polls were
Doctors Report
,James 'Better'
A slight change for the better has
ben noted in the condition of A. A.
"Jimmy" James, University staff
member, seroiusly injured in a three-
car crash Friday night, doctors at
St. Joseph's Mercy Hospital reported
last night.
However, doctors added that while
the condition of James improved, it
still remained critical.
Returning from the national AAU
swimming meet in the Sports Build-
ing, James, associate supervisor of

Italian Troops
Capture Peak
Near Cassino
Nazi Attack on Anzio
Beachhead Is Stopped
By The Associated Press
PLES, April 3.-Italian troops fight-
ing with the Allied Fifth Army have
captured a third peak northeast of
Cassino, it was announced today, and
an attack by 150 German infantry-
men against Allied defenses on the
Anzio beachhead was thrown back
with losses.
The new hill seized by the Italians
was identified as point 1,344. Pre-
viously this Allied force was disclosed
to have occupied 3,600-foot Mt. Cas-
telnuovo and Mt. Marrone, about 15
miles northeast of Cassino, without
(The Rome radio, with on Allied
confirmation, broadcast Monday
night that German troops had re-
gained all of Cassino and its suburbs
except the railway station south of
the town. It said the Germans
throughout Monday "continued to
wipe out the last remaining Anglo-
American pocket of resistance among
the ruins of Cassino. Other groups of
houses outside the town also have
been incorporated into the German
line of defense. Thus only the ruined
railway station remains in Allied
(The Berlin radio also claimed
Cassino success, reporting the recap-
ture of "height 435, where a garrison
of Indian troops was killed to the
last man.")
Officers' Court
Martial Starts
Neglect of Duties at
Wright Plant Is Charge
CINCINNATI, April 3.- (P) -A
public court martial started today to
determine whether three Air Force
officers neglected their duties, con-
spired to let quantity override qual-
ity in aircraft engine production at
the Wright Aeronautical Corp., plant
in Lockland, and gave false testimony
to a Truman committee member, as
The defendants, Lt. Col. F. C.
Greulich and Major Walter A. Ryan
of Detroit and Major William Bruck-
mann of Cincinnati, pleaded inno-
cent when arraigned before an 11-
member court headed by Brig. Gen.
Lehman H. Miller, commander of
Camp Sutton, N.C.
Col. Greulich was chief of the in-
spection section of the AAF materiel
command at Wright Field, Dayton,
O., Major Ryan, district inspector,
and Major Bruckman, resident in-
spector at the Wright plant.
No Increase in
Gas Ration Seen
WASHINGTON, April 3.- (P)-
Secretary Ickes said tonight that
"contrary to the impresson held in
some quarters," there is no possibility

... to speak today.
on the League of Nations and its
work in combatting epidemics and
drug traffic.
A graduate of the Royal Technical
Institute in Vienna, Dr. Onderdonk
has traveled extensively abroad. He
was in Geneva at the time of the
Munich conference and attended the
International Conference in France
in 1938.
Dr. Onderdonk witnessed the col-
lapse of the Hapsburg regime in
Austria during the first World War,
and the founding of the republic in
Dr. Onderdonk's lecture will be
preceded by short discussions on fur-
thering war activities on campus. A
discussion period will follow Dr.
Onderdonk's lecture.
Truck Drivers
Fail To Agree
Cripple Freight in
Battle Creek, Lansing
LANSING, April 3.-(A)-Michigan
truck line operators failed in anoth-
er conference here today to agree
among themselves upon a counter-
proposal to their employes in a labor
dispute which has crippled the move-
ment of freight by truck.
The truck movement of freight was

Midwest Called Center of Political Stage


By The Associated Press

cultural leaders-five governors

goes, the result may be a barometer

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