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April 01, 1944 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1944-04-01

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aTVIJI*Mar .."I"Mr-a. I '10Al

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Fifty-Fourth Year

1 i

I'd Rather Be Rirht


Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
ofstudent Publications.
PI-blished every morning except Monday during the
regulda Universty year, and every morning except Mon-
oay aind Tuiesdayv during the suimmer session.
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of repub-
1ication of all other matters herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second-class mail matter.
Subscriptions duringrthe regular school year by car-
rtier $4 25, by mal $5,25.
NationaI Advertising Service, Inc.
Colege Publishers Representative
420 MAbIsoN AVE. NEW YORK. N. Y.
rmcnaAO -ooGeT - Los ANOELU -1 8rREARCSCO
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1943-44

NEW YORK, March 31.-Mr. Brown, of Ohio,
has introduced a resolution to investigate the
Office of War Information, for the purpose of
determining whether that agency is making
cracks about Congress in material sent to sol-
diers. This is the latest development on the
"dignity of Congress" front, for defense of the
dignity of Congress is now one of the chief in-
dustries in Washington. Congress now spends
almost an hour a day defending its dignity,
before it gets down to business.
Mr. Hoffman, of Michigan, usually starts off
by assailing Mr. Walter Winchell. His tirade
provoked so noisy a row on the floor the other
day that spectators had some difficulty in
following the course of the arguments being
offered in behalf of the dignity of .the lower
One of the sore points is the soldiers' vote
bill. A number of members are highly indignant
because the impression is perhaps being con-
veyed that Congress is not in favor of universal
voting by all service men. Of course, the Con-
gress did pass the soldier vote bill. The bill does
not provide for a universal vote. But to call
attention to the fact that Congress wrote and
passed this bill is considered an underhanded
blow at the dignity of Congress.
Any gentleman who is a gentleman will hold to
the theory that the bill was written by elves and
passed by pixies.
The brotherhood of those who dish it out
is becoming the fraternity of those who can't
take it. Mr. Hoffman, for one, has established
a world record for dishing it out, by rising in his
place each morning, for something like 600 con-

secutive mornings, each time to deliver a one-
minute speech usually devoted to linking Mr.
Roosevelt with the )Kremlin and the Kremlin
with the American labor movement.
For Mr. Hoffman to make himself the
spokesman of the dignity of Congress merely
means that after having thrown everything
that is movable, he is now unscrewing the
desks, and throwing those. Do we really have
to kid ourselves on this issue? Let us let our
hair down; every thoughful Congressman, of
whoim there are hundreds, knows there is a
small group of the ringleaders of a kind of
spirit of carnival in Congress, and it is pre-
cisely these who have been going around in
property togas these last few weeks, passing
themselves off as the true spirit of the legisla-
tive branch, to which role they have rather
clouded titles.
So far they have attacked radio commentators
mostly. They leave those who are primarily
newspapermen alone, because they know that
newspapers are inclined to take a dim view of
any Congressman who tells their writers what
they should or should not say. But radio is
invested with a semi-public character; it crawls
under attack, and thereby invites attack.
The, movie industry used to lie on its belly in
the same way, until about three years ago, when
a Senate subcommittee tried to frighten it into
neutrality on the question of Hitler. The movie
people told the subcommittee to take a high dive,
with the result that the subcommittee folded up,
while motion pictures, at last accounts, still sur-
(Copyright, 1944. New York Post Syndicate)

Editorial Staff

Jane Farrant .
Claire lierman .
Stan Wallace
Evelyn Phillips
Harvey Frank
Biud Low
Jo Ann Peterson
Mary Anne Olson
Marjorie Rosmarin

. .

Managing Editor
Editorial Director
City Editor
Associate Editor
Sports Editor
Associate Sports Editor
Associate Sports Editor
. Women's Editor
Associate Women's Editor
. Business Manager
Associate Business Manager



Ellzabeth A. Carpenter .
Margery Batt



Telephone 23-24-1
I':ditorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.
Local Merchants Flaunt
OPA Price Regulations
MOST of Washtenaw County's merchants have
apparently decided to disregard their re-
sponsibilities to the public in cooperating with the
OPA regulations to prevent inflation.
In a survey last week it was found that full
compliance with the law was in effect in but 18
food stores out of 182 checked. With 90 per cent
of the local stores out of l.ine, it is apparent
that lack of knowledge alone can't be responsible.
Store managers admittedly don't have an
easy job of running their establishments with
wartime restrictions, shortages and lack of
help. But it is about time that they realized
the necessity for complete cooperation with
the OPA. Holding prices- down to within the
reach of the average person is one of the
toughest home front jobs and it is the duty of
store owners to do their utmost along this line.
Instead, the vast majority, at least in Ann Ar-
bor, are taking advantage of the public by
violating the regulations in every way.
It may .iust be a hangover from the days of
rugged individualism that enables these men to
justify their actions. But during a total war
it is impossible to conduct a business along
lines which were satisfactory 50 years ago.
-Betty Koffman





WASHINGTON, March 31.-Inside the Allied
High Command, a private "I-told-you-so" de-
bate is now going on as to who was responsible
for getting the Allies boxed in Italy. U.S. Army
chiefs privately point an accusing finger at
Winston Churchill. The British, on the other
hand, point a finger at General Marshall.
As nearly as an impartial observer can as-
certain, there was some blame on both sides,
with the fact reasonably clear that neither the
United States nor England actually wanted to
strike the peninsula of Italy. It was pointed
out one year ago that a campaign up the
Italian peninsula would land us exactly where
we are now-in a trap. It was even freely said
in high military circles, last spring, that Hitler
could want nothing better than to have us in-
vade Central and Northern Italy.
Nevertheless, that is exactly where we are now.
As far as this observer can piece the story
together, here is how it happened.
At each conference between Churchill and
Roosevelt, the question of a second front in West-
ern Europe has arisen, and each time Churchill
has said no. This was true at Casablanca in
January, 1943, and again during the Washing-
ton conference in the following May and June.
During the May-June conference, the Allies
were cleaning the last remnants of the Nazis
out of Tunisia, and the big question was wvhether
to strike next into Western Europe or into the
Balkans. American war chiefs favored the for-
mer drive, which the Russians had so long
demanded. The British favored the Balkans.
Both sides agreed that Sicily and the extreme
southern boot of Italy must be taken in order
to clean out Nazi submarines and protect Allied
shipping in the Mediterranean.

All Against Italian Campaign ...
But the plain, inescapable fact is that neither
sides, it was finally agreed that Germany would
talk of striking through the islands of Sardinia
and Corsica to the French Riviera, but no one
wanted to go up the Italian peninsula and risk
being trapped in a narrow area, with no room
to maneuver and with the Alps to cross even after
Italy was taken.
So, after some rather tough talking on both
side, it was finally agreed that Germany would
get additional months of pounding from the air
and that the second front would be postponed
until German airplane factories could be sof-
tened. This was a victory for Churchill.
However, it was also decided that we should
not invade the Balkans. This, in turn, was a
victory for General Marshall. He had argued
that any diversion of troops away from Eng-
land for a Balkan campaign would only slow
up the main objective-the second front
straight at the heart of Germany.
Furthermore, Marshall was reported quite
piqued at the British for transferring so many
combat troops out of England to the Near East
between the Casablanca meeting in January and
the Washington meeting in May and June.
Parley Results in Compromise ...
Out of this May-June conference, therefore,
came the compromise of no second front, no
Balkan invasion, but more air pounding of West-
ern Europe, plus the conquest of Sicily and the
southern boot of Italy.
yAfter the May-June conference, Churchill flew
from Washington to Algiers, and President
Roosevelt ordered General Marshall to go with
him. Churchill argued in Algiers that, once we
had taken Sicily and the southern boot, we must
not stop, but should plunge immediately across
the Adriatic and the Aegean to Greece and Jugo-
General Marshall argued to the contrary. He
pointed to the submarine menace around the
Aegean islands, also the difficult problem of
transporting men and supplies, also the mountain
barriers of the Balkans and forthcoming snow.
Churchill's Arguments . .
"You want to win the war quickly, don't you?"
Churchill is reported to have said. "Then don't
slow up after Sicily. Keep right on going into the
And he made the further plausible argument
that, once Mussolini toppled, about 20 Italian
divisions policing the Balkans would not know
whom to serve. This moment of indecision, be-
fore Hitler could rush German troops into
Jugoslavia and Greece, was the time to strike,
lie argued.
Many of the British, and some American
strategists, still think Churchill was right.
Others point to the difficult problem of getting
enough landing barges for a Balkan invasion.
However, Churchill's Balkan invasion is still
not ruled out, nor are other operations through
France, Norway, Denmark, or the Lowlands.
At any rate, out of this deadlock, finally came
the slow advance up the Italian peninsula into
the present Cassino trap-largely because the
Allied armies in Southern Italy had no place
else to go.
(Copyright, 1944, United Features Syndicate)

Asks National Service Art{
To the Editor:
Well, it looks as if the government
had finally caught up with you and
me, the 4-F's.
It's a fine thing, too. Here I am,
studying engineering at the Uni-
versity of Michigan, doing nothing
to help the war, and yet I'm having
a damn fine time. At the same
time, my friends are fighting the
war allover the world. There's one
in Africa, several in Italy, some in
England, some out in the Pacific
and some of them are dead.
Yes, and here I am, in the best of
shape (having a wonderful time,
thank you), learning a little, playing
tennis, skiing, looking like anything
but a physical wreck, and walking
the face of this war-torn earth as a
civilian. I'm rather lucky, I think.
At the same time, I don't think I
should be allowed to have luck, for I
do not deserve it. There is nothing
I would rather do than try to get
into this war. I was almost in once,
but I got stopped at the last moment.
SO, I walk the streets, looking like
the favorite son of a favorite, draft
What I'd like to see is a national
service act, something which would
make me quit school, get into a war
plant, and do a little something to !
help this war. I won't quit school I
unless I'm forced to, because my
father has been pointing toward
this engineering education of mine
for a long time. I can't stop on
him. But, if I'm forced to do so by
the government ... well?
And while I think of it, I'd like to
see a few of these women going into
war work too. Nothing like a few
women backing the boys at the front
to help things along. Think of the
morale building! And think of the
plane building! But, I guess that the
women realize ghat they could bee
doing. Or else, why would a few of
them be doing what they all should
be doing?
SO, let's all get into this thing.
Many (I'm one of them) cannot eas-
ily enter the war effort. A service act
would give them the chance. Better
allocation of men and women in the
war would certainly help things out.
Me, I'm for it, and I hope I get
slapped right into a war plant where
I belong! To Hell with this college
life of pre-war days. Let's get fight-
ing, and finish things up in a hurry.
-Al Raymond
VOL. LIV No. 108
All notices for the Daily Official Bul-
letin are to be sent to the Office of the
President in typewritten form by 3:30
p.m. of the day preceding its publica-
tion, except on Saturday when the no-
tices should be submitted by 11:30 a.m.
Faculty of the College of Litera-
ture, Science.and the Arts: The five-
week freshman reports will be due
Saturday, April 8, in the Academic
Counselors' Office, 108 Mason Hall.
Automobile Regulation: Students
possessing driving permits who have
not reported the 1944 license num-
bers of their cars to the Dean of
Students' Office must do so at once.
Failure to comply with this request
will result in the loss of driving

Academic Notices
Geology 12 and 65: Final Make-Up
Examinations for fall term will be
given Saturday, April 1, in Rm. 2054,
Natural Science Building, 8:30 a.m.
Dr. Litchfield's Class will meet on
April 8 at 10:00 a.m. in the same
room. This is in place of the class
that was to meet on Thursday.
Preliiinary Examinations for the
Doctorate in English: Those intend-
ing to take the examinations this,
spring should notify Professor N. E.
Nelson by April 3.

Hoiy Week Message

I E RETURN of the Easter season
brings to thoughtful persons a
fresh consideration of the signifi-
cance of sacrifice in society. It may
appear easy for the critic to discredit
this central principle of Judaism and
Christianity as a bit of religious sup-
erstitution arising out of the child-
hood of the race. The Hebrews and
other orientals thought that the
blood carried the active principle of
life. The offering of blood for the
atonement of sin meant the offering
of life. Jesus and his interpreters
placed this principle at the very
heart of the Christian message and
the Christian life.
Some years ago a group of social
scientists collaborated in produ-
cing a statement concerning the
elements in primitive society that
created social stability. Practically
the entire article dealt with sacri-
fice. It was pointed out that the
primitive groups that developed a

large measure of concern for the
welfare of the group and made
heroic sacrifices for the group life
continued to perpetuate their kind
and became the foundation of the
major civilizations.
On ednesday of this week a
young lieutenant, soon to be oin his
way overseas, visited me. He was
very prominent in the ist impor-
tant student activities in the Univer-
sity two years ago. He expressed
deep concern for our country and
for our world. Our American philos-
ophy of life which urges each of us to
seek primarily his own good would
seem to run counter to the nature of
the universe and could well be the
basic weakness of our society.
The Eastern season calls thought-
ful men to the words of the Master
of Life: ". . . Except a grain of
wheat fall into the earth and die,_
it abideth by itself alone; but if it
die it beareth much fruit."
-H. L. Pickerill


JAY !Lichlty


r .

fl 104 4, (Ide) i.' o,ic.~.T

"-and just because the soldiers call their commanding officer "the
old man' is no reason why I should be referred to as 'the old
Everyone welcome: the party begins lowed by a fellowship hour and ye-
at 8:30. freshments.

Wesley Foundation: April Fool's
Day party for all students and ser-
vicemen at 8:30 p.m. in the Wesley
Foundation Lounge at the Methodist
The Congregational-Disciples Guild
promises FUN, FOOD AND FOOL-
ISHNESS at the April Fool's party
at the Congregational Church, State
and William, tonight from 9 to 12
o'clock. Small charge.
Michigan Youth -for Democratic
Action will hold an Executive Board
meeting at 2:30 p.m. Saturday in the
Union. All members must attend.
Coming Events
The Graduate Outing Club will
meet for the first spring hike Sunday
at 2:30 p.m. at the club quarters,
Rackham Hall, northwest corner en-
trance. There will be a discussion
about further programs and indoor
games in case of unfavorable weath-
er. All graduate and professional
students and alumni are cordially
Junior Research Club: The April
meeting will be held at 7:30 p.m.
Tuesday, April 4, in the Amphithea-
tre of the Rackham Building. The
program will be given by Elmon L.
Cataline of the School of Pharmacy
and by Frederick H. Test of the De-
partment of Zoology.
Michigan Youth for Democratic
Action will meet at 8 p.m. Tuesday in
Rm. 316 of the Union. Dr. Francis
Skillman Onderdonk, author and lec-
turer, will discuss "From United

Long Range View Disavows Military Nature
Palestine Problem, Points toHumanity

ESTERDAY'S editorial by Miss Negrevski
dealing with the position of Palestine in the
war effort and the possibility of immedate im-
migration freedom for the world's homeless Jews
iinpels every liberal clear-thinking humanitari-
an to rise in protest.
The situation in Palestine is not military, is
not non-military; it is a question of human-
The issue is as simple as that.
We are now fighting history's greatest abom-
ination which in part, can be ascribed to the
appeasement policy of Mr. Chamberlain and Mr.
Daladier of Pre-Munich days. The British White
paper of 1939 was a product of that vein of
But why should we now fight what we have
termed an idealogical war, a war of freedom,
with the same tools of appeasement that nur-
tured its birth?
We have got to take a stand now. Our plans
for peace must be made now. Our leaders have
come to the common belief that we must avoid
the mista.kes of the last peace.
Why then, should we not make our stand now?
Last year alone, .two million Jews were
slaughtered in Europe. As you read this now,
perhaps 1,000 more have been killed because
they believed in their convictions-a true
vlnH~niAf' al1

As Mr. Churchill has kept silent on the Pales-
tine problem, he has taken a negative attitude
to the Atlantic Charter. By his own admission,
Churchill is a war-time leader; much discontent
has been voiced in Britain relative to his peace
plans and motives.
The Arab question has a long and involved
train of circumstances, but the fact can not
be disputed that the Arab has been the greatest
beneficiary of whatever prosperity and growth
has come to Palestine through Jewish efforts.
The problem is a simple one-one of human-
ity with legal and moral convictions standing
behind it. The White Paper was an instru-
ment of appeasement which our participation
in the war has repudiated in all but one respect
pertinent here, namely-the White Paper.
The problem is a pressing one-action now
willbe fruitful . . . after the war there may
very well be no Jews living needful of refuge.
It often proves wiser to look at the whole pic-
ture instead of isolating one segment which seems
superficially paramount. -Stan Wallace

First Presbyterian Church: 10:45
a.m., Morning worship. Palm Sunday
sermon by Dr. Lemon on "The Other
Judas." 5:00 a.m., Westminster Stu-
dentkGuild will hear Miss Liii Rabel
speak on "Religion in an Occupied
Country." The supper hour will fol-
low at 6:00 p.m.
Haydn's Oratorio "Creation" will
be presented at the First Methodist
Church Wednesday, evening, April 5,
beginning at 7:30 o'clock, featuring
Agatha Lewis (Chicago) soprano,
Carlton Eldridge (Itansing) tenor,
Beverly Barksdale (Toledo) bass, the
Senior Choir of the Church, Mary
McCall Stubbins, organist, and Har-
din Van Deursen, director. The pub-
lic is invited.
Unity: Mrs. Eve Edeen, formerly
with Silent Unity, Kansas City, and
assistant to the Director of the Cor-
respondence School of the Unity
School of Christianity, will speak at
the Michigan League Sunday morn-
ing at 11 o'clock. Her subject will be
"The Transformation of the Will."
There will be no meeting of the Sun-
day evening young people's group
this week.
Trinity and Zion Lutheran Chur-
ches will have their regular Sunday
morning worship services at 10:30
First Church of Christ, Scientist:
409 S. Division St. Sunday lesson
sermon, "Unreality" at 10:30 a.m.
Sunday school at 11:45 a.m. Testi-
monial meeting Wednesdays at 8:00
p.m. This church maintains a free
reading room at 106 E. Washington
St., which is open daily, except Sun-
days and holidays, from 11:30 a.m.
to 5 p.m.; open Saturdays until 9
p.m. Here the Bible and Christian
Science literatfire, including. all of
Mrs. Eddy's works may be read, bor-
rowed or purchased.
First Methodist Church and Wes-
ley Foundation: Morning worship
service at 10:40 o'clock. Dr. Charles
W. Brashares will preach on "Enter
-Love." Student class at 9:30 a.m.
Wesleyan Guild meeting at 5 p.m.
Mrs. Welthy Honsinger Fisher will
speak on the subject: "America Faces
East." Supper and fellowship hour
at 6:15. A program of dramatic
sketches on the theme "The Church
Marches On" at 7:30 p.m.

States to United Nations." Motion
oncerts{pictures and lantern slides will be
shown, and a discussion period will
Organ Recital: Palmer Christian, follow. Public is invited.
University Organist, will present the_____
annual hour of music on Good Friday
aftrnon, pri 7,at :15 Th pr- |Michigan Christian Fellowship will
afternoon, April 7, at 4:15. The pro- hold its regular weekly meeting on
gram will include compositions by Sunday afternoon at 4:30 in Lane
Frescobaldi, Bach, Karg-Elert. Wag- Hall. The speaker will be Rev. Doug-
ner, Malling, Bossi and Dupre.
The general public is cordially, las Hine, ho is te irtuster, oich


Events Today
Roger Williams Guild: April Fool's
party tonight at the Guild House.

'There will be special music. A cor-
dial invitation is extended to all stu-
dents and especially to the service-
; men. Come out for an afternoon of
Christian fellowship. See you there-
4:30 Sunday afternoon-Lane Hall.
The Lutheran Student Association
will meet at 5:30 p.m., Sunday, April
2, in the Zion Lutheran Parish Hall.
Supper will be served promptly at
5:45, after which the group will have


By Crockett Johnson

Oh, hello, dear, . Yes. . . Bornabyj
cd I may as well come home. I've

. . . What's that about an April
Fool joke? ... gut Mr. Bronson
Ii R _ ..f4... t 1«*

Of course it's in the local
papers.. . A large double
V - 1 AL-- V

Copyr4hl 94F,44 N .bl..,-, ®....

Rep. 1. J. O'Malley Wins


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