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April 01, 1944 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1944-04-01

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April Foul









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Reds Slash Main
Nazi Escape Route
By The Associated Press
LONDON, March 31. - Russian
troops hurling huge German forces
back into the bottleneck of Odessa on
the Black Sea today captured the Na-
zi stronghold of Ochakov, 38 miles
east of the big port, and to the west
slashed the main Axis escape route
into Rumania by cutting the Odessa-,
Kishinev-Iasi railroad, Moscow an-
nounced tonight.
Far to the northwest the Russians
were reported within 12 miles of the
Hungarian and north Rumanian
frontiers in the Carpathian Moun-
tains, and attacking at Stanislau in
the southeastern corner of old Po-
land, but the Moscow Daily Bulletin
did not give any fresh details of that
Eastern Rumania Threatened
The Russians also were poised on
an 85-mile section of the east bank
of the Prut river for a smash into
eastern Rumania, but there was no
official Soviet indication that the
Red Army yet had crossed the river
although Berlin again told of a Rus-
sian attack "in the direction of Iasi,
Rumanian rail hub seven miles be-
yond the Prut."
The Russians first reached the
Prut near Iasi last Sunday, but since
then Marshal Ivan S. Konev's second
front army has sent his troops south-
ward in Bessarabia toward the Ru-
nianian coastal plains instead of
crossing the Prut and encountering
the Carpathian Mountain barrier to
the west.
May -Attack dessa
Premier-Marshal Joseph Stalin in
an Order of the Day told of the fall
of Ochakov, commanding the en-
trance to the Dnieper and Bug estu-
aries emptying into the Black Sea.
That stroke may foreshadow Soviet
amphibious operations against Odes-
sa, the former Soviet Black Sea fleet
naval base which the Russians lost in
1941 after a two-months' siege.
Reds Win Jap
Oil Rights on
Sakhalin Island
By The Associated Press
MOSCOW, March 31.-The Soviet
Union in what may be its biggest
diplomatic victory of the war has
forced Japan to surrender coal and
oil concessions on Sakhalin Island,
north of Japan, which still had 26
years to run, it was announced today.
In an agreement signed in Moscow
yesterday, the Russians won an im-
mediate return of the rights to these
resources, granted to Japan in 1925
for a 45-year term. The Russians on
their part have agreed to furnish
Japan 50,000 tons of oil a year for
five years beginning after the war.
The upper half of Sakhalin Island,
which lies off Siberia, is Soviet terri-
tory, the southern half Japanese. '
The new protocol is considered by
diplomatic circles in Moscow to be a
great contribution to the war which
the United States and Britain are
waging against Japan. The Japanese
rely on northern Sakhalin for oil and
coal vital to their Pacific war, and
with this shut-down Tokyo is regard-
ed as suffering a staggering blow.

Three-Car Crack-up
injures Two Severely

Abram A. James, Associate Super-j
visor in Physical Education at the
University, and his wife were severe-
ly injured yesterday in a three car
accident at the corner of Packard
and Stadium Streets in which three
other people were bruised, it was re-
vealed by police sources.
The accident occurred when a
truck from Pontiac going west on
Stadium Street bumped into a car
containing Mr. James,.his wife and
Miss Miley.
After the truck struck this car, the
driver lost control and hit a car
driven by George Muellec of Bowling
~Green, Ohio.
The truck from Pontiac containing
Candidates for
Senior Offices
Are Announced
The students whose names will
appear on ballots in the campus elec-
tions Wednesday were announced
yesterday by J. Joseph Linker, presi-
dent of the Men's Judiciary Council.
Union vice-president candidates
from the Engine School will be Karl
Brenkert, Jr., '44E, and David Stew-
art Christie, ASUNR, and from the
combined schools, Ace Cory, USMCR,
Dave Strack, USMCR, and Harvey
Frank, '45.
. Candidates for Engine School sen-
ior class officials will be John C.
DeBoerand Alvin C. Beck. The one
who receives the higher number of
votes will become president and the
other secretary-treasurer.
On the ballot in the election for
senior officers of the Literary College
will be Miriam Dalby, Dorothy Dar-
nell, Lucy Chase Wright, Geraldine
Stadelman and Warren Dalby. The
officers to be elected will be presi-
dent, vice-president, secretary and
Nominations are still open for sen-
ior class officers. Petitions contain-
ing 25 signatures and a list of quali-
fications are due at 5 p.m. Monday
in the student offices at the Union.
Labor Disputesl
Halt Production
DETROIT, March 31.-(P)-Labor
disputes halted production of two war
products in Detroit plants today.
The Gyro Compass Division at
Chrysler Corporation's Dodge main
plant was closed after a company
spokesman said two balancers were
sent home for refusal to do work as-
signed them and 35 others walked
out in sympathy, causing 475 em-
ployes to become idle.
Several thousand employes en-
gaged in production of ball turrets
at the Briggs Manufacturing Com-
pany's Outer Drive plant remained
idle for a second day, with company
and union spokesmen disagreeing on
the reason.
Tryouts Invited to
Union Staff Banquet
All tryouts are invited to the Union
Staff Banquet at 12:15 p.m. today in
the Anderson Room of the Union.
Ray Boucher will act as toast-
master and Rupert Straub will pre-
sent an outline of future Union ac-
tivities. Dean Joseph Bursley and
the Union vice-presidents will attend,
as well as the Union Board of Direct-
ors, the Executive Council and the
Union staff.

15 tons of merchandise was set on
fire, but the local Fire Department
quickly extinguished it.
According to Dr. Karl G. Malcolm
of St. Joseph's Hospital, Mr. James
suffered a compound fracture in his
left arm and chest injuries. His wife
received a compound fracture in the
left leg.
The other three suffered minor
The triple car accident held up
traffic for more than two hours.
RAF Suffers
Record Loss
Of 94 Planes
New Type of 'Scare
Crow Rocket' Used
To Rip Nazi Targets
By The Associated Press
LONDON, March 31.-The RAF
suffered a record loss of 94 planes
last night as its heavy bombers
fought grimly, through the greatest
Nazi fighter force ever seen by Brit-
ish pilots and a determined ground-
defense which included a new type
of "scare crow rocket," to rip Nuern-
berg and other Reich targets.
While the cost was the greatest ev-
er sustained by the Allies for a single'
operation, March remained a month
of victory for British and American
air power. It was reliably estimated
that the RAF made 6,500 bomberE
sorties (individual flights) over Ger-
many in March with a loss of 4.6 per1
cent of the force sent out.1
Battle Rages Three Hours
Nor were the Germans able to turnl
back this latest thrust of the bigI
British Lancasters and Halifaxes in
a three-hour pitched battle which
raged alternately through clouds and
bright patches of moonlight.
The official description of the raid'
as in "very great strength" suggest-t
ed that in the neighborhood of 2,240
short tons of bombs were dropped by
a force of probably 1,000 four-engin-1
ed bombers on that southern Ger-
man transport center and Nazi con-
gress sity which now is about the
size of Cincinnati. 0.
The British announcement of the
loss of 94 planes contrasted with the
claim of the German DNB agency
which said 141 bombers were des-
Carry War to
Palaui Islands
By The Associated PressF
March 31.-A challenging force of
American warships, so powerful that
it frightened a section of the Japan-
ese fleet, has carried the war to thej
Palau Islands, Japan's important na-
val base far on the way back to the
Warned by enemy scout planes of
the approach of the armada, Nippon-j
ese ships fled before the United
States combat vessels could get into
position for the attack at the far
western side of the Caroline Islands.t
Adm. Chester W. Nimitz announc-s
ed the new fleet action last night int
a terse communique. He gave no de-X
tails but stated significantly, "Our
attacks continued." Radio silencef
cloaks .operations of this kind until
the forces involved have completedt
their mission and returned to safert

THE AMERICAN SOLDIER-above, seriously wounded in the Burma
campaign, is being helped into a stretcher. He is but one of the millions
of men and women in service overseas who are being deprived of their
right to vote by the states'-rights service law.
Japs Enter Maui pur Plain;
British Abandon Burma base
By The Associated Press hr Palel 24 miles southeast
NEW DELHI, March 31.-Japan- f mal.erPa 4 ie
ese forces invading India along a A Japanese patrol, operating well
front of nearly Z00 miles have thrust ahead of the enemy force thrusting
into the vital Manipur plain above in from the southeast, was reported
Imphal and have forced the British to have reached within a dozen miles
to abandon Tiddim, their forward of Imphal.
base 100 miles below Imphal in Bur- The Japanese-dominated Singapore
ma, it was disclosed today, but Gen.rThe Japanesem ated n he
Sir Claude J. E. Auchinleck, Allied i'adio claimed Japanese7 captured the
SirClade . E Auhineck AliedMashan road junction between .Im-
commander in India, declared there phal and Kohima, "virtually isolat-
was no cause for alarm. ing" the British-Indian Fourth Army.
Auchinleck Confident
two that they have come up against Red
our prepared defenses and met seri-I
ous opposition on our part," Auchin-
leck assured the Indian legislature.
"I am convinced that the security of *
Assam( province in northeast India) ica
never has been in danger, let alone I o a rv
the security of India. ,t n
"The opinion expressed in an Am- Washtenaw County passed the
erican paper that the fall of Imphal $100,000 mark with -flying colors,
would be of little importance is er- Charles Henderson, chairman of the
roneous. Our commanders have no Washtenaw County Red Cross Drive,
intention that Imphal should fall into reported yesterday as total returns
the enemy's hands." reached a new high of $101,521.99, of
A communique from Admiral Lord which $66, 234. 91 came from the city
Louis Mountbatten's headquarters of Ann Arbor.
disclosed that one Japanese invasion University women have now out-
column had broken through to the stripped all other campus groups in
main highway running from Imphal their drive, turning in $3,678.68, with:
to Kohima, 60 miles to the north, reports yet to be tabulated from 15{
and had damaged a bridge before be- campus residences, Marjorie Hall, wo-
ing driven back. Another enemy: men's chairman, announced. Uni-
party was reported north of Kohima, versity faculty niembers have con-,
striking toward the main Allied sup- tributed $3,527.85 to date, and Uni-
ply system serving the Burma front. versity men have collected more than
Japanese pressure also remained $1,550, although the total amount has
- --- #not been i'egistered with Red Cross

FDR Withholds
Signature on Ballot
Askis for Amending Legislation Io
Ease Restriction on Federal Measure
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, March 31.-President Roosevelt, advising Congress he
was letting the Service Vote Bill become law without his signature, asked
today for amending legislation to ease restrictions on use of a federal ballot.
In a 1,200-word message, he told the legislators he thought the "right"
of servicemen and women to use a federal ballot, if they failed to receive
state ballots, was "largely nullified" by conditions attached in the service
vote law.
"No state, or federal red tape," he added, "should take from our folk
in the service their right to vote."
Congressional reaction to the President's request varied, but the tone
of his message brought generally favorable comment. It was sharply
restrained by comparison with the message he sent to the Capitol when the
Student Support Needed
R ATHER than incur the wrath of a rebellious Congress, President
Roosevelt last night let the states'-rights soldier vote bill become law
without his signature, and sent a carefully worded message to both houses
requesting amendment to the legislation.
In view of the vitriolic reaction to his recent veto of the tax
bill, the President had no choice but to let the bill go through. Had
he vetoed it, the coalition of reactionary Republicans and Southern
Democrats would have garnered enough support to pass the bill over
his veto and thus widen still further the rift between the Adinis-
tration and Congress.
Senators Green and Lucas, co-sponsors of the original bill, have
already promised introduction of an amendment that, it is hoped, will
nullify the crippling aspects of the new law.
Write to Green and Lucas. Write to your own Congressmen.
Let them know that although the farcical measure has become law,
American citizens will not be satisfied until an amendment has been
passed that will guarantee every serviceman and woman their vote
regardless' of state action on the bill.--The Senior Editors
bill was pending and which called proposals for state ballots a "fraud" on
those in the services.
Senators Green (Dem.. R.I.) and Lucas (Dem., Ill.) announced they
would introduce legislation in line with the President's proposal.
Friday midnight was the deadline for Mr. Roosevelt to veto the bill,
sign it or let it become law without his signature.
The bill restricts use of a federal ballot, allowing votes for President,
Vice-President and members of Congress, to servicemen and women over-
seas and only in event:
1. Application is made for a state ballot by Sept. 1 and one is not
received by Oct. 1.
2. The governor of the state where the federal ballot is to be cast
certifies it is authorized by state law.
Specifically, Mr. Roosevelt asked for an amendment "so as to authorize
all servicemen and women, who have not received their state ballots by an
appropriate date, whether or not they have formally applied for them, to use
the federal ballot without prior express authorization by the states."
Yanks Hit Truk, ICincinnati Girls
WA Win - -

Soldier Choir Will Appear
with Civic Orchestra Sundo

Plan Is Offered
To Get 4-F's
In. War Effort
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, March 31.-Selec-
tive Service suggested to 4a Congres-
sional committee today that publicity
be used to induce 4-F's to "do their
patriotic duty" in war industry.
The idea was advanced by Col.
Francis V. Keesling, legislative rep-
resentative of the draft headquar-
ters, at a meeting of the House Mili-
tary Subcommittee on deferments.
Keesling outlined this possible pro-
Local draft boards comb their lists
of 4-F's, those deferred for physical
defects, and find out how many can
hold down war production jobs. List
hem publicly, with a star beside the
names of those who "do their patriot-
c duty" by taking a job in an essen-
ial plant.
The government's Inter-Agency
committee could get a plant-by-
plant survey of just how many of
hese 4-F's are needed in specific
obs, 4e said. Then the draft boards
could channel them into those jobs
n their home towns.
Tn+agvat.8 mwith this . Rn ntxr.

Stockwell Hall led all women's res-
idences with a total contribution of
$501.01, 100 per cent returns. Mo-
sher Hall contributed $309.75, Jor-
dan $258 and Martha Cook $208.50
to lead the dormitories.
Delta Gamma, with a contribution
of $143.50, Kappa Alpha Theta, $89.-
90, and Delta Delta Delta, $89, were
the greatest contributors among the
sororities, while Colvin and Pray
houses topped the league house fig-
ures with contributions of $48 and
$35, respectively.

The forces which struck Wednes-
day at Palau, where the enemy has
at least five bases for land or sea
r V planes and a naval base, referred to
as the Japanese Singapore, presum-
ably included large, new carriers such
d a com- as were used against Truk and the
southern Mariana Islands in Feb-
the city- ruary.
1 Recrea- +
and cer- Ford Rej ects
Bnr dof I

Fires Started in Eten;
Eauripik Isles Struck
By The Associated Press
Saturday.-Gen. Douglas MacArthur
bombers had again hit the Japanese
today announced South Pacific
bases at Truk and Woleia Islands in
the Carolines, for the second visits
to these enemy bastions.
Liberator heavy bombers started
fires in fuel stores on Dublon Island
in the Truk atoll, the communique
said. In the previous raid on Truk
Wednesday, the bombers centered
their attack on Eten Island in the
Allied night raiders also hit Eauri-
pik Islands, sixty miles southwest of
Waleai Island, which naval Catalina
bombers hit last Wednesday.

Speech Contest
Taking both first and second pla-
ces, Our Lady of Cincinnati College,
Cincinnati, walked off with top hon-
ors in the sixth region National Dis-
cussion Contest on Inter-American
Affairs held at 8 p.m. yesterday in
the Rackham Amphitheatre.
Miss Mary Burns, who spoke on
"The Role of Communications in
Inter-American Relations," won first
place. She receives a $500 scholar-
ship for travel and study in Mexico
this summer and will go to Washing-
ton, D.C. to participate in the na-
tional finals on Pan-American Day,
April 13.
Second place went to Betty Ann
Geers, who spoke on "New Hemis-
phere Organizations for Inter-Amer-
ican Cooperation." The Cincinnati
Sschoolwas the only institution rep-
resented by two speakers.
The eight contestants, represent-
ing colleges and universities in Mich-
igan, Kentucky, Ohio and Pennsyl-
vania, also took part in a round table
discussion on inter-American rela-
tions at 2 p.m. yesterday. Judges
based their decisions on both partici-
pation in the discussion and the
seven-minute prepared speeches giv-
en in the evening session.
Judges were Prof. Arthur S. Aiton,
Prof. G. E. Densmore and Prof. Louis
M. Eich of the University and Prof.
Carroll P. Lahman, Albion College,
and Prof. F. B. McKay, Michigan
State Normal College.
IStomp Will Be
Held Today at Union
Servicemen and coeds are invited
to the G-I Stomo from 3 to 5 n.m.


The Soldier Choir of Company A
will be the guest artists of the Ann
Arbor Civic Orchestra in a program
at 4:15 p. m. tomorrow.
The Choir, composed of 40 voices
under the direction of Cpl. Joseph
M. Running, will present a program
of acapella selections. The orches-
tra will accompany the chorus in one

has very nearly approache
plete symphony.
The orchestra is one of
wide activities under the ad
tion of the Department of
tion, drawing recognition
tain support from both the
Education and the City Par
ment for its service to the co
in music.
The nroaram tomorrow


Two teen aged Warren Township
youths were arrested Thursday by a
Calhoun County Deputy for stealing
four cars during the first lap of an
attempted Rocky Mountain camping
The youths, aged 14 and 15, had
started out on one bicycle equipped
with a bow and arrow, an axe, camp-
ing equipment and a compass. The
boys had intended pushing the bike
im hill and coasting down.

Boys Arrested for Stealing
IFour Cars on Camping TriLp

from, they turned the car around
and started driving west.
The car broke down so they "bor-
rowed" another. They took this car
out of a man's garage,ddriving past
his window. They had petted the
big, vicious dog in the back yard so
that he wouldn't bark.
The second car which they had
taken at Pontiac and Seven Mile ran
out of gas in Albion, so the boys
,icked up a coupe. After they had

k Depart-
i< heing

Union Demand$
DETROIT, March 31.- (AP) -A
TUninn dnmand that theF ord Motor

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