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March 30, 1944 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1944-03-30

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Cloudy and Colder









Flying Forts
Hit Nazi Plane
Factory Area
German Resistance
Routed by Eighth Air
Force in Heavy Battle
By The Associated Press
LONDON, March 29. - American
Flying Fortresses bomber the Bruns-
wick area of central Germany today,
and Nazi fighters for the first time
since March 23 rose to give serious
battle over that vital aircraft fac-
tory area, only to be routed by es-
corting Eighth Air Force fighters who
shot down 39 of the Nazis.
Simultaneously American Libera-
tors bombed the Pas-De-Calais area
of the French coast, meeting oppo-
sition only from moderate to heavy
anti-aircraft fire. From all opera-
tions, nine American bombers and
nine fighters failed to return, it was
announced tonight.
It was the third coniecutive day
of American operations aimed pri-
marily at the German Air Force, and
the communique said it was the fif-
teenth attack on Germany and the
24th on all enemy targets in this
record-breaking month of March.
The Germans always have defend-
ed the Brunswick area vigorously
against repeated American attacks,
one of the most recent Feb. 10, when
84 German fighters and 29 American
bombers and eight fighters were lost
Both today's attacks were made
through clouds and bad flying weath-
Man Tosses
$5 000 Out
The window
WINDSOR, Ont., March 29.-(R)
-Dollar bills and silver, as well as
rain, sprinkled down on Windsor
streets today when Harry F. Mc-
Lean, wealthy Toronto contractor,
tossed $5,000 from windows of two
hotels to scrambling pedestrians.
McLean, whose hobby is giving
away his money, had bank messen-
gers bring thecash and bills first
to the Prince Edward hotel. Cars
screeched to a stop and drivers
joined the crowd pushing and jam-
ming the street. When McLean fi-
nished some 500 people were mill-
ing about in the rain underneath
his fourth floor window.
Later he went to the Norton-Pal-;
mer hotel and repeated the money-
sprinkling. To reporters he said,
"I like to see people happy. This is
the way I spread joy among man-
Union Petitions
Due Tomorrow
Petitions of candidates for Union
vice-presidents are due tomorrow ini
the student offices of the Union, with;
interviews scheduled from 3 to 5 p.m.
Two vice-presidents are to be elec-i
ted in the campus election Wednes-
day, one from the engineering col-
lege and one from the combined col-;
Navy, Marine and civilian students
may submit petitions. No signaturesa
are necessary. Candidates will be

selected at the interviews by the,
Union nominating committee.
Senior class officers will also be
named at the election Wednesday.

Red Army Troops Smash Across,
Prut River; Near Carpathian Mts.

Balta Captured by
Soviets in Ukraine
By The Associated Press
LONDON, March 29.- Russian
troops forged across the Prut River
today, fought into the outskirts of
Czernowitz (Cernauti), capital of
Bucovina, and captured Kolomea,
Prut River railway town in the foot-
hills of the Carpathian Mountains
only 30 miles from the Czecho-Slovak
border, Moscow announced tonight.
Other Soviet gains were announced
in Bessarabia and the southern
Ukraine, notably the capture of
2,000 Germans Are Killed
More than 2,000 German dead were
counted in the streets of Balta alone,
a communique said, and many of sev-
eral hundred prisoners proved to be
Nazi SS Elite Guards. Another 2,000
were declared slain in the area south
of Yarmolintsi at the top of the Ka-
menets-Podolsk pocket.
The Prut crossing, reported by to-
night's Soviet communique,' is a sig-
nificant victory but does not, in the
Russian view, place the Red Army
inside Rumania as yet, since it is in
the portion of Bucovina ceded to
Russia by the Rumanians in 1940.'
Kolomea, 44 miles up the river
from Czernowitz and on the left
bank, was described by Marshal Sta-
lin, who announced its fall, as "an,
important strongpoint in the German
defenses at the foothills of the Car-
pathians." It once was Polish terri-
Both at Kolomea and Czernowitz,
the Russians cut the Lwow-Buchar-
est railroad. Capture. of Kolomea
represented an 11-mile gain.
For the third day since reaching
Rumania's vulnerable borders, theI
Red Army apparently refrained de-
liberately from crossing, and instead

,Lwow. . POLANDl
p Berdichev'
\Tarno o Proskurov
Gar denka 't " *Kamenets-Pocjolsk. f
' , uzovts
Czernow *BaiitaS
~N \%. ~yel ybsise1

where Marshal Zhukov's First Ukrainian Army, after taking Sadagura
and Kamenets-Podosk, fanned westward to capture Koropets and Goro-
denka, while Marshal Konev's Second Ukrainian Army took Buzovitsky
and Skulyany (lower arrows) placing the Soviet forces along the north
bank of the upper Prut for a distance of 80 miles.

concentrated much strength on the
task of dismantling the big German-
held area north of Odessa.
The Russians steadily continued'
to clear the Germans away from the
railway running southwest from Per-
vomisk to the Rumanian border town
of Iasi, evidently seeking to prepare
the line for their own use.
German Positions Collapsing
The German positions in the great
semicircle around Odessa appeared
to be collapsing as the Russian regi-
ments rolled down on them from
three main directions-from Balti
(Baltshi), Balta, and Vozhesensk-in

advances that swept through 150
more towns and villages.
Balta, captured today, is 115 miles
northwest of Odessa.
In the battle for Czernowitz-100,-
000 population-Red Army Marshal
Gregory K. Zhukov was fighting to
liberate his own constituency, which
elected him a deputy to the Supreme
Soviet from the Moldavian Soviet
Republic in 1940. At that point, al-
though it is on the righi bank of the
Prut, it is about 20 miles above where
the river forms the border between
Rumania and the Moldavian Soviet

Troops Slip
Back from
Italian Hill
East Monastery Slope j
f Lost as New Zealand,
Indian Forces Escape
By The Associated Press {
PLES. March 29.-Indian and New
Zealand troops have been withdrawn
from the steep eastern face of Mon-
astery Hill, and the bloody struggle
to take that formidable height will
have to be undertaken anew when
the Allied drive for Cassino gains
momentum again.
Gurkhas Clung to Hill
Wiry Indian Gurkhas who clung
to their dangerous perch on Hang-
man's Hill 100 yards below the ruin-
ed Benedictine abbey for nearly two
weeks came back down last night
and they were followed by the tough
New Zealanders who held Hill 202
farther down the slope.
The Gurkhas, in their eagerness to
conquer the forbidding, fortress-like
Monastery Hill which commands the
valley for miles around, passed com-
pletely over two of their objectives
in the night attack March 15 and
landed on Hangman's Hill far ahead
of schedule. They could be supplied
there only by air.
Operation Difficult
This was a difficult operation, and
some parachutes drifted away from
the Gurkhas and into the hands of
the Germans. Removal of Wounded
also was a dangerous operation, as
any movement by day or night
brought a hail of fire from the Nazis
on the crest. Hangman's Hill-so-
called because a gallows once stood
there-is 435 yards up the side of the
Monastery Hill, which itself it 519
yards high.
Both Hangman's Hill and Hill 202
are on the eastern side of Monastery
Hill, both well in advance of present
Allied positions. When the Gurkhas
announced by field radio that they
had reached Hangman's Hill in the
inky blackness of the first night of
the recent all-out attack, Allied of-
ficers at Headquarters scarcely could
credit their ears.
Allied troops still held important
Castle Hill just west. of Cassino.
Turin, Milan Are Hit
IBy.American Flyers
PLES, March 29.-(IP)-U.S. bombers,
campaigning to smash German sup-
ply lines in northern Italy, rained ex-
plosives on rail lines in Bolzano, Mi-
lan, Turin and Ancona and also!
hammered at port facilities feeding
the fighting fronts, it was announced
Liberators and Fortresses of the
15th Air Force ranged 300 miles north
of Rome to hit Bolzano, Milan and
Turin, while a - small formation of
Liberators hit railroad yards at An-
cona, on the Adriatic, and medium
and fighter bombers hammered at
xvwest coast ports.

Army, Navy Join in
Asking L gislation
Basis for Farm Deferments Scra ped;
Judgment Is Left to Local Boards
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, March 29.-In two major manpower moves, Selective
Service today scrapped its measuring rod for deferment or farm workers,
deciding to leave individual cases to the judgment of local draft boards, and
a House military subcommittee agreed to draft legislation authorizing Army
labor battalions of 4-F's.
The Army and Navy joined in asking legislation under which 4-F's
between the ages of 18 and 37 could be directed to go to work in essential
industry at civilian pay or be inducted into labor battalions at Army
pay but without veterans' benefits.
The request was presented by Undersecretary of War Robert P. Pat-
terson and Assistant Navy Secretary Ralph A. Bard who asked prompt
action to cope with a "critical" man-a _

power problem. Chairman Costello
(Dem., Calif.) of the House group
promised that legislation in line with
their views would be drafted during
the forthcoming Easter recess.
A plan also was being discussed to
require that a farm worker classified
as 4-F, physically unfit for military
service, continue in farm work unless
given permission by his draft board
to change occupations.
Senator Russel (Dem., Ga.) said
this would be considered by the Sen-
ate Agriculture Committee.
Russel and Senator Tydings (Dem.,
Md.) announced Selective Service
was scrapping its "unit system" for
farm deferments after a conferencel
with Major General Lewis B. Her-
shey, Selective Service director, and
War Food Administrator Marvin
Air Corps May1
Accept YouthS
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, March 29. - The
Air Forces said today that when re-
cruiting of 17-year-olds in the Air
Corps Enlisted Reserve is resumed,
first consideration will be given to
applications which were under study
and were invalidated by last week'sl
order halting enlistments.
Temporary suspension of such en-
listments coincided with the trans-
fer of 36,000 men from flight train-
ing to ground forces to help meet
the manpower shortages in ground
combat units.
The ban on further enlistments in
the Air Corps Reserve will not affect
those 17-year-olds whose applications
already have been accepted. They
will not be discharged to make them
available for other branches of the
armed forces, officials said, but will
be called to active duty for training
as they reach their 18th birthdays
and as . AAF training schedules re-
Onderdonk To
.~ U-P

Chinese Forces
Encircle 1,000
Enemy Troops
Japs on Burma Front
Are Outflanked Near
Mogaung Valley Road
Associated Press Correspondent
LEY, BURMA, March 28. (Delayed.)
-About 1,000 Japanese troops were
trapped today by a compact unit of
Lt. Gen. Joseph W. Stilwell's Chinese
forces which swung through the jun-
gly foothills fringing the northeast-
ern part of the Mogaung valley and
cut the Mogaung road four miles
south of Shaduzup.
The Japanese forces had been
strongly resisting frontal assaults by
the Chinese.
The strategy was similar to that
which netted Brig. Gen. Frank D.
Merrill's American marauders and
Chinese more than 2,000 dead Japan-
ese in the Maingkwan-Walabum area
during the week ending March 10.
The Japanese now are caught in a
goose-egg shaped sector north of
Shaduzup. Gen. Stilwell's forces are
drawing the noose tight as quickly as
possible, but some of the enemy may
escape by cutting trails and filtering
through the northwestern foothills.
The Chinese troops are anxious to
bag as much artillery as possible, in-
cluding the Japanese' two 150-milli-
meter guns which have done more
psychological than physical damage.
The road is the only avenue of es-
cape for heavy artillery and when
trapped the Japanese usually shoot
off all the shells and bury the artil-
lery piece by piece.
In the operations such as the Chi-
nese now have established at Laban
south of Shaduzup the Chinese are
fighting in the south as well as the
Informal Dance

Inter-A erican
Affairs Final To,
Be Held Here
The sixth region finals of the Na-
tional Discussion Contest on Inter-
American Affairs will open tomorrow
with eight students from colleges and
universities of the central region par-
ticipating in a round table discussion
at 2 p.m. in the Rackham West Con-
ference Room.
Competing for a $500 scholarship
for study in Mexico this summer and
a chance to enter the national con-
test being held in Washington on
Pan-American Day, April 13, each
contestant will also giye a seven-mi-
nute prepared speech in the general
symposium and forum being held at
8 p.m. in Rackham Amphitheatre.
Judges will consider both partici-
pation in the discussion and the pre-
pared speech in selecting the winner.
Prof. Arthur S. Aiton, professor of
Latin American history, will lead the
round table discussion and Dr. Esson
M. Gale, director of the International
Center, will preside at the evening
Sponsored by the Office of the Co-
ordinator of Inter-American Affairs
in the State Department and the
American Council on Education to
Promote Inter-American Friendship
and Cooperation, the contest opened
in January when several hundred
college and universities selected rep-
resentatives to submit manuscripts.
On the basis of the manuscripts,
eight winners were chosen in each of
six regions. National finalists will be
selected this week in contests in each
of the regions.

American Labor Party Split
Over Issue of Communism

By The Associated Press
NEW YORK, March 29.-The eight
year-old American Labor Party, whose
400,000 votes helped President Roose-
velt win New York State's 47 elec-
toral votes in 1940, split today on
the issue of communism.
The right wing leadership, defeat-
ed in yesterday's primary election
for control of the state committee-
the body which nominates the party's
presidential candidate-withdrew on
the ground that the left wing victory
meant "Earl Browder has captured
the American Labor Party."
Browder is general secretary of the
Communist Party in the U.S.
A statement issued by the right
wing liberal-labor committee, noting
that the party was organized in 1936
World News
at a Glance
by The Associated Press
Jap Base Bombed ...
Thursday.-Hollandia, Japanese base
on the northwest coast of Dutch New
Guinea, was bombed by Allied night
raiders, and 93 tons of bombs were
dropped on Rabaul, Gen. Douglas
MacArthur's communique said today.
Pwir-isans Attuc...
LONDON, March 29.-New Par-
tisan attacks in Eastern Bosnia
were reported tonight by the Free
Yugoslav radio, which said that
the attempt of German, forces to
take the offensive had baggeddown
after earlier successes.
New Turn Seen...
STOCKHOLM, March 29,-A dra-
matic new turn in the Finnish-Rus-
sian armistice negotiations appeared
imminent tonight. Reliable quarters
said Juho K. Paasikivi, Finnish dip-
lomat, was making a new contact
with Soviet officials, perhaps in Mos-

to support the New Deal and Presi-
dent Roosevelt said its immediate
concern was what effect "the disap-
pearance of the ALP as a liberal-
labor party may have on the Roose-
velt strength in our state" should he
seek re-election.
The left wing, headed by Represen-
tative Vito Marcantonio and support-
ed by Sidney Hillman, chairman of
the CIO Political Action Committee,!
claimed it won more than 600 seats
on the 750-member committee.
Dies Calls CIO
Rfed Inspired
WASHINGTON, March 29.-(AP)---
The Dies Committee described the
CIO Political Action Committee to-
day as a Communist-inspired, organi-
zation aiming to "discredit Con-
gress," and drew the retort from
labor leader Sidney Hillman that the
findings were based on "researches
of a warped mind."
.Hillman is chairman of the CIO
group which avowedly is out to make
organized labor's weight felt in next
fall's election. Hillman as well as2
some other leaders in the organiza-
tion have urged a fourth term for
President Roosevelt.
Hillman replied in a statement,
issued in New York, that the Dies
Committee's charges were "the same
shopworn smears which he (Dies)
has been peddling to the American
people for the past eight years in an!
effort to stir up national discord and
11- A I _ _ -F!-

MYDA Meeting To Be Held in

Dr. Francis Skillman Onderdonk,
P H unt fof architect, author and lecturer on in-
ternational affairs, will speak on.
"From United States to United Na-
C ill M urderer tions." at a meeting of Michigan
Youth for Democratic Action at 8
DETROIT, March 29.-(YP)-Detec- p.m. Tuesday in Rm. 316 in the Un-
tives tracing events which led to the ion.
fatal stabbing of Joyce Raulston, 14- Dr. Onderdonk, whose home is in
year-old schoolgirl, on a city dump Ann Arbor, has traveled extensively
Tuesday morning, hunted tonight for throughout Europe. He is a graduate
a man about 30 years old who wasof the Royal Technical Institute in
reported to have offered her $50 if
she would meet him Monday night. Vienna, where he was active in stu-
The story of this man's advances dent affairs and engaged in public
to the girl was given to Russell Greg- service.
ory, chief of county detectives, and In the last two months of the first
other investigators by a 20-year-old World War, Dr. Onderdonk witnessed'
war worker who said he spent much the collapse of the Hapsburg reign
of the week-end with Joyce, after she and the creation of a republic in
left her home Friday. Austria.

IU ILLAJ .At L.f ~ILg(
An informal dance to be held from
7:30 p.m. to midnight tomorrow in
the north lounge will highlight ac-
tivities at the Union this week-end.
This dance, which is a new campus
feature, is open to all servicemen
and civilians with dates. A wide
selection of records will provide the
music and there will be no admission
Stag servicemen are invited to the
G-I Stomp to be given from 3 to 5
p.m. Saturday in the Union's north
lounge, with dancing to records.
Hostesses at the Stomp will be
Stockwell, Betsy Barbour, Kappa Al-
pha Theta, Delta Gamma, Sororsis
and Alpha Phi. The taproom and
soda bar will be open.
To wind up the week-end, the Un-
ion will hold its regular Sunday So-
cial from 3 to 5 p.m. Sunday, with
funnies and bridge games providing
the entertainment.
Council Will Name

Michigan Women Go over Top
In Current Red Cross Drive


i~ 1)


University women yesterday joined
the ranks of organizations which
have topped the goals set up by Na-
tional Red Cross Headquarters for
the local drive, as contributions of
$1,244.82 were received from 29 wo-
men's residences, making the total
for the women $3,517.04 to date,
Marjorie Hall, women's chairman,

man, revealed, since theatre collec-
tions have not been considered yet
and should result in the $100,000
University faculty and men topped
their quotas earlier in the week, and
Washtenaw County and the City of
Ann Arbor went "over the top" Tues-

If intven warns oj rpressure t~o p

' In my opinion there was never a
time in the history of this country
when the schools were subjected to
more pressure groups, and more pow-
erful pressure groups, than they are
today," President Alexander G. Ruth-
ven said at a discussion sponsored

war by international agreements, by
talking about the unity of the human
race. The only way is through ed-
ucation. We must teach people what
war means." He commended the
British people on their realization of
the imn rtn~,nrof nnst-war , iAd~vpa -

He singled out three sain nhlDnG

of post-war education: 1. The prob- New Appointments
lem of returning veterans in read-
justing and reeducating for civilian New committee appointments will
life; 2. religious education; and 3. be announced today during a Post-
international education for the pur- War Council meeting from 4 to 5

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