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March 26, 1944 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1944-03-26

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SUNDAY, MARCH 26, 1944


Hymn to Free Enterprise

.. f

Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
regular Tlniversity year, and every morning except Mon-
day and Tuesday during the summer session.
.Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for rephtblication of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of repub-
lication of all other matters herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second-class mail matter.
S bscriptions duringthe regular school year by car-
rier $4.25, by mail $5.25.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1943-44

The Voice of Business
Of freedom this and freedom that the drooling
leftist chatters,
But freedom for Free Enterprise is all that really
This freedom was ordained by God, upon it rest
all others,
For man's divinest impulse is to overreach his
And so to this celestial urge we make our offering
Behind all human greatness lies the noble Profit
Chorus of Bankers, Stockbrokers, Executives and
Advertising Men
Then hail we now Free Enterprise,
Extol and give it praise!
In it the world's salvation lies,
Without it every freedom dies;
O glorious Free Enterprise-
The Enterprise that PAYS!
Solo: The President of the Manufacturers'
For victory we're giving all-at scarcely more
than cost;
But how will victory help us if Free Enterprise
be lost?
The war's demands for well-laid plans most
loyally we've heeded,.
But peace is quite a different thing-no plan-
ning then is needed;
So, while today the state's controls have stretched
us on the rack,
The moment victory comes in sight we want our
freedom back!
Then hail we now Free Enterprise,
Extol and give it. praise!
In armed revolt we'll all arise
If any post-war party tries
To undermine Free Enterprise-
The Enterprise that PAYS!

Solo: The President of the Advertiser's
Conspirators on every side Free Enterprise have
Forgetting that it's given us the world's best liv-
ing standard;
We eat and drink supremely well at Mayflower,
Ritz, or Rideau,
And no one drives more Cadillacs or bigger
ones than we do;
How blind the Socialist who plots this way of
life to shatter!
Free Enterprise brings wealth to all-at least to
all who matter.
Then hail we now Free Enterprise,
Extol and give it praise!
In grateful pride we publicize
The soldier in this war who dies:
"He died to save Free Enterprise-
The Enterprise that PAYS!"
The Voice of Business
Free Enterprise does not, of course, mean silly
And cutting prices is a sin for which there's no
A "Gentlemen's Agreement" is the best of all
To stabilize our dividends, our markets, and
our prices;
For taking risks we've little love, we set our
whole affection
On something like monopoly, with adequate pro-
Then hail we now Free Enterprise,
Extol and give it praise!
In it the world's salvation lies,
Without it every freedom dies;
O glorious Free Enterprise,
O wonderful Free Enterprise,
O MARVELOUS Free Enterprise--
The Enterprise that PAYS!
-The Nation

Jane Farrant -.
Claire Sherman
Stan Wallace
Evelyn Phillips
Harvey Frank ,
Bud Low .
Jo Ann Peterson
Mary Anne bison
Marjorie 1losmarin


al Staff
. . . Managing Editor
. .Editorial Director
* . . City Editolr
. Associate Editor
. . .Sports Editor
Associate Sports Editor
Associate Sports Editor
. . . Women's Editor
. Associate Women's Editor
55 Staff
Business Manager
Associate Business Manager

Elizabeth A. Carpenter
Margery Batt

Telephone 23-24-1
Editorials pitblished in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.
Roosevelt Speech Won't
Save Jews in Balkans
FEW LIVES are ever saved by humanitarian
speeches unaccompanied by definite action.
Lately, though, too many of our leaders have de-
pended for results on encouraging statements in-
stead of specfic deeds. The latest instance of this
came iday"when President Roosevelt called
on the 'people of the Balkans to hide the Jews
in that area fron persecution by the oncoming
It is as ineffective as it is easy to sit in Wash-
ington and calmly issue a declaration. But it is
alnost a certainty that such words will not
have any effect in halting the tortures, slaugh-
ters, and mass murders that are bound to occur
Within the coming weeks.
At the same time the President asked that
"the free people of Europe and Asia temporarily
open their frontiers to all victims of oppression."
'That statement will seem ironical to those who
have been following the fate of Europe's Jews
for the past few years. No one knows just how
many hundreds of thousands of Jewish people
have already been killed, but the number is
unbelievably large.
And all this while, the possibility of saving
many of these people has been in front of the
United Nations' leaders. If the doors of Pales-
tine had been opened to increased immigration
of refugees, a good many of the prospective vic-
tims would no longer be in the Balkans, waiting
for the scheduled oppression.
Even today it is not too late to make this
move-to allow those who can still escape to
enter their rightful homeland. Instead, Presi-
dent Roosevelt makes speeches urging other
peoples to take the action which is the legiti-
mate responsibility of the United Nations.
-Betty Koffma
Republicans Are Dated,
But There's Still Hope
OR those who look down their noses at South
American politics, a point brought out in a
recent history lecture should prove startling.
As long ago as the 1830's the conservative party
in Uruguay adopted the white flag as its symbol.
So . . . here it is 1944 and our conservatives
haven't raised the white flag yet. Just a century
and some behind the times.
In the 1920's our conservative policies (a)
kept us out of the League of Nations, (b)
passed the Smoot-Hawley tariff bill. We throw
the rest of the world into chaos and then step
out of the picture, until we're forced back in
by Pearl Harbor. This is a gigantic over-sim-
plification of the facts, but it's still fact.
And members of the Republican party who are
now candidates for nomination for the presi-
dency persist in these same policies. Before they
learned better, some hailedGovernor Bricker as
"a second Harding." We could go one better.
Let's call Governor Dewey " a second George
Washington." Dewey may not be the father of
his country, but he's certainly an isolationist. And
still no white flag! Like a dog hanging onto a
+vznfv~aar..tll N~P __ (f n nntntion







WASHINGTON, Mar. 25 - F. D. Roosevelt,
greatest friend of labor in American history, is
now facing the bitterest labor feud of his many
years in office. The two wings of labor are vir-
tually trying to pull him to pieces. It got so bad
that, a week ago Saturday, the CIO, in a secret
session threatened to resign from the War Labor
There are two chief AFL-CIO boiies o con-
tention. One is the question of CIO representa-
tion at the coming Philadelphia meeting . of
the International Labor Oflice on April 10.
The other is the breaking of the wage-stabiliza-
The difference between realization and ac-
quaintance is highly significant. A man may be
aware of cultural pluralism, for example, without
a realization of what is is. His knowledge about
it will picture cultural pluralism as the existence
in our nation of many cultures, each as free
as any other. But a realization of cultural plural-
ism takes place only when he experiences his
own culture conditioned by some other. Person-
ly viewed, only when I, as an American, sym-
pathetically study and absorb some phases of the
Chinese way or the Russian way, can I realize
the meaning of cultural pluralism. Or only when
I, as a Christian, actually worship with a Jew
in his Judaism, can I begin to realize the fact of
cultural pluralism spiritually. Our rejection of
another ethnic group usually is done in total
ignorance of that group or their culture. The cen-
tral reason why it is irreligious to so reject the
persons concerned is that such rejection is done
as if the persons were things. Since they arei
persons, religiousness demands respect and rev-
erence on my part. One God, therefore, all men
are brothers.
Realization is something different from the
idea. It is the idea plus a series of emotions.
Without entering into a mystical experience, the
realization of cultural pluralism would involve
at least the joy of having found en rapport with
a person whose interpretation of life-including
tastes, habitual responses and generalizations-
is dramatically different. I have a Hindu friend
in Chicago whom I greatly enjoy. He is not only
unique, as Mr. Sinha differs from Mr. Jones,
but he is rich, as I see him, because he is Hindu
while I am Christian. I believe our friendship
makes me a rounded Christian. He confesses to
have become a better Hindu for a similar reason
in reverse. This experience of cultural pluralism,
of which Mordekai Kaplan. is an able exponent,
is almost the opposite of Christianization. Chris-
tianization presupposes that I should convert my
Hindu friend out of Hinduism into the Christian
way. Americanization also, is a form of over-

tion formula and the question of whether the
CIO or AFL shall get credit for blowing it to
pieces-if that happens.
Some time ago the President promised CO
chief Phil Murray that the CIO could send a
delegate to the International Labor Office con-
vention. This meant that the CIO would have
equal representation with the AFL, each getting
one-half vote. Immediately thereafter, someone
round the White House warned the President
that he had stuck his foot in it, so FDR sent for
Bill Green.
Green, after hearing the news, came out of the
White House with a very sour look on his face.
He told newsmen that the AFL would never agree
to having the CIO represented at the Interna-
tional Labor Office convention, that the ILO had
been started by Sam Gompers long before the
CI was ever heard of, and that, if the CIO
was going to be represented at Philadelphia, the
AFL would stay out.f
Blunt Turndown -
Labor controversy No. 2 came to a head a
week ago Saturday when the War Labor Board
voted on whether to have hearings on the
Little Steel formula in order to consider giving
a I7 cents an hour raise to Phil Murray's steel
At this meeting, AFL members, blazing mad
because the CIO had been offered equal delega-
tion at the ILO Philadelphia convention, voted
against holding Little Steel hearings. Their nega-
tive vote also was induced by the fact that the
AFL previously had asked to have the Little Steel
formula opened up, and had been denied.
Previously, it was most unusual for any labor
members on the War Labor Board to vote
against each other. Furthermore, all the CIO
was asking was a hearing on the Little Steel
Formula, not a definite decision to break it.
When this was denied, the CIO threatened to
withdraw from the WLB.
All of which illustrates the headaches in store
for any Presidential candidate who tries to carry
labor at the next election.
(Copyright, 1944, United Features Syndicate)
simplification which misses the real point of a
democratic way.
Realization, then, takes place only where
there is sympathy, a will to appreciate, an ov-
erture from person to person and a search for
mutuality beneath the exteriors of a culture.
It also requires willingness to learn without
dominating. If American democracy is to ride
the tide of racial fears which is now setting
in, such a solution of our community rela-
tions must be popularized speedily. The ob-
ligation rests primarily on every majority-
on the prevailing racial stock, on Christians
in religion and on all groups having prestige.
Edward W. Blakeman
Counselor in Religious Education

Sanmuel Grafton's
NEW YORK, March 25.- Under
our new approach to France, it seems
we reserve the right to deal with
others than de Gaullists, if we
General Eisenhower is empowered
to make arrangements with French
politicians not recognized by the de-
Gaulle committee, nor members of it.
For a day of wild rumors, it was
believed in Algiers that this meant
we would deal with Vichyites. The
Fighting French, in their innocence,
consider that there are only two
kinds of Frenchmen, those who are
for democracy and those who are for
But it seems there is a third sort
of Frenchman, and that's the sort
we are looking for. This fancy hy-
brid is not a Vichyite, not a de-
Gaullist, either. He has remained
in France, through the war, with-
out joining Vichy and without
- joining the resistance movements.
He has been sitting there like a
dummy since 1940. Nobody has
been able to make him talk. The
most monstrous events have taken
place, without stirring a reaction
in him. As to how useful this inert
mass of flesh can be to us, nobody
has explained. If there is such a
Frenchman, I know right now I
don't like him. He sounds like a
I doubt whether there is such a
Frenchman, outside the cemeteries.
It would appear that, forced to
choose between Vichy and de Gaulle,
we have tried toresolve our dilemma
by inventing a third type of French-
SUNDAY, MARCH 26, 1944
VOL. LIV NO. 103
All notices for the Daly Oificial Bul-
letin are to be sent to the Office of the
Presidentt in typewritten form by 3:30
p.m. of the day preceding its publica-
tion, except on Saturday when the no-
tices should be submittedby 1:30 a.m.
Notice Relative to Keys and Loks:
The Bylaws, Section 3.24, provide:
Keys and Locks for University Build-
ings. No person shall own or possess
a key to any University building ex-
cept under regulations made and
promulgated by the Vice-President
and Secretary. The removal of locks
or the substitution therefor of special
or private locks on doors of rooms in
University buildings is prohibited.
Every "authorized" key has been
issued by the Key Clerk, whose office
is in the office of the Department of
Buildings and Grounds, North Uni-
versity Avenue. "Authorized" keys
are identifiable and any dean, pro-
fessor, official, watchman, custodian,
or other proper representative of the
University has the right to inspect
keys' believed to open University
buildings at any reasonable time or
place. No person holding an author-
ized key may order,dhave made, or
permit to be ordered or made any
duplicate of his or her University
key otherwise than through the Key
Clerk's office, nor may he lend his
authorized key. Complete compli-

ance with these regulations would
undoubtedly have saved the Univer-
sity andindividuals numerous losses
from theft in the past. In the pres-
ent war emergency compliance is
especially desirable and requested.
Violations of these regulations, when
found, will be referred to the dean or
other proper head of the University
division concerned for this action in
accordance with the principles here
set forth. Shirley W. Smith
Cercle Francais: The picture of the
club for the 'Ensian will be taken
this afternoon at 3 o'clock in the
Union. All members please be pres-
ent with your membership cards.
Civilian Men having fall term lock-
ers at Waterman Gymnasium must
vacate or renew them by Monday,
March 27.
J.G.P.: Those who have not yet
been measured for costumes for J.G.P.
will please come to the League Mon-
day at 5:00. The room will be posted
on the bulletin board.
Eligibility Rules for the Spring
STerm:First term freshmen will be
allowed to participate in extra-cutr-
ricular activities but will have their

man. I do not believe he exists. This
matches the curious feeling I some-
times have, as I look over the accum-
ulating instances of gaposis in our
foreign policy, that we don't exist
This would seem to be something
like the Giraud policy, without a
Giraud; a Giraud policy looking for
a Giraud; a diplomatic construction
based on the little man who isn't
HAVE written a number of times
about American "political slug-
gishness," but I did not believe we
would go so far as to invent a cor-
responding French political sluggish-
ness to be its mate. It is with a sad
heart that I make these jests; I
promise you that I am laughing on
only one side of my face.. For every-
one has heard the many F.B.I. inves-
tigator jokes, about the intense fear
on the part of several of our govern-
ment bureaus lest they make a slip
and hire someone who was too hot
an anti-fascist, too soon, a "pre-
mature anti-fascist;" everyone has
heard about the eagerness of the
bureaus to secure employes who were
indifferent to the national danger
until it was too late to avert it. Now


By Lichty

"I wish the poor girl in this serial could get to know that politician
you were listening to last night-I feel he could solve a lot of her

we seem, incredibly, to be looking
for the same kind of Frenchman.
As to what we are going to do with
him when we find him, except stuff
him, I cannot imagine.
But we are not going to find him,
because he does not exist. ttmost,
he is a shad'ow in our own mirrors.
Furthermore, if he is as politically
Inert as we think, he will not be in
a position to be of much use to our
invading forces; he won't be able
to surrender anything, because he
won't have anything. The trouble
with the curious doctrine of expe-
diency-plus-morality which we are
enunciating is that expedient deals
are possible only with men who
are definitely linked with the en-
emy; other men have nothing to be
expedient with, or about. Our ex-
pediency invites them, our current
moral pronouncements reject
them, and the upshot is our pres-
ent hunt for an unidentified po-
litical neuter.
Those who have felt that our for-
eign policy is languishing in a kind
of misty Halfway House will now
have their doubts reinforced. Un-
committed men are hunting for an
uncommitted assistant.
(Copyright, 1944, N.Y. Post Syndicate)

grades checked by their academic
counsellors or mentors at theend of
the five-week period and at mid-
semester. Continued participation
after these checks will depend upon
permission of the academic counsel-
lors or mentors. All other students
who are not on probation or the
warned list are eligible.
Anyone on PROBATION or the
WARNED LIST is definitely ineligi-
ble to take part in any public activity
and a student who participates under
these circumstances will be subject
to discipline by the authorities of
the school or college-in which he or
she is enrolled.
Participation in a public activity
is defined as service of any kind on
a committeeorapublication, in a
public performance or a rehearsal,
holding office or being a candidate
for office in a class or other student
organization, or any similar function.
In order to keep the personnel rec-
ords up to date in the Office of the
Dean of Students, the president or
chairman of any club or activity
should submit a list of those par-
ticipating each term on forms ob-
tainable in Room 2, University Hall.
These records are referred to con-
stantly by University authorities,
governmental agencies and industrial
concerns throughout the country and
the more complete they are, the more
valuable they become to the Univer-
sity and the student.
Registration will be held through
this week for all those who are in-
terested in camp work and summer
work of all kinds. There are many
calls on hand at present. Early regis-
tration is advised. Call at the UNI-
FORMATION, 201 Mason Hall. Of-
fice hours are 9 to 12 a.m. and 2 to
4 p.m. The office closes at noon on
Professor Clarence H. Graham of
Brown University will speak at 4:15
Wednesday, March 29, in the amphi-
theatre of the Rackham Building.;
He will discuss "Some Problems in
Visual Psychology." Professor Gra-
ham, in cooperation with others, has
conducted a number of experiments
on visual phenomena.
French Lecture: .Miss Helen B.'
Hall, Curator, Institute of Fine Arts,
will give the sixth of the French Lec-
tures sponsored by the Cercle Fran-,
cais, Thursday, March 30, at 4:10
n im in nom I?. Alumni Mnmnrial

at the close of their last semester or
summer session of attendance will
receive a grade of E in the 'course or
courses unless-this work is made up
by April 6. Students wishing an ex-
tension of time beyond this date in
order to make up this work should
file a petition addressed to the ap-
propriate official in their school with
Rm. 4, U.H., where it will be trans-
Students, School of Music: Jury for
recital approval and senior candidacy
will be held Tuesday, March 28, 4-6
p.m., Rm. 305 S.M. Any student who
received an incomplete mark for the
fall term must have the work com-
pleted by March 31, or receive an "E"
for the course.
Biological Chemistry 111: Refund
slips are now available. Non-medical
students may obtain their refund
slips from the departmental store-
keeper, on Tuesday and Wednesday
between 2 and 5 p.m.
Medical students will receive their
refund slips through their class offi-
Make-up Examinations in history
for the Fall Term will be held on
Friday, March 31, in Rm. C, HH.
Students wishing to take these exam-
inations should obtain a written note
from the instructor to present at the
time of the examinations.
History 280: Collection of Treaties
and Dumont, Vol. VI are on reserve
at main loan desk in the Library.
Make-up examination in Psychol-
ogy 31, will be held Friday, March 31,
4-6 in Room 1121 N.S.
Events Today
The Congregational-Disciples Guild
will meet at the Congregational
Church at 5:00 p.m. Professor Ben-
nett Weaver will speak on THE LAST
RESERVE. A cost supper will be
served. The program will conclude
in time for service men to reach bar-
racks for the evening muster.
The Michigan Christian Fellowship
will meet this afternoon at 4:30 in
the Fireplace Room, Lane Hall. The
speaker, R. L. Daniel, has as a topic
"Ethiopia and the Coming of the
Gamma Delta, Lutheran Student
Club, will have a supper meeting to-
day at 5:00 at the Lutheran Student


Pop, Congressman Mr. O'Malley,
my Fairy Godfather, is going to
get that dam built for you...

So he says he can have Congress
order two at the same fime and
save money. He's economizing ...

Representative Rumpeistilskin
promised Mr. O'Malley his vote.
. . . By now he's probably got ALL

By Crockett Johnson
Mr. O'Malley! Did you jOHN
persuade everybody-



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