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March 24, 1944 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1944-03-24

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CLOSR TONAT RE: ...... .......y,;.
LIs Not Art1 lificial Moraes Say

Labadie Collection of Material Dealing
With Labor Is on Exhibition in Library

"The trend of.Brazilian architec-
ture is toward a new conception of
life and work in which men will live
closer to Nature and avoid the arti-
ficial means of some kinds of archi-
tecture," Stelio Moraes, graduate
Brazilian student of the College of
Architecture, said yesterday about
the exhibit of Brazilian architecture
now on display in the foyer of the
Architecture School.
"Modern Brazilian architecture is
a simple consequence of the struggle
to resolve the architectural problems
in their relationship to our climate,
our system of life, and the materials
that we can use,"' he said.
Times Have Changed
"I do not think it is rational or in-
telligent for many people to con-
struct their most important buildings
in the Greek or Roman or Medieval
style when so many important build-
ing materials such as concerte and
steel have been created and when so-
.ial, economic, and philosophical life
has changed so much," Moraes as-
"In Brazil before the new develop-
ment of its modern architecture,
21 Turkis
Students Enroll
As Eng1ineers
A new group of 21 Turkish stu-
de nts has arrived on campus this
week 'andyregistered in the University
The Turkish students now make
up the largest group on campus of
students from a single foreign coun-
try, numbering about 50 at the pres-
ent time.
Those who arrived this week are
members of the Turkish Army, Navy.
and Air Force and were sent here by
the Turkish government to study.
engineering. They are from Istanbul,
'Ankara, Izmir, Konya and Adana',
A few of them will be doing grad-'
uate work in engineering, but a large
number of them will be in the under-
giaduate school. It is expected that
they will be here from two to five
WASHINGTON, March 23.-)-
War Department records disclosed
today the promotion of an Army offi-
cer criticized by Senator Ferguson
(Rep., Mich.) in connection with the
sale of government tools for scrap.
Ferguson charged in a Senate
speech March 9 that Lt.-Col. Paul
M. Bonner, in charge of redistribu-
tion and salvage of surplus Air Force
property, had signed an order which
resulted in the sale of tools which
cost the government $1,721,136, for
scrap at $36,924. The incident oc-
curred at Detroit last August.
D3sclosure that Bonner had been
romoted to a full colonelcy March
11-two days following Ferguson's
speech-came after an inquiry byw
the Michigan senator.
In his discussion of the incident on
the Senate floor, Ferguson called for
severe discipline for those responsi-
ble, declaring the Army should rid
itself of "timid and blundering offi-


many confused styles were used, and
many public buildings and homes of
Rio de Janeiro were imitations of the
Victorian, the French and Portu-
guese, and even the English architec-
ture, all of which had been partly
adapted to the Brazilian climate, of-
ten inadequately," he commented.
Brazil Goes Modern
"While the first stimulus came
from foreign travel and study and
publications, Brazil soon went ahead
on her own," he continued, "and the
modern architecture movement, hap-
pening to coincide with a building
boom, spread like wildfire."
"Brazil's great original contribu-
tion to modern architecture," Mor-
aes said, "is the control of heat and
glare on glass surfaces, for the Bra-
zilians first put the theory of mov-
able outside sunshades into practice,
and there is a fine example of this
in the Ministry of Education build-
ing now on exhibit here."
"There is a new conception of the
relationship of the buildings to the
city; formerly a building occupied a
whole city block in a. rectangle with
closed courtyards in the center, but
today the opposite has been done
with many public buildings, notably
the Ministry of Education building.
Buildings Are Airy
"A thin tall building has been plac-
ed across the center of the block, and
the broad sides of the building have
no walls but consist only of glass
sides and movable sunshades so that
the most amount of sunlight and air
can reach the building from the
ground floor to the top of the build-
The exhibit, which consists of en-
larged photographs of Brazils mod-
ern architecture, is sponsored by the
Museum of Modern Art, New York,
and will remain on display until
March'27, after which it will be sent
to other colleges in the United States.
"This exhibit of Brazilian archi-
tecture is certainly brilliant, color-
ful, and is greatly enhanced by its
tropical setting and brilliant sun-
light," Prof. G. B. Brigham of the
Architecture S c ho o 1, commented,
"but this splendid modern work
might be improved by integrating
with it some of the charm of its old-
er architecture."
Visits Hospital
Student Nurses Urged
To Do Similar Work
Head dietician in the Army Medi-
cal Department, Lt. Katherine E.
Manchester visited University Hospi-
tal recently for the purpose of inter-'
esting student dieticians in joining
the Army. -"
Lt. Manchester spent a year's in-'
ternship in Ann Arbor in 1938 and
1939 after graduating from the Uni-'
versity of Illinois and she explained
to student nurses that dieticians join.
the Army on the same footing as
Army nurses, receiving commissions
as second lieutenants in the'Medical
' There are now 1,100 dieticians in
the Army serving in hospitals in this
country and overseas.

Part of the Joseph A. Labadie Col-
lection of material dealing with theE
problems of labor and social reform
is on exhibition now through April
15 in the main lobby of the GeneralI
The collection, presented in 1912 to
the University by Mr. and Mrs. Laba-
die, is similar to the John R. Com-
mons Collection at the University of
Wisconsin, which contains authori-
tative material on trade unions and'
the history of the labor movement.
"Joe" Labadie was born in Paw
Paw in 1850. At the age of 16 he be-
came a printer, developing an early
interest' in unions. As an itinerant
printer he became a member of a
typographical union called the "Big
Six," whose president was Horace,
Greeley. In 1878 he became the first
organizer of the Michigan Knights of
Labor, and in 1889 was elected to the
first presidency of the Michigan Fed-
eration of Labor, affiliated with the;
American Federation of Labor. '
From 1880-82 he was editor of
the Labor Review, and from 1882- a
83, of the Unionist, the two earliest
Detroit Labor Movement Publica-
tions. Labadie, one time reporter
I on the editorial staff of the Detroit
News, also ran for mayor of De-
The collection begun by Labadie
has been increased by the gifts of in -
terested persons and includes mater-
ial which deals not only with Laba-
die's career, but also with the history
of labor, especially in the Detroit
One of the rarest sets of periodicals
in the colection is of the newspaper,
the "Free Enquirer," complete from
1828-1832. Edited by Robert Dale
Owen and Frances Wright, it advo-
Church Told Not To
Use Donovan School
The Full Gospel Assembly Church
was asked to stop using the Donovan
School on Wall St. for a meeting
place by the City Council yesterday.
A special meeting was called Wed-
nesday night as a result of a protest
filed at the City Clerk's office by 32
residents living near the school. Dur-
ing the regular Monday night meet-
ing the aldermanhadtvoted to rent
two of the rooms to the church.

cates the rights of the working man
and the abolition of slavery.
The Civil Liberties section contains
the complete reports of many trials,
such as in the Sacco-Vanzetti and
Tom Mooney cases, including pam-
plhlets and handbills upholding the.
rights of Vanzetti. Books and pam-
phlets in French, German, Italian,
and Spanish are also included in the
The complete history of the CIO
is an important part of the Labadie
material. Pamphlets and books
showing the proceedings at UAW
and CIO conventions are on dis-
play. One volume which is shown,
"Proceedings of the Anthracite
Mine Strike Commission," was pre-
asented to Labadie by Clarence Dar-
row, the famous civil rights lawyer.
Social and political reformers are
also featured in the Library display.
Patent Missing
Fromi Hoptal
Dr. Marshall of St. Joseph's Hos-
pital reports that George Margar-
enis, 60 years old, has been missing
since yesterday.
Margarenis, who speaks no English,
was to be admitted to St. Joseph's
Hospital yesterday. However, he went
to University Hospital by mistake
and, after some confusion, authorities
sent Margarenis to St. Joseph's. He
has not arrived yet.
Margarenis is five feet four inches
tall. He was wearing shabby clothes
when last seen and carried a paper
bag. He washcarrying a large sum
of money on his person.
Goltfried Berger
HiL by Aut:omobile
Gottfried Berger, 76, of 503 S.
Seventh Street was hit by an auto-
mobile driven by Miss Ruth Carsten,
28, of 701 S. Main Street.
The accident took place about 6:50
a.m. yesterday. Berger received in-
juries to his right leg and was taken
to St. Joseph's Mercy Hospital. His
condition was reported to be favor-

One of them, Hazen S. Pingree, may-
or of Detroit from 1889-95, is men-
tioned in the Labadie Collection. His
"Potato Patch" plan was used as
practical relief for those who became
destitute during the Depression of
John Francis Bray, editor of the
Pontiac Jacksonian and active in the
labor movement of the 1830's, wrote
three books, "Republican or Cos-
sack," "Labour's Wrongs and La-
bour's Remedy: Age of Might and
Age of Right," and "God and Man,
a Unity,"' which are included in the
collection of labor history.
Into Kappa Pi
Twenty-one additional coeds $ are
now wearing the pin of Kappa Phi,
national Methodist Girls' Club, after
the initiation ceremonies held last
week, according to Jean Houghton,
New members are Beverly Bone-
steel, Mary Alice Carter, Barbara
Davenport, Ruth Duell, Dorothy Dur-
yea, Carlene Hazel, Twila Hendlrick-
son, Alice Holcomb, Betty Jones, Joy
Kinneman, Barbara Leonard, Ellen
Montgomery and Delia Morgan.
Also on the list are Barbara Mor-
rison, Helen Muir, Peg Oliphant,
Verle Rennick, Shirley Rowe, Jean
Steptoe. Margaret Troost, Josephine
Warner and Iris Yoder.
Reigiou s Services
To Be Held at Hillel
Religious services will be held at
7:45 p.m. today at the Hillel Foun-
dation. They will be conducted by
Rabbi 'Jehudah M. Cohen who will
be assisted by Harvey Weisberg, :A/S,
and Elliot Organick, '44E.
At the conclusion of the services,
Prof. Richard Ettinghausen of the
Islamic Arts Department, will speak
on "Islam and the Old Testament."
His talk will be illustrated with slides.
Tea and refreshments will be serv-
ed under the supervision of Thelma
Zesciid, '46,..

L O N D O N P L A Y G R O U N D-3irls of London's civil de-
fense forces practice on an athletic field built on a bombed site
behind the scarred east wall of St. Paul's cathedral. Benefit sports
events are held on the field.

Judge Fines
Ypsianti Youths
Who Hit Wire
Charged with unlawfully driving
away a motor vehicle without intent
to steal, Ralph Clay, 20, of Ypsilanti,
was sentenced with a fine of $100
plus damages and one year on proba-
tion, and William Turage, 18, of Yp-
silanti. was remanded to jail on a
$1,000 bond, by Circuit Court Judge
George W. Sample yesterday.
Clay and Turnage were sentenced
for a violation which resulted, in
stopping trains of the Michigan Cen-
tral Railroad for two hours Monday
night between Ypsilanti and Jackson
and temporarily cutting off all auto-
matic signals in Ypsilanti.
The youths, both intoxicated, took
possession of a car belonging to
Charles Evans of Ypsilanti and drove
through the city, sideswiping other
Their ride ended when the car hit
a guywire supporting a high tension
wire. The high tension wire was
pulled down as a result of the colli-
sion and the signal system of the city
and the Michigan Central Railroad
was immediately cut off.
Business Administration
School Alumni To Meet
The University School of Business
Administration will hold their alum-
ni conference on Saturday, April 29.
Prof. Robert L. Dixon and Prof.
Merwin H. Waterman will speak on
the renegotiation and termination of
government contracts. Dr. Russell
Stevenson of the University of Min-
nesota will be present at the meeting.

Rabbi Fram To
On Zionism
Rabbi Leon Fram of Temple Israel,
Detroit, will speak on "The Meaning
of Zionism to the American Jew" at
8:15 p.m. Sunday at the Hillel Foun-
dation. The lectureis designed pri-
marily to familiarize students with
the Zionist movement.
Sylvia Savin, '46, president of Avu-
kah, the sponsoring organization, will
preside at the meeting. She will
introduce Hillel's president, Stan
Wallace, '44, who will deliver a brief
summary of current events in the
Jewish scene, immediately prior to
Rabbi Fram's lecture. The lecture
will be followed by a discussion ses-
Fifty more freshman coeds are
needed for a tea dance which will be
held from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday
in the League. Coeds may sign up
from 1:30 p.m. to 5 p.m. today in the
=League lobby.
Day or Night
Continuous from 1 P.M.
Now Playing

able. Zescind, '46.


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