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March 24, 1944 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1944-03-24

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Key Indiar
Jap Armies
From Imphal
Tokyo, Berlin, Allied
Commnuniques Give 2i
Differing Accounts
Associated Press Correspondent
NEW DELHI, INDIA, March 23.-
Japanese forces' driving northward
from Burma into India up to the
Manipur River Valley have pushed to
a point 30 miles south of Imphal, I
key road center already threatened
by another Japanese army moving
westward1 through the jungles into W
India, it was announced today by Al-
lied Headquarters. I
A communique disclosing the sec -H
ond invasion of India by Japanese HOU
within the last 48 hours said the Japs
had slamme'd northward 80 miles T(
from the Tiddim area in Burma. Yes- O C
terday a communique announced A
another Japanese force had 'crossed Acts
the upper Chindwin River near
Thaungdut and had advanced to a Bill
point 30 miles east of Imphal.
(The Tokyo radio said tonight in a For4
broadcast reported by NBC that Jap- Join
anese troops now are "in complete
control" of a 700-mile strip of Indian WASHI
territory along the Indo -Burmese Arue
border. -Aosd
(The Berlin radio said Indian have beenr
troops led by Subhas Chandra Bose, Triple A
leader of the National Indian Free- tions an
dom Movement, were fighting with House lat
the Japanese against Allied forces on practices
the Inido-Burmese frontier.)
The latest Allied communique said .partment
the Japanese troops which had ad- On a VC
vanced ,northward from Tiddim re- approved
gion wei'e standing on the west salary pa
shores of Lake Logtak, 30 miles due demands
south of Imphal. riculture
There was no suggestion that the "as a co]
force had dashed 80 miles north to or for thE
constitute the southern arm of a pin- tificate f
cers movement threatening to spill commodit
from the hills onto the Imphal Plain. Rep. T
________________to no av
from ado
Couny Gves until ac
to act on
letters an
The c
To edCros Rep.Hr
To RedCross an Agric
of a lette:
Washtenaw County has contribut- in Mariox
ed $77,824.68 to the local Red Cross w~,as told 1
Drive, according to yesterday's tabU- show ac
lation, $51,819.06 of which has come ship or b
from the city of Ann Arbor, Charles immediat
Henderson, W ash tenaw County "Select
chairman, announced yesterday. A said LIh
With only seven days remaining to condone
complete the drive, the county has neverthe
yet to collect wergo
$15,000 if it is to wregi
make its quota.
Four 'women's U S
houses turned inl
contributions to
the campus drive
yesterday and
brought the wo- WASH
men's total up to A lingeri
$641.06, Marjor- tVE MORE out of t

ie Hall, women's - , g complete
chairman, an- 'States a
nounced. Betsy Barbour House con- partner o
tributed $188.30 to the drive, more Secreta
than $50 above its quota. Pickerill, ence the
Asman and Freeman Houses also hopes F
made contributions. away fro.
John Clippert,,head of the men's far as he
Red Cross Drive, reported that no mistice n
further returns had been tabulated terminate
in their drive.
Willkie Answers Epi
Critic in Senate T
RACINE, Wis., March 23.-(/P- n
Wendell L. Willkie declared tonight
that charges of "campaign oratory"
made against him because of his An ep
promises and pledges in the 1940 been swe
presidential campaign were "purely weeks ac
false." cials and
H e said that the Senator who made especially
that charge against him in a Con-
gressional hearing "later in the pres- Coats,
ence of 50 newspapermen told me to classroom
my face that he had tod aa falsehood afer tear
and he had the good grace to apol- and ans





Old Poland







Forces Reds Enter

f I N D Y F L I G H T D E C K...i-Marine gunners lean into a brisk wind to keep their balance on
the flight deck of a U. S. aircraft carrier somewhere in the Pacific.

se Seeks
ib Unfai
of AA.A.
Bans Practice of
cing Farmers To
i or Be Drafted
INGTON, March 23.-to})-
by charges that farmers
compelled to sign up with
or risk losing their gas ra-
d draft deferments, the
e today wrote a ban on such
into the Agriculture De-
appropriation bill.
ote of 93 to 68, it tentatively
an amendment denying
yments to any person who
that a farmer join the Ag-
Adjustment Administration
rndition of draft deferment
e granting of a priority cer-
or any rationed article or
'arver (Dem., Ga.) pleaded
ail that the House refrain.
opting such an amendment
committee could study the
ts. He urged the House not
"the basis of two or three
Ld post cards."
arges have been made by
ness (Rep., Ind.), who told
ulture subcommittee today
r he received from a farmer
n, Ind. The farmer said he
by his draft board he had to
certificate of AAA member-
e placed in lA, subject to
e induction.
ive Service and the Triple
hey do not countenance nor
this," Harness said, "but
Less they are doing it and
ng to stop it."
INGTON, March 23.-()-
ng hope that Finland will get
he war forstalled tonight a
break between the United
nd that northern fighting
of Germany. "
ary Hull told a news confer-
American government still
inland may finally work
m Germany, adding that, so
knew, Russian-Finnish ar-
negotiations have not been

U.S. Planes Smashr Five
Nazi Targets in Raids
20 Enemy Ships Shot Down, Americans
Lose 27 Bombers, Six Fighters in Battle
By The Associated Press
LONDON, March 22.-Strong forces of American bombers, following
up a record 3,360-ton bombardment of Frankfurt by the RAF last night,
carried out a sweeping series of daylight attacks against five other German
targets today, shooting down at least 20 enemy planes as the Nazi air force
came up in strength to battle.-
Twenty-seven American bombers and six fighters were lost as the U.S.
Eighth Air Force used probably more than 1,500 planes in bombing rail
yards, war factories and air bases in'

northwest Germany.7
It was the 13th attack against Ger-]
man targets in March and the sixtht
strong blow in nine days.
It was the 18th operation for the
month for the heavies and equalled
the record set in February-indicat-
ing that the record number of day-
light attacks made in one month
would be easily exceeded by the end
of March.
The Germans had no time to re-
cover from the daylight operations
before air raid warnings were sound-
ed in the Reich against RAF night
attackers. At 9 p.m. the Berlin radio+
warning system broadcast: "A num-
ber of nuisance raiders are over
northwestern Germany."
U.S. Strategic Air Force headquar-
ters announced strong formations of
Liberators and Fortresses hit:
The railway yards at Hamm; an
air station at Achmer; a bomber base
at Handorf; a war factory at Muen-
ster and the Messerschmitt produc-
tion center at Brunswick.
In the latest raids all the scattered
targets were bombed visually in good
weather with good results, the Air.
Allies Destroy
west Pacific, March 24, Friday.-()-
Allied bombers have destroyed two
small Japanese freighters, seven
coastal vessels and 23 barges off We-
wak, the enemy base on the north-
eastern NewGuinea coast, Allied
Headquarters reported today.
The airmen swept the coast from
Wewak to Aitape, about 90 miles to
the northwest, dropping a totalof
200 tons of bombs on airfields and
supply dumps, destroying parked
planes, warehouses and gun positions.

Force communique said, except
Brunswick, where clouds required the
use of instruments.
This was the first time the German
air force had given battle since1
March 18. I
London Feels Third
Successive A ttckC
LONDON, March 24, Friday-V)-
Nazi fire raiders dropped incendiar-
ies on some sections of London early
this morning in a short attack on the
capital-causing the third alarm in
three nights.
The Germans came last night on
armed reconnaissance, apparently
primarily to survey results of the big
attempt the night before to set fire
to the capital.
Gunfire opened soon after the
alarm sounded and the raiders over-
head signal was heard in some build-
Engineers in
Unions Debated
U. of D., Sigma Rho
Tau,7 a Wn by Dcfault
In a debate. between Sigma Rho
Tau, Engineering speech society, and
the University of Detroit, two debate
teams discussed the question of the
unionization of registered engineers
last night in the Union.
Since it started late, both teams
won by default.
The affirmative side of the de-
bate was taken by Michigan. Robert
Dangl, '44E, Jerry Cardillo, '44E, and
Philip Snyder, '46E, represented the
Michigan team. The affirmative
pointed out that the engineer aver-
ages $1.15 an hour during his life-
time. It was stated that engineers
as all other occupational groups need
an organization to represent them-
selves in Congress and raise their
The negative, taken by the Detroit
team, stated that engineering is a
professional occupation and the per-
sonal individuality and integrity of
the engineer should not be lowered
by the leveling process of unioniza-
Warbasse To

Ankara Reports
Nazi Occupation
Of Rumania
Hitler Begins Scheme
To Bully Balkans into
Position Against Reds
LONDON, March 23.-()-In a
desperate demonstration of Nazi pow-
er, Adolf Hitler, holding Hungary
under his thumb today, launched a
campaign of bullying the other south-
eastern European nations into a
stand-or-perish position with Ger-
many against the onrushing Red Ar-
A strongly-supported Ankara re-
port said that German troops began
the formal occupation of Rumania
early today. Telephone communica-
tions between the Rumanian capital
of Bucharest and Sofia in Bulgaria
were interrupted.
(A London broadcast said a dis-
patch from Switzerland declared that
Prince Cyril of Bulgaria and Regent
Bogdan Philov "have been ordered to
the headquarters of Hitler next Mon-
day." This broadcast was reported
by CBS.)
Germany's present moves appar-
ently were designed to stem the rising
tide of peace sentiment in that sec-
tion of war-weary Europe and pre-
vent-temporarily at least-a repeti-'
tion of the disintegration which led
to Germany's downfall in 1918.
Even as Hitler rode herd over Hun-
gary through a new Quisling premier,
there were indications that all Nazi
satellites were being given the choice
of providing complete military co-
operation with Nazi direction, or of
being occupied by Nazi troops.
Some London quarters maintained
the Hitler pressure could only delay
and would not prevent the ultimate
collapse in the Balkans.
It was elsewhere indicated that
Hitler was preparing to "kidnap" Ru-
mania to shore up his tottering Bal-
kan edifice. There were widespread
rumors that Premier Ion Antonescu
had been summoned to Hitler's pres-
ence as Admiral Nicholas Horthy, Re-
gent of Hungary, had gone before
Kaiser To Build
Sips for Dutch
Gove rnment
WASHINGTON, March 23.-(P)-
In a major move to cushion the im-
pact on industry and labor' of con-
verting from war to peace produc-
tion, Henry J. Kaiser today announced
plans to build 30 coastwise cargo
ships for the Dutch East Indies gov-
ernment for war and peace-time use
among the South Pacific Islands.
The contract is a cash deal with
the Netherlands Indies government
and therefore does not require ap-
proval of lend-lease officials. Kaiser
told reporters he .expects men and
materials will be available when the
time comes to start building the ves-
sels, probably before the first of the
All will be constructed at Kaiser's
Yard No. 4 at Richmond, Calif., where
Kaiser said he will be finished in a
relatively short time with government
contracts on a number of larger type
coastwise ships.
"The government is cancelling
some war contracts and stock piles
are beginning to appear," he told re-
porters. "We must use available fac-
ilities, and foreign governments are
as good a market as domestic if it
will keep our men at work."

TNature Does Her '
Patriotic Duty!
Nature came to the rescue of the
Buildings and Grounds Depart-
ment yesterday.
Since the icy storms last week the
campus flag has been "flapping
merrily in the breeze" day and
night contrary to the law which
states that "the flag of the United
States shall not fly after sundown,c
except on a battlefield."1
Buildings and Grounds did notc
deliberately break a law. The flag1
was caught at the top of the flag-t
pole when the flag rope froze and
Officials hunted high and lowz
for some brave person to climb
the pole but even for patriotict
reasons no one would volunteer;
until the weather became warmer.
Nature took matters into her1
own hands yesterday. The rain
thawed out the rope and weightedz
down the flag enough for it to
slide from the top without artifi-
cial means.
Now the only problem which re-
mains is to climb the pole and re-
place the rope.t
House Moves
To Supervise
Committee Attaches
Watchdog Clause to
Bill Extending Act
WASHINGTON, March 23.-(A)-
Backed by the Foreign Affairs Com-
mittee, a move started in the House
today to give Congress watchdog
power over the President in final
settlement of lend-lease contracts.
This authority was written into
the bill extending President Roose-
velt's lend-lease program for another
year beyond June 30. The revised
bill was ordered reported for action
by the entire House. The committee
conceded that it may be the fuse for
a pointed argument and so a vote
probably will not be sought until
after the Easter vacation.
The amendment is phrased this
That extension 'of lend-lease is not
to be construed to give the President
any authority to "assume" obliga-
tions on the part of the United
States without established constitu-
tional procedure, in other words con-
gressional review.
Allied. Shooting
O U' .S. Planes
Is Explained
WASHINGTON, March 23.-(')- -
War Secretary Stimson said today
the Allied gunfire which shot down
23' American transport planes during
the invasion of Sicily was the result
of "one of those terrible hazards that
must be taken in any bold, compli-
cated modern maneuver."
"However, I wish to emphatically
scotch here and now," he told a
news conference, "any report that
the shooting down of the transports
-with the loss of 410 lives-could
be traced to a lack of coordination
among land, sea and air services.
Without identifying the dispatch,
he said a foreign correspondent who
reported the air forces operated sep-
arately during the invasion did "a
complete disservice to a splendid
Air Force."

Kovel on Road
To Warsaw
Russians Announce
37 Mile Breakthrough
Into Tarnopol Area
Associated Press Correspondent
LONDON, March 23. -The Rus-
sians tonight announced a 37-mile-
deep breakthrough in the stubborn-
ly - defended Tarnopol hinge area
of the eastern front, and Berlin re-
ported that other Red Army forces
to the northwest in a 43-mile advance
deep inside old Poland had broken
into the town of Kovel on the main
road to Warsaw.
The smash into Kovel, on which
the Russians were silent, carried the
swift-rolling Russians to a point only
33 miles from the German-Russian
partition boundary established in
1939-the line from which the Ger-
mans invaded Russia June 22, 1941.
Might Trap Nazis
The Russian announcement of the
big Tarnopol breakthrough came 24
hours after Berlin had reported the
offensive, describing it as a powerful
flanking maneuver to the south to
meet Russian forces on the Dniester.
Such a thrust could trap large Ger-
man forces pocketed to the northeast
up as far as the Vinnitsa area.
The Russian daily communique
broadcast tonight disclosed that the
First Ukraine Army had driven di-
rectly between the hard German cores
of defense at Tarnopol and Proskurov
and swirled right and left in maneu-
vers designed to encircle those cities
and thus smash the pivot pins on
which the Nazis' Ukraine forces de-
Offensive Rolls Forward
With Tarnopol already cut off on
the north, east and south, the Rus-
sians said they had taken 32 miles of
the railway running south, from a
point three miles south of the city to
the junction of Kopchintse, 35 miles
south of Tarnopol.
Bitter Struggle
For Cassino
Still Continues
PLES, March 23.-(P)-The .latest
phase of the bitter struggle for Cas-
sino, Nazi stronghold defending the
Roman valleys, raged through its
eighth day today with battle-weary
New Zealand troops still fighting at
the town's southern edge and other,
Allied forces clinging stubbornly to
several hard-won heights west of the
No important change of position
had been reported.
The enemy threw two strong coun-
terattacks against Castle Hill, an in-
termediate peak only a few hundred
yards from Cassino's western edge,
yesterday, but each time was thrown
back with heavy losses. French artil-
lery repulsed two other Nazi stabs
near Monte Castellone, three miles
northwest of Cassmo.
German artillery and mortars em-
placed in the hills maintained a
heavy fire on Allied positions.
Co-Chairmen of
Group Elect ed
At the first meeting of the spring
term yesterday Inter-Racial Associa-
tion elected Ethel Sherwindt and
Margaret Stevens as co-Chairmen.
Included in the general outline

drawn up for this term at the meet-
ing are: the distribution of Fair
Employment Practices Committee
and anti-poll tax petitions, presenta-
tion of a series of lectures and for-
ums and picnics and hikes to Saline.
The other officers elected are:
Florence Jhung, secretary; Warren
Ambrose, treasurer; Phyllis Hornby
and Mary Penick, co-chairmen of
the Minorities Committee, and Na#-
cy Groberg, chairman of the Pub-
licity Committee.
Weber To Discuss
U' Athletics Today

demic of Petty Thievery
U' Buildings Hits Campus

Whitney Chief Pharmacist at
U' Hospital T'o Leave May 1

demic of petty thievery has
eeping the campus in recent
ccording to University offi-
students were warned to be
ly careful of their belongings.
purses and billfolds left in
ms, corridors and study halls
mpting bait to the pilferers
increasing number of thefts
,n rnnr.ta

University buildings with money and
all marks of identification carefully
removed. "Evidently," he said, "the
ones who stole them took everything
of value and then left the empty
purse where it would be found."
Report to Lost and Found
When students find that some-
thing of theirs has been taken or
misplaced, they should report it in
th nma +ra +hf th irlinr in whiCh


Speak Tonight
Dr. James P. Warbasse, president
.«". ,i .. . .F - - - - e - ' r~r - ~ n . .. 7

Harvey A. K. Whitney, who has
been chief pharmacist at the Univer-
sity Hospital since 1927, will leave
the staff of the hospital May 1 to
join the Medical Service Department
of the E. I. Du Pont de Nemours Co.
in Richland, Wash.
Francke To Be Successor
}T7'ic rncie na:t +hA haniial mll h30

He is a member of the American
Pharmaceutical Association and a
former vice-president of that organi-
zation. He is also a member of the
association's National Formulary Re-
vision Committee.
Prominent in Field
The founder and first vice-presi-
dent of the American Assoiatinn nf

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