'l C rHE M IIHIIZAfN ,j hA .II
T H UR SDAIf, MiiAR~CH 23, 1944
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Fify-Fourth Year
VOL. LIV No. 100
All notices for the Daily Official Bul-
letin are to be sent to the Office of the
President in typewritten form by 3:30
p.m. of the day preceding its publica-
tion, except on Saturday when the no-
tices should be submitted by 11:30 a.m.
By Lichty
S o. , . ,....J
Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
regular University year, and every morning except Mon-
day and Tuesday during the summer session.
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for republication o# all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of repub-
lication of all other matters herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second-class mail matter.
Subscriptions during the regular school year by car-
rier $4.25, by mail $5.25.
National Advertiing Service; Inc.
; College Publishers Repiresentative
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1943-44
Editorial Staff
Jane Farrant . . . . . Managing Editor
Claire Sherman . . . Editorial Director
Stan Wallace, ,. . . . . City Editor
Evelyn Phillips . . , . . Associate Editor
Harvey Frank . . . Sports Editor
Bud Low. . . . Associate Sports Editor
Jo Ann Peterson . . . Associate Sports Editor
1Mary Anne Olson . . . Women's Editor
Marjorie Rosmarin . . Associate Women's Editor
Business. Staff
Elizabeth Carpenter Business Manager
Marge Batt Ass't Business Manager
Telephone 23-24-1
Editorials publishefi in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.
Foreign Policy Remains
Vagtee in Hull's Sp ech
SECRETARY HULL, who long ago accomplish-
ed the art of saying as little as possible in as
many words as possible, has issued a master-
piece of cautious ambiguity in his 17 points "de-
fining" American foreig'h policy.
Liberty is a much-abused word and somehow
the statement that all liberty-loving men and
nations must "show themselves worthy" by
fighting for its preservation leaves us cold. The
idea that some international agency must be
established to keep peace, and adjust legal and
plitical difficulties is anything but new, while
five of the 17 points are devoted to a glowing
discussion of the Atlantic Charter. The remain-
ing points deal with finance, abolition of trade
barriers and surveillance of aggressor nations.
These glittering generalities are strangely
familiar. Although Secretary Hull's state-
ment does not j3urport to set forth new prin-
c ples but nmerely to summarize old ones, the
Afiei'lcan people are ready for something a
little niore clear and definite than a rehash of
the Atlantic Charter and the Moscow and
Teheran declarations.
Again we are left free to draw our own con-
clusions as to the meaning of such vague phrases
as "international co-operation . . . founded on
the principles of liberty, equality, justice, moral-
ity and law" and "people who prize liberty." The
guessing game goes on.
Perhaps the only significant factor in regard
to Hull's statement is its timing, which indicates
that the voices of many critics are at last be-
ginning to be heard. But the critics must still
wonder about Ambassador Carleton Hayes' poli-
cy of appeasement in Spain, the policy of ex-
pediency followed in State Department dealings
with Vichy and Badoglio, the curious reticence
on the subjects of the British White Paper and
the Russo-Polish border question.
The United States is still without a foreign
policy. -Jennie Fitch
Recent AFL Refusals
Show Isolation Trend
H j lIE AFL has stated that it will reject the
President's proposal to share the CIO repre-
sentation at the forthcoming conference of the
International Labor Organization in April. The
AFL threatens to withdraw from the work of the
Organization entirely, and to prevent further
Congressional appropriation for the support of
the Organization, if the CIO is represented at
the conference.
This amnazing stand comes at the heels of
the AL's refusal to attend the world confer-
ence of trade unions in June because repre-
sentatives of the Soviet unions are scheduled
to attend. If labor is to exert any influence
in the peace or post-war issues, it is impera-
tive that representatives of both labor groups
be present.
NEW YORK, March 22.-It is being accepted
now, as a truism, that Russia is engaging in uni-
lateral action in Europe. That is becoming one
of the fixed reference points of our thinking.
The sun rises in the east, the earth is round,
and Russia insists on unilateral action. We are
all coming to believe it.
Yet there is something strange about this be-
lief, to begin with, because if Russia wants to
take unilateral action, then why did she share
in the Teheran conference? Those who are so
sure that Russia prefers unilateral action have
never bothered to explain why she would have
gone to so much trouble to put herself in the
position of being a promise-breaker. Why didn't
['re Th endulum J
NOTHING befogs public issues more unhappily
than the repetition of ill-advised common-'
places. One such commonplace, dinned into our
ears with more and more frequency, has it that
whereas we know what we are fighting against
in World War II, we do not know what we are
fighting for.
I submit that both parts of this statement
cannot be true. Sage old Aristotle long ago
laid down the inviolable rule that "a thing
cannotaboth be and not be." We cannot both
know and not know why we fight a war.
"Against" and "for," are the two ever-equal
phases of a single indivisible whole. If we
fight against fascism, if we really honest to
God fight against fascism, len we fight for
democracy. The two cannot be separated.
One posits the other.
If every last vestige of slavery were destroyed,
then by that negative action, the positive result
of a free world would accrue. If evil were
everywhere rooted out, then the residue would
have o be goodness. In much the same sense,
love and hate are not different emotions, but
different aspects of the same emotion. The man
who loves cleanliness hates filth. The man
who hates vice loves virtue. Of such polarities
is .the world composed. Qualities and ideals
diametrically oppose one another. When the
conviction is strong, the opposition is clear-cut.
When we rather less than hate something, we
rather less than love its antithesis. "I love the
great despisers, because they are the great
adorers," wrote Nietzsche in one of his rare mo-
ments of sanity.
I trust you do not consider this idle logic-
chopping. For, whence does our national
psychic befuddlement spring if not from our
inability to know either what we are fighting
Surely, if we knew what we were fighting
against, i.e., total enslavement of mind and
body, we would know with just as nuchli cer-
tainty what we were fighting for, i e., total
freedom of mind and body. .
Hitler definitely represents the devil. We have
yet to become angelic. We pit the principle
of democracy against the.reality of fascism. We
talk about universal suffrage here, though 13
millions more or less go voteless, while Hitler
snuffs out the ballot elsewhere. We dedicate our-
selves verbally to equality while Hitler crushes
people into castes.
THE TRUTH emerges that we neither love
democracy nor hate fascism enough to make
the war very meaningful except as a tussle be-
tween armies. To the extent that our society
is the same as German society-we fight for
nothing at all. We say in frenzied self-deception
that we despise Hitler-even as miniature Hitlers
and Hitler dupes bellow from our streets, lynch
Negroes, exploit Mexicans and discriminate
against Jews. Not all phases of our society, to
be sure, can be so assailed. Much of it, perhaps
most of it, may justly be called democratic. But
to be effective, we must range total democracy
against what is unnistabably total anti-democ-
racy. We must love democracy, adore her with
deep passion, cleave unto her with real deter-
mination-and, in that act, we necessarily do
more than in any other single act or empty
gesture to annihilate fascism. Perforce, the
institution of one means the dissolution of the
At present we are hobbling idealogically on
the single foot of partial democracy, and our
many-limbed foes stride with the briskness of
complete working fascism. The perfect mach-
ine of destruction collides not head on, but
obliquely with the imperfect edifice of con-
structive thought.
To the degree that we cut ourselves off from
fascist tendencies, shun Badoglios, spur on de
Gaulles, send Finnish Procopes a-running, enact
anti-lynching laws, outlaw discrimination and
forget Otto Hapsburg, to that degree exactly will
we clear away the fog of perplexed indecision
that be-clouds our every political move. In pro-
portion as we work toward further democracy
in the prosecution of the war and on the do-
mestic front, issues will clarify themselves. Then
Freda Kircway will not be able to write as she
did the other week that "we want to win; but
if possible we want to win in alliance with the
men and institutions which were responsible for
the policies that inevitably produced the war."
-Bernard Rosenberg
she merely stay out of the conference, and avoid
the whole issue?
And so the second point that strikes us is
that we don't really know whether Russia has
broken any of the pledges of Teheran, because
. we have never been told, in any detail, what
those pledges are. Those who are accusing
Russia of breaking the promises of Teheran
are accusing her of breaking promises at whose
existence they can only guess.
Now we come to third point, which is that
Russia has been engaged in a huge campaign
to conciliate conservative western opinion. She
has dissolved the Comintern, made approaches
toward religion, erased ideology from her war
effort; she has even recognized Badoglio, a pro-
conservative gesture, even if it has produced
a storm. She has no time for the theory that
the war is a world-wide civil war between right
and left; she has steadily pictured it as a war
for national freedoms. In the light of these
facts, the theory that Russia is arrogantly dis-
regarding the opinion of the west becomes a little
IF WE DON'T watch out, we shall find our
selves accusing Russia of craftily scheming
both to conciliate and to outrage our feelings,
and that makes no sense.
Fourth, there is a touch of the unilateral about
some of the things we ourselves have done. Mr.
Churchill's defense of the "monarchical prin-
ciple" has been interpreted by Italian patriots
as a unilateral gesture toward Badoglio and the
King. And Mr. Churchill somehow failed to
mention the Moscow Declarations, which had
called for more democracy in Italy. Our an-
nouncement that we are planning a 1,200-mile
oil pipe-line in the Middle East was also suffi-
ciently unilateral. The story is being told around
the world that Mr. Roosevelt is unilaterally hold-
ing up full recognition of General de Gaulle.
There is no profit in having the pot call the
kettle unilateral, and it seems to me sufficient-
ly clear that each of the three great powers has
reserved certain areas for independent action.
Fifth, it would be hard to demonstrate that
any of Russia's so-called unilateral actions have
been directed against American and British in-
terests. They may have been directed against
certain American and British ideas, but that is
not quite the same thing as opposition to true
American and British national interests.
There are two simple tests: Let us know just
what promises, if any, Russia has broken be-
fore we accuse her of breaking promises. Sec-
ond, let us hold our verbal shell-fire until
Russia clearly and adversely affects one of our
national interests. If that happens, then let
us hate Russia to pieces. But that has not
yet happened.
(Copyright, 1944, New York Post Syndicate)
WASHINGTON, March 22.-Two secret and
very significant meetings were held recently
which indicate how far Republican big business
leaders are going to knife Wendell Wilkie.
One meeting was a gathering to which J. A.
Brown, president of Socony-Vacuum Oil, in-
vited about 100 of his business friends. There
were two chief speakers, Upton Close and Emil
'Hurja, both bitterly anti-Roosevelt.
Upton Close stuck more to the war, and hd
quite a bit to say about the foolishness of a big
army. A small one, he said, could do the job
just as well.
Hurja, who was fired as Jim Farley's statisti-
cal man because he got so far off base in pre-
dicting a close squeak for Roosevelt in 1936, gave
a talk about the rosy future of Republicanism.
He spread charts before the brethren, opined
that a GOP victory was inevitable, that they
couldn't lose, that they were sure of a majority
of a hundred votes in Congress. Finally, Hurja
concluded, the only possible chance the Republi-
cans had of losing was to nominate Wendell
Most people present didn't realize that Hurja
has sold his Pathfinder Magazine to bitter
anti-Willkieite Joe Pew, and now radiates Pew's
reflected political billiousness; also that in
1940 Hurja was so far off base that he pre-
dicted a Willkie victory by a 350 majority.
Oil Magnates...
The other meeting was even more significant.
It was a dinner given by Winthrop Aldrich, head
of the Chase National Bank-the bank recently
indicted on a charge of assisting a refugee dia-
mond merchant to funds with which he traded
with the enemy. Guests at the dinner included
Harrison Spangler, chairman of the Republi-
can National Committee; Ed Jaeckle, GOP New
York State chairman; John Sprague, New York
Republican National committeeman; and Ernest
Weir, the steel magnate who has gleefully ad-
mitted distributing many copies of the book
"O'ne Man-Wendell Willkie."
It was another Stop-Willkie-at-All-Costs
meeting. Chairman Spangler, supposed to be
Instructions for Reporting Acci- 'S
dents. It seems necessary again to
call attention to the necessity for re-
porting every accident immediately
on its occurrence. One or two unfor-
tunate situations have arisen re- .
cently due to the failure of somebody, I V
whose duty it was, to make such a
report. Reports should be made in
accordance with the following in-
(1) Report All Accidents occur-
ring in line of duty involving any
person on the University payroll in
whatever capacity, whether medical
care is required or not. Accidents
should be reported in writing or by
telephone to the Business Office of
the University Hospital (Hospital ex-
tension 307). A supply of University -
of Michigan accident report forms
(No. 3011) will be furnished on re-
quest by the Hospital Business Office. "Ilave new order from Hon. Impe
(2) Medical Care. Injuries re- 10 and divide losses by 20-als
quiring medical care will be treated , microp
only at the University Hospital. Em-
ployees receiving care elsewhere will Physician at the Hospital, or the
be responsible for the expense of such Business Office of the University on
treatment. Whenever possible a
written report of any accident should tre Cam.Spus.
accompany the employee to the In- -Shirley W. Smith
formation Desk on the Main Floor of
the University Hospital. This report Attention: June Graduates & rIro-
will be authority for the Hospital to fcssional Fraternities: All pictures of
render necessary medical care. June graduates intended for publi-
cation ini the June issue of the 'En-
(3) Emergency Cases. Emergency sian must be turned in to the 'Ensign
medical care will be given at the Hos- office before April 1. All pictures of
pital without a written accident re- professional fraternities must also be
port. Ambulance cases should be turned in to the 'Ensian office on or
taken directly to the Ambulance En- before the same date. No pictures of
trance, at the rear of the Main Build- seniors or professional groups will be
ing of the University Hospital. In all accepted for publication in the June
such cases the written accident re- issue after April 1.
port should be forwarded as promptly
as possible to the Business Office of Identification Cards will be given
the Hospital. out at the Office of the Dean of Stu-
The so-called Workmen's Compen- dents on Thursday, Friday and Sat-
sation law is for the mutual protec- urday, March 23, 24 and 25.
tion of employer and employee. In
order to enjoy the privileges provided Attention Blood Donors: The April
by the law all industrial accidents Blood Bank will be held April 13 and
must be reported promptly to the 14. Register for an appointment this
correct authorities. These reports Thursday or Friday from 1-5 p.m. in
entitle each employee to compensa- Miss McCormick's Office in the
tion for loss of time and free medi- Michigan League.
cal care as outlined in the law. ---
The Compensation Law covers any Civilian Men having fall term lock-
industrial accident occurring while ers at Waterman Gymnasium must
an employee is engaged in the activi- vacate or renew them by Monday,
ties of his employment which results March 27.
in either a permanent or temporary
disability, or which might conceiv- All Freshman Women interested in
ably develop into a permanent or attending a freshman tea dance to
temporary disability. be held with freshman men in the
Further Information. If at any Michigan League this Saturday from
time an employee wishes further in- three to five should sign up today in
formation regarding any compensa-
t ion case, he is urged to consult
eithercthe Hospital Business Office
or the Office of the Chief Resident
neutral regarding all candidates,
was even confident that Willklc
couldn't get more than 200 votes.
J. A. Brown of Socony-Vacuum is
a director of the Chase bank. Thus
it looks as if the oil interests, along
with the big bankers, were really
worried over Willkie. They are going
to leave no stone unturned.
the lobby of the League from 4
o'clock to 5:30.
Martha Cook Building: Women in-
terested in residence in the Building
for the academic year 1944-45 are
asked to complete their applications
or to call for appointments at once.
Mrs. Diekema. Phone 6216.
JGP Dorm Sales: Attention girls
who managed the sale of war stamps
in the dorms .and auxiliary dorms
last semester: Come to Miss McCor-
mick's office in the League between
rial Staff-multiply our gains by
a shout much louder into lon.
Bronson-Thomas prize in the amount
of $38 should register at the depart-
mental office, 204 University Hall
immediately; students in German 31,
32, 35 and 36 are eligible for the
Kothe-Hildner competition (awards
of $30 and $20), but all registrations
must be made at the departmental
office by Thursday, March 23, at the
German Departmental Library
hours, spring term 1943-44 (204 Uni-
versity Hall): 1:30 to 4:30 Monday
through Friday; 10:00 to 12:00 Tues-
day and Saturday.
Make-up Examinations in History
for the Fall Term will be held on
Friday, March 31, in Rm. C,. HH.
Students wishing to take these exam-
inations should obtain a written note
from the instructor to present at the
time of the examinations.
Botany 1: Make-up examination
will be given Monday, March 27, at
4:00 p.m. in Rn. 2004 N.S.
Hopwood Contest for Freshmen:
Students who entered the contest
should call for their manuscripts at
the Hopwood Room this week be-
tween two and five-thirty.
University Museums: a) Penicil-
lium notatum, the fungus from
which the drug penicillin is derived,
b) The Beginning of Human Indus-
College of Architecture and Design:
"Brazil Builds," consisting of mout-
ed photographs and wooden panels
showing Brazilian architecture; cir-
culated by the Museum of Modern
Art, NVew York City. Open daily 9 to
5, through March 27; ground floor
corridor, Architecture Building. The
public is invited.
Events Today
Tea at International Center is
served each week on Thursdays from
4:00 to 5:30 p.m. for foreign stu-
dents, faculty, townspeople, and
American student. friends of foreign
Le Cercle Francais will meet to-
night at 7:30 at The Michigan
League. This meeting will be a fare-
well party for the departing ASTP
soldiers in French. All members
please be present.
The Regiular Thursday Evening
Record Hour, beginning at 7:45 p.m.
in the men's lounge of the Rackham
Building, will feature Beethoven's
Egmont Overture and Seventh Sym-
phony and Schubert's Trio No. 1.
Servicemen are cordially invited to
join the graduate students at this
Alpha Lambda Delta: There will be
a compulsory meetingfor members
at 5:00 p.m. in the League.
The Inter-Racial Association has
its first meeting of the semester this
evening at 8 o'clock at the Union.
There is to be an election of officers
and plans for the semester's activities
will be discussed. All old members
are urged to attend and all students
who are interested in fighting for
democracy on the home front are
especially invited to come.
Hillel Surgical Dressings Unit will
be open from 1 to 5 p.m. today at the
Hillel Foundation. Please wear wash-
able blouse or smock.
ComingEv ents
Clothes Horse King . . . important that at this time we check
An order came ticking over Navy the balance due and issue more
commnications last week which stamps for this semester.
means that the wife of every naval
officer will have to take out her Unixrsity Bureau of Appoint-
needle and do some sewing on her ments and Occupational Informa-
husband's uniform, tion: Mrs. Doris Wauters of Hilltop
Camp will be at the Bureau today to
Kig it means thavadOera Eniinterview girls with kindergarten
commander-in-chief of the Fleet and training and waterfront training or
"clothes horse"h to the younger men experience. She is also interested in
"clothesNahor s"l to tendyounge menthose with arts and crafts. Those
of the Navy, is all hot and bothered thosare available for surmmer should
over brass buttons and creased pants call at the office of the Bureau of
again. Appointments, 201 Mason Hall, be-
Last year the Admiral decreed new tween 9 and 12 a.m. and 2 and 4 p.m.
gray uniforms for summer wear. He Or phone 4121, Extension 371.
did this at a time when most young
officers had already stocked up and .N
when Secretary Knox had already Academic NOtlCes
ruled there was to be no' uniform S
chane. Bt Adira Kin, coing School of EJducation Students: No
change. But Admiral King, coming course may be elected for credit after
back from his London tailor with a Saurday 25ltudent mut
brand-new gray-green uniform, got Saturday, March 25. Students must
the President to go over Knox's head report al changes of elections at the
and authorized a new gray outfit. R~egistrar's OfficeRr. 4, Tniversit
andauhorze anewgry otft. Hall. Membership in a class does
Following it up Admiral King has not cease nor begin until all changes
now issued a ruling on buttons. It have been thus officially registered.
states: "Only gray cloth shoulder IĀ°Arrangements made with the in-
marks and blue black plastic but- I structor are not official changes.
tons are now authorized for wear,
on gray uniforms." Students, College of Literature,
This was the message which ticked Science and the Arts: No course may
out to "Alnav," meaning "all navy," be elected for credit after the end of
the other night. So Navy wives and the third week of the spring term.
mothers beware! What the bachelors March 25 is therefore the last date
will do is up to them. But from now on which new elections may be ap-
on brass buttons and braid on a gray proved. The willingness of an mdi-
uniform are out. vidual instructor to admit a student
(Copyright, 1944, United Features Synd.) later does not affect the operation of
this rule.
- a -s** '- -- Ā£b~"' 'U.f . .
BARNABY o d !s _
owe saent the rest of the day siqhtseeirgi. 'l 'll see what 'b I ~
f f ! i
Students, college of Literature,
Science and the Arts: Students who
fail to file their election blanks by
O Mol~ev +s o alwas eager to