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March 23, 1944 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1944-03-23

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It 431U












1 200

Japanese Forces Smash
Across Indian Boundary

TBy The Associated Press
NEW DELHI, March 22.-Japanese
columns have made their first pene-
tration of India and are pushing on
westward through the Manipur
Mountain country in the direction of
the key road junction of Imphal, 30
miles away.
Enemy Moves West
The Japanese drive into India was
announced by Allied Headquarters
today in a communique which stated
little except that the enemy "con-
tinued to move to the west."
Imphal is the southern terminus of
an all-weather road that winds 175
miles north through the Naga hill
Nazi Stronghold
Of Pervomaisk
Falls to Soviets
Fortified Rail Junction
Captured; Reds Within
Eight Miles of Nikolaev
By The Associated Press
LONDON, March 22.-The Red Ar-
my after a two-day battle today cap-
tured the important fortified railway
junction of Pervomaisk which has
been protecting the German with-
drawal from the southern Ukraine
and to the southeast drove to within
eight miles-of the big city of Nikolaev
anchoring the German eastern front
line, Moscow announced tonight.
Reds Close in on Three Sides
The Russians closed in on Hikolaev
from the northeast and south and
had the Nazi defenders pinned back
against the wide estuary of the Bug
River. Soviet troops pushing up from
the south captured the town of Bala-
banovka, eight miles from Nlkolaev's
outsirt, it as annouined in te
Moscow daily communique, recorded
by the Soviet monitor.
The Germans, meanwhile announc-
ed that the Russians had launched a
big flanking offensive in the strate-
gic Proskurov-Tarnopol hinge posi-
tion in the western Ukraine and Po-
land and had forced the Nazis to fall
back before strong infantry and tank
Reds Take Towns
The Russians reported advances
throughout the southern front, tak-
ing more than four score towns and
villages on the various sectors.
The daily bulletin said several pop-
ulated places were taken in a con-
tinuing advance westward in Poland
toward the large city of Lwow.
Burton Holmes
To Speak Today
Lecturer Will Show
Slides, Discuss Italy
"The Beautiful Italy We Knew"
will be described by Burton Holmes,
well known travel lecturer in an Ora-
torical Association Lecture at 8:30
p.m. today in Hill Auditorium.
Pictures of Naples, Mt. Vesuvius,
the Vatican and other spots of inter-
est in Italy will be shown. Many of
the films were taken at places in
Italy where American servicemen
are fighting today.
1943 marked the fiftieth year in
which Mr. Holmes has traveled over
the globe, taken pictures and given
travelogues. He became a lecturer in
1893 just after the Columbian Expo-
sition in Chicago.
He has spoken here twice before
in this year's lecture series-once
describing Russia and once showing
pictures of North Africa.
Also pictured in the lecture will be
scenes of Italy's normal industrial

life, including pictures of the cameo
carvers and tortoise shell workers of
the southern regions and the marble,
workers and agricultural ventures of
the mountain regions.
Tickets for the lecture will be on
sale from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m., 2 to 5
p.m. and 7 to 8:30 p.m. today in the
box office at Hill Auditorium.
Servicemen Invited
To Special Smoker

country to a junction with the India-
Assam-China supply line, Allied jug-
ular vein in the Burma theatre.
Thrust Minimized
Gen. Sir Claude J. E. Auchinleck
Commander in Chief for India unde
Admiral Lord Louis Mountbatten
southeast Asia commander, mini-
mized the seriousness of the Japanese
threat. He said the Manipur drive
was an effort "to divert Allied forces
and relieve strong Allied pressure
against their lines on the Arakar
(The Arakan front is on the wesi
Burma coast roughly 250' miles
southwest of the enemy push int
"No real threat can materialize
unless and until the Japanese man-
age to penetrate to points where they
can attack our rails and river com-
munications or our airfields in As-
sam,"Gen. Auchinleck said.
(Although Imphal is 175 miles by
road from any point on the Allied
lifeline in the upper Brahmaputra
valley, it is only about 75 miles air-
line across rugged country from key
rail and river lines there.)
Air Inferiority Significant
Gen. Auchinleck based his dis-
counting of the Japanese threat on
their inferiority in the air, which
will not permit them to supply their
forward columns by plane, and will
prevent them from interfering with
air supply to Allied troops.
The Japanese forces now in India
apparently crossed the upper Chind-
win virtually unmolested while Allied
troops in the area were concerned
with an open crossing of the river
north of Homalin.
Yanks Strik e
Bombing Raid
By The Associated Press
LONDON, March 23, Thursday-
American heavy bombers, escorted
by powerful fighter formations,
struck Berlin through heavy flak
yesterday, losing 13 bombers and
nine fighters, and the RAF followed
up with a strong smash at Frankfurt
and unspecified other German tar-
gets in the night.
The Berlin station said in a broad-
cast shortly after midnight that
"strong British bomber formations
tonight bombed places in the Rhine-
land." This enemy report was
promptly confirmed in London, with
identification of Frankfurt as the
major objective. American heavy
bombers had attacked the Frankfurt
area Monday.
The American daylight attack yes-
terday on Berlin was the fifth in 19
days and the heavy bombers were
estimated to have dropped 1,500 tons
of explosives. They encountered no
fighter opposition, but the flak was
extremely heavy.
A report early today from Stock-
holm said telephone communication
between the Swedish city and Berlin
had been broken since the American
attack on the Nazi capital.
London Is Bombed
By 100 Nazi Raiders
LONDON, March 22.-(P)-Ger-
man raiders returned to London to-
night while the sprawling British
capital still was cleaning up the
damage caused by the attack of more
than 100 Nazi planes early today.
" Flares were dropped in one district
of the capital and in southern Eng-
land, indicating the small-scale
effort may have been an armed re-
connaissance mission, since the Nazis
seldom brave daylight for "spying"
on the island.

hoisted ashore from the deck of a Liberty ship at an English port.
Infantry Drives On i Cassino
Ag .ainst Bi.tter Nazi Resistan.ce
e e e 0

By The Associated Press
PLES, March 22.-Allied infantry-
men, fighting withbeverything from
Sflamethrowers to bush knives, ad-
vanced slowly tonight against bitter
German resistance and severe terrain
handicaps in the battle for Cassino
and the eastern slopes of Monastery
Field guns supported the foot
troops from close range.
The Germans were ejected from
several more of the fortified build-
Ball1eng+er Says
Police Cannot
Join CIO Group
DETROIT, March 22.-(A')-Po1ice
Commissioner John F. Ballenger aft-
er conferring this afternoon with of-
ficials of the State, County and Mun-
icipal Workers of America (CIO),
"Police officers affiliating with the
CIO will be violating their oath of
office. Therefore they will be brought
before the police trial board with a
view to dismissal."
'No 1,000 Membership'
Furay, who is secretary-treasurer
of the SCMWA, asked Ballenger this
afternoon: "Suppose I brought in the
signatures of 1,000 policemen on
membership cards, would you fire
"I don't believe you have any such
membership," the Commissioner re-
Police Force Is Military
"The Michigan Supreme Court, in
a recent ruling, has decided that a
police department is a military force.
The Supreme Court of the United
States has not reversed the decision.
I, as Commissioner of Police, would
be committing an unlawful act if I
permitted members of the Police De-
partment to affiliate with the CIO."
Detroit policemen last year were
barred from joining the Fraternal
Order of Police on the grounds it
resembled a labor organization.
Ballenger said he was informed the
F.O.P. was seeking affiliation with
the CIO union, but today Edward N.
Barnard, attorney for the F.O.P.,
said it "is not identified with the CIO
in any way and is not in sympathy
with its objectives."

ings at the southwestern corner of the
ruined town and Fifth Army troops
wired and mined the newly captured
areas to prevent enemy infiltration.
(North of Cassino, German troops
made a sustained, five-hour attack
Wednesday morning against Allied
troops on ,Castle Hill, but were re-
pulsed, the British radio announced
in a broadcast recorded by CBS.
("As the German troops made des-
perate efforts to climb the hill," it
said, "Allied rifle and machine-gun
fire held them back. At the same
time about 20 German fighter planes
were sent over to straf Allied rear'
Allied artillery was hauled up
today to blast point-blank at fanatic
German parachute troops clinging to
the ruins of the Continental Hotel
and a half-dozen other buildings at
the southern edge of Cassino as the
fight for that Nazi stronghold rose
to its wildest pitch.
Nazis Say Rome
Will Be Open City
LONDO}N, March 22. - (.') -- The
Germans said today they would com-
pletely demilitarize Rome in an ef-
fort to place responsibility for bomb-
ings on the Allies, but it was regard-
ed as unlikely here that the Allies
would take any cognizance of this
unilateral declaration of an "open
The move was made to divert the
military traffic from the eternal city
"so that responsibility for the bomb-
ing of Rome will remain entirely
with the Allies."
Panel Held on-
Jewish Question
Discussion Sponsored
By Post-War Council
"We must open up the gates every-
where to let the Jews in," Dr. James
B. Klee of the psychology depart-
ment said in a Post-War sponsored
panel discussion on "A Homeland for
the Jews" last night.
Others participating in the discus-
sion were the Rev. Edward H. Red-
man of the -Ann Arbor Unitarian
Church, Roy Plotkin, Sylvia Savin
and Netta Siegel.
"What shall be done with the Jew-
ish homeland is a United Nations
question," the Rev. Redman stated.
"The British home office has been
administering Palestine very badly,
even perversly."
Post-War Council panels are held
each Wednesday and a seminar will
be held at 3 p.m. Monday in the
f : 4I T Trvnit

Nazis Extend
On Satellites
Troops Enter Rumania
As Puppet Government
Is Set Up in Hungary
By The Associated Press
LONDON, March 22.-With Hun-'
gary occupied and a puppet govern-
ment established, Germany was re-
ported tonight extending a strangle-
hold over neighboring satellites in a
feverish rush to construct a fortress-
within-a-fortress against the Rus-
sians westward surge and other Al-
lied threats.
General Mobilization Is Aim
A general mobilization of all south-
eastern Europe was the announced
aim. The Germans followed up their
LONDON, Thursday, March 23.
-()-The London Daily Mail said
in a Madrid dispatch today that
German airborne troops had occu-
pied the Soviet embassy in the Bul-
garian capital of Sofia and had de-
tained the Russian diplomatic
plunge into Hungary, where Nazi
bayonets erected a Quisling Premier
to direct a fuller Hungarian part in
the German war effort, by penetrat-
ing into Bulgaria, Rumania and So-
vakia, said dispatches from neutral
Germany's seizure of once-favored,
but often recalcitrant Hungary was
officially told by the Berlin radio to-
day, and tonight it declared "Ger-
man troops are still arriving." The
first announcement said the Hun-
garian Government had resigned and
that the Nazi forces "arrived in Hun-
gary as the result of a mutual under-
Horthy Names Cabinet
The German-controlled Budapest
radio told the Hungarian people that
Regent Nicholas Horthy, widely re-
ported under Nazi detention since the
German invasion early Monday, had
sworn in the new pro-Nazi cabinet in
the ceremonial hall of the Royal cas-
tle late today.
The broadcast said Doeme Sztojay,
a former Hungarian Army officer and
Hungarian Minister to Berlin, had
been named to head a new puppet
government. DNB later announced
that, to keep him in line, Hitler had
appointed Dr. Edmund Veehsenmay-
er as "Minister and trustee of the
Greater German Reich in Hungary."
Volunteers Are
Needed To Aid
Red Cross Drive
Volunteers are needed to take up.
Red Cross collections in the two cam-
pus theatres today through Wednes-'
day and women are asked to register'
on the bulletin board in the Under-'
graduate Office of the League, to
work in the Liberty street theatres
and to contact Louise Meyer at 334
S. State Street forassignments in
the State Street theatre. Free admis-
sion to the shows will be accorded'
coeds helping the Red Cross drive in'
this manner.
Washtenaw County passed the 80
der cent mark in its drive yester-
day as county totals of $75,904.71
were reported by Charles Henderson,
chairman of the drive. $50,331.34 of
that amount came from the city of
Ann Arbor. ,
No further donations have been,
turned in by the men on campus,
according to John Clippert, head of

the Union drive, but three houses
contributed $49.50 to swell the wo-
men's total returns to $422.76, Mar-
jorie Hall, women's chairman, an-

400 ASTP To Be
Left by April 10
Soldiers Released from ASTP Training
Will Be Assigned to Ground Forces
Under the curtailment order restricting the number of men in Army
Specialized Training Program (ASTP) issued three weeks ago, the Army
unit on campus will be reduced to 1,200 men by April 10, Army Head-
quarters disclosed yesterday.
According to University figures released at the beginning of the
current semester, there were 2,239 Army trainees enrolled in the
Under the curtailment order issued by the War Department, these
men taken out of ASTP training will be assigned to Army Ground
Forces to alleviate the shortage of 200,000 men due to mounting battle
casualties and slack in service inductions.
400 ASTP Men Will Remain
Of the 1,200 Army men who will remain on campus, 400 will be
classified as ASTP trainees while the remaining 800 will be included in
the Japanese Language Company, the Judge Advocate Generals' School,
and medical and dental trainees.
The 400 ASTP men will be divided according to the following pro-
portions: area and language, 200; advanced engineering, 31; ASTP reserves,
74; preprofessional, 120. The advanced engineering students are studying
sanitary engineer g.
The JAG School-established here in the summer of 1941-is now
training 247 men, the largest in its history, according to figures released
Monday by Col. Edward H. Young, commandant.
Under the curtailment order announced Feb. 19, the European and
Persian area and language units, and the basic engineering units on campus
are being completely liquidated.
110,000 Being Reassigned in U.S.
More than 110,000 men in ASTP training program in 223 accredited
colleges and universities in the nation are being reassigned to replacement
training centers according to the liquidation deadline set for April 1.
As a result of this curtailment program, the service picture on campus
will be: Navy V-12 trainees, 1500; Army, 1,200.
Recognized as one of the leading specialized training centers in the
nation, the University had at its peak in January approximately 3,700
servicemen in training here.

* * *

4: a

Army Transfers 36,000
Airmen to Ground Duty

By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, March 22.-Con-
fronted with unfilled draft quotas
and a general shortage of ground
forces, the Army announced today
the transfer to ground duty of 36,000
young men who had been ear-mark-
ed for air training.
Meantime, a high military offi-
cial reported that draft boards had
been failing for 13 months to meet
the calls of the armed forces, and
asserted that "the time has arrived
when we must have the fighting
men we need."
This statement was the latest de-
velopment in a tug of war between
the armed forces and industry and
agriculture for the services of thou-
sands of young men under 27. An
aviation industry official countered
with a claim that blanket cancella-
tions of draft deferments granted the
young men would cripple war-neces-
sary airlines.
Plans for congressional inquiries
into charges that the draft has been
used as a lever to force farmers into
Engineering Speech
Society To Debate
Sigma Rho Tau, Engineering
Speech Society, will hold a debate
with the University of Detroit at 8
p.m. today in the Michigan Union.
The topic of the debate will be
"Resolved: That graduate engineers
should be unionized," with Michigan
taking the affirmative and Detroit
the negative. The public is invited.

the government agriculture program
gave the situation a new twist.
The Army Airforces also aw'
flounced the suspension of enlist-
ments of 17-year-olds in its enlist-
ed reserve, saying that under the
circumstances it is inadvisable to'
hold a reserve beyond immediate
requirements. It was announced,
however, that airforce applications
from youths of 17 still will be ac-
cepted and training will not stop.
Cumulative shortages in inductions
since July, thesWar Department said,
have made it necessary to use every
available man pending operations.
The military official, who declined to
permit use of his name, put the draft
shortage even further back, saying it
had run for 13 months.
General H. H. Arnold, chief of
the Army Airforces, testifying be-
fore the House Military conunittee
on a bill to give Army status to the
Women's Airforce Service Pilots
(WASPS) set the induction deficit
at "over 200,000."
The 36,000 released by the airforc-
es are men who have completed basic
training in the Army and have been
accepted for instruction as pilots,
navigators, and bombardiers.
General George C. Marshall, Army
Chief of Staff, explained that ano-
ther factor in the Airforce cutback
was the fact that American forces
are "approaching complete air su-
premacy in practically every the-
atre in which they are in operation
at a much faster pace than the Army
had dared to hope.
C'hurchill Says
N_11ew.B ig:Three
M eetingNeeded
LONDON, March 22.-(JP)-Prime
Minister Churchill, under increasing
fire over the Atlantic Charter, said
today that there must be new con-
sultations on the subject among the
big powers.
Although the Prime Minister did
not say what form these new consul-
tations might take, his carefully cho-
sen words left onen the nn tshiity nf

Keep Off Gras' Campaign
Started by Freshman Group

Fire Department Called Out
To Fight Blazes in U' and City

Sleepy students en route to their
eight o'clocks yesterday morning
were rudely awakened by a voice over
a public address system shouting:

when he heard a booming voice over
a loudspeaker shout, "YOU are being
watched! We see you on that grass!"
The accusing voices that shouted

The Ann Arbor Fire Department
was called out three times during the
past two days for fires in two Uni-
versity buildings and in a professor's

Hospital reported a fire in the dry
garbage room where chemicals were
kept. It was believed that spontan-
enns rnmbinanin wm. nrnhahly +he

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