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February 25, 1943 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1943-02-25

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1tSYA ,Ft&'- 5171943
Seven Sports
To Make Rally*
Lively Affair
Square-Dancing Will Climax
Evening of Varied Activities;
Campus Soldiers Are Invited
Try your hand at a badminton
slam at 8:30 p.m. Saturday at Bar-
bour gym, where Rec-Rally, which
promises to be the liveliest affair of
the season, will be in session.
Seven sports will be in action at
the same time, and those attending,
may take in just as many as they
have time for or have the energy for.
Mixed volleyball, ping pong, shuffle-
board, deck tennis, aerial darts, and.
bowling games will be set up and,
rurr by members of the WAA Board.
To Be Informal
Sport play will continue until 10
p.m., when a huge square dance will
be sponsored in Waterman gym. Mr.,
Howard Leibee, of the Physical Edu-
cation department for men will act
as caller, and a small band will play
for the dancing.
Anything from shirts to slacks will
be appropriate dress for this affair.
Men and women, stag or by couple,
are invited to attend, and all soldiers
on campus have received a special in-
vitation. Tennis shoes must be worn
on the Barbour gym floor, where
badminton and volleyball will be
played, but street shoes will be ac-
ceptable for the square dancing.
Tickets at Door
Since the WAA recently put its
entire savings for the future women's
swimming pool into War Bonds, there
will be a very small admittance
charge for this affair. Tickets may
be purchased at the door, or from
any member of the WAA Board.
Committee planning for "Rec-Ral-
ly" is headed by Helen Willcox, '44,
vice-president of the WAA Board.
Assisting her are Barbara Bathke,
'45, Marion Ford, '44, Dorothy Lund-
strom, '45, Phyllis Present, '44,1 and
Ruth Tarbell, '45.

__________-~ T~fl~ 1flCIIJ~AN~DAILY._ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _

Sweater Swing
Will Introduce
Informal Trend
The big Sweater Swing to be held
from 9 p.m. to midnight Friday in
the Union Ballroom is the first in a
series of informal dances which have
been planned to take the place of
the more formal dances of "pre-war"
Bill Sawyer and his band will fur-
nish the music, and- they, as well as
those who plan to attend, are re-
quired to wear sweaters. Sports
clothes, without a sweater, will not
These informal dances have been
planned to entertain the students
"in the manner to which they are
accustomed" but,- because of the war,
at less expense, according to Bunny
Crawford, '44, who is in charge of
Union dances..
One of the big events of the eve-
ning will be a Sweater Girl contest
to be judged by the B.M.O.C.'s and
B.W.OC.'s at the dance. There will
be prizes for the best-looking sweater
girls, and the number of candidates
will not be restricted.
Freshmen Honored
By Mu PFhi Epsilon
Mu Phi Epsilon, national honorary
music society, entertained the fresh-
man women from the School of Mu-
sic at a formal musicale at the
Michigan League yesterday.
The Scholarship Medal, annual
award to the freshman woman in
the School of Music maintaining the
highest scholarship, was given to
Ruby J. Kuhlman, '468M, of Toledo,
0. Other women honored for schol-
arship were Roberta Chatkin, Helen
R. Briggs, Doris Reed, Beverly .Sol-
oror, Sybil Baum, Madelene Jones,
Renee Kaufman, Helen Brickman
and Ruth Hooker.
The hostesses of the group were
Mrs.- Albert~ H. White,- Mrs. E. Blythe
Stason and Miss Jeanette Perry. The
program consisted of a double trio
and several solos.

Noted Soloists
Will Perform


n Ice Frolic

Carnival Program To Include
Hula Hula, Ballet, Jitterbug,
Musical Comedy Numbers
Flying School, Victorville, Calif.
world of silver blades will be featured
on the program of the "Carnival In-
ternational," ice frolic, to be spon-
sored by the Ann Arbor Figure Skat-
ing Club, at 8 p.m..-Sunday, at the
The most recent addition to the
exhibition is the engagement of Bill
Cross of Detroit, a clever comedian
who has made appearances in several
touring ice carnivals. He will give
two comedy numbers, one in which
he will be dressed as a woman skater.
One of the youngest on the pro-
gram is Virginia Baxter, a ten-year-
old, who placed fourth in the recent
Midwestern championship tourna-
ment in Cleveland, O. Miss Baxter,
who belonged to the Ann Arbor club
prior to gas rationing, will come from
the Olympia Figure Skating Club of
Skating Sailors
Nancy Upson, '44, head of the WAA
Figure Skating Club, will lead her
group in a sailor number in the fi-
Women soloists from Ann Arbor
who will take part are Frances Allen,
Mary Ann Cortwright, Mary Frances
Greschke. Marilyn Jacobs, Marilyn
Lewis, and Frances Radford. Norma
Lee Caine, a youthful member from
Ionia, will be a soloist, also.
Tickets Available
Tickets for "Carnival Internation-
al" may be purchased at the Coli-
seum, the League or the Union, and
they are in the hands of the members
of the Ann Arbor club and the WAA
Reservations in blocks may be
made by fraternities, sororities, dor-
mitories and other organizations.
These reservations will be made only
in groups of 25 or more, and anyone
interested is asked to call Miss Upson.
Besides solos many group numbers
have been planned for "Carnival In-
Engagement Is Told
Mr. and Mrs. George S. Sanden-
berg of Ann Arbor have announced
the engagement- of their daughter,
June, '44 to Lt. Frederic A. Sanders,
son of Mr, and Mrs. Frederic P. San-
ders, of Steubenville, O. The wed-
ding will take place next summer.
Miss Sandenberg is affiliated with
Alpha Phi sorority. Lt. Sanders at-
tended the University of Miami and
is a mermber of Phi Tau fraternity.
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Rosing of Dun-
kirk, N.Y., have announced the re-
cent wedding of their daughter Jane,
'42, to Lt. Jacques E. Van Giesn,
'42E, son of Lt.-Col. and Mrs. L. N.
Van Giesn of Coulmbus, 0.
Mrs. Van Giesn is affiliated with
Alpha Chi Omega fraternity.

Dean Lloyd Comments on
EDITOR'S NOTE: Miss Alice C. Lloyd, Dean of women, is a member
of the Educational Council Advisory to the Navy and helped in the organ-
ization of the Naval services. She has recently been appointed as special
adviser on this campus for the wAACs. She will be very glad to interview
any young women who are interested in these services and wish advice or
AS THE WAR ACCELERATS and the 18- and 19-year-old men
are called into active service, it is obvious that there will be a -
greater demand than ever for women in the service of their country.
The Women's Army Auxiliary Corps (WAAC) has been asked to bring
its numbers up to 150,000, and constant requests for an increased
number of officers and enlisted personnel in the Women's Reserve of
the Navy (WAVES, Women Appointed for Voluntary Emergency
Service), the Women's Reserve of the Coast Guard (SPARS, semper
paratus-the motto of the Coast Guard), and the Women's Reserve
of the Marines all point to the fact that women are playing a tremen-
dously important part in the nation's military plans. The object of all
these military and naval services for women is to free men for active
combat duty.
All the services are turning to the colleges for the personnel for
both commissioned and non-commissioned officers. The leaders of
all the servicesurge those interested who are now in college to com-
plete their courses.'
A bulletin issued by the Committee on College Women Students
and the War of the American Council on Education brings out the
needs of the various services and some interesting differences in their
By Dean Alice C. Lloyd
Lt. Sarah Hudgens To Recruit
For WAAC Here Saturday

Sororities Tie
In Dressing Unit
Collegiate Sorosis and Pi Beta Phi
sororities have been announced as
tie winners for the best representa-
tion at the surgical dressing unit last
Houses that have been especially
invited to attend the unit sometime
between 1 p.m. and 5 p.m. today in
the game room of the League are
Alpha Chi Omega, Alpha Epsilon Phi,
Alpha Omicron Pi, Madison House,
and Mosher Hall.
Theta Phi Alpha, Zones I and II,
Kappa Delta and University House
are requested to be present tomorrow.
The number of surgical dressings
that have been made since the unit
opened in November totals over 2,250,
it was announced last night by Mar-
jorie Storkan, chairman of the pro-
Glee Club To Meet
The Women's Glee Club will meet
at 7:15 p.m. today. Attendance at
the rehearsal is compulsory as prep-
arations are being made for the Sat-'
urday morning broadcast.
Director Bill Sawyer announces
that there will be tryouts from 4:00
p.m. to 5:30 p.m. today in the Kala-
mazoo Room of the League for all
girls interested in joining the Glee
Club. Freshman girls are especially

Health Plan Brings
Bedtime Suggestions
From West Quad
Recently, when a faculty member,
concerned with the health of the
younger student body, suggested a
University ruling to the effect that
all students under seventeen be in
bed at 10:30 p.m.. a West Quad resi-
dent with a sense of humor posted
this notice on the Wenley House bul-
To men of Wenley House:
We wish to call your attention to
the University Administration's
new rule regarding the retiring
ou r forestudents 17 years of age
and under. All those in this classi-
fication will see that they are safe-
ly tucked in bed at 10:30 p.m.
At 10:15 every evening, crackers
and hot toddy will be served in the
lounge. (Animal crackers will be
served on Saturday nights.) Any
aid in saying evening prayers will
gladly be rendered by the Staff
Assistants. Feel free to ask for this
extra service.
A mass meeting for all junior
women will be held at 5 p.m. today
in the League.
Second semester freshmen who
have petitioned for positions as
aides to the Judiciary Council may
be interviewed from 3:30 p.m. to
5:30 p.m. today in the Judiciary
Office of the League.

a . i irws 1 i w n i rrwrl dn 1 1 ,,; ._. _ '.:. ....
li . _ !

The Newest
BABUSHKAS in gay prints. chiffons, and all
plain colors, to frame your face and, take care.
of your locks. Rayon, Aralac.
FASCINATORS in all colors, for evening and
daytime wear-crocheted flattery.

r 1. t,

Opportunity To Aid War Effort,
Preparation for New Careers
Offered by Service in WAACs
Lieut. Sarah S. Hudgens, WAAC
recruiting officer from Detroit, will
interview applicants for the corps
from 10 a.m. to noon Saturday at the
Armory, 223 E, Ann St., and frbm 2
p.m. to 5 p.m. at the League..
Lieut. Hudgens, a native of North
Carolina, enlisted as an auxiliary in
the WAAC at the Fort Des Moines,
Iowa. Training Center, Nov. 2, 1942.
Code Relaxes
Rules on Minor
LANSING, Feb. 24. -P)- The
Commission of Labor and Industry
has approved a special wartime code
of regulations, relaxing restrictions
on employment of minors because of
the manpower shortage.
The new code which will expire
three months after the war allows
minors to operate properly safe-
guarded passenger elevators, but still
forbids their employment on freight
elevators. It lowers from 18 to 16
the age limit for employment on
welding operations, provided the
point of operation is properly venti-
Minor girls may be employed as
public messengers, but only within
a specific building under the new
rules. Another change permits em-
ployment of minors on "non-hazard-
ous" power-driven machines which
are properly guarded, but still are
prohibited from operating meat-cut-
ting machines and paper cutters.

She completed her basic training
Nov. 28 and entered the Officer Can-
didate School, receiving her commis-
sion as 3rd Officer or 2nd Lieut. on
Jan. 23, 1943.
WAAC Is Vital
She is now on duty at the Women's
Army Auxiliary Corps recruiting of-
fice in the federal building in Detroit,
and will be in Ann Arbor from time
to time to interview applicants, ac-
cording to Mrs. Wells I. Bennett,
CDVO recruiting chief.
Mrs. Bennett added that "the
necessity for using women in mili-
tary duties has been established. The
tasks women must accomplish in the
ranks of those who serve in the uni-
form of their country are important
tasks, vital to the functions of the
military establishment. Here is a real
opportunity to contribute personally
to the war effort."
Of special interest to students is
the U.S. Army Announcement to Col-
lege Women, which states that the
Army "has. scores of jobs in the
WAAC for alert college women .
jobs vital to the war . . . jobs that
will train you for interesting new
careers in the post-war world."
WAAC's will gain interesting, prac-
tical experience at full Army pay in
addition to helping their country by
doing essential military work that
frees soldiers for combat duty.
Requirements Specified
Enrollment is open to all wvomen
citizens, regardless of race, color or
creed, who are between the ages of
21 and 44 and have no dependents
nor children less than 14 years of
Recruiting takes place from 9 a.m.
to 4' p.m. daily and from 7 p.m. to 9
p.m. Tuesdays and Fridays at the
Office of Civilian Defense in the

of Helena
will be in

our store F

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