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New T echnic
Goes on Sale
Three. articles, each dealing with a
separate phase of engineering, will
highlight the current issue of the
Technic which goes on sale tomorrow.
"Surface Finishes" and their impor-
tance will be discussed in an article
by Walter Mikelson, '34E, now work-
ing as a physicist with the General
Electric Corp.-
Discussing the processing of rubber
from its natural state to its crude
stage, Stuart Johnson, '43E, presents
an interesting picture in his article
"Production of Crude Rubber,"
Another student, Ed Mertz, -'44E,
developed a comprehensive study of
plastics and has contributed his find-'
ings in a discussion of "Cellulose Ni-
trate Plastics" in the new issue. The
growing substitution of plastic pro.
ducts for scarce items in everyday life
makes the nature of this study impor-
tant in wartime.
A trio of senior engineers and Prof.
Keeler of the mechanical engineering
department combined to round out
the stories in this issue. John Fauver,
Bill Sessions, and Bill Hutcherson are
the students and their articles will
be found in the "Presents" columns
of the magazine.
Recognized as one of the outstand-
ing engineering publications of. any
college in the country, the Technic
brings forth the best of the engineer-
ing talent on campus, Bill Jacobs,
'43E, editor, stated..
Ricker Tells of Air
Industry Chages
Chester S. Ricker, field editor
of "Wings," in a recent address be-
fore members of the Institute of Aero-
nautical Sciences dealt with changes
that have come about in aircraft
production due to the fact that a rela-.
tively large number of the people
now employed in the industry are
He stated' that for this reason a
more complete breakdown has de-
veloped so that one'person has as few
operations as possible to perform.
Mr. Ricker also spoke of the grow-
ing importance of the industrial artist
in the aircraft industry. He coordi-
nates the drawings of several engi
neering groups into a perspective
sketch showing therelation of the
various parts.
The War Forum Club will meet
at 7:30 p.m. today in Room 13,
Angell Hall, Prof. A. W M 1, the
club's advisor, announced.
Continuous from 1 P.M.
Four Booths
Provided for
Electon Today
(Continued from Page 1)
are located in the engineering arch,
lobby of University Hall, lobby of the
Dental School, and in the lobby of the
East Medical Building.
Following is a list of the Union
staffmen who will operate the polls
from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. today:
..Engineering Arch-9 a.m. William
Wood; 10 a.m. Lewis Johnson; 11 a.m.
Cecil Sink; 12 noon, Lewis Johnson;
1 p.m. Cecil.Sink; 2 p.m. Sam Schae-
fer; 3 p.m. Bob, Dobbie..
UniversityHafl: 9 aim. Harry Mil-
ler, Jean Allen; 10 a.m. Ed Todd,.Roy
Boucher; 11 p.m. Ed Schrieber, Wil-
liam Wood; 12 noon Barbara Morley;
1- p.m. Dick Ford; 2 p. m. Dick Ford;
3 p.m. Sam Schaefer.
Dental School: 12 noon Frank
Arams; 1 p.m. Frank Arams; 2 p.m.
Dick Kelley; 3 p.m. William Wood.
East Medical Building: 12 noon
Dorothy Stiflitz; 1 p.m. Roy Boucher;
2 p.m. Ed Schrieber; 3 p.m. Roy
Polling booths in the Dental School
and East Medical Building will not
be open before 12 noon.
The Daily will carry complete elec-
tion results in tomorrow morning's
Orrnithologies A re
Bought for 'U'
Mns um Library
Dr. Rice, Director of the University
General Library, has recently pur-
chased for the Museum Bird Li-
brary-many new books of interest
to bird-lovers. Owing to the war,
the University has been able to ob-
tain. from England and the United
States, some very rare editions.
Among these is a successor to Audu-
bon's work, "Birds of North Amer-
bo ' ok Brso ot m rica", by Daniel Elliott. Containing
hand-colored prints and detailed de
scriptions, the work, published in
1869, contains many speci unknown
to Audubon.
The University has also acquired
one of the few editions of "Birds of
North America", by Maynard; a
four-volume set on woodpeckers, edi-
tions by Gould, and Selby's "British
All of these books are available to
students interested in ornithology,
and may be viewed at the Museum.:
WASHINGTON, Feb. 23. - (P) -
Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands
has arrived in Washington, the White
House said today, for an overnight
stay as the guest of President Roose-
Bernhard, husband of Crown Prin-
cess Juliana, came here from Ottawa,
SAN FRANCISCO, Feb. 23.-(P)-
The flames of fanaticism in the Japs
on Guadalcanal were whipped to new
heights by their leaders' stories that
both New York and San Francisco
had fallen to the Rising Sun, a Mar-
ine officer at the scene said today.
Spanish Club
To Sponsor Talk
By Gerganoff
Series Will Conclude
With Spanish Play
To Be Given April 6
Ralph Stephens Gerganoff, a grad-
uate of the School of Architecture in
1917 and a well known architect in
Ypsilanti,. will give the first in the
series of Spanish lectures this semes-
ter at 4 p.m. Thursday in Room D,
Alumni Memorial Hall.
Mr. Gerganoff will discuss various
sections of Ecuador, emphasizing, in
particular, Quinto, the capitol of the
republic, and the University of Quito.
During the discussion he will show4
colored movies which he took in Ecua-
dor two years ago. The lecture will be
in English.
March 11 Prof. Julio del Toro will
discuss "Instituciones Culturales de
Cuba," and March 31 Prof. Irving A.
Leonard, will talk on "Los Estados
Unidos Vistos por Dentro," which is
the last lecture scheduled for the year.
However, the two lectures which were
postponed, the discussion of "Espana:
Fuente de la Cultura Hispano-ameri-
cana" by Dr. Charles N. Staubach and
Prof. Arthur S. Aiton's lecture on
"Enlightenment of Spanish Colonies
in the 18th Century." will be given
at a later date.
The series will be concluded by the
presentation of the annual Spanish
play, which will be given April 6 at
the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. The
play chosen this year is "Sueno de
una Noche de Agosta," by Martinez
Sierra. Students may still try out for
parts in the play at 3 p.m. tomorrow
in Room 312 of the Romance Lang-
uage Building.
Costa Rican Night
To Feature Villegas
At 8 p.m. Thursday in the League
the Spanish Club will hold a Costa
Rican night, complete with songs, po-
ems and a discussion of the Central
American Republic by Senor Fran-
cisco Villegas.
Villegas, who is from Costa Rica,
will discuss mainly social customs
there and how they differ from those
he has found here. For instance, Vil-
legas says that blind dates are un-
known in Costa Rica. Besides his dis-
cussion of social life and classes he
will acquaint the group with some
typically Costa Rican poems and
There will be a tryout meeting
for the Michigan Technic, Engi-
neering School publication, at 7
p.m. today in 3036 West Engineer-
ing, Bill Jacobs, '43E, editor, an-
Soldiers Must Clean Their Plates Too
The Army has its food problems too-but of a somewhat different
nature than the problems confronting civilians. Here bomber crewman
Henry Hughes (left) and Elbert Chambers (center) of the San Angelo,
Tex., Army Air Field, learn that while they will get all they want to eat,
they must eat everything they take on their tray. Master Sgt. Frank
Kinczel (right), 16 years in the Armhy mess business, sees to that person-
ally. Hughes is from Muskegon, Mich., and Chambers from Brown-
wood, Tex.
Labor Complaints Force New
InquiryInitiated by Gov. Kelly
To Be Subject
Of Essay Contest,
Negro Students in
lichi4Tall Schools
Eligible To Compete
Because of the high mortality rate
s-uffered by Michigan Negroes from
tuberculosis, the Michigan Tubercu-
losis Association announced today
that it will offer $60 in cash prizes
for essays written about this disease
by Negro students. The contest is
being sponsored in an effort to com-
tat the disease through education.
College and high school students of
Michigan will compete in separate
divisions. The three winning essays
from each division will be entered in
the national contest where 27 cash
prizes totaling $350 are offered.
$15 as first prize, $10 as second and
$5 as third are offered by the MTA
in both divisions. In the national con-
test, $50 and a gold medal is first
prize in both divisions. The high
school winner may choose between
the cash prize or a $100 scholarship
at any college.
The essays must be written on one
of the three subjects listed by the
National Tuberculosis Association and
are limited to 2,000 words. To be eli-
gible for the contest, papers must be
at the MTA office by April 15.
Chess Expert Gives
Exhibition in Union
Mr. I. A. Horowitz, one of the
world's foremost chess experts, gave
a simultaneous chess exhibition in
the Union Monday night.
Seventeen games were played of
which Mr. Horowitz won 15 anddrew
2. The players who drew were Dr. Ben
Dushnik and Dr. Norman Steenrod,
both professors of mathematics.
Prof. L. C. Karpinski, who has
helped sponsor such exhibitions for
25 years' introduced the speaker.
Horowitz gave a preliminary exhibi-
tion illustrating two famous games
and explaining peculiarities.
This program was an effort on the
part of the Union to bring to the Ann
Arbor public the foremost experts in
such fields as billiards and chess.
WASHINGTON, Feb. 23. - (AP) --
The War and Navy Departments said
today the practice of granting en-
listed men automatic pay increases
Of $10 a month after 12 months serv-
ice has been discontinued since basic
pay rates were boosted by Congress
from $21 to $50 a month.
Civil Service
Jobs Are Open
To Students
The U.S. Civil Service Commission
has announced that technical and
scientific positions with the federal
government are open to students
with the necessary experience or edu-
cation. The posts available are in
chemistry, geology, geophysics, math-
ema tics, metallurgy, meteorology,
physics and radio.
These assistant grade positions pay
$1,620 to $2,600, plus overtime. The
only qualifications are that the stu-
dents have completed one year of
college study which includes one
course in one of the fields listed. A
year of paid experience or a war
training course approved by the U.S.
Office of Education is an acceptable
More information may be obtained
from first- and second-class post
offices, from Civil Service regional
offices and from the Commission in
Washington, D.C. The majority of
positions will be filled in Washing-
Trainees will be accepted on com-
pletion of one high school credit of
physics, chemistry, mathematics, bi-
ology, or general science.
Social To Aid
Russian Relief
An old-fashioned box social, spon-
sored by the Committee for Russiait
War Relief, will be held at 8 p.m. Fri-
,day, March 5, in the Masonic Temple.
Admission to the social will be two
boxed lunches for each girl and her
escort, announced Mrs. James Adams
Chisholm of Wayne, chairman of the
committee planning the social.
All lunches will be auctioned off by
Prof. John L. Brumm of the journal-
ism department, and proceeds will go
to Russian War Relief.
A special program of entertainment
is being planned which will include
some Russian dances. Old-fashioned
folk dancing and square dancing will
also be part of the entertainment.
All students and townspeople are
invited to attend. *
Bought, Rented
314 S. State St. Phone.6615
LANSING, Feb. 23.- (A)- The 35-
miles-an-hour speed limit was sub-
jected to official scrutiny today to
determine whether, in some instances,
it did more harm than good.
Gov. Kelly instructed Capt. Donald
S. Leonard, State Defense Adminis-
trator, to inquire into labor com-
plaints that the limit is retarding pro-
duction at the Willow Run bomber
plant, and that it should be raised to
50 miles on all arterial highways lead-
ing to the plant.
The governor told Capt. Leonard
to determine whether a change was
necessary, and whether it would re-
quire state or federal action. The 35-
mile limit has been imposed by joint
order of the state highway commis-
sioner and the state police commis-
sioner, but the Office of Price Admin-
istration is revoking gasoline ration-
ing privileges of persons who exceed
that speed.
Kelly acted after receiving a tele-
gram from Richard T. Leonard, Di'-
rector of the United Automobile
Workers Union-CIO, which said,
"Present 35-mile per hour speed limit
responsible for many man hours being
lost through tardiness and workers
quitting because of distance traveled
from home. Strongly recommend es-
tablishment of 50-mile per hour speed
limit on all arterial highways leading
to Willow Run plant."
The governor said the Office of De-
fense Transportation has shared in
some exploration of feasibility of ex-
empting certain vehicles from the 35-
mile limit, following complaints that
the low speed has so delayed truck
shipments of raw materials to certain
war plants that the factories had to
close for varying periods. Display of
pennant or other identification by
exempt vehicles has been discussed,
he said, but no conclusion reached.
NOW Mats. C
Showings ___ _Eves. 40c
$ .40 per 15-word insertion for
one or two days. (In-
crease of 10c for each
additional 5 words.)
$1.00 per 15-word insertion for
3 or more days. (Increase
of $.25 for each additional
5 words.
Contract Rates on Request
LAUNDRY - 1-1044 Sox darned.
Careful work at low price.
LOST: Large round silver pin near
campus. Call 4666, reward.
SLIDE RULE lost in vicinity of South
University and 'Union, Feb. 18th:
Call Robert Smallman, 4801.
MISS ALLEN-Experienced typist.
408 S. Fifth Ave. Phone 2-2935.
ment only. Phone 2-4726.
Driveway gravel, washed pebbles.
Killins Gravel Co., phone 7112.
At the State . . A the Michigan.. .
Now in its last day at the State is A powerful story of adventure writ-
"Hitler's Children," the story of what ten in the blood of heroes, that's
the Third Reich is doing to assure "Commandos Strike at Dawn," now
future generations of Nazis as based showing at the Michigan.
on Gregor Ziemer's, "Education for Starring Paul Muni and Lillian
Death." Gish; it includes a supporting cast
Starring Tim Holt and Bonita which contains hundreds of war-
Granville, the film has been hailed trained commandos in real life roles,
by critics throughout the nation for the picture is considered by an en-
the matter -of fact way in which' it thralled Hollywood as among the
makes clear the full implications of mightiest of war dramas. In addition,
the entire German program, a pro- the picture was made with the offi-
gram which has as its highest goal cial cooperation of the British, Cana-
death in gaining conquests for the dian and United States governments.
glory of the Fuehrer. Directed by John Farrow, the man
Produced by Edwin A. Golden and who made "Wake Island," and pro-
directed by Edward Dmytryk, the duced by Lester Cowin, the screen
picture was adapted for the screen by play for "Commandos Strike at
Emmet Lavery. Dawn," was written by Irwin Shaw.
Prelude Arioso......Bach-Templeton
Chorale Prelude: Mortify Us By Thy
Grace ..............Bach-Rummel
Warum-Aufschwung .....Schumann
Sonata in F-sharp major,
Op. 78............... Beethoven
IS< Interm ezzo in E-flat........Brahm s
Intermezzo in C.........Brahms
Prelude in B minor.........Liadov
Prelude in E flat minor.....Chasins
Introduction and Allegro......
Reharmonized Harmonious Black-
smith (Handel) ........Templeton
Mozart a la Mode......Templeton
Improvisations ...........Templeton
Gnats to You (From an orchestra
F AAA,,A - --