Red Advance
Cuts RailwaY
Near Rostov
Russians May Have
Trapped Nazi Forces
In New Azov Drive
By The Associated Press
LONDON, Feb. 19. (Friday)-Ad-
vancing with a speed indicating little
efective opposition, the Red Army in
putrsut of beaten Nazi troops in the
area west of Rostov has cut the only
escape railways on this front, the
Russians announced in the midnight
communique recorded here by the
Soviet monitor..
The rail line was cut with the cap-
ture of the district center of Mat-
veev-Kurgan, 25 miles north of the
Azov port of Taganrog, and, although
it was not immediately clear from
which direction the victorious Rus-
Sians came, it was entirely possible
that large forces of Germans were
trapped by the stroke.
1isslans Move North
The Russians have been operating
both north and east of Matveev-
Kurg n, and the town could have
been taken from either direction. If
the Soviet forces .came down from
the north the trapped Germans might
be counted in great numbers-prob-
ably less if the Russians advanced
from the east.
Even in the latter case, however,
obeservers believed sizeable Nazi
groups might well be caught in the
Taganrog area.
x The bulk of the midnight com-
muflique dealt with Red successes
i the areas north and northwest of
Rostyvindicating the Soviet armies
Wr : qicly cutting into the Ger-
ains retreating from this great area.
lseWhere the Russians were mov-
n 'still closer to the Nazi strong-
ponb oftare, at the north end of the
.w active front. The communique
reported the capture of the railway
,o .Feaand district center of Zale-
gopbh, 'onxly 3Q miles east of Orel,
Verkhbaya Sosna, 45 miles southeast
of Ore, and Pokovskoye, 40 miles
Qutheast of the .strongpoint-
Progress towiii QreI
Te~ Russians already have report-
S rogress toward Orel along the
railX y from the -"south-from the
dIrection of ursk.,
The midnight communique, how-
ever, :dealt mainly with the battle
ani'ist the Gettn armies left be.
biW#"in te region of Rostov and to
the north in the Donets Basin area.
est of Novo-Shakhtinsk, the
co4mmunique said; the Soviet troops
took 60 populated places as they
"continued their successful offen-
eive." Heavy losses fell to the enemy,
and one Russian motorized formation
alone killed 1,000 and captured 1,500
derman officers and men, the com-
munique said,:
Briish Labor
Threatens Split
LONDON,* Feb. 18.-(W)-The Labor
Party -mustered the largest vote ever
cast in the, House of Commons
against the Churchill coalition gov-
ernment today when the House voted
335 to 119 to support the Cabinet's
qualified endorsement of the Bev-
eridge cradle-to-grave social security
plan, and this domestic issue threat-
ened seriously for the first time to
break warring Britain's political
unity. -
The Labor members, numbering
166 in the House, decided to meet
immediately to determine whether to
withdraw their 22 ministers from the
Herbert Morrison, laborite Minis-
ter of Home Security, opposed his
own party in an appeal to members
not to "villify" the government forl
being cautious about the Beveridge
plan, and asking them not "to pre-
cipitate serious political difficulties."
Tells Nazis
Cruel Truth
By The Associated Press
LONDON, Feb. 18.-Propaganda
Minister Paul Goebbels told what he
called the "cruel truth" to the Ger-
man people today-that "motorized
robot divisions" of the Red Army had
"broken loose with a power eclipsing
all imagination," and that "we must
act quickly and thoroughly or it might
be too late."
"Danger is imminent;" he - was
[quoted as saying by the Berlin radio.
"It is not the moment for asking ques-
tions how it happened. We must act,
and this immediately and thorough
The Nazi propagandist complained
that other nations, including the
United States and Britain, failed to
realize the "Bolshevist-Jewish peril,"
again promised death to saboteurs,
said Germany's living standard prob-
ably would fall lower, and many busi-
nesses would be closed to raise men
both against Russia and against an
Allied invasion danger to the west.
(The Berlin radio, quoting the Ger-
man transocean agency's "political
correspondent" in a dispatch record-
ed by the Associated Press, described
it as "the most drastic war speech
Germany has so far heard."
("Dr. Goebbels' speech, outlining
the danger threatened from the
east, surpassed everything that has
been said about the bolshevist menace
in recent weeks," this correspondent
(The propaganda minister was de-
scribed as the "inner political motor"
in a movement aimed at making the
German people realize all the aspects
of the situation).
He again attempted to explain why
Germany, who had a non-aggression
pact with Russia, ever attacked that
nation, explaining that "in view of
the big camouflaging and bluffing
maneuvers of Moscow we did not cor-
rectly estimate the war potential of
the Soviet Union."
Japs Advance
In Seven Areas
Ons: China Front
First Offensives Since
May Aimed at Ending
Chinese Resistance
CHUNGKING, Feb. 18.-()-The
Japanese have begun attacks in seven
widely separated areas, from the Lake
Country north of Shanghai to the
jungles of Yunnan in the southwest,
apparently with the hope of ending
Chinese resistance, the Chinese an-
nounced today.
Not since last May when the Jap-
anese attempted simultaneously a
push up the Burma Road, a twin-
headed drive in Kiangsi and Chekiang
Provinces on the Eastern Seabord,
and made several lodgements on the
Fukien Coast have the invaders shown
as great coordinated activity.
A Chinese spokesman told a press
conference that there was no indica-
tion that the current operations were
the "prelude to a general offensive."
He said they probably were motivated
by the desire to "dissipate Chinese
(However, a Tokyo broadcast re-
corded in London said a Japanese
Army spokesman had announced that
Japan now intends "to take all con-
ceivable measures to crush Chungking
resistance," thus suggesting that the
Japanese might be delivering the
first blows in an effort to knock out
China before the United Nations can
bring effective assistance to her.)
A Chinese Army spokesman re-
ferred to a Japanese broadcast which
said the invaders had previously suf-
fered four severe reverses.
An Editorial:
One week ago the Manpower
Corps held its first registration for
the current semester.
There are approximately 4,500
men in the University. About 50
signed up.
The restlessness and uncertainty
of college life in these hectic days
have been generally assigned as the
reason for the deplorable registra-
tion results. Students are being
drafted and called to active duty
every day; no one seems to know
just how long he will be allowed to
remain in school.
But not only does such an argu-
ment fail to explain the situation;
it is a very strong argument on just
the opposite side. The ravages of
Registration will be today from
9 a.m. to 4 p.m. in Angell Hall, the
West Quad and the Union.
the war on normal college life con-
stitute the most important reason
why every male student who can
spare even a few hours a month
should sign up today. The greater
the drop in enrollment, the greater
is the responsibility of those still in
school to help the Manpower Corps
in its home front battle.
There are many vital jobs which
demand men immediately-help-
ing filling in as hospital orderlies,
building a Willow Run recreation
center and working part-time in
factories, to name only a few.
If you haven't signed up already,
sign up today.
-John Erlewine
Managing Editor
Republicans To
Nominate Two
Regents Today
GOP State Convention
In Detr'oit Is Centered
On Commissioner Post
DETROIT, Feb. 18.-(P)-Interest
among early arrivals for the Republi-
can state convention here centered
tonight on the nomination for state
highway commissioner and the state
Senate's refusal to accept a House
bill abolishing that elective office
while nominations to two vacant
posts in the University of Michigan's
Board of Regents will be closely
watched by nearby Ann Arbor.
The convention, scheduled to get
under way at 11 a.m. (CWT) tomor-
row, will select Republican candidates
for the April 5 election and will re-
organize the party's state central
Incumbent Regents David H. Crow-
ley of Detroit and R. Spencer Bishop
of Flint face opposition from Ralph
A. Hayward, of Kalamazoo, a paper
manufacture'. Crowley is now com-
pleting his first eight-year term and
Turn to Page 6, Col. 5 1
In Stormy Speech; Asks Rebirth
Among All
Where Nazis Attack in Tunisia
0 50 ROBAA
REDEYEF *.....".........
T OZ EU R .. - ~ aMm.":m .;G . S U I
f -----'CItt Dietid
Black arrows indicate German drives against American positions in
Tunisia, where Nazi tank forces were reported to have reached the out-
skirts of Sbeitla and to have advanced toward Feriana. Original German
drive came through Faid Pass from the eastern coastal region. To the
north, Allied observers saw the possibility of a German drive (broken
arrow) southwestward toward Bou Chebka.
Ro-mmel Drives Yanks.
Back to Al1gerian Border''
Heavy Allied Casualties Make Flank Attack
By Montgomery's Eighth Army Impossible
Price Administrator ,Says Two Bills
Before Congress Will Wreck Country
By The Associated Press
NEW YORK, Feb. 18.- Prentiss M. Brown, the nation's new price ad-
ministrator, today lashed out at "back-biting, this under-the-table" talk in
Congress, pleaded for a rebirth of unity, and declared "there must be no
strike" in the bituminous coal industry.
In the strongest words fired by any Washington official in recent months,
Brown covered a wide field of admin- P
istrative problems in one of his first
public speech since becoming head of
OPA. He spoke before the technical
association of the pulp and paper in-
Brown said two bills were now be-
ing considered by Congress which
would "just about wreck the control
law of food prices." He identified
these as the pace parity amendment
and the Senate bill to eliminate gov-
ernment payments in computing par-
ity prices.
Pay Increase Demand
The possibility of these agricultural
price changes was the foundation for
pay increase demands which would
ruin price control, Brown said.
"If we break through the price
structure as it is today," he said, "the
wage structure will inevitably be bro-
ken through, and we will face in this
country the most dangerous domestic
situation that this nation has ever
faced. It would be equal to a. tremen-
dous defeat on, the military front."
He said earlier in an interview that
"if we break over on prices we'll pro-
vide ammunition for the organized
labor groups."
Speaking of Congress, Brown said:
"I have never known a time when
there was so much disunity, in the
Congress of the United States, when
there was so much back-biting and
fighting between the American peo-
ple over inconsequential things."
Rebirth of Spirit
"We need a rebirth of the spirit of
unity. I hope all of us will realize that
unity in spirit is necessary, that these.
great nations who are not united to-
gether must stand together."
"And they won't if this back-biting,
this under the table talk, these criti-
cisms of the war effort of our allies
and our friends, are continued, if
these seeds of disunity which have
been sown are permitted to nurture
and grow and live and become power-
ful elements in our life.
"We all deplore the temporary los-
ses in North Africa-which have de-
pressed many of us in the last two
or three days-where our forces for
the first time are in active combat
with the enemy.
"But out of it, my good friends,
may come a realization that Joe Sta-
lin and his friends can't win this war
Brown also appealed for public
support of price control, but said that
if price control measures failed "the
responsibility is mine." He said his
job was to represent consumers "who
never come near and so often whose
voices are silent when their interests
are so vitally affected."
Dance Slate
Associated Press Correspondent
NORTH AFRICA, Feb. 1$.-German
tank formations stood almost on the
Algerian border today after capturing
4,000 square miles of Central Tunisia
in four days from American forces
who have withdrawn into the moun-
tains below Tebessa, an Algerian town
12 miles west of the border.
However, word that the British
Eighth Army, driving from the south
to relieve the situation, had reached
Medenine afer a 45-mile advance,
promised an early lessening of Mar-
shal Rommel's pressure on the Amer-
Fight Way Back
Straggling units which fought their
way back from behind the German
lines reached American outposts in
the heights east of Tebessa, bringing
accounts that tended to scale down
down early reports of Allied losses.
(Gallagher's dispatches did not say
whether the American outposts were
east or west of the border. The moun-
Duranty Lecture Stresses Russian
Need for Stable Post-War World
New Law Makes Residents
Responsible for Sidewalks
What the Russians need most is a
stable, peaceful post-war world in
which they can develop their resour-
ces and industries, said Walter Dur-
anty last night in an Oratorical Asso-
ciation lecture.
Speaking in a clipped British ac-
cent, the veteran news ace told his
Hill Auditorium audience that "since
America will be stronger than the
rest of the world put together," it
will be worth Russia's while to be
friendly with us.
After setting at rest current fears
concerning our future relation with
the Soviets, Duranty traced the coun-
try's development since the Revolu-
tion and explained that it is impos-
sible to use our own standards in
judging their progress.
In the effort to industrialize their
country the Bolshevists have altered
their original aims so that today the
only difference between their system
and ours, he said, is that in Russia
no one can become an owner or mil-
hey say that their system isno
longer communism, but socialism. I'll
go a step further and say it is state
capitalism," said Duranty.
He explained the many difficulties
encountered after the Revolution,
such as the struggle for power be-
tween Stalin and Trotsky and their
followers after Lenin's death, and the
Small Turnout for Union
Smoker Blamed on War
A disappointing audience of an es-
timated fifty people were introduced
to campus extra-curricular activities
refusal of the farmers to join in the
newly-created "food factories," as
well as the hostility of the ,Allied
"Perhaps the Revolution didn't give
the peasants freedom as we consider
freedom, but it did give them free-
dom of opportunity," he stated.
In discussing his predictions for the
future time of Germany's collapse, he
admitted that there is a possibility
of serious revolutionary movements in
Europe before the American and.
British troops move in.
He believes that there is no possi-
bility of the Russians making a sep-
arate peace because they have a
greater grudge against the Germans
than almost anyone else.
Former Regent
And SisterDie
News of Bulkley's Death
Is Fatal to Mrs. Tagge
A few hours after learning of the
death of her brother, Harry Conant
Bulkley, 72, a University Regent from
1911 to 1918, Wednesday in Phoenix,
Ariz., Mrs. Arthur C. Tagge, 73, of
Monroe, died last night.
The shock from the news of her
brother's death, friends said, was be-
lieved to have aggravated a heart
condition from which she had been
suffering for several years.
Born in Monroe in 1870, Bulkley
attended school in that town and at-
tains below Tebessa sprawl on both'
sides of the line.)
The Axis veterans had advanced
some 60 miles since Sunday and the
Allied communique today announced1
that they had taken Sbeitla, Kasser-
ine and Feriana, the last only 12j
miles from the Algerian border. a
Rommel apparently was using twol
tank divisions in two columns. The
northern wing had driven from Faid
Pass about 55 miles to Kasserine and
the southern colump had swept up7
through the Gafsa oasis some 60
miles to Feriana.
Rommel's veterans of the Egyptian
and Libyan compaigns inflicted a se-,
vere defeat on American armored
forces in their first important clash,
but the pressure appeared to be slack-
Reduced Fighting
."Fighing in southern Tunisia yes-
terday was on a reduced scale," Gen.
Eisenhower's communique said.
The less experienced American
troops were in stronger positions west
of the three abandoned towns on the
eastern 'slopes of a mountain hange
which is 4,500 feet high at its peak.
It appeared that Rommel had in-
flicted such losses that an Allied at-
tack on his flank was virtually im-
possible. Thus he was ready to turn
south to meet the British Eighth
Army which now is 65 miles inside
southern Tunisia at the outposts of
the Mareth Line.
City Lays Plans
For Huge War
Rally Monday
Corporal-Hero Bartek
Will Be Principal Guest
At Patriotic Celebration
Ann Arbor won't see just an ordi-
nary Washington Day on Monday.
True, it will see a usual patriotic
celebration, but this time a special
war-time touch will be added.
The U. S. War Department, the
University and the city's industries
will combine to salute local war work-
ers with a mass meeting that night in
Hill Auditorium at which Sergeant
John F. Bartek,the corporal-hero
who spent 22 days on a life-raft in
the South Pacific as a member of
Captain Eddie Rickenbacker's ill-
fated crew, will be the principal guest
of honor.
Bartek, who was Rickenbacker's
chief engineer, and at least one or
two other soldier-heroes from either
Guadalcanal or North Africa, will tell
the stories of their war-time experi-
ences. Col. W. A. Ganoe, commander
of the University Reserve Officer's
Training Corps, will also speak.
In addition, authentic government
pictures of an actual sea battle In the
12 Committeemen
Will Be Chosen at
All-Campus Election
Candidates who are to run for the
14 Are Killed
In Plane Crash
Bomber Hits Building;
Test Pilot Allen Dead
SEATTLE, Feb. 18-()-A mighty
four-motored Boeing bomber's crash
into a packing plant in Seattle's
south end today killed at least 14r
persons and spread flaming destruc-
tion through the four-story packing;
company building.
One of the victims was Edmund T.
Allen, nationally famed test pilot.
Eleven of the dead were aboard the
Frye Packing Company officials
reported nearly a score of employes
still were unaccounted for, but many
were believed to have made their
way to safety.
Thirteen injured persons, some with
serious burns, were listed in the city's
Four persons were reported to have
attempted parachute jumps to safety,
but the crippled craft, with motors
afire, was too low for opening of
their 'chutes.
Krueger in Australia
To Head New Army
AUSTRALIA, Feb. 19, Friday- (P)-
General Douglas MacArthur an-
nounced today that Lieut. Gen. Wal-
ter Krueger is in Australia to com-
mand the new Sixth Army.
The spokesman who made the an-
nouncement said that formation of
the new Field Army under General
-Krueger is "an administrative step
and has no special operational sig-
Troops composing the new Army,
General MacArthur's spokesman said,
combined freshman-sophomore class
dance were announced last night by
Bill Sessions, '43E, Judiciary Council
Twelve committeemen will be chos-
an at an all-campus election Wednes-
day. The freshman and sophomore
in the literary college receiving the
greatest number of votes will co-
,hairman the dance.
Freshmen in the literary college
who will appear on the ballot are
Morton Blum, Lee Chise, George Dai -
row, Don Epstein, Rosemary Klein,
Elanor MnacLaughlin, and Edna Sott.
Literary college sophomores are
Bob Aldrich, Marjorie Borradaile,
Faye Bronstein, Ruth Edberg, Selig
Estroff, Betty Hendel, Harry Loftus,
Ruth Maloney, and Stan Wallace.
Of these candidates, the freshman
,lass will elect three members of the
;ommittee while the sophomore class
will be entitled to four positions.
Other schools and colleges not repre-
sented may vote for the sophomore
Catherin Sauer, '46A, was automat-
ically elected to the committee when
her petition was not challenged.
The engineering school will elect
two members from each class. The
Freshman nominees are Allen J Das-
kal, Stuart Finlayson, Harry R. Scott,
and Jerry Stenbuck.
The engineering sophomore class
will choose its representatives from
the following three: Herb, Beye",
Don Granger, and Joe Warner.
Voting will be allowed by class
3nly and each qualified voter must
present his identification card to re-
ceive a ballot.
Board Positions
Are Announced
The nominees for the Board in
Control of Student Publications was
announced last night by the Men's
Judiciary Council together with the
addition of Art Geib, '44, to the list of
candidates for the :six Union vice-
presidents' positions.
The following nine men were nom-
inated to the Board wpositions from
whom three will be elected intheall
campus election Wednesday: Marvin
Borman, '44, John Fauver, '43E, Bob
G. Johnson, '43, Hank Loud, '43, Nor-
ton Norris, '43, Hoe Seltzer, '45M,
David Striffler, '44, Homer Swander,
'43, and Pete Wingate, '43.
In all 15 men will run for the six
Union positions. Voting for this and
the Board election is open to any eli-
gible student in the University. The
complete Union list follows:
Literary college and graduate
schools, George F. Ceithaml, '43, and
Robert J. McWilliams, '44; engineer-
ing college and architectural school,
Ann Arbor's common council last'
night finally cleared up the confusion
of the "forgotten city ordinance" to
the satisfaction of all aldermen and
did it with a flourish-by passing a
new law.
The' old law, passed in 1938 and
never used util this year, had five
fraternities, a sorority and a girls'
co-op on the carpet for failing to
shovel their walks clean of snow. Ten
Ann Arbor residents also had war-
rants nut aginst them because of
on any person whose sidewalk has
been cleaned by the Board of Public
Works. The new ordinance thus puts
the-first responsibility upon the citi-
zen-and'this, according to the coun-
cil, is where the new law has it all
over the old.
"There's no use in making a goat
of one of the residents for. whom the
warrants were issued in a test case,"
city attorney Laird said, "when we
feel that the ordinance could be con-
siderably clearer."
Whether the new law, which