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February 18, 1943 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1943-02-18

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TMIVlM ~w"Prm'A,:1943


a i

JGP Publishes
Total Bonds,
Stamps Sold
Sorority, Dormitory, League
House Juniors Net $17,000
From Booths, Skits, Dances
The results of the sale of war
stamps and bonds by the junior wom-
en last semester totaled approxi-
mately $17,000, plus a $7,000 bond
purchased by WAA, it was announced
yesterday by Marcia Zimmerman, '44,
chairman of the project.
Sororities contributed $8,155 to this
amount, women's dormitories $3,300,
and league houses $600. Collegiate
Sorosis led all other houses with a
total of $6,000 worth of stamps and
bonds taken by them.
Alpha Gamma Delta placed second
among the sororities with a total of
$375, while Delta Delta Delta's pur-
chase amounting to $200 gave them
third place. Houses failing to turn
in the serial numbers of the bonds
they purchased were not given credit
for them.
Thirteen junior women made up
the central committee for this proj-
ect and approximately 135 coeds
worked under them. Their work
started early in the fall and continued
until finals.
Defense stamp corsages made by
the corsage committee were sold at
football games, concerts, and dormi-
tory dances. Booths were set up in
the library, University Hall, and the
League, and stamps were sold from
10 a.m. to 5 p.m.-five days a week.
Twenty junior women made up the
skit and dance committee which per-
formed before the Eagles' Club and
sold a total of $3,500 worth of bonds
and stamps. In addition to singing
and dancing, a skit was given which
depicted bombing of Pearl Harbor.
This work will be continued again
this semester and junior women are
urged by the central committee to
watch The Daily for an announce-
ment of a mass meeting which will
be held in the near future.
All persons interested in taking
part in League activities can have
their eligibility cards signed from
3:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. every day
this week and next week in the

Marines in Uniform

Ensign To Tell I
Women To Substitute for MenB
In the s
In Performing Navy Tasks of Americ
An opportunity to gain first hand up their c
information about the WAVES will States in w
be made available to all interested already m
students from 10 a.m. to noon and it be in W
from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. today and to- American
morrow at the War Information Cen- corps, Mic
ter in the League, when Ensign Helen fulfilling t
Shea, WAVE recruiting officer from Ensign
Detroit, will be on hand to answer i receivedl
questions. Ifrom Smi
The WAVES were organized to en- Mass., last
able Navy men to go on active duty been repo
at sea, by replacing those men with coast. Pro
trained women who will take over while in c
positions in radio and communica- of Collegia
tions activities and mechanical work Phi Kapp
in addition to acting as storekeepers, tlhe League
link trainer instructors and other she contin
general aides. nel work
Any woman who can meet the Navy Mass.
physical requirements, is between the
ages of 20 and 50 and has had four Her sor
years of college or two years of col- riet Heam
lege and an equivalent amount of uate of th
business or technical training is eli- ing schoo
gible for an officer's commission. coast to r
Unlike a WAAC, a WAVE may mar- active dul
ry after she has completed her basic her sorori
training, provided that she does not Board, Ju
marry a man in her branch of the ern.
service. Women who are already mar-
ried may enlist provided that they Jean So
do not have any dependents under 18 School of
years of age. graduation
WAVES receive the same base a degree
monthly pay as naval officers of cor- last year h+
responding rank, and in addition are man of Thi
given a $200 uniform allotment. The with Delt
Navy also provides medical and dental
care. Quarters and subsistence are On nursi
provided unless the WAVE is living land is Lie
off the post, whereupon she receives ing spent1
an allowance for living expenses. sity Hospi
Life in the WAVES is not all drill seph T. R
and classroom work. Ample oppor- Lieut. B
tunity is provided for sports and rec- Benningto
reation. WAVES may have dates in and compl
their free time, and week-ends are work in7
allowed occasionally at the discretion took a thr
of the commanding officer. Bent Brigi

Plan To Move H
1'lc Ian vvomen on 1/e am i1
Coedls Is Denied st

teadily increasing numbers
an women who have given
areers to serve the United
var, University alumnae are
aking their place. Whether
Red Cross or the nursing
higan women can be found
heir duties.
Janet Allington, '38, who!
her WAVES commission
th College, Northampton,
November, is one who has
rted on duty on the west
minent in campus affairs
college, she was a member
te Sorosis, Phi Beta Kappa,
a Phi, Mortar Board and
e Council. After graduation,
ued her studies in person-
at Radcliff, Cambridge,
rority sister, Ensign Har-
res, '42, a February grad-
;he WAVES officer's train-
I, has been sent to the east
eplace a soldier headed for
ity. She was president of
rity, a member of Mortar
udiciary Council and Wyv-
allett, '42, entered the Yale
Nursing last fall, upon
n from the University with
in psychology. During her
here, she was scenery chair-
heatre Arts. She is affiliated
a Delta Delta.
ing duty somewhere in Eng-
ut. Anne Bursley, after hav-
last summer with a Univer-
tal Base Unit at Camp Jo-
lobinson, Ark.
Bursley attended school in
n College, Vt., for two years
eted a year of social service
Boston. She subsequently'
ee-year course at the Peter
ham Hospital, and finished

Lieut. Louise Stewart of the Ma-
rine Corps Women's Reserve mod-
els in Washington the uniform, de-
signed for wear by women officers
of the corps.
The special houses that are in-
vited to attend the surgical dress-
ing unit from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. today
at the League are Alumnae House,
Adelia Cheever, Collegiate Sorosis,
and Pi Beta Phi.
The dormitory committee of
Junior Project will meet at 5 p.m.
tomorrow in the League, the room
number to be posted. The meeting
is important as the sale of war
stamps and bonds in the dormi-
tories is to be surveyed. All com-
muittee members are urged to be

it off with a course in public health
at Ann Arbor.
Mrs. Maryanna Chockley Contole,
'37, a graduate in sociology, re-
signed her position as polce woman
in Detroit to become regional di-
rector of the Red Cross in Texas.
A Delta Gamma, she served as
president of Judiciary Committee
and Mortar Board during her Uni-
versity career, and was a member
of Wyvern.
Mary Hayden, '42, according to re-
ports is also somewhere in England
serving with 4he Trainee Service to
Armed Forces, a branch of the Ameri-
can Red Cross. She works 12 to 15
hours a day in one of the canteens set
up for American soldiers on leave. Her
duties include serving cokes and
American meals at a nominal price,
as well as listening to the troubles of
homesick doubhboys and entertaining
She was assigned to this job chief-
ly because of her experience in teach-
ing the men in the Union Opera to
dance, and her participation in other
extra-curricular activities such as
JGP, Wyvern and Scroll. She was a
member of Alpha Phi and for two
years president of Crop and Saddle.
Daily Creates
'Rosie Riveter'
From Charlotte
"Rosie, the Riveter," has revealed
the fact that an article in The Daily
was responsible for her application
for work in a local war plant, along
with those other patriotic coeds who
are now doing semi-skilled defense
work for the King Seely Corporation.
This particular "Rosie" is Charlotte
Papernick, '44Ed, who is working the
4:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. swing shift in
this local defense plant. She began,
"The work is hard, but it's lots of
fun." Of the forty coeds at the plant,
twenty work together in a group
which includes Peg Bartley, '43, Lil-
lian Bates, '44Ed, and Miss Papernick.
"We usually walk down to the plant
together," said Miss Papernick, "it
only takes about 20 minutes. Our shift
really starts at 4:40 p.m., and, al-
though we haven't received our first
ceck yet, we are getting very good
pay for part-time work."
When asked if she found it hard
to keep up her school work and spend
four hours a day in the factory, Miss
Papernick replied, "I haven't had any
trouble as yet, but school has just
started. However, I don't think it will
be too hard; it's really just a case of
learning to use every minute wisely.
Several of the girls are carrying extra
heavy programs, with lab courses and
Woman Is in Charge
Of N. Y. Manpower
Anna Marie Rosenberg is director
of manpower in New York State; a
woman is in charge of the employ-
ment and labor life of 2,800 persons.
Anna, a small brunette who loves
to wisecrack, has enormous power.
She decides how many women shall
take what kind of training, where
they shall take it, and when. She fits
workers into their places in the great
puzzle of war industry with the assur-
ance and accuracy of a veteran.

Glare Boothe Luce Spars Verbally
With William Fulbright in House

I -7
s r
In tune with youth and Spring
. .. DeLiso Debs sing a ,gayC
song. of 1943 fashians, withGus
variations. See our new ship- k E
Block Antelope, C
r ment of navy blues ... they'll Black Patent or
Blue Calf. . . $8.95 C
set you humming "it's fun to
be first with the new!"
108 East Washington Phone 2-2685
f s4 WT V UUU fLUiUuruu uLF

Guide to Beauty

Time for a
new permanent
Price from $6.50.
1205 S. University Ph. 4818

Keep up the morale.
look your prettiest always.
611 E. University

WASHINGTON- (P)- To the vot-
ers of Fairfield County, Conn.:
Your Congresswoman, Clare Boothe
Luce, had another big day in Wash-
ington. She:
1) Got into a debate in the House
and heard herself accused of imper-
2) Testified in behalf of Lend-
3) Got a rise out of the White
J. William Fulbright, a Democrat
who at 37 has been president of the
University of Arkansas and holds four
college degrees, touched off the de-
bate. He ripped into Republican Mrs.
Luce's freshman speech of last week,
when she said the United States must
Eastern, Central
War Times Battle
In County OfficeI
Mrs. Luella M. Smith is in a most
receptive mood for the donation of a
clock for her county clerk's office.
That would give her two clocks-
one labeled "court time" and giving
the hour in Eastern War Time; and
the other with a placard reading
"clerk's time" and giving the hour in
Central War Time.
The trouble is that Mrs. Smith
serves the county in two capacities,
and must operate on a different time
for each.
As county clerk she is on "slow"
time. As clerk to the circuit court she
is on "fast" time.
That's because Prosecutor George
Meader has ruled that Washtenaw
county and the county offices must!
operate on Central War Time, but
Judge George W. Sample is continu-
ing to hold court on Ann Arbor's East-
ern War Time.
As a. result, Mrs. Smith's office1
opens at 8:30 "fast" time and closes
at 5 o'clock "slow" time, or 6 o'clock
Ann Arbor time. That makes a nine
and a half-hour day, an hour more
than before time became so involved.

give immediate attention to post-war
aviation, with emphasis on what Brit-
ain is doing about it and what we
should start doing.
The First Round
Fulbright said Mrs. Luce advocated
a "narrow, imperialistic policy of
grab" which would be "probably the
most effective method imaginable of
bringing on a third World War."
Rep. Luce tried twice to interrupt,
but the gentleman from Arkansas
wouldn't yield, as they say in Con-
gress. When he had concluded his re-
marks, he and the gentlewoman from
Connecticut manned twin micro-
Inference vs. Implication
Mrs. Luce: The young and very,
able gentleman from Arkansas (Mrs.
Luce is two years his senior) has spok-
en rather loosely of what he called
my freedom of the air policy. By his
definition of what he calls a proper
policy, does he intend for this country
to control its own skies and airports
after the war?
Fulbright: I would say not any
more than we now control our ports
r:nder the traditional policy of free-
don of the seas.
Mrs. Luce: I would like to ask the
gentleman another question. In his
speech he said I "inferred" this- or
that. I inferred nothing. I implied,
and the gentleman from Arkansas did
ithe inferring. I ask the gentleman to
give a precise passage, a precise quote
from the text of my speech in Which

2 epartincen 1:



I said America must
ereignty of the skies
The Winner?
Fulbright: I don't
said exactly that.
Mrs. Luce: Give

control the sov-
of any other na-
think I said you
one passage in

Sri is
Oil its WAy!#

which I implied, inferred or stated
specifically that this country should
acquire air sovereignty in any other
nation without the consent of that
Fulbright: Would like me to read
your speech again to this House?
laughter). That is implicit through-
out your speech, as I see it.
Mrs. Luce: You are inferring.

Our Sturdy Denim
Efficiency Expert

Entrance of Spring in
print and plaid taffeta
with eyelet trim on col~
lar and on the three-
quarter length sleeves.

j l


t H.5


Wear it for housework, painting or pottering,
Victory gardening, war work. Designed by Claire
McCardell, it slips right over the clothes you want
to protect, or stands on its own merits as a com-
plete costume. Quilted catch-all pocket, pot-
holder mitt that swings from the waistband on a
tape. Blu4 navy and white, muted multicolor
plaids and checks. Sizes 10 to 20.





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