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February 18, 1943 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1943-02-18

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Fifty-Third Year
Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
regular University year, and every morning except Mon-
day and Tuesday during the summer session.
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of repub-
lication of all other matters herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second-class mail matter.
Subscriptions during the regular school year by car-
rier $4.25, by mail $5.25.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1942-43

National Advertising Service, Inc.
College P*bishersRepresentative
420 MAoioN AVE. NEW YORK. N. Y.


Axis Buster
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Editorial Staff

John Erlewine.
i-ving Jaffe .
Bud Brimmer ..
Marion Ford .
Charlotte Conover ..
Betty Harvey .

. . Managing Editor
Editorial Director
. . . City Editor
. .Associate Editor
Associate Editor
.'Sports Editor'
Women's Editor


Business Staff

t E.

WASHINGTON -- The House of
Representatives' ban on free" mailing
privileges of government departments
without Congressional okay is much
more significant than administratiou
leaders admit.
It shows that the Republicans to-
day really rule one house of Con-
They won by the narrow margin of
204 to 201. It was a test case. Ad-
ministration leaders vigorously op-
posed the mail ban on the ground it
would interfere with vital Army and
Navy mail.
For some time Democratic leaders
have expected growing defections in
Democratic ranks, chiefly among
Southern and farm congressmen.
However, the leaders were not pre-'
pared for the technique the coali-
tionists used in this case.
Actually, only six anti-New Deal
Democrats voted for the Keefe
amendment banning free mail for
Government bureaus , without Con-
gressional okay. What spelled de-
feat for the administration was the
fact that 19 other Democrats, includ-
ing 11 from the South, led by Repre-
sentative Hatton Sumners of Texas,
did not vote, thus assuring a Repub-
lican victory.
A few were legitimate absentees,
including Representative Jack
Cochran of Missouri, who has been
ill. But the majority absented
themselves deliberately, according
to House leaders. Representative
Sumners and others were reported
seen on the floor just before the
vote, but disappeared when the
clerk began to call the roll.
Besides Sumners and Cochran, oth-
er absentees were Representatives
Abernethy of Mississippi, Bland of
Virginia, Boykin of Alabama, Bryson
of South Carolina, Clark of North
Carolina, Cullen of New York, Do-
mengeaux of Louisiana, Heffernan

of New york, Kennedy of New York.
Lewis of Colorado, McGranery of
Pennsylvania, Maloney of Louisiana,
Mansfield of Texas, Morrison of Lou-
isiana, Norton of New Jersey. Sheri-
dan of Pennsylvania and Steagall of
Note: Democratic coalitionists have
decided to use the "stay-away" tech-
nique rather than outright voting
against the Administration. On close
votes, it is just as effective, since
House Republicans usually vote sol-
idly on all measures. Only two Re-'
publicans-Burdick of North Dakota
and Miller of Connecticut-out of
197 on the floor, were recorded as'
against the free mail ban.
Senator from New Mexico
When Vice President Guani of Uru-
guay was in Washington he was en-
tertained at luncheon by the Vice
President of the United States.
After luncheon, Vice President
Guani spoke eloquently, paying trib-
ute to the Good Neighbor- policy, and
for the benefit of the Americans pres-
ent his speech was translated from
Spanish into English by Senator Cha-
vez of New Mexico. Senator Chavez
has many Spanish-Americans among
his constituents and prides himself
on his knowledge of Spanish.
After Guani finished, Senator
Barkley of Kentucky, majority leader,
r'ose to reply. -He spoke eloquently in
English. And Senator Chavez rose to
translate into Spanish for the benefit
of the Uruguayan Vice President.-
But after a few sentences, Vice
President Guani interrupted.
"I think," he said, "that I can un-
derstand Senator Barkley's English
better than I can Senator Chavez's
Investigating Martiun:Dies
Two decisions were made at the
first closed-door meeting of the House

Appropriations sub-Committee name
to review Dies Committee charges o
un-Americanism against certain gov
ernment employes.
The sub-committee, headed by fair,
minded Representative John H. Ker
of North Carolina, decided first
hear only the individuals agains
whom the charges have been made
No character witnesses will be per
mitted to testify.
Second, the committee decided t
throw out any cases in which thern
is the slightest doubt about accuse
employes' loyalty to the Unite
States. The fact that an employ
has been a member or has attende
meetings of a so-called Communis
"front" group won't be consider
sufficient evidence to oust him fro
his job, in the eyes of the reviewin
This is significant, because vir-
tually all the evidence the Dies
Committee has on federal worker
is based on connections with "front'
organizations, like the League for
Peace and Democracy, now dis-
Chairman Kerr insisted that ther
must be conclusive proof of un-Amer
icanism before any employe is dis
charged, since "what we do may rui
a man and his family for life." Ker
urged super-caution in dealing wit
all cases, and he was vigorously sup
ported by the other members of th
subcommittee, Lane Powers of Ne
Jersey, Frank Keefe of Wisconsin
Albert Gore of Tennessee and Clinto
Anderson of New Mexico.
Representatives Powers said th
slogan of the committee should be
saying which had been drilled int
him at his alma mater, Pennsylvani
Military College:. "When wealth i
lost, nothing is lost; when health i
lost, something is lost; when charac
ter is lost, all is lost."
(Copyright, 1943, United Features Synd.)

Edward J. Perlberg
Fred M. Ginsberg
Uary dLou Curran
,lane Lindberg.



. Business Manager
Associate Business Manager
Women's Business Manager
Women's Advertising Manager

Telephone 23-24-1

Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.

Y ,; .



i .


Russian Success Is No
Cause for Complacency
T H- OLD American disease of "spectatoritis"
has taken hold again but this time it mani-
fests itself not by following the box scores but
rather the latest Russian communiques.
Sitting comfortably next to our radios we have
come to take for granted that the evening bulle-
tin from Moscow will carry the usual large num-
ber of successes. While it is perfectly all right to
rejoice In the achievements of our Russian allies,
we might benefit ourselves considerably more if
we inquired into the reasons for these successes.
If we do so, it can be found that no small part
was played by the more than 4,000 tanks and
3,000 planes which we and the British shipped
there in the past year.
This brings home once again the fact that
the war can be either won or lost on the pro-
dnetiou as well as the battle front. What we do
hear now will go far to determine whether or
not when spring rolls around again we will be
reading of the Russian reconquest of the
Ukraine or a resurgence of the crushing power
of the Nazi hordes. We can aid ourselves great-
ly by making the nightly Russian communique
a stihulus for action rather than a source of
ridiculous self-satisfaction. - Monroe Fink
Government Should
Make Specific Plans
SEN. WALTER F. GEORGE and Rep. Joe Hen-
dricks have introduced resolutions in their
respective houses asking for the creation of Con-
gressional committees to study economic policies
and plans for the post-war world. The signifi-
cance of this action is two-fold. First, it is addi-
tional strength in the ranks of the politically far-
sighted who realize that planning for after the
war must be done during the war; second, it
shows official cognizance of the fact that the
Upited States can and must have the deciding
voice at the post-war conference.
There have been too many people who din
the eternal "win the war first." They fail to
realize that after the war is won it will be too
late to plan the peace. Then it will be time to
make the peace, and unless it has been planned
first-and first means now-it will not be
made; it will be tragically botched up. Trying
to build a world without plans is comparable
to building house: if it's ever accomplished, it
won't be worth the trouble. It will fall to pieces
in the first strong wind.
Furthermore there have been enough well-in-
tentioned but pitifully sterile attempts at plan-
ning made by unrealistic academicians who are
politically conscious but also politically power-
These myriad plans, if plans ever grow out
of endless debates, will be just so many pieces of
paper unless they are considered dnd consolidated
by some coordinating body-a body with official
powers. Congressional committees can perform'
this function-they can get the advice of the
people who know and from it develop a plan to
present it to the people who have the power to
execute it-Congress as a whole.
THIS brings us to the second point. When the

Sorcerer s
Appren ice
By El Gordo
W HEN a new column starts, it is customary to
tell what it's going to be about.
That's a good custom because it saves a lot
of time for a lot of people who might otherwise
read for weeks without finding out that they
didn't want to read a column in the first place.
And there is no end of people like that.
So I'll tell you what I'm going to do. I'm going
to pick the world's flimsy structure to pieces and
reconstruct it here in these few lines of type.
I'll advise anyone who asks for advice and just
give it to others who don't.
Nobody will be immune from my lethal pat-
on-the-back if they've done something worth
patting about. And if they haven't, I'll happily
decry their efforts and leave them sobbing in
their handkerchiefs because they've failed.
It's a big thing to be an apprentice like I am,
because the boss is a pretty powerful man. He
can stick his fingers in anyone's pie and pull out
all the plums. He can dabble and dip into the
forbidden arts of criticism without it bouncing
That's what I'm going to try to do. It won't be
easy because there are too many people who
want to buy the arts of sorcery from you and
put them into a vault for the rest of your life.
It's no problem to find someone with the
ready cash or promises who will buy you off.
When you find him, you can always tell be-
cause that's when the crucial decision must
come. It means that everyone has to be careful
about making a wrong decision and selling out.
Selling out is a funny matter. When you're
young-just as you and I-you have many great
ideas. There's a whole world waiting to be set on
fire and it's not hard to do if you know what
you're doing all the time and do it by yourself.
But it's much too easy to stop-to sell out-be-
cause someone wants you to or has the power to
temporarily stop you. It's all like walking over a
whirlpool on a tightrope. Balance must be kept
or you're in the whirlpool and you've sold out.
So through this semester this column will be
based solidly on that promise-don't sell out. I
won't if you don't.
Then there are other things I'm going to do.
I'm going to crusade for anything I happen to
believe at any time. That's always been a
Daily columnist's prerogative and I like such
LAUGHTER is something else. I won't laugh
often because I don't know how very well.
Many things around us are funny and all sorts
of people declaim about the necessity for a sense
of humor, but it's too hard to laugh your way
through the keys of a typewriter, through a lino-
typist's fingers, a pot of hot lead, and a press and
still be funny. So laughter will be reserved for
special occasions and then it will be high-pitched,
screaming and maybe sarcastic. Most of the time
it will be easier to hang on the edges of humor
and satirize a few things.
Perhaps I'll even treat you to a little poetry
once in a while. Good stuff like this:
There were Edward and Errol Flynn-
Too bad both of them didn't win.
Or this:
To Africa went Roosevelt and Churchill

I'd. Rather
L Be, Right
NEW YORK-We must not let the Germans
forget for a minute that their theories are being
tried, along with their armies. The Germans
have got rid of their Jews, for example, but
without getting rid of their troubles. The mur-
derous irrelevancy of anti-Semitism is having its
supreme test. Jewish blood has flown from the
knives, according to the specifications set down
in the Horst Wessel song, and now what? Accord-
ing to the Horst Wessel doctrine, Stalingrad
should have been captured; there were no Jews
in Germany in a position to keep the Germans
from capturing the city. What has gone wrong
with the mumbo-jumbo?
German armies are being outfitted by compul-
sory labor, which has been set free of the curse
of overtime pay. Come boys, compulse away; but
why doesn't it help you more?
When France ran into military difficulties, we
were treated to 1,001 nights of oratory to the
effect that her decline was due to social legisla-
tion, the 40-hour week, and to the fact that the
French peasant had given up wearing woolen
stockings 'and had taken to disporting with
blondes at Deauville. I bend an earnow, most
anxious to hear the Chicago Tribune, Congress-
man Hoffman of Michigan and Captain Eddie
Rickenbacker explain what Germany's difficulties
are due to. They cannot be due to the 40-hour
week, because she did not have it. They cannot
be due to social legislation, for Germany has
abandoned it. They cannot be due to the blondes
of Deauville, for murder has taken the place of
merriment in Deauville these nights. They can-
not be due to labor leaders, of either the honest
variety or the racketeering variety, for there are
no labor leaders in Germany. Come now, and
let us have the speeches.
To off-the-cuff, or smoking-car political econ-
omists, I say open up now, and tell us about
Germany; let us hear why she is in trouble! I am
aching for the diagnosis.
A favorite Nazi myth is that German armies
were forced to retreat in 1918 because liberalism
and democracy had betrayed the country on the
home front. Now black reaction is in control
on the home front, but German armies are re-
treating again. It cannot be. How can Germans
retreat after having purified their race, after
having evolved the mystic union of blood and
soil, after having established one Reich, one
people, one Fuehrer? There are no "democrats,
Marxists and Jews" in control of the German
press, you get a bust in the nose if you open your
mouth anywhere in Germany, andyet German
armies are running faster than in 1918. German
women are in the kitchen, not in politics, and
1 look, it doesn't seem to make any difference. It
is astounding.
All the massive irrelevancies of twenty years
of reactionary and obscurantist European poli-
tics are going up in smoke. And the Jews are
dying, and who will be the new Jews to be
flayed for the new defeat?
Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy, are the politicians of
this earth going to have to talk turkey after, this
one. We are seeing the climax of the biggest
experiment in the history of the world in solving


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THURSDAY, FEB. 18, 1943
VOL. LIII No. 93
All notices for the Daily Official Bul-
letin are to be sent to tbe Office of the
President. In typewritten form by ,3:30'
p.m. of the day preceding its publica-
tion, except on' Saturday When the no"-
tices shOUld be subnitted by 11:30 a.m.
Army Enlisted Reserve Corps: Sopho-
more, Juniorand Senior Engineering stu-
dents who are 'in the Enlisted Reserve
Corps and in good academic standing are
eligible for deferment until the end of the'
Spring Term. Such students should nt'
Withdraw from school 'in "anticipation of
immediate call.
Pre-medical and pre-dental students and
those in certain other categories considered
eligible for deferment 'for the Spring Term
will be notified to that effect individually
within the next few days.
B. D. Thuma,
Armed Services Representative
Students in Enlisted Reseryes: All. V-1,
V-7, Marine Corps Reserves and ERC sti-
dents who have transferred to this' tni-
versity at the beginning of this term are
requested to report to Room "508 Rackha
Building at their, earliest convenience.
B. D. Thuma,
Armed -°Services Representative
The attention ofthose preparing to enter
the Hopwood contests is called to the 101-
lowing change in regard to paper: Swan
linen, sixteen pound weight, 8/2 x"11 inch-
es, must be. used for the first copy. The two
carbon copies may -be n any white paper
of the: same weight.
-R.- W. Cowden,
Director of the Hopwood Awards'
closing: hours :.:for -women students for
Sunday, February21, will be 11:00 p.mand
Monday, Washington's birthday, 12:00 mid-
Alice C. Lloyd,
Dean of Women
College of Literature, Science, and the
Arts, Schools of Education, Forestry, Music,
and Public Health: Students who received
marks of I or X at the close of their last
semester or suminer session-of attendance
will .receive a grade of E in the course or
courses unless this work is made up by
March 8. Students wishing an extension
of time beyond this date in order to make
up this work should file a petition ad-
dressed to the appropriate official in their
school with Room 4 of U.H. where it will
be transmitted.
Robert L. Williams, Asst. Registrar
The University Bureau of Appointments
has received the following notices:
The United States Civil Service Con-
mission announces these chances:
NO written examination unless other-
w-ise stated.
NO maximum age limit unless otherwise
NO closing date for filing applications
unless otherwise stated.
SALARIES for a standard Federal work
week of 48 hours (which includes 8 hours
overtime) have increased the basic salary
by 21TA.

THE PANAMA CANAL needs help. We
have a listing of positions open in the
Panama Canal which are vital to the war1
Trainee, Scientific & Technical Aid; no
closing date; $1;440 y~r. (plus overtime).a
Crop Production Specialist; no closing
date; $2,800 to'$8,000 (plus overtime).
Junior Soil Conservationists; po closing
date; $2,000 yr. (plus overtime).
Social Scientists; no closing date; $2,600 .
to $6,500 (plus overtime).
Printer's Asistant; March 23, 1943; $.66;
%n hi. (plus overtime).,
Further information may be had from
the notices which are on file in the office1
6f the Bureau of Appointments, 201 Ma-
son Hal, office hours 9-12 and 2-4.
Bureau of Appointments
And Occupational Information
University Lecture: Professor R. S. Knox,
Departmeiit of English, University of Tor-
onto, will lecture On the subject, "Recent
Sh akespearian Criticism," under the auspi-
ces of the pepatmient of:nglish Language
and Literature, on Monday, March'i, at 3:15
p.m. in the Rackham Amphitheatre. The
public is invited.
American Association of University Wo-
men aniounces the fifth 'lecture in the'
Current Events Series by Professor Preston
W. Slosson, today at 4:15 p.m. in the Rack-
ham Auditorium. Single admission avail-
able'"at' thfe door.'
University Lecture: Sir Bernard Pares,
English historian -and diplomat, will lee-
ture on the subject, "Russia Now," under
the auspices of the Department of His-
eory, on Tuesday, March 9, at 4:15 p.m. In
the Rackham Amphitheatre.
Walter Duranty, foreigncorrespondent
andh author; "will, be presenited, by '-the' 'Ora-
torical Association tonight at 8:15 in Hill
Auditorium. Mr. Duranty, who spent many
years in Russiau.and' the Far East, will
speak on the subject "When, East Meets
West in Battle." Tickets are on sale today
beginning at 10 a.m. at the auditorium box
Academic Notices
English, 4, sections 1 and 4 (College of
Engineering), will meet on Friday, Feb. 19,
at 8:00 and at 9:00 at the Speech Clinic,
1007 East Huron Street.
-R. M. Richman
Codes and Ciphers: All who are inter-
ested in learning how to solve secret mes-
sages are invited to attend the seminar on
Friday at 4:00 p.m. in 3011 A.H. No pre-
requisite except willingness to work.
A. H. Copeland
S. B. Myers
German 160 (Faust course) meets in 408
Library today, 4-6 p.m.
ROTC Drill: Thursday section will re-
port to the I-M Building at 4:00 p.m. today,
in uniform with gym shoes. Officers will
be prepared to give instruction in Manual
of Arms, Squad and Platoon Drill. Ref:
EM 22-5..
Mathematics 103, Section 1, meeting at

obtained from Mrs. George Langford, Chair-
man of Canteen, 6818, or from Red Cross
Headquarters, North Hall, 2-5546. Canteei
workers are needed. After receiving certifl
cates, they can be transferred to other
chapters of the American Red Cross.
A Piano Recital will be given by Mrs
.Maud Okkelberg, Assistant Professor of
Piano, School of Music, this evening at
8:30 o'clock in the Main Auditorium, Rack-
ham Educational Memorial, Woodward al
Farnsworth, Detroit. This is sponsored by
the School of Music in cooperation with
the University Extension Service.
Events Today
The Anatomy Research Club will meel
today at 4:30 p.m. in Room 2501 East Med.
ical Building. Dr. J. M. Farris of the De.
partment of Surgery will give a paper
entitled: "Refrigeration Anaesthesia in
Traumatic Surgery."
Tea will be served at 4:00 o'clock'..
Room 3402.
'All interested are cordially invited.
University women are invited to neet
and ask questions of Ensign Helen Shea of
the Waves, who will be at the War Infor
mation Center, Michigan League, on Thurs.
day and Friday, Feb. 18 and 19, from 10 tc
12 and from 1 to 5 pm.
Graduate Coffee Hour today, 7-8 p.n.
in the Men's Lounige,' Rackham Building.
All graduate and professional students in-
vited. Recorded music program will follov
from 8-10 p.m.
The Annual French Play. Tryouts for
the Annual French Play will be held today
and Friday. February 19, from 3:00 to 5:11
p.m., in Room 408, Romance Languag
Building. Any student on the campus whc
has some knowledge of 'the French lan-
guage may try out. If unable to attend
please see Professor Koella for special ap
pointment in Room 412, . L. Bldg. Eli
gibility cards are required.
Varsity Glee Club: Meeting will star
promptly at 7:30 tonight. The club wil
ping for the Freshmen at 8:00; please come
In proper attire. Bring two-dollar deposi"
for folders, a must for this semester.
The regular Thursday evening recor(
program in the Men's Lounge of the Rack
ham Building at 8:00 p.m. will be as fol
All Mozart-"Magic Flute" Overture, Pi
ano Concerto No. 14 in E flat major, Violir
Doncerto No. 5 in A major. 2 Piano Sonati
in D major, Symphony in D major (Haff
Michigan Dames home nursing group wil
meet tonight at 8:00 in the west end c
North Hall.
Coing Events
Hillel Foundation is having a new Stu
dcnt Mixer today, 4-6 p.m. Soldiers an
all students are cordially invited.
Graduate Outing Club will meet on Sun
day, Feb. 21, at 2:30 'p.m. at its clubroor
just inside the nortiwest Huron Stree
entrance of the Rackham Building. A

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