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May 14, 1943 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1943-05-14

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FItY6Ay; IN AY' 14, 19 13



New Rushing
Plan Is Passed
By Panhellenic
Fallacies of Deferred System
Are Done Away With by Three
Amendments Added Yesterday
The new plan of extended rushing
for next fall and three amendments
to that plan were passed at the Pan-
hellenic meeting yesterday.
Lengthening the rushing season to
a six weeks period, the plan 'will en-
able freshmen and all new students
to the campus who are going out for
rushing to better orient themselves
to the University. At the same time
it does away with the fallacies of the
old deferred rushing system.
The amendments stated first that
the usual period of silence during
rushing will affect only freshman
rushees and transfer students.
Second that the ban on coke dates
will end for freshmen with the pledg-
ing of upperclassmen in January.
Third that there will be a system
of setting off the sorority houses into
geographical districts to facilitate
rushees visiting each house.
The plan was evolved by the dele-
gates from fourteen sorority houses
on campus at a recent round table
discussion. The houses were working
in conjunction with Miss Lloyd to
plan a rushing system that would
be a favorable compromise between
early fall rushing and deferred rush-

Union To Hold
Double Feature

Any 'Male' Today?

ITo Climax



is happy!

For the last breather before the
"final" stretch, the Union is offering
a double feature this week-end-a
"Pan-American Fiesta" from 9 p.m.
to midnight today and a "Final
Fling" from 9 p.m. to midnight to-
The "Fiesta" is sponsored by the
Latin American Society and Bill Saw-
ver's Orchestra will play a variety
of congas, and rhumbas in addition
to the latest popular pieces. From
time to time during the evening, the
spotlight will be turned on one of
the exhibition couples who will give
novelty demonstrations.
According to George Simonelli,
publicity chairman for the dance, a
Chilean quartet will sing a group of
South American songs during the
intermission. Members of the quar-
tet are Guillermo Torres with his
guitar, Hiram Albala, Ernesto Gomez
and Jorge Sims. Heading the Chi-
lean group will be Jose MacCourtney,
social chairman of the society.
"Final Fling" traditionally the last
Union dance of the year, will be
characterized by the usual Union in-
formality. Soldiers stationed on cam-
pus will be admitted at half price,
and are especially invited to take
advantage of the occasion because
the Union Ballroom will be closed
for week-end dancing until the sum-
mer term begins at the end of June.
Alumnae Association
Of Mercy Hospital E
Will Sponsor Dance
The Mercy Hospital Alumnae Asso-
ciation will hold their spring dance
from 9 p.m. to midnight today in the
ballroom of the League.
Gerald Chesley and his Chesmen
will play for the affair which is open
to the public. Special guests will be
the service men stationed on campus.
Formal dress is optional.
Heading the committee in charge
of the dance are Dorien Chandanais
and Bernice Schlamb, co-chairmen.
Maurine Meisenzhal is in charge of
the house committee, and in charge
of securing the orchestra is Ruth
Vorce. Eleanor- Hilinger will take
care of the decorations while Alice
Samp and Ruth Hackett will handle
ticket sales and publicity respectively.
War Clubs To Aid
WAAC Recruiting
LANSING- ()- Capt. Donald S.
Leonard, state director of civilian
defense, recently requested local
neighborhood war clubs and defense
councils to aid in spurring recruit-
ment of WAACs which he said had
lagged seriously throughout the
Leonard disclosed that Don C.
Weeks, director of the civilian war
service division of the state OCD,
had sent to each council a plan to
add new impetus to the faltering
Under the new plan, Leonard ex-
plained, neghborhood war club mem-
bers will visit every home to canvass
families for prospective WAAC en-
American Association of Uni-
Xersity Women will hold their an-
nual luncheon at 12:45 p.m. to-
morrow at the League.
The luncheon will be followed
by an election of officers for the
coming year. Reservations must
be made at the League before to-
morrow night.

Weary Students
To Seek Refuge
At Rec-Rally
"A heaven-sent opportunity for
students to let down their hair for
an evening before starting to crawl
into their books," according to the
ecmmittce in charge, the final Rec-
Rally will provide games, square
dancing, and a class in calling "dos a
dos" for dancing from 8:30 p.m. to
11:00 p.m. tomorrow in Barbour and
Waterman Gyms.
Hostesses will oversee the various
events planned for the students and
specially invited soldiers. The first
part of the evening will be devoted
to sports, and the class in calling
dances taught by Mr. Howard Liebee
will be conducted at the same time,
8:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m., in the Fencing
Phyl Present, '44, and her commit-
tee are planning a Rec-Rally which
will be a grand finale to the semes-
ter's "rallying" activities.

pressing Unit
Closes Today
One Hour Per Coed Is Goal
As End of Term Approaches
Every girl on campus has an op-
portunity to help the boys on the
figifting fronts by working at the
surgical dressings unit sometime be-
tween 1 p.m. and 5 p.m. today at the
League, Jean Whittemore, chairman
of the unit, said yesterday.
This is absolutely the last time the
unit will be open before finals begin,
and it is the duty and right of every
coed to spend at least one hour of
these last four folding dressings for
the boys, she stated.
Chi Omega, Alpha Epsilon Phi,
Delta Delta Delta, University House
and the Ann Arbor Coeds are espe-
cially invited to attend today'. Since
it is the goal of the Pan-H{ellenic
board to have every sorority woman
put in at least one hour at the unit
this year, it is hoped that every
member especially invited1 will cole.

1.99 bottle
Liquid stockings love-
ly as any silks or
nylons you've ever
owned! Jgist smooth
them on, they'll stay
fresh and clear 'til
scrubbed with soap.
a- "F
z- -



Navy Hospital Corps Is Invaded
By Women in Medical Profession


Post Girl: Mrs. Nellie Beckman
is the first woman mail carrier to
serve California.
OWl Needs No
Blonde Locks
WASHINGTON (P)- The Office of
War Information likes blondes but
doesn't need any of their hair. An
avalanche of parcels containing ev-
erything from single strands to size-
able hanks folloxvd a report that
OWI wanted long blonde tresses for
war production purposes.
Since it had no use for the hair,
OWI investigated and found that
the Washington Institute of Tech-
nology at College Park, Md., which
has a war contract, could use a lim-
ited quantity in making weather in-
struments. The hair and a few bales
of correspondence went to this com-
pany. For hair that is accepted the
price is $1 an ounce, payable in war
OWI reported that its blonde hair
correspondents indicated "an intense
desire, to make a contribution to the
war effort," only a few of them ask-
ing any payment.
From a Masachusetts town came
a shoebox filled with blonde tresses,
the donor explaining that she had
lost a cousin in North Africa and
was giving the government "a most
treasured possession" to help win
A resident of Cowan', Tenn., of-
fered her hair, "42 inches in length"
and "uncontaminated by nothing
whatever," while a Springfield, Mass.,
woman reported she had a shoebox
full "and it isn't a light blonde but
light on the blonde side."

More than 1,100 women, according
to a Navy report, have been accepted
by the hospital corps, and 600 more
a month are being sought, as women
turn to the doctoring profession to
aid the war effort.
Having women reserves in the hos-
pital corps started as an experiment,
but it has now become an established
Sprogram with a fixed quota of 6,000.
"Commanding officers are warm in
their praise of the women reserves
in the hospital corps who havevre-
lieved men for duty afloat and over-
seas," the statement added.
What does it take to be a woman
doctor? It takes, according to Dr.
Elizabeth H. Newkom, a woman who
is not afraid of hard work. Medical
school is tough with long hours, and
afterwards a doctor must be ready,
!at any time for service.
I Must Be Human
The woman doctor must have, be-
sides, a storehouse of information in
her brain, and the patience and abil-
ity to win her patients' trust-she
Dances To Be Held
Two dances will be held from 9 p.m.
to midnight today in spite of the
rapid approach of Finals.
The Phi Gamma Deltas, popularly
referred to as the "Fijis," will hold
their traditional annual South Sea
Island Formal today. Guests are
planning to appear in grass skirts,
sarongs and beachcombing outfits.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Kinkeid and
Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Sinn will act as
Theta Delta Chi will hold a formal
at the chapter house which -will be
chaperoned by Mr. and Mrs. E. F.
Barker and Mr. and Mrs. C. Brewer.

must be human. She must be able
to take in her stride the unfriendli-
ness of those few doctors who have
not accustomed themselves to accept-
ing women doctors as their equal.
In return the woman dloctdr gets
satisfaction from her job, the 'satis-
faction that she is taking an active
part in the war; the satisfaction of
a good job well done when a Datient
recovers; the greatest satisfaction life
offers when a life is saved. She gains
friendships and inspiration through
her work~.
Can Combine Marriage
It is not impossible, Dr. Newkom
says, to successfully combine mar-
riage and medicine. It is not im-
possible to be considered an equal by
men doctors especially now that wo-
men doctors are "coming into their
own." it is often easier for a woman
to get closer to her patients than a
Dr. Newkom says that she would
want no other life for herself, and
"As more women enter the field of
medicine, the disadvantages will be
overcome." At present we aire de-
pendent on quality but in the future
quantity will help us as well."
Transportation will be provid-
ed for all persons wishing to at-
tend the Nineteenth Annual-Crop
and Saddle Spring Horse Show to
be held at 3 p.m. Saturday. Peo-
ple wishing a ride out to the Golf-
side Stables are requested to meet
in front of Barbour Gym at 2 :0
p.m. Entries for the show Will
be accepted from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m.
today at the Crop and Saddle Club
booth 'in the lobby of the Leaguie.
Further details about the shoiw
may be obtained by calling Pat
Coulter, '45, at Mosher Hall.


29c pr.

. .1

Protection for your
fcet and shoes when
you wear liquid stock-
ings. Socklets of soft
spun rayon. Natural.





is worried!I
Mrs. Jones' fur coat is safe .. .
it's free from moths . . . safe
from burglars . . . and fire
. and heat . . . because it's
in Hogan-Hayes' Fur Storage
Vaults. Mrs. Smith is worried.
Her fur coat is still in her
home. A tasty morsel for moths.
... a rich haul for some prowl-
ing burglar . . . at the mercy
of fire and subject to deterior-
ation from summer heat.
Hogan-Hayes, Michigan's
Largest Exclusive Furriers, will
store your fur coat in their
scientifically protected cold fur
Storage vaults at very little.
cost. Hogan-Hayes' thorough
gas fumigation and steriliza-
tion process completely de-
stroys all germs and moth eggs.
Don't Delay! Call 2-5656 right
now for bonded messenger. No
charge for pick-up and deliv-
ery. Express charges paid both
ways for out-of-town custo-
mers. $3 for coats valued up
to $100.


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Enjoy yourself in our comfortable,
action freeing slacks

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Smart two-piece slack suit
with weskit-cut jacket, short
sleeves acd trim man-tailored
slacks of spun rayon. Sizes
12 to 20. Green, wine and
light blue.
Two-tone slack suit, short
sleeve blouse with contrast-
ing color, comfortably cut
slacks. Sizes 12 to 20. Red
and Black, Blue and Navy.


Brisk little shoes that are good
for plenty of promenading!
Smart, tailored, perfect-
fitting! Square or "walled"
toes for roomy comfort!
Pumps come also in BLUE,


Cotton Sr.hirts

seen in Vogue and



and plain colors.
Size 34 to 40.
11.25 end !Q

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