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May 08, 1943 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1943-05-08

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Fifty-Third Year
Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
regular University year, and every morning except Mon-
day and Tuesday during the summer session.
Member of The Associated Press
Tie Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of repub-
lication of all other matters herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second-class mail matter.
Subscriptions during the regular school year by car-
rier $4.25, by mail $5.25.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1942-43
National Advertising Service, Inc.
C College Publisbers Representative

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1 4

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Booby trap



Editorial Staff

x r*,
- ,.Dt
w. .

Bud Briminer .
Leon Gordenker
Marion Ford .
Charlotte Conover.
Betty Harvey
James Conant .
Eiziabeth Carpente
Pat Gehlert
Jeanne Lovett
Martha. Opsion
Sybil Perlmutter
Molly Winokur
Margery Wolfson
Barbara Peterson
Rosalie Frank .

. . . . Editorial Director
. . . . . .City Editor
. . . . . Associate Editor
. . . . . Associate Editor
. . . . Women's Editor
. . . . . . Columnist
Business Staff
r . Local Advertising
. . . . . Circulation

_ r,>

LILY PONS starred last night in an
extremely careful and well-con-
trolled performance. When her se-
lections depended solely upon piysi-
cal ornamentation and decorative
patterns, she was thoroughly com-
petent-as was especially evident in
the Faure song and the Rossini area.
She handled the difficult Queen of
the Night Aria with amazing accur-
acy, although more expression and
volume were necessary. Also I would
have preferred it in the original
German rather than French. Breath-
ing difficulties occurred at times--
in the Variations on a theme by Mo-
zart, and later, accompanying her
somewhat excessive flourishes in the
aria, "Una voce poco fa." But simi-
lar flourishes in her first encore,
"Les Filles de Cadix," were quite
Miss Pons' assets--her range and
staccato preciseness-overbalanced
considerably her weaker points-
thinness and lack of dramatic ex-
pression. Nevertheless, even the
thin quality was absent at times
-especially so in the Air by Saint-
Saens, and in the encore, Estrel-
lita. I, for one, did not like her
superfluous, theatrical variations in
the last encore, the Blue Danube
Waltz; but the audience seemed to
enjoy it. All in all, Miss Pons
merited the enthusiastic response
of the audience.
EVERYTHING that was lacking in
the orchestra's playng yesterday
afternoon appeared in the inspired
performance last night. Opening with
the Overture to "Oberon," Saul Cas-
ton exercised precise control, and
the Philadelphia Orchestra respond-
ed with unrelenting virtuosity. The
first portion of "Espana" was slight-
ly inferior to the rest of the pro-
gram, but the proper spirit and co-
ordination were soon established.
The main fault that one can find
with the music of Tchaikovsky is the

manner in which it is usually inter-
preted, rather than the ideas and
mechanisms employed in the actual
composition. Intense emotion usual-
ly becomes distorted hysteria; drama
becomes melodrama. It is with this
in mind that one can even more
fully appreciate Mr. Caston's inter-
pretation. With a vital sincerity and
directness, the Philadelphia Orches-
tra gave an almost unsurpassable
version, with only a rare excess of
soaring and exaggeration. High
praise is due the various sections of
the orchestra, to the woodwinds and
horns, in particular; the French
horn solo of the second movement
was outstanding.
The high point in the excellence of
the present Series has been reached.
D. P.
Afternoon Concert
is not this reviewer's intention to
be clever, or to bore the general read-
ing public with technical music
terms. If those who think they know
music find faults, they are asked to
consult the reviewer at his conven-
Outstanding at yesterday after-
noon's concert was Astrid Varnay's
interpretation of Wagnerian arias.
Her voice was clear and powerful;
her breathing, sensitive and well-
controlled. Her voice and style are
extremely adaptableto Wagnerian
opera. Noticeable, however, in the
opening bit of the excerpt from
"Siegfried" was a slight wavering
and uncertainty of notes; earlier
in the program, too, her Mozart
aria contained slight distortions
and some uncovered notes. But, in
general, her performance was ex-
A special feature yesterday was the
Festival Youth Chorus, under the di-I

0 Z4e?6ditor.
It seems that The Daily could do
better in selecting critics to represent
them in the music field. It may not
be Mr. Protetch's task to decide
whether Mr. Baccaloni's subject mat-
ter is fitting for the concert stage,
but it is also not his task to decide if
Mr. Baccaloni can sing or not.
Great men who have studied music
all their life find it very hard to
judge a good singer and above all do
not stoop to such depths as to decide
whether one of the world's finest
artists gives a performances of
"rough spots and flat notes."
Duane F. Burdick
Norman H. Schottin
rection of Marguerite Hood, singing
a Fantasy made up of folk songs of
the United Nations. The songs were
cute; the children were cute; every-
one thought so. The children's vol-
ume was just sufficient to indicate
that they were articulating; and the
less said about the amateurish or-
chestration by Marion McArtor, as
well as the sloppy performance of
the orchestra, the better.
The Philadelphia Orchestra was
conducted by Saul Caston, and they
opened the program with the Over-
ture to the "Marriage of Figaro."
Though this was well done, miore
bite and precision would have bet-
tered the performance.
Brahms' Symphony No. 1 was
played in fittingly pretentious fash-
ion. To my mind, this is one of .the
worst examples of Brahms' attempts
to be momentous and monumental.
Based on small but excellent themes,
this work is inflated to the point of
boredom; crafty instrumentation a-
lone does not make for great music.
However, it was in this work that
Mr. Caston had best control of the
orchestra. -David Protetch


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. .Contracts
. . National Advertising
. . . Promotion
Classified Advertising
Women's Business Manager

Telephone 23-24-1
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.

' ==

Overburdened Hospital
Staff Must Have Help
A GAIN the Manpower Corps is pleading for
men to help the overburdened hospital staff.
Realizing that they have two strikes against
them with finals coming up and many men go-
ing into the Army, they still need help des-
So great is the need that all hour requirements
have been waived, and prospective workers may
name the number and the particular time that
they will work. Previously the hospital has de-
manded that every worker on salary work at
least 14 hours. Now anyone who can work an
hour a week will be paid 57 cents for that hour.
The work is simple, unskilled labor, but it is
vitally necessary to the functioning of a big hos-
pital. Dishes must be washed, trays must be
made up and workers must be fed. Busy as stu-
dents are today there must be some hours that
are free to do this essential work.
It may not be as glamorous as shooting down
26 Jap planes, it may not seem as noble as being
a Navy nurse, people may applaud the returning
heroes more, but work of this sort is vitally
necessary if the civilian front is to be protected
from enemies from within: disease, contagion
and illness. - Margaret Frank
Action Must Be Taken
Against Admiral Robert
Admiral Robert has declared himself for Vi-
chy. The time has come to oust that Nazi dupe
from the Western Hemisphere.
Admiral Robert is aiding the Nazis as surely
as if he were at war with us. He is tying up
many U.S. warships around Martinique.
Admiral Robert is doing to the United States
precisely what Il Duce did to France before he
finally stabbed it in the back. We cannot afford
to allow these "peaceful" enemies to exist in the
Breaking relations is not enough, U.S. forces
must occupy the island now. The civilian
administration can then be elected by the in-
habitants who from recent reports are 95%
Swift and effective military action, and not
meaningless' diplomatic claptrap must be our
answer to Admiral Robert's anti-Allied stand.
-Ed Podliashuk

WASHINGTON, May 8.- Before the summer
is over, Adolph Hitler will know that he has a
tough poker player to deal with. This is more
than a figure of speech. Major Gen. Ira C.
Eaker, Commanding General of the Eighth U.S.
Air Force, in England, is not only a top-fighting
flyer, but also the best poker player in the Air
He knows when to fold a bad hand, and when
to stay in to the finish. This summer, with more
air power than any other American officer ever
commanded at any time or place, Gen. Eaker will
stay in to the finish. And he firmly believes that
the blow he intends to deal will be decisive.
For months he has been fighting for more
equipment, and now he is ready to fight with it.
Until now he has had so few bombers that the
number has been a strict military secret. But
beginning now, he is getting so many bombers
that it's much more of a secret.
There is a lot of guesswork about where the
Allies will stagean invasion of the continent-
and when. But there is no guesswork about Gen.
Eaker's invasion. He has now finished with ex-
periments, and is ready to supplement the RAF
raids by putting great formations of American
bombers in the air, three, four and five times a
week. He is prepared to carry such destruction
to factories and rail lines on the continent that
Hitler's troops cannot move from one place to
Eaker says that the Vegasack raid pulled the
trigger. That was the end of experiments. It's
now clear that the American method of daylight
high-altitude precision bombing is a success. The
case is proved, and from this point forward the
method will be applied with the skill and ruth-
lessness which Eaker himself personifies.
Eaker is one of the most offensive-minded men
in the Army. He would rather use his last plane
and his last pilot in attack than to resort to
safer tactics of defense.
One day last winter he received a message
from Washington asking if he wanted anti-air-
craft equipment to defend his airdromes in Eng-
land. His reply was-"Use that shipping space
to send me more stuff and more men to fight
He runs the U.S. air show from England with
the same offensive tactics he uses in his poker
game. He is rough. In pre-war days, Jack Gar-
ner, champion poker player of Washington,
learned those tactics, to his sorrow. And more
recently, Lieut. Gen. Carl Spaatz has learned
some of Eaker's poker. There is no penny-ante
about it.
Eaker has his enemies in the Air Corps, largely
because he has passed them by. Or perhaps be-
cause he has broken them. Once he discharged
a fighter pilot from the service for failure to
open his canopy in a forced landing.
Eaker is indifferent to popularity. In fact, he
distrusts officers who are conspicuously popular,
fearing they will dictate fighting policy accord-
ing to humane considerations. Eaker's policy is
relentless; it may be hard on his men, and most
of them think he is tough, but it's harder on
Eaker had hoped to get a fighter command,

P'd Rather
Be Right
NEW YORK, May 8.- The political game for
next year will be to hook as many voters as pos-
sible, even if you have to bait some of your hooks
with fish and others with meat.
Thus, while most Republicans are proclaiming
that isolation is finished, most of them, also, are
for a return to what they call states' rights.
They are in favor of closer relations with
London, but more remote relations with Wash-
ington. They grant that the world is shrink-
ing, but they contend that this country is get-
ting bigger. They admit that the world must
solve its problems as one, but they hold that
America can solve its problems in fractions.
They are turning outward and inward simul-
taneously, a contortion perhaps attended with
The result is a curious double-vision, in which
the victim sees new American air-lines spanning
the whole of a shrunken world, while each town
and state in this country makes its own rules as
to labor, competition, regulation, etc. It is a
vision big as the world and small as a pea; large
enough to ride on and handy enough to keep in
your pocket.
Another double-baiting of the hook takes
place when it is argued (not only by Republi-
cans) that this time we must really take care
of the boys when they come marching home,
and also that we must weed out the alphabet
In other words, we must do more with less. We
must take care of the boys and we must fire
those officials who alone can take care of them.
We must cultivate the garden of democracy,
but down with hoes. The intention is to do it,
but by telepathy, and for free.
The hook for votes is baited two different ways,
again, when it is argued that centralized govern-
ment interferes too much with individual liber-
ties, and also hurrah for state's rights in Kansas,
which has just passed a law sharply restricting
the labor movement.
This sort of thing goes on all the time. As
when it is argued (by the isolationist press)
that this internationalist Roosevelt govern-
ment of ours has got to stop giving orders to
private citizens, and also, that, after the war,
when we get rid of Mr. R.'s ideas, we are going
to need compulsorypeacetime military train-
ing to be safe in the world though separated
from it.
The individual is going to be free as the air
and dressed in buttons.
If you add these appeals together (and some
politicians do) the voter is asked to endorse a
dream in which America will be entirely free to
do business anywhere, but will have obligations
nowhere; in which everybody will be taken care
of, but by nobody; in which we shall be allowed
to lead our own lives, except when we take a
couple of years out for compulsory peacetime
military training, to make it safe for the isola-
tionists to lead their own lives.
It will also be a world in which we shall steer
a safe course through the troubled future, but
each state and city is going to do its own steer-
_ _ . . . . . . . - .



VOL. LIII No. 160
All notices for the Daily Official Bul-
letin are to be sent to the Office of the
President in typewritten form by 3:30
p.m. of the day preceding its publica-
tion, except on Saturday when the no-
tices should be submitted by 11:30 a.m.
Seniors: The firm which furnishes di-
plomas for the University has sent the
following caution: "Please warn graduates
not to store diplomas in cedar chests.
There is enough of the moth-killing aro-
matic oil in the average cedar chest to
soften inks of any kind that might be
stored inside them, resulting in seriously
damaging the diplomas."
Shirley W. Smith
To Students Graduating at Commence-
ment, May 29, 1943:
Diplomas not called for at the offices
of the Recorders of the several Schools
and Colleges, immediately following the
Commencement Exercises, or at the Busi-
ness Office by June 2, will be mailed C.O.D.
The domestic postage payable under these
conditions will be 27c for the larger sized
rolled diplomas and 36c for the book form.
Will each graduate, therefore, be cer-
tain that the Diploma Clerk has his cor-
rect mailing address to insure delivery by
mail? The U.S. Mail Service will, it is
expected, return any diplomas which can-
not be delivered. Because of adverse
conditions abroad, foreign students shouid
leave addresses in the United States, if
possible, to which diplomas may be mailed.
It is preferred that ALL diplomas be
personally called for.
Herbert G. Watkins,
Assistant Secretary 1
The Annual Spring Convocation of the
College ofPharmacy will be held Monday,
May 10, at 4:15 p.m., in the East Lecture
Room of the Rackham Building. Dr.
Malcolm Soule will speak on "Some As-
pects of the Practice of Medicine in
South America." All pharmacy students
are expected to be present and friends
of the College of Pharmacy are cordially

should be called for beginning May 11 at
Room 2048 Natural Science Building. f
-Robert L. Williams, I
Assistant Registrar l
German Table for Faculty Members willc
meet Monday at 12:10 p.m. In the Found-
ers' Room Michigan Ufnion. Members of
all departments are cordially invited.
There will be a brief talk on "Rheinischel
Parteipolitik" by Mr. Philippson.3
Willow Run Bomber Plant: Mr. E. D.l
Brown. Employment manager for the Wil-
low Run Bomber Plant, will be in our
office on Thursday and Friday, May 13 and
14, to interview seniors interested in
mer vacation work). Call Ext. 371 for an
-Bureau of Appointments
And Occupational Information
Pennsylvania central Airlines: A repre-
sentative is coming to interview girls on1
Wednesday, May 12. They are particularlyy
interested in girls for reservationists or
ticket agents. Call Ext. 371, office hoursf
9-12 & 2-4 for an appointment.
-Bureau of Appointments1
And Occupational Information
Summer jobs for men: The Detroit City
and Fuel Company is looking for men.
They must be over 16 years of age. Pay
is excellent. Information regarding appli-
cation for these jobs may be secured at,
the office of the Bureau of Appointments,
201 Mason Hall, 9-12 a.m. and 2-4 p.m.
-Bureau of Appointments
And Occupational Information
Goodyear Aircraft Corporation, Akron,
is sending a representative to interview
WOMEN for their Junior Engineer College
Program starting in June. A salary is paid
during the training period of six months.
(High school mathematics will meet the
requirements.) Interviews are being sched-
uled for Wednesday, May 12. Call Ext. 371
uled for Wednesday. May 12. Call Ext. 371,
office hours 9-12 and 2-4.
-Bureau of Appointments
and Occupational Information
The Michigan Bell Telephone Company,
Detroit, is sending representatives Tues-
day, May 11, to interview women gradu-
ates. They are interested in girls for
contact work and also those with statis-
tical & accounting training. The jobs
are open to any women whose homes
are in Michigan, or any others interested
in working in the state of Michigan. The
openings will be in district offices which
are located in the main cities. Interviews
will be scheduled at fifteen-minute inter-
vals. Call Ext. 371, office hours 9-12 &
-Bureau of Appointments
and Occupational Information
Academic Notices
Bacteriology 312 Seminar will meet Tues-
day, May 11, at 4:15 p.m. in Room 1564
East Medical Building. Subject: "Carbon
dioxide utilization by bacteria." All in:
terested are invited.
Doctoral Examination for Karl Eugene
Goellner, Zoology; thesis: "The Life Cycle
and Productivity of the Crayfish Cambarus

By action of the Executive Board, the
Chairman may invite members of the fac-
ulties and advnced doctoral candidates
to attend this examination and he may
grant permission to those who for suffi-
cient reason might wish to be present.
-C. S. Yoakum
Doctoral Examination for Morris Weitz,
Philosophy; thesis: "The Method of Aial-
ysis in the Philosophy of Bertrand Rus-
sell." Monday, May 10, 4:30 p.m., 204
Mason Hall. Chairman. D. H. Parker.;
By action of the Executive Board, the
Chairman may invite members of the fac-
ulties and advanced doctoral carididates
to attend thisexamination and he may
grant permission to those who for suffi-
cient reason might wish to be present.
-C. S. Yoakum
Doctoral Examination for StephenPinek-
ney Hatchett, Zoology; thesis: "Biology
of the Isopoda of Michigan." Today, 3089
Natural Science Bldg., 9:00 a.m. Chair-
man, F. E. Eggleton.
By action of the Executive Board, the
Chairman Viay invite members of the fac-
ulties and advanced doctoral candidates
to attend this examination and he may
grant permission to those who for suffi-
cient reason might wish to be presenti
-C. S. Yoakui
Prospective Business Administration Stu-
dents: Students planning to enter the
School of Business Administration in the
Summer Term should make application
and arrange for admission interviews prior
to final examination time,. Application
blanks and information available in Room
108 Tappan Hall.
The May Festival. The Philadelphia Or-
chestra at all concerts:
This afternoon, 2:30: Alexander Brailow-
3ky, Pianist; Shostakovich Fifth Sym-
phony; Eugene Ormandy, Conductor.
Tonight, 8:30: verdi's Requiem Mass;
Choral Union; Stella Roman, soprano;
Kerstin Thorborg, contralto; Frederick Ja-
gel, tenor; Alexander Kipnis, bass; Eugene
Ormandy, Conductor.
During the Festival period all remaining
tickets will be on sale at the box office in
Hill Auditorium.
Concert-goers are requested to be seated
on time since doors will be closed during
Holders of season tickets will please
detach, before leaving home, the respec-
tive tickets for the several concerts. Door
checks will be required to gain re-admit-
tance at intermission periods.
For obvious reasons visitors will not be
admitted to rehearsals.
The University Musical Society will ap-
preciate the cooperation of all concert-
goers in facilitating all matter pertaining
to the Festival for the greatest possible
comfort and convenience of those attend-
-Charles A. Sink, President
Fourteenth Annual Exhibition of Sevlp-
ture, Michigan League Building. Open

Victory Garden Plots A to Z
ready for use Saturday, May 8.
rain interferes again, Plots 1 to
be plowed, fitted and ready for
Tuesday, May 17. Plots 42 to 179
ready in a few days.

will bej
41 will
use on
will be

-0. E. Roszel
All Students, Registration for Summer
Term and Summer Session: Each student
should plan to register for himself ac-
cording to the alphabetical schedules for
June 24 and 25. Registrations by proxy
will not be accepted.
-Robert L. Williams
Assistant Registrar
Registration Material, Colleges of L. S.
& A., Education, Music, Public Health:
Students should call for summer term
and summer session registration material
at Room 4 University Hall beginning May
11. Please see your adviser and secure
all necessary signatures before examina-
tions begin.

John Monroe is a war
red house on Avenue R

broker who has a big
in the capital and a

nest of Congressional hornets buzzing around
him. The House Military Affairs Committee had
that tight-lipped man on the carpet last week
and the hearings made black headlines in some
of the nation's papers.
" rr _,- - a-a un 1 - -

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