jAC=E T770
T~~r Mi-HiGAr1DI
~- 1$4~
Basic Course
To Be Given
StidentW Will Enter'
Army T.rough iDaft,
Take Usual Training
With the completion on May 29
of the present ROTC advanced
course offered at the University for
junior and senior students, the pro-
gram will be discontinued and only
the basic course will be given in thea
future, Capt. Swyler, Assistant Pro-
fessor of Military Science and Tac-
tics, said yesterday.
Basic training for freshmen and
sophomore students will be rede-
signed to cover as much ground as
is possible in the subjects dealt with
in Army basic training, to give the
men an advantage after they are in-
Will Go Through Draft
From now on everyone taking basic
courses at the University will enter
the Army through the draft and take
basic training with other selectees,
Capt. Swyler said. They may apply
for commissions in competition with
other selectees, but nothing will be
"The basic courses here will be
like any other college course. It will
train them, but it won't guarantee
them a job when they get out," he
added. "They will have an advantage
in being on familiar ground in their
Army basic training, but they will
need a lot the ROTC hasn 't been
able to give them because of lack of
time and space. But nobody can
ever have too much training.
Advanced Men Will Go to OCS
Under the present setup second se-
mester seniors taking the advanced
course here will go to Officers Candi-
date School at the end of this se-
mester, while first semester seniors
and juniors will first take basic
training ad then go to OCS.
The four-semester basic course
originally led to the advance course
and eventually to a commission. Now
it will continue to be offered here
indefinitely but will serve merely as
a preparation for OCS, provided the
candidate is accepted for officers
training after he enters the Army
through the draft.
Navy Mothers
To Give Dance
Ann Arbor Service Men
Are Invited To Attend
All army and navy personnel sta-
tioned in Ann Arbor are invited to
attend a dance at 8:30 p.m. today at
the USO in the Y.M.C.A. Building.
Men in uniform may come alone
or bring along their dates. Coeds
and girls from the various churches
will serve as hostesses for the affair.
Refreshments will be served.
The Navy Mothers Club of Ann
Arbor is sponsoring this entertain-
ment as part of a regular program
to provide members of the armed
forces stationed here with adequate
entertainment facilities.
Mrs. Alice B. Askren, president of
the Navy Mothers group, announced
yesterday a partial list of chaperons.
These include: Mr. and Mrs. Thomas
Second Day Maneuvers
Begin with Breakfast
Marine Ucr
At Hoiii
.Iditor's Note: Thef ollowi ng rticle
is the weoid in : series of six ldepit-
ing the life o sl(i troopers)
Judge Advocate General School
"The second day of our maneuvers 1
dawned clear and cold," continued
Lt. Larry W. Lon Ee, who is attend-
ing Judge Advocae General School,
in narrating his experiences on ma-
neuvers with the famed 87th Regi-
ment of Mountain Infantry composed
of ski troops.
"Reveille sounded at 7:30 a.m. with
the men refreshed by the long sleep.
Soon the camp was astir, preparing
a hot breakfast. We all melted snow
for cooking water and tossed in our
cereal, milk and butter. Cooking in
the wilderness is reduced to the ut-
most simplicity. A pinch of sugar
seasoned the cereal and we wolfed
our cereal down as many of us had
in civilian life when we made an
early start on deer hunts with a
breakfast of hot porridge. Our but-
ter was in solid form, but the milk
was powdered. The men were munch-
ing. concentrated apricot bars and
drinking hot coffee made from pow-
dered coffee.
"Meanwhile, the medical officers
Program for
Liberal Arts
Honors To End
After 'four years of training for
outstanding students in the College
of Literature, Science, and the Arts,
Michigan's Degree Program of Hon-
ors in Liberal Arts will be suspended
at the close of the summer term be-
cause of the war, according to Prof.
Stanley D. Dodge of the geography
department, Chairman of the Board
of Tutors.
About six of the twelve students
now in the program will be gradu-
ated in June, while the remaining
half will receive their degrees at the
end of the summer term. After that,
a skeleton organization will be main-
tained to revive the program after
the war, when students will once
more be interested in liberal rather
than technical training and when
they will be free to pursue such a
peacetime program, Prof. Dodge said.
The members of the Board of Tu-
tors, which will maintain a skeleton
organization of the honors program
for the duration, are Prof. Stanley
D. Dodge of the geography depart-
ment, Prof. Howard B. Calderwood
of the political science department,
Prof. Palmer A. Throop of the his-
tory department, Prof. Mischa Titiev
of the anthropology department, and
Prof. Warner G. Rice of the English
Petitions for Engine
Council Due Today
Noon today is the deadline for
the acceptance of petitions for En-
gineering Council positions, Howard
Howerth president of the Council,
announced yesterday.
Because of the few petitions re-
ceived so far the deadline has been
postponed once. All petitions must
be signed by at least 15 students and
state the applicant's qualifications
and program.
Appointments for pictures of the
candidates will be made when the
petition is turned in. The pictures
will then be posted on the Council's
bulletin board in the Engineering
reported five men with frost-bitten
feet and two others with bad colds.
I had talked with them the night
before and, not without protest
from the men themselves, ordered
them tagged and returned to our
base camp.
"By ten o'clock we were ready to
take to the trail. A;;ain it was up-
hill. We passed the word to themen,
reached a point beyond which even'
the snowmobiles do not travel. There
we stopped for lunch. A short rest
and we resumed, the slope getting
steeperahd steeper. Sometimes we
had to rest after only fifteen or twen-°<:
ty yards. Oftentimes one would ac-
tually gasp for breath, which is none
too plentiful at 12,000 feet. The
afternoon wore on with its beauty, Capt
the long purple shadows lengthening Corps,
over the vast solitude of white, and planes
the rims of the billowing mountains fo o
tipped with gold. Sioux
"As the sun melted away it col- tion w
umned the Western sky with rivers Falls T
of crimson and shafts of gold. Ev- -
eryone felt a tug at his "heart for
the beauty of it all, and thought 14 L
perhaps of one far distant with
whom he would have liked to have
shared that natural touch of eter-
} ity M
"The majority of the men were
from the East, New England, New
York and New Jersey. The outdoor
life was natural to them. They all
had skied in civilian life as a hobby
and had fished and hunted all over
the United States. As we ate our -
nightly mess around the camp fire Its d
there was a fine sense of comrade- clarifica
ship as officers and men ,discussed "harmo
lonely trails they have hunted, fished the cost
and skied over throughout the coun- tended
try in other days. A common love wish a
of sports is a tie that strongly binds tions o
men together during the arduous Steel fo
hours of duty and their own free increase
time after retreat is sounded. level of
"It is a good rule of the woods Brow
to pick your campsite before sun- cent cu
down, and as the last glow of light meant
faded from the sky our tents were apply t
up, the wood laid by, and the camp to beco
fires were aflickering gaudily. The Brow
aroma of wood blended with the mendin
fragrance of pine. We had earned merce
a night's repose. But first there paymen
was chow. The inner man had to the com
be fed. I bunked in with Privat e the red
Schroeder and shared my stove adverse
with him. We all had chips of Thex
pork cut up in the beans, crackers been a
and cheese, hot lemon drink and Econom
chocolate. also wa
"Though it was warmer that night, necessa
a driving snow came hard upon us. feet."
Our commanding officer, Col. Willis, Since
dropped in on us out of nowhere and seemed
checked on the condition of the men, Roosev
the supplies, and on our plans and
the general situation. The Colonel Luc]
appeared satisfied, though it took us
two days to make that leg of the Will
trip instead of one, for I explained
that I had put the safety and physi- For
cal condition of the men before want to
speed. time, f
"Immediately after eating we all have t
climbed into our sleeping bags in- Marsha
side our tents, put our heads on three a
the pillow of boughs and in a split Thos
second, it seemed, we had fallen bers 50
asleep and it was morning. ceipts o
"Anyway the bugle was sounding the thr
off reveille and another day of ad-
venture, work and enchantment with Fr
our new surroundings lay ahead of CHU
us. There lay the mountainous hills. anewe]
As Kipling said: "Something lost shores
behind the mountains, go and find line mi
it," and off we started. Huan
(To Be Continued)H .
Third Company
Receive Colors
Award To Be Given to
Ollstanding(i0ro1p at
1giegentizog Pirad
Honor will be paid to the Third
Company of the NROTC, under the
command of Student Lt. A. Maitland
Comb, '44E, at the Color Presentation
Parade to be held 7:15 p.m. Wednes-
day at Palmer Field.
Miss Harriet Pratt, '43, has been
(-hosen to present the colors to the
Third Company, which, because of
its excellence in drill and intra-
platoon athletic competition, was
chosen to be the Color Company.
The individual awards were won
by the various platoons and squads
of the Third Company as follows:
The Infantry Cup was won this
year by the second platoon of the
Third Company, headed by NROTC
Ensign Robert V. Martelli, '44E. The
best individual squad was the fourth
squad of the second platoon, led by
David M. Saulson, '44.
The individual Manual-of-Arms
Spelldown was won by Herman C.
Kranzer, '46E, of the first squad of
the first platoon of the Third Com-
Tops in inter-platoon athletic com-
petition was the first platoon of the
Third Company under NROTC Lt.
(j.g.) Mark J. Van Aken, '44. A spe-
cial award will be presented to them
by the Saline Post of the American
Legion at the Color Presentation Pa-
rade Wednesday.
U. S. Warship Drivesoff
Enemy in Pacific Battle
Crew of 'Big Bastard' Gives Eye Witness
Account of Sinking Three Jap Warships
Joe Foss of the U.S. Marine
who shot down 26 Japanese
is shown operating a trac-
Fahis other's farm near
Falls, S. D. A civic celebra-
as held in his honor at Sioux
E ditor's Note: This is the second of
two articles about the "Big Bastard,"
a United States battleship which pro-
tected American carriers in the South
Pacific from aerial attack.
NEW YORK, May 3.-(A)-"Rufus
Mathewson, Yeoman Second Class,
took his post as a talker in the con-
.ning tower . . . shortly after mid-
night the loudspeaker carried a cold,
steady voice from plot room. Target
20,000 yards, bearing 240 degrees ...
target 19,$00 yards, bearing 241 de-
grees . . .
"There was a terrific explosion
up ahead. Mathewson dashed to one
of the slits and felt his stomach drop
as he saw a battleship ahead silhou-
etted by flame.
'Fire When Ready'
"From over the phone came the
Admiral's voice: 'Fire when ready.'
. .. shells screamed out. The cap-
tain and the navigator were jarred
away from the 'scopes, but voices
came in over the phone.
"'Right on!'
"'The danned thing has Jis-
"'Looked like a cruiser.'
"'That was a battleship!'
"In rapid succession Mathewson
heard a loud crash, a rolling explo-
sion, and then the searing rattle of
metal fragments as they crashed
into cables, guns and superstructure.
The ship shrugged, leaned back into
A Cuts
't Pricles'
Per Cent
Continued 1roni Page 1l
eclaration. however, that thej
ation it seeks would be inI
ny" with moves to roll back
of living apparently was in-
as assurance that it did not
Board relaxation of restric-
n wage increases. The Little
ormula limits general wage
es to 15 percent above the
Jan. 1, 1941.
n emphasized that the 10 per-
it in prices cents-per-pound
present prices, and thus would
o the meat ceilings which are
me effective May 17.
n said that he was "recom-
g to the Secretary of Com-'
(Jesse Jones) that subsidy
ts be made to processors of
nmodities involved to prevent
Iuced prices from having an
effect on production."
program, Brown added, has
pproved by James F. Byrnes,
nic Stabiliyation Director, who
s asking Jones "to take the
ry steps to carry it into ef-
Byines had approved, there
no question that President
elt also had given his consent.
ky ("iustoners
Wi (jocks
all ambitious students who
get to their eight o'clocks on
or defense plant workers who
o make that assembly line,
all's Drug Store is offering
larm clocks Saturday.
e customers who pull out num-
0, 750, and 1,000 from the re-
f the cash register will receive
ee clocks.
ee China Menaced
NGKING. May 7.-(AP)-Jap-
landings on the southern
of Tungting Lake only 50 air-
Les from Changsha, Capital of
Province, were viewed today
cating that a new Japanese
n the capital was under way
ith it the possibility of a de-
a volley of 6- and 8-inch shells that
raked through the sky control tower,
Students Attend Senate Finance
USSA Meeting
Convention To Discuss
Post-War Problems
Marv Borman, '44, former head of
the Manpower Corps, is attending
the United States Student Assemb.,,
conference this week-end in New
York City as official University dele-
gate appointed by Men's Judiciary
Other members of the Michigan
delegation include Elizabeth Hawley,
'45, Chairman of the Post-War Coun-
cil; Mary Lee Grossman, '46,head of
the Speakers Bureau; and Ethel
Shirwindt, '45, and Mildred Dansker,
'44, both of Inter-Racial Association.
The USSA convention, a national
youth conference, will discuss and act
upon current issues which affect the
post-war world. Four topics on the
agenda are: the Hatch-Hill-Ball-
Burton Act, United States relations
with the Soviet Union, the National
Resources Planning Board report and
United States policy in North Africa.
Resolutions will be drawn up con-
cerning the above items. The Michi-
gan delegation. will be allowed three
The Michigan chapter of the
American Society of Civil Engi-
neers will hold their annual spring
picnic today at 2 p.m. in the east
part of the Arboretum.
Committee OK's
* .1
Ship . Year
(Continued from Page 1)
Texas, Byrd of Virginia,. Johnson of
Colorado - and LaFollette (Prog.-
Those who supported it were five
Democrats-Clark, Gerry, of Rhode
Island, Radcliffe of Maryland, Walsh
of Massachusetts, Lucas of Illinois-
and the Committee's eight Republi-
cans-Vandenberg of Michigan, Da-
vis of Pennsylvania, Lodge of Mas-
sachusetts, Danaher of Connecticut,
Taft of Ohio, Thomas of Idaho, But-
ler of Nebraska and Millikin of Colo-
Senator Bailey (Dem.-N. C.) and
Guffey (Dem.-Pa.) were not present
and not recorded by proxy.
Of those who favored the Clark
motion, Senators Walsh and Lucas
were reported to have insisted upon
the reservation that satisfactory
"windfall" provisions be inserted.
Clark told reporters his motion
was, in effect, that the Committee
adopt the Ruml Plan and proceed to
write any needed restrictions into it.
All fraternities and sororities
are urged to contact the Michigan
Historical Collections of Racklham
' Building where their records and
periodicals may be deposited safe-
ly for the duration.
topmost position on the ship ... .
Big B Starts Gunning
Her rangefinders set on the enemy
fire, "Big B" swung her heavies into
play, sunk her first target and- blew
up her second. Meanwhile Jap guns
exploded three U.S. destroyers. The
third target was a Kongo class bat-
tleship that passed the starboard
beam of Big B and was cut in half
by a salvo from her No. 3 turret aft.
Her secondary batteries continued to
pour fire into eight Jap destroyers
hiding in a cove ..
Tom Page, Seaman First Class, of
Greensburg, Pa., retiembers it was
a beautiful night. There was a big
moon ... the smell of gardenias was
strong from off Florida Island. The
association of the gardenias with the
action that followed caused Page to
lose all desire to smell gardenias
Hits Jar Control Room
"Page sat on an overturned bucket
in a corner of the auxiliary control
room, feeling comfortable now that
the big guns were booming. Then
he was knocked off his bucket by a
shell hit. The molten metal from the
shell ran across the floor like lava.
Steampipes were broken, electrical
fires sputtered. Noise and heat from
the steam were unbearable.
"Robertson, a Quartermaster Third
Class. came through the opening
from the catwalk and said, 'I've lost
my shoe, help me find my shoe.' Ev-
eryone helped him, even two com-
manders. The shoe was not found
until next morning-under a body
on the catwalk.
Helmsman Stands
"Bernard Wenke, Seaman First
Class, the auxiliary helmsman, was
thrown from behind the wheel and
lodged in between the bulkhead and
the deck. He stayed there, keeping
one hand stretched out to hold the
wheel. Not until flames from below
made the deck almost red hot and
set his pants afire did he move."
"One of the l.ookouts kept repeat-
ing in a low voice: 'Lord, I'm scared.
Nobody has any idea how scared I
am. How could anybody be this
scared.' He said that over and over.
Nobody' thought it strange.
Admiral'sShip Assists
There was a lull then. The ship
steamed alone in a circle of btiring
ships. The Admiral's vessel ,had dis-
appeared in the darkness. Into the
narrowest part of the cove came four
more enemy ships. The second one
threw searchlights on Big B and she
opened fire. From her rear came
supporting salvos, indicating that
the Admiral's ship was still in the
The assistance was welcome for
Big B was being pounded heavily by
the guns of three hard-punching Jap
warships. Six- and eight-inch shells
ripped through the top of her super-
structure, then put into her second-
aries. Her deck was riddled with
shrapnel. Fire broke out in the tat-
tered superstructure. Wreckage lay
Spilling, Mr. and
and Mr. and Mrs.
Mrs. John Andres,
James R. Slocum.
25C to
5 P.M.
Last Day
- Starts Sunday -
They Burn Up
On The Musical Cruise
Of Your Dreams!
j ~VALLEY : :
Sceen May by Waenr no.a,
as indic
drive o
and wit.
attempt to crush Free
* Non-Contract
$ .40 per 15-word insertion for
one or two days. (In-
crease of 10c for each
additional 5 words.)
$1.00 per 15-word insertion for
three or more days. (In-
crease of $.25 for each
additional 5 words.)
Contract Rates on Request
MIMEOGRAPHING - Thesis bind-
ing. Brumfield and Brumfield, 308
S. State.
MAKE MONEY-on your used cloth-
ing by phoning Claude H. Brown.
2-2736, 512 S. Main.
Driveway gravel, washed pebbles.
ry_.... __ ~ L. P4 ,
graved Raymond R. Watson. Phone
5291. Reward.
LOST-Brown zipper notebook. Con-
tents important. Reward. C. Ta-'
ber, Martha Cook, 2-3225.
LOST-Sigma Alpha Iota pin on
Wednesday between Union and
Hill Auditorium. Return to Union.
LOST-Round gold locket on blackj
ribbon. Lost Wednesday, May 5th.
Sentimental value. Contact 2-4561,
P. Williams.
LOST: Gold identification bracelet
with name "Connie" on it. Des-
perately wanted. Please return.
Connie Blake, 2-2218.
RED WALLET. Initials D.S.S. Find-
er keep money. No questions
asked. Deborah Springer, 915
Oakland. 2-2868. Keepsake.
WANTED-Adding machine oper-
ator. University Research Asso-
eiation .Bnx 470. Ann Arhor.
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