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February 16, 1943 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1943-02-16

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TUESDAY, FEB. 16, 19

Peck Funeral
To Be Held at
3 P.M. Today
Rev. Lemon To Hold
Service for Former
Mineralogy Professor

Gasoline Spilled into Creek as Two Trains Are Derailed

Kelly Renames
Three to State
Liquor Secretary's Job
Split; New Post for
War Housing Created

U' Processes Airplane Parts
For Willow Run's Bombers

Funeral services for Prof. Albert B.
Peck of the Department of Mineral-
ogy will be held at 3 p.m. today in the
Muehlig chapel.
Rev. William B. Lemon will offici-
ate at the services for Professor Peck,
who died Saturday night at his home
at 2021 Woodside Road of a heart
attack. The burial will be in Forest
Hill Cemetery.
Professor Peck was fifty years old
and had been connected with the
University since 1914. He was a mem-
ber of several scientific societies and
represented the University at the In-
ternational Conference on Higher
Education in Paris.
Joining the University as an assis-
tant in mineralogy in 1914, Prof. Peck
in 1915 received is Master's degree,
staying at the University as an in-
structor. In 1917 he left the Univer-
sity for the Bureau of Standards in
Washington, returning to the Univer-
sity in 1925 as an assistant Professor
in mineralogy. In 1928 he became an
associate professor, and last May a
full professor.'
Prof. Peck is survived by his wife,
Mildred Wood Peck, and a son, Rob-
ert Allen Peck.
Prof. Peck's son has recently been
appointed a cadet in the Army Air
Force, and last week began his pre-
meteorological training at Haverford
College, Pa.
Hillel To Prepare
.bandages Today
Coeds will make surgical dressings
from 1:30 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. today at
Hillel Foundation as part of their
contribution to the Red Cross pro-
gram, and all women are urged to
spendat least an hour within the
specified period making dressings.
The usual costume consisting of a
washable blouse and hair net should
be worn, and it is advisable that
workers do not wear fingernail polish.
Pre-Meds To Meet
The Pre-Medical Society will hold
its first meeting of the spring semes-
ter at 8 p.m. today in Room 305 of the
Michigan Union.
Dr. R., T. Woodburne of the An-
atomy Department will address the
group and a schedule of the semester's
program will be outlined.
All pre-medical students are urged
to attend.

LANSING, Feb. 15.- (P)- Gover-
nor Kelly today reappointed three
members of state commissions, con-I
sented to the demotion of the Liquor
Commission secretary and created aI
new post to help solve housing short-
ages in war production areas.
The governor reappointed John
Reid, secretary of the Michigan Fed-
eration of Labor, to the State Unem-
ployment Compensation Commission
to serve until Jan. 8, 1948; Ivan E.
Hull, of Grand Rapids, to the State
Public Service Commission, to serve
until Feb. 15, 1948; and James L. Hill,
Lansing, to the commission of labor
and industry.
The governor sanctioned the re-
assignment of B. M. Davey, Liquor
Commission Secretary, after the
Commission said it desired to split his
job in two, one part being that of a
clerical secretary and the other that
of a business manager.
He announced the appointment of
Emanuel N. Karay; Detroit, Assistant
Attorney General, to be manager of
the Detroit area of the Iquor Com-
mission at $5,000 a year.
He appointed Jack V. fletts, De-
troit, to the $3,000 post as Superin-
tendent of private employment bur-
Chairman R. Glen Dunn, liquor
commission chairman, Announced at
the same time that Wallace Stanley,
Grand Rapids, now Grand Rapids
district manager, would be named to
the newly-created post as head of all
state liquor stores and warehouses.
Kelly named Frank R, Watlsh, De-
troit real estate operator and con-
tractor, to the new job as head of the
Housing Division of the State Defense
Council. He will be paid $5,000 a year.
Then he created a study committee
to work with Walsh in determining
whether housing problems needed
any new legislation this session.

When an institution of higher
learning enters into the processing of
airplane parts, you may be sure that
this is a war in which everybody ev-
erywhere has a job to do.
It was disclosed yesterday by E. C.
Pardon, head of the Buildings and
Grounds Department that the Uni-
versity workshop has been process-
ing airplane engine parts for the Wil-
low Run Bomber Plant for the past
ten days.
Castings of carburetor intake
valves used in the 'engines of ) B-24
flying boats are arriving daily at the
shop to be worked on.
The University has been granted a
sub-contract to do this work from a
local defense plant which works with
the Bomber Plant at Willow Run.
Upwards of 75 castings are trucked
in every three days and an equal
number of University - worked - on
valves are shipped out.
The exact size and nature of these
intake valves cannot be disclosed, but
it can be said that they are a light
alloy casting designed to increase the
gasoline intake of a B-24 bomber.
Said Pardon when reviewing the
work, "The only satisfaction received
from doing this type of job is that
every time a big bomber flys over-
head, we have a feeling that maybe
one of our parts is riding up there.
Men of the Buildings and Grounds
department are putting in as much
time as they have available from their
regular University duties to process

these valves. To date, Pardon reports
more than 100 such parts have al-
ready passed through the University.
Chipping, polishing, and finishing
operations are performed on the
valves after which they are prepared.
for shipment.
The main reason, Pardon stated,
that we are being allowed to do this
work is that we had these machines
available which weren't being used.
"Although time is consumed in ship-
ping, much more time is saved by,
our doing what we can than for the-
prime contractors to wait to get the
vital machines."
To facilitate operations, a survey
was taken of all equipment in the
engineering shops. One flex grinding
machine was discovered which hasn't-
been used in six months, Pardon said,
and we took it down to the shop
where it is doing its part in the war
This is the first announcement of
the University taking part in actual
war production, but a Manpower
Corps announcement last week seems
to indicate more work on the way in
which students might participate.
The Buildings and Grounds depart-
ment has some machines available,
and if the right Jobs are found, op,
erations may be expanded.
"This is the kind of thing where
we all have to dig in and work," Par-
don said in an interview, "and the
more we work, the better things will

Tank and freight cars are strewn across rails of Pennsylvania Railroad's Panhandle division at
Chartiers Creek, Pa., near Pittsburgh, after derailment of two trains. Thousands of gallons of gasoline
and fuel oil spilled into the creek. Tracks cannot be cleared until cars dry for fear of fire.

Peru Leader,
Dr. Arca-Parro
To Speak Today
Peru's foremost authority on that
country's population problems, Dr.
Alberto Arca-Parro, will speak at 4:15
today in the Rackham Amphitheatre.
He will lecture on "Peru's Popula-
tion Promlems: Economically Active
and Inactive Population" under the
auspices of the geography depart-
In his capacity as Director General
of the National Bureau of Statistics,
he was responsible for the first com-
plete census in Peru and is given full
credit for its success.
This census was the first time in
the history of the country that all of
the lower classes were included be-
cause of communication obstacles.
Dr. Arca-Parro's tour in the United
States is sponsored by the Inter-
American ' Statistical Institute in
Aside from his interest in popula-
tion, he is also an expert in the eco-
nomic development and social legis-
lation of Peru.
Co-eds Needed for
Women's Staff;
Tryouts Tomorrow
It is not too late yet for journalisti-
cally inclined coeds, who were unable
to attend the meeting Friday for the
women's staff tryouts, to demonstrate
their talents on The Daily if they will
attend a meeting at 4 p.m. tomorrow
in the Publications building.
Women working as tryouts, who
must be eligible freshmen or upper-
classmen, will write feature stories on
college life, and cover general activity
beats such as League and W.A.A.
This year, more than ever before,
the women's staff will be working in
close collaboration with the men's
editorial staff. Tryouts, who in the
past have worked on the women's
night desk, will be given the oppor-
tunity to work as tryouts on the men's
staff as well.
Interviewing' for Panhellenic
Banquet and Ball positions will be
held from 3 to 5 p.m. today and
Wednesday in the League.

Judge Payne ains Nomination
For Republican Municipal Post


of the
and the

Justice of the Peace Jay H. Payne
won the three-cornered primary race
last night for the Republican nom-
ination to Ann Arbor's newly created
post of Municipal Judge.
Judge Payne, a graduate of the
Michigan. Law School, polled 1,614
votes to defeat City Attorney William
M. Laird, who polled 1,152. Albert W.
Hooper, present circuit court com-
missioner, was third with 530 votes.
Since Judge Payne will have no
Democratic opposition in the April
election, city officials considered his
primary victory tantamount to win-
ning the office.
The light Ann Arbor vote fell under
the pre-election estimate of City
Clerk Fred C. Perry who anticipated
4,000 going to the polls.
In the seventh ward, two alder-
One-Third of
Army Doctors-
Won 't Return
CHICAGO, FEB. 15.-()-Rear
Admiral Ross I. McIntire, surgeon
general of the U.S. Navy, predicted
today that one-third of the nation's
physicians who go into the armed
services will not return to civilian
practice after the war.
In speaking on medicine and the
war at a Council of Medical Educa-
tion and Hospitals, sponsored by
the American Medical Association,
McIntire said, "We might say that
when this war is over a great number
of doctors will return from the service.
That is true, but not nearly as many
as you might think, for certainly we
will not be able to reduce the Army
and Navy below a certain point, and
my own opinion is that if we are
able to return two-thirds of those we
take we will do well."
McIntire elaborated this at a press
conference when he declared,"we, for
our own protection, will have to send
our doctors ,and our health officials
into foreign areas which are the
sources for many of the epidemics af-
fecting the whole world."
Soldiers Invited to
Hillel Student Mixer
Hillel will hold its semi-annual New
Student Mixer from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m.
Thursday at the Foundation, and all
students and soldiers on campus are
cordially invited to attend the affair,
according to Grace Freudberg, '45,
and Harry Miller, '45, social chairmen
of Hilel.
There will be dancing at the party,
and refreshments will be served. Since
Hillel has been officially designated
as a U.S.O. center, soldiers are es-
pecially invited. Assisting the co-
chairmen are Margery Batt, '45, Edith
Cohen, '44, and Mildred Getzoff, '43.
Pacific Casualties Sent
To Battle Creek Hospital
The Percy L. Jones General Hospital
here tonight housed its first contin-
gent of war casualties from the south-
west Pacific Area-100 medical and 75
surgical cases.
Victims of the fighting of Guadal-
canal, the Solomons, New Guinea and
Australia, the men arrived today on
a train of eight Pullman cars. The
more seriously wounded were lifted
through car windows into rows of
Army ambulances that backed up a
loading ramp alongside the railroad

Induction of Unassigned ERC
Delayed; Air Reserves To Go

(Continued from Page 1)
tween May and September probably
will be called to active duty between
March 1 and 24.
6. Army Enlisted Reserve Corps,
Air Corps Enlisted Reserve Corps men
and Aviation Cadets b ,are under
the jurisdiction of the Sixth Service
7. Certain technical categories of
Army Enlisted Reserve Corps men
will be deferred until the end of this
No specific dates were given for
the calling of the Army Enlisted Re-'
serve Corps.
(Army Air Corps Enlisted Reserves
enlisted under provisions that they
would be deferred until they gradu-
ated from the University or until the
War Department called them to active
duty. Aviation Cadets enlisted in the
Army Air Corps for immediate duty.
Many of them were then placed on in-
active duty until the Air Corps could
train them.)
A bulletin of the American Coun-
cil on Education, an agency which
has worked through committees with
the Army and the Navy on education-
al program, list the following . pro-
cedures for Air Corps Reservists and
Aviation Cadets:
1. In most cases the student will be
ordered to one of seven basic training
centers under the Army Air Forces
Technical Training Command.
2. They will be trained there for
one to two months.
3. Some willthen go to the Flying

Training Command Classification
Centers to be classified for flying
4. Others will be sent to a college or
university for more training before
their flight training. The basis of
selection will be an educational test
and "an evaluation of their total
educational bac~ground." Mof4st of this
training will last five months.
The Council on Education lists the
following _as procedures for the En-
listed Reserve Corps, unassigned:
1. Most of the students will be or-
°dered to the Reception cu~ter nearest
the University (t Custer):
2. They will be given opportunities
to qualify for aviation training or the
Army Specialized Training Program.
3. They must take basic training
before going into Army Specialized
Training Programs.
The Council on Education advises
all reservists including Air Corps men
to take their blueprints of grade with
them to aid in classification.
Interviewing for the two posi-
tions on the central committee of
Soph Project will be from 3 to 5
p.m. today and Wednesday in the
League. Students stillInterested
in signing up to do volunteer hos-
pital work may do so this week in
the undergraduate office of the


Manat Liberty

manic positions were contested, Syd-
ney P. Cook, incumbent, defeating
Frank W. Staffman for the long term.
The vote was 406 to 347.
Harold J. Lepard won the short
term nomination in the seventh ward
from Prof. Cecil J. McHale by a 446-
235 vote. Results from the fifth ward
contest were not in last night.
Offices of mayor, city, clerk, and
president of the Council will not be
voted on until the April election..


Grad Speech Club
To Meet Tomorrow
The first meeting of the Graduate
Study Club of the Department of
Speech-for the second semester will
be held at 4 p.m. tomorrow in the
East Conference Room of the Rack-
ham Building. The program will in-
clude reports by three graduate stu-
dents in the department, which will
be followed by open discussion from
the floor.
Graduate students participating
are Clarence Foster, who will speak
on "Ira Aldridge," Mary Lillian Reid,
who will discuss "Oral vs. the Silent
Interpretation of Poetry," and Shirley
Rubenstein, who will report on Nor-
man William Freestone's discussion
of "A Brain-Wave Interpretation of
Stuttering," appearing in the Decem-
ber "Quarterly Journal of Speech."
Interviews for Union dance po-
sitions will be held from 2 to 5
p.m. today and tomorrow at the
Student Offices of the Union.
Deadline for all Union petitions
is 4:30 p.m. Thursday.


Experts To Answer
Shoppers Queries
LANSING, Feb. 15-.- (P)- Trained
volunteer "explainers" will be posted
in Michigan stores during the week
of March 1 to answer shoppers' ques-
tions about the point rationing of
food, the State Defense Council any
nounced today.
The announcement said the plan
was proposed by Willis Keasey, sec-
retary-manager of the Michigan Re-
tail Grocers and Meat Dealers Asso-
ciation; W. F. Doyle, Michigan Chain
Stores Bureau; Otis Cook, manager
of the Michigan Retail Institute;
Paul Conrad, State Information offi-
cer for the Office of Price Adminis-
tration; and Helen Mills, acting chief
of the Council's Consumer Activities
Bought, Reted
314 0. State St. Phone 6815

Spinq SuiLb




for Home





THE THING to start your
spring wardrobe with is a
suit. The many ways you can
combine your suit with
blouses and sweaters makes
numerous out fis. Lots of co-
ors and styles to choose from.

Famous Foreign Correspondent
Author "The Kremlin and the
People," etc.'
Feb. 18, 8:15 P.M.

Prelude Arioso...Bach-Templeton
Chorale Prelude: :Mortify Us By Thy
Warum-Aufschwung ...;.Schuxpann
Sonata in F-sharp major,
Op. 78...............Beethoven
Intermezzo in E-flat......Brahms
Intermezzo in C............Brahms
Prelude in B minor.........Liadov
Prelude in E flat minor....,Chasins
Introduction and Allegro......
Reharmonized Harmonious Black-
smith (Handel).......Templeton

We know that you are, so we
invite you to come to Mum's
Canteen and enjoy the finest
in home-cooked meals. Deli-

I.., I

: '
_ yr.




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