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May 07, 1943 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1943-05-07

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VOL. LII No. 159




Jap U-Boats
Torpedo Five
Allied Ships
Majoriiy of C*rews
Have Been Rescued;
Yanks Gain in Guinea
By The Associated Press
AUSTRALIA, Friday, May 7.-Five
Allied ships, including one United
States Merchantman were sunk re-
eently by Japanese submarines oper-
ating in force east of Australia, the
High Command disclosed today, but
most of the crews were saved.
This attempt to cut the Allied "life
line" to Australia was foreshadowed
by announcement from headquarters
of General Douglas MacArthur on
lay 1 of increased underwater ac-
tivity in those vital waters.
All Sunk By Torpedoes
A spokesman revealed that all five
Allied vessels--one medium sized
United States freighter, one large
and two small Australian freighters
and one small Norwegian freighter-
were sunk by enemy torpedoes, not
by shellfire.
Prompt action by Allied Naval Pa-
trol craft saved a majority of the
The Japanese blows were delivered
in an attempt to interfere with the
supply movements between the
United States and Australia . and
along the Australian coast.
Shipping Continues
,Defiantly, the headquarters an-
"Our shipping continues to oper-
atein virtually undiminished volume
under protection by our naval and
aircraft units."
On May 3, a spokesman for Gen-
eval MacArthur pointed out that ap-
proximately only two per cent of
1,-09,000 tons of Allied sipping had
fallen prey to Japanese submarines.
WLB Discusses
Concessions in
Co al Dipute
Lewis Again Ignores
Board As It Continues
*Hearings and Debates
WASHINGTON, May 6.- ()-Ig-
nored again by John L. Lewis, a War
Labor Board panel nevertheless went
ahead with a hearing on the coal dis-
pute today, and apparently explored
the idea of granting the miners some
concessions other than the requested
$2-a-day wage increase.
Chairman Morris L. Cooke asked
questions about the present charge
for miners' equipment and materials,
such as cap lamps, explosives and
safely devices. There was no indica-
tion, however, whether the panel
would actually recommend changes
ii existing practices in this regard.
Although the panel put "the latch
string out," the United Mine Work-
ers, of which Lewis is president, was
not represented. He has accused the
board of prejudice.
Because of a work stoppage, the
government took over the mines last
week-end. The UMW then sent the
miners back to work under a 15-day
In view of Lewis' absence, the
panel said it decided to take the un-
precedented action of opening the
hearings to reporters.

British Aircraft Carrier Hermes Burning From Jap Bombs

Allies Smash Axis




Tu ii iS;

Massicault Is Captured,

A llL ghts To Be Out Ten
Minutes in Blackout

A copy of the Japanese'newspaper Miyako for April 25, 1942, which has been obtained by the maga-
zine Newsweek, carried this picture captioned, Terrible End! Last moments of the Britis aircraft car-
rier Hermes." (The British announced April 10, 1942, that the carrier Hermes had been sunk close to
Ceylon by Japanese planes).

Summer Program Will



500 Students

Number of Men Is Expected To Exceed
Coeds; 500 New Freshmen Will Enter

Approximately 2,500 civilian stu-
dents will enroll for the University
summer program-33 .per cent of the
current enrollment - figures com-
piled from the recent Summer Plans
Inquiry revealed yesterday.
Of this number 1,316 will be men
while 716 women are expected to
attend school. To this total of 2,032
students the tabulation added 500
entering freshmen students making
the estimated total for the summer
2,532 civilian students.
Specialized Training Offered
Under contracts negotiated with
both the Army and Navy, 3,000 ser-
vice trainees will use University facil-
ities' for specialized instruction. In all
it is estimated that the University

will provide

for more than 5,500)

Fight Begins
Rumi Tax Plan
WASHINGTON, May 6.- ()-
Opening.a new fight against the
Ruml plan, the treasury argued to-
day that middle and lower income
taxpayers will have to shoulder most
of any new war taxes and hence are
entitled to a proportionately larger;
abatement of 1942 taxes than per-
sons of large income.
Randolph Paul, treasury general
counsel, advanced this contention as
the Senate Finance Committee began
hearings on pay-as-you-go tax legis-
lation with a majority reported to be
leaning toward the Ruml-Carlson
plan abating 1942 levies for all tax-
payers except those with "windfall"
incomes. This measure lost by only
four votes in the House where the
treasury had opposed it strenuously.
It would be most unfair, Paul as-
serted, to give what he termed in-
equitable abatements to taxpayers in
the higher brackets if an additional
$16,000,000,000 in taxes is to be im-
posed, as President Roosevelt has

students and service men this sum-
This information was contained in
a bulletin issued by the University
War Board which stated that "all in-
dications point towards a summer
the equal, if not the superior, of last
summer as far as numbers of stu-
dents is concerned."
Inquiry Circulated
In an effort to determine the num-
ber of students who planned to en-
roll for the 16 weeks Summer Term
and the eight week Summer Session
the War Board circulated the second
Summer Plans Inquiry in as many
years a month ago.
The forms were distributed to stu-
dents in ten schools and colleges of
the University and 62 per cent re-
turned them from which the esti-
mated enrollment was computed.
Of the 3,521 men enrolled as of
March 20, 1,901 returned the form,
an average of 54 per cent; while 2,039
out of a total of 2,872 women in the
University returned forms, 71 per
Under a revised program designed
to coordinate civilian instruction
with that of the Navy V-12 program
scheduled to begin here July 1, the 16
week Summer Term will begin June
28 and end October 16.
1,702 Will Enroll for Term
Some 1,702 students are expected
to enroll for the Summer Term while
401 plan to attend the Summer Ses-
sion., Of this number 1,230 will be
men, and 472 will be women.
The engineering college and the
literary colleges will have the largest
enrollments for the Summer Term.
It is expected that 882 students will
take engineering courses and that
371 will enroll in the literary college.
The enrollment in the literary
college will be less than half of the
present attendance of 1,204, while
approximately 75 per cent of the
engineering student body will return
to school.
On the basis of courses selected on
the inquiry form a comparatively full
program will be offered in both the
literary college and engineering col-
lege though the scope of courses will
not be as large as this semester. The
sciences, mathematics, chemistry,
and physics will have the largest en-
rollment. These courses polled over
50 per cent of all indicated elections.
Summer Term Is War Measure
The Summer Term opening June
28 marks the second successive year
that the University has operated on
a three-term-a-year-basis. The in-
novation was introduced in the sum-
mer of 1941 as a war measure.
The low number of male students
planning to attend school this sum-
mer was attributed by the report to
the imminent prospect of military
service for most men. No explanation
was advanced for low number of
women planning to remain in school.
Deadline Extended
For Engine Petitions
The deadline for the acceptance of
petitions for Engineering Council po-
sitions has been extended to Satur-
day noon, John Gardner, '46E, class
representative, announced yesterday.
To date only six petitions have
hanoan iP8The ntitinnsmut he,

Drive Be u-u
F'or Coll eetionl
Of Fats, Oils
Manpower Corps Will
Canvass Larger Living
Quarters on Campus
The Manpower Corps again asks
the cooperation of the entire campus
in its drive to collect fats and oils.
Recognizing that the surrounding
area has been pretty thoroughly can-
vassed for scrap, the Corps will, in-
stead, collect fats and oils from so-
ority, fraternity and league houses,
Dormitory kitchens will also be ap-
proached for the future glycerine
Tom Gattle, '46, is in charge of
the drive, and in the next few days
letters will be sent to the different
houses explaining how the fats
should be collected, strained and pre-
"All kitchens should be saving fats
now, but in case they are not we
want them to start now, and we'll
see to it that they are collected," Tom
Bliska, '45A, publicity director, said
The Manpower Corps will continue
to function during the summer. Their
chief projects will be providing men
for farm labor and the playground
projects, the plans for the play-
grounds are not completely made but
they will be worked out with the
local CDVO.
One hundred and fifty men will
be provided by the high schools for
the Manpower Corps to work with
this summer. Fifty men signed up
from University High School and 100
from Ann Arbor High.
U Hospital Needs,
More Student Help
The University Hospital is again
calling upon students to alleviate the
labor shortage. Men are needed in
the kitchens every hour of the day.
They will be paid 55 cents per hour.
Four men can get permanent jobs
in the shipping room of a local de-
fense plant working from 6 to 10 p.m.
The wage is 65 cents an hour. Appli-
cants call the Manpower Office in
the Union today.
IIU' Delegates
To Attend New
York Meeting
Delegates from the Post-War
Council, Inter-Racial Association,
and the Speaker's Bureau will repre-
sent Michigan at the United States
Student Assembly conference this
week-end in New York City.
Elizabeth Hawley, '45, chairman
of the Post-War Council and Marv
Borman, '44, former Manpower Mo-
bilization Corps head, will represent
the Post-War Council. The Speak-
ers' Bureau will be represented by
Mary Lee Grossman. '46, chairman
of the group. Ethel Sherwindt, '45,
and Mildred Dansker, '44, will be
present for Inter-Racial Association.
The Michigan delegation will be
called upon to discuss and act upon
vital national and international is-
sues. Some of these on the agenda
of the USSA are: the Ball-Burton-
Hatch-Hill Resolution, United States
policy in North Africa and in Spain,
anr TTnitd State rlatinn with the

Sudy Weary StIldents Will Nol Receive
Expected I5 Minute Recess from Work
Weary students who planned to indicating total blackout
get a forty-five minute recess from During this period only
studying will be considerably dis- absolutely necessary sh
appointed to find that all lights have and the glow from the
to be out only from 10:03 until 10:13 shielded from the street
I p.m. when Ann Arbor has an air raid curtains.
test today. At 10:25 the all clear
First the city will be dimmed, and be given and electricity
during this "blue" period all essential life in-Ann Arbor will go
lights may remain lit. This will Officers Will Watch Bla
mean that from 9:43 until 10 p.m. Two Army officers w
flood lights, porch lights, window official observers of the
displays and unnecessary lights with- will indicate the effectiv
in homes will be turned off. Police recently completed airr
Chief Sherman H. Mortenson, com- center. It is from this
mander of the city defense corps, defense corps officials w
said yesterday that the purpose of to ascertain the progr
the "blue" period was to cut down on blackout. Should invasio
sky glow. . fire-fighters, bomb-disp
At 10 p.m. shrieking alarms will fiemergheyursesbo anddidp
notify the city that the "red" period emergency nurses and d
be dispatched from this i
Traffic will be allow
during the "blue" period
Com man1( d ingMortenson said that s
would remain on during
O f e i Motorists are asked to
lights and to travel slo
n S o nwill not be required to
streets during the "red"
everyone is requested not
Selfridge Private Is phones so that the wires
open for vital calls fro
Victim; Condition Is wardens.
Reported To Be Fair All Traffic Will Stop
Traffic will stop duri
SELFRIDGE Field, May 6.-()- blackout, and motoristsv
The early morning shooting of a iately draw to the side :
Negro private at this Army Air Base and park being careful
was followed today by a change in obstruct .the street nor fi
command of the post and by the de- Factories will continue
tention of the former Commanding during the practice ral
Officer in an Army Hospital at Bat- wll be asked to dim al
tle Creek, for "observation by medi- lights.
cal corps personnel." Because Hill Audi
The 24-year-old victim of the equipped on carry on dur
shooting, Private William McRae, out the audience attendi
whose parents' address is Morven, concert will not be distur
N.C., was reported in "fair" condition the building the progra
at the base hospital here. tue as if the commun
Only details disclosed were con- practicing for invasion.
tained in a statement issued by Capt.
Richard Ramey, public relations of- Officials T4
fice. It said:
"The Commanding Officer at Self-
ridge Field today announced thatj
Pvt. William McRae, Negro soldier
serving as a motor vehicle driver for LANSING, May 6. -(
the base garage at Selfridge Field, tice blackout in sevens
was wounded at approximately 1 a.m. counties Friday nightv
Wednesday as the result of a shot served by 32 state and Ar
allegedly fired by Col. William T. it was announced toda
Colman. then the past commander Donald S. Leonard, Direc
of Selfridge Field. The revolver was ian Defense in Michigan.
said to have been fired near the front The test will be the
steps of base headquarters. Michigan of the new bl
"Col. Colman is under arrest in white air raid alarm sy
Percy General Hospital, Battle Creek, had its first trial in K
where he is under observation by Wednesday night.
medical corps personnel." Pointing out that ont
I- ----seaboard where the new
ds in effect there has been
e Ae u s white "all clear" signal,
Axis Countera ttacks nard said the Office ofC
fense and Army authorit
LONDON. May 7. -(AP)- Russian terested in studying pu
troops smashed five Axis counter- to that signal in the
attacks on the approaches to Novor- Observers will be stati
ossisk in the Caucasus Thursday and troit, Wayne County's co
captured a number of important Pontiac, Mt. Clemens, P
heights in the violent struggle to Ann Arbor, Ypsilanti, M
Dearborn and Windsor.
throw the Germans into the sea, Dearrn _nd __ndr-
Moscow announced early today.
Often fighting hand-to-hand, the
Red Army forces killed 1,500 moreA sks
Germans, said the midnight com-
munique, recorded by the Soviet W age Incr(
monitor. Thus in two days the Rus-W
sians have reported the killing of
nearly 9,000 Germans who had clung Board Declares
to the narrow foothold in the Cau- To Remove In
J aps Throw New Attack War Labor Board, in a
Against China 'Rice Bowl' session with Stabilizati
James F. Byrnes today

has begun.
the lights
ould be on,
m must be
ts by heavy
r signal will
on as usual.
mkout .
will be the
test which
eness of the
raid control
center that
will be able
ress of the
n take place
osal crews,
octors would
focal point.
ed to move
, and Chief
treet lights
the dimout.
dim their
wly. People
be off the
period, but
to use their
may be kept
om air raid
ng the total
will immed-
of the street
neither to
re hydrantsi
e production
1d but they
1 their yard
torium is
ing a black-
ng tonight's
rbed. Within
Lm will con-
ity were not
o See
()-A prac-
will be ob-
my officials,
y by Capt.
tor of Civil-
second in
'stem which
ent County
the Eastern
signals are
no audible
OYf~.- Tan

Powerful Air
Assault Drives
Nazis from Sky
By The Associated Press
NORTH AFRICA, May 6.-American
and British troops, supported by a
crushing Allied air offensive which
has chased Axis planes from the Tu-
nisian skies, have smashed through
enemy lines before Bizerte and Tunis
and captured Massicault, 15 (CQ)
miles from Tunis, a special commun-
ique announced tonight.
American troops closing on Bizerte
despite strong opposition deeply pen-
etrated Axis positions in a general
assault which began at dawn today,
the communique said.
Allies Hammer Germans
j The weakening Axis defenders
reeled back toward Bizerte and Tunis
under a savage rain of Allied artillery
and infantry blows, and Allied planes
hammered the retreating Germans
and Italians relentlessly.
An Associated Press dispatch from
the front said "the pay-off battle"
which is a prelude.to a European in-
vasion "is underway."
The American troops were believed
to be about eight miles from Bizerte
and closing on Ferryville below the
naval port. Ferryville's docks and
other vital installations already have
been knocked out by American ar-
tillery and air bombs.
Fighting. all .along this 40-mile
front was going on at nightfall, and
the Allied air arm was not giving
any rest to the battered Axis troops.
Giraud Predicts ,Collapse
Gen. Henri Giraud, French High
Commissioner in North Africa, an-
nonncehd in" AlkIers' th.t ther'e were
definite signs the enemy was weak-
ening and reaffirmed his recent as-
sertion that the Axis would be
crushed in Africa before the end of
the month.
On the basis of the present situa-
tion the end may come even sooner
than that, although the Germans
still have strong natural defenses in
the rugged terrain of the Cap Bon
Peninsula east of Tunis.
(The French Moroccan radio in a
broadcast recorded in London said
Col.-Gen. Jurgen Von Arnim, the
German commander, had already
fled Tunisia, and said Marshal Erwin
Rommel had preceded him out of
Devers To
Lead Yanks
In Europe
WASHINGTON, May 6.-(I)-The
invasion spectre was raised anew for
the Nazi High Command today as
Lieut.-Gen. Jacob L. Devers, recog-
nized specialist in armored warfare
and mobile artillery operations, was
assigned to command American
Army troops in the European theater.
Devers succeeds Lieut.-Gen. Frank
M. Andrews, killed in an Army plane
crash in Iceland. War 'Secretary
Henry L. Stimson said Andrews'
death had denied the country the
services of "one of its most brilliant
and gallant officers" but added that
he was being replaced by a man who
proved his "immense capacity for
organization and administration as
head of the Armored Force," an as-
signment he has held since August,
1941, with headquarters at Fort
Knox, Ky.
"General Devers is thoroughly cog-
nizant of present and future plans,"
the War Secretary told hiis press con-
ference, obviously to dispel any idea

that Andrews' death might delay pro-
jected operations in the European
Details of Andrews'
Crash Are Revealed
REYKJAVIK, Iceland, May 6.--
()- Giving the first detailed ac-
count of the plane crash -in which
Lieut. General Frank M. Andrews
and 13 others were -killed Monday,
the lone survivor of the accident
1aid tnnight th oraff hit a mntain

Lily Pons, Famed Coloratura
Soprano, Is Featured Tonight

The half-way point of the Golden
Jubilee May Festival will be reached
when two concerts, featuring per-
formances by Lily Pons, Astrid Var-
ney and the Festival Youth Chorus,
will be presented today in Hill Audi-
In both of these concerts, the
Philadelphia Symphony Orchestra
will be under the direction of Saul
Caston, associate conductor. The af-
ternoon performance will begin at
2:30 p.m. and the evening concert
will start at 8:30 p.m.
Astrid Varney, soprano from the
Metropolitan, will present four arias
from the works of Mozart and Wag-
ner in the afternoon concert. The
Festival Youth Chorus under the di-
rection of Marguerite Hood will sing
a Folk-Song Fantasy which will con-
sist of songs of the Allied Nations.

performance by Lily Pons, colora-'
tura-soprano of the Metropolitan.
She will sing the aria of the Queen
of the Night from "The Magic Flute"
by Mozart, "Les Rosas d'Ispahan" by
Faure; Air du Rossignor from "Pary-
satis" by Saint-Saens "Una Voce
Poco Fa" from the "Barber of Se-
ville" by Rossini.
Four orchestral works will also be
presented in this fourth concert. Cas-
ton will direct the orchestra in the
overture to "Oberon" by Weber;
"Variations" by Mozart-LaForge;
"Espana" by Chabrier and the Sym-
phony, No. 5 in E minor by Tchaikov-
The Golden Jubilee May Festival
will be brought to a close tomorrow
by two concerts. In the afternoon an
all-Russian program will be present-
ed. The concert will be highlighted
I- ., of rraiacm.r1Zo

Capt. .Leo-
Civilian De-
ies were in-
blic reaction
oned at De-
ntrol center,
Port Huron,
onroe, Flint,
on Director
argued that
power to in-
loomily they
said Byrnes
-ssure from
nion leaders
f the labor
rds might re-
might even

Chinese Command announced today,
only a short while after the military
spokesman had warned that the en-
emy was about to "make an import-
ant move," that the Japanese had
thrown in a new offensive against
the Chinese "rice bowl" in North
Hunan and South Hupeh provinces
with 7.A00 to 8.000 troons and heavy

it ought to have some r
crease wages to remove"
but members reported g
received little or no enc
Authoritative sources
was told that the prE
workers upon their ur
was such that some o
members of regional boar
sign and the movement

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