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May 06, 1943 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1943-05-06

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4r, 5idigan Batty
Fifty-Third Year
Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
regular University year, and every morning except Mon-
day and Tuesday during the summer session.
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or
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Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second-class mail matter.
Subscriptions during the regular school year by car-
Tier $4.25, by mail $5.25.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1942-43
National Advertising Service, Inc.
College Publishers Representative

His last foxhole.



Editorial Staff

Bud Brimmer .
Leon Gordenker
Marion Ford
Charlotte Conover .
Betty Harvey .
James Conant .
Elizabeth Carpenter
Pat Gehlert
Jeanne Lovett
Martha Opsion
Sybil Perlmutter
Molly Winokur
Margery Wolfson
Barbara Peterson.
Rosalie Frank .

. . . . Editorial Director
* . . . . City Editor
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. . . . Women's Editor

us iflfs,

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Telephone 23-24-1
__________________ f t; r;~
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by 'members of The Daily staff.
and represent the views of the writers only. °
.-a...:._ k>xr. '4 co54 sG.4e . - . a" ,6.

Festival Golden Jubilee had a
brilliant opening last night with
Eugene Ormandy conducting the
Philadelphia Orchestra, and Salva-
tore Baccaloni, "basso buffo," as so-
loist. The orchestra opened the
program with a clear-cut yet power-
ful presentation of Beethoven's Over-
ture to "Lenore" No. 3. Dr. Ormandy
imparted a wonderful energy to this
work, and the brilliant coda, taken
at an even more rapid rate than
usual, was especially effective.
Mr. Baccaloni's first offering was
the sonorous aria of Basilio, "La
Calumnia," from Rossini's "The Bar-
ber of Seville," which was sung in
proper bombastic style. Next came
Bartolo's aria, "La Vendetta" from
Mozart's "Marriage of Figaro," with
Mr. B. being grim and grotesque, al-
though slightly wheezy.
It is not this corner's task to de-
cide whether the subject matter of
Mr. B.'s style is fitting for the con-
cert stage. One can hardly sep-
arate the soloist's flair for low
comedy with his actual vocal tal-
The orchestra's next offering was
a Sinfonia for Double Orchestra by
J. Ch. Bach and arranged by Orman-
dy. As played last night, the com-
position became a Y'living and moving
thing," as they say in the literature,
but more in the spirit of Stokowski
than the 18th century Italian school.
However, one could not help admire
the richness and lushness of the
strings-even though these qualities
were out of place.
After intermission, a Symphony by
Paul Creston showed off to great
advantage the wonderful coordina-
tion and technical ability of the
orchestra. In an extremely virtuoso
performance, the work was shown up
to be what it really is-an excellent
MR. B. returned in the role which
has probably gained him the
most fame-that of Leporello in
Mozart's "Don Gioanni." He sang
the great buffo aria, "MVadamina,"
with much taunting and teasing. The
soloist was at his musical best, how-
ever, as Donizetti's counterpart of a
medicine show barker (in "Udite,
udite, O rustici" from "Elisir d'-
amore") and also later in the first
encore from the Barber of Seville.
Just fair were the aria from "Boris
Godounov" and the second encore
from Don Giovanni. But what mat-
ter a few rough spots and flat notes
as long as both Mr. Baccaloni and
the audience had such fun?
Dr. Ormandy closed the program
with a brilliant, fairly incandescent
version of the music for the ballet,
"The Three-Cornered Hat" by de-
Falla.--David Protetch

WASHINGTON, May 6.- Demo-
cratic party chieftains have secretly
decided on two major points of strat-
egy for the 1944 election campaign.
First-not to talk about a 4th term
for President Roosevelt. The strategy
is, "Mum's the word" regarding the
President. Speeches by prominent
Democrats urging him to run again
will be taboo from now on.
secondDemocratic leaders have
decided to concentrate activities dur-
ing the campaign on keeping a two-
thirds majority in the Senate to
support the President on the peace
treaty. (The House does not vote on
It passed unnoticed, but there
was a tell-tale illustration of the
"no 4th term talk" strategy at a
recent dinner in Philadelphia for
the Democratic organization of
Eastern Pennsylvania. New Deal
Senator Joe Guffey of Pennsyl-
vania made an all-out 4th term
speech, but three speakers who fol-
lowed him-Democratic National
Chairman Frank Walker, Attorney
General Francis Biddle and former
Representative Joseph Casey, a
White House advisor - didn't
breathe a word about a 4th term.
Walker's recent trip through the
nation, made to tap political senti-
ment, convinced him that it will be
very difficult for the Democrats to
retain their slim majority in the
House next year.'
Senator Walker's Aim
That is why Walker and his asso-
ciates have decided to concentrate
on the Senate. In doing so, Walker
will not hesitate to cross party lines
and support Republican candidates
(behind the scenes, of course) who
can be counted on to back up the
President's peace policies.
One GOP candidate the Demo-
cratic leadership will definitely
support is Ernest M. Hopkins, pres-
ident of Dartmouth College, who
will run against isolationist Sena-
tor Charles Tobey in the New
Hampshire Republican primary
next year.
As Vice-President Wallace was
saying good-bye on his trip to South
America, he asked Mrs. Laurence
Duggan, wife of the State Depart-
ment's Latin American, expert who
was accompanying him:
"Mrs. Duggan, is there anything
you want me to do for your hus-
"Mr. Vice - President," replied
Mrs. Duggan tactfully, "my hus-

9io27Ie &i car
Jewish SurvivaI
To the Editor:
TODAY there exists a people who
are suffering from atrocities and
violences which transcend the realm
of human imagination. Their only
'"crime" is their nativity, and conse-
quently, they are compelled to help-
lessly watch the destruction of every-
thing dear to them-their families,
their material possessions, and their
spirit. These unfortunate victims
are the European Jews.
In essence, our entire war effort
is aimed toward the preservation
of human liberty and decency. Our
post-war plans supposedly embrace
these ideals. If we are consistent
with our belief in these principles,
the problem of this group cannot
be ignored,
T0 AID THE PLIGHT of these in-
dividuals, the United Jewish Ap-
peal is sponsoring a national cam-
paign to raise 25 million dollars,
This campus, through the Hillel
Foundation, has pledged itself to
raise $1,000. In the past, the U.J.A.
has accomplished phenomenal re-
sults in aiding and rehabilitating
these refugees who have been for-
tunate enough to escape from occu-
pied countries. Their work can only
continue as long as they receive the
proper financial support.
This support should come from
all quarters-from all men of de-
cent instinct and good conscience.
For this is a question which con-
cerns humanity and does not in-
volve any one particular race or
We are confident that this drive
will receive the support it deserves.
--Herbert G. Levin
band is a man who needs a lot of
On the trip which followed, how-
ever, neither Duggan nor Wallace got
much sleep. They were on the go
night and day-receptions, speeches,
plane hops, more receptions, more
speeches. However, when they'ar-
rived home both. looked extremely
well. Bronzed as an Inca Indian,
Wallace had lost ten pounds, never
was in better health.
Since then he has been getting up
around 5:30 every morning to trans-
plant vegetables in his sister's gar-
den. She and her husband, the
Swiss Minister, live not far from
Wallace's hotel, and he goes by there
every morning for an hour's work
before breakfast.
A farmer all his life, Henry misses
the feel of the earth on his fingers.
(Copyright, 1943, United Features Synd.)


U.S. Took Right Step in
Breaking with Robert
THE ACTION of the United States government
last week in severing relations with Admiral
Georges Robert, High Commissioner of the
French Island of Martinique, has come none
too soon.
Until now the United States has been in the
awkward position of having a man who is
admittedly sympathetic with Vichy, and there-
by with Germany, in charge of strategic is-
lands at its doorstep. Robert had announced
that he is taking orders from Pierre Laval,
that he considers Giraud a traitor to France
and that our invasion of North Africa was an
unfriendly act.
Robert's record has not been a favorable one.
Last fall the United States opened negotiations
with him for our immediate use of some mer-
chant ships and later use of an airplane carrier
and two cruisers, but without success. Later
attempts to gain them by purchase or lend-lease
were met with abruptness and discourtesy to our
THESE INCIDENTS were followed by a re-
fusal to allow the landing on the island of
Admiral Batet, sent to Martinique by General
Berthouart, representative of General Giraud,
to confer with Robert. Admiral Baet's plane
,was met with a threat that if he landed he
would be arrested.
The significance of incidents such as these,
or of Robert's declarations, cannot be mistaken.
For this country to have continued with a pro-
Nazi nation in control of this vital post rather
than putting it under Giraud's command as is
probable now, might have been one of the grav-
est mistakes of this war. - Jean Richards
Pay-As-You-Go in New
Form Is Too Confused
A COMPROMISE form of the much criticized
pay-as-you-go plan has finally been pushed
through the House by its Republican advocates,
over the bitter opposition of the Democratic
Forgiving nineteen per cent.of the 1942 income
tax levy, the bill, as it stands now, wipes out
more than half of last year's income tax total,
as opposed to the Ruml plan which would for-
give all of last year's assessments.
If the measure passes the Senate, the method
of paying income taxes will shift partially from
payments on income already made to pay-
ments on current income. However, it will
create nothing but confusion in that it is only
an appeasement measure designed to win the
approval of both those who would cling to the
old method and those who stand for the adop-
tion of a complete pay-as-you-go basis, in
the Ruml skip-a-year plan.
The compromise Robertson-Forand Bill now
passed by the House will mean that half of last
year's taxes will be collected while at the same
time taxes on current income will be levied ac-
cording to the pay-as-you-go idea.
THUS a portion of last year's taxes will be paid
at the same time that this year's taxes are
paid, making the burden on the taxpayer half

Take fit
Or /eave fit
By Jason

E THICS is funny stuff.
You might wonder, for instance, why I don't
have any particular aversion to shaking a nickel
out of a candy machine, or swiping a couple of
extra sandwiches from the dorm lunch line (I
got caught doing that, last summer. Most em-
barrassing.) But lifting a few odd bundles of
cash from the bank-that's robbery.
Or this business of cheating on exams. "You
got ethics like my roommate," one of the girls
over here was saying to a victim of an Ee 51
bluebook. "She only cheats on the little tests,
the ones that don't count much."
That's a fine line to draw, all right. But it's
not any more illogical than your distinction be-
tween the bank and the coke machine, when
you come right down to it.
Of course, there are plenty-maybe you're one
who doesn't even draw that line. Your philosophy
of life-paraphrase, for publication-would read:
"Life's just one rooking after another." If you
can rook the prof and get away with it, that's
just so much gravy for you.
There's another type of attitude-a sociologist
might label it the "honor-among-thieves" mind-
set. It was frankly voiced by a girl two rows
back of me in Philosophy 33.
"Aw, come on," she was saying to the fellow
next to her. "Lemme see those notes. I helped
you on the last bluebook."
One of my profs has devised a counterattack
for that psychology, though. It's the "class-
average" approach. "You're being marked on
class average. Go right ahead and help your
neighbor, if you want to. You're cutting your
own throat, that's all you're doing, cutting
your own throat."
That doesn't leave us with -many illusions
about being gentlemen, but it works.
PEOPLE try their own counterattacks. It takes
a pretty hardened veteran to cheat without
a few twinges of conscience here and there, and,
if you can talk yourself out of it, you usually do.
"I've only cheated once up here, and that
was on the health lecture test," one friend of
mine was saying. "There's no percentage in
it-not when you're paying for an education.
Of course, in high school, it's a lot different-
we cheated all the time there."
A nice-looking girl I was sitting next to on the
train this week-end (no kidding, it was the only
seat left-besides, she was going to visit her
fiance) was saying how she made herself go to
classes at the University of Chicago by using the
same technique.
"You don't have to go, at all," she told me.
"Some kids never do. I don't cut many, though
I figured out that each lecture is costing me
$1.60, and I tell myself that all the time. It
seems to work . .-
THIS UNIVERSITY might profit by Chicago's
experience. If you don't make people go to
class, if you don't make them take exams, except
when they're ready to-a lot of them will study,
anyway. And they won't have to cheat, either,

I'd Rather
L Be Right
NEW YORK, May 6.- President James B.
Conant of Harvard wrote a piece for the Atlantic
Monthly this week announcing that conserva-
tism is finished. (I don't believe it is finished,
of course, but it is important that the president
of Harvard University thinks it is.)
Dr. Conant called for the appearance of a
new kind of man, an "American radical," who
would take his ideas from America's Jefferson
rather than Europe's Marx. He says that this
fellow, when he comes along, will believe that
every man is as good as his neighbor, and is
entitled to a real chance for a decent living. One
function of the American radical, says the Doc-
tor, will be to keep the country from splitting
into right and left wings, which might otherwise
sit down and glare at each other while the world
went to hell.
But this issue was supposed to have been set-
tied at the last election. In Washington some
people will tell you that last November proved
a conservative drift was on. Here is Dr. Conant
saying otherwise, precisely as if there had been
no such election.
That is the wonderful thing about democ-
racy. It is always undergoing alterations while
doing business, It is never finished. A num-
ber of~Americans thought they had settled for-
ever the liberal hash of one prominent gradu-
ate of Harvard, and here the president of the
whole school pops up.
And the Supreme Court of the United States
picked this week to reverse. itself on the famous
pamphlet case. Last year the Court ruled that
Fort Smith, Ark. (and other communities), had
the right to impose a tax on the sale of pamph-
lets. The tax in Fort Smith happened to be
$10, which meant that if you had only $9.99 to
spend you did not have the right of free -press,
but that if you had one penny more, the Consti-
tution would be allowed to protect you.
That decision (with Mr. Justice Frankfur-
ter, shockingly, on the majority side) would
have allowed each local community to set up a
kind of juridical Sears, Roebuck catalogue, so
much money needed to enjoy free press, so
many dollars for free speech, and so on. The
doctrine would have had the Constitution re-
serve its favors for those with the price, a very
immoral thing.
Now there has been a reversal. (With Mr.
Frankfurter still on the wrong side.) It makes
me proud of my profession to note that the
American Newspaper Publishers Association,
practically every member of which has $10, none-
theless joined in fighting this curious concept,
that you have the right of free press so long as
you are sound asleep in bed, but if you want to
get up and use the right, it will cost you money.
The implications of the reversal are vast. Isn't
the poll tax the same kind of business, a local fee
set on the exercise of abasic right? So we had
this sudden, liberal turn this week.
But not only that. Representative Ham Fish
happened this week to send one of his usual
broadside letters, which attack Wendell Willkie,
to Mr. Roland B. Marvin, an up-State New York
Republican leader of some size. Mr. Marvin not


VOL. LIII No. 158
All notices for the Daily Official Bul-
letin are to be sent to the Office of the
President in typewritten form by 3:30
p.m. of the day preceding its publica-
tion, except on saturday when the no-
tices should be submitted by 11:30 a.m.
The Annual spring Convocation of the
College of Pharmacy will be held Monday,
May 10, at 4:15 p.m., in the East Lecture
Room of the Rackham Building. Dr.
Malcolm Soule will speak on "Some As-
pects of the Practice of Medicine in
South America." All pharmacy students
are expected to be present and friends
of the College of Pharmacy are cordially
Notice to Men Students in Rooming
Men students living in Approved Room-
ing Houses who intend to move from their
present quarters at the end of the Spring
Term must give notice in writing to the
Dean of Students before 4:00 p.m. today.
Forms for this purpose may be secured in
Room 2, University Hall.
The official closing date for contracts in
rooning houses will be May 27, and room
rent shall be computed to include this
date, excepting for seniors and other stu-
dents who for one reason or another may
wish to occupy their rooms for a longer
period. In this case, the rent shall be
computed to include the extra time the
room is occupied.
C. T. Olmsted,
Assistant Dean of Students
Fraternities and Sororities are reminded
that membership reports for the month of
April are now due in the Office of the
Dean of Students.
Seniors in Aeronautical, Chemical, Civil,
Electrical, and Mechanical Engineering:
Mr. C. C. Lavene, Engineering Employ-
ment Manager of the Douglas Aircraft
Company,gilleinterview May and October
graduates in all Departments of Engineer-
ing today. There will be a group
meeting at 8:30 a.m., in Room 3205
East Engineering Building. All interested

seniors are asked to attend this meeting
if possible. Interviews will start at 9:00
a.m., in Room 3205. The Douglas Company
needs engineers for its Oklahoma, Illinois
and Southern California plants. Inter-
ested men will please sign the interview
schedule posted on the Aeronautical Engi-
neering Bulletin Board, near Room B-47
East Engineering Building.
A. M. Kuethe,
Acting Chairman
Engineers: Carbide & Carbon Chemi-
cals Corporation are sending a represenab-
tive to interview engineering graduating
in May, August and October on May 7
and May 8. Call Bureau of Appointments,
Ext. 371, immediately for an appointment.
--Bureau of Appointments
and Occupational Information
Academic Notices
ROTC Drill: Co. 'D' will 'Fall In' on
Hoover Street, in front of the IM Build-
ing, in uniform.
Doctoral Examination for John Melvin
Trytten, Education; thesis: "A Study of
the Relation between the Equipment of
Commercial Teachers and the Demands
of their Teaching Situations." Friday,
May 7, East Council Room of the Rackham
Bldg., 3:00 p.m. Chairman, F. D. Curtis.
By action of the Executive Board, the
Chairman may invite members of the
faculties and advanced doctoral candi-
dates to attend this examination and he
may grant permission to those who for
sufficient reason might wish to be present.
-C. S. Yoakum
The May Festival. The Philadelphia Or-
chestra at all concertsr:
Tonight, 8:30: First half-Choral works
by Albert A. Stanley and Frederick A.
Stock; Frederick Jagel, tenor; Hardin van
Deursen, Conductor. Second half-Fritz
Kreisler, violinist; Eugene Ormandy, Con-
Friday afternoon, 2:30: First half-Fes-
tival Youth Chorus, Marguerite Hood,
Conductor. Second half-Astrid varnay,
soprano; Brahms First Symphony; Saul
Caston, Conductor.

Holders of season tickets will please
detach, before leaving home, the respec-
tive tickets for the several concerts. Door
checks will be required to gain re-admit-
tance at intermission periods.
For. obvious reasons visitors will not be
admitted to rehearsals.
The University Musical Society will ap-
preciate the cooperation of all concert-
goers in facilitating all matters pertairiing
to the Festival for the greatest possible
comfort and convenience of those attend-
-Charles A. Sink, President
Professor Percival Price, University Car-
illonneur, willpresent another in the cur-
rent series of recitals at 7:15 tonight. The
program will include Sonata for a Musical
Clock by Handel, selections from Rigoletto
and 11 Trovatore by verdi, and four Amer-
lean war songs.


Fourteenth Annual Exhibition of
ture, Michigan League Building.


Exhibition: Pottery by Foster and Haile.
Sponsored by the Museum of Art and
Archaeology, through May 12. Hours:
May 6-8, 1-5 and 7:30-8:30. Galleries of
the Rackham Building.
Events Today
Michigan Sailing Club will meet tonight
at 7:30 in room 304 of the Michigan Union.
Election of officers.
GAL I1--WORD WallyM2
Kappa Phi meeting today at 5:15 pm.
at the Methodist Church.
The Surgical Dressing Unit will be open
to all girls interested in making dressings
for the American Red Cross, 1:00-5:00 pm.,
in the League today. Specially Invited
houses are Alpha Gamma Delta, Zeta Tau
Alpha, Kappa Kappa Gamma, Helen New-
berry, and Betsy Barbour.
Coming Events
Graduate Outing Club will meet at the
west entrance of the Rackham Building

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