i'riL iIiC-AN iv
Sixth Blood Ro"an-k
For 'U' Studeno
Will Begin Today
A Gift He'll Enjoy-
University students will participate _
in their sixth blood bank in as many TUESDAY, FEB. 9, 1943
months today and tomorrow in the VOL. LIII No. 85
Women's Athletic Building, it was All notices for the Daily Official Bul-
announced yesterday by Warner Jen- letin are to be sent to the Office of the
nings, '44, of the Union staff. President in typewritten form by 3:30
p.m. of the day preceding its publica-
Cooperating with the American Red tion, except on Saturday when the no-
Cross, the campus blood committee tices should be submitted by 11:30 a.m.
has staged five successful blood drives Notices
since last September.Noi s
Donors are reminded to keep their Student Tea: President and Mrs.
assigned appointments between 12 ' Ruthven will be at home to students
Wednesday afternoon. Feb. 10, from
and 4:30 p.m. today and tomorrow to 4 to 6 o'clock.
facilitate all operations.- -
There are still a few places open
for those who wish to donate blood.
All interested are asked to contact
Jennings today.
tion, public health, social welfare or 'Illinois Downs ilucks
engineering can be substituted. In-
tensive instruction, will be provided COLUMBUS, Feb. 8.-UP)-Illinois'
in the characteristics of the specific undefeated basketball team sped to
area in Central Europe chosen by the its seventh straight Western Confer-
student. ence victory tonight, trimming Ohio
Full information regarding the pro- State's Buckeyes, 50 to 44. The Bucks
gram may be obtained from Prof. held Andy Phillips, the Illini's Big
Calderwood, Room 2032 Angell Hall. Ten scoring leader, to eight points.
RATES MAKE MONEY-on your used cloth-
ing by phpning Claude H. Brown,
C1ASS IFIED 2-2736, 512 S. Main.
residents-Alternations on women's
garments promptly done. Opposite
Stockwell. Phone 2-2678.
MISS ALLEN-Experienced typist.
408 S. Fifth Ave. Phone 2-2935.
WANTED: Male student to work at
University Hospital six evenings
per week. 7-11. 51 cents per hour.
MEN and WOMEN to assist in wait-
ing table for two meals. Small
compensation and meals. Sorority,
2-3119, 407 N. Ingalls.
HELP WANTED: Male or Female.
Full or part time. Knowledge of
typing desirable. State Street
Store. Answer fully Box 63, Mich-
igan Daily.
FOR SALE-Engineering Drawing 1
set. Slightly used. Very good con-
dition. Phone 4055 after 4:00 p.m.
HOUSE-6-room, brick, strictly mod-
ern, 3 years old, game room, large
cedar closet, 2-car garage, 188-ft
lot, faculty neighbors, 4 miles from
campus. Call 25-7197.
Applications in Support of Re-
search Projects: To give Research
Committees and the Executive Board
adequate time to study all proposals,
it is requested that faculty members
having projects needing support dur-
ing 1942-1943 file their proposals in
the Office of the Graduate School by
Friday, Feb. 19. Those wishing to
renew previous requests whether now
receiving support or not should s
indicate. Application forms will be
mailed or can be obtained at Secre-
tary's Office, Room 1006, Rackham
Building. Telephone 372.
-C. S. Yoakum
Application Forms for Felowships
and Scholarships in the Graduate
School of the University for the year
1943-1944 may be obtained from the
Office of the Graduate School now
All blanks must be returned to tha
office by Feb. 15 in order to receive
consideration. C. S. Yoakum
College of Literature, Science, and
the arts,Schools of Education, For
estry, Music, and Public Health: Stu
dents who received marks of I or X a
the close of their last semester o
summer session of attendance wil
receive a grade of E in the course o
courses unless this work is made ur
by March 8. Students wishing an ex
tension of time beyond this date ii
order to make up this work shoul
file a petition addressed to the appro
priate official in their school witi
Room 4 of U.H., where it will be trans
Robert L. Williams,
Assistant Registrar
The War Information Center ha
been moved from Angell Hall to a
office on the first floor of the Michi
gan League. University War Boar
Bowling: The bowling alleys at th
Women's Athletic Building are ope
at the following hours: Daily, excep
Saturday-3:30 to 6:00 p.m.; Satur
day afternoon-1:00 to 6:00 p.m.; Ev
ery evening-7:00 to 9:00 p.m.
Mail is being held at the Busines
Office of the University for the fol
lowing people: Rose Allen, Howard S
Becksted, Lena Bierdeman, Lloyd Ca
tron, Dr. Edgar P. Chance, 1st Lieu
Charles B. Dollison, E. O. Ferriby, Jir
Fowler, Professor Jacque Houser, Mis
Deon James, Margaret McVay, War
ren Muenzenmayer, Fezi Roth, Cap
tain Frank Slattery, Mrs. Mary N
Rowton Smith, Ensign R. O. Stacey
James H. Stalter, Vera E. Willerson
Seniors graduating in May and reg
istered with the teaching division o
the Bureau of Appointments ar
asked to come in to fill out a locatio
blank for the spring term. The office
201 Mason Hall, is open between 9 an
12 and 2 and 4.
University Bureau of Appointment
and Occupational Information
Copies of regulations governing th
appointment of teachers in the Tole
do, Ohio, school system have been re
ceived. Those who are interested ma
obtain further information at 20
Mason Hall, between 9 and 12 and
and 4.
University Bureau of Appointmen
and Occupational Information
ministration, Social Economy, Statis-
tics) announces its fellowship and
scholarships for next year. The re-
cipients will carry a full-time pro-
gram of graduate study amounting to
fifteen semester hours each semester.
Applications should be received before
March 20..
Syracuse University is in continuous
session, with three terms within each
calendar year, beginning respectively
in January, May, and September. Ap-
pointments may be made for one, two,
or three successive terms. Appoint-
ments are open in the Liberal Arts de-
partments of the Graduate School,
and in Public Administration, Politi-
cal Science, Social Psychology, and
the School of Education. There are
also openings for Research Assistants,
Counselors for Men, and Advisers of
Further information may be had
from the notices which are on file in
the office of the Bureau of Appoint-
ments, 201 Mason Hall, office hours
9-12 and 2-4.
Bureau cf Appcintments and
Occupational Information
The University Bureau of Appoint-
ments has received notice of the fol-
lowing civil service examinations:
UNITED STATES: Persons Quali-
fied to Intercept Radio Messages-
until needs have been met-$2,600-
t $2,000 a yr. plus overtime;
Survey Engineer I-Feb. 10, 1943-
$155-$195 per month; Forest Fire
Warden & Towerman B-Feb. 10,
1943-$115-$125 per month; Police
- Radio Operator A-Feb. 10, 1943-
- $135-$155 per month; Alphabetic Key
r Punch Operator B-Feb. 24, 1943-
r $125-$145 per month; Numeric Key
r Punch Operator B--Feb. 24, 1943-
p $125-$145 per month; Key Punch Op-
erator A2-Feb. 24, 1943-$135-$160
n per month; Boys Supervisor B &
Housemother Cl-Feb. 24, 1943-$230
d -$260 per month; Stores Clerk C-
h Feb. 24, 1943--$110-$125 per month;
Stores Clerk A-Feb. 24, 1943-$135-
$155 per month.
Further information may be had
from the notices which are on file in
the office of the Bureau of Appoint-
s ments, 201 Mason Hall, office hours
n 9-12 and 2-4.
- Bureau of Appointments and
d Occupational Information
e Academic Notices
t University Choir (Ensemble 50):
- Male voices are needed for the spring
- term. Membership is open to students
in any school or college of the Uni-
versity whether electing the course
s for credit or not. Rehearsals Monday
- through Friday at 11 o'clock in Lane
. Hall. Sacred and secular a cappella
- literature comprises thle material for
t. study. Contact Hardin Van Deursen,
m the director, Room223, School of
;s Music Building.
- Seniors who wish to be eligible to
contract to teach the modern foreign
languages in the registered Secondary
, Schools of New York State are noti-
. fied that the required examination in
- French, Spanish, German, and Ital-
ian will be given here on Feb. 19.
e Those who wish to take this examina-
n tion should notif-rProfessor Parg-
ment (100 R.L.) not later than Feb
12. No other opportunity to qualify
will be offered until Aug. 1943, when
Summer School attendance is a pre-
requisite for admission to the exami-
Preliminary examinations in
French and German for the doctorate
will be held on Friday, Feb. 12, at 4
o'clock, in the Amphitheatre of Rack-
ham Building. Dictionaries may be
Honors in Liberal Arts: Students
registered for Honors 103 will meet
for organization at four o'clock today
in Room 3223 Angell Hall.
Seminar in Physical Chemistry will
meet on Wednesday, Feb. 10, in Room
410 Chemistry Building at 4:15 p.m.
Professor J. C. Halford will speak on
"Isomerism and the Assignment of
Structural Formulas." All interested
are invited.
ROTC Section of Speech 31 will
meet in room 4208 Angell Hall at 1
o'clock on Wednesday. It will continue
to meet in room 4203 at 2 o'clock on
Monday and Friday.
English 32, Section 8 (MWF at 1)
will meet Wednesday in Room 2215
Angell Hall.
Business Administration 123-Tab-
ulating Machine Practice-will meet
today from 7 to 9 p.m. in Room 106
Rackham Bldg. Instructor-Alan D.
Geography 144 (Climates) The first
meeting of this course will be held
Wednesday, Feb. 10, at 2:00 p.m. in
Room 17 Angell Hall.
Latin American Studies 194: There
will be an organization meeting of
this course at 2 p.m. today in Room
408 Library. Hours of meeting and
other details will be arranged.
Those who select Oriental Language
181, 184, and 186 will meet at 11:00 at
2019 A.H.
Shorthand & Typewriting Classes:
Emergency Division Courses in Secre-
tarial training will be offered this
semester. There will be an organiza-
tion meeting for students interested
in such classes today at 4:00 o'clock
in the University High School Audi-
torium. Detailed information covering
time and place of the classes and
credit allowed will be available at the
University Lecture: Professor Meyer
Shapiro, of the Department of Fine
Arts, Columbia University, will lec-
ture on the subject, "The Content of
Modern Art" (illustrated) at 4:15
p.m., Thursday, February 11, in the
Rackham Anphitheatre, under the
auspices of the Department of Fine
Arts. The public is cordially invited.
(Continued on Page 4)
A PIPE from Calkins-Fletcher
Send him a pipe from our fine selection of pipes.
Including Kaywoodies, Parker by Dunhill, Ben
,r "Mr
Wade, Kirsten
Dunhill and
others. A tobacco pouch and
some fres'h
tobacco will make a wonderful gift package.
A RONSON LIGHTER (for pipes, cigars
or cigarettes) will long be treasured.
find the ideal' gift for the man in the service
in our Smokers' Department*
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324 South State
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Buy War Bonds & Stamps - Invest in Victory
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man sonanddane
Color Cartoon
Continuous from 1 P.M.
TODAY and Wednesday
University Bureau of Appoint-
has received notice of the fol-
One of the World's Greatest Photographers
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