Slightly Warmecr
LIll No. 85
ursk Falls, Entire Nazi Defense Line Imperi
iy Festival
Golden Jubilee
Thorborg, Pons, Kipnis
Jagel, Varnay, Krisler,
Horowitz To Perform
The Golden Jubilee Music Festival,
c lminating 50 years of continued ac-
tivity by the University Music Society,
vill be given May 5, 6, 7, and 8 in Hill
Auditorium, according to an an-
nouncement made yesterday by
Charles A. Sink, president of the So-
In accordance with past tradition
the Festival will consist of six con-
certs, including among its artists sev-
en leading stars of the Metropolitan
Opera and two world-known instru-
Blanks Available
Application blanks are now avail-
able for tickets in Burton Memorial
Tower. Choral Union Series coupons
will be honored.
Four Metropolitan stars will be
heard for the first time in Ann Arbor.
They include Stella Roman and Astrid
Varnay, sopranos; Kerstin Thorborg,
contralto; and Salvatori Baccaloni,
basso buffo.
Lily Pons, coloratura soprano;
Frederick Jagel, tenor; and Alexan-
der Kipnis, bass, of the Metropolitan
Association are well known to Ann
Arbor audiences, all having performed
lie many limes.
Fritz Kreisler, playing Mendels-
sol's Violin Concerto, will feature
the Thursday night concert. The
world famed pianist, Vladimir Horo-
witz, will perform Tchaikovsky's Pi-
rno Concerto to highlight the Satur-
d~y afternoon program. Both of these
artists will jogrney here from Cali-
tornia to paricipate In this special
Golden Jubilee event.
Ormandy to Conduct
mUndernthe batons of Eugene Or-
mady, conductor, and Caul Caston,
associate condictor, the Philadelphia
Orchestra will participate for the
eighth consecutive season in the Fes-
The Choral Union, under the direc-
tion of Hardin Van Deursen of the
Turn to Page 6, Col. 4
Shoes Go Back
OT Sale Today
Brown Asks People
To Moderate Purchase
WASHINGTON, Feb. 8-(0P)-Shoes
go back on sale again tomorrow, un-
der a rationing program, but OA
Chief Prentissn m.Brown asked to-
night that people refrain from buy-
ing shoes until they actually need
The ration rogramannounced by'
the White House yesterday in the
name of Economic Director James F.
Byrnes and without advance notice,
allows three pairs of shoes a year a
per son.
The order ordering the rationing
also put a one-day freeze on sales,
allowing them to go back on sale
Tuesday morning.
Bridges Loses Case
In Deportation Trial
SACRAMENTO, Calif., Feb. 8.-
(P)- Harry Bridges, under order of
deportation to Australia, lost today
in Federal Court his petition for a
writ which would have forestalled
eviction from this country.
Attorneys for the head of the CIO
Longshoremen's Union deciared they
would take the case to the U.S. cir-
cuit court of appeals, and to the U.S.
Supreme Court, if necessary.
Daily Tryout
There will be a tryout meeting
University Is Approved
For Special Training
Designated by War Manpower Comnmission
To Instruct in Engineering and Japanese
Named with 280 other schools, the University was designated Saturday
by the War Manpower Commission in Washington as an approved insti-
tution for armed service specialized training.
This approval was the first of many to come to colleges throughout the
country and from it the University was designated to train servicemen in
three fields:
1. Engineers for the War Department.
2. Students of Japanese for the War Department.
3. Engineers for the Navy Department..
Actual contracts will be let only
has negotiated them and specifically
tutions. Approvals only lay the
groundwork for contracts except
where they already exist.
President Alexander G. Ruthven,
awaiting further information from
Washington, declined to comment
Other Michigan colleges and uni-
versities approved are as follows:
Michigan College of Mining and
Technology, Michigan State College,
and University of Detroit for War
Albion College, Michigan College
of Mining and Technology, Michigan
State College, and Michigan State
Normal College for Army Aviation
LANSING, Feb. 8.-(P-Michigan
State College officials began prepar-
orps MoVes
To Union Office
Change of Quarters
To Cause Little Delay
In New Spring Plan
Moving out of Angell Hall to make
way for a new accelerated war course,
the Manpower Mobilization Corps
yesterday changed its address to
Room 308 in the Michigan Union.
According to Manpower publicity
director Richard Cole, the change in
offices will couse little or no delay in
the extensive program planned for
this semester. All activities were
mapped out in the final weeks of the
last semester, he said, and the Corps
will move ipto action in a day or two.
Included on the program for this
term are the following projects:
1. A co tinuation of the effort to
alleviate the serious labor shortage
now prevalent in Ann Arbor restaur-
2. War movies which will be spon-
sored in cooperation with the War
Board and the University Extension
3. The procuring of men to work
on a defense construction job at Ypsi-
lanti. They will do measuring, rod
work and drive stakes on 4-hour
shifts six days a week. The shifts are
expected to run from 8 to 12 and from
1 to 5. Pay will be at the rate of ninety
cents per hour.
4. Campus defense classes which
will be sponsored by the Manpower
Corps. Courses will be of a voluntary,
non-credit nature and will deal with
demolition work, the job of an air-]
raid warden and plane spotting.
Varsity Relay Teamn
Tales Millrose litle
Daily Spots Editor
One of the greatest quartets of
Wolverine half-milers ever assembled
brought nation-wide recognition to
Michigan Saturday night by scoring
a smashing triumph in the featured
two-mile relay event at the famous
Millrose Ganes in New York's Madi-
son Square Garden.
Varsity Coach Ken Doherty's Maize
and Blue quartet defeated the East's
topnotch relay quartets in the fast
timo of 7474 short of the Millrose
after the War or Navy Department
approved them for individual insti-
ations to receive 3,000 uniformed men
to be assigned here by the War De-
partment for training.
Dr. John A. Hannah, college presi-
dent, said no specific quotas have
been set but thata it was likely Mich-
igan State would receive 3,000 to
make full use of its facilities. He said
the first, contingent of soldiers would
arrive about March 1, and that 1,500
men would be on the campus by
April 1, the remainder to arrive by
July 1.
All men's dormitories on the cam-
pus, about a dozen fraternity houses
and rooming facilities in East Lan-
sing will be made available to the
incoming military men," Dr. Hannah
said. He added the Army ordnance
would be asked to move 375 men from
Wells Hall on the campus to some
Lansing residence. They are studying
gunnery at the Olds Motor Works
in Lansing.
The president said, all male non-
military students would be required
to vacate campus dormitories, but
that adequate facilities would be
available for. them in East Lansing.
He emphasized co-ed education would
be maintained "as 'long as we are
able to do so," declaring girls' dormi-
tories, cooperative houses and soror-
ity houses would not be affected by
the housing changeover.
New Editors
Are Announced
Zalenski and Harvey
Get Senior Positions
The Board in Control of Student
Publications last week named Betty
Harvey, '44, women's editor of The
Daily and also selected Eric Zalenski,
'44, as. Daily sports editor.
The board at the same time ap-
proved a list of nine new junior night
editors of The Daily editorial staff.
These appointees include Dick Collins,
'45; Margaret Frank, '44; Betty Koff-
man, '45; Paul Harsha, '45; Henry
Peterson, '45; Evelyn Phillips, '45;
Jean Richards, '45; Stan Wallace,
'45; and Jim Wienner, '45.
Leon Gordenker, '44, and Mary Ro-
nay, '43, were reappointed night edi-
Miss Harvey, a member of Alpha
Epsilon Phi, takes her post on The
Daily after two years as a junior edi-
tor and sophomore tryout. A resident
of Woodmare, N.Y., she has been ac-
tive in League projects and served as
an orientation adviser.
Zalenski, who comes from Johnson
City, N.Y., is a member of Scabbard
and Blade, honorary ROTC society,
and Sphinx, junior literary honor so-
ciety. He won his numerals in track
and is at present a member of the
varsity wrestling squad.
Italian Port
Is Crippled
By U.S. Raids
British Eighth Army
Approaches Tunisian
Border; Nears Pisida
By The Associated Press
LONDON, Feb. 8.- The most pow-
erful Allied air raids yet delivered in
the North African theatre against
Italy-raids that smashed the Naples
waterfront and spread fire and ex-
plosion over Sicily and on the Axis
air base of Cagliari in Sardinia-
were disclosed today as rainy weather
again restricted land fighting to pa-
trol actions.
Big American bombers struck by
daylight yesterday at both Cagliari
and Naples, the British going in with
follow-up attacks at night on Sar-
dinia, and in all these big operations
Allied announcements declared that
only two Allied planes were lost.
Is Prologue of Things to Come
The attack on Naples was charac-
terized by Brig. Gen. Patrick W. Tim-
berlake, chief of the U.S. Bomber
Command in the Middle East, as was
one of the most successful ever driven
home by American forces in that the-
atre. It was, he added, "A prologue
of things to come.,
The Italian High Command ac-
knowledged that damage to Naples
was heavy. It claimed, against the
Allied report of only two attacking.
planes lost, that nine raiders were
shot down-four at Naples, four at
Cagliari and one at Sicily.
Several Axis air fields were at-
tacked on Sardinia, that at Cagliari
getting the ,heaviest pounding. Forty
to fifty, Axis planes were caught on
the ground, an Allied spokesman re-
ported, and it appeared that many of
them had been estroyed.
Aground, the British Eighth Army
driving in from Libya at the heels of
Marshal R omm el's Africa Corps
reached the region of the Tunisian
frontier, a Cairo communique. an-
nouncing that General Sir Bernard
Montgomery's troops had been in
contact with the enemy west of Pisi-
da, itself 10 miles from the border.
Allied Planes Harass Rommel
Allied fighter-bombers were in ac-
tion against Rommel's transport over
a wide area.
In the Mediterranean, Axis ship-
ping remained under punishing at-
tack from the British Fleet and it
appeared that the battle of the straits
was being won by the Allies.
Recapitulations from Cairo dis-
closed that during the past week 19
enemy ships had been sunk or so
badly damaged as to be abandoned;
that two others were damaged and
four more believed sunk.
War Work Is Topic
Of Meeting Today
Training opportunities for govern-
ment service in countries which the
United States is expected to occupy as
a result of the war will be discussed
in an open meeting at 3 p.m. today in
East Lecture Hall of the Rackham
Sponsored by the Division of Emer-
gency Training of the Rackham
School of Graduate Studies, the pro-
gram is designed to prepare qualified
men and women for administrative
positions in Central European and
Far Eastern countries likely to be
occupied or in need of assistan due
to the war.
Kursk Fall Hits Nazi Communications
'ti L!5CHANSK O.. .
Sea o: A YE IKSK
Kuyban R.%-,
Encirclement of Rostov was foreseen as Russian forces (A)
drove westward south of Kharkov and apparently aimed (broken
arrow) for the Sea of Azov. Other Red troops (B) closed in on
Krasnodar and penetrated to the sea and to the outskirts of Rostov
itself after capturing Bataisk. Germany admitted Russian landings
(C) in the Novorossisk area. To the north, the capture of Kursk
endangers Nazi communications with Orel and Kharkov.
StudentoGet Science and Arts
In Nvew Pie-Induction Course,
Reds Besiege
Rostov with
Dual Drives
Smashing Victory
At Kursk Threatens
Nazi-Held Kharkov
By The Associated Press
LONDON, Feb. 8.- The fall of
Kursk, one of the principal bastions
of the German 1941-42 winter line, in
a smashing Soviet offensive was an-
nounced tonight in a special Russian
communique, marking a victory ap-
proaching in importance the Russian
triumph at Stalingrad.
As the crumbling of this northern
pivot of the Nazi defense line was an-
nounced, pressure was increased on
another of the key Nazi defenses-
Rostov, gateway to the Caucasus,
where the Russians are besieging the
city from the south and another col-
umn is driving down from the north.
The capture of Kursk imperiled the
entire German defensive line in Rus-
Railroad Center Held Since 1941 .
The railroad city had been in Ger-
man hands since Nov. 11, 1941, fall-
ing to the Nazis only four and a half
months "after they launched their
drive into Russia. It was a main
springboard of the German offensive
last summer that swept to Voronezh
and Stalingrad and overran much of
the Caucasus.
The Russian counteroffensive of
last winter carried nearly to Kursk,
but fell short of the city, where the
Germans had built 'one of their
strongest positions in all Russia.
Kursk was occupied after "a violent
attack" assisted by "an encircling
movement from the northwest," said
the special communique as recorded
here by the Soviet Monitor.
The announcement came as a sur-
prise, for previous Russian communi-
ques had not indicated that Kursk
was under direct attack. It had been
outflanked with the capture of Fat-
ezh, 35 miles to the northwest, an-
nounced yesterday, and other Soviet
columns had been moving up from
the southeast and east, and down
from the north.
Kursk Was Nazi Strong Point.
Kursk ranked with Orel, Bryansk,
and Kharkov and Rostov as pivots of
the German 1941-42 winter line.
"On Feb. 8 Soviet troops under the
command of Maj. Gen. Chernyakov-
sky as the result of a violent attack
occupied the town of Kursk," it said.
"Troops under.Col. Guzev, Lieut. Col.
Perekalsky and Col. Gutshin were the
first to break into the town.
The smashing victory at Kursk ap-
parently put Kharkov-regarded as
the king pin in the Nazi line-in peril.
Future doughboys and gobs will go
into the armed services well prepared
if they go through the Division for
Emergency Training's new, 24-week
pre-induction course to begin Feb. 15.
Streamlined curricula will supple-
ment the existing University facilities
to give young men "a substantial ba-
sis for further specialized training in
the armed services and provide the
fundamental knowledge necessary for
intelligent citizenship." '.
But that's not all; the program will
prepare the pre-inductees to come
marching home again and take over
University life with little friction.
That large order is going to be
served up in two academic dishes-
'U' Enrollment
Drops Down to
7,521 Students
Enrollment in the University-al-
ready cut by the draft-fell further
this semester to 7,521 students, 1,922
fewer than a year ago.
The biggest drop was in the literary
school where to date 829 fewer stu-
dents than last year registered. A
total of 3,544 paid tuition.
Law students showed up in very
small numbers-only 66 of them-to
make a decrease of 279 students. The
graduate school enrolled 544, 476
fewer than last year.
Even the vital engineering college
found its student ranks smaller as
1,766 students registered. A year ago
1,914 signed up.
And in the even more vital dental
and medical schools enrollment was
down 78 and 31 respectively, but this
was attributed to mid-semester grad-
uations and streamlined programs.
both of which are something new for
the University:
1) Mathematics and physics will
be taught as one integrated course.
2) Social studies and language arts
will be taught as cognate subjects to
give students a perspective of politics
and democratic ideals.
The youths who will enroll in this
course will be high school graduatesj
with good scholarship records, two
units of mathematics and good stand-
ing in English and social studies. A
few of them will be high school sen-
iors with superior records.
Hard Work Ahead
Hard work will be ahead of the
boys. They'll get physical conditioning
to put them in fighting shape. That's
the starter.
The rest of the work will be added
on in the 24 hours of class each week
and the supervised study periods to
get the work done. They'll get labs,
too, to see what they're doing.
Mathematics and physics will take
14 hours per week.The trainees will
review school algebra and go on to
college algebra and trigonometry. All
the math will be integrated with the
Social studies will occupy the rest
of the time. In these courses proper
language usage will be taught to ex-
press and discuss the ideas present.
An erican politics and some geogra-
phy will furnish the subject matter.
When the boys finish their intens-
ive work they will either leave for the
armed forces or switch to another
University department where they'll
get regular work.
Diplomas Granted
If the graduates are high school
seniors, their records will be sent to
their own high school and a diploma
will be granted. But this applies only
to high schools that have made such
Another plan-not yet quite set-
tled-is that the boys live together
and practice the democracy they
learn in class. Self-government will
be introduced to develop leadership.
Further information may be ob-
tained at the Registrar's office of
the University.
Cag ers Drop Second
Tilt to Indiana, 48-3
Special to The Daily
BLOOMINGTON. Ind.. Feb. 8.-
t4 ,
Bourke- Whi!to.
Will- Speak
Here 'on RAF
Margaret Bourke-White, only re-
cently returned from covering the
historic Casablanca conference, will
discuss "Shooting the War with the
RAF" at 8:15 p.m. tomorrow night in
Hill Auditorium.
Attached to the Eighth Air Force,
Bomber Command as the United
States Army's only accredited woman
photographer,.Miss Bourke-White will
brng to an Ann Arbor audience the
latest news from the African war
She has photographed American
Rangers in action in Britain, Com-
mandos preparing for "Second Front"
action, camel troops on the march in
Africa, the heroic peoples of the
bleak Russian steppes-all in the
space of a few short years. Today,
she stands unchallenged as one of
the foremost photographers in the
Miss Bourke-White spent, her un-
dergraduate days at the University
and was graduated from Cornell. She
will be introduced by Mrs. Conger,
secretary of the Alumnae Council.
Pro-oNazi Dutch Leader Assassinated
LONDON, Feb. 8.- (P)- The lone
traitor among Dutch generals, Hen-
drik Alexander Seyffardt, died Satur-
day after being shot before his home
in The Hague, and tonight the Neth-
erlands News Agency Aneta said the
Germans were planning "drastic re-
prisals" against the population.
unpopular for several years because
of his pro-Nazi leanings.
Aneta said the curfew had been ad-
vanced from 11 p.m. to 9 p.m. in two
provinces to facilitate the search for
the killer and to round up suspects.
The Netherlands Government in
London frequently had warned the
mutilated and disillusioned volunteer
who avenged himself on this crimp."
Hitler's Quislingist "Leader of the
Dutch People," Mussert, named Seyf-
fardt to his personal cabinet only
last week and instructed him to mobi-
lize an army for service against Rus-
sia. The general had. previously
formed a volunteer legion called the