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May 04, 1943 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1943-05-04

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TWO _.-**---*--*--- - -.T E M C I A A I


Fifty-Third Year
Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
regular University year, and every morning except Mon-
day and Tuesday during the summer session.
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
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lication of all other matters herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second-class mail matter.
Subscriptions during the regular school year by car-
rier $4.25, by mail $5.25.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1942-43
National Advertising Service, In-c.
*,College Publishers Representative

No blackout!

Bud Brimmel
Leon Gordenker
Marion Ford
Charlotte Conover .
Betty Harvey
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Sybil Perlmutter
Molly Winokur
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Rosalie Frank .

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Telephone 23-24-1
Editorials publishcd in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only. ..

WASHINGTON - What most
people don't realize about the coal
crisis is that during the one month
of long-drawn out negotiations in
New York, there wasn't any nego-
tiating at all.
Actually, the mine operators
made no proposals nor counter-
offers to John L. Lewis. For one
solid month they sat, in effect tell-
ing Lewis:
"You may not like it, John, but
this time you have to go before
the War Labor Board."
The War Labor Board was the
last body the big miner wanted to
appear before. There were several
reasons. First. some of the labor
members of the Board are old per-
sonal enemies of his. Second, he
has strongly suspected Will Davis,
WLB chairman, and public mem-
ber Wayne Morse, of the Univer-
sity of Oregon, of being out to get
Finally, he knew that ex-sena--
tor Ed Burke of Nebraska, attor-
ney for the Southern operators,
was a bitter foe of FDR's and
was suspected, rightly or wrong-
ly, of wanting a strike. Many of
the operators individually were
quite willing to grant some con-
cessions to the United Mine
Workers; but as a group they
figured it was good strategy to
sit tight and pass the buck on to
Leis's old enemies on the War
Labor Board.
Thus personalities-not exclud-
ing the old, bitter enmity between
Lewis and Roosevelt personally-
played the most important role
backstage in bringing on the coal
Possibly the mine operators
might not have been so recalcitrant
if they had not received a tip at
the very start of negotiations a
month ago that the dispute would
be sent to the War Labor Board
anyway. This tip came in the
form of a telegram from the Presi-
dent himself, to both sides, urging
a speedy, peaceful settlement and
warning that the War Labor Board
would be called in if necessary.
When Secretary of Labor Per-
kins read this telegram she im-
mediately saw the implications,
and blew up. It was bad strategy,
she felt, for the President to in-
tervene so early in the dispute.
Also she knew the operators
would take this as the tip-off to
stage a sit-down until the dis-
pute could be referred on to the
War Labor Board.
So, calling in WLB Chairman
Will Davis, the man credited with
drafting the telegram, she lost no
time conveying her feelings.
"You've put the boss on the
spot," she accused Davis. "You
should know better than to get him
mixed up in this right now. The
time for him to step in is after all

NEW YORK, May 4.- There is
a lot of unofficial post-war plan-
ning going on. The Navy is pre-
paring- to fight all comers who
might try! seriously to reduce- its
war-swollen size. Captain Leland
P. Lovette, Navy Director of Public
Relations, has just advised his staff
to make ready for that argument.
Check, the world of the future
for Navy men is a big-Navy world.
But for a number of high fig-
ures in the Republican Party, the
world of the future is one in
which there will be a drastic
return to states' rights, small
federal budgets, and local self-
government. Governor Bricker,
of Ohio, now leads that drive.
One would-liketo. introduce, him
to Captain Lovette, murmurig
that you two people ought to
know each other. Are loca bud-
gets going to maintain the big-
Navy of the future?-
(Meanwhile, a number of South
African thinkers are thinking, un-
officially, about a United States of
Africa. It will be an odd world- of
the future which sees more feder-
alism in Africa and less federalism
in America.)
Also on the post-war plan front,
Senator George of Georgia, in a
remarkably able address to the
United States Chamber of: Com
merce, has warned industry that
if it wants to avoid government
interference with business, it will
have to get used to the idea of
producing some $155,000,000,000 of
goods and services each.year, keep-
other avenues have failed-not be-
Fixing Davis with a critical eye,
she added:
"Wit,'you're too excited over this
Davis countered that this,was
wartime and it was necessary tot
bring all possible pressure on
both Lewis and the operators for
a quick settlement without let-
ting the case drag, on for weeks.,
He added that Lewis. should not
be given "special treatment," but
handle like any other labor
"Yes, you say you treat him like.
other labor leaders, but you don't,"
shot back Miss Perkins. "You're
always putting him on a pedestal,
singling him out as a special fig-
ure. This telegram proves it.'
Irked by the needling, Davis re-
plied: "That's not true. I have
only one thought in mind. I want
to save my country from a serious
"Well, if you mean that, you
are proceeding in the wrong
way," responded Miss Perkins.
The WLB chairman challenged
this, but Madame Secretary closed
the argument.
"Forget it, Will," she said.
"This is a battle of nerves and
John L. Lewis seems to have got
your goat"
It is estimated that one cent added
to the price of every barrel of crude
oil would add $14 millions a year to
the nation's fuel bill.

I'd xRathfer BeA"& Right

ing 55,000,000 Americans employed.
Government spending during de
pression, he says, is not a plot, but
the natural result of unemploy-
ment. This was an exceedingly
realistic meeting of the Chamber
with less hoorah and more hard
facts than usual. It was good to
hear somebody at one of these
meetings state the simple truth
about the post-war period, that
one man is not going to starve
willingly for the sake of another
man's principles.
The Chamber showed that its
new, thoughtful mood was not put
on, for its resolutions committee
ended its work by endorsing exten-
sion of the reciprocal trade trea-
ties, by a vote of 34 to 11. The-
committee lined up with Mr. Roose-
velt and against the du Ponts, Who
spoke- for the other side,
Here, again, I find myself comr
ing bacJk to Governor Bricker,
and to the leading Republicans,
and- to. their nostalgic little un-
official post-war plans. The
Chamber of Commerce of the
United States has voted, three to
one, for the trade treaties. All
the Republicans on the House
Ways and Means Committee, to
a man, have voted, 10 to 0, a-
gainst these treaties. Will not
some leading Republicans realle
the danger of the present drift,
which finds the Republican par-
ty far to the right of the Cham-
ber of Commerce of the United
Anyhow, the world of the future,
as these (I think the phrase is
"hard-headed") business men see
it is a world of reciprocal trade
treaties, negotiated by the Presi-
dent, while the world of the future
as Governor Bricker and his friends
see it is one in which all these
problems will be solved right in
their own cute little villages.-
I think the Republican party
must begin to face up to the ft-
ture as squarely as some of Its
spokesmen, such as the New Tori'
Herald Tribune,have done Ac-
tually, its post-war planning, a
outlined in its recent activity, is
not planning at all. It is only a
kind of moaning low. The thIng
Governor Bricker says he wants
isn't a plan. It is a sentimental
ballad. And while the Bricker
idea does not show up in the par-
t-y's national resolutions, It -
tainly shows up in the party's
Congressional voting record.
Actually, the official side of the
Republican party, far more than
its members or its newspapers, is
wandering into a very special poai-
tion. It is not at all the mirror of
conservatism any longer. It is te
mirror of die-hardism. It has .be-
come the dreamiest of all the par-
ties, for among the worlds of the
future now being planned, the
Bricker world of a return to tie
village green is the most wildly
improbable, the most unfactually
imaginative, the most starry-eyed,
if you like, of them all.
(Copyright, 1943, N.Y. Post Syndicate)
In Australia, tea is rationed at the
rate of one ounce every two weeks to
each consumer.

FDR Scores Miners'
Production Stoppage
PRESIDENT ROOSEVELT proved once again
that he is a master statesman and leader.
His appeal to the coal miners Sunday night was
not based on a series of over-used bromides ex-
tolling the "brave men who are giving their lives
that our democratic principles may live." Such
inclusive tactics are reserved for amateurs such
as Rickenbacker.
Roosevelt adopted a much more sensible pat-
tern of persuasion. He brought this war right
into the miners' homes. He showed them how
their sons, their brothers, their friends would
suffer if they neglected their duty toward Amer-
ica. He re-enunciated his pledge that under the
present administration the rights of workers
would remain adequately protected. But he also
told the strikers in no uncertain terims that they
are obstructing the war effort and endangering
the future of their country.
Nor is John L. Lewis, bushy-browed dictator
of the mines, a novice in the field of politics or
propaganda. His order to resume work for a
two-week truce preceded Roosevelt's speech by
less than an hour. Far be it from John L. to
let it be assumed that he has been influenced
by Roosevelt.
T HREE YEARS AGO Lewis' pride was re-
sponsible for his resignation from the CIO.
At that time he began to "devote" himself en-
tirely to the "sacred cause"' of the "underpriv-
ileged" miners. Today his stubborn pride may
be responsible for holding up the coal supplies
necessary to keep American factories running'
at top speed, necessary to speed American sol-
diers to their destinations, necessary for the
whole total war effort of the United Nations.
If Lewis succeeds in stopping the flow of
coal, if American industry comes to a stand-
still through lack of power, he and his UMW
lieutenants may pat themselves on the back
for a job well done. Who knows? Perhaps
Hitler will order a duplicate of Lindbergh's
medal struck off and present it to his American
henchmen with his heartiest congratulations
and gratitude. It would certainly not be an
unwarranted or undeserved reward.
ALTHOUGH some laborers endorse the miner's
cause (few are in favor of Lewis' tactics),
this controversy may not be thought of as a
battle of ideals. It is more a conflict of person-
alities-of two men who were formerly friends
but turned enemies when one could not entirely
accede to the other's demands without disrupt-
ing a balanced governmental set-up.
Were it a battle of ideals, UMW officials
might not have refused to hear the testimony
mediated by the War Labor Board. They
might have presented their arguments and
accepted the verdict of the Board. They con-
end that the hoard is prejudiced. If it is, it
is only because their cause is unjust for it
comprises as many labor representatives as it
does industrial leaders and business men.
Roosevelt has shown that he is the boss. He
has ordered troops to the mines to protect any
workers who put love of country above love of
union. He has pleaded with the workers to
ignore Lewis' demands. He has brought into
play almost every available resource at the com-
mand of the President of the United States and
the Conmander-in-Chief of the Army and Navy.
For Lewis to stand alone against these forces is
suicide for the future of labor and dangerous
to our united war effort. - Mel Brown

U.S. Student Assembly Gives Campus
Chance To Aid in Post-War Planning

the position of being labeled as a typical mid-
western university which is not concerned with
what is going on in the rest of the United States.
It is important at the present time that the
college students of the United States join to-
gether so that their voice may become a strong
factor in the shaping of the post-war world. It
is quite obvious that the international set-up
which is finally arrived at will be one that we
will have to live with. It is also obvious that we
should share in the shaping of this world.
There is a movement going on at the present
time to fully organize an U.S. Student Assem-
bly. As the situation now stands only a stu-
dent executive committee and an adult advis-
ory committee are functioning. A convention
is going to be held this Friday, Saturday and
Sunday in New York City for students from
universities and colleges throughout the coun-
try to fully organize this Assembly, to arrive
at a definite war policy and "to decide how
best this organization can serve American
Each university and college will be allowed
three voting delegates which are to be chosen
from the organizations which represent the stu-
dents on each particular campus. Such world
and national issues as the situation in North
Africa, the Ball-Burton-Hatch Bill, our relations
with the Soviet Union and the reports of the
National Resources Planning Board will be dis-
cussed as they relate to the future posi-

tion of the students of the United States.
At the present time there is no national organ-
ization of students. The International Student
Service which met in Washington in 1942 is now
completely disbanded. Because of its announced
policy the United States Student Assembly is
much to be preferred. The program is as fol-
"Where the ISS was diffident about taking
sides in the political and economic struggle,
and generally remained above the battle, the
USSA is definitely and militantly ranged in
the liberal sector."
ARE THE STUDENTS of the University of
Michigan going to continue their placid iso-
lationism or are they interested in joining with
the students from all over the United States to
see that the desires of all the students who are
fighting this war will be realized? We will have
little reason to grouch about the peace which is
made if we do nothing ourselves to influence this
There is not time for violent discussions on
what our policy will be. The national conven-
tion is this week and it should be our main
concern to make sure that Michigan students
will be represented at that convention. If we
waste time in quibbling we will lose our oppor-
tunity to act with the rest of the students of
America. Are we members of an isolated
mid-western university or do we belong to a
university which is national and international
in its activities? -Mary Ronay

Peace Can Be Stopped
By 'Anerica First-ers'
THE CHICAGO TRIBUNE, self-styled "World's
Greatest Newspaper" which was staunchly
isolationist up until the day of Pearl Harbor, is
still beating the "America First" marching drum.
This time the Tribune is advocating a world
union under the flag of the United States. While
the Tribune has finally awakened to the need
for some sort of a world organization, the plan
it proposes is so blatantly nationalistic, as to be
repulsive to the very foreign countries to which
it is supposed to appeal.
Col. Robert McCormick, publisher of the
Tribune, has suggested the scheme whereby
any nation desiring a "closer association with
the United States can do so by becoming a
state of this nation as provided under the
Constitution of the United States." Specifi-
cally applied this would mean that Great
Britain could become part of the United States
by entering as four states: England, Ireland,
Scotland and Wales.
ACCORDING to the Tribune, the plan will
make it possible to achieve closer interna-
tional cooperation, without the United States
yielding its sovereignty to some world organiza-
tion. Yet the plan calls for the entering states
to lose their sovereignty. They must surrender
themselves as nations in order to gain the in-
significance of a state. The loss of sovereignty
would be greater than if the nation were defeat-
ed in war.
This is typical of the twisted thinking which
is thwarting the efforts to attain a true world
Other countries are no more anxious to yield
their national sovereignty than we are. They



Dr. Leonhardt Proposes
Post-War World Plans
SEVERAL IDEAS, worthy of thoughtful con-
sideration by every member of the United
Nations, for a successful post-war plan were pre-
sented recently by Dr. Hans L. Leonhardt, a man
who, by virtue of his German birth, Danzig resi-
dence up to 1938, knowledge of history, law and
economics should know what he is talking about.
Dr. Lconhardt, in his address, placed much
of the blame for this present war on the dip-
lomats who had become so incensed in their
selfish race of isolationism that they were un-
aware of their sacrifice of the common good.
He then went farther and said that our inter-
national relations were out-of-date, the basis
for all our troubles actually being the, strong
sense of nationalism that has been developed
by every independent state of today. The
national states as they were first created were
not particularly harmful, in fact they had
many good points in their production of great
scholars, literature, and culture in general,
But our civilization grew; it became more com-
plex, the world shrunk, our entire economic
and political systems changed while the na-
tional states remained and this anachronism
caused our present holocaust.
The great question that Dr. Leonhardt insists
we ask ourselves today is, "Is that system of
national states as a principle still tenable in our
The answer is no; these states are outmoded
institutions we have dragged along in our rapid
development. However, we cannot simply ac-
knowledge this fact and start over again with
some other plan. We have these states, we must
work with them, weeding out their undesirable
n ~ .. r}i.. .: i. . . . ,. i L .. .. , ..1 . .. . _ . ._ . _

TUESDAY, MAY 4, 1943
VOL. LIII No. 156
All notices for the Daily Official b l-
letin are to be sent to the Office of the
President in typewritten fot by 3:39
p.m. of the day preceding its publica-
tion, except on Saturday when the ne-
tices should be submitted by 11:39 a.m.
Student Tea: President and Mrs. Ruth-
ven will be at home to students Wednes-
day afternoon, May 5, from 4 to : o'clock.
Commencement Tickets: Tickets for
Commencement may be obtained on re-
quest after May 10 at the Information
Desk in the Business Office, Room 1,
University Hall. Because Hill Auditorium
will be used for the exercises, and because
of its limited seating capacity, only three
chance for survival and our ways of
government and living would need
not undergo a terrific change; eaoh
state could govern as it pleased but
any advances it made towards the
destruction of another, state would
be promptly and efficiently prevent-
ed by a strictly 'enforced interna-
tional law.
Certainly these ideas are a mini-
mum for the post-war world. -His-
tory has taught us that we can no
longer afford to calmly, blindly sit
back after a war and allow any
nation to rearm and start another
massacre for the control of the.
world which would force us to
sacrifice our youths every twenty
It should be quite plain by now
tha e- - csr- - } ti- - tilstrs- ir- -

tickets will be available for each senior.
Please present identification card when
applying for tickets.
Herbert G. Watkins,
Assistant Secretary
Notice to ben Students in Rooming
Men students living in Approved Room-,
ing Houses who intend to move from their
present quarters at the end of the Spring
Term must give notice in writing to the
Dean of Students before 4:00 p.m. on
Thursday, May C. Forms for this purpose
may be secured in Room 2, University Hall.
The offiiai -closing date for contracts in
-rooming houses will 'be May 27, and room
rent shall be computed to include this
date, excepting for seniors and other stu-
dents who for one reason or another may
wish to occupy their rooms for a longer
period. In this case, the renat shall -be,
computed to include the -extra time the
room is occupied.
C. T. Olmsted,
Assistant Dean of Students
La o iedad flispanica offers two sc-hc4-
arships to the 1943 Summer Session of the
National University of Mexico. Any stu-
dent who wishes to apply, please see Pro-
fessor E. A. Mertado in 'Room 302 Romance
Language Building.
Seniors in Aeronautical, Chemical, Civil,
Electrical, and Mechanifal Engineering:
Mr. C. C. LaVene, Engineering Employ-
ment Manager of the Douglas Aircraft
Company, will Interview May and October
graduates In all Departments of Engineer-
ing on Thursday, May 6. There will be a
group meeting at S:30 a.m., in Room 3205
East Engineering Building. All interested.
seniors are asked to attend this meeting
if possible. Interviews will start at 9:00
a.m., in Room 3205. The Douglas Company
needs engineers for its Oklahoma, Illinois

of a series of the talks on Latin Amrica
on the subject, "Some Aspects of Chilean
Life," under the auspices of the Latin
American Society of the University of
Michigan, tonight at 8:00 in the Lecture
Hall of the Rackham Building.
Faculty, students, and townspeople are
welcome to the lecture, which wil he de-
livered in English and without charge.
Academic Notices
Doctoral Examination for Norman Day-
mond Humphrey, Sociology; thesis: "The
Mexican Peasant in Detroit." Wednesday,
May 5, East Council Room of the Rack-
ham Bldg., 2:00 p.m. Chairman, R. C.
Byaction of the Executive Board, th1e
Chairman may invite members of the fac-
ulties and advanced doctoral candidates to
attend these examinations and he imay
grant permission to those who for suffi-
cient reason might wish to be present.
C. S. *Yoaawm
Ehibitwo: Pottery by Foster and Haile.
Sponsored by the Museum of Art and
Archaeology, through May 12, g to s
daily except Sunday. Galleries of the
Raekham Building.
Fourteenth Annual Exhibition of Scul -
ture, Michigan League Building. Open
Everts Today
-Delta chapter of Delta Omega will meet
today .in Room 16, W. Medical Bldg.
The Polonia Society will meet .tonight
at 8:00 at the International Center. Re-

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