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May 04, 1943 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1943-05-04

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Final Round
Of Tax Fight
On in House
Democrats Oppose
Republican Battle for
Passage of Rum Plan
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, May 3-The fin-
ish battle on pay-as-you-go taxation
opened today in the House, with Re-
publicans again fighting for the
modified Rum plan to skip a com-
plete income tax year and Democrat-
ic leaders intent upon killing the pro-
posal "so dead that it will never
again be resurrected."
In the storm of oratory, the House
cleared the way for a vote tomorrow
that may send to the Senate a bill
wiping out at least half if not all, of
the $10,000,000,000 tax assessed
against 1942 individual incomes.
Demnocrats Support New Plan
The Democrats were aligned be-
hind a pay-as-you-go bill that would
abate about 50 per cent of 1942
Opening the .debate today, Rep.
Doughton (Dem.-N.C.), 79-year-old
Chairman of the Ways and Means
Committee, shouted that the Rum
plan was "an iniquitious tax policy."
Republicans replied that the Dem-
ocratic-supported bill was "a seventh
heaven for the loan sharks." Rep.
Knutson (Rep.-Minn.) charged that
the bill amounted to a capital levy,
because of its "doubling-up" of
taxes, and he said "heretofore the
only people who have stood for capi-
tal levies are the Communists, the
Nazis and the Fascists."
Carlson Speaks to House
The bill would apply the lower 1941
rates and exemptions to 1942 in-
come; the taxpayer then would pay
off this obligation over the next
three years (or sooner if he desired)
while at the same time paying his
current taxes.
Rep. Carlson (Rep.-Kas.), author
of .the bill embracing the Republi-
can-supported modified Ruml plan,
told the house the skip-a-tax-year
proposal was "the only sound and
simple method" of placing America's
44,000,000 income taxpayers on a
pay-as-you-go basis.
Dental School
To Operate on
Speed-Up Plan
All classes in the Dental School
will operate on an accelerated pro-
gram falling in line with the general
revised summer and fall program an-
nounced for the University one week
Following is the program as con-
firmed by Dr. Russel W. Bunting,
Dean of the Dental School.
First year class now in the dental
school: This class will begin June 28
and run the regular 16 week term.
Second year class: This class will
begin June 28 and continue to about
September 1. There will be a week
recess necessitated by the closing of
the clinic for the summer months.
The class will resume its work when
the clinic reopens September 7 and
will continue on their regular fall
spring program.
Third yeardclass: This class will
not be conducted during the sum-
mer. It will resume September 7
when the clinic opens and will fol-
low through to graduation in Febru-

ary, 1944.
The class for students who will
first enter dental school will begin
October 25.

Joint Tour
Is Sign of
New Unity
End Seen to Priorities
Fend as Patterson,
Jeffers Disclose Plans
WASHINGTON, May 3.-(k')-The
bitter priorities fued between Rubber
Administrator William M. Jeffers
and UndersecretaryofWar Patterson
seemed at an end today as the two
men made plans for a joint tour of
war plants looking for bottlenecks to
Patterson, who previously had pro-
tested that Jeffers' rubber factory
program was taking vital materials
away from the aviation gasoline pro-
gram, disclosed the forthcoming tour
at a session of the Truman Commit-
tee, senatorial group inquiring into
the quarrel.
Need for Gas
Patterson still insisted a shortage
of high octane gasoline was hamper-
ing the war program. He said the
need for gasoline is growing, partly
because American airmen have been
so successful in combat that their
percentage of plane losses "is con-
siderably less than half of what we
"We are going to have a bigger air
force sooner than we expected," he
Concerning his recent differences
with Jeffers, he said there was noth-
ing personal in them, and added:
Patterson Takes Issue
"Jeff and I have exactly the same
aim-to win the war."
At the same time, Patterson took
issue with a statement to the Com-
mittee by Chairman Donald M. Nel-
son of the War Production Board
that the grounding of some training
planes in this country was the re-
sult of faulty distribution of gaso-
line rather than an over-all shortage
and that the gasoline might be "at
the wrong points."
Search for 98's
Crew Is Futile
Two-Week Hunt Made
Through Dense Jungle
PARAMARIBO, Dutch Guiana,
May 3.--P)- U. S. Army Headquar-
ters here announced today that
searchers who spent two weeks in
the jungle hunting for survivors of
the bomber crash from which Lieut.
Tommy Harmon escaped had re-
turned without success.
Harmon, former All-American
football star at the University of
Michigan, was one of the two pilots
in the six-man crew and the only
member of the group to be found
alive since the crash, April 8.
Today's brief announcement,
which gave few details of the fruit-
less efforts to find other survivors,
said the searchers left immediately
after Harmon arrived here with word
of the accident.
Harmon parachuted tossafety and
wandered in the jungle for four days
until he was found by natives who
guided him to the U. S. Army base
In the course of the hunt for Har-
mon's companions, the searchers
penetrated spots which white men
never had seen before. They hacked
and slashed paths through the dense

undergrowth and finally reached the
wrecked plane, assisted by natives
and guiding planes overhead.



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Declares Next Step
In Struggle Must
Be Made by Ickes;
Issues UMW Policy
Associated Press Correspondent
WASHINGTON, May 3.- While
the nation's mines began slowly to
resume production tonight under the
15-day truce, John L. Lewis made it
clear that the armistice meant no
retreat from the miners' original de-
mands and that the next step was up
to Secretary of the Interior Ickes,
boss of the goernment-controlled
coal fields.
Repeats Stand
The United Mine Workers leader,!
in a statement issued after a meeting
of the union's National Policy Com-
mittee in New York, also reiterated
the stand of the miners that they
"were no longer bound by the no-
strike pledge," and charged that the
War Labor Board by adopting the
"Little Steel"" wage formula had
"breached the understanding" labor
had entered with the public, employ-
ers and the administration regarding
strikes in wartime.
Apparently in answer to President
Roosevelt's statement of last night
that the United Mine Workers had
entered the no-strike agreement,
Lewis asserted that "the War Labor
Board must accept the full responsi-
bility for distress in the ranks of
labor created by their controvention
of the understanding and commit-
ments arrived at in the December,
1941 conference."
Original Demands
Lewis, who announced the coal
mine truce last night 22 minutes be-
fore President Roosevelt called upon
the 480,000 miners to go back to
work, said the coal diggers would
stand pat on their original demands
for $2-a-day increases, underground
travel pay and unionization of minor
bosses, and he tossed the ball to Sec-f
retary Ickes with the remark he was
now "awaiting the initiative from
Mr. Ickes." There was no comment
immediately from Ickes.
Attorneys Must
IWrite Plea for
Stephan Retrial
DETROIT, May 3.-(P)-Attorneys
for Max Stephan, German-born De-
troit cafe owner under sentence to
be hanged for treason, and govern-
mentrcounsel today were directed by
'Federal Judge Arthur J. Tuttle to
submit in writing their arguments
on a motion for a new trial for
Nicholas Salowich, Stephan's at-
torney, filed the motion April 28,
claiming "newly discovered evidence"
on the grounds that Stephan received
the counsel of William J. Nagel,
former Detroit postmaster, before
aiding in the escape of Peter Hans
Krug, Nazi flier. Nagel has denied
Stephan's statement.
The judge gave Salowich until May
10 to file affidavits, having pointed
out that the attorney's motion was
not supported by affidavits of any
persons who had personal knowledge
of the facts alleged.

Japa1 eseii C-IId Nti itr%'i IIsind(I flash? (I by U.S. B8i-

Nauru Island, which the Japanese seized from t he British in August, 1942, and where
anese, constructed an airfield to guard the outer app roaches to Truk, was blasted by U.S.
21 in what was the longest aerial task force mission of the war. Smoke billows from the in
phate works and the airfield, as a U.S. bomber win gs over the little coral atoll in the Pao
ated Press Photo from Seventh Air Force)

Girauid Plans
New Meeting
With De Gaulle
Invites Fighting French
Leader To Concludej
Agreement on Positions'
ALGIERS, May 3-UP)--Gen. Henri
Giraud has asked Gen. Charles De
Gaulle of the Fighting French toE
meet his in North Arfica as soon after
May 5 as convenient to conclude anI
agreement between their respective
French elements, it was announced
A statement issued by Giraud's
headquarters today through Allied
Headquarters in North Africa said:
"General Giraud delivered to Gen.
(Georges) Catroux on April 27 his
reply to the note of the National
Committee dated April 15.
"He considers that an agreement
should now be reached by direct
meetings in order that this work
should be accomplished rapidly and
"Therefore in his reply to General
DeGaulle dated April 27 he proposed
to meet him in a North African city
as soon after May 5 as would be pos-
sible for the latter and then, the
agreement concluded, that they pro-
ceed together to Algiers."
(The Fighting French leader was
ready a month ago to leave London
for North Africa, but was requested
by Gen. Dwight Eisenhower to de-
lay the trip for military reasons.
(In the meantime. Girand and De
Gaulle have continued negotiations
through Gen. Georges Catroux, their
liaison officer.
World News
In Brief...


Phi Delts Win Interfra


Sigma Chi Takes

Before a large crowd that braved by Wahr's, Slater
a chill wind and a limited amount of rich's book stores
seating space, Phi Delta Theta car- with their prese
ried away the rotating Balfour Cup whathefigprese
and the permanent cup donated byheart of Sigma
Burr, Patterson and Auld Co. to win Phi received a cu
the last Interfraternity Sing for the Arbor Milk Deal
duration. third place awar
Kappa Kappa Gamma, Zeta Tau "Roll, Jordan, Rc
Alpha, and Alpha Delta Pi received Dick Emery, '4
flowers as sorority sponsors of the was master of cer
winning Phi Delt team, which sang awards were prese
a fraternity song entitled "Eternal Oakes, long-time
Praise." fraternity Sing an
Second place and a cup donated Patterson and Au
selected the winn
R.obert Discloses David Matternd
Music and Educ
ecentU .S. Protest Marie Grentzer,
School of Music,
By The Asociated Press Under the direc
NEW YORK, May 3.- Admiral the Women's Gle
Georges Robert, French High Com- original rhumbam
missioner of Martinique, disclosed to- by Sawyer, as ar
night that he had sent a note to the the evening, unde
State Department protesting the ing of a dog whir
United States' action in breaking off number.
relations with Martinique, and he While the crow
urged that the Department publish es' decision, ani
the text of his note. University songs
Admiral Robert cabled this infor- direction of Bill B
mation to the Associated Press in Other competi
reply to a query asking his views on the Balfour CupN
the State Department's action, an- Kappa Sigma, Si
nounced Friday. Xi.
Two Former Daily Ed
Announce Their Enga

Surren der
rubers Yank Troops Score
Greatest African
Victory by Taking
Important Position
By The Associated Press
can soldiers smashing back fiercely-
, resisting crack German troops in a
14-mile plunge, today occupied Ma-
teur, one of the most important Axis
strongholds in northern Tunisia, and
thus scored their greatest land vic-
.4tory in Africa.
French troops and other American
forces to the north meanwhile stab-
".. .bed to within 15 miles of Bizerte.
Before Tunisian Plain
The capture of Mateur, strategic
enemy communications and supply
center, brought the U.S. troops to the
.. a edge of the fan-like Tunis plain with
its slightly-rolling, flower-studded
hills in which Allied armored forma-
tions can operate.
At last reports, the bulk of enemy
forces in the north still were retreat-
ing, \but it was not known how far
.n beyond Mateur they had gone, nor
nA.v exactly where they might attempt
ciated Press Photo a new stand.
they theJap-Seizure of the town definitely
they, the Jap- threatens both Bizerte and Tunis. In
bombers April the extreme north before Bizerte the
nportant phos- Axis still holds hills for defense, and
cific. (Associ- the naval base is further protected
by the twin lakes of Bizerte and
Gareat Achkel
Continued Advance
(The Algiers radio said the U.S.
troops were continuing to advance
tternit y beyond Mateur, with Allied fighter
.- and bomber planes pounding at the
Second retreating Axis forces.)
d The crash through the craggy hills
to Mateur in two weeks of the most
's, Follett's and Ul- bitter fighting, marked by heavy
went to Sigma Chi losses on both sides, was mainly a
feat of infantry supported by long-
ntation of "Sweet- range American 155-millimeter ar-
Chi." Alpha Delta tillery that had shelled the town for
p given by the Ann five days.
ers Association as! Turn to Page 4, Col. 7
d for their number,
oll.Pulitzer Prizes
3E, IFC president,
enewhile the A Awarded
nted by Mrs. Frank
sponsor of Inter-
id manager of Burr, Upton Sinclair Wins
ild Co. Judges who
ing three were Prof. Honors for Best Novel
of the Schools of
cation, Miss Rose NEW YORK, May 3.- ()- Pulit-
Instructor in the zer prizes were awarded today to
and Bill Sawyer. Upton Sinclair for his novel, "Drag-
tion of Bill Sawyer, on's Teeth," and to Thornton Wilder
e Club presented an for his play, "The Skin of Our
written and directed Teeth."
n added feature of The prize for "the most disinter-
terred by the howl- ested and meritorious public service
ch interrupted their rendered by an American newspaper
during 1942 went to the Omaha
d awaited the judg- World-Herald. The World-Herald
imawaitedthesug- received the award for planning the
impromptu sing of statewide scrap campaign upon
was held under the which the national drive was based.
Bng fraternities for Hanson W. Baldwin, of the New
were Beta Theta Pi, York Times, received the annual
igma Nu and Theta prize for "distinguished correspon-
dence" for his report of his tour of
the Southwest Pacific.
New England's Robert Frost re-
ceived the poetry award for "A Wit-
ness Tree," while in the prose litera-
ture field, Esther Forbes was award-
itors ed the prize for a book on American
history for "Paul Revere and the
gekem ent orld We Live In," and Samuel Eliot
g Morison, the biography prize for "Ad-
miral of the Ocean Sea," a life of
DeFries of Ann Ar- Christopher Columbus.

omen's editor while William Schumann's "Secular Con-
tt, son of Mr. and tata, No. 2, a Free Song," won the
prize in music, the first time such
p of Novelty, Ohio, an annual award had been made.
the position of city
her degree in Jan- Lit School Senior
es obtained a job on Dues Payable Today
es. She is a member
Delta sorority, and Graduating seniors of the literary
W yvern and Mortar school are reminded that class dues
er positions while on of one dollar are payable between 9
t of music chairman a.m. and 4 p.m. today and tomorrow,
Play, summer public- in Angell Hall lobby or in front of
the Michigan League the library on the diagonal, George
or of the summer Sallade, '43, financial chairman said
ives and holder of yesterday.
ications scholarships. .These dues, which are the first
cott received his de- that have been asked from all sen-
and recently entered iors, are used to meet present costs
school in Chicago, as well as alumni expenses. Part of
other former editors, the money will be spent for class rep-

May Festival To Open Tomorrow

Two former Daily editors, Barbara
Ann DeFries and Midshipman Will
Scott, U.S. N. R. characteristically

With the Philadelphia Symphony i
Orchestra participating for theI
eighth consecutive season under thet
batons of Eugene Ormandy, con-
ductor, and Saul Caston, associate
conductor, the Golden Jubilee May
Festival will be opened at 8:30 p.m.
tomorrow in Hill Auditorium.
In spite of transportation difficul-
ties and other such problems, this
Festival is attracting widespread at-
tention from music lovers all over
the country. The number of out-of-
town music patrons this year prom-
ises to exceed that of the past years.
Tickets have already been ordered
from Colorado, Iowa, Kansas, Mis-
souri, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Cin-

include Astrid Varnay and Stella Ro-
man, sopranos; Kerstin Thorborg,
contralto and Salvatore Baccaloni,

artists well-known to the Hill Audi-
torium stage. Fritz Kreisler, violin-
ist, will present Mendelssohn's Con-
certo in E minor, and Vladimir Horo-
witz, pianist,' will be heard playing
Tchaikovsky's Concerto in B-flat mi-
The University Choral Union under
the direction of Hardin Van Deursen
will be heard in two concerts, one
of which will be conducted by Van
Deursen and the other with Ormandy
directing them in Verdi's "Manzoni"
The Ann Arbor Festival Youth
Chorus under the direction of Mar-
guerite Hood will be heard in a Folk-
Song Fantasy which will consist of
selected songs of the Allied nations.

Yank Bombers Blast Kiska1
renewed, large - scale aerial drive
against the Japanese air and sub-
marine base on Kiska Island in the1
Aleutians was reported today by theI
Navy, which said bombers struck at
enemy installations 13 times on Sat-
RAF Hits France, Holland
LONDON-May 3.-UP)-The RAF:
made two extensive sweeps over
northern France and Holland today
at a cost of 11 bombers and two
fighters missing, the heaviest loss in
recent daylight raids.

Mrs. William E.
bor served as w
Midshipman Sco
Mrs. C. W. Sap
was appointed to
editor last spring
After receiving
uary, Miss DeFri
the Detroit Time
of Delta Delta
was elected tot
Board. Among h
campus was that
of Junior Girl's F
ity chairman of t
Council, co-edit
session Perspect
one of the Publi
Midshipman S
gree on April 24
the Navy V-7
along with twoc

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