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February 16, 1943 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1943-02-16

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Colder Tomorrow

. LIn No. 91




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Advanced R(
Investigation Order






willow Run Plant

Senate Group
Seeks Facts
On Production
Curtiss-Wright Shop
Also Faces Inquiry
By Subcommittee
On Recent Progress
By The Associated Press
investigation into plane construction
at the Curtiss-Wright plant at Colum-
bus, O., and the Willow Run plant,
near Detroit, was ordered today by
Chairman Truman (Dem.-Mo.) of the
Senate War Investigating Committee.
Truman announced that a personal
inspection of the two plants by virtu-
ally all of the committee Thursday
and Friday would be followed by a
hearing at Washington "at which we
will get all the facts."
"There has been so little production
at either plant as to amount to virtu-
ally none," Truman told a reporter.-
Truman said the inspections, at
lumbus Thursday, and at Detroit,
liday, would be by a~ subcommttee
Beaded by Senator Wallgren, (Dem.-
Wash.) but that he and most other
members of the full group would go
Only Rumors Heard
Wallgren agreed that "apparently
there has been practically no pro-
duction to amount to anything" at
the plants "but all we have heard as
t6 why have been rumors."
The Office of War Information re-
ported Saturday that the great Wil-
low Run plant is operating at "only a
small fraction of its ultimate poten-
ti but may reach peak production
#,vihna year The plant is govern-
ment-owned and Ford-operated.
"We are interested in getting the
facts," Wallgren declared, "in the
hope that we can get the difficulty re-
moved and production going at top
Committee Counsel Hugh Fulton
disclosed that committee investigators
had visited both plants and that on
the basis of their confidential reports
the committee decided to have a look
"on the ground floor."
WPA Head Questioned
He understood Senator Kilgore
(Dem.-W.Va.), Burton (Rep.-Ohio),
Ball (Rep.-Minn.) and Ferguson
(Rep,-Mich.) would be included in
the investigating party.
Charles W. Wilson, WPA Produc-
tion vice chairman, was called before
an executive session of the Truman
committee this afternoon for ques-
tioning as a preliminary to the visit
to .Columns and Detroit.
"We just got some background in-
formation on priorities given the two
companies," Truman said later. "The
information was confidential in na-
McNutt Says
Skilled Men
To Be Drafted
Paul V. McNutt, emphasizing the
sweeping nature of the 1943 draft
program, said today that even occu-
pational deferment must yield to the
armed services' requirements for
specially skilled men.
The chairman of the War Manpow-
er Commission told a press confer-
ence that the fighting services al-
ready invoked their authority to levy
special draft calls for men with par-
ticular skills.'
This situation, following official

word that family men would have to
make up the majority of the 4,000,000
men to be inducted this year, was
summarized by McNutt with the com-
"There is no such thing as perma-
nent deferment."
At the same time, however, McNutt
wrote Rep. Robertson (Dem..-Va.)
that "under present regulations al-
most any man engaged in full time
work in agriculture may claim defer-,
ment" from the draft and that "to
extend further relief at this time

Marines Head for Rest after Battle

Details Reveal Alternatives
For ERC, Air Reserve Men
Students in the Army Air Corps Enlisted Reserve and the Enlisted
Reserve Corps find that the welter of details and orders emanating from
the Army confuses them more than did the months of silence.- They
want to know whether or not to stay in school and find the decision
hard to make.
When they consult their advisors they are often told that they
should catch the next train home, but when they read the latest Army
order they are told to stay in school.
Out of the mass of information several alternatives can be drawn
to make a decision. But there must always be the presumption that the
Army can change its mind-although it probably never will.
Yesterday the Adjutant General of the Sixth Service Command
told The Daily to advise students to stay in school. Presumably his rea-
sons were that the Army might change its mind and that they would
have plenty of time to visit home, for with that advice he told Air Corps
men that they would have five days notice and told Enlisted Reserve
Corps men that they would have 10 days.
But we believe that Prof. Thua's advice is sounder. He tells
students that if they live a considerable distance from the University
they may as well drop out of school so that they may spend some
time at home before induction. However, if they live close to the
University, they may as well stay In' school because they will have
enough time to spend a week at home before leaving.
Implicit in that advice is a disbelief that the Army will change its
mind. We do not believe, either, that it will. This reserve program, so
long in maturation, must have finally achieved full growth if the Army
is beginning to issue induction orders.
The delay in calling the Enlisted Reserve Corps, unassigned,
will probably be very short. It hinges mostly on the speed with which
the Army will act on certain other Sixth Service Command colleges
and universities and on the lists of deferable men which will be
sent to it by the colleges and universities. But there is no reason to
believe that it will be even a month.
If you are in the ERC or Air Corps, then the alternatives are depen-
dent on the distance you are from your home and on your desire to get
there. But we believe that it would be unwise to base a decision on a
possible change of Army plans-those plans seem very definite.
-- Leon Gordenker

Corps To Continue
Present Programs
Until End of .Year
Army Specialized Training Goes
Into Effect Soon after March 1;
175'U' Men Affected by Order
One hundred and seventy-five University men enrolled in the Advanced
Course of the ROTC will become privates in the regular Army and will be
given housing and pay as such while continuing their training at the Univer-
sity when the Army's Specialized Training program goes into effect shortly
after March 1, Col. William Ganoe head of the ROTC, announced yesterday.
Just returned from War Department conferences at Washington, Col.
Ganoe emphasized that the men affected by the plan would be allowed to
continue their present programs until the end of the semester in May.
Seniors to Get Officers Training
At this time the seniors will be sent immediately to Officers' Training
School while the juniors will be sent to a basic training camp in .order to
provide the drill training which they would have received had they been
able to complete the final year of ROTC training.
Present Advanced Course cadets will be barracked under military disci-
pline, probably in the East Quadrangle, and will receive the Army base pay
' of $50 per month in addition to board

These tired U.S. Marines, heading for rest in an unnamed South
Pacific port after months of bitter fighting on Guadalcanal, lead
their dogs down the gangplank with them. Although use of dogs in
combat in other war theatres has been officially announced, their
presence among troops driving the Japs from Guadalcanal has not
been mentioned.
Rites for Harr illoison
To Be Conducted Today

Funeral services for Harry A. Til-
lotson, University of Michigan Ath-
letic Association business manager
since 1920 who suffered a fatal heart
attack Sunday morning, will be con-
ducted at 2:30 p.m. today at Staffan
funeral home, 513 E. Huron.
Death came suddenly after 23 years
of uninterrupted service for Mr. Til-
lotson who was more widely known
as head of the University's ticket
sales. He was 57 years of age.
Mr. Tillotson had been in apparent
good health Saturday when he at-
tended the hockey match between
Michigan and Paris A.C. at the Coli-
seum. The fatal stroke came Sunday
morning as he read the newspaper at
the breakfast table.
His official capacity as business
manager had given him jurisdiction
over all University athletic equipment
and transportation arrangements for
Michigan sports squads. His job as
ticket manager, however, gained him
much fame and thousands of friends,
especially among the alumni seeking
the choicest seats.
Survivors include his wife, three
sons, Harry Jr., Ann Arbor; Jack S.,
a Naval air cadet at Glenview, Ill.,
who flew home Sunday in a Navy
plane; and Fitch. Ann Arbor, who is
awaiting call as an armament cadet
in the Army Air Corps, and is em-
ployed at the Bomber Plant in Ypsi-
Other survivors are his mother,

Mrs. Mary Tillotson, Corry, Pa.; two
sisters, Mrs. Magna Haley, Saginaw,
and Mrs. Ida Guignon, Corry, Pa.;
and one grandson, Harry Tillotson
III, three months old.
Dr. Leonard A. Parr, minister of
,the First Congregational Church, will
officiate. Burial will be in Forest Hill
cemetery. Friends may call at Staf-
fan's today. Pallbearers will be Harry
G. Kipke, former Michigan football
coach; Harold O. (Fritz) Crisler,
present coach; Louis F. Hallen, C. L.
LeValley, Chief of Police Sherman H.
Mortenson and Louis F. Becker.
Registration for
Rushing To End
With Spring term rushing registra-
tion ending tomorrow, IFC secretary
Paul Wingate, urged all those inter-
ested in having some means of con-
tact with the fraternities to sign up
between 3 and 5 p.m. at the IFC offi-
ces in the Union.
The registration, he said, is not-
compulsory and is being done entirely
for the benefit of the fraternities and
the men now interested in joining
them. Registering involves neither
charges nor obligations, he empha-

Soviets Tighten
Arc in Battle for.
Nazis Send Troops
From. France; Reds
'Roll Up' Donets Basin
Associated Press Correspondent
MOSCOW,FEB. 15.-The Russians
said they tightened their strong semi-
circle about Kharkov today, and the
battle for that great Ukrainian prize
mounted to peak violence seven miles,
from the city as the Germans were
reported pouring veteran troops from,
France into the battle.
Charging west from recaptured
Rostov, and south between Voroshil-.
ovgrad and Krasnoarmeisk, dis-
Vatutin's army was tearing wide gaps
in the enemy defenses and swiftly
rolling up the whole lucrative Donets
Kharkov Not Mentioned
Reuters recorded a German radio
broadcast that the Soviets had
breached the German defense lines in
the Kharkov area, but the Russian
midnight communique made no di-
rect mention of Kharkov itself.
The communique, as recorded in
London by the Soviet Monitor, de-
clared the Russians had smashed back
three counterattacks by SS (elite.
guard) troops in the Chuguyev area
22 miles southeast of Kharkov, killing
hundreds of the Germans.
Other Soviet forces, it said, surged
forward in the Donets basin, captur-
ing Krasnodon and Verkhne-Duvan-
naye, 45 and 50 miles northeast of
Stalino, and Rodionovo-Nesvetais
koye, about 20 miles north of Rostov.
Thirty populated places were cap-
tured west of Krasny Sulin, and
Soviet offensives continued south of
Voroshilovsk and in the Krasnoar-
miesk area, the war bulletin declared.
Nazis Announce Fall
The German communique an-
nounced the fall of Rostov and
Voroshilovgrad and acknowledged the
Nazi plight in the Donets area saying
the Russians "once more are trying
to force a decision by out-flanking
and break-through operations." Ber-
lin said the Russians were throwing
fresh units into the battle. Attacks at
Novorossisk were declared repelled.
The Russians also were reported at-
tacking on a broad front south of.
Leningrad to Volkhovo and at Kron-
stadt Bay west of Leningrad.

U.S. igh ts
Nazi Drive
In, Tunisia.
Assciated Press Correspondent
NORTH AFRICA, Feb. 15.-Amerl.
can and German forces, identified as
part of, Marshal Rommel's Africa
Corps, were locked in violent fighting
today aong the southern end of the
Axis corridor in Tunisia, where the
powerful initial Nazi drive had brok-
en through for more than 20 miles
and imperiled the American anchor
position at Gafsa to the south.
Noland Norgaard, Associated Press
correspondent with American forces
in southern Tunisia, reported that
one spearhead of the German ad-
vance had cut the Gafsa-Sidi Bouzid
Road in a thrust from the Ma1gnassy
area which carried to a point nine
miles southwest of Sbeitla in the
mountains 45 miles northwest of Faid
He said an elite Panzer division of
veterans of Rommel's Africa Corps,
refitted with the newest German
tanks in Tunisia, was being hurled
against American tank units, many
of which were in battle action for
the first time.
The Germans attacked west of Faid
pass in central Tunisia, with tanks,
infantry, artillery and dive bombers
in such force as to indicate to officers
here that armored forces from Rom-
mel's army were in the action, and
thus that an effective junction had
been made with the Axis Tunisian
army of Col.-Gen. Jurgen Von Arnim.
"Heavy fighting took place and is
continuing," said the day's communi-
que from General Eisenhower's head-
The British Eighth Army, which
has thrown Rommel out of Libya and
pursued him into Tunisia, still was
about 200 miles south of the scene
of this new battle and was reported
engaged only in patrol activity.
'Morale Building'
Programs Begun
Initiating a series of 'morale build-
ing' programs for military personnel
on campus, faculty and servicemen
teamed up last night to set Rackham
Auditorium ringing with laughter

14 Students.
For Union
Nomination of 14 students for vice-
presidents of the Union was made
last night by the nominations com-
mittee of the Union.
Those naminated were: literary
college and graduate schools, George
F. Ceithaml, '43, and Robert J. Mc-
Williams, '44; engineering college and
architectural school, Roy K. Bradley,
'43E, L. Will Coulter, '45E, and Bill
Hutcherson, '43E; medical school,
James W. Rae, '44M and Robert Tay-
lor, '44M; law school, William F. Aig-
ler, '43L, and John Zimmerman, '45L;
dental school, Dennis H. Fruitiger,
'44D, Al Jacobs, '44D, and Howard
O'Dell, '44D; other schools, Howard
S. Baumgarten, '4. BAd and Bob
Schwyn, '44BAd.
Six vice-presidents will be chosen
in an all-campus election from 9 a.m.
to 4 p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 24, to serve
on the Board of Directory, policy-
making body of the Union. Three of
these will be on the committee to
choose the new Union president and
vice-president in the spring.
Other Union members may still pe-
tition for nomination by obtaining
petitions from 3 to 5 p.m. today and
tomorrow from the student offices of
the Union. Signatures of 200 Union
members must be obtained, and the
petitions filed by 4:30 p.m. Thursday.
To be eligible for such an activity
students must have maintained a 'C'
average last semester and present an
eligibility card obtained at Room 2,
University Hall.
First Lady Asks
Free Post-War
Schooling for Vets!
COLUMBIA, Mo., Feb. 15.-(P)-
Men drafted out of school and into
the armed forces' should be allowed
to return and finish after the war at
the expense of the government, either
state or national, Mrs. Franklin D.
Roosevelt told a group of University
of Missouri students here this after-
She said it was her personal hope
that students who wanted to return
to their studies after the war could
do so at governmental expense.
She also could see no reason why
the voting age could not be lowered
to 18, if the schools of the country
can adequately prepare students of
that age to participate in a demo-
Mrs. Roosevelt was met by her es-
cort for the visit, Michael Trachten-
berg, the student leader who made
the arrangements for her talks on
the campus.
Detroit Endorses
E asern W r Ti me

and quarters. Since the University
will be paid by the Government, food
and housing will, of course, be pro-
vided free of charge to the new pri-
A Naval ROTC headquarters said
that men enrolled there will not be
affected by the new program. Neither
will Naval and Marine Reservists find
their status changed.
Medical Students are Privates
Colonel Ganoe said that Medical
students enrolled in ROTC will 4e
kept at the University as privates also
and should live in barracks but will
not be compelled to do so, le adde,
that non-ROTC medical students will
be called out of school by the endof
this semester and their rturn to
Michigan is problematical..
A small contingent of about 2
privates will arrive at the University
for Specialized training in engineer-
ing classifications shortly after
March 1, Colonel Ganoe said. Their
courses will be divided into three 12-
week terms per year and will include
liberal subjects as well as technical,
he added.
Plan to Aid the War
"This plan, has been devised, not to
keep college education alive nor yet
to militarize the American educa-
tional system but plainly to help win
the war more quickly," the colonel
He said that specialists badly need-
ed by the Army can be trained in
from four to six months Irs8 time un-
der the Specialized Training program
than under present college systems.
"The Army is not commandeering
the schools. It hires such instruction,
feeding and housing as it requires.'
Since soldiers will be marched to and
from classes and disciplined by Army
authority, their presence should ac-
tually aid the civilian instructors and
students," he concluded.
* * *
Unassigned ERC's
Not To Be Called Yet
Calling of the Army Enlisted Re-
serve Corps, unassigned, scheduled for
two weeks after the end of last semes-
ter, will be held up, and Army Air
Corps Enlisted Reserve men some Avi-
ation Cadets will be called to active
duty between Feb. 18 and 26.
This information was received by
The Daily yesterday from the Ad-
jutant-General of the Sixth Service
Here is what he said:
1. Students should stay in school
until called to active duty.
(Prof. Burton D. Thuma, campus
armed forces' representative, said Fri-
day that "if a student lives close by
he might stay in (school), but if
he lives a considerable distance away
he might drop out to see his parents."
(Prof. Thuma is now preparing a
list of deferable Army Enlisted Re-
serve Corps men to be sent to the
Sixth Service Command. This list of
technical, medical, dental and pre-
professional men will be checked
against the complete list, Men not
in the deferred classifications pre-
sumably will be called as quickly as
the Army can prepare their papers.)
2. All Enlisted Reserve Corps and

Heifetz To Play for Eighth
Choral Union Concert Today

Jascha Heifetz, who has achieved
fame throughout the world for his
mastery of the violin will be pre-
sented on the eighth program of the
current Choral Union Concert series
at 8:30 today in Hill Auditorium.
Heifetz will perform four numbers
at this concert. These selections in-
clude Mozart's Sonata No. 8 (Krockel
296), Bach's "Chaconne," which is
written for violin alone, the fourth
concerto of Vieuxtemps and a group
of short Russian pieces. The com-
posers to be represented in this group
are Prokofieff, Shostakovich, Glaz-
ounoff and Tschaikovsky.
Heifetz believes that no one in the
world is too unmusical to acquire a

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